
  1. 二一教育资源



Unit1 What’s the matter
1.n.问题;事情 2.n.脚;足
3.n.颈;脖子 4.n.胃;腹部
5.n.护士 6.n.&.v.咳嗽
7.n.X 射线;X光 8.n.牙痛
9..(使)疼痛;受伤 10.n,乘客;旅客
11.adj.生病的;有病的 12.n.膝;膝盖
13.n.情况;状况 14.n.岩石
15.n.刀 16.n.血
17.n.重要性:重要 18.n.勇气;意志
19.n.登山者;攀登者 20.v.压;挤;按
21.n.死;死亡 22.n.决定;抉择
23.躺:平躺 24.v.&.n.放松;休息
25.n.发烧 26.adj.疼痛的;酸痛的
27.v.(用手或器具)击;打 28.adj.晒伤的
29. pron.(she的反身代词) 30. pron.(we的反身代词)
31.胃痛 32.休息
33.立即;马上 34.以同样的方式
35.看医生 36.多亏了:由于
37.及时 38.陷入麻烦
39.落下;摔倒 40.大声呼救
41.冒险 42.用尽;耗尽
43.切除 44.感冒/发烧
45.掌管;管理 46.继续(或坚持)做某事
47.对……感兴趣 48.意味着做某事
49.失去生命 50.在困境中
51.沿着……走 52.离开;从.…出来
53.放弃 54.做决定
55.习惯于……;适应于……- 56.没有多想
57.下车 58.听起来像
59. All his are controlled by self-interest. (decide)
60. Yesterday I bought two of oranges on the way home. (kilo)
61.It is reported that drinking and driving is one of the most common traffic .(accident)
62. I knew perfectly well what she . (mean)
63. The climber slipped and dropped to his . (die)
64. It is ten-second,stop the ball! (hit)
65. I saw a snake across the road on my way to school. (lie)
66. The doctor took he and discovered that she got a high fever. ( temperature)
67. First and most one should always do exercise. (important )
68. It is said that the world would out of fresh water in 2080.(run)
69.He wore a straw hat to keep his balding head from getting . (sunburn)
70. He is a mountain ,inspirational speaker and advocate(倡导者)for the disabled.(climb)
71. The patient's stopped after he took some medicine. (stomach)
72.Red wine gives me a .(head)
73. She broke the silence by . (cough)
74. One of the men with him his seat on the bench.(放弃)
75.Jim and hurt his leg when he played soccer.(跌倒)
76. In other words,you should your own destiny(命运).(掌控)
77. Last weekend,Lucy and I on the beach to enjoy the sunshine.(躺下)
78. Mom,I have a terrible headache.Should I (量体温)
79. ,the speed of the 5G network is so fast.(令我们吃惊的是)
80. I can't these shoes-they're too small.(穿进)
81. The doctor said he and gave him some medicine.(发烧)
82.Tom when he played football yesterday.(撞到头)
83.Aron even though he lost his right arm because of an accident.(坚持登山)
Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.
1.n.标志:信号 2.adj.孤独的;寂寞的
3.pron.几个;数个:一些 4.adj.强烈的;强壮的
5.n.高兴;愉快 6.v.募集;征集
7.adv.独自:单独 8.v.修理:修补
9.n.车轮;轮子 10.n.信;函
11.adj.瞎的;失明的 12.adj.聋的
13.v.想象;设想 14.n.门
15.拿:提;扛 16.v.训练;培训
17.n.训练;培训 18.adj.聪明的:聪颖的
19.=.&n.变化;改变 20.v.开;打开
21.n.仁慈;善良 22.n.感觉;感触
23.n.满足;满意 24.n.物主;主人
25.n.午夜;子夜 26.v.欢呼;喝彩
27.n.(尤指长途)旅行; 28.n.兴趣;关注 v.使感兴趣
30.打扫(或清除)干净 31.分发;散发
32.分发 33.帮助解决困难
34.在.…..岁时 35.制订计划
36.建造;举起;张贴 37.比如;例如
38.至少 39.实现
40.同时 41.担心
42.在某人的业余时间 43.赠送;捐赠
44.影响;有作用 45.能够
46.考虑;思考 47,对(做)某事感到兴奋
49.The boy in an after-school study program to teach kids when he was in Baisha Middle School.(volunteer)
50. They decided to put up the around the school to tell students about the book sale.(sign)
51.-I'm willing to provide food and clothes for you.
-Thank you for your .( kind)
52. There are toilet facilities for the . (disable)
53. We want to have the excitement that used to be part of rail . (journey)
54. Look! These students are out the notices.(hand)
55. She never could seem to do anything right or to his . (satisfy)
56. These were mostly small boys and girls and,as the goats were friendly,they did not fear them. (own)
57. We met a number of in the first week. (difficult)
58. I was about the possibility of playing football again.(excite)
59. He said that he why they behaved so badly,(understand)
60. The movie has an exciting .(open)
61. She comes from a home. ( break)
62.He was clever and in the art. (interest)
63.He was afraid of hurting my .(feel)
64. I have to my plan to be a volunteer in a hospital , because I am too busy with my studies this year.(推迟)
65.You your elder sister. You both have short curly hair.(长得像)
66. ,Becky,and let's go on trying.(振作)
67.You might a house or help with the gardening.(修理)
68.Would you like the school soccer team (参加选拔)
69.He once a week to help kids learn to swim.(自愿去那里)
70.They are making plans to for the homeless people,(筹钱)
71. The new technology will to grow food with very little water.(让它成为可能)
72.If necessary ,I can come .(马上)
73. The accident one that happened in 1973.(与.....相似)
Unit 3 Could you please clean your room
1.n.垃圾:废弃物 2.n.地板
3.n.杂乱;不整洁 4.v.扔;掷
5.adv.也不pron,两者都不 6.n.衬衫
7.n.杂务;乏味无聊的工作 8.v.落下;掉下
9.n.点心;小吃;快餐 10.n.精神压力;心理负担
11..提供;供应 12.adv.而且;加之
13.v.发展;壮大 14.n.独立
15.n.公正性;合理性 16.adj.独立的;自主的
17.adj.合理的;公正的 18.adj.不合理的;不公正的
19.折叠;对折 20.v.扫;打扫
21.n.浪费;垃圾v.浪费;滥用_ 22.v.依靠:信赖
23.n.邻居(=neighbour) 24.adj.有病;不舒服
25..落下;掉下 26.v.借给:借出
27.n.手指 28.v.厌恶;讨厌
29.conj.与……同时; 30. prep.,conj. 从……以后
31.频繁;反复 32.洗餐具
33.叠衣服 34.没问题
35.搭便车 36.从事
37.帮忙做某事 38.做完某事
39.生某人的气 40.带某人去散步
41.走开 42.吃惊地
43.向某人借某物 44.把某物借给某人
45.讨厌做某事 46.使某人做某事
47.帮忙做某事 48.给某人提供某物
49.介意做某事 50.照看;照顾
51.尽某人的责任 52.结果
53.生病 54.同意
55.倒垃圾 56.一……就……
57.铺床 58.出去吃晚饭
59.浪费时间 60.解决问题
61.扔下 62.顶嘴
63.目的是;为了 64.依靠;信赖
65. Our teacher is known for her in grading students.(fair)
66. The robot can help me the floor. What a smart invention it is!(sweep)
67. The country gained its ten years ago.(independent)68. There are many other ways to reuse , (waste)
69.Their usually give them some candies as a treat. (neighbor)
70. It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with .(snack)
71. He crossed his asking for luck for the first time in his life.( finger)
72. I didn't need to go to the bank after all-Mary me the money. ( lend)
73. He never anything away,(throw)
74. They food for the poor when they were volunteers in Africa. (provide)
75. The discovery of the new type of energy is of great importance to the
of the whole city.(develop)
76. You can do one of my . Thanks so much.(chore)
77. As she the library door,the telephone began to ring.(pass)
78. Tom $ 5,000 from his father to form the company 20 years ago.(borrow)
79.I to tell you this,but tomorrow is your last day.(hate)
80.I'm not worried about her-she can herself.(照顾)
81. My mother told me not with my friends after 8:00 p.m.(闲逛)
82. Your future how hard you're working now.(取决于)
83. We should sharing some of the chores at home.(尽我们的责任)
84. The house is after a wild birthday party.(一团糟)
85. We'll reply you we can.(一……就……)
86. I got up early catch the early bus.(为了)
87. In my view, it was time.(浪费)
88. to tell me your answer now.(没有必要)
89.I what had happened to him.(既不知道也不关心)
Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents
1.adj.有毛病;错误的 2.n.关系;联系;交往
3.adj.年纪较长的 4.adv.代替;反而;却
5. pron.任何:每一 6.adj.焦虑的;担忧的
7.adj.正确的;恰当的 8.v.交流;沟通
9.v.解释;说明 10.adv.再也(不);(不)再
11.n.压力 12.n.意见;想法;看法
13.n.技艺;技巧 14.adj.典型的
15.adj.不理智的;疯狂的 16.n.发展;发育;成长
17.v.造成;引起 18.adj.通常的;寻常的
19.=.允许;准许 20.v.猜测;估计
21.n.协议;交易 22.n.交流;沟通
23.v.争吵;争论 24.n.云;云朵
25.n.成员;分子 26.v.竞争;对抗
27.v.持续;继续存在 28.v.比较
29.v.抄袭;模仿;复制;复印 30.v.归还;回来;返回
31.n.(美式)橄榄球;足球 32.adj.快的;迅速的;时间短暂的
34.成功地发展;解决 35.有空闲时间去做某事
36.允许某人做某事 37.与某人打架
38.去睡觉 39.给某人打电话
40.把某物归还给某人 41.笼罩在…….上方
42.对某人友好 43.拒绝做某事
44.与某人谈论某事 45.主动做某事
46.向某人解释某事 47.害怕做某事
48.比较;对比 49.普遍问题
50.直到……才…… 51.逼迫某人太紧
52.一直做某事 53.担心
54.不同点和相似点 55.与某人竞争
56. She looked up for a minute and then drawing.(continue)
57. I'm afraid you wrong about the result of the match.(guess)
58. We take great pride in the best service in town. (offer)
59. Speech is a great way of between people. (communicate )
60.She it slowly and simply so I could understand. (explain)
61. I don't follow the logic of your .(argue)
62. Firstly,it's expensive, and ,it's too slow. (second)
63.She was speaking the truth. (clear)
64. I found my father through my diaries.(look)
65. Linda is my best friend, but she always my homework. What should I do (copy)
66.If you borrow others' things without them,then people won't lend anything to you next time.(return)
67. Talking to parents or other family is a way to lower our stress. (member)
68. It's either or rainy. ( cloud)
69.You should get up .The flight leaves in about three hours.(quick)
70.He his glasses up his nose with his finger just now.(push)
71. Dolphins use sound to each other.(与....交流)
72.The math problem is so difficult that few of us can .(把它解出来)
73. The monitor is very kind,and he his classmates very well.(与……相处)
74. Let Nancy not me. I'm feeling better now,(担心)
75. He the last part of his speech. He thinks it isn't necessary.(删掉)
76. ,the most important thing in life is our family.(在我看来)
77. I felt the pressure on me ,winning was such for the whole family.(重要的事)
78. In order to get into a good high school,many students have to take so many .(课后补习班)
79. My parents give me a lot of .(学业上的压力)
80. He should talk to his friend she can say sorry.(以便于)
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came
1.n.暴风雨 2.n.闹钟
3.adv.突然:忽然 4.adj,奇特的;奇怪的
5.=.学生 6.n.风
7.n.光:光线:光亮 8.v. &. n.报道:公布
9.n.地域:地区 10.n,手电筒;火炬
11..火柴 12.v.敲打;打败
13.prep.倚;碰;撞 14.adj.睡着
15.adv.分离;分开 16.v.开玩笑;欺骗
17.v理解:领会:认识到 18.n.章节;段落
19.n.塔:塔楼 20.adv.彻底地;完全地
21.=.开始 22.n.木;木头
23.n.窗:窗户 24.adj.惊愕的;受震惊的
25.n.沉默;缄默;无声 26.adv.不久前;最近
27.n.日期:日子 28.n.实情;事实
29.v.&.n.升起;增加;提高 30.adj.倒下的;落下的
31.adj.覆盖着冰的;冰冷的 32.adv.在很大程度上;大量地
33.接电话 34.看见某人正在做某事
35.开始做某事 36.洗淋浴
37.在那时 38.需要….(方面)帮助
39.感觉像 40.把……覆盖在……上
41.确保 42.把某物放在桌子上
43.帮助某人做某事 44.玩得愉快
45.立刻;马上 46.其余的
47.对某人来说有意义 48.记得做过某事
49.向某人指出某物 50.离开
51.也 52.(闹钟)发出响声
53.看一看 54.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失
55.起初:起先 56.进入梦乡;睡着
57.醒来;叫醒 58.在这次活动中
59.在路边 60.从旁边经过
61. A number of roads have been blocked by trees. (fall)
62. The simple is that we just can't afford it. (true)
63. I've started to do a lot of walking and cycling.(recent)
64. We compared the two carefully. Then we provided the job for the second one.(report)
65. The front door is locked and all the are firmly shut.(window)
66. I need when I'm working.(silent)
67.My four-year-old daughter was on the sofa.(sleep)
68. The house is built of .(wood)
69. The police station was blown up by .(terrorist)
70. Do you offer them several (date)
71.It's been raining all day.(heavy )
72.Jim,look! Can you see a taxi (come)
73.You're . Li Lei didn't tell me about that. (kid)
74. I got up late this morning,so I late for school.(arrive)
75.While you were walking along the street , we were_for the bus. ( wait)
76. Would you mind my clothes (捡起来)
77.Let me get a pencil and the information.(记录)
78.He my seat and took the seat next.(走过)
79. Then the fire alarm . I just grabbed my clothes and ran out.(响)
80.I the window and realized that it was true.(从..…朝外看)
81. When the school basketball competition started,Kate was still
82 , the place was strange to me.(起初)
They walked on for a while.(沉默地)
84.He ate the biscuit and cheese.(剩下的)
85.I clearly after that because I was very afraid.(很难思考)
1.n.问题;事情 2.v.躺;平躺
3.n.&. v.危险;风险;冒险 4.v.意思是;打算;意欲
5.v.欢呼;喝彩 6.adj.孤独的;寂寞的
7.adj.丧失能力的;有残疾的 8.v.修理;修补
9.n.乘客:旅客 10.adv.也不 pron.两者都不
11.n.& v.咳嗽 12.n.头痛
13.v.允许;准许 14.v.竞争;对抗
15.v.争吵;争论 16.adj.焦虑的;担忧的
17.v.开始 18.adv.在很大程度上;大量地
19.adj.睡着 20.v.&.n.升起;增加;提高
21.n.间歇;休息 22.v.(使)疼痛;受伤
23.n.问题;苦恼 24.v.(用手或器具)击;打
25.adj.强烈的;强壮的 26.n.满足;满意
27.n.高兴;愉快 28.n.午夜;子夜
29.v.借;借用 30.v.借给;借出
31.n.手指 32.adv.第二;其次
33.v.交流;沟通 34.v.解释;说明
35.休息 36.习惯于;适应于
37.发烧 38.看牙医
39.曾经……;过去…… 40.推迟
41.担心 42.筹钱;募捐
43.叠衣服 44.从事
45.做完某事 46.解决问题
47.快速查看;浏览 48.和睦相处;关系良好
49.以便;为了 50.(外貌或行为)像
51.(闹钟)发出响声 52.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失
53.洗淋浴 54.感觉像
55.起初:起先 56.醒来;叫醒
57. Doctors say too much pressure is not good for a child's . (develop)
58. The worker was so tired that he fell as soon as he lay on the bed.(sleep)
59. Look after yourself well because you should learn to be .(independence)
60. You'd better stay indoors as it's raining . (heavy)
61. The girl enjoyed in the water. (her)
62. We couldn't believe it when we heard of his . (die)
63. l cut myself on a piece of glass. (break)
64. The harder you work,the better you will get. (grade)
65. Yesterday he to help me carry the box. I said thanks to him. (offer)
pared with my father's handwriting , is poor. (I)
67.Everyone was at the bad news.(surprise)
68. He still doesn't tell the about the event.(true)
69.This large animal has four . (foot)
70. I have also been a for the past 3 years.(volunteer)
71. On my way to school,I saw an old man on the ground and I took him to the hospital with others.( lie)
72.Clean-Up Day is coming and we can't making a plan.(推迟)
73. You could food at the food bank to help feed them.(分发)
74.My problem is that I can't my family,(与……相处)
75.I can't for you about which job to take. It's up to you.(做决定)
76. My sisters my mother. They are all outgoing and kind.(长得像)
77. !You still have time to try it again,(振作)
78. I help my mother every day.(扫地)
79. My sister is talking with my mother .(用电话)
80. When the English final exam ended,Mike was still school.(在去……的路上)
81.You should when your parents are not at home.(照顾自己)
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.
1.n.石头 2.adj.虚弱的;无力的
3.n.神:上帝 4.n.一点:小块
5.n.尾巴 6.n.棍:条
7..使激动;使兴奋 8.n.丝绸:丝织物
9..内衣 10.adj.愚蠢的
11.n.妻子:太太 12.n.丈夫
13.发光;照耀 14.n.地;地面
15.π.声音 16.adj.勇敢的;无畏的
17.adj.全部的;整体的 18.adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的
19..射击;发射 20.v.提醒;使想起
21.n.物体;物品 22.v.隐藏;隐蔽
23.v.&n.笑;微笑 24.v.结婚
25.n.月光 26.adj.勇敢的;无畏的
27. pron.没有人 n.小人物 28.adj.有魔力的;有神奇力量的
29.n.金子;金币 30.adv.光亮地;明亮地
32.尽力做某事 33.派某人去做某事
34.拿走 35.提醒某人……
36.做某事的好方法 37.代替做某事
38.对某事有不同的观点 39.实际上
40.看起来像 41.出版;发行
42.能够 43.全世界
44.找到出路 45.用….…(材料)建造
46.迷路 47.自己保留某物
48.给某人制作某物 49.制订计划做某事
50.听到某人正在做某事 51.入睡
52.有点儿;稍微 53.变成
54.尽力做某事 55.努力工作
56.同意某人(的观点) 57.把某物放……里面
58.出版;发行 59.对……感兴趣
60. The opening of this movie are not true to life, (scene)
61.A dog a blind man across the road just now. ( lead)
62. X-rays can get through many .(object)
63. The dress me well. It is neither too small nor too large. ( fit)
64. That smell me of France.(remind)
65.Tom went to the park instead of at home. (stay )
66.The second half of the book is more .(excite)
67. Linda's mother stopped and looked angrily at her.(smile)
68. I knew where he was .So I could find him easily.(hide)
69. Are you ,if you don't mind me asking (marry)
70. Most want a traditional wedding.(couple)
71. are always in line with the throne.(prince)
72. Which sport do you like best ,swimming , running or (shoot)
73.We thought was against the rules. (cheat )
74.She held back her tears after hearing the sad news. (brave)
75. Slowly but surely she started to the small town.(爱上)
76. I get home,I'll do my homework!(一…就…)
77.When heated ,ice can water.(变成)
78. Clearly,this will cost a lot we realized.(多于)
79. Lack of exercise can feelings of depression and exhaustion.(导致)
80. ,there was a beautiful princess.(从前)
81. I was afraid of Mrs. Lin because she always looked very serious.(有点)
82.Now I can walk to work going by car.(而不是)
83. The fans were so excited that they clapping their hands.(停不下来)
84 was completely a disaster.(整个事情)
Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world
1.n.米;公尺 2.adj.深的:纵深的
3.n.沙漠 4.n.人口:人口数量
5.n.亚洲 6.n.&.v.旅行;旅游
7.n.墙 8.v.保护;防护
9.adj.宽的;宽阔的 10.adj.野生的
11.adj.厚的:浓的 12.n.条件;状况
13.v.&n.挑战;考验 14.n.力;力量
15.n.出生:诞生 16.n.竹子
17.adj.醒着 18.n.政府;内阁
19.v.达到;完成;成功 20.adj.古代的;古老的
21.n.油;食用油;石油 22.n.成就;成绩
23.包括;包含 24.adj.极冷的;冰冻的
25.n.自然界;大自然 26.n.大海;海洋
27.adj.濒危的 28.n.&.v.研究;调查
29.n.疾病;病 30.n.鲸
31.adj.巨大的;极多的 32.adj.平方;n.正方形;广场
33.在世界上 34.多长
35.一部分 36.冒着生命危险
37.主要原因之一 38.挑战自己
39.…....的精神 40.实现梦想
41.自然的力量 42.为某人准备某物
43.照料;照看 44.玩耍
45.全世界 46..…的象征
47.每两年 48.死于
49.砍伐 50.……的重要性
51.在危险中 52.保护某人免受某物的侵害
53.吸入;吞入(体内) 54.即使;虽然
55.出生时 56.直立行走
57.教给某人某事 58.濒危野生动物
59.做研究 60.就我所知
61.活三十年 62.……的人口
63. Pandas are an species. (endanger)
64. They were proud of their children's .(achieve)
65. Could you tell me how in making a speech in front of the public (succeed)
66. Six people were killed in the accident, a policeman. (include)
67.The have nothing to do but take pictures of each other. (tourist)
68. Australia is a country rich in resources.(nature)
69.You must the benefits against the cost. ( weight)
70.The children were jumping up and down with .(excite)
71. She is weak because of her . (ill)
72. It is clear that the main duty of parents is to provide for their children.(protect)
73. The earthquake is one of the natural disasters(灾难) to humans.(huge)
74. 1 cried of tears about my pet's death.(ocean)
75. About two thirds of see their doctors at least once a year.(adult)
76. His covered a wide field. Many scientists were interested in them.(research)
77. He found a job as a .He thought the job was interesting.( keep)
78. A panda can 20 to 30 years.(活至)
79.I a large gulp of air.(吸入)
80. I often a room and forget why I come in.(走进)
81. Keep an eye on your younger brother. It is easy to when babies learn to walk.(摔跤)
82. to ask questions if you don't understand.(感到随意)
83. We wandered about the town for an hour .(大约)
84. The baby weighed three kilos .(出生时)
85. She showed great courage .(面对危险时)
86. ,he'll be away for three months.(据我所知)
87. He's the best teacher , he has the least experience (即使)
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet
1.n.珠宝:财富 2.n.岛
3.n.经典作品:名著 4.adj.预期;预定
5.n.工具 6.n.枪:炮
7.n.沙滩;沙 8. prep,朝:向;对着
9.n.陆地;大地 10.n.小说
11.n.科技;工艺 12.n.摇滚乐
13.adv.永远 14.adv.在国外;到国外
15.adv.真实地:事实上 16.adj.现代的;当代的
17.v.属于:归属 18.n.美;美丽
19.n.行:排 20.n.流行音乐;流行乐曲
21.n.法语 22.n.乐队
23.π.迷:狂热爱好者 24.adj.南方的
25.n.成功 26.v.介绍;引见
27.v.匆忙:赶快 28.n.船
30.出海 31.至少
32.带回;取回 33.失去生命
34.种植水果和蔬菜 35.…...的足迹
36.在沙滩上 37.向….…跑去
38.在.....中间 39.留下
40.乡村音乐 41.流行音乐
42.…..的数量 43.因某事和某人打架
44.充满.. 45.在收音机上
46.带某人回到…… 47.提醒某人……
48.在人生中 49.大自然的美
50.赶快;急忙(做某事) 51.科幻小说(或影片等)
52.写关于... 53.长大;成长
54.放下 55.两周后到期
56.还有谁 57.自从
58.互相 59.在国外学习
60.Failure(失败) is the mother of . (succeed)
61. is the best medicine. You should laugh more. (laugh)
62. Tim, may I you to my uncle's secretary,Mary Waller (introduce)
63. They are one of this year's hot new .(band)
64. of people visit my hometown every year.(million)
65. The students arrived at the top of the mountain two hours later.(success)
66. He picked up his bags and across the courtyard.(hurry)
67. Police are advising without tickets to stay away. (fan)
68.Li Lei can speak some ,but I can't.(France)
69. The book runs to nearly 800 (page)
70.The two lost each other in the fog.(ship)
71. He has the music for the program.( record)
72.The came to the hall early to prepare for his concert.(music)
73. While she was studying abroad in America, she heard a song full of
about returning home.(feel)
74. Country music is a traditional kind of music from the states of America.(south)
75. Lions the cat family.(属于)
76. ! He'll be back any minute now.(赶快)
77. Their children have all and left home now.(长大)
78. that book and help your mother with the dishes.(放下)
79.They visit their grandparents twice a year.(过去常常)
80.The border between science fact andgets a bit fuzzy.(科幻小说)81. His mistake was___youth and inexperience.(由于)
82. Do not good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.(等待)
83.He for four hours!(早已离开)
84. He's been there you left! (自从)
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
1.adv.在某处;到某处 2.v.发明;创造
3. n.进步;进展 4.adj.特别的;不寻常的
5.adj.社会的 6.adj.和平的:安宁的
7.adj.完美的;完全的 8.v.收集:采集
9.省份 10.num.一千
11.adj.安全的;无危险的 12.adv.仅仅:只;不过
13.adj.印度的 n.印度人 14.n.狐狸
15.n.春天 16.adv,主要地;通常
17.n.地点;位置 18.n.乘骑的设施;短途旅程
20.conj.不管……(还是); 无论何时 或者….(或者);是否
22.adj.日本的;日本人的:日语的 n.日本人;日语
23.茶具 24.不同的某个地方
25.过得愉快 26.了解
27.……的历史和发展 28.鼓励某人做某事
29.将来 30.人口的四分之三
31.大部分时间 32.做某事有困难
33.在白天 34.做某事的最佳时间
35.靠近;接近 36.选择做某事
37.远离 38.在黑暗中
39.导致 40.一个说英语的国家
41.游乐场 42.两个;一对;几个
43.搭帐篷 44.有关于.…的信息
45.茶艺表演 46.水上公园
49. He was a(n) man with great business talents.(usual)
50. My grandparents live in the countryside because the life here is . ( peace)
51. One of the writer's favorite is the love of mankind.(theme)
52. I'm looking forward to seeing your .(perform)
53. There are at both front and rear of the plane. (toilet)
54. She got on her bike and off. (ride)
55. Modern video are light and easy to carry. (camera)
56. What she most was becoming like her mother. (fear)
57.He becomes an inventor and sells some of his in order to attend the university.(invent)
58. I think life is a learning process.(it)
59. His greatest treasure is his of rock records. ( collect)
60.Mr. White his son to join the English club last Friday.(encourage)
61.The family is the basic unit of . (social)
62. I know it sounds but I never wanted to cheat. ( believe)
63. They want to let them know that they arrive .(safe)
64.He the museum many times.(去过)
65. They began to tents after they got there.(搭建)
66.You must speak French for this job.(能够)
67.Do you want to travel around the world (将来)
68. the food you have chosen.(列清单)
69. is the perfect place for youngsters to have all sorts of adventures.(游乐园)
70.Many of these plants are evergreen ,so you can enjoy them .(全年)
71. We can Indian history from these books.(了解)
72. The summer holiday is coming. Let's go .(不同的某个地方)
73. ,they'd love to have kids,but on the other hand they don't want to give up their freedom.(一方面)
Unit 10I've had this bike for three years.
1.n.院子 2.adj.甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的
3.n.分;分币 4.n.熊
5.n.围巾;披巾;头巾 6.adj.软的:柔软的
7.n.板;木板 8.n.童年;幼年
9..卧室 10.n.铁路;铁道
11.v.离开;分开 12.adj.某种;某事;某人
13.adj、诚实的;老实的 14.n.一段时间:一会儿
15.adj.诚实的;真实的 16.n.家乡;故乡
17.adv.现今;现在;目前 18. prep.在(其)中;……之一
19.n.彩色铅笔(或粉笔、蜡笔) 20.n.羞耻;羞愧;惭愧
21.v.数数 22.n.百年;世纪
23.n.记忆;回忆 24.π.玩具
25.n.生产者;制订者 26.v.&.n.检查;审查
27.v.清理;清除 28.v.拥有;有
29.v.&n.搜索;搜查 30.adv.尤其;特别;格外
31.v.注视;仔细考虑 32.v.拥有;抓住
33.adj.地位(或职位、级别) 34.v.将……认为;
36.举行庭院拍卖会 37.勾起甜蜜的回忆
38,棋类游戏 39.把某物捐赠给……
40.决定做某事 41.一会儿
42.有的……有的…… 43.数百万的
44.对……适用;符合于.. 45.为了
46.清理;丢掉 47.不再;不复
48.至于;关于 49.几个月
50.需要帮助的人 51.察看;观察
52.初级中学 53.说实在的
54.好长时间 55.依据;按照
57.I'm disappointed, to be .(honest)
58. The man took her suitcase from her and then her. (search)
59. Linda her throat several times before she went on.(clear)
60. He has the copy against the original. (check)
61. The photos bring back lots of good . (memory)
62. I'm not scared of him. (certain)
63. It 's for him to tell a lie. (shame)
64. I a bookshop and desired to expand the business. (own)
65. We're buying a new car.(consider)
66.The lunch was excellent,the first course. (especial)
67.Jack an American passport.(hold)
68.-How much are these (toy)-Four dollars.
69.-Why not consider for a walk after supper (go)
-That's a good idea.
70.Who is theof the toy car (make)71.Bob has learned那分for 3 years.(Japan)
72. The books in the library are classified(分类) subject.(根据)
73. It's not easy to one's children.(分离)
74. We decided to all the old clothes that we never wear.(清理)
75. You can use this service to jobs on the Internet.(搜索)
76. I will the CCTV English website.(检查)
77. They have been missing (很长时间).
78. The children each other in age.(与..相近)
79. ,I don't think you have to go in person.(至于你)
80. Have you ever thought about having to sell your things (一场庭院拍卖会)
81. We have traveled around (一段时间)
专项1 单项填空
( )1.-Is Russia European country
-Yes.But a large part of it is in Asia.
A.a;the B.an:/ C.at/ D.an;the
( )2.-Sam,you can travel to the USA because of your hard work.
-It's a great ,but I'm afraid I can't accept it.
A. decision B. promise C.offer D.excuse
( )3.-Has Tom fallen asleep
-No, he is still___ . And he is playing with a toy.
A.alone B.available C.normal D.awake
( )4. Let's plant more trees. Trees can lots of CO2; and make the air cleaner.
A.take in B.check out C.fall over D.part with
( )5.-Who do you think draws____in your class
-I think nobody draws than Tom.
A.best;better B.well;better C.best;well D. better;best
( )6.-How brave the fire fighters were! They lost their young lives to put out the fire and save others.
-We should them heroes.
A.regard;as B.compare; with C.encourage;to D.fall in love;with
( )7.-I called you at this time last night,but there was no answer.
-Oh,I the piano at that time.
A. was practicing B. practiced C.would practice D.practice
( )8.-I think it's difficult for me to learn English well.
- .Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.
A.Good idea! B. Never give up. C.I hope so. D. That's right.
( )9.-Does_else want to come -No,no one wants to come.
A.anyone B. someone C.anything D.something
( )10.Jason is unhappy because he has no friends at school. He often feels . A. sick B.crazy C.lively D.lonely
( )11.-Tim is my best friend,and you have seen him twice,Grandma!
-Sorry,I have a terrible for names.
A. record B. experience C.memory D. condition
( )12. Not every student can come to the top, but some parents still certain expectation about their children's grades.
A.believe B. check C. push D. hold
( )13.-Who does homework of the four students
-I think Alice does.
A. careful B, carefully C. more careful D. the most carefully
( )14.Hou Yi shot the suns because people couldn't live well there was only one sun in the sky.
A. Although B.unless C.since D. as soon as
( )15.-Because of the sudden disease , we had to the travel plan.
-What a pity! But safety is the most important in our life.
A. make up B.give off C.put off D. pick up
( )16.-The mid-term exam is coming, I feel a little nervous.
- .I believe you will do well in it.
A.Yes,please. B.I hope so. C.Take it easy. D.Thanks a lot.
( )17.-From next week on, we will have summer holiday.
-I am planning to practice playing basketball.
A.two months B. a two-months C. a two-month D.two month's
( )18. As we all know, smoking is bad for us. for the students.
A. certainly B.finally C.really D.especially
( )19.Millie,how long did it you to get to Hainan by air last summer
A. pay B.cost C.spend D.take
( )20.-I'll try my best to improve(提高) my grades from now on.
-We must! Mr.Wang said that we study, we will be.
A. the harder;the luckiest B.the harder;the luckier
C. the harder; the lucky D.the more hard;the more lucky
( )21.-I hear Daniel has got into great trouble in managing his bookshop.
-Yes.But he never gives up. It's of him to face such a difficult situation.
A.shy B. clear C.helpful D.brave
( )22.-What happened to the hero in the film
-He made an unexpected choice. But I won't what it is. Go and see for yourself.
A.give up B. give off C.give away D.give in
( )23.-Can you come and give us a talk on Thursday or Friday
-I'm afraid day is possible. Let's make it Sunday.
A. Both B. either C. neither D.all
( )24.-I'm afraid I can't do well in the game.
- ___It's just for fun.
A. Take it easy. B.Sounds great. C. Thank you. D.What a pity!
专项6 词语运用
1.Is Mozart(莫扎特)the most successful in the world (music)
2. Every time I fail,I tell not to give up. (my)
3. To be a true man, ,you should be healthy. Secondly, you should read also.(first)
4.Shangri-la is a and safe place to take a holiday.(wonder)
5. Instead of at home doing nothing , students should learn to do some volunteer activities.(stay )
1.My father loves bicycle riding, he is a good . ( ride)
2.His hometown is famous for tea,and is famous for rice. (I)
3.You should brush your teeth every day for your health. (two)
4.Lucy does her homework as as her sister does. ( careful)
5.Teachers always try their best to make their lessons and interesting. (live)
1. My family hiking in Xishan Forest Park if it doesn't rain next Saturday. (go)
2.It's unbelievable that the disease(疾病)spread so ,many people lost their lives around the world.(wide)
3. This silk dress feels much than that one. I want to buy it for my mother.(soft)
4.There will be over ninety students taking part in the exam this year.(thousand)
5.We have many exchange students in our college,such as Englishmen,Americans and .(German)
1.My parents encourage me my own decisions.(make)
2.Children,don't play with knives or you may hurt . (you)
3.China has got a lot of great of space science.(achieve)
4.1 always feel nervous before the exams,and it's difficult to fall .(sleep)
5. Mom ,I my homework already. Let's go for a walk. ( finish)
1. The baby lion can catch a chicken. (it)
2. Allen Green loves all sports, skating,(especial)
3. After she knew the good news,her voice was full of .(excite)
4.My teacher encouraged me English as much as possible.(speak)
5. The Chinese alligator and the white-flag dolphin are animals. (endanger)
专项7 汉译英
1.Mr. Li will fly to London he finishes the task,(一……就)
2. I think is good for my health. so I often drink it.(鸡汤)
3. Jack used to computer games but now he likes playing basketball.(对.感兴趣)
4. Mr. Green left his hometown at a young age. .he never returned.(从那时起)
5. David went to Beijing last week. I'm looking forward to him.(收到...来信)
1. We could our notes before doing homework.(浏览)
2. All my family are interested in .(茶艺)
3.Eri with Kunming when he came to the city for the first time.(爱上)
4.If everyone gives a helping hand, the world will be love.(充满)
5. ,there are no other man-made objects as big as the Great Wall.(据我所知)
1.You could the books you don't need to the kids in villages.(捐赠)
2.We should help when we have difficulties in learning English.(互相)
3. ,soccer is the most popular sport among boys in our school.(依我看)
4. Whether you can make your dream come true how hard you work.(取决于)
5. My home is far from the , so I often get up early and ride a bike to get there on school days.(地铁站)
1. No one can personally without permission.(筹钱)
2.After hearing the bad news,all of us sat .(沉默)
3. Mike's mother him. She asks him to exercise for an hour every day.(对.…严格)
4.Scientists are finding ways to stop especially in big industrial(工业的)areas.(空气污染)
5. Because the teacher is so nice that Jenny always to ask her teacher any questions.(随意轻松)
1.You'd better all the food you order at a restaurant.(吃完)
2.Mary is a wonderful sports player. , she's also a super learner.(顺便提一下)
3. We should face the difficulties bravely giving up.(而不是)
4. Could you please (倒垃圾)
5. Luckily,more and more people realized the importance of protecting the .(野生动物)
Unit 1 What's the matter
一、1.matter 2. foot 3.neck 4. stomach 5. nurse 6. cough 7.X-ray 8. toothache 9. hurt 10.passenger 11. sick 12. knee 13.situation 14.rock 15.knife 16.blood 17.importance 18.spirit 19.climber 20. press 21. death 22. decision 23.lie 24.rest 25. fever 26. sore
27. hit 28. sunburned 29. herself 30. ourselves
二、31. have a stomachache 32. take breaks ( take a break)
right away 34. in the same way 35. go to a doctor
thanks to 37. in time 38. get into trouble
fall down 40. shout for help 41. take risks (take a risk)
run out (of) 43.cut off 44. have a cold/fever
be in control of 46.keep on doing sth. 47. be interested in
mean doing sth. 49. lose one's life 50.in a difficult situation
go along 52. get out of 53. give up
54. make a decision 55.be used to
without thinking twice 57.get off 58. sound like
三、59.decisions 60.kilos 61.accidents 62.meant 63. death
64. hitting 65.lying 66.temperature 67. importantly 68.run 69.sunburned 70.climber71. stomachache 72. headache73. coughing
四、74.gave up 75. fell down 76. be in control of 77. lay down
take my temperature 79.To our surprise 80.get into
81.had a fever 82.got hit on the head 83. kept on climbing mountains
Unit 2 I'll help to clean up the city parks.
一、1.sign 2.lonely 3.several 4.strong 5.joy 6.raise 7.alone 8.repair 9.wheel 10.letter 11.blind 12.deaf 13.imagine 14.door 15.carry 16.train 17. training 18. clever 19. change 20.open
21. kindness 22. feeling 23.satisfaction 24. owner 25. midnight 26.cheer 27.journey 28. interest 29.notice
二、30.clean up 31. give out 32. hand out 33.help out with sth.
at the age of 35. make a plan 36. put up 37. for example
at least e true 40.at the same time 41. be worried about
in one's free time 43. give away 44.make a difference
be able to 46. think about 47. be excited about (doing) sth.
because of
三49.volunteered 50. signs 51. kindness 52. disabled
Journeys 54. handing 55.satisfaction 56. owners
difficulties 58.excited 59.understood 60.opening
61.broken 62.interested 63.feelings
四、64.put off 65. take after 66.Cheer up 67. fix up
to try out for 69.volunteers ( to go) there 70.raise money
71.make it possible 72.at once/right away 73. was similar to
Unit 3 Could you please clean your room
一、1.rubbish 2. floor 3.mess 4.throw 5. neither 6. shirt 7.chore 8.drop 9.snack 10.stress 11. provide 12.anyway 13.develop 14.independence 15.fairness 16.independent 17.fair
unfair 19.fold 20.sweep 21.waste 22.depend 23.neighbor
24.ill 25.drop 26.lend 27. finger 28. hate 29.while 30.since
二、31.all the time 32. do the dishes 33. fold one's clothes
no problem 35. get a ride 36. work on 37.help out with sth.
finish doing sth. 39. be angry with sb. 40.take sb. for a walk 41.walk away 42.in surprise 43.borrow sth. from sb.
45.lend sth. to sb. 45.hate to do sth. 46.make sb. do sth.
47. help with sth. 48. provide sth.for sb.= provide sb. with sth.
49. mind doing sth. 50.look after 51. do one's part in
52. as a result 53. fall ill 54. agree with 55. take out the rubbish
56. as soon as/the minute 57.make the bed 58. go out for dinner
59. a waste of time 60. solve the problem 61.throw down
62. talk back 63.in order to 64. depend on
三、65.fairness 66.(to) sweep 67.independence 68. wastes
neighbors 70.snacks 71. fingers 72. lent 73.throws/threw
provided 75.development 76.chores 77. passed
78.borrowed 79.hate
四、80.take care of/look after 81. to hang out
depends on 83. do our part in 84. in a mess
as soon as 86. in order to 87. a waste of 88.There is no need
89. neither knew nor cared
Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents
一、1.wrong 2.relation 3.elder 4. instead 5. whatever 6.nervous
7. proper 8.communicate9.explain10. anymore11.pressure12.opinion 13. skill 14. typical 15.crazy 16.development 17.cause
18. usual 19.allow 20.guess 21. deal 22.communication
23. argue 24.cloud 25. member pete 27.continue
pare 29.copy 30.return 31. football 32.quick 33.perhaps
二、34.work out 35. have free time to do sth. 36. allow sb.to do sth.
get into/have a fight with sb. 37. go to sleep 39.call sb.up
give sth. back to sb. 41. hang over ... 42. be friendly/nice to sb.
refuse to do sth. 44. talk about sth. with sb. 45. offer to do sth.
explain sth. to sb. 47. be afraid of doing sth. pare... with mon problem 50.not...until... 51. push sb. so hard
keep on doing sth. 53.worry about
54.differences and similarities pete with sb.
三、56.continued 57.guessed 58. offering munication
explain 61.argument 62.secondly 63.clearly 64. looking
65. copies 66. returning 67.members 68.cloudy 69.quickly 70.pushed
四、71.communicate with 72. work it out 73.gets on with
be worried about/worry about 75.cut out 76.In my opinion
a big deal 78.after-school classes 79. pressure about school
80.so that
Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came
一、1.rainstorm 2.alarm 3.suddenly 4. strange 5. pupil
6.wind 7.light 8.report 9.area 10. flashlight
11.match 12. beat 13.against 14.asleep 15.apart
16.kid 17.realize 18.passage 19.tower pletely 21.begin 22.wood 23.window 24.shocked 25. silence 26.recently 27.date 28. truth 29.rise 30.fallen 31.icy 32.heavily
二. 33.pick up(=pick up the phone) 34. see sb. doing sth.
35. begin to do sth. 36. take a shower 37.at that time
38. need help with sth. 39. feel like 40.put... over...
41. make sure 42.put sth. on the table 43.help sb.(to) do sth
.44. have fun 45. right away 46.the rest of 47. have meaning to sb.
remember doing sth. 49. point sth. out to sb. 50.go away
as well 52.go off 53. have a look 54.die down 55. at first
fall asleep 57.wake up 58.at the event
59.by the side of the road 60.walk by
三、61.fallen 62. truth 63.Recently 64.reporters
windows 66. silence 67. asleep/sleeping 68.wood
terrorists 70.dates 71.heavily 72.coming 73. kidding
74.arrived 75.waiting
四、76.picking up 77. write down 78. walked by 79. went off
looked out of 81.making/on her way to school 82. At first
83.in silence 84. the rest of 85. had trouble/difficulty thinking
一、1.matter 2.lie 3.risk 4.mean 5.cheer 6. lonely 7.disabled 8. repair 9. passenger 10.neither 11.cough 12.headache 13. allow pete 15.argue 16. nervous 17.begin 18.heavily 19.asleep 20.rise 21. break 22.hurt 23. trouble 24.hit 25. strong
satisfaction 27.joy 28.midnight 29. borrow 30.lend 31. finger
32. secondly municate 34. explain
二. 35.have a rest 36. be used to 37. have a fever
38. see a dentist 39.used to 40. put off 41.be worried about
42. raise money 43. fold one's clothes 44. work on
45. finish doing sth. 46. solve the problem 47.look through
48.get on with 49.so that 50.take after 51. go off 52.die down
53. take a shower 54. feel like 55. at first 56.wake up
三、57.development 58,asleep 59.independent 60. heavily
herself 62. death 63. broken 64. grades 65. offered
66. mine 67. surprised 68. truth 69. feet 70.volunteer 71.lying
四、72.put off 73. give out 74. get on with 75. make the decision 76. take after 77.Cheer up 78. sweep the floor 79.on the phone
80. making/on his way to 81. look after/take care of yourselves
Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.
一. 1.stone 2.weak 3.god 4.bit 5.tail 6.stick
7.excite 8.silk 9.underwear 10. stupid 11.wife 12.husband
13.shine 14.ground 15.voice 16.brave 17.whole 18.silly 19.shoot 20. Remind 21.object 22.hide 23.smile 24.marry 25.moonlight 26. Brave 27. nobody 28.magic 29.gold
30.bright 31.Western
二、32. try to do sth. 33.send sb. to do sth. 34. take away
35. remind sb. that ... 36. a good way to do sth.
37. instead of doing sth. 38. have different opinions about sth.
39.in fact 40. look like 41. come out 42. be able to
43. all over the world 44. find one's way out 45. be made of
46. be/get lost 47. keep sth. for oneself 48. make sth, for sb.
49. make a plan to do sth.
二 50, hear sb. doing sth. 51. go to sleep 52. a little bit
53. turn... into 54. try to do sth. 55.work hard
56. agree with sb. 57. keep sth.in e out
\59. become/be interested in...
三、60.scenes 61.led 62.objects 63.fits 64. reminds
65. staying 66.exciting 67.smiling 68.hiding 69. married 70.couples 71.Princes 72. Shooting 73.cheating 74. bravely
四、75. fall in love with 76.As soon as 77. turn into 78. more than
79. lead to 80.Once upon a time 81. a little(bit) 82. instead of
83. couldn't stop 84. The whole thing
Unit 7 What's the highest mountain in the world
一、1.meter(=metre) 2.deep 3.desert 4.population
5.Asia 6.tour 7.wall 8.protect 9.wide 10.wild 11.thick
12.condition 13.challenge 14.force15.birth 16. bamboo 17.awake 18.government 19.achieve 20.ancient 21.oil 22.achievement
23.include 24.freezing 25.nature 26.ocean 27. endangered 28.research 29.illness 30.whale 31.huge 32. square
二.33.in the world 34.how long 35. part of 36.risk one's life
37. one of the main reasons 38. challenge oneself
39. the spirit of... 40.achieve one's dream 41.the forces of nature
42. prepare sth.for sb. 43. take care of 44. play with
45. around the world 46. a symbol of ...47. every two years
48. die from 49.cut down 50.the importance of...
51.in danger 52. protect sb.from sth. 53. take in
54.even though/even if 55. at birth 56. stand on two legs
57. teach sb. about sth. 58. endangered wild animals
59.do research 60. as far as I know 61. live up to 30 years
62. the population of
三、63.endangered 64.achievements 65. to succeed
66. including 67.tourists 68.natural 69.weigh
70. excitement 71. illness 72.protection 73.hugest 74. oceans
75.adults 76. researches 77. keeper
四、78. live up to 79. take in 80. walk into 81. fall over
82. Feel free 83.or so 84.at birth 85.in the face of danger
86.As far as I know 87. even though
Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet
一、1.treasure 2.island 3.classic 4.due 5.tool 6.gun
7.sand 8.towards 9.land 10.fiction 11.technology
12.rock 13.forever 14.abroad 15. Actually 16. modern 17.belong 18. beauty 19.line 20.pop 21. French 22.band 23.fan 24. Southern 25. Success 26.introduce 27.hurry
28.ship 29.laughter
二. 30.go out to sea 31. at least 32. bring back
33. lose one's life 34.grow fruit and vegetables 35.the marks of ...
36. on the sand 37.run towards 38. in the middle of 39. leave behind 40.country music 41. pop music 42. the number of ...
43.fight over sth. with sb. 44. be full of/be filled with
45.on the radio 46.bring sb. back to... 47. remind sb. that ..
48.in life 49.the beauty of nature 50.hurry up
51.science fiction 52.write about ... 53. grow up 54.put down
55. be due in two weeks 56. who else 57.ever since 58.one another 59. study abroad
三、60.success 61.Laughter 62.introduce 63.bands
64.Millions 65.successfully 66.hurried 67.fans 68.French
69.pages 70.ships 71.recorded 72.musician 73. Feelings
74. southern
四、75.belong to 76. Hurry up 77.grown up 78.Put down
79. used to 80. science fiction 81. due to 82. wait for
83. has already been gone/away 84.ever since
Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum
一、1.somewhere 2.invent 3.progress 4.unusual 5. social 6.peaceful 7.perfect 8.collect 9.province 10.thousand 11.safe
12. simply 13.Indian 14.fox 15. spring 16.mostly 17.location 18.ride 19.whenever 20.whether 21.German 22.Japanese
二、23.tea set 24. somewhere different
25. have a great/good time 26. learn about
27. the history and development of... 28.encourage sb. to do sth.
29. in the future 30. three quarters of the population
31. a lot of the time 32. have problems doing sth.
33. during the daytime 34. the best time to do sth. 35. be close to
36. choose to do sth. 37. be far from 38.in the dark 39. lead to
40. an English-speaking country 41. amusement park
42. a couple of 43. put up a tent 44. have information about
45. tea art performance 46.water park 47. thousands of
48. on the one hand... on the other hand...
三、49.unusual 50.peaceful 51.themes 52. performance
53. toilets 54.rode 55.cameras 56. Feared 57. inventions 58.itself 59.collection 60.encouraged 61. society 62. unbelievable
63. safely
四、64.has been to 65. put up 66. be able to 67. in the future 68.Make a list of 69. An amusement park 70. all year round
71. know/learn about 72.somewhere different 73.On the one hand
Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.
一、1. yard 2. Sweet 3.cent 4. Bear 5. scarf 6.soft
7.board 8.childhood 9. bedroom 10.railway 11.part
12.certain 13. honest 14. while 15. Truthful 16. hometown
17. nowadays 18.among 19. crayon20. Shame 21.count 22.century 23.memory 24.toy 25.maker 26.check 27.clear 28.own
29.search 30.especially 31.consider 32. hold 33.junior 34. regard 35.opposite
二. 36.have a yard sale 37. bring back sweet memories
38. board games 39.give sth. away to... 40.decide to do sth.
41. for a while 42. some... others...43.millions of 44. be true of
45. in order to 46. clear out 47.no longer 48. as for
49. a couple of months 50. people in need 51. check out
52. junior high school 53. to be honest
54. for a long time 55.according to 56. part with
三、57.honest 58.searched 59.cleared 60.checked
61. memories 62. certainly 63. Shameful 64.owned
65. considering 66. Especially 67.holds/held 68.toys
69.going 70.maker 71.Japanese
四、72.according to 73. part with 74.clear out 75. search/look for 76. check out 77. for a long time 78.are close to 79.As for you
80.a yard sale 81. for a while
专项6 词 语运用
A:1.musician 2.myself 3.firstly 4.wonderful 5. staying
B:1.rider 2.mine 3.twice 4. Carefully 5.lively
C: 1. will go 2.widely 3. softer 4. thousand 5.Germans
D:1. to make 2. yourselves 3. achievements 4. asleep
5. have finished
E: 1.itself 2. especially 3. excitement 4. to speak 5.endangered
A: 1.as soon as/immediately/the moment/the instant
2.chicken soup
3. be interested in/take an interest in
4.From then on
5. hearing from/receiving(getting/having) a letter from
B: 1. look through 2. tea art 3. fell in love 4. full of/filled with
5.As far as I know
C.1.give away 2.one another/each other 3. In my opinion/ In my eyes
4. depends on /is up to 5. subway station
D: 1.raise money 2. in silence 3. is strict with 4.air pollution
5.feels free/relaxed
E: 1. eat up 2.By the way 3. instead of
4. take out the rubbish/take out the trash 5.wild animals


