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英 语
1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分150分,考试时间 120分钟。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Move his car. B. Go to the park. C. Do some shopping.
2. Where does the conversation take place
A. On a bus. B. In a coffee shop. C. At home.
3. What does the woman say about her new work
A. It is pleasing. B. It is heavier than before. C. It is boring.
4. What is Susan busy doing these days
A. Preparing for exams.
B. Organizing a study group.
C. Working part-time at the library.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. A movie. B. A performance. C. A game.
第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday.
7. What does the woman advise doing together after school
A. Repairing the bike. B. Going for a bike ride. C. Calling the shop assistant.
听第7段材料,回答第8至 10题。
8. What is the woman's attitude toward decorating the branch office
A. Unclear. B. Supportive. C. Disapproving.
9. What does the man agree to do
A. Employ more staff. B. Field a bigger office. C. Pay the rent on time.
10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Colleagues. B. Neighbors. C. Strangers.
听第8段材料,回答第 11 至 13题。
11. Why does the man talk to the woman
A. To ask for help. B. To make an apology. C. To extend an invitation.
12. Where are the speakers going this weekend
A. The Italian restaurant. B. The Chinese restaurant. C. The Thai restaurant.
13. What will the man do next
A. Talk with Tony. B. Reserve a table. C. Go to the train station.
听第9段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. How has the man learned about the museum
A. By visiting it in person.
B. By watching it on TV.
C. By reading an article about it.
15. What do we know about the museum
A. It looks unusual.
B. Its cost is very low.
C. It is a square-shaped building.
16. What led to the reconstruction of the mobile sculpture
A. Its size. B. Its shape. C. Its weight.
17. What does the man intend to do again
A. Borrow the magazine.
B. Interview the sculptor.
C. Write an article on the museum.
18. What is the speaker doing
A. Chairing a meeting. B. Giving a class. C. Hosting a program.
19. Who is Giuseppe Fontini
A. A scientist. B. A lawmaker. C. A taxi driver.
20. What will the speaker probably talk about next
A. What lawmakers are supposed to do.
B. The benefit of hands-free equipment.
C. The danger of using cell phones while driving.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)
第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Four Best Literary Festivals in the UK This Year
Ready to dive into a world between pages Here are four best literary festivals happening around the UK this year.
Edinburgh International Book Festival
When: 10th—25th August
Celebrating the written word on an international level, this much-loved festival in Edinburgh is a great place to go if you love all wordy things, from books to the spoken word. There's a real emphasis on creative learning, while encouraging a love of reading at every age. Kids will find a whole host of fun activities throughout the festival.
North Cornwall Book Festival
When: 27th-29th September In true Cornish style, this festival throws a spotlight on everything the local community has to offer, from tasty food and drink in the festival market to local artists and musicians creating exciting exhibitions and concerts. Previous years have seen poet and boxer Matt Windle and international best-selling author Kate Mosse sharing their passions with audiences. This year, Tom Holland, Max Porter and Ann Cleeves will take to the stage to share their incredible insights into the industry.
Bath Children's Literature Festival
When: 27th September-7th October
Getting kids into reading has never been easier thanks to Europe's largest children's literature festival right here in Bath. This celebration of children's literature is jam-packed with fun activities for little ones, all of which are aimed at getting them excited about the books that surround them. Talks from beloved authors provide even more excitement, with Darren Shan, Neil Gaiman and David Walliams among the festival's previous headliners.
Cheltenham Literature Festival
When: 4th-13th October
Claiming the impressive title of the oldest annual literary festival in the UK, Cheltenham turns into a big book club every autumn, welcoming bookworms from all over the world. The10-day festival packs a lot in, with a range of family activities and ticketed events to meet every booking taste.
21. What does the festival held in August stress
A. Creative learning. B. Family activities.
C. Impressive concerts. D. Exciting exhibitions.
22. Who will attend this year's North Cornwall Book Festival
A. Matt Windle. B. Kate Mosse. C. Tom Holland. D. Darren Shan.
23. Which of the following is the UK's oldest annual literary festival
A. North Cornwall Book Festival. B. Cheltenham Literature Festival.
C. Bath Children's Literature Festival. D. Edinburgh International Book Festival.
Joy Ryan didn't get a passport until she was aged 91. But a year after becoming the oldest person to visit all 63 National Parks in the US, Grandma Joy is setting out on a new global challenge with her grandson Brad Ryan, 42.
This pair, who became famous in 2023 for exploring their national parks, are now planning to travel to all seven continents in the world together. “I don't have many years left, so hurry up and go,” Grandma Joy, now 94, says. “If I slow down, I don't get anything done.”
While Brad assumed that traveling with an elderly person might spoil the fun a little bit ,he quickly found that this wasn't the case. In fact, it was quite the opposite. “It made the experience of being in the great outdoors much richer,” he says, explaining that having to move more slowly meant he was able to take everything in in a more meaningful way. “I wasn't rushing through the places that I was visiting. I was really taking the time to appreciate smaller details.”
In the nearly 10 years since their first trip, Brad has noticed a big change in Grandma Joy's physical health, explaining that she was quite shaky in the beginning but has become a lot more capable. Being able to share so many special moments with Grandma Joy has also meant that Brad has been able to ask questions that he's never had the opportunity to ask before. While they clearly get on well with each other, the pair's significant age gap has unavoidably led to occasional conflicts, especially when it comes to their different tastes in music.
Life is very short. As for Grandma Joy, she's enjoying making up for lost time. and now has several stamps in her first passport. “As for me, the glass is half full, not half empty. And the people that I meet along the way lift my spirits. Besides, not everybody is lucky enough to have a grandson that's willing to drag them around,” she says.
24. What is the new ambition of Grandma Joy and Brad
A. To get passports. B. To tour the world.
C. To become famous musicians. D. To visit all national parks in the US.
25. What does the underlined word “spoil” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Bring. B. Record. C. Ruin. D. Spread.
26. How has traveling together affected Grandma Joy and Brad
A. They have built a closer relationship.
B. They have collected several glasses.
C. They have learned to avoid all conflicts.
D. They have developed the same taste for music.
27. Which word can best describe Grandma Joy
A. Humorous. B. Generous. C. Honest. D. Optimistic.
Sperm whales(抹香鲸) have the biggest brains of any animal on the planet at up to twenty pounds, as much as six times the size of an average human brain. They live in groups of about ten and sometimes meet up with hundreds or thousands of other whales. Sperm whales can grow up to eighteen meters long and dive to nearly 1,000 meters to hunt for food. They sleep upright and in groups.
Like many whales and dolphins, sperm whales are highly social animals and communicate underwater by strings of rapid clicks, which are also used to help them locate and track their food.
In a study published in the journal Nature Communications, researchers analyzed more than 8,700 pieces of sperm whale clicks that they believe make up a “phonetic alphabet(音标)”,which the whales can use to build the very rough equivalent(对应的事物) of what people think of as words and phrases. They say they have found four basic components that they think make up this phonetic alphabet. Pratyusha Sharma, the paper's lead researcher, says this alphabet could then be used by the whales in an unlimited number of combinations.
To get enough records of the sperm whale clicks in Dominica, where there is a residential population of about 200 sperm whales, scientists created a huge underwater recording studio with microphones at different depths. Devices on the whales recorded what position they were in when clicking—for example, diving, sleeping, breathing at the surface—and if there were any other whales nearby they might be communicating with.
Jeremy Goldbogen, an associate professor of oceans at Stanford University, who was not involved in the study, said that if we were one day able to understand what sperm whales were saying, that knowledge should be used for conservation purposes, like minimizing their risk of being hit by ships or reducing ocean noise levels.
David Gruber, founder and president of the Cetacean Translation Initiative, says millions and possibly billions of whale clicks would be needed to collect enough data to try to work out what the whales are saying, but he expects AI to help. speed the analysis.
28. What do we know about sperm whales
A. They often travel alone. B. They can sleep on their backs.
C. They can be up to 18 meters long. D. They have smaller brains than humans.
29. What can be inferred from paragraph 3
A. Language learning takes a lot of practice.
B. Sperm whales give off clicks to track each other.
C. The experimental results are inconsistent with the expectation.
D. Sperm whales and humans may communicate in a similar way.
30. Which statement will Jeremy Goldbogen probably agree with
A. The study is very meaningful. B. The ocean noise level is rather low.
C. It is risky to hunt sperm whales. D. It is easy to protect sperm whales.
31. What does David Gruber suggest
A. Limiting the use of AI. B. Recording the number of whales.
C. Collecting more whale clicks. D. Recovering the whale populations.
On a three-lane(车道) test track along the Monongahela River, an 18-wheel truck rounded a bend. No one was on board. A quarter mile ahead, the truck's sensors spotted a garbage can blocking one lane and a tire in another. In less than a second, it signaled and moved into the unblocked lane.
The self-driving truck is owned by Pittsburgh-based Aurora Innovation. Late this year, Aurora plans to start transporting goods on Interstate 45 between the Dallas and Houston areas with 20 driverless trucks. Within three or four years, Aurora and its competitors expect to put thousands of such self-driving trucks on America's public freeways.
The companies say the autonomous trucks will save on fuel, because they don't have to stop and will drive at more consistent speeds. Also, Aurora says its testing has shown that if a maintenance issue arises while one of its trucks is traveling on a freeway, the vehicle will automatically pull over to the side of the road and remotely call for assistance.
These unmanned vehicles have drawn doubt from safety advocates, who warn that with almost no regulation(监管), it will be mainly up to the companies themselves to determine when the trucks are safe enough to operate without humans on board. The critics complain that federal agencies, including the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, take a generally passive approach to safety, typically acting only after crashes occur.
But Aurora and other companies that are developing the systems argue that years of testing show that their trucks will actually be safer than human-driven ones. They note that the vehicles’ sensors can “see” farther than human eyes. The trucks never tire, as human drivers do. They never become distracted by alcohol or drugs.
Patti Pierce, a retired accountant from Plano, Texas, said she would be OK with the self-driving technology in about a decade. “I don't want to be on the road with them right now,” she said. “I'm not sure whether the technology is good enough right now to have a truck that drives itself.”
32. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How to pass a driving test. B. The advantages of driverless trucks.
C. How to operate autonomous trucks. D. The competition between companies.
33. What can we say about the regulation on unmanned vehicles
A. It is insufficient. B. It is satisfactory.
C. It is unnecessary. D. It is overstrict.
34. What does Patti Pierce think of the current self-driving technology
A. It is advanced enough. B. It still needs improving.
C. It will replace human drivers. D. It should be put into use right away.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. The Long Road to Driverless Trucks
B. An Accident Report on the US Highway
C. Driverless Trucks to Be Tested on Roads
D. Unmanned Trucks Set to Hit US Highways
第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2.5分,满分 12.5分)
When your friend is going through a crisis, whether it's a break-up or an illness, you will want to be there to support and encourage them. The following are some tips for you.
36 . People need to tell their stories especially if they're going through a crisis. Sometimes you're going to have opinions about their situation. However, it isn't always necessary to share the advice. Of course, you can ask if they would like your advice. 37 .
Offer practical help. Instead of offering advice, what you can offer is some actual help. This is what someone struggling to deal with a difficult situation truly needs. 38 . For example, you can help them out with some housework like helping clean their house, or take their dog for a walk.
Let your friend deal with their emotions in their own time. 39 . One day your friend might be okay with the change and the next day they're completely falling apart. So never say something like “It seemed like you were doing okay, what happened ” or “Aren't you sad enough ”
Continue to check in. People have a tendency to be very concerned about someone immediately after their life falls apart, but fall away as time goes on. 40 . Make sure your friend knows that they can call on you if they need to, and that you keep up with how they're doing.
A. Share your advice
B. Make sure you don't do this
C. Listen to them without judgment
D. Even doing some little things can make a difference
E. But don't be surprised if that isn't what they're really after
F. Let your family members know you are here to support them
G. Emotions involved in difficult life changes tend to come in waves
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)
Back in 2017, Kofi Thomas heard about an open space in his neighborhood. Somehow, the piece of city land had been 41 by time. Instead of a narrow and weedy plot of land, Kofi saw the open space as a(n) 42 to realize his vision.
As a gardener, Kofi hoped to create a 43 for his community. After getting 44 from the relevant department, Kofi and his friends 45 to clean out the broken glass and fallen tree leaves on the open space. Then they 46 ten tons of soil and were ready to 47 the seeds.
The garden was open to the public in April 2018. It has since become a green space that 48 people to harvest and eat the food 49 by the land.
Part of the garden's purpose is to share fresh vegetables with their neighbors. They 50 donate them to local women's shelters, church groups and other community groups. To date, they've 51 over 10,000 pounds of fresh food.
And they're forming partnerships with nearby schools to encourage 52 to learn more about sustainable living. “All of the food that we grow serves as a(n) 53 tool,” Kofi said. “A lot of kids around here have never even 54 a tomato plant. It's really 55 to have the youth recognize these plants and understand the health benefits of growing their own food.”
41. A. paid B. forgotten C. chosen D. represented
42. A. failure B. ability C. sign D. opportunity
43. A. school B. church C. garden D. shelter
44. A. approval B. comfort C. criticism D. information
45. A. refused B. started C. regretted D. pretended
46. A. s wept away B. gave up C. brought in D. broke through
47. A. sell B. share C. show D. plant
48. A. welcomes B. warns C. requests D. forces
49. A. controlled B. buried C. improved D. produced
50. A. suddenly B. fortunately C. routinely D. barely
51. A. sent out B. kept out C. found out D. left out
52. A. teachers B. kids C. parents D. doctors
53. A. sharp B. editing C. marketing D. educational
54. A. donated B. seen C. imagined D. borrowed
55. A. useless B. risky C. cool D. strange
第二节 (共 10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)
With box office receipts(收入) rocketing between the Spring Festival and May Day holidays, Chinese filmmakers have begun intensifying efforts 56 (expand) their footprint overseas.
On April 20, the China Film Group Corp, one of 57 country's largest studios, announced a lineup of 78 films designed to attract 58 (globe) buyers from more than 10countries, including the UK, the US, France and Australia.
The list, which is comprised of upcoming films, 59 (include) Tsui Hark's martial arts film The Legend of the Condor Heroes: The Great Hero, the 8th-century-set animated hit Chang’ an, 60 the patriotic film My Country, My Parents.
Liu Chun, vice-president of the China Film Group Corp, says that they prepared 61 two months to organize a special screening event of the films during the 14th Beijing International Film Festival, 62 closed on April 26, in the hope of more Chinese films being shown abroad.
Speaking about the criteria for selection, Liu says that the entries had to meet the tastes of international audiences, while also being 63 (distinct) Chinese.
“We held a similar screening for nine Russian distributors last October and have since received positive feedback. Considering the 64 (increase) number of foreign filmmakers and insiders coming to China this year, we expect to spread more Chinese 65 (story)around the world, ”he says.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)
第一节 (满分 15分)
假定你是李华。你对历史课上的一个关于美国的历史事件不甚理解,故求助于来自美国的交换生 Tom,他给你进行了解答。请你给他写一封邮件,表示感谢,内容包括:
1.回顾 Tom对你的帮助。
注意:1.写作词数应为 80个左右;
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
I have recently retired from my teaching position. I know how powerfully one teacher can impact the life of a person.
Because I was born in the poorest family in town, I quit high school to get a job. With no education and skills, I only found factory jobs or waitress work, which barely kept a roof over our heads.
One day, searching the job ads, I found a notice that our local community college offered training for those who qualified under a government program. It included a stipend(津贴) for the hours as well as the training. One requirement was a high school diploma(毕业文凭) or GED(General Educational Development) certificate. Fortunately, after dropping out of school, I took the GED test and received my certificate, but with such low scores, I was ashamed to show it to anyone. However, I still decided to go to the school to meet the advisor who would assess me. Her name was Ruby Martin.
I was prepared to hear her criticize me for my low scores and wasting her valuable time. However, she did the opposite. “You are so young. Why are you applying for this training program instead of applying to college ”she asked.
I whispered, “Because I am poor and stupid...”
She looked gently at me and said, “Since you have got the GED certificate, you are not stupid at all.” For the next hour, she explained that I could go to college with the help of financial support. She also assured me I would make an excellent candidate for the job training program.
Throughout the twelve-week training, Mrs. Martin came in every few days and spoke to several of us, including me. She was encouraging and supportive. The basic skills we learned in that program made it possible for me to get a job as a retail clerk and bookkeeper, but the words of Mrs. Martin echoed(回响) in my mind. One day, armed with some hope and questions, I dropped by Mrs, Martin's office. She took the time to guide me toward the financial-aid office. With her help, I managed to be admitted into the college.
College proved challenging yet incredibly rewarding.
I dropped by Mrs. Martin's office again after my graduation.
宁武县2023-2024学年高二下学期7月期末考试 ·英语
(Text 1)
W: Excuse me, your car is blocking my driveway and I need to go to the store.
M: Sorry, I'll move it right away. And I'll make sure to be more mindful of where I park in the future.
(Text 2)
M: Mom, I got wet! It started to pour the minute I got off the bus.
W: I'm sorry to hear that. Take a shower and change into something dry while I make you a cup of coffee.(Text 3)
M: Zoe, I read about your promotion in the newspaper. You must be very pleased.
W: To be honest, I can take it or leave it. The new office is nice, but the amount of work has doubled.(Text 4)
M: Did you know that Susan has three exams next week
W: Really I guess that would explain why she's been spending so much time in the library lately.
M: Maybe we could organize a study group to help her prepare.
(Text 5)
W: How great the performance was! You must be feeling satisfied with yourselves.
M: We are. We put a lot of passion into our music. And judging by the smiles of the audience, they appreciated it.(Text 6)
M: Anna, when are you going to get your bike repaired
W:I took it to the shop the day before yesterday—on Monday. They phoned me yesterday morning and said they'd finished the work. I just haven't had time to go and collect it.
M: Let's go after school this afternoon. It's on the way home, isn't it
W: That's a good idea. As you've already got your bike at school, what about going out for a ride together after I've collected it
M: Great idea!
(Text 7)
M: Are there any further comments before we move on to the next item on the agenda of our company
W: No. I think we've covered everything.
M:Good. Let's now turn to the issue of decorating the branch office.
W: Well, our rental agreement ends in May. The current office is available for a month. I think we need to look for a larger space as soon as possible instead of decorating it because we'll have more staff.
M: OK. A month will be enough for us to look for a bigger space in the same neighborhood.
(Text 8)
M: Hi. Lisa. Smith and I were thinking of going out for a meal this weekend. Would you guys like to come with us
W: Yes, that's wonderful. Where were you planning to go
M: We thought about going to that new Italian restaurant in town. It's meant to be really good.
W: But hang on a second. I'll just ask Tony . .. Sorry, William. Tony isn't a big fan of Italian food.
M: OK, never mind. We could go somewhere else.
W: How about going to that new Chinese restaurant or the Thai one near the train station They're supposed to be excellent and good value for money.
M:I'm sure Smith would like the first one. He loves dumplings and noodles. Shall I book a table for Saturday evening
W: OK, that would be perfect for us. Why don't we get a table for 8 o'clock
M: Yes, OK. I'll book one.
(Text 9)
M: Hey, Julie. How was your trip
W: Wonderful. I spent most of my time at the art museum. When I first saw it, I was amazed. I especially liked the ring-shaped building. I was interested to hear the guide explain all the problems they had building it.
M:I just read an article in a magazine that went on about the cost—ninety million in total. Hmm, it looked really unusual, at least from what I saw in the picture.
W: It is. The basic design is a circle. In fact, there are circles all over—the stones on the paths and even a lot of the sculptures. One sculpture is a mobile. It's in the courtyard and it moves slowly in the air. It's really impressive.
M: That was in the article, too. It said the original was made of steel, and it weighed so much that it wasn't safe to hang.
W: Right. They did it over in a lightweight material. so it wouldn't crash down on someone's head.
M: You know, the article went into that in detail. There was even an interview with the sculptor. I'd like to borrow the magazine again sometime.
(Text 10)
M:Okay, boys and girls, at the end of our class, I'll talk about a recent study. The study shows that drivers using cell phones, even hands-free, are four times more likely to have accidents. The findings show that the use of earphones and other hands-free devices while driving does not reduce the risk of accidents. The research indicates that the primary cause of phone-related accidents is not the handling of the phone, but rather the act of talking on a phone. “The brain cannot quickly process the complex information required for driving and talking on the phone at the same time,” Giuseppe Fontini, a leading research scientist in the study, said. He added that the information distracts the driver, thus leading to a serious accident. The challenge now is for lawmakers. Many governments have banned the use of normal mobile phone s behind the wheel. But some have allowed the use of hands-free equipment for several reasons. But with this new study, lawmakers may...
1~5 ACBAB 6~10 CBCBA 11~15 CBBCA 16~20 CABAA
21. A 细节理解题。根据 Edinburgh International Book Festival 部分“When: 10th—25th August... There's areal emphasis on creative learning...”可知,八月份举行的爱丁堡国际图书节注重创造性学习。
22. C 细节理解题。根据 North Cornwall Book Festival 部分“This year. Tom Holland, Max Porter and Ann Cleeves will take to the stage to share their incredible insights into the industry.”可知. Tom Holland 将参加今年的北康沃尔图书节。
23. B 细节理解题。根据 Cheltenham Literature Festival 部分“Claiming the impressive title of the oldest annual literary festival in the UK, Cheltenham turns into...”可知,切尔滕纳姆文学节是英国最古老的年度文学节。
24. B 细节理解题。根据第一段“…Grandma Joy is setting out on a new global challenge with her grandson Brad Ryan, 42.”及第二段“…are now planning to travel to all seven continents in the world together.”可知, Joy和 Brad 的新目标是环游世界。
25. C 词义猜测题。根据画线词前“While Brad assumed that traveling with an elderly person might”及画线词后“the fun a little bit. he quickly found that this wasn't the case. In fact, it was quite the opposite.”可推断,画线词的意思和 Ruin最接近。
26. A 推理判断题。根据第四段“Being able to share so many special moments with Grandma Joy has also meant that Ryan has been able to ask questions that he's never had the opportunity to ask before.”可推断,Grandma Joy 和Brad一起的旅行让他们的关系更加亲近。
27. D 推理判断题。根据最后一段“‘As for me, the glass is half full, not half empty. And the people that Imeet along the way lift my spirits. Besides, not everybody is lucky enough to have a grandson that's willing to drag them around, ’she says.”可推断, Grandma Joy非常乐观。
28. C 细节理解题。 根据第一段“Sperm whales can grow up to eighteen meters long...”可知,抹香鲸可以长到18米长。
29. D 推理判断题。根据第三段“…a ‘phonetic alphabet(音标)’, which the whales can use to build the very rough equivalent(对应的事物) of what people think of as words and phrases. They say they have found four basic components that they think make up this phonetic alphabet... says this alphabet could then be used by the whales in an unlimited number of combinations.”可推断,抹香鲸和人类的交流方式可能相似。
30. A 推理判断题。 根据第五段“Jeremy Goldbogen……who was not involved in the study, said that if we were one day able to understand what sperm whales were saying, that knowledge should be used for conservation purposes...”可推断, Jeremy Goldbogen认为对于抹香鲸所发出的声音的研究非常有意义。
31. C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“David Gruber……says millions and possibly billions of whale clicks would be needed to collect enough data to try to work out what the whales are saying...”可知, David Gruber 建议多收集一些抹香鲸的声音数据。
32.B 段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要讲的是无人驾驶卡车的优势。
33. A 细节理解题。根据第四段“…with almost no regulation(监管), it will be mainly up to the companies themselves to determine when the trucks are safe enough to operate without humans on board. The critics complain that federal agencies... take a generally passive approach to safety, typically acting only after crashes occur.”可知,有关无人驾驶汽车的法规并不完善。
34. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Patti Pierce... said she would be OK with the self-driving technology in about a decade. ‘I don't want to be on the road with them right now,’ she said. ‘I’m not sure whether the technology is good enough right now to have a truck that drives itself.’”可推断, Patti Pierce 认为当前的自动驾驶技术有待提高。
35.D 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段、第二段可知,本文主要介绍了无人驾驶卡车将在美国高速公路上行驶。
36. C 根据空后“Sometimes you're going to have opinions about their situation. However, it isn't always necessary to share the advice.”可知,C项“不带评判地倾听他们”适合作本段的主题句。
37. E 根据空前“However, it isn't always necessary to share the advice. Of course, you can ask if they would like your advice.”可知,E项“但如果这不是他们真正想要的,不要感到惊讶”符合。
38. D 根据空前“Instead of offering advice, what you can offer is some actual help...”及空后“For example, you can help them out with some housework like helping clean their house. or take their dog for a walk.”可知,D项“即使是做一些小事情也能带来一定的影响”符合。
39. G 根据空前“Let your friend deal with their emotions in their own time.”及空后“One day your friend might be okay with the change and the next day they're completely falling apart.”可知,G 项“在艰难的生活变化中,人的情绪往往是一波接着一波的”符合。
40. B 根据空前“People have a tendency to be very concerned about someone immediately after their life falls apart, but fall away as time goes on.”及空后“Make sure your friend knows that they can call on you if they need to, and that you keep up with how they're doing.”可知,B项“确保你不会这样做”符合。
41. B 不知怎的,随着时间的推移,这块城市土地被遗忘了(forgotten)。
42. D Kofi把这块空地看作是实现他愿景的机会(opportunity),而不是一块狭窄且杂草丛生的土地。
43. C 作为一名园丁, Kofi希望为他的社区创造一个花园(garden)。
44. A 在得到相关部门的批准(approval)后, Kofi 和他的朋友们开始(started)清理空地上的碎玻璃和掉落的树叶。
45. B 见上题解析。
46. C 然后他们运来(brought in)十吨土壤,准备播(plant)种。
47. D 见上题解析。
48. A 它已经成为一个绿色空间,欢迎(welcomes)人们收获和食用这片土地生产的(produced)食物。
49. D 见上题解析。
50. C 他们定期(routinely)向当地妇女收容所、教会团体和其他社区团体捐赠蔬菜。
51. A 到目前为止,他们已经送出了(sent out)一万多磅新鲜食物。
52.B 他们正在与附近的学校建立合作关系,鼓励孩子们(kids)学习更多关于可持续生活的知识。
53. D Kofi说:“我们种植的食物可作为一种教育(educational)工具。”
54. B “这里的很多孩子甚至从未见过(seen)番茄植株。”
55.C “让年轻人认识这些植物并了解自己种植食物对健康的好处,这真的很酷(cool)。”
56. to expand 57. the 58. global 59. includes 60. and 61. for 62. which 63. distinctly
64. increasing/increased 65. stories
One possible version:
Dear Tom,
I can't wait to express my gratitude to you for your timely help.
Feeling very confused about an event in American history in my history class last week, I was worried about how to finish the relevant homework. So I turned to you for help. You told me every de tail of this historical event and compared it to a similar event in Chinese history. Your vivid analysis made me immediately understand and remember the knowledge, which also gave me a lot of inspiration to finish the homework better.
Thanks again for your help.
Li Hua
One possible version:
College proved challenging yet incredibly rewarding. There were many classes to attend every day, during which the professors required us to read a lot of books. So I spent a great deal of my time in the library. I cherished this hard-won learning opportunity very much. At the same time, in order to earn money to cover my living expenses, I did some part-time jobs. At graduation, I earned a bachelor's degree in English for Education and set out on my own career as a teacher.
I dropped by Mrs. Martin's office again after my graduation. Overcome with gratitude and the realization that she had truly given me a new life, I couldn't wait to tell her I had graduated with honors, and that I would be teaching in a high school. With tears in my eyes, I continued, “If you had not believed in me and encouraged me, I would never have gone to college. ”Hearing about my achievements, she felt very proud and inspired me to guide my students like she did. Of course, I would treat my students the way she treated me.


