
  1. 二一教育资源



1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. What does Peter’s sister do
A. A nurse. B. A doctor. C. A dancer.
7. Whose coat is that
A. Mary’s. B. Betty’s. C. Sally’s.
8. How long has Jim lived in the village
A. For more than 6 years. B. For more than 8 years. C. For more than 10 years.
9. When will Tony’s mother come
A. Tomorrow morning. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow evening.
10. What’s the weather like in Ben’s city
A. Dry. B. Cold. C. Warm.
11. Where will Eric go tomorrow
A. To the library. B. To the park. C. To the school.
12. Who will Eric go there with
A. His classmates. B. His teachers. C. His parents.
!3. What will Julia do tomorrow
A. Feed animals. B. Plant trees. C. Do exercise.
14. How was John’s weekend
A. Terrible. B. Wonderful. C. Boring
15. What did Lucy advise John to do
A. Buy a new camera. B. Call the museum soon. C. Ask the police for help.
16. Where will Lucy go first
A. To the museum. B. To the bank. C. To the police station.
17. Who does Betty want to invite to the party
A. Mr. Lee. B. Mr. Smith. C. Mr. Jackson.
18. When will the party begin
A. At3:30 p. m. B. At 4:00 p. m. C. At 4:30 p. m.
19. What will everyone dress up as
A. A movie star. B. A cartoon hero. C. A common person.
20. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Father and daughter. B. Brother and sister. C. Teacher and student.
21. What does William want to be in the future
A. A worker. B. A teacher. C. A musician.
22 Who supported William’s dream
A. His parents. B. His grandparents. C. His friends.
23. What did William receive on his twelfth birthday
A. A great book. B. An expensive violin. C. A birthday cake.
24. Where did William’s mother put the video
A. On the newspaper. B. On the computer. C. On the Internet.
25. How is William now according to the speaker
A. He is more careful. B. He is more excellent. C. He is more patient.
A fire practice
Time this 26 afternoon
Safety rules go out of the classroom as 27 as possible leave the classroom through the closest 28 find your class and line up, then your teachers will 29 your names don’t talk, jump or run at that time
Meaning these safety rules are very 30 and important to us
26. __________ 27. __________ 28. __________ 29. __________ 30. __________
31.—Jeff, I will take an important exam tomorrow.
A. Good idea! B. Congratulations! C. Good luck!
32. Square dancing becomes a popular way for many old people to spend __________ free time.
A. our B. your C. their
33.—I want to take a look at that red dress.
— Good choice! It is beautiful and it __________ soft.
A. feels B. tastes C. smells
34.—Excuse me. __________ I sit here
— You’d better not. It’s a seat for the old.
A. Must B. Can C. Should
35.—Mr. Wang is very __________.
— Yes. He often helps the students solve the problems.
A. nervous B. helpful C. strict
36.—Jack, you seem never tired. Why are you always full of __________
—Because I do sports every day.
A. energy B. courage C. memory
37 As middle school students, we should learn how to act __________ and never put ourselves in danger or in trouble.
A. simply B. wisely C. badly
38.—Hurry up, Jim, __________ we will miss the beginning of the concert.
—OK, Daddy. I’m coming!
A. so B. but C. or
39.—Excuse me, madam. Could you help me __________ the time of the next train to Beijing
—Sure. Please wait a minute.
A. look up B. put on C. talk about
40.—Excuse me, Mr. Lin. Could you tell me __________
—According to the report, it was on March 2nd, 2024.
A. why Shenzhou-17 astronauts ate their food in a strange way
B. when Shenzhou-17 astronauts completed the repairing task
C. how Shenzhou-17 astronauts worked in the Wentian Lab
A: Hi, Zhou Ling. 41
B: Yes, I am. I’ve finished my homework.
A: That’s great. There will be a running race at the foot of Qingxiu Mountain this Saturday. Would you like to watch it with me
B: 42 I heard that our English teacher Miss Lin will take part in the race.
A: Yes, you are right. 43
B: We can also ask more classmates to go there together.
A: 44 We can send the important message in the WeChat group to invite them.
B: OK. 45
A: How about meeting at the bus stop near our school We can take No.601 bus to Qingxiu Mountain.
B: OK. See you then.
A. I’d love to. B. Are you free this weekend C. I agree. D. So, we should go there more often. E. We can go there to cheer up for her. F. Where should we meet
When you look at me now, you won’t believe that I once weighed over 300 pounds. Yes, I used to be a really 46 girl. I never worried about it until I had a medical examination one day.
The doctor told me that I was having heart trouble. He said it would be 47 if I could lose some weight. Then I decided to make a 48 .
After a year and five months, I lost 104 pounds. I didn’t have any expensive food, medical treatment or camp-style exercise. So what was the secret to my 49
First, I looked through the 50 for some advice on losing weight. Of course, I saw many advertisements(广告), but I bought nothing. The only thing I did was to change my bad 51 . I stopped having drinks with too much sugar and 52 my love for sweet cakes. Now I have got used to eating a lot of green vegetables and using vegetable oil only. I 53 eat after 6:30 p. m. because it’s unhealthy to have a late dinner. Also, I 54 for 15 to 20 minutes five days a week to keep fit.
People sometimes say, “You don’t need to tell me what to do. I’ve known it already!” The fact is that knowing what to do and doing what you know are completely 55 . The important thing is to know what to do and then keep doing it.
46. A. fat B. polite C. shy
47. A. unusual B. helpful C. creative
48. A. mess B. deal C. change
49. A. luck B. success C. happiness
50. A. textbook B. Internet C. dictionary
51. A. habits B. grades C. looks
52. A. put up B. set up C. gave up
53. A. even B. always C. never
54. A. sleep B. exercise C. study
55 A. different B. natural C. interesting
One day, I saw a surprising message in the newspaper: there was a “mother store” which was selling different types of mothers! That sounded interesting. I decided to buy one.
At first, I chose a mother who would indulge(溺爱) her children. She allowed me to watch television and play games all day long. But she didn’t care about me at all. When I was sick, she just sat in the living room and watched a film. At last, I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I went to the store and changed her into a rich mother.
The rich mother had a lot of money and bought me a lot of snacks. But as I ate too much junk food, I became fat and unhealthy. At last, I got a serious stomachache. I missed my own mom so much!
Suddenly, my eyes opened. Oh, that was just a dream! What a caring and kind woman my mom is!
56. I thought the message in the newspaper was very interesting.
57. I chose a strict mother at first in the “mother store”.
58. The rich mother bought me a lot of snacks.
59. I got a serious headache at last because I ate too much junk food.
60. Finally, I realized that my own mom was a caring and kind mother.
Congratulations, Xinge! Xinge, a bird-like drone(无人机), recently flew for three hours, five minutes and 30 seconds. That is now the drone which has the longest flight time. The last holder, Yunxiao, could fly for 30 minutes shorter. AI Actresses on TV Who is this young woman She is Leah, an AI actress. She looks pretty, just like a human actress. In the TV series I Am Nobody, she played a role and acted as naturally as real actresses. People were surprised to find she wasn’t a real actress.
A Wind Walker What is it in this picture Does it look like a strange animal from a movie A Dutch artist made it out of PVC pipes(管子), wood and other materials. It can walk on the beach with the help of the wind. It brings together art and science. What a smart design! WePalm for Subway How do you pay for a subway ticket Use a card or scan(扫描)a QR code Beijing Subway has now developed a new system. The system allows passengers to take the subway by scanning the palms(手掌) of their hands. What do you think of this idea
61. How long can a Xinge drone fly at most
A. About thirty minutes. B. Over three hours. C. Less than three hours.
62. What does Leah look like
A. An actress. B. A toy. C. A bird.
63. Why is the Wind Walker special
A. Because it’s the first drone that can fly.
B. Because it can act as naturally as real actors.
C. Because it brings together art and science.
64. When do people in Beijing use WePalm
A. While swimming in the pool.
B. Before taking the subway.
C. After watching TV series.
65. Where can we probably read the text in a newspaper
A. Animal World. B. School Life. C. Science Study.
The night she finished filming for YOLO, Jia Ling ate five packs of chocolate. “I felt like a tired soldier who won a war,” said the actress and film director. By then, Jia had lost 50 kilograms. For her new film, she had taken exercise six to eight hours every day. As a result, the cute, round comedy(喜剧) actress turned into a cool and strong woman.
On February10th, 2024, Jia appeared on the big screen with her new look. Many people were shocked. They talked about her weight loss training. Many people praised her for her great courage and determination(决心).
“YOLO” is short for “You Only Live Once.” It is Jia’s message to everyone. The story follows a fat woman named Du Leying. The woman in her thirties lives with her parents and stays away from society. Things start to turn around when Leying meets a boxing(拳击) coach. She takes up the sport and begins to find her passion(酷爱).
This film is not just about losing weight or boxing. “It mainly tells the story of how a kind person finds her true self and learns to love herself,” Jia said in an interview. “I hope people see that she has become stronger, not just thinner.”
The director also sang the theme song for the movie—There Is Still Time for Everything. “There is still time for everything. You are the most beautiful in the world. Don’t try to fit yourself into those so-called(所谓的) rules. Don’t think of changing something.”
“This is what I always want to say,” she said. “There is still time for everything, and remember to love yourself.”
66. When did Jia Ling appear on TV with a new look
A. On March 10th, 2024. B. On February 10th, 2024. C. On February 13th, 2024.
67. What do the underlined words “The woman” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Jia Ling. B. Jia’s coach. C. Du Leying.
68. What does the story of YOLO mainly tell us
A. How to find our true selves.
B. How to lose enough weight.
C. How to become a boxing coach.
69. According to the passage, which of the following best describes Jia Ling
A. Beautiful and round. B. Brave and encouraging. C. Lazy and kind.
70. What can we learn from the passage
A. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
B. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
①Are you an “T” person or an “E” person We hear this question a lot these days. In fact, “I” and “E” are two personality types(人格类型) according to the MBTI test. Generally speaking, an “I” person may be shy and quiet, while an “E” person may be active.
②So what is the MBTI test It’s a personality test that helps us better understand our personality preferences(性格偏好) and tells us how we do with the world around us. It was developed in the 1940s by Katharine Cook Briggs and her daughter Isabel Briggs Myers.
③When you take the MBTI test, you are presented with several sentences describing everything of actions, feelings and thoughts. For each description(描述), you need to decide how much you agree with it. After finishing the test, you’ll know you’re your personality type is. You can click https://www./free-personality-test to learn your MBTI type.
④The MBTI test is popular for many reasons. Let’s take a closer look at just a few. First, people want to understand themselves. Human personality is very hard to understand, and this test provides a simple way for people to learn more about themselves. Next, taking the MBTI test is relaxing and enjoyable, because the test is made to be interesting. Then, people try to find connections with others according to their personality type. The MBTI test offers a way for people to connect with others on a deeper level. Last but not least, while there are many kinds of personality tests on the market, the MBTI test is the most widely recognized.
⑤Remember this, knowing someone’s MBTI results doesn’t mean we really know that person, the MBTI results can not define who we are. But the test may show something we don’t know about ourselves and can be a fun way to help us make new friends.
71. How does the writer start the passage
A. By listing numbers. B. By giving an example. C. By asking a question.
72. Lucia would like to know more about her __________, she is advised to take the MBTI test.
A. personality types B. hobbies C. life skills
73. What does the underlined word “define” mean
A. 定义 B. 停留 C. 注意
74. What would be the best structure of the passage
A. B. C.
75. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. An “I” Person or an “E” Person
B. The Steps of the MBTI Test
C. The History of the MBTI Test
ten excited quick improve I chance on weight difficult fall
When I was eight years old, I became interested in Peking Opera. When I watched the actors dancing and singing beautifully 76 TV, I was touched. I told my mom that I wanted to learn Peking Opera, and she put me in opera classes. I was very 77 Since then, I’ve been on 78 journey of learning Peking Opera for five years.
Daring those years, I had to wake up at six o’clock every morning to 79 the key skills, such as leg exercises, voice training and so on. When practicing handstands(倒立), all the 80 was on my arms and I almost cried. And to make my pronunciation better, I read the lines loudly and 81 . It made my mouth hurt, but I didn’t give up. In practice, what I really worried was getting hurt. Once, I 82 down and hurt my feet and knees while practicing. That made it 83 for me to go up and down stairs for a long time.
As the saying goes, “One minute on stage needs 84 years’ practice off stage.” All the hard work was worth it when I got the first 85 I perform Peking Opera in public. In 2020, I performed a part from The Drunken Beauty(《贵妃醉酒》) during a show on CCTV.
Peking Opera puts together different parts of theater like writing, music, painting and costumes. The charm(魅力) and beauty of this form of arts is timeless(永恒的).
为了传承和弘扬中华民族的优良家风,你校英文周刊以“Build good relationships with parents”为题,向同学们征稿。请你用英语写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:
参考词汇:respect(v.尊重); housework(n.家务); communicate(v.交流); patient(adj.耐心的)
Build good relationships with parents
We are supposed to build good relationships with parents. _________________________________________.
41-45 BAECF
76-85 on; excited; my; improve; weight quickly; fell; different; ten; chance
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