
  1. 二一教育资源



Unit 1
内容包括: 1. 你的朋友身体不适的表现和原因 2. 你的建议 3. 你的愿景
Dear Bob,
I’m sorry to hear that you have a sore back and have trouble sleeping. I think you spend too much time playing computer games and sit in the same way without moving. That’s probably why you feel sick.
Here is some advice for you. First, I think it’s best for you to do more sports instead of sitting there in the same way for too long. What’s more, you can listen to music to relax before going to sleep. Finally, it’s important to develop a healthy hobby such as playing basketball, reading and so on.
I hope my advice will be helpful and you will feel better soon.
Zhang Hua
Para 1: 表达同情 I’m sorry to hear that 不舒服的表现 + 简单原因分析 That’s because you …
Para 2: 提出建议。先给出中心句Here is some advice for you. 再展开给出2-3条建议(You can/could… /You’d better … / Why not … / It’s important to … / …)
Para 3: 表达愿景 I hope you will feel better soon.
Unit 2
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you about volunteering at the old people’s home. I’d like to help out as a volunteer because I know a lot of old people are lonely and they need more help and care than others.
There are many things I can do for them. For instance, I like singing and dancing. So I can sing some old songs for the old to cheer them up. Besides, I’m good at computers. I could teach them how to use the computer so that they can enjoy computers as much as possible. Also, I’m free to help during the summer vacation. I believe being a volunteer is meaningful and gives me a strong feeling of satisfaction.
Please email me at susan123@com if you choose me as a volunteer.
Yours truly,
Para 1: 表明写作目的(I’m writing to work as a volunteer in …) + 原因 (Because they’re … and they need …)
Para 2: 表明个人申请的优势 (爱好: I like … / 优点:I’m good at … / 时间:I’m free to help … / 意义: I can get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I volunteer to help others.)
Para 3: 给出联系方式 (Call me at … / Email me at …)
延伸1: 分享你的一次志愿者活动经历
《阳光英语杂志 》举办了“Volunteering Builds a Better Neighborhood”的主题征文活动,请根据主题写一篇征文,描述你的一次志愿服务经历和对志愿服务的看法。
1. 谈谈你对志愿服务的看法:
2. 描述你的一次志愿服务经历(包括时间、地点、经过和感受):
3. 号召大家多做志愿服务,共建美好社区。
Nowadays, more and more people take part in volunteer activities. I think volunteer activities can spread kindness among people. In the meanwhile, we can increase our abilities and acquire life skills. My most unforgettable volunteering experience was taking part in Waste-sorting Activity in our community with my friend last week. We introduced the importance of waste-sorting in our daily life. We also told them how to sort out different kinds of waste. We were tired but we were happy because we thought we did something meaningful. I hope everyone can do more volunteer activities to build a better community.
Unit 3
题目:请你给Sunday Mail写一封信,针对“孩子是否应该帮忙做家务”这个话题发表自己的观点
Dear Sir or Madam,
I believe that teenagers like me should do chores at home. I disagree that our only job is to study hard and get good grades. Of course it is important to study hard. However, it is unfair to expect our parents to work all day and do housework all evening. Since we live in one house with our parents, we should do our part in keeping the house clean and tidy.
What’s more, we can learn important life skills by doing chores. I often help my parents with housework, such as doing the dishes and cleaning my bedroom. As a result, I’m able to take good care of myself now.
All in all, doing housework helps us to grow up to be independent and responsible adults.
Yours truly,
Para 1: 表明个人观点(赞成I believe/agree + 从句;不赞成:I don’t agree/believe + 从句)
Para 2: 阐述论据 ( Because … / Since …, … / What’s more, … / Besides, …) +举例论证(For example, …)
Para 3: 总结个人看法(All in all, …)
为了鼓励学生主动参与劳动实践,某中学生英语报开展主题为“An Experience in the Labor Education Course” 征文比赛。假如你是李华,请你给该报投稿参加比赛。
1. 阐述你最难忘的一次劳动课实践经历 (包括时间、地点、过程);
2. 谈谈你对这次劳动实践的收获或感受。
An Experience in the Labor Education Course
Our school had a special labor class for us. Last month, we were asked to clean up the school garden and plant new vegetables.
The most unforgettable moment was to plant carrots. It was a Friday afternoon. It was sunny. As a group of six, we carefully dug holes, placed the seeds, covered them with soil and watered them. Though it was hard work, we laughed and worked together. We learned a lot about duty and teamwork. Two weeks later, we felt proud and excited to see the tiny green plants start to grow.
What an unforgettable labor experience it was! That labor class isn’t just physical work, but it is a chance for us to learn and grow. I will always remember the feeling of achievement.
There are labor classes in many schools now. In my opinion, it is necessary for us students to take labor classes.
Firstly, most students don’t know any real-life skills, like washing clothes and cooking dishes. They can’t look after themselves well. What’s worse, few students know where our food comes from. By taking the labor classes, we can learn some skills in farming and animal raising. We can also better understand life and nature. Life is not all about grades. No pain no gain. Only when students work hard during labor classes, can they learn to respect the working people.
All in all, taking labor classes is not a waste of time at all.
延伸2: 独立性
Nowadays, many of the students depend too much on their parents in their lives. The parents always help their children do too many things, so more and more students are short of independence. I think it’s really important to develop independence. That’s because it can make us become bravely when we meet difficulties. So how to develop our independence Here’s some advice.
First, we must study independently. We should finish our homework independently and make a study plan carefully. Besides, we should help our parents to do chores at home. I think doing housework can teach us how to look after ourselves. Finally, when we meet some problems, try our best to solve them by ourselves. It will make us become braver and cleverer.
All in all, I believe if we can keep doing these things, we will be more independent. Let’s study hard to be a independent student and get ready for the next year’s study.
Unit 4
Dear Sir or Madam,
Nowadays, more and more parents send their children to after-school classes. I don’t really agree with that because they only seem to care about getting their children into good schools.
In my opinion, parents shouldn’t push their children too hard. Although it’s important to learn from a young age, too many after-school classes can cause a lot of stress for children. It’s not good for a child’s development. Parents should fully understand their children's interests and abilities so that they can choose the most suitable classes for their children.
Perhaps parents could let their children decide if they want to have after-school classes. If they are allowed to choose the classes they want, they will benefit more from the classes.
Yours truly,
Para 1: 表明个人观点(赞成I believe/agree + 从句;不赞成:I don’t agree/believe + 从句)
Para 2: 阐述论据 ( Because … / Since …, … / What’s more, … / Besides, …) +举例论证(For example, …)
Para 3: 总结个人看法(All in all, …)
家庭是人生的第一所学校,在父母的教育下,我们长大成人。某英文报社正在开展题为“How to keep a good relationship with parents”的征文活动,请你写一篇英语短文介绍你与父母的相处之道。内容包括:
1. 描述一件父母的教育促使你成长的事;
2. 当你与父母的意见不一致,发生矛盾,你是如何解决的?(至少两点做法)
3. 呼吁同学们懂得与父母沟通,建立良好的亲子关系。
How to keep a good relationship with parents
Our parents teach us a lot. They bring us up no matter how hard they are. We should keep a good relationship with our parents.
I used to quarrel with my parents. I thought they made too many rules for me and didn’t understand me. A thing changed me completely. One day, I went swimming with my friends. I saw a boy jump into the river quickly and get hurt. I remembered the rules they told me to follow. I realized that they always cared for me.
Now, when I have different opinions with my parents, I will communicate with them and find out why they do things like that. I regard my parents as my friends and ask for advice when I am in trouble. We understand each other better.
Try to talk with your parents and keep a good relationship with them. They love you more than you can imagine.
Unit 5
An important event that I remember well was that Su Yiming won China's first Olympic gold in the sport on February 15th, 2022.
When I heard the news, I was reading books while my parents were making lunch. It sounded so unbelievable that we were completely shocked. Later, we saw the report on the Internet. All of us felt very excited and we were proud of this great athlete.
I remember this event well because I’m touched and inspired by Su’s spirit. He spends all his time on snowboarding and tries his best to realize his dream. He is such a great athlete that we can learn a lot from him.
Para 1: 介绍大事(An important event that I remember well was that …)
Para 2: 说明活动+感受 (When I heard the news, I was … while my parents …. We were …)
Para 3: 阐述难忘的原因(I remember this event well because …)
Unit 6
内容包括:(1)你喜欢哪个神话故事; (2)展开描述该神话故事; (3)你喜欢该神话故事的原因。
My Favorite Story
Today I would like to share a famous Chinese story with you. It is called Yu Gong Moves the Mountains.
Once upon a time, there was an old man called Yu Gong. There were two mountains near his house and it took him a long time to walk to the other side. So Yu Gong decided to move the mountains. When Zhisou saw Yu Gong moving the mountains, he told Yu Gong that he could never do it because he was too old and weak. However, Yu Gong didn’t give up and kept trying. Finally, a god was so moved by Yu Gong that he sent two gods to take the mountains away.
The story encourages me to keep trying and never give up. It also reminds me that nothing is impossible if I work hard.
Para 1: 引出喜欢的故事(My favorite Chinese story is …)
Para 2: 简单介绍该故事 (Once upon a time, 过去时…)
Para 3: 说明该故事的启发(The story encourages me to … / The story reminds me that …)
Unit 7
题目:很多鲸类都被列为濒危物种,如蓝鲸、抹香鲸、长须鲸等。假如你是某英文杂志Animal World栏目的编辑,为了增强人们保护鲸的意识,请你以“Whales in danger”为题写一篇短文介绍鲸并呼吁人们保护鲸。
Whales in danger
Whales are the biggest animals in the world. They live in the sea and eat small fish and other sea life. Unluckily, some kinds of whales are in great danger because humans catch them for their meat, fat and oil. What’s worse, water pollution is one of the main reasons for their death.
In order to protect whales, the government should make some rules/laws. What’s more, the education program can teach people the importance of saving whales. Finally, we’d better stop putting rubbish into the sea.
Animals are our friends. We should take action to protect whales.
Para 1: 介绍该动物的基本信息(They live in …. They eat …)+濒危原因 (Because humans catch/kill them for money. / What’s more, they may die from water pollution.)
Para 2: 提出保护建议 (分主体提建议: In order to protect whales, the government should …. What’s more, the education program can …. Finally, we’d better stop ….)
Para 3: 呼吁保护动物(We should protect …. / Let’s protect ….)
Unit 8
[A 层]My favorite writer is J.K. Rowling. She was born in England in 1965. Her first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone came out in 1997. Later it became the bestseller and attracted millions of fans. So far the "Harry Potter" series have sold more than 500 million copies. Now she has been one of the most famous and successful writers all over the world.
I love reading her books because the wizarding world created in her books is so amazing and full of adventures. I have never seen such books before. And her books are usually about love and growing up, which can always touch readers’ hearts.
Rowling is brave and strong in the face of difficulties. She has set a good example for teenagers worldwide. I like her and hope to read more of her books.
My favorite writer[B/C层]
Of all the writers, I like J. K. Rowling best. She was born in England in 1965. Her first novel came out in 1997 and the last one came out in 2007. Now she has been one of the most famous and successful writers all over the world. The novels are so fantastic that teenagers and adults worldwide love to read them. Although I have already read those novels several times, I still find them interesting.
Have you read these novels yet I think you will love them if you have a chance to read them.
Para 1: 介绍作家(My favorite writer is …)+ 基本信息 (She was born in …. Her novel came out in …. She has been one of the most famous writers all over the world.)
Para 2: 阐述喜欢该作者的原因 (I like reading her books because …. / What’s more, she’s brave in the face of difficulties. She has set a good example for us.)
Para 3: 让更多的人了解该作者(You will love her if you have a chance to read her books.)
习近平总书记在新年贺词中说,“我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人。”梦想是我们成长的力量。请以MY DREAM为题写一篇英语短文。写作内容必须包括以下要点:
参考词汇:grow up(长大);come true(实现)
Different people have different dreams. So do I. I want to be a writer when I grow up. I have read all kinds of books since my primary school days. So far I have read about 200 books. I began to take lessons at a writing class three years ago. My teachers said (that) I did a good job.
To make my dream come true, I will keep reading and learning writing skills. Besides, I plan to go travelling to see different people and new things. What’s more, I’m going to write as many articles as I can. I hope to make people find out how beautiful this world is.
No matter what happens, I won’t give up my dream. I always believe my dream will come true one day!
Unit 9
[A 层]Have you ever been to Beijing Beijing, as the capital city of China, is such an attractive city that it’s worth visiting many times. It lies in the north of China and covers an area of about 16,807.8 square kilometers. One great thing about Beijing is that the weather changes with seasons. It’s warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in fall and cold in winter.
There are many places of interest. If you come here, the Great Wall is a wonderful place to visit. As an old saying says, he who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man. It is also a symbol of China. What’s more, you should visit the Palace Museum, which is a good way to learn more about traditional Chinese culture. You can try many kinds of food in Beijing, such as Beijing duck. They are delicious.
Welcome to Beijing. It’s a place that you’ll never forget if you visit.
[B /C层]Have you ever been to Beijing It’s a beautiful city. It lies in the north of China and covers an area of about 16,807.8 square kilometers. With a history of more than 5,000 years, there are many places of interest, such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum. If you go to Beijing, you will have a chance to try the delicious Beijing Duck.
Welcome to Beijing. It’s a place that you’ll never forget if you visit.
Para 1: 介绍地点 (Have you ever been to … ) +基本信息(It is/lies in the … of China. It covers an area of … and has a population of ….)
Para 2: 介绍景点及当地美食 (There are a number of places of interests, such as … and …. What’s more, you can try the delicious ….)
Para 3: 欢迎大家前往该地(Welcome to …. It’s a place you’ll never forget.)
延伸1: 根据所给信息介绍一个地点
(1)在中国的南部,也是沿海(on the coast of)省份;
(2)有许多山脉,最高的山是石坑崆(Shikengkong),高约1902米;最大的湖是万绿湖(Wanlv Lake),面积约370平方千米;最长的河是珠江(Pearl River),长约2400千米,也是中国境内第三长河;
Guangdong Province is in the south of China. It is also on the coast of China. There are lots of high mountains in Guangdong. Among them, Shikengkong is the highest, and it is about 1,902 meters high. Also, there are many lakes in Guangdong. The largest lake there is Wanlv Lake. It is about 370 square kilometers in size. The Pearl River is the third longest river in China and the longest river in Guangdong. It is about 2,400 kilometers long.
I think the nature of Guangdong is fantastic and beautiful. I really love it.
Hi, Jeff. A good place to spend your weekend is the National Museum of China. You can not only have fun but also learn new things there. It's a big building with lots of interesting things inside. You can see amazing shows and learn about the history and culture of China. And the museum offers fun activities to visitors, like painting, making tea and so on. All in all, visiting it is like taking a journey through history and culture. Oh, here is the best part — it is not far from our school. You can go there by taking the No. 2 bus. I think you should visit it. Have a great time!
延伸2: 分享一次你的旅游经历
Traveling is a good way to know about the world, so my family often travel around. Last summer, we visited Nanchang. As soon as we arrived, we fell in love with this city. We visited Teng Wang Tower. It was so much fun! But one place that touched my heart the most was the Nanchang August 1st Memorial Hall. There I learned about the stories of our brave soldiers. They fought for our country without considering their own lives. Thanks to them, we can have a happy and peaceful life.
This trip was quite unforgettable because it made me realize that we should work hard to build a stronger and better country.
Unit 10
[B/C层]My favorite thing from childhood is my teddy bear. I've had it since I was five years old. My grandmother gave it to me on my birthday.
I like the teddy bear so much because it's dressed in my favorite color. It's special to me because my grandmother made it for me. I think I will keep it forever to remind me of my grandmother.
The teddy bear has given me many good memories. I remember when I was scared at night, I always held my teddy bear to feel safe.
[A 层]I’m Jeff. My favorite thing from childhood is a bike which was given by my father. I have had it since my seventh birthday. It looked so cool that I fell in love with it at the first sight.
I like it so much because it brings much joy to my life. It is special to me because I learned how to ride a bike on it. I think it's the best gift that I have ever received.
This bike has given me many memories. I remember riding it with my friends in spring. I really enjoyed the soft wind and the time we spent together.
Para 1: 说明最喜欢的东西是什么(My favorite thing from childhood is ….)+简要说明赠与人及赠予时间(I’ve had it since …. )
Para 2: 阐述喜欢的原因 (I like it because it brings me so much joy. It’s special to me because …)
Para 3: 描述该物件创设的回忆(It has given me many sweet memories. I remember ….)
It's great that our school has built a labor education base. It has brought many exciting changes for us! In the past, we only had labor classes in classrooms. And we just listened to the teachers in class. But now we learn by doing. At the base we can learn how to plant flowers and vegetables as well as take care of them. Most importantly, we learn to work together as a team. We help each other and share ideas. It feels great to see the results of our hard work.
All in all, the labor education base has made learning more enjoyable. And it has also led to personal growth.


