
  1. 二一教育资源



Module 1 Lost and found
Unit 1 Whose bag is this
1.crayon n.蜡笔
【例句】These crayons are made of wax.这些蜡笔是用蜡做的。
2.eraser n.橡皮擦
【例句】She is looking for her pencil and eraser.她正在找自己的铅笔和橡皮。
3.glove n.手套
【例句】H e gave me a pair of gloves.他给了我一副手套。
4.wallet n.钱包
【例句】He lost his wallet.他把他的钱包弄丢了。
5.watch n.表;(通常指)手表
【例句】My watch stopped.我的表停了。
【拓展】watch vi.观看;注视watch a movie看电影
6.whose pron.谁的
【例句】Whose room is this 这是谁的房间
7.lose v.失去
【例句】I lost my bike.我弄丢了我的自行车。
8.find v.发现;找到
【例句】Can you find him 你能找到他吗
9.mine pron.我的
【例句】Her ideas are quite similar to mine.她的想法和我的很相似。
10.yours pron.你(们)的
【例句】I left my pen at home.Can you lend yours to me 我的钢笔落在家里了,能把你的借给我吗
11.tape n.录音带;录像带
【例句】Can I borrow your tape 我能借一下你的
12.purple adj.紫色的;紫红色的n.紫色;紫
【例句】He's wearing purple shorts.他穿着紫色的短裤。
13.hers pron.她的
【例句】This is my bike.Hers is at home.这是我的自行车,她的在家里
14.careful adj.仔细的;认真的;小心的
【例句】He is a careful driver.他是一个谨慎的司机。
【拓展】Be careful!小心!(常用来提醒他人,引起注意)
15.on adv.从某时刻起
【例句】From that moment on,we never met each other.从那一刻起,我们再也没见过彼此。
1.first of all首先;第一
【例句】First of all,you have to know what you re-ally want.首先,你必须知道你真正想要什么。
2.lost and found box失物招领箱
【例句】She is making a lost and found box.她正在做一个失物招领箱
3.be careful with...小心(对待)……
【例句】You should be careful with Tom.He is very shy.和汤姆一起你要小心点,他很害羞。
4.from now on从现在开始
【例句】From now on,you are not alone any more从现在开始,你不再是一个人了。
5.here is/are...(用于刚找到某人或某物时)在这儿
【例句】Look!Here is your watch.看!你的手表在这儿呢。
6.look at...看…..
【例句】Look at that girl.She is dancing.看那个女孩,她正在跳舞。
1.There are a lot of things in it.里面有许多东西。
本句为there be句型,表示“某处有某物”。
①如果there be后为可数名词单数或不可数名词,be用is,若为可数名词复数,be用are。
【例句】There is a girl in the room.房间里有一个女孩。There is some food in the fridge.冰箱里有一些食物。
There are many beautiful flowers in the park.公园里有许多漂亮的花。
②如果there be后的主语包含两者以上,be的形式根据就近原则确定,即be与离它最近的主语在数上保持一致。
【例句】There is a pen and two books on the desk.桌子上有一支钢笔和两本书。
There are two books and a pen on the desk.桌子上有两本书和一支钢笔
【注意】不能用have或has替换there be句型中的be。
2.Here's a purple wallet!这儿有一个紫色的钱包!
【例句】Look!Here comes the bus.瞧!公共汽车来了。 (
【例句】Here he comes.他来了。
Unit 2 Are they yours
14.sausage n.香肠;腊肠
1.camera n.照相机【例句】What would you like,bread or sausage
【例句】He compared his camera with mine.他拿他面包和香肠,你想要哪个的照相机和我的作比较。
2.phone n.电话;电话机1.mobile phone移动电话;手机
【例句】Do you have my phone number 您有我的【例句】He has different kinds of mobile phones.他
电话号码吗 有不同类型的手机。
3.leave v.丢下;遗忘2.lost and found office失物招领处
【例句】Be careful.Don't leave anything here.仔细【例句】Why not go to the lost and found office 为
【拓展】过去式left;过去分词left。leave作动词,还3.in a hurry匆匆忙忙
有“离开”的意思。leave for sp.意为“动身去某地”【例句】I dressed myself in a hurry.我匆匆忙忙地穿
【例句】I want to be a doctor when I leave school.我衣服。
毕业后想当一名医生。4.hundreds of几百;成百上千
4.plane n.飞机【例句】Hundreds of people come to visit this muse-
【例句】The plane is flying across the sea.飞机正飞um every day.每天都有成百上千的人来参观这个博
5.taxi n.出租车5.look for寻找
【例句】He called a taxi and left.他叫了一辆出租车【例句】Could you help me look for my textbook
6.why adv.为什么6.at the moment此时此刻
【例句】Why do you sell it 你为什么要卖掉它 【例句】I'm a little sad at the moment.此刻我有点难过。
7.airport n.机场;航空港
【例句】I'll pick up the ticket at the airport counter我会去机场柜台取机票。
Unit 3 Language in use
such as例如
【例句】I love many kinds of animals,such as cats,
dogs and pandas.我喜欢很多种动物,例如猫、狗和大熊猫。
单数 复数
形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词
第一人称 my我的 mine我的 our我们的 ours我们的
第二人称 your你的 yours你的 your你们的 yours你们的
第三人称 his他的 his他的 their他(她,它们的 theirs他(她,它) 们的
her她的 hers她的
its它的 its它的
This is my pen.这是我的钢笔。
That is her pen.那是她的钢笔。
Those arc my books.=Those books are mine.这些书是我的。
Here's a wallet of mine.这是我的钱包。
This term we have two new teachers.One of them is a friend of my father's.这学期我们有两位新老师,其中一位是我爸爸的朋友。
—Is this pencil yours or hers 这支铅笔是你的还是她的
—It's mine.Hers is her bag.是我的。她的(铅笔)在她的包里。(Hers=
Her pencil)
—Whose books are these 这些是谁的书
—They are his.Yours are over there.是他的。你的(书)在那边。(Yours=Your books)
例1—Excuse me.Is this
-No.It's her ruler
is in the pencil box.
例2—Could you tell me who the man wearing glasses is
—Certainly.He is coach.He teaches to play baseball.
常用句型:Whose...is this /Is this your... ;I found it in...on...;There is/are...;Please call...at...
Name Li Jing
Place the school library
Time Monday afternoon
Thing a wallet(init:a mobile phone,some money)
Phonc 8876-7366
步骤 构思 列纲
1 招领物是什么 Is this your wallet
2 何时何地捡到 I found it in...on..
3 招领物特征 There is/are...in it.
4 怎样领取 Please call me at...
Is this your wallet I found it in the reading room of the school library on Monday afternoon.There is a mo-bile phone and some money in it.Please call me at 8876-7366.My name is Li Jing
Module 2 What can you do
Unit 1 I can play the piano.
1.play v.演奏;弹奏
【例句】He wants to play the guitar.他想弹吉他。
play the violin拉小提琴play basketball打篮球play football踢足球
2.tennis n.网球
【例句】Both he and his wife enjoy playing tennis.他和妻子都喜欢打网球。
3.piano n.钢琴
【例句】Can you play the piano 你会弹钢琴吗 4.ride v.骑;乘
【例句】He is learning to ride a horse.他正在学习骑马。
5.club n.俱乐部
【例句】What club do you want tojoin 你们想参加什么俱乐部
6.term n.学期
【例句】Who is your English teacher this term 你们这个学期的英语老师是谁
7.board n.布告板
【例句】They put up a board.他们竖起了一个布告板。【拓展】blackboard n.黑板
8.well int.噢;喔
【例句】Well,maybe you are right.噢,也许你是对的。9.all adj.所有的;全部的
【例句】She ate all the dishes in an hour.她一个小时吃完了所有的菜。
10.worry v.焦虑;担心
【例句】Don't worry too much.不要太担心。
11.teach v.教;讲授
【例句】His parents asked Kate to teach him English.他父母请凯特教他英语。
【用法】teach sb.sth./teach sth,to sb.教某人……
teach sb,a lesson教训某人;给某人一个教训
teach oneself自学
teach sb.to do sth,教某人做某事
12.then adv.那么;就
【例句】If I miss you,then Ill come to visit you.如果我想念你,我会去见你。
1.would like想要;希望
【例句】I would like to have a cup of tea.我想喝一杯茶。2.that's all仅此而已
【例句】I just love it;that's all.我就是喜欢它,仅此而已。3.worry about担心……
【例句】His parents always worry about his school-work.他的父母总是担心他的功课。
4.play table tennis打乒乓球
【例句】Playing table tennis is good for your eye-sight.打乒乓球对你的视力有好处。
5.play the piano弹钢琴
【例句】At this time last night,he was playing the piano.昨晚的这个时候,他正在弹钢琴。
6.what about...……怎么样
【例句】What about going for a travel this summer
1.I'd like to join the Music Club because I can play the piano.我想加入音乐社团是因为我会弹钢琴。
I'd like是I would like的缩写形式。would like意为“想要;希望”,与want含义相同,但语气更加委婉。would是情态动词,无人称和数的变化。would like的常见用法有:
(1)would like sth.想要某物
【例句】I would like a blue shirt.我想要一
(2)would like to do sth.想要做某事
【例句】I'd like to go shopping with you.我想和你一起去购物。
(3)would like sb.to do sth.想要某人做某事【例句】My mother would like me to be a
2.What about you,Betty 你呢,贝蒂
“What about... ”相当于“How about... ”,意为“……怎么样 ”,常见用法有以下两点:
(1)“What about sb. ”意为“某人呢 ”,用于询问情况,具体含义要依据上文而定。
【例句】I'd like some tea.What/How about you 我想喝茶,你呢
My father likes getting up early in the morning.What about your father 我父亲喜欢早上早起床,你父亲呢
(2)“What about+名词/动名词 ”意为“……怎么样 ”,常用于提出建议或征求意见。
【例句】—When are we going to start 我们什么时候动身
—What about tomorrow 明天怎么样
—What about playing football 踢足球怎么样 —Good idea!好主意!
Unit 2 I can run really fast.
1.monitor n.班长;监督员
【例句】We made him our monitor.我们选了他当班长。
2.start n.开始;开端
【例句】She thinks it's a good start.她认为这是个好的开始。
【拓展】start还可用作动词,意为“开始”。start doing
sth.意为“开始做某事”,与start to do【例句】They start working at 8:30每天八点半开始工作。 sth.意思相同。 every day.他们
3.ready adj.乐意的
【例句】I'm ready to make friends with you.我很乐意和你做朋友。
4.promise v.承诺;保证
【例句】I promised to help her.我答应过帮她。
【用法】promisc to do sth.承诺做某事/保证做某事5.fast adv.快地;快速地adj.快的;快速的
【例句】My heart is beating fast.我的心脏跳得很快。
6.fit adj.健康的;强健的
【例句】He runs twice every week to keep fit.他每周跑步两次,为的就是保持健康。
【常用搭配】fit可与healthy互换。常与keep和stay连用。kccp/stay fit/hcalthy意为“保持身体健康”。
【例句】You look very fit,Mike.迈克,你看上去很健康。
Taking cxcrcisc helps you kccphcalthy.运动有利于你保持健康。
【例句】This dress doesn't fit me.这条连衣裙不适合我穿。
7.just adv.就;正好
【例句】Oh,you are just here.呀,你正好在这儿。8.ball n.球;球类游戏
【例句】He kicked the ball into the goal.他把球踢进了球门。
9.game n.运动项目
【例句】Did you see the football game last night 昨晚你看足球赛了吗
10.team n.队伍;球队
【例句】Ovcr fifty boysjoincd the football tcam.五十多个男孩参加了足球队。
11.best adj.最好的
【例句】The best thing is to live happily with your family.最好的事就是和家人幸福地生活在一起。
【例句】I ilke summer best.我最喜欢夏天。12.score n.得分;成绩
【例句】What's the score 得分是多少
13.tidy adj.整齐(洁)的;爱整洁(齐)的v.收
【例句】I try to keep my room tidy.我尽量保持我的房间整洁。
14.sure adj.确信的;有把握的
【例句】Are you sure about the result 你对结果
15.everybody pron.每个人
【例句】Not everybody likes sports.并非每个人都喜欢体育运动。
【拓展】(同)everyone pron.每个人
16.beautiful adj.美的;美丽的
【例句】This beautiful garden is his own.这座漂亮的花园是他自己的。
17.fly v.放飞(风筝);飞行;乘飞机
【例句】A bird is flying一只鸟在飞。
18.kite n.风筝
【例句】Harry enjoys flying kites.哈里喜欢放风筝。19.swim v.游泳
【例句】The old man likes to swim in the ocean.那位老人喜欢在海里游泳。
【常用搭配】go swimming去游泳
【例句】You can go swimming with your father.你可以和你爸爸一起去游泳。
1.get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽
【例句】She gets on well with her classmates.她和同学们相处得很好。
2.ready to do sth.乐于做某事
【例句】He is always ready to help us.他总是乐于帮助我们。
【拓展】ready to do sth.还可意为“准备好做某事”。3.just like正如;正像
【例句】It tastes just like champagne to me.对我来说,它尝起来就像香槟。
4.new term新学期
【例句】I want to develop a hobby in the new term.在新学期我想培养一个爱好。
5.be good at擅长
【例句】Amy is good at making things by hand.艾米擅长做手工。
6.the start of……的开端/开始
【例句】At the start of the class,our teacher sings a song.在课堂的开始,老师唱了一首歌。
7.work hard努力学习
【例句】Work hard,and you can be a better person.努力学习,你会成为一个更优秀的人。
8.do well做得好
【例句】Can you do it well 你能做得好吗 9.do cleaning打扫卫生
I'm sure everybody would like a clean classroom,just like home.我相信每个人都想要一个干净的
(1)sure作形容词,意为“确信的,有把握的”。be sure后接从句,意为“确信/肯定……”。
【例句】I'm not sure where they live.我不确定他们住在哪里。
【拓展】①be sure of/about sth.指说话人对某事“有把握,确信”。
【例句】We are sure of our success.我们确信我们会成功。(说话人的信念)
②be sure to do sth.指说话人推测“必然会,一定(去做某事)”。
【例句】We are sure to succeed.我们一定会成功。(说话人的推测)
【拓展】sure做副词时,意为“当然;的确”,常用来回答一般疑问句,相当于of course或certainly。
【例句】—Could you help me with my English 你能帮助我学习英语吗
(2)just like意为“正如,正像”。like此处用作介词,意为“像”,后常接名词。
【例句】The girl looksjust like her mother.这个女孩看起来就像她母亲。
Module 2 What can you do
Unit 3 Language in use
1.fly a kite放风筝
【例句】What about flying a kite after school 放学
2.teach sb.sth.教某人某事
【例句】She teaches me English.她教我英语。
can是情态动词,意为“能;会”,表示能力,通常指在体力或脑力方面的能力。I can swim.我会游泳。
My elder sister can dance.我姐姐会跳舞。
Can you play basketball 你会打篮球吗
Can I use your pen 我可以用你的钢笔吗
You can go home now.你们现在可以回家了。
Can you help me 你能帮助我吗
Mary can play the drums.玛丽会打鼓。
He can't play the piano.他不会弹钢琴。
(3)一般疑问句:Can+主语十动词原形+其他 肯定回答:Yes,主语+can.;
—Can you play chess 你会下棋吗
—Yes,I can.是,我会。/No,I can't.不,我不会。
What can I dofor you 我能为你做点什么
【注意】can的否定形式can not可以直接写作cannot或缩略为can't。cannot比can't更为正式,在口语中多用can't.
肯定句 否定句 疑问句 回答
I can play football I cannot(can't)play football. Can you play foot-ball Yes,I can. No,I can't.
You can dance You cannot(can't)dance Can you dance Yes,you can No,you can't.
He/She can speak English. He/She cannot(can't)spcak English Can he/she speak English Yes,he/she can, No,he/she can't.
It can speak. It cannot(can't)spcak Can it speak Yes,it can No,it can't.
We can swim. We cannot(can't)swim. Can you swim Yes,we can. No,we can't
They can play table tcnnis. They cannot(can't)play table tcnnis Can they play table tennis Yes,they can No,they can't.
例1—Have you got the re-sults of the exam
—No.All we do now is wait.
A.must B.can
C.may D.could
例2—All done!Let's
—Swimming!I just
get used to it in winter
A.can't B.shouldn't C.mustn't D.needn't
常用句型...would like/want to...,...can...well,...good at...
Musicians Wanted
Can you play the guitar,the piano or other instruments Can you sing or dance You can come to our School Music Club.Then you can be in our school music festival.
Please send a letter to Betty or call her at 8822-3344.
步骤 构思 列纲
1 表达意图 I want to join the school Music Club.
2 介绍自己 My name is...I am in...I can play...And I can...
3 表达希望 Please write to me soon
Dear Betty,
I want to join the School Music Club.
My name is Lucy.I am a girl.I am thirteen years old.I am in Class 1,Grade 7.I can play the piano very well.And I can sing well,too.My phone number is 3345-9876,And my email address is Lucy 99@.
Please write to me soon.
Yours Lucy
Module 3 Making plans
Unit 1 What are you going to do at the weekend
1.picnic n.野餐
【例句】What about going on a picnic this after-noon 今天下午去野餐怎么样
2.housework n.家务劳动
【例句】Tom often helps his mother with the house-work.汤姆经常帮着妈妈做家务。
3.on prep.在……时候
【例句】They often go swimming on Fridays.他们经
【拓展】如果泛指“在上午/下午/晚上”,用介词in,in the morning/afternoon/evening;但是如果特指某一天的上午/下午/晚上,则要用介词on。
She only works in the morning.她只在上午工作。See you on Monday morning.周一上午见。
4.else adv.其他;另外
【例句】Ask somebody else to help you.请别人帮帮你吧。
5.nobody pron.没有人
【例句】Nobody came to see me.没人来看我。
【拓展】Nobody做主语时,谓语动词通常用单数形式。6.at prep.在……点钟
【例句】I'll come to see you at 5 o'clock.我五点会来看你。
7.nothing pron.没有什么;没有东西
【例句】There's nothing interesting in the news-paper.报纸上没什么有趣的新闻。
8.silly adj.愚蠢的;傻气的
【例句】You made a lot of silly mistakes.你犯了很多愚蠢的错误。
9.fantastic adj.极好的
【例句】She's a fantastic dancer.她跳舞跳得非常好。
1.go over复习;练习
【例句】They went over the lessons together.他们一起复习了功课。
2.have a picnic去野餐
【例句】We are going to have a picnic on the beach我们将去沙滩上野餐。
3.check email查收电子邮件
【例句】How often do you check emails 你多久检查一次电子邮件
4.On Saturday morning在周六上午
【例句】What are you going to do on Saturday morn-ing 你在周六上午将会做什么
5.see a movie看电影
【例句】Lct's go into town to sce a movic.让我们去镇上看电影吧。
6.in the park在公园里
【例句】The old couple is walking in the park.那对老夫妇正在公园里散步。
7.have a piano lesson上钢琴课
【例句】They are having a piano lesson.他们正在上钢琴课。
8.at the weekend在周末
【例句】He is going to visit me at the weekend.他在周末会来见我。
What are you going to do at the weekend 周末你打算做什么
What are you going to do...相当于What are your plans for...。这两个句型后常接时间或表示时间的短语,常用来询问对方在未来某个时候的打算/计划。【例句】What arc you going to do tomorrow 明天你将会做什么
What are your plans for the new year 新年你的计划是什么
Unit 2 We're going to cheer the players.
必记单词L I
1.forward adv.面向未来的;向前
【例句】Move forward carefully or you'll fall down.小心地往前走,不然你会跌倒的。
2.fan n.迷;支持者
【例句】I'm a big fan of Lin Dan.我是林丹的一个铁杆粉丝。
3.shirt n.球衣;(男式)衬衫
【例句】I need a shirt.我需要一件衬衫。
4.cheer v.为……喝彩
【例句】The crowd cheered loudly asthe queen ap-pcarcd.女王出现时,群众高声欢呼。
5.player n.运动员;选手
【例句】H e is an amazing player.他是一位了不起的运动员。
6.hope v.希望
【例句】We all hope(that)it's fine tomorrow.我们都希望明天是个好天气。
I hope to visit Paris this summer.我希望今年夏天
[误]We all hope you to win the first prize.
[正]We all hope that you will win the first prize.
7.win v.赢;获胜
【例句】We all hope that you will win the first prize.我们都希望你能获得一等奖。
【拓展】winner n.获胜的人
8.myself pron.我自己
【例句】First of all,let me introduce myself to you.首先,请允许我做一下自我介绍。
9.during prep.在……期间
【例句】They didn't have a rest during the day.他们白天没有休息。
10.May n.5月
【例句】She worked here last May.她去年5月在
【例句】Why not go to Qingdao on MayDay 为什么不在五一的时候去青岛呢
11.late adv.迟;晚adj.迟的;晚的
【例句】You're half an hour latc.你迟到了半个小时。
【常用搭配】be late for...……迟到
12.walk n.步行;走
【例句】Let's go for a walk.我们去散散步吧。13.country n.乡下;乡村
【例句】She became a fan of country music.她成了一个乡村音乐迷。
14.second num.第二
【例句】I'm the second this time.这次我第二。15.collect v.收集
【例句】My hobby is to collect old books.我的爱好是收集旧书。
【拓展】collection n.收藏品
16.litter n.垃圾
【例句】I can't remember when I started collecting litter.我记不起我是从何时开始捡垃圾的了。
17.fun n.娱乐;乐趣
【例句】We have a lot of fun today.我们今天玩得很高兴。
【拓展】funny adj.有趣的
18.camp n.营地;帐篷
【例句】The soldiers make camps every night.这些士兵每晚都扎营。
19.Australian adj.澳大利亚的
【例句】She is an Australian girl.她是一个澳大利亚女生。
【拓展】A ustralia n.澳大利亚
20.sightseeing n.观光;游览
【例句】After a day of sightseeing,we were all very tired一天的游览后,我们都很累。
【拓展】go sightseeing观光
We should go sightseeing and relax.我们应该去观光,放松一下。
21.beach n.海滨;海滩
【例句】We enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.我们享受沙滩上的阳光。
【常用搭配】on the beach在沙滩上
1.look forward to盼望,期待
【例句】We're looking forward to the holidays.我们盼望着假期。
【用法】look forward to后面的动词要用动词的-ing形式
2.make friends交朋友
【例句】Jeff thinks it is very easy for him to make friends.杰夫认为交朋友对他来说很容易。
【注意】在短语make friends(with)中,friends不能改为单数形式。
3.enjoy oneself过得愉快
【例句】Life is short,we should enjoy ourselves.人生短暂,我们应该享受生活。
4.take a walk散步
【例句】She often takes a walk with him.她经常和他一起散步。
5.summer holiday暑假
【例句】I'm planning to go to Xiamen this summer holiday.这个暑假我打算去厦门。
6.go on a summer camp参加夏令营
【例句】They are going on a summer camp this sum-mer holiday.这个暑假他们将去参加夏令营。
7.get up起床
【例句】Don't stay up late,or you can't get up on time.不要熬夜,否则你不能按时起床。
...but this year is going to be very different be-cause I'm going on a summer camp in Sydney,Australia.……但今年将会完全不同,因为我要参加一个在澳大利亚悉尼举办的夏令营。
【例句】I like summer because I like swimming.我喜欢夏天是因为我喜欢游泳。
—Why do you like maths 你为什么喜欢数学 —Because it's interesting.因为它有趣。
Unit 3 Language in use
必记单词I I
early adv.早;提前adj.早的
【例句】My grandma always gets up early in the morn-ing.我奶奶早上总是起得很早。
1.go for a walk去散步
【例句】She usually goes for a walk after supper.晚饭后她经常去散步。
2.go shopping去购物
【例句】When does your mother go shopping 你妈妈什么时候去购物
3.have fun过得愉快;玩得开心
【例句】We have great fun in the zoo.我们在动物园里过得很愉快。
经典句型I L
..it's time for homework!……是做作业的时间了!“It's time for sth.”是固定句式,意为“该做某事了;到做某事的时间了”。for后通常接名词作宾语。
【例句】It's time for class.该上课了。
【拓展】“It's time to do sth.”意为“到该做某事的时间了”,有时可与“It's time for sth.”相互转换。
【例句】It's time to have breakfast.=It's time for breakfast.到了吃早饭的时候了。
一般将来时:be going to
2.be going to的用法
I'm going to visit my friend next Saturday.我准备下周六去拜访我的朋友。
Look!It's going to rain.看!快要下雨了。
(3)一般将来时常与表示将来的时间状语如tomorrow,the day after tomor-row,next week,next month等或“in+一段时间”连用。
I will arrive in Shanghai tomorrow.我明天到达上海。
We won't be busy this evening.今晚我们不忙。
3.be going to的句式结构
(1)肯定句:主语+be going to十动词原形十其他.。be动词有am,is和are三
We are going to talk about our favourite books.我们将谈论我们最喜欢的书。(2)否定句:主语+be+not+going to+动词原形+其他.。
She is not going to checkher email this morning.今天上午她不打算查看电子邮件。(3)一般疑问句:be+主语+going to+动词原形+其他 其肯定答语为:Yes,主语+am/is/arc.,否定答案为:No,主语+isn't/arcn't.。第一人称的否定答语为:No,I'm not.。
—Are they going to have a picnic tomorrow 明天他们打算去野餐吗
—Yes,they are./No,they aren't.是的,他们打算去。/不,他们不打算去。(4)特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句 提问主语时除外。
What is he going to do this afternoon 今天下午他打算做什么
When is Jenny going to visit Tianjin 珍妮打算什么时候游览天津 Where are we going to meet 我们打算在哪儿见面
Who is going to teach us English 谁要教我们英语 (提问主语)
be going to结构各人称的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句及答语的句式结构可参看下表:
肯定句 否定句 一般疑问句 答语
I am going to visit China. I am not going to visit China. Arc you going to visit China Ycs,I am. No,I'm not.
He/She is going to buy some clothcs. Hc/She is not go-ing to buy any clothes. Is he/she going to buy any clothes Yes,he/she is. No,he/she isn't.
It is going to rain It is not going to rain. Is it going to rain Yes,it is. No,it isn't.
We are going to have a picnic. We are not going to have a picnic. Are you going to have a picnic Yes,we are No,we aren't.
They are going to have a party They are not going to have a party. Are they going to have a party Yes,they are No,they arcn't.
例1 There
sports meeting in our school next week.
A.will have
B.is going to have
C.are going to be
D.is going to be
解析:本句考查there be结构的一般将来时,主语是a sports meeting,再结合next week可知选D。

)the shops
Can I get you anything
A.go to
B.went to
C.have gone to
D.am going to
例3 We are glad to hear that the Greens to a new flat next week
C.are going to move
D.is going to move
解析:由时间状语next week可知本句用一般将来时,排除A、B两项;the Greens指“格林一家人”,其谓语动词用复数形式,再排除D项。
4.there be句型在一般将来时中的结构:
There is/are going 1o+be+其他.
注意:句型中going to后面的be不能改为助动词have或has。
There is going tobe a school meeting this afternoon.今天下午将开学校大会。
5.be going to用法妙记:
be going to表打算,动词原形跟后边;
常用句型:...be going to...,...hope...,look forward to...
Time Activities
7:00 am meet at the school gate
7:20 am set off(出发)
8.00 am climb the hill
11:30 am have a picnic
2:00 pm go back
步骤 构思 列纲
1 引出话题 Hello,everyone.We are going to...
2 介绍活动 We aregoing to meetat...to climb...to have a picnic...to go back...
3 概括总结 Everyone has to...And I hope...
Hello,everyone.We are going to climb the hill and have a picnic together on Saturday.
We are going to meet at the school gate at 7:00 am and set off at 7:20 am.We are going to climb the hill at about 8:00 am.At about 11:30 am,we are going to have a picnic.We are going to go back at 2:00 pm.
Everyone has to take some food and drinks for the picnic.Don't be late.And I hope we're going to have a great weckend.
Module 4 Life in the future
Unit 1 Everyone will study at home.
1.chalk n.粉笔
【例句】Thereis a box of chalks on the desk.书桌上有一盒粉笔。
【拓展】a piece of chalk一支粉笔
2.ruler n.直尺
【例句】How long is your ruler 你的尺子有多长 3.carry v.拿;带
【例句】The box is too heavy for the little boy to carry.这个盒子太重了,小男孩拿不动。
4.change v.&n.改变;变化
【例句】She wanted to change her bad habits.她想改变她的坏习惯。
【拓展】changeable adj.易变的change n.零钱【用法】change...into...把……变成……
5.everything pron.每样事物;每件事;所有事物【例句】Everything will be OK.一切都会好的。
6.future n.将来;未来
【例句】This is a matter that touches your future.这是一件关乎你前途的事情。
7.life n.生活;生命
【例句】Life is beautiful.We should cherish it.生命是美好的,我们应该珍惜。
8.need v.&v.aux.需要
【例句】I need your help.我需要你的帮助。
【例句】There is enough time.You needn't hurry时间足够,你不必着急。
Need I come early 我需要早点儿来吗
9.will v.aux.将;将要;将会
【例句】What will you do in the future 你将来想要干什么
10.maybe adv.也许
【例句】Maybe I'll go to the library this afternoon.也许今天下午我将去图书馆。
【辨析】maybe与may be
maybe 副词,通常位于句子开头作状语 也许;大概
may be may是情态动词,表推 测;be是动词原形,两者 构成谓语位于主语之后 可能是
11.ask v.询问;问
【例句】I asked him where he lived.我问他住在哪里。12.question n.问题
【例句】I have a question to ask you.我有一个问题要问你。
13.by prep.用;靠;乘(交通工具)
【例句】Mary went to the park by bus yesterday.
【常用搭配】by bus乘公交车by the door在门口by+v-ing表示通过做某事达到目的
14.level n.水平
【例句】Students at this level may have many ques-tions.这个水平的学生也许会有很多问题。
15.able adj.能够……的
【例句】She is able to finish it by herself.她自己能完成。
16.more adv.更加;更adj.更多的
【例句】Can you say more information about him 你能多说一点关于他的信息吗
17.free adj.(时间)空闲的;空余的
【例句】Are you frcc tomorrow morning 明天早
【拓展】free adj.免费的freedom n.自由
1.in the future将来
【例句】No one knows what will happen in the fu-ture.没人知道将来会发生什么。
2.be able to能够做……
【例句】I'm afraid I am not able to go there.恐怕我不能去那儿了。
【辨析】be able to与can
be able to 指具有做某件事的能力 通过be动词的变化或前面加助动词可构成多种时态 People will be a-ble to fly to Mars in the futurc.将 来人们能够飞赴火星。
can 泛指一般的能力 只能用于一般现在时(can)和一般过去时(could)两种时态 Ann can play the piano.安会弹钢琴。
3.not...any more不再……
【例句】They do not need help any more.他们不再需要帮助了。
any more位于句末。
4.at home在家
【例句】Do you like staying at home 你喜欢待在家里吗
5.in twenty years'time 20年后
【例句】What do you want to be in twenty years'time 20年之后你想成为什么样的人
6.on the Internet在因特网上
【例句】We should be careful when we are on the
7.be sure确定
【例句】Are you sure 你确定吗
8.a lot of许多
【例句】I want to read a lot of books.我想读很多的书。9.free time空余时间
【例句】If you have free time,you can relax your-self.当你有空余时间,你可以好好放松下自己。
Will students have a lot of homework to do 学生将会有很多家庭作业要做吗
动词不定式to do作后置定语,修饰名词homework。动词不定式(短语)常位于名词、不定代词之后作定语。【例句】Do you have interesting books to read 你有有趣的书读吗
It's a good place to take a walk.那是一个散步的好地方。She has nothing to do on Sundays.在星期天她无事可做。【注意】当动词不定式(短语)与被修饰的词是动宾关系时,如果动词是不及物动词,要在动词后加适当的介词。
【例句】Miss Gao is a kind person to talk to.高老师是一个可以倾诉的好人。
Unit 2 Every family will have a small plane.
1.air n.天空;空中;空气
【例句】The air pollution is a big problem.空气污染是个大问题。
2.land n.陆地
【例句】After 10 days at sea,we saw land.经过十天的海上航行,我们看到了陆地。
3.machine n.机器
【例句】The printing machine broke down again.印刷机又出故障了。
4.rain n.雨;雨水v.下雨
【例句】It's raining heavily outside,外面正在下大雨。5.robot n.机器人
【例句】In the futurc,there will be robots cvery-where.将来到处都会有机器人。
6.sea n.海;海洋
【例句】I want to swim in the sea.我想在海里游泳。7.space n.太空;空间
【例句】The desk takes up too much space.这张桌子占了太多空间。
8.traffic n.交通
【例句】Both New York and London have traffic problems.纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。
9.jam n.堵塞;拥挤
【例句】The jam began at 8 o'clock.八点钟就开始堵车了。
【拓展】traffic jam交通堵塞
【例句】The traffic jam is quite often in this city.这个城市经常交通堵塞。
10.wind n.风
【例句】The strong wind broke the branches apart强风把树枝折断了。
11.true adj.真的;真实的
【例句】Is this a true story 这是个真实的故事吗
12.bike n.自行车
【例句】Mary needs a new bike.玛丽需要一辆新自行车。
13.car n.汽车;轿车
【例句】H e is a car maker.他是个汽车制造商。14.cheap adj.便宜的
【例句】This watch is very cheap.这块手表很便宜。
【拓展】(反)expensive adj.昂贵的
15.everywhere adv.到处;处处
【例句】He travelled everywhere in China.他游遍
16.into prep.进入……里面
【例句】A dog followed him into the room.一只狗跟着他进了房间。
17.long adj.长的;长时间的
【例句】Hc is going to makc a long journcy.他将进
18.heavy adj.繁重的;沉的
【例句】The bag is too heavy for herto move.这个包太重了,她搬不动。
【常用搭配】heavy rain/snow暴雨/雪
19.light adj.轻的;轻松的;少量的
【例句】You can be happy if you live with a light heart.如果你以轻松的心态生活,你会感到开心。
20.easy adj.容易的
【例句】It is not always easy to face the reality.面对现实并不总是一件容易的事。
21.working adj.(有关)工作的
【例句】Don't talk during working hours.工作时间不要讲话。
22.hour n.小时
【例句】I study for an hour every night.我每晚学习一个小时。
23.short adj.短的;短暂的;矮的
【例句】I like this pair of short red socks.我喜欢这双红色的短袜。
24.rise v.升起;上升
【例句】The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。常考短语I
1.come true(希望、梦想等)实现,成真
【例句】I hope your dream come true.我希望你梦想成真。
2.here is/are...(用于介绍某人或某物)下面
【例句】Here is a picture of my family.下面是一张我们的全家福照片。
3.not only...but also...不仅……而且……
【例句】He was not only a writer but also a poet.他不仅是个作家,而且还是位诗人。
【注意】not only...but also若连接两个并列成分作主语,谓语在人称和数上与最近的(but also后的)主语保持一致。
【例句】Not only he but also I am going to have a picnic.不仅他准备去野餐,我也准备去。
4.as well和;又;也
【例句】I can swim as well.我也会游泳。5.all year一整年
【例句】The weather is warm all year in the south.
6.a new kind of一种新型……
【例句】This is a new kind of robot.这是一种新型的机器人。
7.by bus/bike/plane乘公交车/骑自行车/乘飞机【例句】He usually goes to work by bus.他通常乘公交车上班。
1.What will life be like in the future 未来的生活将会怎样
“What+be+某物+like ”意为“……怎么样 ”用于提问某物的特点、性质等,like作介词,意为“像”。
【例句】—What's your school life like 你的学校生活怎么样
—It's grcat fun.很有趣。
—What will the weather be like tomorrow 明天天
—It will be sunny.将会晴朗。
【拓展】“What+be十某人+like ”常用来询问某人的性格、特征等。
【例句】—What's Tom like 汤姆是一个怎样的人 —He's very shy.他很内向。
2.Working hours will be short so people will have long holidays.工作时间将会很短,所以人们将会有很长的假期。
【例句】I am tired,so I want to go to bed.我累了,所以我想去睡觉。
This is our first lesson,so I don't know all your names.这是我们的第一节课,所以我不知道你们所有人的名字。
Unit 3 Language in use
play with玩……;和……一起玩
【例句】The boy is playing with a toy plane.这个男孩正在玩一架玩具飞机。
除了“be going to+动词原形”之外,一般将来时还有一种常用的表达方式“will+动词原形”。will是助动词,意为“将;将要;将会”。助动词will可用于各种人称,没有人称和数的变化,通常与表示将来的时间状语连用,如tomorrow,next year,in two days,in the future等。
I will get there tomorrow.我明天将到达那里。
We won't be late next time.我们下次不会迟到了。
—Will you be free tomorrow 你明天有空吗
—Yes,I will.是的,我有空。/No,I won't.不,我没有空。
4.there be句型在一般将来时中的结构:There will+be+其他.
There will be two basketball matches next week.下周将有两场篮球比赛。【拓展】助动词shall也可表示“将;将要”,但shall只用于第一人称。
We shall get there on time.我们将准时到达那里。
【辨析】be going to与will
be going to表示事先已计划过或思考过的意图和打算;will表示未事先思考或未计划过的意图。be going to还可表示客观迹象表明在可能要发生;而will则表明说话者的观点、主观意识。
It will be Christmas soon.很快就是圣诞节了。(强调将来的状态)I am going to listen to music.我打算听听音乐。(现在的打算)
I'll answer the door.我去开门。(未经事先考虑的意图)
I'm going to see him tomorrow.我打算明天去看他。(事先经过思考)
Look at the clouds.It is going to rain.看看这些云,要下雨了。(客观迹象)I hope it will be warm tomorrow.我希望明天会暖和起来。(主观意愿)
例1 If it doesn't rain this weekend,we a pic-nic in the Jinquan Park
A.have B.will have C.have had D.had
例2—I wonder if it tomorrow.
—Don't worry.If it we'll stay at home.
B.will rain;rains
C.rains;will rain
D.will rain;will rain
常用句型:...will be...,...will...
一百年以后,我们的生活会是什么样子的呢 请根据以下提示以“Life in the Future”为题,写一篇60词左右的短文。
Module 5 Shopping
Life in the Future
步骤 构思 列纲
1 引出话题 What will...be like...
2 阐述个人观点 There will be...People will...Planes and cars will...
3 概括总结 Life in the future will be...
Life in the Future
What life will be like in the future
There will be a robot in every home.It can help people do housework and talk with people.People will live in the sea in summer,because the weather will be very hot.Planes and cars willfly in the sky.People will have a lot of free time and they will go to the moon for a holiday.
Life in the future will be very different.
Module 5 Shopping
Unit 1 What can I do for you
1.market n.市场
【例句】My house is near a market.我家在一个市场附近。
2.supermarket n.超市
【例句】There is a supermarket and three small shops near here.这附近有一家超市和三家小商店。
3.biscuit n.饼干
【例句】I brought cheese and biscuits.我带了奶酪和饼干。
4.lemon n.柠檬
【例句】I prefer lemons to oranges.比起橙子,我更喜欢柠檬。
5.strawberry n.草莓
【例句】He likes strawberries rather than bananas.他喜欢草莓,不喜欢香蕉。
6.size n.尺码;号
【例句】I take size nine shoes.我穿九号的鞋。
【用法】What size... ……多大尺码/尺寸 用于提问服装或鞋子等的尺码大小。
【例句】—What size is the T-shirt 这件T恤衫是多大的
7.take v.穿(某尺寸的衣服或鞋子)
【例句】You take the medium size,right 你穿中号是吧
8.may v.aux.可以;可能
【例句】You may choose any one of these apples.你可以从这些苹果中任选一个。
9.try v.尝试;试穿;品尝
【例句】Why not have a try 为什么不试试呢 10.certainly adv.当然;行
【例句】—Can you come here now 你现在可以过来吗
11.sale n.降价出售
【例句】Are these for sale 这些是要降价出售的吗 【拓展】on sale在打折;降价出售。for sale待售【例句】The skirts are on sale.这些裙子在打折出售。There are a lot of goods for sale.有许多待售商品。
12.price n.价格
【例句】She bought a house at a low price.她以低
【拓展】What's the price of... 用于询问价格,意
为“……的价格是多少 ”。
【例句】What's the price of the book 这本书的价格是多少
The price of the skirt is 98 yuan.这条裙子的价格是98元。
13.look v.看起来;显得
【例句】You look very tired.你看上去很累。【搭配】look at看……
have/take a look(at)看一看……
【例句】Look at the sky.The clouds are so beauti-ful.看天空,云彩很漂亮。
14.fresh adj.新鲜的
【例句】They went to the forest to breathe the fresh air.他们去森林里呼吸新鲜空气。
1.Mother's Day母亲节
【例句】I gave my mum a Mother's Day card.我送给妈妈一张母亲节贺卡。
【拓展】on Mother's Day在母亲节
2.try on试穿
【例句】Can I try on the sweater 我可以试穿这件毛衣吗
【注意】try on是由“动词十副词”构成的短语,如果宾语是名词,可以放在try on之后,也可以放在try与on之间;如果宾语是代词,只能放在try与on的中间。
3.wait a minute=wait a moment别急;稍等一会【例句】Wait a minute,just let me think about it.等一下,让我想想。
【拓展】wait for...意为“等……”。
【例句】Wang Hui is waiting for the bus now.王辉现在正在等公共汽车。
4.too much(价格)太高;太多
【例句】Don't cat too much,or you'll put on weight.不要吃得太多,不然你会变胖。
5.half price半价
【例句】These books are half price.这些书半价出售。
经典句型l A
1.What can I do for you 我能为你做点什么 /
【例句】“What can I do for you ”是商店或市场中服务人员主动询问顾客时常说的一句话,意为“我能为你做点什么 ”或“你想买点什么 ”。类似的常用句子还有“Can I help you ”或“Is there anything I can do for you ”等。
【例句】—What can I do for you 我能为你做点什么 —I'd like to buy a watch.我想买一块手表。
【拓展】表示想买某物的常用句型有:“I'd like to buy...”“I want to buy...”“I'd like to look at...”“I'm looking for...”“Could I have a look at... ”等。
2.May I try it on 我可以试穿一下吗
may是情态动词,意为“可以”,表示许可或请求许可。“May I... ”是一个表请求许可的句型,意为“我可以……吗 ”,相当于“Can L... ”。其肯定回答可以是Yes,please./Of course./Certainly./Surc.;其否定回答可以是No,you can not./I'm afraid not.等。
【例句】May I sit here 我可以坐在这儿吗 【拓展】may也可表示推测,意为“可能”。
【例句】H e may know that.他可能知道那件事。
Unit 2 You can buy everything on the Internet.


could win
I will meet you anywhere you like.

They can help you to comparc the two dif
【例句】Parents often compare their children with others'.父母们常常把自己的孩子同别人家的孩子作比较。
6.pay v.支付;付钱
【例句】It is very convenient to pay by credit card.
【拓展】pay for...付钱买……pay sb.酬谢某人,付给某人酬金pay some money付了一些钱
7.post n.&v.邮寄
【例句】Don't forget to post these letters.别忘了寄这些信。
8.product n.产品
【例句】We have to find the right product for the
9.receive v.收到;接到
【例句】He received a gift,but he didn't accept it.他收到了一件礼物,但他没有接受。
【拓展】receive a letter from sb.意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于hear from sb.。
【例句】I often receive letters from my pen friend.我经常收到我笔友的来信。
10.safe adj.安全的
【例句】Is it safe to swim here 在这儿游泳安全吗 【拓展】(反)dangerous adj.危险的
11.several adj.几个;一些
【例句】There are several books on the desk.桌上有几本书。
12.online adj.在线的
【例句】Online shopping is very convenient.在线购物很方便。
13.shopping n.购物
【例句】Would you like to go shopping with me this Saturday 这个周六你想和我一起去购物吗
14.way n.方式;道路
【例句】With her help,I found my way home.在她的帮助下,我找到了回家的路。
【拓展】a way of doing sth.做某事的一种方式a way to do sth.做某事的一种方式
【例句】There are many ways of learning English.
What is the best way to do it 做这件事最好的方法是什么
15.almost adv.几乎;差不多
【例句】Almost no one takes a rest.几乎没有人休息。16.something pron.某事物;某种东西
【例句】There's something under the table.桌子底下有东西。
17.later adv.后来;以后
【例句】They heard of the decision later.他们后来听说了那个决定。
18.open adj.营业的;开放的
【例句】The shop is open in the daytime.这家商店白天营业。
【拓展】open还可用作动词,意为“打开,张开”。(反)closed adj.关闭;(由指一段时间)停止营业
【例句】Please open the window.请打开窗户。
19.out adv.外出;离开
【例句】Was there any call when I was out 我外出的时候有电话吗
20.over prep.通过;超过
【例句】Over 20 students have cellphones in our class.我们班上超过二十个学生有手机。
21.one pron.(同一群人或物中)一个
【例句】These bags are beautiful.I'd like to buy one.这些包很漂亮,我想买一个。
1.one of……之一
【例句】I want to keep one of these cats.我想养其中一只小猫。
2.go out外出;游玩
【例句】We will go out if it is fine weather.如果天气好的话,我们就出去。
3.one day总有一天
【例句】I'd likc to visit Africa onc day.有朝一日我
【注意】one day既可表示将来的“某一天”,也可表示过去的“某一天”。
4.a few days later几天之后
【例句】A few days later,he came back home.几天之后,他回家了。
two weeks later两周以后ten years later十年以后
5.the price of...……的价格
【例句】What's the price of your new dress 你的新裙子多少钱
6.at any time在任何时候
【例句】Youshould take good care of yourselfat any time.在任何时候你都要照顾好自己。
7.because of因为;由于
【例句】They are often late for class because of the bad weather.因为天气不好,他们经常上课迟到。
and so on等等
Unit 3 Language in use
【例句】This shop sells clothes,shoes,hats and so on.这家商店卖衣服、鞋、帽子等等。
where,how,why,how much,how many,what color,what time等。
What is Lingling going to buy her mother on Mother's Day 玲玲将在母亲节为
What can I do for you 我能为你做点什么
What about this one 这个怎么样
What colour does she like 她喜欢什么颜色
What size does she take 她穿多大号码的
How much are they 它们多少钱
How much would you like 你想要多少
When are they going to the shop 他们什么时候去商店
Who is singing in the room 谁在房间里唱歌
Whose bike is broken 谁的自行车坏了
2.若疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词十一般疑问句 What class are you in 你在几班
Where are you from 你来自哪里
What time does he get up every morning 他每天早晨几点起床 How do you know 你怎么知道
—Who is from Canada 谁来自加拿大
—Where's the restaurant 餐馆在哪儿
—Near the station.在车站附近。
What row are you in()) 你在第几排
Where is“E”()) “E”在哪里
Mary likes shopping on the Internet.
Who likes shopping on the Internet
Mr Smith will work in Shanghai.
Where willMrSmith work
例1—Oh,the strawberries look fresh.are they
—Ten yuan a kilo.
A.How much B.How
C.How many D.What解析:结合答语“一公斤10元”可推断,问句问的是那些草莓的价格,由此可推断,所缺的特殊疑问短语是how much,故答案为A
例2一do you go shopping
A.How often B.How long C.How far D.How much解析:how often“多久一次”,用于提问动作的频率;how long“多长;多久”,可用于提问事物的长度,也可用于提问时间段;how far“多远”,用于提问距离;how much“多少(钱)”,可用于提问不可数名词的数量,也可用于提问物品的价格。由答语sometimes(有时候)是频度副词可知选
例3一is that man over there
—He is Dick's uncle.
A.Where B.What
C.Who D.Which
解析:由答语句意“他是迪克的叔叔”可知问句句意应为:“那边的那个人是谁 ”,故选
Module 5 Shopping
【注意】①对句子的谓语进行提问时,用“What...do... ”。
I'm going to make my weekend plan.(对画线部分提问)
What arc you going to do
常用句型:We can buy...,...because...,We can only...but we can't...,I think...
你喜欢网上购物(online shopping)吗 请你写一篇短文,描述你对网上购物的认识。
步骤 构思 列纲
1 开篇点题 Online shopping is a new way of shopping.
2 分条陈述 It has many advantages...But online shopping is not always per-fect..
3 发表感受 I think online shopping is a good way of shopping...
Online Shopping
Online shopping is a new way of shopping.It is popular among young people
It has many advantages.We can buy almost everything on the Internet.We can also find some cheap things on the Internet.And it saves our time.
But online shopping is not always perfect.Sometimes the product is not very good.We can only see the pic-tures,but we can't touch it with our own hands.Paying over the Internet isn't always safe too
I think online shopping is a good way of shopping.It makes our life easy.It is changing our way of life
Module 6 Around town
Unit 1 Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium
1.bank n.银行
【例句】There is a bank at the end of this road.在这条路的尽头有一家银行。
2.museum n.博物馆
【例句】Have you everbeen to a museum 你曾经去过博物馆吗
3.along prep.沿着
【例句】Drive along the street and you will find it.沿着这条街开,你就会找到它的。
【拓展】go along沿着……走,多指沿着街道、道路、河边或堤坝等往前走。
【例句】Go alongthis road and you'll find the bank in the end.沿着这条路一直走,在尽头你就能找到那家银行。
4.across prep.越过
【例句】I'd like to sail across thePacific Ocean.我想驾船横渡太平洋。
5.cross v.穿过
【例句】Be careful to cross that main road.过那条大路时要当心。
11.third num.第三
【例句】Don't tell it to the third person.别把这件事告诉第三个人。
12.guidebook n.导游手册;旅行指南
【例句】He is looking for the guidebook.他正在找旅行指南。
13.bookshop n.书店
【例句】There are all kinds of books in the book-shop.这家书店有各种各样的书。
14.right int.好了(用于变换话题或活动);是的;好【例句】—Come here next week.下周来这儿。
【拓展】right adj.正确的n.右边
15.could v.aux.可以;能
【例句】Could you help me with this maths prob-lem 你能帮我做这道数学题吗
16.underground n.地铁
【例句】They ran into the underground to escape the rain.他们跑进地铁躲雨。
17.take v.搭乘;乘坐;固定使用;把(某人)带往;使(某人)到
【例句】You can take bus No.11.你可以坐11路公
across 介词 越过 常与go,walk和run等动词连用,强调从一定范围的一边到另一边且在物体表面上进行的动作
cross 及物 动词 穿过 后接road,street,bridge,river等名词,表示从物体表面上横过
【例句】The little girl is running across the road.那个小女孩正在跑过马路。
Don't crossthe street now.现在不要穿过街道。6.opposite prep.在……的对面
【例句】There is a garden opposite the street.在街的对面有个花园。
7.tourist n.游客
【例句】This bulding attracts many tourists to come
for a visit.该建筑吸引了很多游客前来参观。8.excuse v.原谅;谅解
【例句】I will excuse you this time.这次我会原谅你。9.street n.街道
【例句】I happened to meet a friend in the street
yesterday.昨天我碰巧在街上遇到了一个朋友。10.turn v.换方向
【例句】I watched until she turned the corner.我看着她,直到她转过街角。
【例句】I usually take the bus to school.(=I usually go to school by bus.)我通常乘公共汽车去上学。
1.excuse me劳驾,对不起(用于礼貌地引起某人的注意)
【例句】E xcuse me,I'm late.对不起,我迟到了。2.on the left/right在左边/右边
【例句】The school is on the left.学校在左边。3.in front of在……的前面
【例句】Please wait for me in front of the house.请
【辨析】in front of与in the front of
front of
)in the frontof
在……(范围之外)的前面在……(范围之内)的前部【例句】There isa car in front of the house and Tom is sitting inthe front of the car.房子前面有一辆小汽车,汤姆正坐在汽车的前部。
Module 6 Around town
4.turn right/left向右/左转
【例句】Go straight ahead and turn right at the second crossing.一直往前走,在第二个十字路口往右转。
5.the way to...去……的路
【例句】Could you tell me the way to your home 你能告诉我去你家的路吗
【拓展】on the way to...在某人去……的路上6.get to到达
【例句】She usually gets to school at 7:30.她经常7:30到学校。
7.over there在那边
【例句】The woman over there is my mother.那边的那位女士是我的妈妈。
1.Why not ask the policeman over there 为什么
Why not do... 是一个提出建议或征求意见的句型,意为“为什么不做…… ”,相当于“Why don't
you do... ”。
【例句】Why not read newspapers in English =Why don't you rcad ncwspapcrs in English 你为什么不读英文报纸呢
2.Could you tell me how to get to the National Stadium 你能告诉我怎么去国家体育场吗
【例句】Could you help me,please 请你帮帮我好吗
Could I sithere 我可以坐在这儿吗
【拓展】“Could you... ”是一个表示请求语气的句型,肯定回答常用“Certainly.”“Sure.”等,否定回答常用“Sorry,I can't.”。
【例句】—Could you open the windows 你可以把
cxcusc mc开头。下面是常用的问路句型:
Can/Could you tell me the way to...,please 请你告诉我去……的路,好吗
Which is the way to...,please 请问,哪条是去……的路
Excuse me.Where is... 打扰了,……在哪儿 How can I get to... 我怎样去……
Is there a(n)...ncarherc 这附近有……吗
Do you know the way to...,please 请问,你知道去……的路吗
I want to go to...Do you know the way 我想去……,你知道路吗
I'm looking for...Can you tell me where it is 我在找……,你能告诉我它在哪儿吗
3.Have a nice day!祝您玩得高兴!
【例句】Have a good time!祝您玩得开心!Have a nice trip!祝您旅途愉快!
Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right.
1.tour n.(短期的)参观,浏览;旅行
【例句】They're going on a world tour.他们正在环球旅行。
2.square n.广场
【例句】We can dance on the square.我们可以在广场上跳舞。
3.middle n.中部;中间adj.中等的;中部的
【例句】Do you know the man sitting in the middle of the first row 你认识坐在第一排中间的那个人吗
【搭配】in the middle of在……的中间
4.famous adj.著名的
【例句】Hollywood turned her into a famous movie star.好莱坞把她变成了一个著名的电影明星。
【搭配】be famous for...因……而出名be famous as...作为……而出名
5.painting n.油画;绘画
【例句】I don't like this painting.我不喜欢这幅油画。
6.from prep.从……出发
【例句】Where do you go from here 您要从这儿到哪儿去
7.metre n.米
【例句】The building is 43 metres high.这个建筑有四十三米高。
8.above prep.在……上方;在……之上
【例句】They live in a flat above the shop.他们住在商店上面的一个公寓里。
above “在……之上”,位置上高于,两者不接触 反义词:below
over “在…之上”,多指垂直高于,两者不接触 反义词:under
on “在……的上面”,两者表面接触 反义词:bencath
【例句】There is a photo of my pen pal above the desk.桌子上方有我笔友的一张照片。
The light is over the desk.桌子上方有一盏灯。The book is on the desk.那本书在桌子上。
9.river n.河;江
【例句】Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia.长江是亚洲最长的河流。
10.clear adj.(天气)晴朗的
【例句】It rained suddenly.However,it will be clear soon.天突然下起了雨,但很快就会放晴。
【拓展】clearly adv.清楚地,明白
Can you see clearly from here 从这里你能清楚地看到吗
11.bridge n.桥
【例句】This bridge is made of wood.这座桥是木制的。
12.railway n.铁路
【例句】The railway connects Shanghai and Jinan.这条铁路连接上海和济南。
13.past prep.路过(某物或某地);越过
【例句】He slowly walked past the house.他慢慢地走过这座房子。
14.church n.教堂
【例句】The church is some centuries old.这座教
15.finish v.结束;完成
【例句】She has finished this difficult work.她完成了这项有难度的工作。
【例句】How soon will you finish reading this
book 你多久才能读完这本书
【例句】There are many flowers on the other side
of the road.路的另一边有很多花。
16.high adj.高的
【例句】This building is so high.这座建筑很高。
1.on a clear day在晴朗的一天
【例句】We went hiking on a clear day.我们在晴朗的一天去徒步旅行了。
2.by boat乘船
【例句】Do you come hereby boat 你乘船来这儿的吗
3.get off下(飞机、车、船)等
【例句】Call me when you get off the train.下火车
【拓展】get off反义词组是get on,意为“上船/车……”。get on/off后可接宾语,也可单独使用。
4.next to靠近,紧挨着
【例句】He sits next to me.他紧挨着我坐着。
5.most of...……的大部分/大多数
【例句】Most of the boys in our class like playing basketball.我们班里大部分男生喜欢打篮球。
Unit 3 Language in use
1.up prep.沿着……而去
【例句】The bus climbed slowly up the road.公交车沿着公路缓缓地向上行驶。
2.down prep.沿着
【例句】He ran off down the street.他沿着街道跑了。3.stop n.车站
【例句】The railway stationwill be our next stop.我们的下一站是火车站。
【拓展】stop v.停止
【例句】Stop making noise!停止制造噪音!
1.post office邮政局
【例句】There is a bank ncar the post officc.邮局附近有一家银行。
2.learn about了解
【例句】I want to learn about your childhood.我想了解你童年的一些情况。
3.walk up沿……走,登上
【例句】Please walk up the street.请沿着街走。4.on the other side of...在……的另一边
【例句】Thereare many flowers on the other side of the road.路的另一边有很多花。
Module 6 Around town
方位 特点 方位介词 (短语) 含义与用法 例句
上 on “在…上面”两者接触 The cup is on the desk.杯子在桌子上面。
above “在……上方”,表示位置高于 The plane is above the clouds.飞机在云层之上。
over “在…上面” 表示在正上方 Thereis a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。
下 under “在……下面”,两者无接触 Your shoes are underthe chair.你的鞋子在椅子下面。
前 in front of “在……前面”,两者不存在包 含关系 The trees are in front of the house.树在房子前面。
in the front of “在……前面” 两者存在包含 关系 The desk is in the front of the room.桌子在房间前面。
后 behind 在……后面 Who's behind the tree 谁在树后面
里面 in 在里面 What can you see in the room 在房问里你能看到什么
in the middle of 在……的中心 We're standing in the middle of the city.我们站在城市的中心位置。
左/右 on one's right/lef 在某人的右边/左边 On my left is Daming.在我左边的是大明。
on the right/left(of... 在(……的)右边/左边 The bank is on the right of the cinema.银行在电影院的右边。
中间 between... and.. 在和…… 之间 There is a bank between the park and the school.在公园和学校之间有一家银行。
附近 near 在……附近 I live near the school.我住在学校附近。
next to 紧挨着 I'm standing next to my elder sister.我站在我姐姐身旁。
对面 opposite 在……的对面 The shop is opposite the station.商店在车站对面。
沿着 along/up/down 沿着 Walk along/up/down the street.沿街步行。
横过 across 越过 Let's go across the road.我们过马路吧。
例1—Do you know the student David and Jack
—Yeah.It's Jim
A.among B.in
C.between D.around
解析:本题考查介词的用法。结合语境可知此处是说,你认识David和Jack之间的那个学生吗 between...and...
例2 I can't see Lucy because she is the tree.
A.in front of
C.next to
解析:本题考查介词(短语)的用法。句意:我看不见露西,因为她(藏)在树的后面。由can't see可知此处应用介词behind“在……的后面”。
例3 Just walk down and
turn.The market is
A.the left;left
B.left;on the left
C.the right;right
D.right;the right
解析:turn left意为“向左转”,left在此处用作副词,意为“向左”;on the left意为“在左边”,left在此处用作名词,意为“左边”。
Can you tell me the way to... 你能告诉我去……的路吗
Could you tell me how to get to... 你能告诉我怎样去……吗
Is there a/an...near here 这附近有……吗
How can I get to... 我怎样到达……
Where is the... ……在哪里
Which is the way to... 哪条是去……的路
Go along...street/road.沿着……街/路走。
Go across/past...穿过/经……
Go straight on,and you'll find...直行,你会发现……
Turn left/right at the...street/turning/crossing.在第……个(条)街道/转弯
Turn left/right into...向左/右拐进……
You can take No...bus.你可以乘……路公交车。
常用句型:Can you tell me how to get to.../Is there a...near here Walk along...turn right/left...
这是一幅你所在学校的平面图,请用简洁的语言介绍一下校园的布局,词数80左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。(flower bed花坛;main主要的)
This is a map of my school.
School gate
步骤 构思 列纲
1 确定中心参照物:教学楼 a tall teaching building,in the middle of the school
2 教学楼前建筑物:图书馆,办公楼 library building,office building,on the left,on theright
3 教学楼后建筑物:微机室,操扬 computer room,playground,behind
This is a map of my school.When you come into the school gate,you'll see a tall teaching building in the middle of the school.There are two flower beds on both sides of the main road.On the left,there is a library building,and on the right is an office building.A big


