Module 7 Great books单元习题课件(5份打包)外研版九年级上册

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Module 7 Great books单元习题课件(5份打包)外研版九年级上册


Module 7 Great books

本模块以“Great books”为话题,谈论了古今中外的名著以及这些
要求:1. 题目自拟,体裁不限;2. 内容完整,条理清晰,书写规
范;3. 词数90左右。
① 时态:以一般现在时为主。
② 人称:以第三人称为主。
③ 在写作时,我们首先开门见山说出读书的益处及重要性,再举
Reading can not only broaden our horizon but also increase our
Reading is very important. By reading you can get all kinds of
knowledge. Furthermore, reading books makes your life enjoyable. There
are many books which are my favourites, such as The Old Man and the
Sea, Little Red Riding Hood and so on. Every day I swim in the sea of
books. I like reading them in my study after school.
Reading is a kind of enjoyment and it is also a way to experience
pleasure. Let’s study and experience the fun of reading together!
假如你是李华,请你以“My favourite book”为主题,写一篇英语
内容包括:1. 书名、书的类型和主要内容;2. 你喜欢这本书的
Ladies and gentlemen,
I’m Li Hua. I’m very glad to share my favourite book with you.

 My favourite book is Journey to the West, which is one of the
Four Great Classical Novels in China. The book tells us about stories of
four main characters. They are Tang Monk, the Monkey King, Piggie
and Monk Sha. After getting over many difficulties on the way to the
west, finally they made it. Among the four characters, the Monkey
King is my favourite. He is so smart and brave that he can protect his
master and brothers well. He never gives up when he faces difficulties
and challenges. 

That’s all. Thank you for your attention.
 The book is so interesting that I lose myself in it. It tells me that as
long as I never give up, I can achieve everything. (共10张PPT)
Module 7 Great books
考点1 spend, pay, cost, take辨析
1. It will me about two hours to fly to Beijing from my home town.
2. The bag was very good, and she 300 yuan for it.
3. The sweater is beautiful. It her 20 dollars.
4. You’d better not too much time on your mobile phone.
考点2 set的用法
( D )1. Father     a printing business two years ago.
A. set out B. set off
C. set in D. set up
( A )2. The moment I got home, I     to do my homework.
A. set out B. set off
C. set in D. set up
3. Little Tom and his father (出发去) America
last week.
4. Lei Feng (树立了一个榜样) to us on
being a helpful person.
5. The film (以……为背景) in a modern city.
考点3 by the way, on one’s way, in the way辨析
( C )1. Many teenagers have hobbies. But some-times these hobbies
can get     of schoolwork.
A. on the way B. by the way
C. in the way D. out of the way
( A )2. —     , does he know the bad news?
— Sorry, I don’t know.
A. By the way B. On the way
C. In the way D. In some ways
3. (2024·原创)在去学校的路上,我总是听音乐来提神。
to school, I always listen to music to wake
myself up.
考点4 suppose的用法
1. From his actions, I suppose him (be) a bad man.
2. You are supposed (return) the book by Friday.
3. I suppose he can come here with his brother.(改为否定句)
I he come here with his brother.
to be 
to return 
考点5 alive, living, lively, live辨析
1. We don’t know whether they are or dead.
2. Do you like a show or a recorded show?
3. Comrade Wang is really a Lei Feng in our country.
4. Jenny is a girl and we all love her a lot.
考点6 “as ... as ...”的用法
( A )1. My maths teacher lives an active life. She looks as     as
she was ten years ago.
A. young B. younger
C. the youngest D. youngest
( D )2. I think that Eric writes as     as Betty.
A. more careful B. more carefully
C. most carefully D. carefully
( B )3. The local guide spoke     she could to make the visitors
understand her.
A. as clear as B. as clearly as
C. so clear as D. so clearly as
Unit 1 We’re still influenced by
Confucius’s ideas.
Module 7 Great books

一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1. A perfect vacation depends on your (明智的) resolution and
2. The restaurant is (著名的) for its friendly atmosphere
and excellent service.
3. The newspaper gave great (评论) of the new book.
4. My grandfather’s sunny character has a great on me in my

二、 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空
sing need discussion work nineteen
1. (2023·广安)To study better, we often in small groups in
2. Each of us his songs every day.
3. The clothes were in fashion in the century.
4. Zhu Ting, one of the best volleyball players of China, says she will
return whenever she .
5. Look! He is making a study of William Faulkner’s .
is needed 

三、 单项选择
( A )1. We students do our best for our dreams and a small success can
give us a     of achievement.
A. sense B. truth
C. deal D. habit
( C )2. I     he has come back now because the light is on.
A. sign B. advise
C. suppose D. manage

( C )3. — What are they doing?
— They are     what to give away to the schools in the
A. apologising B. repairing
C. discussing D. punishing

( B )4. He is     , so many young people like him.
A. the actor and a singer
B. an actor and singer
C. actor and singer
D. actor and a singer

( A )5. (2024·原创)—     , do you know the way to the
— Sorry, I’m new here.
A. By the way B. In the way
C. On the way D. At the way

四、 用方框中所给的选项补全对话(有一项多余)
A. What’s it about?
B. I like reading too.
C. Thanks for your advice.
D. It was written by Mark Twain.
E. Do you know the writer’s name?
F. He is clever enough to overcome many difficulties.
A: Hi, Linda. What are you reading?

B: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 1.
A: Oh, I know he is a famous writer. 2.
B: It’s about a little boy called Tom Sawyer and his friends who took lots of
A: Really? I can’t imagine! What’s Tom Sawyer like?
B: 3.
A: Is the story interesting?
B: Sure. I enjoy it so much that I can’t stop reading.

A: 4. But we need to have a rest after an hour or so. We can look out
of the window to relax our eyes.
B: Yes, I agree. 5.

五、 (2023·扬州)任务型阅读
Roberta woke up early the next morning.Then she woke up Phyllis and
Peter. “We’re in the new house. There are no servants here. We must help
Mother now,” whispered Roberta.
Carefully the three children lit the fire and filled a kettle(水壶) with
water. They hung the kettle above the fire.
“Mother isn’t awake yet. Let’s go outside and sit on that flat stone,”
said Roberta.“Perhaps we will see a train go by.”

When Mother came out at eight o’clock, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis
were all fast asleep in the sunshine. They had put the kettle on the fire at five
o’clock—three hours ago. All the water had boiled away. Now there was a
hole at the bottom of the kettle. The fire had gone out.
“Never mind,” laughed Mother. “We can boil some water in a pan.
And I’ve found the dinner.”
She led them into the kitchen and pointed to a door.
“Last night, I thought this was a cupboard. It was so dark. But
look,” she said.

Mother opened the door and the children saw a little room with a table in
the middle. On it there was roast beef, bread and butter, cheese and an
apple pie.
“An apple pie for breakfast,” cried Peter. “What fun!”
It was a wonderful breakfast. Everyone was very hungry.
“It feels like dinner because we got up so early,” said Peter as he
passed his plate for more apple pie.
When the children had finished, they helped Mother put everything
away in the right place.

Then Mother said, “I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. Go
out to play but please be careful.”
Roberta, Peter and Phyllis looked at each other. They were all thinking
about the same thing. “Let’s go down to the railway,” cried Roberta.
“Listen!” said Phyllis. “I think I can hear a train.” Peter asked,
“Do you think it’s going to London?”
“Father is in London,” replied Roberta.“Let’s go to the station and
find out.”
— Taken from The Railway Children

1. When did the children get up?

2. What happened to the kettle when the water boiled away?

3. How did the children like the breakfast?

4. What was “the same thing” they were thinking about?

Early the next morning/Before five o’clock. 
There was a hole at the bottom of the kettle. 
It was wonderful. 
Going down to the railway. 

5. What are the children like in your eyes? Why do you think so?

 I think they are helpful. Because they help their mother a lot.(答案

Unit 3 Language in use
Module 7 Great books

一、 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. (2023·日照)Breakfast (serve) between 7 am and 9 am
in the hotel.
2. Why these books (make) into films?
3. You (expect) to shake hands when meeting people for
the first time in China.
4. Local plants and animals well (protect) in
national parks.
is served 
are expected 

二、 单项选择
( B )1. A number of beautiful flowers     on the Second Ring
Road in Chengdu these days.
A. plant B. are planted
C. are planting D. planted

( B )2. (2023·凉山改编)— We’re so proud that China is getting
stronger and stronger.
— Yes. As you can see, Chinese     by more and more
A. learns B. is learned
C. was learned D. learned

( B )3. (2023·扬州)Sand turns to glass when it     by
A. hits B. is hit
C. is hitting D. will be hit
( C )4. — What language     in Germany?
— Most people speak German, but many can speak English
A. speak B. is speaking
C. is spoken D. speaks

三、 (2023·南充改编)完形填空
If you love reading books, you must know about the book The
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. The book is quite interesting and
popular among kids. Even if I am an adult now, the book is  1  one of
my favourites. After re-reading the book recently, I have  2  an
important lesson from Tom Sawyer.

In our daily lives, we are often given some boring or tiring  3 .
What’s in your mind when your mother  4  you to do some chores? Have
you ever wanted to complain(抱怨)? I think most people have.
Tom Sawyer, however, had a different thought when he was given a
boring task. One day, Aunt Polly told Tom to  5  the fence(篱笆).
Tom was doing his job when his friend Ben Rogers happened to pass by.
Instead of complaining, Tom told Ben that he felt “  6 ” about the task.
“Only one in a thousand—maybe even two thousand—boys can do this!”
Tom said.

Tom’s words made Ben interested in the task. He even gave Tom his
apple so that he could have a  7  to paint the fence. If Tom had thought
about  8  but complaining, he would have had a bad day painting the
This story teaches me a valuable lesson: Complaining is  9 . The
next time you are given a boring or tiring task, don’t complain. Unlike what
happens in the story of Tom Sawyer, it is unlikely that someone will come
and do the work for you. So, don’t complain,  10  you’ll feel better
and perhaps even do a better job!

adult n. 成年人 thought n. 想法,看法
( B )1. A. just B. still C. even D. hardly
( A )2. A. learned B. taught C. given D. attended
( C )3. A. stories B. words C. tasks D. lessons
( D )4. A. trusts B. allows C. helps D. asks
( A )5. A. paint B. repair C. build D. cross
( B )6. A. bored B. excited C. unexpected D. interested
( D )7. A. method B. hobby C. dream D. chance

( C )8. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something
( A )9. A. useless B. common C. useful D. wonderful
( D )10. A. if B. or C. but D. and

四、 (2023·烟台改编)阅读理解
April 23 is known as World Book Day. The idea of setting a day to
encourage reading came out from UNESCO(联合国教科文组织) in 1995.
In fact, it started long before that in Spain. In 1922, Spanish writer
Vicente Clavel Andrés suggested the idea as a way to honour their famous
writer Miguel de Cervantes. Four years later, the first celebration took place
on October 7, Cervantes’ birthday. In 1930, it was moved to April 23,
the date of his death.

Every year since 2001, one city around the world is chosen to be the
UNESCO World Book Capital for a year. The task of the city is to carry out
activities to encourage “a culture of reading and spreading its values in all
ages in and out of the country”.

Though no Chinese cities have been chosen as the World Book Capital
so far, a recent national survey shows a steady(稳定的) rise in reading
as a habit in China. According to the survey, each Chinese adult reads an
average of 4.78 printed books and 3.33 e-books in 2022, both a bit higher
than the figures from 2021. Besides, listening to audiobooks(有声读物)
was another rising habit, with 35. 5 percent of adults saying they were used
to listening to them.

Reading books gives people the chance to look into different worlds and
meet new people, both real and imagined. Ancient Chinese believed in the
saying: Read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles. Reading is
a way to learn from the past, understand the world, and get life wisdom
(智慧). So make every day World Book Day!
death n. 死;死亡 survey n. 考察,调查
average adj. 平均的

( D )1. What should a World Book Capital city do?
A. Help sell books to all ages.
B. Spread UNESCO’s values.
C. Organize readers to visit the city.
D. Carry out reading activities.
( C )2. What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 3 refer
A. Printed books. B. E-books.
C. Audiobooks. D. Cultural books.

( B )3. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A. The meaning of a Chinese saying.
B. The importance of reading books.
C. The method of getting life wisdom.
D. The way of looking into different worlds.

Unit 2 It is still read and loved.
Module 7 Great books

一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子
1. The two boys found something special in the deep .
2. My husband practises English in order to talk with
foreigners freely.
3. We had a very heavy heart as we went to the (葬礼).
4. A flight in a plane used to be quite an (冒险).

二、 用所给词的适当形式填空
1. Deng Jiaxian, one of the greatest scientists in China, has
been (die) for over 30 years.
2. The old man stayed (live) luckily after the strong earthquake.
3. (2023·苏州改编)We offered to look after our
(neighbour) dog when she was away.
4. We need more time to see how things develop before we take

三、 单项选择
( B )1. (2023·武威)I opened the door and all my friends shouted
“Happy Birthday!”. I had no idea they were coming. I was
so     .
A. interested B. surprised
C. interesting D. surprising

( A )2. The English teacher asked us each to make up a     and
work in pairs.
A. dialogue B. score
C. result D. suggestion
( D )3. I have no money on me because I often pay     things
with my phone.
A. to B. of C. by D. for

( D )4. The thief failed to     from the house because the police
arrived in time.
A. hear B. climb
C. get D. escape

四、 根据汉语提示完成句子
1. (2024·原创)你必须为你所说的话和所做的事情付出代价。
You must what you said and what you did.
2. 他过去在我家附近的房子里住了一段时间。
He used to live in the house near mine .
3. 袁隆平被认为是中国最伟大的科学家之一。
Yuan Longping is one of the greatest
scientists in China.
4. 我在田地里看到一只兔子,但是它很快地逃跑了。
I saw a rabbit in the field, but it quickly.

五、 (2024·原创)用方框内所给单词的适当形式完成短文
farm difference stop whatever miss
lead real history live write
Reading history books can let us learn from great people in history and
live better. A history book that you can’t 1. is Historical Records
(《史记》), or Shiji.

Historical Records is the first biographical(传记的) general
2. of China. Sima Qian, an official(官员) during the
Western Han Dynasty (202BC——AD8) 3. it. The work records
the events beginning with the famous Yellow Emperor and ending with the
first years of the Han Wudi period, covering more than 3,000 years.

In this book, I really like how the writer describes 4.
people. For example, there’s Da Yu, the founder of the Xia Dynasty. He
tried so hard 5. a big flood(洪水) that he refused to enter his
home while passing by three times. His selflessness(无私) 6.
moved me. I also hope to be a great person like Da Yu.
to stop 

There are also two legendary 7. , Chen Sheng and Wu
Guang. They stood up and 8. a group of people against the tyrannical
(残暴的) Qin Dynasty. Their story shows that every human,
9. their birth is, can become something great if he tries his
When I read this book, I could see how Sima Qian made the characters
come 10. with his words. This makes the book full of strong
feelings of love and hate, and I love the stories.

六、 (2023·安徽)阅读理解
A yearbook is a tradition in some high schools. The book contains(包
含) the name and the picture of each student in your final year, so that
you can remember who you went to school with.

A 15-year-old schoolgirl Catherine Cook and her brother David, 16,
wanted more than this. They thought, “We don’t really know our
classmates from just a picture, so why not have a yearbook online? You
could learn about people’s musical tastes, the movies they like, and so
on.” With their hard work, a website named myYearbook was set up,
which soon became popular among schoolmates.

On the website, members can connect with each other by sharing
movies, music, photos and study guides. Some students feel that they
don’t fit in at school but can make friends more easily online. MyYearbook
users can also make virtual(虚拟的) “Lunch Money” by completing
activities on the website. They then give it away to charities in the
myYearbook “causes” programme, which has sent 22,000 books to
Africa, and bought 20,000 kilos of rice for people without enough food.

Running the website did not stop Catherine and David from completing
their schoolwork successfully. Now, they go on to university but still
manage to put 50 hours a week into developing the website.
final adj. 最终的;最后的

( D )1. Why did Catherine and David want to have a yearbook
A. To make more money.
B. To become popular at school.
C. To watch movies online.
D. To know more about schoolmates.

( B )2. What is “Lunch Money” used for?
A. Travelling to Africa.
B. Helping people in need.
C. Running the website.
D. Completing schoolwork.

( A )3. What is the best title for the text?
A. An online yearbook
B. The website activities
C. A charity programme
D. The final year at school


