
  1. 二一教育资源



听力:1-5: BACAC 6- 10:BACAB 11- 15:BCAAC 16-20:ACBCB
阅读:21-23: DAD 24-27: ACDB 28-31: CDDA 32-35: CBDA
36-40: FCEBA
41-45:CBDAB 46-50: DCDBC 51-55:BADCA
56. increases 57.be taken 58.on/upon 59.to live 60.activities
61.brushing 62.difference 63.the 64.that/which 65.natural
66.had 67.energetic 68.throw 69.moving 70.fortunate
71.priceless 72. recommended 73. excited 74. continue 75.disappointment
76.He could have a dream even though he is poor.
77.Because he wanted to handle the work schedule.
78.Supportive. Because the author said his coach not only believed in him, but often told him “The dream is priceless”.
Dear Michael,
I am excited to hear that you are planning a trip to China! If you are looking for a place to visit, I highly recommend Guilin, a beautiful city in southern China known for its stunning natural scenery.
Guilin is famous for its karst mountains, clear waters, and unique rock formations. The Li River, which flows through Guilin, is one of the most picturesque rivers in China. You can take a boat tour along the river to enjoy the breathtaking views of the lush mountains and crystal-clear water. Besides, there are also many scenic spots in Guilin, such as the Reed Flute Cave, Elephant Trunk Hill, and Seven Star Park.
Not only is Guilin a visual feast, but it is also a great place to experience Chinese culture. You can taste the local cuisine, such as Guilin rice noodles and beer fish, and learn about the local customs and traditions. Guilin is also home to several ethnic minority groups, such as the Zhuang and Yao people, who have their own unique cultures and customs.
I am sure you will enjoy your trip to Guilin and have a memorable experience. Don't forget to take lots of photos and try the local delicacies!
W:Now that we have the sofa and the TV in here. I just need you to help me with the bed. My car is parked just outside on the street.
M:No problem.
W:I am sorry to keep you waiting. Will we be late for the movie.
M:Oh, not at all. I've been here for only a few minutes. We have enough time for dinner .Here is the menu.
W:Why are you so excited
M:I'm going to buy a new television set. They normally cost three hundred dollars. But today, they are on sale for two thirds of the regular price.
W:Wow Bryan, you look like you had a terrible sleep last night .Your eyes are all red.
M:I slept well ,but I woke up with a sore throat and a cough. Could you pass me a glass of water
W:Was that the male man at the door
M:Yes ,here's a package for you. He said he tried to deliver it yesterday.
W:Oh I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow.
M:Hey Jane, do you want to go out and get some ice cream tonight
W:My parents won't let me go out tonight. I have to do my chores instead.
M:That's surprising . what happened I can't imagine you making your parents angry.
W:It's my fault. I was supposed to clean my bathroom in my bedroom last weekend. When my parents saw I still hadn't done it, they told me I couldn't go out to night .I totally deserved it.
M:So what did you do when they gave you the bad news
W:I apologized and handled my responsibilities. There's no point arguing when you know you're wrong.
M:Hey Sherry, come and take a look at this .Isn't that Greg Parsons
W:Is that the guy that used to substitute for MRS hayward's math class
M:No Greg was the guy who used to own that Italian restaurant we used to go to.
W:You're right and now he's got his own show on the cooking network. That's amazing.
M:That's the second person from our town that has become famous .Remember Brian Sheldon I used to play soccer with him. And now he plays professionally.
W:I remember I actually saw him the other day when I was waiting in line at Starbucks .He still lived around here.
M:Yeah I know .He has that big house on the hill in the rich neighborhood.
W:People like that always do don't pay .Anyway, seeing all this food is making me hungry. Should we go get something to eat
M:Sure. How about that Italian place around the corner
W:That's exactly what I was thinking.
M:Hi, come on in. Can I take your coat
W:Sure, thanks .I brought you a bottle of wine.
M:Thanks. You're the first one of all of our friends to arrive. I'LL just put your coat away.
W:This is a very nice place. Congratulations .How long have you been living here now
M:Just over three weeks. Would you like a drink
W:Sure ,what do you have
M:I'VE got white wine, red wine ,lemonade, orange juice and sprite.
W:I'LL have a glass of red wine please.
M:One glass of red wine coming up.
W:So how many people are coming for dinner tonight
M:There are just going to be six of us.
W:Oh ,I thought there were going to be eight.
M:Marsha and Paul called to cancel at the last minute. Paul has to work very late at his office. He has to finish a report his boss asked him to do. And Marsha has a bad headache.
W:That's too bad. There's such good company.
M:Oh I think there's someone at the door. Excuse me while I go and get it.
M:I finally got tickets to the match.
W:That's great. We came all the way downtown and we almost missed it. How did you manage to get them
M:Oh. I was standing in line all Monday morning .I got the last two tickets. The people behind me were so sad. They're going to have to listen to the match on the radio.
W:I feel sorry for them. Many people have traveled a long way just like us. They want to see the teams that made it to the next level. But I am so excited we'll see it. Which day is it
M:It's on Friday afternoon.
W:Who will we be playing Russia
M:Will be against the team that wins in group D. I think it'll be Switzerland.
W:Oh I hope Spain wins. But I don't want it to be a close game either.
M:Why is that
W:For fans like us, there is so much pressure when the games are close.
M:Well, there is a lot more pressure on the players. Besides there have been many close games so far. There were two like that on Sunday.
W:I know it's common but I'd still feel better if Spain one by two or three goals.
M:I suppose I agree with you. Oh, this is going to be so exciting.
Jimmy kimmel live is an American late night talk show. It can be seen five nights a week on the ABC channel. There are some mother nightly talk shows that are very popular at the moment,for example ABC's The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon and Conan on the TBS network. The hosts of those shows are some of the most famous figures and show business. However ,kimmel has been known to start crying on the show when he talks about what he cares about. And he has become especially famous after Donald Trump became President. All late night talk shows tend to follow the same timing. There is an opening speech by the host, followed by a special comedy performance done with a partner. Then there's a series of interviews with other famous people and a musical performance comes at the end. Kimmel has been so successful at his show that he was asked to host the Oscars for the last two years. In his early career, kimmel worked at a radio station in los Angeles which helped him practice his comedy. Jimmy kimmel alive is one of the only shows in America that are loved by both young people and older generations.射洪中学高2023级强基班高一下期期末考试
英 语 试 题
(满分:150 分 时间:120 分钟)
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第I卷 选择题
第一部分 听力测试(共两节,满分 30分)
第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。
1.What are the speakers probably doing
A. Parking the car. B. Moving some furniture. C. Watching TV on the sofa.
2.Where are the speakers
A. At a restaurant. B. At a theater. C. At a store.
3.How much does the television set cost today
A. $100. B. $150. C. $200.
4.Why are the man's eyes red
A. He is sick.
B. He didn't get much sleep.
C. He has terrible eye problems.
5.When did the woman expect the package to arrive
A. Yesterday. B. Today. C. Tomorrow.
第二节:(共 15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分 22. 5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟:听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6.Why isn’t the girl allowed to go out
A. She didn't do her schoolwork.
B. She didn't do her housework.
C. She argued with her parents.
7.How did the girl feel about her punishment
A. She thought it was fair.
B. She was surprised by it.
C. She felt angry about it.
8.How do the speakers know Greg Parsons
A. He used to be their teacher.
B. He used to be a famous athlete.
C. He used to own a business in town.
9.What was the woman doing when she saw Brian Sheldon the other day
A. Waiting in line. B. Drinking coffee. C. Watching TV.
10.Where will the speakers go next
A. A grocery store. B. A restaurant. C. A stadium.
11.What's the relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Friends. C. Aunt and nephew.
12.Why did the woman visit the man's house
A. To have a glass of wine.
B. To pick him up before dinner.
C. To congratulate him on his new home.
13.Why can't Marcia show up tonight
A. She isn't feeling well.
B. She needs to finish a report.
C. She has a meeting with her boss.
14.When did the man get the tickets
A. On Monday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday.
15.How does the woman feel when the games are close
A. Excited. B. Sad. C. Pressured.
16.Which team are the speakers cheering for
A. Spain. B. Russia. C. Switzerland.
17.What TV channel is Jimmy Kimmel Live on
18.When did Jimmy Kimmel become especially famous
A.After he hosted the Oscars.
B. After Donald Trump became president.
C. When he cried at his show for the first time.
19.On talk shows, what usually comes right after the opening speech
A. An interview.
B. A musical performance.
C. A comedy performance.
20.What did Jimmy Kimmel do before hosting Jimmy Kimmel Live
A. He taught in a drama school.
B. He worked at a radio station.
C. He went to school in Los Angeles.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Choice of Walks for Beginner and Experienced Walkers
The Carlow Autumn Walking Festival is a great opportunity for the beginner, experienced or advanced walker to enjoy the challenges of Carlow's mountain hikes or the peace of its woodland walks.
Walk 1-The Natural World
With environmentalist anna Lamhna as the guide, this walk promises to be an informative tour. Walkers are sure to learn lots about the habitats and natural world of the Blackstairs.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Scratoes Bridge
Walk Duration: 6 hours
Walk 2-Introduction to Hillwalking
Emmanuel Chappard, an experienced guide, has a passion for making the great outdoors accessible to all. This mountain walk provides an insight into the skills required for hillwalking to ensure you get the most from future walking trips.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 09: 00
Start Point: Deerpark Car Park
Walk Duration: 5 hours
Walk 3-Moonlight Under the Stars
Walking at night-time is a great way to step out of your comfort zone. Breathtaking views of the lowlands of Carlow can be enjoyed in the presence of welcoming guides from local walking clubs. A torch(手电筒)along with suitable clothing is essential for walking in the dark. Those who are dressed inappropriately will be refused permission to participate.
Date and Time: Saturday, 1st October, at 18: 30
Start Point: The Town Hall
Walk Duration: 3 hours
Walk 4-Photographic Walk in Kilbrannish Forest
This informative walk led by Richard Smyth introduces you to the basic principles of photography in the wild. Bring along your camera and enjoy the wonderful views along this well-surfaced forest path.
Date and Time: Sunday, 2nd October, at 11: 45
Start Point: Kilbrannish Forest Recreation Area
Walk Duration: 1.5 hours
21. Which walk takes the shortest time
A. The Natural World.
B. Introduction to Hillwalking.
C. Moonlight Under the Stars.
D. Photographic Walk in Kilbrannish Forest.
22. What are participants in Walk 3 required to do
A. Wear proper clothes. B. Join a walking club.
C. Get special permits. D. Bring a survival guide.
23. What do the four walks have in common
A. They involve difficult climbing. B. They are for experienced walkers.
C. They share the same start point. D. They are scheduled for the weekend.
Animals can express their needs using a lot of ways. For instance, almost all animals have distinct vocals (声音) that they rely on to either ask for help, scare away any dangerous animals or look for shelter. But cats are special creatures who possess amazing vocalization skills. They are able to have entire conversations with humans using meows and you’re able to interpret it. If a pet cat is hungry, it will keep meowing to attract attention and find food. However, when a cat is looking for affection, they tend to produce stretched and soft meows. Meowing starts as soon as a baby cat is brought to life and uses it to get the mother’s attention and be fed.
Cats have many heightened senses, but their sense of smell is quite impressive. They use their noses to assess their environment and look out for any signs of danger. They will sniff out specific areas before they choose a place to relax. However, another way the cats are able to distinguish between situations is by looking for familiar smells. Your cat will likely smell your face and store the smell in its memory and use it to recognize you in the future. That’s why most pet cats are able to tell immediately if their owners were around any other cats, which they don't usually like.
Dogs are known for their impressive fetching habit, but cats take this behavior up a notch. Many cats will find random objects outside and bring them to their owners. This is a very old habit that’s been present in all kinds of predators (食肉动物). Cats bring gifts for their owners to show they love you. These adorable little hunters are just doing something that it’s been in their nature since the beginning of time. So just go along with it!
24. What can be learned about cats’ meowing from the first paragraph
A. It’s a survival skill. B. It’s taught by mother cats.
C. It’s hard to interpret. D. It’s getting louder with age.
25. How does a pet cat assess different situations
A. By listening for sounds. B. By touching familiar objects.
C. By checking on smells. D. By communicating with other cats.
26. Which best explains the phrase “take ... up notch” in paragraph 3
A. Perform appropriately. B. Move faster.
C. Act strangely. D. Do better.
27. What is a suitable title for the text
A. Tips on Finding a Smart Cat
B. Understanding Your Cat’s Behavior
C. Have Fun with Your Cat
D. How to Keep Your Cat Healthy
The Saint Lukas train doesn’t accept passengers -it accepts only the sick. The Saint Lukas is one of five government-sponsored medical trains that travel to remote towns in central and eastern Russia. Each stop lasts an average of two days, and during that time the doctors and nurses on board provide rural (乡村) populations with basic medical care, X-ray scans and prescriptions.
“People started queuing to make an appointment early in the morning,” says Emile Ducke, a German photographer who traveled with the staff of the Saint Lukas for a two-week trip in November through the vast regions (区域) of Krasnoyarsk and Khakassia.
Russia’s public health care service has been in serious need of modernization. The government has struggled to come up with measures to address the problem, particularly in the poorer, rural areas east of the Volga River, including arranging doctor’s appointments by video chat and expanding financial aid programs to motivate doctors to practice medicine in remote parts of the country like Krasnoyarsk.
The annual arrival of the Saint Lukas is another attempt to improve the situation. For 10 months every year, the train stops at about eight stations over two weeks, before returning to the regional capital to refuel and restock (补给). Then it starts all over again the next month. Most stations wait about a year between visits.
Doctors see up to 150 patients every day. The train’s equipment allows for basic checkups. “I was very impressed by the doctors and their assistants working and living in such little space but still staying focused and very concerned,” says Ducke. “They were the best chance for many rural people to get the treatment they want.”
28. How is the Saint Lukas different from other trains
A. It runs across countries. B. It reserves seats for the seniors.
C. It functions as a hospital. D. It travels along a river.
29. What can we infer from paragraph 3 about Krasnoyarsk
A. It is heavily populated. B. It offers training for doctors.
C. It is a modern city. D. It needs medical aid.
30. How long can the Saint Lukas work with one supply
A. About a year. B. About ten months.
C. About two months. D. About two weeks.
31. What is Ducke’s attitude toward the Saint Lukas’ services
A. Appreciative. B. Doubtful C. Ambiguous. D. Cautious.
We all know fresh is best when it comes to food. However, most produce at the store went through weeks of travel and covered hundreds of miles before reaching the table. While farmer's markets are a solid choice to reduce the journey, Babylon Micro-Farm(BMF)shortens it even more.
BMF is an indoor garden system. It can be set up for a family. Additionally, it could serve a larger audience such as a hospital, restaurant or school. The innovative design requires little effort to achieve a reliable weekly supply of fresh greens.
Specifically, it's a farm that relies on new technology. By connecting through the Cloud, BMF is remotely monitored. Also, there is a convenient app that provides growing data in real time. Because the system is automated, it significantly reduces the amount of water needed to grow plants. Rather than watering rows of soil, the system provides just the right amount to each plant. After harvest, users simply replace the plants with a new pre-seeded pod(容器)to get the next growth cycle started.
Moreover, having a system in the same building where it's eaten means zero emissions(排放)from transporting plants from soil to salad. In addition, there's no need for pesticides and other chemicals that pollute traditional farms and the surrounding environment.
BMF employees live out sustainability in their everyday lives. About half of them walk or bike to work. Inside the office, they encourage recycling and waste reduction by limiting garbage cans and avoiding single-use plastic. "We are passionate about reducing waste, carbon and chemicals in our environment," said a BMF employee.
32. What can be learned about BMF from paragraph 1
A. It guarantees the variety of food.
B. It requires day-to-day care.
C. It cuts the farm-to-table distance.
D. It relies on farmer's markets.
33. What information does the convenient app offer
A. Real-time weather changes.
B. Current condition of the plants.
C. Chemical pollutants in the soil.
D. Availability of pre-seeded pods.
34. What can be concluded about BMF employees
A. They have a great passion for sports.
B. They are devoted to community service.
C. They are fond of sharing daily experiences.
D. They have a strong environmental awareness.
35. What does the text mainly talk about
A. BMF's major strengths.
B. BMF's general management.
C. BMF's global influence.
D. BMF's technical standards.
第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)
What is moderation (适度) Basically,it means eating only as much food as your body needs.You should feel satisfied at the end of a meal, but not too full. 36 But it doesn’t mean saying goodbye to the foods you love.
Take your time.It’s important to slow down and think about food as something nutritious rather than just something to eat in between meetings. 37 It actually takes a few minutes for your brain to tell your body that it has had enough food, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.
Eat with others whenever possible.Eating alone, specially in front of the TV or computer, often leads to mindless overeating.And be careful about the foods you keep at hand.It’s more challenging to eat in moderation if you have unhealthy snacks at the ready, like cookies. 38
Control emotional (情绪的) eating. 39 Many of us also turn to food to deal with unpleasant emotions such as sadness, loneliness, or boredom.But by learning healthier ways to manage emotions, you can regain control over the food you eat and your feelings.
40 A healthy breakfast can start your metabolism (新陈代谢), while eating small, healthy meals keeps your energy up all day.Avoid eating late at night.Try to eat dinner earlier and fast for 14—16 hours until breakfast the next morning.Studies suggest that eating only when you’re most active and giving your digestive system a long break each day may help to regulate weight.
A.Eat properly throughout the day.
B.We don’t always eat just to satisfy hunger.
C.Don’t swallow a meal on the way to work.
D.Most of us need to double the amount we eat.
E.Instead, surround yourself with healthy choices.
F.For many of us, moderation means eating less than we do now.
G.That won’t lead to cheating or giving up on your new eating plan.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每题 1 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Figure skating is a vital part of my life. I can still remember my first 41 on ice. I was hooked immediately and desired to learn figure skating. However, I found it was a bit of a 42 . Initially, I could only grasp the railings(栏杆) to 43 myself and walk slowly along. Despite constant 44 , I just got up again and made much 45 : I kept practicing almost all the time except school hours. Gradually, I mastered the skills.
Sometimes figure skating is 46 as an art form rather than a sport, but to me it’s both. The delicate 47 between artistry and athleticism, and the performances with only a pair of thin blades(冰刀) are mind-blowing. Though beautiful and impressive, figure skating is physically 48 —the amount of athleticism required is fairly high.
For the majority of my younger years I skated 49 , at both local and regional levels. But 50 struck at the near peak of my career—I had a concussion(脑震荡). Though I 51 after continuous treatment, I’d missed the best age for skating. So I transformed it into a hobby.
Out of all the experiences in my life, figure skating has probably been the most 52 . It taught me the importance of discipline and self-confidence, and I learned 53 , which made me accountable for my own actions and achievements. And thanks to my strict coaches, I learned the importance of constructive criticism and 54 that we should take such criticism with an open mind rather than 55 it.
41. A. slipping B. rolling C. stepping D. playing
42. A. near thing B. hard nut C. big hit D. fat chance
43. A. enjoy B. encourage C. comfort D. support
44. A. falls B. attempts C. walks D. complaints
45. A. improvement B. adjustment C. commitment D. assessment
46. A. figured out B. focused on C. picked up D. referred to
47. A. comparison B. arrangement C. balance D. exchange
48. A. powerful B. demanding C. beneficial D. accessible
49. A. perfectly B. secretly C. occasionally D. competitively
50. A. failure B. misfortune C. opportunity D. coincidence
51. A. recovered B. succeeded C. rested D. suffered
52. A. pleasant B. attractive C. significant D. personal
53. A. determination B. enthusiasm C. insistence D. responsibility
54. A. realized B. recalled C. proved D. acknowledged
55. A. interrupting B. denying C. forgiving D. defending
第二节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
As awareness of the human impact on the environment 56 (increase), people are becoming more willing than ever before, to accept clean lifestyles. But some people aren't totally sure where to begin. While large steps require planning, smaller steps can 57 (take) right away.
In many cases, your choices will depend 58 various factors: where you live, the resources available to you, your lifestyle, and others. Therefore there is probably no “one-size-fits-all” solution to going green. But there are plenty of things you can do 59 (live) a greener life, through your day-to-day 60 (activity), and most of these apply to just about anyone.
Save water. Every drop of tap water you use consumes energy. It might just be water, but a lot of fossil fuel (矿物燃料) is consumed in processing it. You can turn the tap off while 61 (brush) your teeth and collect rainwater for use in your garden.
Wear the right clothing. Your choice of clothing can make a big 62 (different) to the environment. One of 63 most heavily grown crops is cotton. Chemicals 64 are used as insecticides (杀虫剂) harm the environment, and harm people's health. Try to find and buy clothing that uses these 65 (nature) materials. Wearing such clothing is also better for your health.
第四部分 任务型阅读(满分20分)
Following My Dream
I grew up in a poor family with six brothers, three sisters, my father and mother. We had little money and few goods, but plenty of love and attention. I was happy and full of energy. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still afford a dream.
My dream was athletics. By the time I was sixteen, I could throw a ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and hit anything that moves on the football field. And I was so lucky that my high-school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who not only believed in me, but often told me “The dream is priceless.” However, when I was about to get off the ground, one particular thing happened, which almost ruined (毁坏)my long-held dream.
It was the summer holiday in Senior Two and a friend recommended me for a summer job. I was offered $12.25 per pared with the average $3.5, that was a big sum. I was so excited, because this meant a chance for money in my pocket, certainly, money for a new bike and new clothes, and the start of savings for a house for my mother. The prospect (前景)of the job was inviting, and I wanted to jump at the opportunity.
Then I realized I would have to give up summer baseball training to handle the work schedule. I didn’t dare to tell my coach. I thought of the advice my mother often gave me when I lacked courage, “If you make your bed, you have to lie in it.” I decided to talk to my coach by myself. After all, my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his disappointment to me. I gathered my courage and knocked at his door…
76.What should one do even if he was poor in the author’s opinion (3分)
77.Why did the author want to give up summer baseball training (3分)
78.What is the coach’s attitude towards the author’s dream How do you know that (4分)
第五部分 写作(满分20分)


