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福州日升中学 2023--2024学年第一学期期中考试
英 语 试 卷
(九 年 级)
(提示:全卷共_14 页,8 大题,共_91 小题,满分_150_分,考试时间 120
听力部分(共 30 分)
Ⅰ.听力(共三节,20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
第一节 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三幅图中选出与句子
九年级英语试卷 第 1 页(共 14 页)
福州日升中学 班级_______________ 姓名_______________ 座号____________
第二节 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出正确
听第 1 段对话,回答第 6 小题。
( )6. How often does Emily go to the English club
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month.
听第 2 段对话,回答第 7 小题。
( )7. What did Peter do just now
A. He chatted with the girl. B. He went for a walk. C. He watched TV.
听第 3 段对话,回答第 8 小题。
( )8. What present did the boy get on his birthday
A. A paper ship. B. A paper plane. C. Amodel plane.
听第 4 段对话,回答第 9 小题。
( )9. Where will the boy go this Sunday
A. To the library. B. To the beach. C. To Disneyland.
听第 5 段对话,回答第 10、11 小题。
( )10. Who taught the woman to ski (滑雪)
A. Her mother. B. Her father. C. Her brother.
( )11. How many days does the woman ski every week
A. One or two. B. Two or three. C. Three or four.
听第 6 段对话,回答第 12、13 小题。
( )12. When did Cindy first go to this town
A. In 2018. B. In 2017. C. In 2016.
( )13. Who did Cindy meet when she first went to the town
A. A singer. B. An actor. ,C. A writer.
听第 7 段对话,回答第 14、15 小题。
( )14. How long does it take to walk to the sea from Lisa’s uncle’s house
A. About 10 minutes. B. About 20 minutes. C. About 30 minutes.
( )15. How does Lisa improve her Spanish
A. By watching online videos.
B. By taking a course.
C. By reading Spanish books.
第三节 听下面短文, 根据你所听到的内容,完成以下表格,每空填一词。
九年级英语试卷 第 2 页(共 14 页)
第 II卷
笔试部分(共 120分)
Ⅱ.选择填空(每小题 1分,满分 15分)
从每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。
( )21.Which of the following underlined part is different in pronunciation
A. position B.poster C.polite
( )22.--Excuse me.When can we play badminton at the court
.. --Not until it next week.
A.builds B.is built C.will be built
( ) 23.--The price of vegetables has in the past few days because
of the rainstorm.
A. risen; So it has B.raised; So it has C. risen; So has it
( )24.--Excuse me, when did the movie Barbie
--I am sorry you are late.It since five minutes ago.
A. begin; has been on B. begin; has begun C. has begun; has been on
( )25. --Put on your mask please, _________ you can't get on the bus.
-- Oh, sorry. I will do it right away.
A. and B. or C. so
( )26. --Tom, are your parents strict with you at home
...--Yeah. They often ________ me by not letting me watch TV if I do
something wrong.
A. punish B. require C. avoid
九年级英语试卷 第 3 页(共 14 页)
( .)27. The past is gone. The future is yet to come. What we have is the
_______. That’ s why we shouldn’t waste every moment of today.
A. process B. present C. project
( )28.You'd better ask a _______ such as your aunt or sister, to look after
your children while you arcaway.
//A. classmate B.neighbor C.relative
( )29. --Nowadays, parents have less communication with their children.
。--Your are right. _________, more problems appear in the parent-child
A.As a result B. After all C. As a matter of fact
( )30.--It seems that nothing I do will my father.
.,--Come on! He is proud of you. He just wants you to be better.
A. manage B. encourage C. satisfy
( )31. David said he would ______ visit Shanghai next month, but he wasn’t
sure enough.
A. clearly B. probably C. nearly
( )32. Dora always comes up with new ideas,but is of any value to
A. none B. nothing C. no one
( )33. About _________ of the students in our class _______ born in the
A.two fifths; was B.two fifths; were .C. two fifth; was
( )34.--Do you want to eat here, madam
..--No. Just pizza and orange juice to _________ , please.
A. take off B. take away C. take up
( )35.--I am wondering ________ after the exam.
..--Nothing much. I just want to rest and hang out with friends
A. how will you spend your holiday
B. who you will spend the holiday with
C. what you will do during the long holiday
Ⅲ.完型填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
阅读下面短文,从下列各题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入
Nine million rural(农村的 ) children in China aren’t living with their
parents because their parents have left their hometowns to find 36 ,
Xinhua News Agency reports.
37 90 percent of these children, aged under 16, live with their
grandparents while 4 percent of them have to live by 38 . Over half of the
children left behind are in Central China. Over 40 percent of them are in West
九年级英语试卷 第 4 页(共 14 页)
China, and 39 10 percent of children live in East China, a more
economically(经济地) developed area.
With China’s rapid urbanization(城市化 ) process, a lot of rural people
have come to 40 in economically developed areas for jobs with higher
41 . As a result, parents have no time to care for their children and have to
42 them at home. This has caused some problems. In June, 2015, for
example, four sisters and brothers, aged between five and thirteen, committed
suicide(自杀) 43 drinking farm chemicals in Bijie, Guizhou Province.
The police found that the children had serious mental problems 44 their
parents’ absence(缺席).
To help families of this kind, the government is doing something to 45
care for stay-at-home children as well as protecting their rights and interests.
36.A.works B.joBb.s jobs C.industrCie.s industries
37.A.Hardly B.Certainly C.Nearly
38.A.them B.itself C.themselves
39.A.more than B.fewer than C.less than
40.A.cities B.countries C.communities
41.A.money B.cost C.pay
42.A.leave B.make C.stop
43.A.of B.by C.for
44.A.thanks to B.instead of C.because o
45.A.offer B.provide C.give
Ⅳ.阅读理解(共 20小题,每小题 2分,满分 40 分)
阅读下列ABC篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中选出最佳选项
Today, it is very convenient to shop online. But what do you do with all
the leftover (剩余的) cardboard boxes Here’re some ideas for reusing them.
Bird feeders
Use a pair of scissors to cut out a square or circle in front of a cardboard
box. Put some bird food inside of it. Make a hole on each side of the box. Run a
string (绳子) through these two holes and hang the box from a tree. The birds
will be excited about the free meal!
Plastic bag holders
Put some plastic bags into a pile (叠). Then place the pile in a cardboard
box. Cut a hole in the box so you can pull out one bag at a time when you need
Weed (杂草) killers
九年级英语试卷 第 5 页(共 14 页)
Are you tired of pulling weeds in your yard Place pieces of cardboard in
areas where weeds grow. Then add some sand on top to cover these pieces.
Cardboard can help prevent weeds from growing.
You can use the boxes to make your own easels (画架), or even wall art.
Cardboard can also be turned into beautiful party decorations. The possibilities
are endless!
46.How many ways of reusing cardboard boxes are mentioned in the text
A.One. B.Two. C.Three. D.Four.
47.Which is the right order to make a bird feeder
①Run a string. ②Make a hole on each side. ③Cut out a square.
④Put some bird food inside.
A.①②③④ B.①③④② C.③④②① D.②③④①
48.Why should we out a hole in the box when making a plastic bag holder
A.To hang the box on the wall. B.To pull out one bag at a time.
C.To make a beautiful decoration. D.To put some plastic bags into it.
49.Which of the following is helpful to prevent weeds from growing
A. B. C. D.
50.In which section of the magazine can we read the text
A.Health. B.Art. C.DIY. D.Nature.
( B )
English Speech Contest on “Labor course (劳动课 )”Our
school is organizing the English Speech Contest 2023. The topic this year
focuses on “Labor course”. You are expected to give a 2~3 minutes’ speech on
“labor course”, followed by a 2-minute impromptu (即兴的) speech.
More information
June 10,
deadline All students in Grades 6 to 9 are
(申请截止日 welcome to take part in the contest.
九年级英语试卷 第 6 页(共 14 页)
July 3, 2023, The contest will be held in Classroom
Contest date
19:30—21:30 304.
* Your speech should be closely related to the topic.
* Your voice & speech should be clear.
* You may use proper body language in your speech.
* Only English speech allowed.
* The three speakers with the highest scores will receive medals and special
* Each winner will have the possibility to have your speech published in the
school’s magazine.
Come on! Take this chance to practice your public speaking skills and build
your self-confidence!
Click here to apply online: https:///contest/
51.For each student, the speech lasts for ________ at least.
A.2 minutes B.3 minutes C.4 minutes D.5 minutes
52.Which topic might you choose if you want to take part in the speech
①What can you learn from labor course
② How can you improve speaking skills
③ How do you practice spoken English
④ How do you grow vegetables at school
A.①② B.①④ C.②④ D. ③④
53.What can we learn from the passage
九年级英语试卷 第 7 页(共 14 页)
A.A student in Grade 5 can join in the contest.
B.Students can apply for the contest on July 1st.
C.Proper body language is allowed in the contest.
D.Winner Talent will be shown on social media.
54.The writer writes the passage to ________.
A.develop kids’ speaking skills B.build kids’ self-confidence
C.introduce a speech contest D.ask students to read English
55.In which section of a newspaper would you probably read the passage
A.Star Stories B.School Time
C.Science Study D.Magic World
( C )
The traditional Chinese calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. In
China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide
agricultural (农业的) production. But solar term culture is still useful today to
guide people’s lives through cultural activities.
Great Heat, the 12th solar term of year, began this year on July 22 and
ended on August 6. During Great Heat, most parts of China enter the hottest
season of the year. Here is something you should know about Great Heat.
Great Heat is a season of harvesting (收割). During this time, the sunshine,
high temperatures, and heavy rainfall are good for the plants. But many natural
disasters also happen. So, it’s important to harvest and plant in time.
Sending the Great Heat ship is a tradition in Taizhou. The ship is full of all
kinds of meat. More than 50 fishermen take turns carrying the ship as they walk
through the streets. The ship will finally be pulled out of the port and burned at
sea. People believe that is a symbol of good harvests and health.
Great Heat is a season with most crickets (蝶蜂 ) in the countryside.
Cricket fighting is a popular game for some people in China during this period.
The custom dates back over 1,000 years ago.
People in different places enjoy different food. For example, in southern
Shandong, people would like to drink mutton soup. Grass jelly is very popular
in Guangdong because there is a saying “Eating grass jelly in Great Heat will
make you stay young”.
56.Ancient Chinese people created 24 solar terms to .
A.keep a healthy life B.serve different food
C.help farming D.enjoy different food
57.Great Heat lasted for days this year.
A.6 B.16 C.22 D.20
58.In Taizhou, people send the Great Heat ship .
九年级英语试卷 第 8 页(共 14 页)
A.just for fun B.to get exercise
C.with good wishes D.to celebrate the harvest
59.According to the passage, .
A.Great Heat is an important time to harvest and plant
B.cricket fighting games are getting popular in China now
C.people in Guangdong enjoy mutton soup during Great Heat
D.in China, people would like to drink mutton soup
60.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage (P=Paragraph)
A. B. C. D.
At the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan Province on April 29, 10
engines (引擎 ) at the bottom of a Long March 5B heavy-lift carrier rocket
roared to sky, generating (引起) a thrust power (推力) of 1,068 metric tons (公
吨) to lift the 18-story-tall vehicle through thick rain clouds.
The rocket managed to send the core capsule (核心舱) of China’s space
station, named Tianhe, into its planned orbit. In 1992, China’s government
proposed (提出 ) a “three-step” strategy for aerospace engineering by first
building a manned spacecraft, followed by building mini space stations
(Tiangong-1 and -2) and then China’s own space station. This launch has
brought China closer to its final goal.
As the future management and control center of China’s space station, the
total length of the core module is 16.6 meters, around the height of a 5-story
building. With a maximum diameter of 4.2 meters, it is more spacious (宽广的)
than a train or subway carriage.
The Tianhe core capsule’s launch kicks off (开始 ) a series of launch
missions that aims to complete the construction (建设) of China’s space station.
After completion by the end of 2022, China’s space station will be a T shape,
with the core module at the center and a lab capsule on each side. It will be able
to support three astronauts to work and live in for a long time or six astronauts
at most for a short time.
It’s divided into six zones (区 ), including zones for work, sleep, dining,
healthcare and exercise. For example, astronauts may choose treadmills (跑步
机) or spin bikes (动感单车) to maintain their physical health. Moreover, the
station will feature “smart home” technology to remotely control household
九年级英语试卷 第 9 页(共 14 页)
appliances (家电) in the cabin (舱) through tablets.
China aims to build the space station into a state-level space lab that
supports longer stays of astronauts and large-scale scientific, technological and
application experiments. The station is also expected to contribute to the
peaceful development and utilization ( 使 用 ) of space resources through
international cooperation, as well as to enrich technologies and experiences for
China’s future explorations into deeper space.
61.What does the underlined word “vehicle” in Paragraph 1 refer to
A.a mini space lab B.a core module of the space station
C.a manned spacecraft D.a heavy-lift carrier rocket
62.The Tianhe core capsule to China’s space station is like .
A.apple to fruit B.lock to door C.brain to human D.furniture to home
63.What do we know about the Tianhe core capsule
A.Its launch will enable six astronauts to live and work in the space station
for a long time.
B.Its location is just at the opposite end of the lab capsule.
C.Its utilization will improve the living conditions for astronauts in space.
D.Its division of living zones will make astronauts clever.
64.The Tianhe core capsule is a great advance in China’s aerospace
because .
A.its spaciousness makes the mixing of living zones in space lab a reality
B.more research can be done in space because of longer stay and easier
life in space
C.other countries will be more willing to share experience with China
D.the carrier rocket generated a large amount of thrust to lift the capsule
65.What is the best title of the passage
A.Successful launch of the core capsule
B.Scientific research in the space lab
C.Global cooperation in space industry
D.Easier life for astronauts at work
根据短文内容,将下面 A—E 五个句子分别填入文中空缺处,使补全后的
短文意思通顺, 结构完整。(5 分)
China produces about 22% of the world’s cotton, of which 87.3% comes
from Xinjiang. 66 According to historical records, the cotton
introduced from West Asia to Xinjiang was Levant cotton. The region’s full
sunlight and moderate(适度的 ) rainfall meet the needs of the plant. 67
九年级英语试卷 第 10 页(共 14 页)
Xinjiang is famous for its Long-staple cotton(长绒棉). 68 In the past,
people mainly picked the cotton by hand, but now machines have gradually
replaced it. In Xinjiang, nearly 70% of cotton is harvested mechanically. 69
This also improves its quality(质量 ). 70 They become clothes, toys
and others that we see in daily life. Cotton’s versatility(多功能性) has earned it
a nickname—“white gold”.
A.It is popular among customers.
B.Bags of cotton are packed and transported to many factories.
C.The use of machines stops the cotton from being polluted.
D.Cotton was started planting in Xinjiang in Western Han Dynasty.
E.So cotton soon spread in Xinjiang.
V、情景交际 (共 5小题;每小题 2分,满分 10 分)
71. 英语老师想知道同学们是否为运动会做好准备,他可以这样问同学们:
___________________________________ ________ ____________
72. 老师问 Peter 是否已经完成作业了,他表示还没有,他可以这样答:
___________________________________ ________ ____________.
73. 你想知道能否搭乘朋友的顺风车去机场,可以这样问:
Could you please__________________ ________ _ ____________
74. 小明经常夸夸奇谈,却经常忽略实际行动,你可以这样劝说他:
Would______________________________ ________ ____________
Ⅵ. 看图写话 根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画
(每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)
76. have , for 77. dig, by 78. ought to 79. difficulty,heavy 80. noise,harm
九年级英语试卷 第 11 页(共 14 页)
Ⅶ. 短文填词。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)
Zhang Guimei is my role model. She is a great and respectable teacher.
She has 81 (spend) her life improving education in poor mountain
areas for more than 10 years.
Thirteen years ago, she moved to Huaping county to work as a normal
teacher. At first, she just wanted all the girls in her class not to 82
[dr p] out of school, but when she went to the mountains to visit her students’
homes, she 83 (find) that there were so many girls of school age who
could not go to school. She wanted to think of a way that could completely
84 this problem. In the end, she made a 85 (decide) to provide
them with free education. In this way, the girls whose families couldn’t 86
[ f :d] the school would still be able to keep studying in school. So she
87 up the first all-girls high school where poor female (女性的) students
could study for free.
In the last 13 years, she has helped more than 1800 students get out of the
mountains and study in universities. She said that an educated woman can
88 [t e nd ] the fate (命运) of three generations (一代人). 89 she is
more than 60 years old, she still works more than 17 hours every day. She is the
great mother of the Huaping High School county in Lijiang, Yunnan province.
We all should learn 90 her and study hard to make contributions (贡
献) to society.
九年级英语试卷 第 12 页(共 14 页)
Ⅷ.书面表达 (满分 15 分)
91.假设你是李华,以下是你的英国朋友 Tony发给你的一封电子邮件,请根
To:Li Hua
Subject:Life with family
Hi Li Hua,
Long time no see. I've never spent so much time staying at home like this
holiday, So I have more chances to stay with my family,I have a deep feeling of
their love.And I want to do something for them,but I have no idea about it.
What do you often do to show your love to your family? And what's the
best way to spend your time together?Hope to your reply soon!
九年级英语试卷 第 13 页(共 14 页)
From:Li Hua
Subject:Life with family
Hi Tony,
Li Hua
九年级英语试卷 第 14 页(共 14 页)
6-10 BCCBB
11-15 CCABB
16. France 17. father 18. silk 19. cup 20. reading
21-25 BCAAB
26-30 ABCAC
31-35 BABBC
36-40 BCCBA
41-45 CABCB
46-50 DCBDC
51-55 CBCCB
56-60 CBCAA
61-65 DCCBA
66-70 DEACB
71.Are you ready for your(the) sports meet
72.Not yet.
73.give me a ride to the airport
74.Actions speak louder than words.
75.you like to be greener people
76.He has had the watch for 3 years.
77.The hole is(was) dug by he(him).
78.We ought to save water.
79.She has difficulty in carrying the heavy box.
80.Noise does harm to his hearing.


