
  1. 二一教育资源



Unit 5 Feeling Excited
Topic 1 You look excited.
Section A
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. She watched children's ___________ last night. (film)
2. Ann and her teammates must be ___________ because their team didn't win the game. (disappoint)
3. Bill ___________ me to climb mountains with him last Saturday. (invite)
4. The chicken ___________ so nice. Shall we have it now (smell)
5. The children felt ___________ when they got the good news from their teacher. (excite)
6. Michael is becoming more and more _________ (interest) in Chinese culture.
7. I love the opera, Cats. It’s so _________ (fun).
8. He looks _________ (excite). What happened to him
9. This is a story about a poor boy _________ (live) in a village.
10. I always feel happy when I see my son’s _________ (smile) faces to me.
Section B
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. — How do you like the restaurant
— The food _________ delicious and the music sounds wonderful. (taste)
2. — Why does Mrs. Hu look _________ (happy)
— Her mobile phone was missing.
3. The teachers' football game was so _________ that I forgot all about the final score. (excite)
4. — Sadly, Amy didn't find her missing cat.
— What a _____________ result! (disappoint)
5. — Which teacher do you like best
— Mr. Green, our science teacher. His classes are always _________. (interest)
6. This _________(feel) makes him upset all day and night.
7. He is ill today, but he got up as early as _________(usually).
8. She is a _________(love) girl. We all like her.
9.“Do be a _________(help) person!”my father always says to me.
10.“Did _________(someone) let you go ”the teacher asked angrily.
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. Why not join your friends to watch _____________ (京剧)
2. This watch ___________ Lucy's. Remember to give it to her tomorrow. (一定是)
3. Playing computer games seems _______________. How about playing basketball outside (有点无聊)
4. Henry ___________ like magic tricks (魔术) ___________ . (一点也不)
5. Jack _____________ yesterday and asked for a day's leave. (感冒)
Section C
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The Greens were tired of the busy and ___________ life in the city.(noise)
2. Pandas ___________ live in the mountains in the southwest of China.(main)
3. Jenny doesn't feel ___________ when she loses herself in reading.(lone)
4. We have a new classmate this term. He is a ___________ boy from England. (live)
5. Mother lets Michael ___________ (not watch) TV all day because the final exam is coming.
6. I think this is a wrong ___________ (decide), so don’t plan to do it.
7. He has a lot of trouble ___________ (work) out the problems.
8. We hope ___________ (see) him be happy again.
9. I saw some boys ___________ (play) basketball when I passed the gym.
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. I didn't sleep well _________________ the bad cough. (因为)
2. Would you mind _______________ my pet while I'm out (照顾)
3. Mr. Gao ___________ me _________________ last weekend.(教打篮球)
4. Peter sang songs to _________________ before the game. (让我们振作起来)
5. __________, these kids felt afraid, but soon they started to relax with the music. (起初)
6. He won the game, and we are ___________ ___________ him.(以……为自豪)
7. If we are ___________ ___________ ___________, we can study or work better.(好心情)
8. Those bottles are ___________ ___________ milk just now.(充满)
9. After he ___________ ___________ ___________, we began to carry it out.(作决定)
10. I am always ready to help my classmates when they are ___________ ___________.(处于困境)
Section D
Ⅰ. 单项选择。
( )1. — Daniel, try this strawberry cake.
— It ____ delicious. I'd like to have some more. A. smells B. feels C. tastes D. looks
( )2. — Your skirt ____ so special.
— Oh yes, it's very popular these days. It's a horse-face skirt.
looks B. smells C. tastes
( ) 3. — How does the apple juice ____
— Good. I'd like to have another glass.
taste B. smell C. look
Ⅱ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. — What's your ___________ opera (nation)
— Beijing Opera. It's getting more and more popular with young people.
2. — Mrs. Huang looks _________. What's the matter (worry)
— No one looks after her son when she goes to work.
3. My sister was too ____________ to move when she saw the snake. (frighten)
4. Miss Li plans to show some of her _________ in the art museum next year. (painting)
5. The boy made us understand him better with the help of _________. (gesture)
1. More and more westerners are _________________ __________ Chinese culture. (变得感兴趣)
2. ______________, the policeman helped Dave find his lost cat. (最后)
3. The football team became popular soon after it ___________________________. (形成)
4. Lucy followed my advice and _________________ Lily yesterday. (同……和解)
5. Oven used to like collecting toy cars. His room ____________ them. (充满)
( )1. —Jane has to go to see her grandma with her parents, so the can’t go to see Avatar with us.
A. That’s terrible. B. What a pity!
C. She must be sad. D. You are welcome.
( )2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday.
—I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____.
A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him
( )3. Wow, what a beautiful place! The flowers smell so ____, and the birds are singing their ____ songs.
A. good; live B. well; live C. good; lively D. well; lively
( )4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her.
—I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you.
A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up
( )5. The people there feel ____ to all of us.
A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friend
( )6. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children.
A. because B. for C. about D. because of
( )7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____.
A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone
( )8. What an ____ news. Her son entered Peking University ____.
A. excited; in end B. excited; in the end
C. exciting; in end D. exciting; in the end
( )9. They didn’t ____ each other and had a fighting.
A. build up B. agree with C. stand for D. worry about
( )10. In the end, I made ____ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other.
a peace B. the peace C. peace D. peaces
Topic 2 I’m feeling better now.
Section A
Ⅰ. 单项填空。
( ) 1. — Susan is always too ____ to talk to us.
— Maybe we should talk to her first instead of letting her come to us.
A. weak B. shy C. tired D. mad
( ) 2. The English ____ was easy and most of us passed it.
A. story B. book C. exam D. song
Ⅱ. 将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. _____________. We still have much time. (别着急)
2. Nick __________________ his grandfather's health. (担心)
3 John _____________ and hurt his left leg. (摔倒)
4. I am going to _________________ my teacher about my study. (和……谈话)
5. Judy is afraid of her father because he ________________ her. (对……要求严格)
6. You can try again if you ____________ something the first time. (在……方面做得不好)
7. I bought a small gift to ______________ after my sister lost her pet dog. (使她高兴起来)
Section B
1. ________________. He will be all right. (别担心)
2. You need to _________________ now. (好好休息)
3. _____________, who is the composer of this song (顺便问一句)
4. We __________________ the symptoms of the new disease. (对……知之甚少)
5. _____________, he should wash the clothes by himself. (在他这个年龄)
6. Can you stop _________ _________ _________ when I'm sad
1. Tina finds it difficult to ___________ to dance. (learn)
2. She often tells them ___________ to make them laugh. (joke)
3. Mark ___________ in the table tennis game so he was unhappy. (fail)
4. Colors like red and orange always give people a warm ___________ .(feel)
5. Lisa ___________ her family very much when she was in another city for studying. (miss)
Section C
Ⅰ. 单项选择。
( ) 1. — Anna, why do you like Amy
— Because she is as ____ as Louise.
A. helpful B. more helpful
C. most helpful D. the most helpful
( ) 2. Susan gave David some good advice, but he didn't ____ it.
A. stop B. forget C. accept D. provide
( )3. — There are two books about Chinese traditional tea-making culture.
— You're free to take ____ of them and leave one for me.
A. all B. either C. neither D. none
( )4. I don't like noodles and my cousin Amy doesn't like them, ____.
A. too B. either C. also D. as well
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. This restaurant ___________________________ the one across the street. (不如……受欢迎)
2. Please bring _________________ to your family. (我最好的祝愿)
3. _______________ people can't live without the Internet nowadays. (似乎)
4. __________________ the app, I found my way to the museum. (在……的帮助下)
5. _______________ I could be a famous singer. (我多么希望)
6. The dog greeted me at the door when I came home ____________. (像往常一样)
Section D
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Jerry is three years younger than his _________ sister. (old)
2. I could see William's _________ from his eyes when he heard the bad news. (sad)
3. It's _________ that she gets more candies than us. (fair)
4. It's _________ to worry about what others think of you. Just focus on (专注于) being true to yourself. (use)
5. I asked my father to buy a new doll for me, but he _________. (refuse)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. Mr. Green helped us ___________ the problem yesterday. (解决)
2. “Please don't __________________ me,” she said. (和……生气)
3. Duke _______________ plays the piano because he loses interest in it. (不再)
4. Tracy is excited about her new job (工作) and she talks about it _____________. (一直)
5. _________________ most people thought this movie was boring, I still enjoyed watching it. (即使)
( )1. My father is a teacher. He is always strict ____ his students.
A. to B. with C. on D. in
( )2. The weather in Beijing is not ____ good ____ that in Hainan.
A. as; than B. so; as C. than; as D. as; so
( )3. —Tomorrow we’ll have an English exam. I’m worried about it.
—____ You will do better.
A. Cheer up. B. Hurry up. C. By the way. D. Take it easy.
( )4. The little girl felt upset ____ her pet dog died.
A. why B. because of C. because D. what
( )5. I am not used to the food here. He isn’t, ____.
A. too B. also C. either D. still
( )6. The soft music sounds ____. We are all listening ____.
A. beautiful; carefully B. beautifully; carefully
C. moving; careful D. happily; careful
( )7. ____ do you usually deal ____ your old clothes
A. What; with B. How; with C. What; for D. How; for
( )8. My ____ brother is three years ____ than I.
A. elder; elder B. older; older C. elder; older D. older; elder
( )9. When we are in need, she never refuses ____ us.
A. to help B. helping C. help D. helps
( )10. ____ Mr. Zhang gave us some good suggestions, we still didn’t deal with those problems very well.
A. Though B. But C. Because D. /
Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelings.
Section A
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Linda was in a ___________ mood after she made peace with her sister. (relax)
2. I did well in both math and English _______. (test)
3. Several people made ___________ at the wedding (婚礼). (speech)
4. — What do you think of Ann's idea
— I think it's a great ___________. (suggest)
5. On my way to school this morning, I saw a lovely cat __________ on the grass. (lie)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. The little girl used to be afraid of dancing ____________. (在公共场合)
2. ______________ not listening carefully in class, Peter failed the exam. (因为)
3. These days Mom is ill in bed and I ____________________ her. (对……担心)
4. Bob ___________ a tree and hurt his leg yesterday.(掉下)
5. My friend advises me to ____________________ as soon as possible. (看牙医)
( )1. — To tell the truth, I am now feeling very ____.
— Take it easy. You'll make it. (2023福建)
A. peaceful B. nervous C. confident
( ) 2. Mr. Brown will give us a(n) ____ about fire safety in the school hall next week.
speech B. example C. chance D. instrument
( ) 3. — Why not do something ____
— Good idea. How about watching a fun film It can make us ____.
A. relaxed; relaxing B. relaxed; relaxed
C. relaxing; relaxed D. relaxing; relaxing
Section B
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The two boys in the photo are both Mr. Smith's ___________. (grandson)
2. These ___________ are talking about important things in the office.(boss)
3. Alice and Tina lost their ___________ when they were at the airport. (passport)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. He ____________ himself for not giving up the dream. (为……感到骄傲)
2. When she is _________________, she always likes to sing songs. (心情好)
3. We'll ____________ the English play Snow White in this year's art festival.(上演)
4. I ____________________ my future because of your encouragement (鼓励). (对……有信心)
5. How much time do you need to ______________ the long trip (为……作准备)
1. You don't look well, Mom. Are you _________
2. Let's visit the _________ children in hospital and cheer them up.
3. The man had to give up his job because of _________ health.
Section C
Ⅰ. 单项选择。
( ) — George, do you like the doll I made it____ for you.
— Oh, thanks. It looks beautiful. I really like
A. especially B. certainly C. strongly D. sincerely
( ) 2. — You look upset. What's wrong
— I have trouble ____ English, and I got bad grades just now.
A. to learn B. learning C. learn D. learned
( ) 3. Little Annie watched her mother disappear at the end of the road and her eyes ____ tears.
started with B. filled with C. dealt with D. fought with
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. I wish I could travel around the world __________. (有朝一日)
2. Paul ___________ the bottle ___________ apple juice and took it to school. (用……装满)
3. My father is so busy that he seldom _________ ___________ his friends. (与……相聚)
4. The train station ___________________ people at this time of year. (挤满了)
5. The mother _____________ when she saw her baby's smiling face. (高兴起来)
Section D
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Peter is in poor ___________ because he lost his favorite bike just now. (spirit)
2. I can take care of ___________ when I live in another city alone. (I)
3. It's true that helping others gives us much ___________ and pleasure. (happy)
4. The children went out, and the room was ___________. (silence)
5. — What sport do you like
— Swimming. I think it's the most ___________ of all. (relax)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. You must ________________ before you do it. (仔细思考)
2. Mr. Green is our math teacher and he ____________ us. (对……严格)
3. Peter is good at many subjects, ______________ math, history and English. (例如)
4. ___________________ for children to learn to get on with each other. (……是重要的)
5. Do you ever wonder if you ______________________ (作了正确的决定)
( )1. —Colors can affect our feelings and moods.
A. You must be joking. B. Good idea.
C. I agree with you. D. I’m glad to hear that.
( )2. He always gets ____ when giving a speech.
A. nervous B. nervously C. relaxed D. relaxing
( )3. Practice ____ the piano, and you will play it well.
A. to play B. play C. playing D. played
( )4. Helen and Bob are working hard these days because they will put ____ a short play in the
school Talent(才艺) show.
A. over B. away C. off D. on
( )5. His words made me ____.
A. angry B. angrily C. to be angry D. being angry
( )6. This is Tom’s book. Please give ____.
A. him it B. it him C. him to it D. it to him
( )7. Yesterday morning he found a wallet ____ on the ground.
A. lies B. lie C. lay D. lying
( )8. There ____ a tall tree and some flowers in the garden.
A. is B. are C. is planting D. are planting
( )9. We should not only be confident ____ ourselves, but also think things ____ before making decisions.
A. in; about B. in; over C. about; about D. about; over
( )10. Be proud ____ yourself and get ready ____ the next exam.
of; of B. for; for C. for; of D. of; for
( )1. —Michael has a temperature, so he isn’t able to come.
A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. I’m disappointed.
C. Good luck. D. Take it easy.
( )2. —Why do you ____ very happy this afternoon
—Because we are going to spend the evening at Lily’s house.
A. taste B. sound C. look D. smell
( )3. Do you have difficulty ____ English
A. to learn B. of learning C. learning D. learn
( )4. New York is one of ____ in the world.
A. the large cities B. the large city C. the largest cities D. the largest city
( )5. —What ____ news!
—Yes, all of the children were ____.
A. excited; exciting B. exciting; excited
C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting
( )6. Helen is 15 years old, and Joan is 15, too. So Helen is ____ Joan.
A. as big as B. as older as C. as old as D. so old as
( )7. How will you feel when ____
A. you happen bad something B. you will happen something bad
C. bad something will to you D. something bad happen to you
( )8. Tom didn’t go hiking with his classmates ____ his illness.
A. because B. because of C. as D. since
( )9. Mr. Li makes me ____, because it is bad for my health.
A. don’t smoke B. not smoke C. not smoking D. not to smoke
( )10. When the teacher asks him, he always ____.
A. keep silent B. keep silently C. keeps silent D. keeps silently
( )11. If you are ____ trouble, please call me ____ 72335611.
A. in; in B. at; at C. at; in D. in; at
( )12. He feels lonely because he has no close friends ____.
A. to talk B. to talk with C. talking D. talking with
( )13. The man refused to say sorry to me, ____ it was his mistakes.
A. because B. when C. after D. even though
( )14. —I’m always afraid of giving a speech in front of the class.
—____ You can do it well.
A. I’m sorry to hear that. B. Take it easy.
C. You are too nervous. D. Good luck.
( )15. —Mom, I’ll go to my friend’s party, but I don’t know what to wear. Could you make a ____ for me
—OK. Let me see.
A. advice B. sense C. suggestion D. decision
16. These exciting songs can ____ ____ ____. (让我们振作起来)
17. We lose the game again. It gave us a ____ of disappointment. (……的感觉)
18. Think over the problem before you make a decision. Then you will ____ ____ it well. (处理)
19. When we are ____ ____ ____, we can do everything much better. (精神好)
20. You’d better not tell Tim now. Let’s ____ ____ ____ ____. (给他一个惊喜)
Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling
Topic 1 We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.
Section A
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Take your ___________ for the next dance. (partner)
2. Look! The farmers are working in these rice ___________. (field)
3. He ___________ his words carefully as he spoke. (choose)
4. It ___________ me 55 yuan to buy this new coffee cup. (cost)
5. People would benefit (受益于) greatly from these pollution-free ___________ if they are put into use. (vehicle)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. My cousin is _______________ stay at home alone. (太小而不能……)
2. Can you _____________ what time the train leaves (查明)
3. We'll ____________ the date of the match in the meeting. (决定)
4. Mr. Li will go on ________________ to the car factory. (一次为期两天的访问)
5. We are going to ______________ tomorrow morning. (出发)
Section B
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. How would you prefer to ___________, sir (pay)
2. I didn't know why they bought many new ________. (fridge)
3. The boss is trying to improve working ___________ for workers. (condition)
4. We lived in different ___________ when we were in London. (hotel)
5. You'd better lower your ___________ if you want to find somewhere cheap to live. (standard)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. When did Bob _____________ the train station yesterday (到达)
2. Can we move to a room with two ___________ (单人床)
3. It's cool today. There is no need to use an ________________. (空调)
4. Listening to music can always make me _________________. (感觉舒服)
5. ______________ tickets are difficult to get during the winter holidays. (硬卧)
1. Kitty ________(pay/spend) 20 yuan for a watermelon.
2. The model plane ________(take/cost) him over 100 yuan.
3. Alan ________(spend/cost) much of his free time playing computer games in the past.
4. It usually ________(pay/take) Mary 20 minutes to make breakfast.
Section C
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. That coat is 30 ___________. (dollar)
2. She is a popular ___________ singer. I like her songs. (Canada)
3. The doctor advised me ___________ part in outdoor activities. (take)
4. The man is a writer of children's stories about ___________ and queens. (king)
5. The volunteers (志愿者) are working hard to ___________ the number of trees in their community. (raise)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. The French restaurant ___________ wonderful food _______ its customers (顾客). (用……招待)
2. David was happy to ____________ his old friend Emily this morning. (收到……的来信)
3. On Saturdays, Grandma buys me my favorites, __________ milk, bananas, and pizzas. (例如)
4. We are ________________________ going skating in this coming winter. (盼望)
5. We _________ a fashion show to celebrate this year's Children's Day. (上演了)
6. It _______________ see these beautiful summer houses by the seaside. (……是常见的)
7. Can you _____________ any other ways to deal with the problem (想到)
8. This violin looks quite _________________ others. (和……不一样)
Section D
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Is it necessary ___________ a tie at the party (wear)
2. I really don't know which dress ___________. Can you help me with it (choose)
3. Linda's family invited me ___________ at their new home for a few days. (stay)
4. Be careful ___________ off the tree, Tom. (not fall)
5. It is a great chance for us ___________ new friends at the summer camp. (make)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. Amy is _________ interested in cooking _________. (一点也不)
2. I was too tired to get to _____________the mountain. (……的顶端)
3. Luckily, the plane ______________ and no one was injured. (安全降落)
4. My grandmother enjoys _____________________ flowers in the park. (与……拍照)
5. _____________________ of our trip, we watched an animal show. (……的第三天)
Topic 2 How about exploring Tian’anmen Square
Section A
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Venice in Italy is a wonderful city to ___________. (explore)
2. My father takes me to go ___________ every summer holiday. (camp)
3. Bob was doing his homework when the phone ___________. (ring)
4. I ___________ lots of flowers from my friends yesterday afternoon. (receive)
5. Tina will send some ___________ to her friends this afternoon. (postcard)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. Sara __________________ the speech. (正为……作准备)
2. Were you _______________ to Hainan last year (度假)
3. Darren was sleeping when someone ____________________. (敲门)
4. Ted ___________________ his grandma's coming every day. (盼望)
5. You need to ________________ to improve your English. (制订计划)
6. The farmer Paul __________________ the yard when I arrived. (正忙着打扫)
7. Tina, thank you for ____________________ me to the party. (和……一起来)
8. Paul ______________ the cost of the trip and found it was too expensive. (算出)
Section B
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Tina is ___________ for a phone call from her friend Jack. (wait)
2. Study tours are quite ___________ activities for students. (meaning)
3. My brother ___________ his plan to visit Mount Tai yesterday. (announce)
4. Mark and Nick are the ___________ of the meeting tomorrow. (chairman)
5. The film tells the history of the ___________ of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党). (found)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. The hill is _____________________ the town. (在……东南)
2. _______________, are you free this Saturday (顺便问一下)
3. The museum _____________ the south of the city. (位于)
4. I spent _____________________ in washing clothes. (一个半小时)
5. _________________ is it from here to the Shanghai Tower (多远)
6. The museum covers about 8,000 ____________. (平方米)
7. There is a small lake ___________________ the park. (在……的中心)
8. I _________________ wear the new dress to the party. (迫不及待地)
Section C
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Lisa ___________ the table hard, but it didn't move. (push)
2. ___________, after Snow White was born, her mother died. (sad)
3. Be careful! It rains heavily and the ___________ are really wet. (step)
4. For a green life, we'd better ride ___________ instead of driving. (bicycle)
5. Failing the math exam was one of the worst ___________ for me. (experience)
6. — It's starting to snow.
— Yes. Please drive ___________, Henry. Anyway, safety comes first. (slow)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. My hometown ______________ Chinese Pu'er tea. (以……闻名)
2. When I heard the sad news, I ____________________. (情不自禁哭起来)
3. The kitchen ____________ smoke now. (满是……的)
4. We ____________________ the result of the basketball match. (对……感到惊奇)
5. _____________ he got home, he opened the fridge to find something to eat. (一……就……)
Section D
Ⅰ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. I'm so glad that we've found you _________! (最终)
2. ___________________! We made it to the airport on time. (谢天谢地)
3. These small tigers need to _______________ food on their own. (寻找)
4. The kids _______________ going fishing with their grandpa yesterday. (玩得开心)
5. My dream is to see the raising of the ______________ in Tian'anmen Square. (国旗)
Topic 3 Bicycling riding is good exercise.
Section A
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. The air ___________ is becoming more serious. (pollute)
2. ___________ is not only good for our health, but also fun. (cycle)
3. The bus is very crowded. There are too many ___________ on it. (passenger)
4. If everyone ___________ the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents on roads. (obey)
5. My aunt was nearly hit by a car when she was ___________ the street yesterday. (cross)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. Peter _______________ going out alone at night. (害怕)
2. Riding to work can help __________________. (节约能源)
3. _____________ Paul got home, he helped Mom with the housework. (一……就……)
4. Jack and I are still good friends though we sometimes _______________ each other. (持不同意见)
5. At first, I found it was very difficult for me to ________________ the school life. (适应)
Section B
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. It was ___________ of Anna to leave the door open. (care)
2. We should wear bicycle ___________ when we ride our bikes. (helmet)
3. Tom went to the traffic station, because he ___________ the traffic rules. (break)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. I ___________________ at the crossing yesterday. (转错弯)
2. Don't park the car here, or you'll ___________. (得到罚单)
3. If you drive too fast, you may be ___________. (处于危险中)
4. Mary will buy the pink T-shirt because she likes ________________________. (浅色衣服)
Section C
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. Drivers or riders should do what the traffic ___________ tell them to do. (signal)
2. — Here's a postcard for Peter. Where is he
— I ___________ him playing football in the playground just now. (notice)
3. The road is wide enough for two ___________ to go through at a time. (truck)
4. Many parents are worried about the food _________ for the children these days. (safe)
Ⅱ. 将括号中所给的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。
1. ____________ while you are driving at night. (当心)
2. What did Tina say just now I didn't _________ _______________ it. (注意)
3. _______________ an earthquake, you'd better not take the lift. (假使)
4. — What do you think of life in the countryside
— The air is fresh and the rivers are clean. ____________, I enjoy the life there. (总之)
5. Don't forget to write your name and phone number ________________ the card. (在……背面)
Section D
Ⅰ. 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。
1. All ___________ go into the sea in the end. (stream)
2. It's about two ___________ from here to your school. (mile)
3. There is a large square in the ___________ part of the city. (centre)
4. My cousin Sarah hopes to take a trip to ___________ some day. (French)
1. All ___________ go into the sea in the end. (stream)
2. It's about two ___________ from here to your school. (mile)
3. There is a large square in the ___________ part of the city. (centre)
4. My cousin Sarah hopes to take a trip to ___________ some day. (French)
( ) 1. — Henry, thanks for talking with me when I'm in ________ bad mood.
— You're welcome. I think it's ________ good way to cheer you up.
A. a; / B. a; a C. a; the D. the; /
( ) 2. Thanks for helping us. ________ the way, would you mind joining us for dinner
A. By B. In C. On D. From
( ) 3. We never know parents' love for us ________ we become parents ourselves.
A. after B. until C. if D. because
( ) 4. Emily planted all kinds of flowers in her garden and they ________ so sweet.
A. taste B. feel C. smell D. sound
( ) 5. Mark felt much ________ after doing some ________ activities with his friends.
A. relaxing; relaxed B. relaxing; relaxing
C. relaxed; relaxed D. relaxed; relaxing
( ) 6. — Did you see my bike I put it ________ at the school, but it was gone.
— Sorry. You can ask the gatekeeper (门卫) over there.
A. somewhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. nowhere
( ) 7. — How will you ________ money for the sick children
— By selling our old clothes.
A. enjoy B. change C. raise D. choose
( ) 8. — Did your grandparents move back to the village
— Yes. They think it is more ________ to live in the countryside.
A. expensive B. boring C. crowded D. comfortable
( ) 9. — What's the ________ of riding bikes to work
— It is good for the environment.
A. direction B. experience C. advantage D. condition
( )10. — Did you ________ the gift I bought for you this morning, Amy
— Yes. But I'm sorry I can't ________ it. Thank you anyway.
A. receive; receive B. accept; accept
C. receive; accept D. accept; receive
( )11. Sometimes, we can know what people mean from their ________ .
A. hobbies B. gestures C. habits D. bodies
( )12. Mr. Green is a very serious man and he never gets my ________ .
A. goals B. stories C. jokes D. examples
( )13. — Jack looks unhappy. What happened to him
— He took an exam yesterday and ________ it.
A. won B. failed C. refused D. raised
( )14. If you have any ________ with the work, you can ask Uncle Wang for help.
A. wonder B. information C. feeling D. trouble
( )15. — Would you mind throwing these empty boxes away They are ________ .
— Of course not.
A. meaningful B. fantastic C. helpful D. useless
1. — What kind of books are you ___________ in (interest)
— I like books about plants and animals.
2. At first, Sam was really ___________ about football, but he seems to have lost interest in it now. (excite)
3. Everyone chose their favorite toys. It's ___________ not to let Amy choose hers. (fair)
4. With a good sense of direction, Jim had no ___________ getting out of the forest. (difficult)
5. — Who sent you to school this morning, Tom
— A ___________ neighbor gave me a ride on his way to work. (help)
6. John didn't do well in the test, but he didn't show any ______________ when he knew the result. (disappoint)
7. — Is Mr. Black living in a farmhouse in the countryside
— No, he is living in an apartment in the ___________ part of the city. (center)
8. I don't like this website. It's full of ___________ information. (use)
9. The police are worried about the ___________ of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. (safe)
10. We often feel time passes ___________ when we do things we don't like. (slow)
11. — Did you take part in the table tennis game yesterday
— Yes. But ___________, I didn't win it. (sad)
12. Instead of rushing at life, Peter wanted something more ___________. (mean)
13. — Who won the girls' 800-meter race in the sports meet
— Lily and Lucy passed the finish line neck and neck. They were both ___________. (win)
14. — My bike is ___________. Can I borrow yours and ride it to school tomorrow (break)
— Of course.
15. — People working in ___________ places may get angry more easily. (noise)
— I think so.
1. __________ _, or you'll burn yourself. (小心)
2. Before you ___________________ , you should think it over. (作决定)
3. How do you usually __________ ______ your old clothes (处理)
4. It's foggy. You had better ________________. (减速)
5. You'd better take some warm clothes just ______________ bad weather. (以防)
6. It was snowing hard and Mrs. Li _________________ drive to work yesterday morning. (害怕)
7. Sally had to take care of her younger brothers, _____________________ she was only ten. (尽管)
8. I _____________________ Mr. King,because I have a few words to say to him. (正等候)
9. After Mr. Green died, Mrs. Green_________________ lived here. (不再)
10. I don't know who started the fire in the classroom, but I'll try my best to _______________. (查明)
11. The boy missed the last bus. _______________ , he walked home. (最后)
12. ___________________, I can't go out as I have many things to do. (总之)
13. Uncle Zhang couldn't take part in the football match _______________ a serious injury to his left leg. (因为)
14. The Smiths were __________________ in Hainan when the snowstorm struck their hometown. (度假)
15. People ran off __________________
_ when they saw the heavy smoke. (四面八方)
16. Plants and animals are our friends. It's important for us ________________ them well. (照顾)
17. John ______________ the difficult math problem at last yesterday. (解决)
18. Lily failed the exam and looked sad these days. What should we do to _______________ (使她振作起来)
19. Because John's idea was hard to put into practice, many of his coworkers ______________ him. (不同意)
20. The living standards in this village have improved a lot and the villagers________________ the great changes around them. (自豪)
Unit 7 Topic 1
1. Mark took some ________ out of a box and gave them to his pet dog. (cookie)
2. Amy learned how to make ________ from her grandmother. (pancake)
3. The students are putting up __________ on the classroom walls. (poster)
4. Don't let your coat _____________ the wall — the paint is still wet. (touch)
5. It's difficult ______________ what the world would be like without water. (imagine)
1. Leonardo da Vinci is an ___________ artist. (Italy)
2. Yoga (瑜伽) is an important part of _________ culture. (India)
3. Mary usually has a ________ egg and a glass of milk for breakfast. (fry)
4. They exchanged (互换) their ___________ and agreed to keep in touch. (address)
5. He is a great __________ singer and many people love listening to his songs. (Russia)
1. The _____________ of the club meet every Thursday evening. (member)
2. He ____________ quitting (辞去) his job without finding a new one first. (regret)
3. The students __________ in the hall to celebrate the New Year last night. (gather)
4. The ___________ of the houses were covered with snow after the heavy snowfall (降雪). (roof)
1. Don't worry. His work is ___________ slowly. (improve)
2. Work hard, and you will make your dream ____________ true. (come)
3. Thanks for _____________ me to spend Easter Sunday with you. (invite)
4. Mr. Green gave me some _________ advice on how to make friends. (help)
5. She is fighting for women's __________ by giving thousands of speeches. (right)
1. There was no one in the dark street for him to ________ . (求助)
2. Dinner was ready when we finished ________________. (摆好餐具)
3. We should ______________ to save animals in danger. (尽我们最大的努力)
4. Here's our phone number if you want to ________________ us. (取得联系)
5. The good news of our football team winning the game ______________ everyone ________ yesterday. (使……振作起来)
1. We decided to ______________ for the sick children. (筹钱)
2. — I want more chocolate.
— You really ____________________ . You can't eat too much, or you're going to get fat. (爱吃甜食)
Roses are such beautiful flowers. ____________, they are very easy to grow. (而且)
1. My sister trains every day _____________ improve her performance (表演). (为了)
2. Sally got tired of the life and decided to ______________. (做出改变)
3. Shall we have fish ____________ chicken for lunch today (而不是)
4. In the film, the brothers work together to ____________ bad people. (与……斗争)
5. Bill got up very late this morning. _____________, he missed the first bus. (结果)
Unit 7 topic 2
1. People in the north of China like to eat __________ and dumplings. (noodle)
2. When I came home, my sister was _________ eggs in the kitchen. (fry)
3. If food is _________ cooked, it is cooked for only a short time. (light)
4. John __________ some water to the paint to make it thinner just now. (add)
5. — What's your secret of keeping fit
— Eat _____________ and take a lot of exercise. (healthy)
1. — Could you please go to the market and buy some __________ (pear)
— Of course, but I have to go to the gym first.
2. It's _________ to cut in when others are talking. (polite)
3. Listen! The children are playing _________ outside. (noise)
4. Please cut the tomatoes into _________ and keep them fresh in the fridge. (piece)
5. Of all the guests, Judy arrived at the party _________. (early)
1. In many Western countries, people use knives and _______ to eat. (fork)
2. In China, it's impolite to use ______________ to hit an empty bowl. (chopstick)
3. Since you cooked dinner, I'll clear the table and do the _________. (dish)
4. Alice cut one of her _________ when she was cutting a potato. (finger)
5. The woman walked as _______ as possible in order not to wake her baby up. (quiet)
1. Bad ______ are hard to give up but easy to live with. (habit)
2. Night art ______ are popular with the young in Shanghai. (course)
3. In his speech, Dr. Smith gave us some healthy ______ advice. (eat)
4. Eating qingtuan at the beginning of spring is a tradition (传统风俗) in the __________ part of China. (south)
5. — How about _______ strawberries tomorrow morning (pick)
— Good idea.
1. He _____________ his job as a fireman. (为……感到骄傲)
2. When I was about to leave, Grandma ______________ my bag ____________ apples. (用……塞满……)
3. My mother _____________ the beef in the kitchen now. (切碎)
4. Children should stay away from ____________. (垃圾食品)
5. You passed the test! _____________! (干得好)
1. Please ________________ some cakes. (随便吃点……)
2. Don't worry about your spoken English. _______________________! (熟能生巧)
3. Mrs. Li __________ the apple _______ two halves and gave each kid a half. (把……切成……)
4. — How do you like the pizza
— ___________. (不错)
Li Hua began to __________ English ___________ his father when he was young. (向……学习)
1. Let's ___________ Jim. (为……干杯)
2. Indians are used to eating ________________. (用右手)
3. It's necessary for us to learn about _________________. (餐桌礼仪)
4. Tina was very excited when she went to the Disneyland __________________. (第一次)
5. Frank was so hungry that he __________ the food on his plate. (吃完)
6. The boy __________________ a black and white cat and said, “I like this one.” (指向)
7. A formal dinner party usually ____________ a toast (祝酒词). (以……开始)
1. We live _______________ the sea. (离……远)
2. Could you please _______________ the book on the floor (捡起)
3. _____________________ at the food festival is hot dogs. (最受欢迎的食物)
4. Table manners in China ___________________ those in America. (与……不同)
Unit 7 Topic 3
1. The dresses in this shop are right for young ___________. (lady)
2. Lin Hui cooked dumplings for his Russian ___________. (guest)
3. The ___________ of Western restaurants are quite different from those of Chinese restaurants. (menu)
4. I can use rice, ___________, and beans to make delicious porridge. (corn)
5. — Let your sister choose first, boys. Always do things like ___________. (gentleman)
— OK, Mom.
1. Fresh ___________ ! Let's buy some to make juice. (lemon)
2. _____________ are good for health, but I hate the taste. (carrot)
3. Dad wants to drink some __________ to celebrate it. (wine)
4. Grandma plans to grow tomatoes, potatoes, and __________ in her garden. (bean)
1. ______________________ in the football game. (祝你成功)
2. Anna ordered _______________ beef noodles just now. (一碗……)
3. Many fruits, ________________ apples and oranges, are rich in vitamins. (例如)
4. The children _____________________ at the zoo yesterday. (玩得开心)
5. There are many kinds of vegetables ________________ in this supermarket. (供出售)
1. ________________ and wait a moment, please. (请坐)
2. The ________________ today is the Italian pizza. (主菜)
3. Lisa will finish her study trip _______________. (两周后)
4. As soon as I won first prize, I told my parents the news _______________ . (通过电话)
5. Mom had rice, vegetables, and ________________ for lunch today. (豆腐汤)
1. The Strawberry Music Festival ___________ last week. (进展顺利)
2. Put your heart into the work and then you will make it ____________. (最终)
3. Learning a language is hard, but it's ___________________ . (值得付出努力)
4. I like noodles. They are _______________ dumplings. (和……一样美味)
5. Tommy was so hungry that he ate ________________ rice with vegetables and chicken. (两碗)
1. Let me teach you how to wear hanfu ______________. (用正确的方法)
2. ______________ chopsticks were used in China 5,000 years ago. (据说)
3. The movie is long and boring. _______________, I don't enjoy it at all. (总之)
4. You probably thought I failed the exam, but __________, I did it very well. (事实上)
5. The park is ________ for picnics, ________ for bird watching. (不但……而且……)
Unit 7
1. A computer can perform many ________ at once. (task)
2. The writer's new book is a great ________. (successful)
3. I'm afraid I can't go this evening, but thanks for ________ me. (invite)
4. Lily's mother is showing her how ________ this Greek dish. (cook)
5. All my friends have decided ________ on Christmas Day. (gather)
6. Alan doesn't like watching ________ movies because he thinks they're noisy. (India)
7. White is a symbol of purity (纯洁) in ________ cultures. (west)
8. There are about 50 ________ in our club (俱乐部) and my boss wants more. (member)
9. Bob ________ eating the whole cake. Now, he has a stomachache. (regret)
10. If I eat too much high-fat food, like ________ food, I may feel sick. (fry)
11. It's ________ to talk with your mouth full. (polite)
12. Jim tore the letter to ________ and threw them into the dustbin. (piece)
13. Remember ________ some salt to the soup at last. (add)
14. — Can you tell me if it's difficult ________ fish (fry)
— Well, it's quite easy.
15. Eating ________ and taking exercise can help you keep strong and energetic. (healthy)
16. Amy wasn't used to eating with __________ when she first came to China. (chopstick)
17. After ________ out for weeks, he now misses home-made food. (dine)
18. The students talked ________ until their teacher walked in. (noisy)
19. — Could you come to the party a little bit ________ (early)
— Sorry, I'm afraid I can't.
20. As the Chinese saying goes, “Have dumplings on the winter solstice (冬至) and ________ on the summer solstice.” (noodle)
21. It's always worth ________ if you can get a cheap, last-minute deal (交易). (see)
22. Mrs. Black ________ those who talk big and do nothing. (like)
23. Our school is going to have a book ________ next week. (sell)
24. Mr. Jordan always dresses himself properly and ________. (neat)
25. I'm not sure if this hall is big enough for all our ________. (guest)
26. It's very important for us ___________ a good reading habit. (develop)
27. With a friend's help, Tony ____________ finished his work. (successful)
28. Now, many foreign students come to China for further ___________. (educate)
29. Can you believe that there are over 400 types of ________ in the world (bean)
30. Peter writes to his mother ________, every week. (regular)
1. _____________, Sally joined the tennis team. (后来)
2. Gina and her sister Tina both __________________. (喜欢吃甜食)
3. The little boy _____________ the police when he got lost in the street. (求助于)
4. This story tells us that it's never too late to ________________. (做出改变)
5. Mike helped ________________ before dinner started. (摆放餐具)
6. Amy is happy because her dream of having a dog is about to ______________. (实现)
7. John had some bad fish last night. ___________ , he didn't feel well this morning. (结果)
8. Whatever the outcome, you should ______________. (尽你最大努力)
9. I wish that scientists could invent special medicines to ______________ cancer one day. (抗击)
10. ____________ singing a song at the party, Alice told us an interesting story. (代替)
11. Every year, our school sells old newspapers to ________________ for the poor students. (筹款)
12. Jerry dances every day _________________ become a professional (专业的) dancer. (为了)
13. I'm trying to ___________________ Kate. (与……取得联系)
14. To make dumplings, we need to ____________ the vegetables and meat first. (切碎)
15. It's not good to drink ___________ water before bedtime. (太多)
16. Paul helped me ___________ that pen. (捡起)
17. Mrs. Smith is going to give a speech on ________________ this Friday. (餐桌礼仪)
18. Nancy raised her glass and said, “Let's _____________ Grandpa's health.” (为……干杯)
19. Developing a good ______________ at a young age can lead to a lifetime of better health. (饮食习惯)
20. Tom was so hungry that he __________ the food left in the fridge. (吃完)
21. “That's my mother,” Ann said, ____________ a photo on the wall. (指着)
22. Mr. Green ______________ his daughter for doing well at school. (为……感到自豪)
23. — Dad, I passed my exam and came first!
— _____________! (做得好)
24. I was afraid of her, but _______________ I really liked her. (同时)
25. Mike never eats ______________ because he thinks it's not healthy. (垃圾食品)
26. The more you practice, the better you will become at it. As the saying goes “____________________”. (熟能生巧)
27. The party _____________ and everyone had great fun there. (进展顺利)
28. — How about having some cakes after the ________________ (主菜)
— No, thanks.
29. — Please ____________. Dr. Wang will come soon. (请 坐)
— Thanks.
30. It's a long story, but __________, it ends well. (简而言之)
31. Amy ____________ sings well ____________ dances beautifully. (不仅……而且……)
32. _______________ we will have a food festival next month. (据说)
33. — May I ________________ (为您点餐)
— Sure. I'd like two burgers and a glass of orange juice.
34. They planned to go to a concert, but ___________ , they stayed at home because of the rain. (最后)
35. These paintings are just for show. They're not ____________. (供出售)
36. Sitting in front of a computer for too long _____________ your eyes. (对……有害)
37. The boy seems to be reading, but ___________, he is sleeping. (事实上)
38. Ms. Wang doesn't like ordering meals _______________. (通过电话)
39. You can get there ________________________ if the traffic is not heavy. (三十分钟内)
40. Look! The kids _______________________ _____________ in the square. (玩得开心)
Unit 8 Topic 1
1. What do you think of these new ____________ (sweater)
2. My mother likes to wear ____________ made of cotton. (blouse)
3. The new fridge is so expensive that Jack can't ____________ it. (afford)
4. Eric ____________ his horse to a tree yesterday afternoon. (tie)
5. Tina bought two beautiful ____________ for the upcoming event. (handbag)
6. John always leaves his ____________ all over the place and that drives me crazy. (sock)
7. It was very cold outside, so she dressed her kids in their hats and ____________. (scarf)
1. I found some money in my jacket __________. (pocket)
2. Maria looks much ____________ with her hair cut short. (pretty)
3. The hats are made in three ____________: small, medium, and large. (size)
1. I don't have ________ dress to wear for the party. (suit)
2. The new restaurant found ways to get more ___________. (customer)
3. If you don't ________ at first, you should try and try again. (success)
4. He agreed with my ___________ that we should change the date. (suggest)
5. You will find yourself ________ than before if you take less sugar and fat. (slim)
1. The _________ are soft and comfortable to wear. (material)
2. I ______ that Tom wasn't able to get the job. (guess)
3. In Japan, people wear _______ on special days. (kimono)
4. You can get the ________ of the word from the context (上下文). (mean)
5. Tony is such a ______ boy that all the teachers like him very much. (live)
6. They decided to give the man a second chance after ____________ it for two hours. (discuss)
1. Can you tell me ________________ sweaters (去哪里买……)
2. Let's go to the Sportswear Section on ______________ now. (三楼)
3. The new dress ________________________, and I like it. (感觉非常光滑)
4. I took part in a _______________ with my sister last week. (时装秀)
5. There is no food in the fridge. Let's _______________ this afternoon. (去购物)
1. Jack, you must get up _________. (立刻)
2. Lift the model plane up _________ everyone can see it. (以便)
3. Andy _________________ to make sure that he was alone in the room. (环顾四周)
4. The more you learn, the more you ____________ your life. (为……作准备)
5. This is ____________ an interesting book ______ we all enjoy reading it. (如此……以至于)
1. My mother likes clothes in ______________. (简约风格)
2. She chose a dress in a _____________ to stand out at the party. (亮色)
3. The dress is very beautiful, but it doesn't ________________ me. (穿在……身上好看)
4. Bob got an A in the physics exam today, because he ____________ physics. (擅长)
5. Mary is going to open a new restaurant. I hope her business _____________. (干得好)
1. ___________________, “Good health is over wealth.” (正如俗话所说)
2. He is _____________ a teacher. He is a writer, too. (不仅仅)
3. There are many _________________ cakes in this supermarket. (不同种类的)
4. My jacket ___________ leather. You can't wash it with water. (由……制成)
5. They sat close to each other to __________________ ___________ the strong wind. (保护他们自己免受……的伤害)
Unit 8 Topic 2
1. One of our ____________ is about students' manners in public. (survey)
2. The reporters are now ____________ the actor about his new film. (interview)
3. Miss Hill always encourages (鼓励) us to solve problems by ____________. (we)
1. The boy is too little to spell his full name ________. (correct)
2. Paul hurt one of his ________ when he played basketball yesterday. (knee)
3. — Why is Alice so worried
— She doesn't have anything ________ to wear to the party. (suit)
4. When we arrived, the ___________ showed us to our seats. (attend)
5. All visitors must show their ID cards before ________ the building. (enter)
1. — What a nice picture! You drew ________. (beautiful)
— Thank you.
2. When I got back to the small town again, I found it changed ________. (great)
3. Noodles are the main dish in most ________ cities. (north)
4. My cousin wants to be a police ________ when he grows up. (office)
5. — Who's that man over there
— He's one of Dr Shaw's ________. (patient)
1. ____________ always takes her such a long time. (dress)
2. My sister ____________ potatoes, so she never eats them. (like)
3. A pair of ____________ keeps my hands warm during the winter months. (glove)
1. It's said that the school has very ____________. (良好的纪律)
2. Your success will ____________ how hard you try. (取决于)
3. I ____________ you about the plan for the picnic. (同意)
4. You can turn to your parents when you are ___________. (有麻烦)
5. _____________ that e-books bring us a different reading experience. (的确)
6. I don't think he is well enough to ____________ such a difficult task. (执行)
1. ________________ that everyone should obey the traffic rules. (这是有必要的)
2. Mr. White likes wearing his ______________ at work. (商务套装)
3. My mother bought a pair of _____________ for me. (皮鞋)
4. Please _______________ while reading in the library. (保持安静)
5. You'd better not ______________ your coat. It's cold today. (脱掉)
6. _________________ to check your phone constantly while dining with others. (这是不礼貌的)
7. Ben wears his uniform at work, and changes into ______________ after work. (便服)
1. My friends and I often fly a kite ___________. (在春天)
2. Look! The policeman _____________is my father. (穿着制服)
3. Most animals ________________________ cold with fur. (保护它们自己免受……)
4. ________________, Sally is the most beautiful girl in our class. (在我看来)
5. They didn't attend (参加) the meeting ________________________. (因为不同的原因)
6. Nowadays, more and more young people choose to wear ________________. (休闲服)
7. If you can't work out the math problem, you can _______________ Peter. (从……获得帮助)
8. — Why don't you take the dress
— I don't like the color. _______________, it's very expensive. (更重要的是)
1. I don't know what to wear on __________________. (正式场合)
2. You said it was Monday, but ___________ it was Tuesday. (事实上)
3. People in this village wear colorful costumes on ______________. (特殊日子)
4. The style of my dress ____________ that of Mary's, but hers is a little longer. (与……相似)
5. Sue felt tired yesterday because she had to do housework ____________ looking after her pet dog. (除……之外)


