
  1. 二一教育资源



但从 2001年开始出现大量不含汉语注释的生词,如在2001年高考完形中出现的生词:link, Mount Everest, Abominable Snowman, occasion, adventure, footprint, prehistory, track等词;
在2002年高考完形中的生词更是令考生料想不到的,不到300词的文章中竟多达10个生词,如:intelligence, auto-repair, counter, hammer(用锤子敲打),goddamned, uneasy, try...on sb.(愚弄,戏耍某人),creature等词或词组。
The native people said they 38 this creature and called it the"Yeti",and they said that they had 39 caught Yetis on two occasions 40 none has ever been produced as evidence. (NMET2001)
I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not 38 have scored more than 80. (NMET2002)
做题之后注意总结和彻底查清单词的辨义,同时辅以必要的语法书作查缺补漏之用。完形填空题型只要经过科学的训练,相信同学们会得到进步。1. 发现事实
在阅读中,你可以通过设问来寻找事实。问who,其答案是有关人的事实;问what, 其答案就是关于事物/事件的事实;问where, 其答案就是关于地点的事实;问when,其答案就是关于时间的事实;问how many或how much,其答案就是关于数目或数量的事实。
4. 建议同学们做完每篇短文后,自己整理一下语言知识;同时把错题归类整理,不定期进行思考总结。
Dutch People in New York
New York City was not always a big city. The land that was to become New York was once covered with trees. The Dutch people first came to this pretty land in 1609. The people missed their homes that they had left across the sea. So they made new homes in the green land they found. New York then looked very much like Holland.
Here the Dutch people tried to live in the same ways they had lived in Holland. They worked hard, but they also played many games. One of these games was bowling. Back then people bowled outside on the grass. Today Bowling Green is a grassy park in New York City. It is the place where the Dutch people bowled long ago.
The Dutch people built their homes next to the sea. They built the walls of stone, The houses had special doors. Someone could open the top part of the door and talk to a friend. But the bottom part of the door could stay closed. The bottom part kept the pigs and chickens out of the house.
New York is very different today. But the Dutch people left us many things that help us remember the past. We can still find many Dutch houses. The Dutch people had firefighters and police officers, just as we do today. The Dutch people even started the first free school in New York.
1. New York was once covered with
A. birds B. games C. trees D. flowers
2. Dutch people came to New York in
A.1907 B.1609 C.1505 D.1006
3. New York looked like
A. France B. Holland C. a grassy park D. it does today
4. The Dutch people played
A. cards B. ball C. the piano D. many games
5. Bowling Green is a
A. baseball field B. special color C. grassy park D. place in Holland
6. The Dutch people lived
A. by the sea B. in the woods C. on hillsides D. near the rocks
7. The walls of the houses were made of
A. Stone B. grass C. bricks D. wood
8. The Dutch door kept out
A. Friends B. flies C. pigs and chickens D. birds and crickets
9. Signs of the Dutch that remain are their
A. Clothes B. houses C. pigs and chickens D. trees
10. The Dutch people in New York used
A. mail carriers B. elevators C. firefighters D. school libraries
Pretty Pearls
Down, down go the divers. At the bottom of the sea, they pick up oysters that grow there. The divers bring the oysters up to the surface of the water. Other workers then put the oysters into wire baskets. These baskets hang from floating rafts.The oysters float safely in the baskets in the sea.
When the oysters are three years old, they are removed from the sea. Experts put tiny round beads inside the oysters. Then the oysters are returned in their baskets to the sea. From time to time, workers pull the baskets out of the sea. They clean off moss and seaweed from the oyster shells.
Why do the oysters receive such good care In a few years, the oyster will cover the bead with a shiny coating. It will then become a pearl.
The story of pearls goes back to 2206 B.C. That is more than four thousand years ago. At that time people in China gave pearls as gifts or rewards, In Persia pearls were used to decorate clay pots. In many countries people thought of pearls as jewels of love. Husbands gave them to their wives. Kings and queens gave them to one another.
Over the years people have used pearls in many ways. They have decorated crowns and swords with them. They have sewn pearls into fine clothing. Most often people have used pearls in pins, necklaces, rings, and bracelets.
The pear is the birthstone for people who are born in June. The pearl is said to stand for health, wealth, and a long life. Perhaps that is why many people say that pearls become more beautiful with age.

1. An oyster grows at the bottom of the
A.sea B.raft C.pearl D.basket
2. Oysters are put into wire baskets that
A. hang B. swim C. sink D. dive
3. A bead is put inside the oyster when it is
A. Found B.cleaned C. three years old D. two years old
4. From time to time, workers
A.sell oysters B.open oysters C. taste oysters D. clean oysters
5. The bead inside an oyster becomes a
A.plant B.moss C. ruby D. pearl
6. Early Chinese people gave pearls as
A. presents B. baskets C. kings D. birthstones
7. Long ago in Persia, pearls were used on
A. Walls B. gifts C. oysters D. pottery
8. People often use pearls in
A. Pottery B. flowers C. jewelry D. baskets
9. Pearls are birthstones for the month of
A. April B. June C. July D. December
10. As pearls age, many people think they are
A. more costly B. less helpful C. less valuable D. more lovely
1-10 AACDDADCBD1) quite 相当 quiet 安静地
2) affect v 影响,假装 effect n 结果,影响
3) adapt 适应 adopt 采用
adept 内行
4) angel 天使 angle 角度
5) dairy 牛奶厂 diary 日记
6) contend 奋斗,斗争 content 内容,满足的
context 上下文 contest 竞争,比赛
7) principal 校长,主要的 principle 原则
8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的
9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放弃 dissert 写论文
10)pat 轻拍 tap 轻打 slap 掌击 rap 敲,打
11) decent 正经的 descent n 向下,血统 descend v 向下
12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水
13) later 后来 latter 后者 latest 最近的 lately最近
14) costume 服装 custom 习惯
15) extensive 广泛的 intensive 深刻的
16) aural 耳的 oral 口头的
17) abroad 国外 aboard 上(船,飞机)
18) altar 祭坛 alter 改变
19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音
20) champion 冠军 champagne 香槟酒 campaign 战役
21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古仓
22) beam 梁,光束 bean 豆
23) precede 领先 proceed 进行,继续
24) pray 祈祷 prey 猎物
25) chicken 鸡 kitchen 厨房
26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驴
27) chore 家务活 chord 和弦 cord 细绳
28) cite 引用 site 场所 sight 视觉
29) clash (金属)幢击声 crash 碰幢,坠落 crush 压坏
30) compliment 赞美 complement 附加物
31) confirm 确认 conform 使顺从
32) contact 接触 contract 合同 contrast 对照
33) council 议会 counsel 忠告 consul 领事
34) crow 乌鸦 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛
35) dose 一剂药 doze 打盹
36) drawn draw 过去分词 drown 溺水
37) emigrant 移民到国外 immigrant 从某国来的移民
38) excess n 超过 exceed v超过 excel 擅长
39) hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店
40) latitude 纬度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激
41) immoral 不道德的 immortal 不朽的
42) lone 孤独的 alone 单独的 lonely 寂寞的
43) mortal 不死的 metal 金属 mental 神经的 medal 勋章 model 模特meddle 玩弄
44) scare 惊吓 scarce 缺乏的
45) drought 天旱 draught 通风,拖拉 draughts (英)国际跳棋
47) assure 保证 ensure 使确定 insure 保险
48) except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除
49) floor 地板 flour 面粉
50) incident 事件 accident 意外
51) inspiration 灵感 aspiration 渴望
52) march 三月,前进 match 比赛
53) patent 专利 potent 有力的 potential 潜在的
54) police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治
55) protest 抗议 protect 保护
56) require 需要 inquire 询问 enquire 询问 acquire 获得
57) suite 一(套,批) suit一套衣服
58) revenge 报仇 avenge 为……报仇
59) story 故事 storey 楼层 store 商店
60) strike 打 stick 坚持 strict 严格的
61) expel 驱逐 repel 反击 impel 推动 dispel 驱散
62) rip 撕 ripe 熟的
63) wench 绞车 wrench 扭伤
64) confidant 知己 confident 有信心的
65) dine 吃饭 diner 吃饭人 dinning n 吃饭 dinner 晚饭
66) dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉
67) faint 失去知觉 feint 佯攻
68) imprudence 轻率 impudence 无耻
69) specie 硬币 species 种类
70) hanger 钩子 hangar 棚厂 hunger 饥饿
71) commerce 商业 commence 开始
72) through 通过 thorough 彻底的 (al)though 尽管 thought think 过去分词
73) purpose 目的 suppose 假设 propose 建议
74) expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 视察 suspect 怀疑
75) glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落
76) steal 偷 steel 钢
77) strive 努力 stride 大步走
78) allusion 暗示 illusion 幻觉 delusion 错觉 elusion 逃避
79) prospect 前景 perspective 透视法
80) stationery 文具 stationary 固定的
81) loose 松的 lose 丢失 loss n 损失 lost lose过去式
82) amend 改正,修正 emend 校正
83) amoral unmoral immoral 同义 不道德的
84) capitol 大厦 capital 首都
85) casual 随便的 causal 表原因的
86) extend 延伸 extent 长度 extant 现存的
87) inability 没能力 disability 残疾
88) personnel 人事 personal 个人的
89) statue 塑像 statute 法令 stature 身长 status 地位
90) widow 寡妇 window 窗户
91) socks 短袜 stockings 长筒袜
92) tax 税 taxi 出租
93) definite 不定的 infinite 无限的
94) grim 严酷的 grime 污点
95) crayon 蜡笔 canyon 山谷
96) recent 最近 resent 生气
97) phrase 短语 phase 阶段
98) mission 使命 emission 散发,发射 mansion 大厦
99) vision 视觉 version 译本
100) gasp 上气不接下气 grasp 抓住
101) delicate 微妙的 dedicate 献身
101) idle 空闲的 idol 偶像
102) induce 促使,劝诱 deduce 推测 reduce 减少 seduce 诱使
103) lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食
104) rude 粗鲁的 crude 天然的
105) source 水源 sauce 酱油 saucer 茶托 resource 资源 recourse 求援
106) sled (儿童)雪橇 sledge 雪橇
107) stripe 条纹 strip 条 trip 旅行
108) vocation 职业 vacation 假期 evocation 召集 revocation 撤回
109) ardor 热情 adore 崇拜 adorn 装饰
110) area 区域 era 时代
111) resemble 象…… assemble v 集合,装配 assembly n 集合,装配
112) assume 假定 resume 恢复
113) attain 达到 obtain 获得 abstain 放弃
114) award 授予 reward 奖赏
115) baggage (American English) luggage 行李
116) badge 徽章 bandage 绷带
117) blade 刀刃 bald 秃的 bold 大胆
118) bloom 开花 blossom 开花(结果实) bosom 胸口
119)blush 脸红 flush 发红(脸)
120) bride 新娘 bribe 贿赂
121) growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫
122) depress 使沮丧 suppress 镇压 oppress 压迫
123) dime 一角 dim 暗淡的
124) dizzy 眼花缭乱 dazzle 使眼花
125) brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打击
126) bullet 子弹 bulletin 公告
127) carton 纸板盒 cartoon 动画
128) chivalry 骑士精神 cavalry 骑兵队
129) collar 领子 cellar 地窖 color 颜色
130) vanish 消失 evanish 使消失
131) intrude 入侵 extrude 逐出 detrude 推下
132) contort 扭弯 distort 弄弯 retort 反驳
133) eminent 杰出的 imminent 逼近的
134) decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 倾斜
135) exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣布 acclaim 欢呼 declaim 朗诵
136) edict 法令 indict 控告
137) perfuse 泼洒 profuse 浪费的
138) reject 拒绝 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮丧
139) literacy 识字 literary 文学的 literature 文学 literal 文字的
140) median 中央的,中线的 medium 媒体1.构词法猜词
对比是描述,说明事物的常用方式。在对比中,对比的事物是互为相反的,因此根据反义或对比关系可从已知推出未知。利用反义词来说明生词的意义,如反义词hot and cold,perfect and imperfect,甚至前、后句为肯定与否定或是与不是等,在句内词与词之间,在段内句与句之间的关系上起着互为线索的作用。
为了说明或证实,文章中经常会举例,往往用来列举说明前面较难理解的词,这些例子可帮助我们猜测生词。举例时,常常会用一些连接性的词,如such as,like,for example,for instance等。
instead,instead of,however,while,on the contrary,on the other hand,unlike,rather than,for one thing,
for another等,我们可以根据转折意思猜测词义。
例如:Young Hoover died. Over a thousand people
attended his funeral.
分析:通过“年轻的Hoover去世了”,根据我们的常识猜测出一千多人参加的应该是他的“葬礼”。1. 类属法
Bananas, oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kinds of fruit grow in warm areas.
说明:从句意我们知道pineapples和coconuts与bananas, oranges是同类事物,同属水果(准确地说是"菠萝"和"椰子")。
2. 推理法
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
说明:既然一天之内看不完所有的展品,那么immense 的意思应该是"很大"了。
Everyone agreed that the woman in the photo was gorgeous. It was easy to see why she had won the beauty contest.
3. 列举法
Children like such creatures as dogs and monkeys.
说明:像 dogs 和 monkeys 之类的"creatures",显然creatures的意思应是"动物"。
In your spare time, you may look through any of these periodicals: Time Magazine, NewsWeek, or The New Worker.
4. 构词法
Overwork may cause diseases.
说明:前缀over-的意思是"过分的,过量的",故 overwork的意思应为"工作过度"。
There was a dissatisfied look in the manager's eyes.
说明:satisfied的意思是"满意的",前缀 dis-的意思是"不",故dissatisfied的意思应该是"不满意的"。
5. 对比法
He had been getting better, but during the night his condition deteriorated.
说明:句中的 but 表明deteriorate 应该与get better 的意思相反,即"恶化"。
In many countries there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth.
说明:上文说两个经济上的极端,那么下文中penury 应与great wealth 相对,即表示"贫困"。
Mrs. Smith is loquacious while her husband is the silent type.
说明:while 表对比,意为"而",所以loquacious 应是silent 的反义,即"多嘴的"。
If you agree, draw a circle; and a cross if you dissent.
6. 同位法
His father is an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of language.
说明:同位语the study of the sounds of language表示phonetics的意思应该是"语音学"。
Jean was born with spina bifida, a birth illness that damages the spine(脊骨).
说明:同位语 a birth illness that damages the spine表明了spina bifida是一种病,一种对脊骨有损害的病。
7. 释义法
They described him as a loon, or a mad man.
说明:句中的or是对loon的解释,即loon与a mad man同义,即表示"疯子"。
lt will be very hard but also very brittle, that is, it will break easily.
说明:句中的that is表明it will break easily是对brittle的解释,从而猜测出其意为"脆"。
The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 500 yuan a year.
说明:定语从句 who looks after sheep表明herdsman的词义为"牧人"。
There are three kinds of snow. One kind is a fluffy snow that is somewhat dry and feathery
说明:定语从句 that issomewhat dry and feathery(有点儿干、像羽毛似的)表明 fluffysnow 的意思可能是"鹅毛大雪"。
8. 常识法
It's said that Bill Gates is the most affluent person in the world.
说明:根据常识,Bill Gates为世界首富,所以affluent可能是"富有的"。
As a scientist, Edison is very famous for his contrivances.
1. v+ ment 结尾
achieve —— achievement 成就
advertise —— advertisement 广告
agree —— agreement 同意
amuse——amusement 娱乐
commit —— commitment 奉献
develop —— development 发展
disagree —— disagreement 不赞同
equip 装备 —— equipment 装备,器材
govern 统治 —— government 政府
manage——management 经营,管理
argue —— argument 争吵
2.V+ ion 结尾
attract —— attraction 吸引
discuss —— discussion 讨论
express ——-expression 词语;表达
instruct —— instruction 指导, 介绍
invent—— invention 发明
predict ——prediction 预言
impress —— impression 印象
suggest ——suggestion 建议,暗示
educate —— education 教育
graduate —— graduation 毕业
operate —— operation 操作,动手术
illustrate —— illustration 阐明,举例说明
pollute —— pollution 污染
introduce ——introduction 介绍
organize ——organization组织
imagine —— imagination 想象力
inspire——inspiration 灵感,鼓舞人心的
invite —— invitation 邀请
compete —— competition 竞争,比赛
pronounce ——pronunciation发音
admit —— admission 承认
permit —— permission 允许
conclude —— conclusion 结论
decide —— decision 决定
describe —— description描写,描绘
resolve —— resolution 决心
solve ——solution 解决方法
3.V+ ance 结尾
allow —— allowance 允许
appear —— appearance 外貌 ,出现
perform —— performance 演出
exist —— existence 存在
4.V+ ing 结尾
end —— ending 结尾,结局
train ——training训练
mean —— meaning 意义
say—— saying 谚语
remind —— reminding提醒
bathe ——bathing沐浴
work——worker 工人
sing——singer 歌手
learn——learner 学习者
6.V+ 其他
beg——beggar 乞丐
sit——seat 座位
believe —— belief 信仰
behave —— behavior 行为
know—— knowledge 知识
fly—— flight 飞行
mix —— mixture 混合物
press —— pressure 压力
serve —— service 服务
succeed ——success 成功
pursue —— pursuit 追求,从事
propose —— proposal 建议
withdraw —— withdrawal 取钱;收回;撤退
survive —— survival--survivor 幸存者
arrive —— arrival到达
analyze —— analysis 分析
efficient有效率的——efficiency 效率
patient——patience/impatience 耐性/无耐心
independent——independency 独立性
urgent——urgency 紧急
possible——possibility 可能
responsible——responsibility 责任;职责
accurate——accuracy 准确性
prosperous——prosperity 繁荣
true——truth 真相
wide——width 宽度
long——length 长度
high——height 高度
honest —— honesty 诚实的
guilt 罪恶——guilty 内疚的
health——healthy 健康的
luck——lucky 幸运的
cloud——cloudy 多云的
wind—windy 多风的
rain——rainy 多雨的
snow——snowy 多雪的
tourist —— touristy 游客多的
hunger——hungry 饥饿的
anger —— angry 生气的
fog—— foggy 有雾的
sun—— sunny 阳关灿烂的
fur—— furry 毛皮的
shine——shiny 发亮的
taste —— tasty 美味的
2. 名词/动词+ ed
talent —— talented 有天赋的
offend ——offended 生气的
crowd ——crowded 拥挤的
balance —— balanced 平衡的
organize——organized 有组织的
pollute ——polluted 被污染的
please ——pleased 高兴的
spot —— spotted 有斑点的
3.名词+ ful/less
care —— careful/ careless 小心的/ 粗心的
help—— helpful / helpless 有帮助的/ 无助的
use—— useful/ useless有用的 / 无用的
meaning —— meaningful / meaningless有意义的/无意义的
colour—— colourful /colourless多彩的/无色的
pain 疼痛 ——painful /painless痛苦的/ 不痛的
thank—— thankful / thankless 充满感激的/ 不知感恩的
peace 和平 —— peaceful 和平的
play游戏 —— playful 爱玩耍的
home —— homeless 无家可归的
4.名词/动词+ able
change —— changeable 易变的
adjust——adjustable 可调整的
comfort——comfortable 舒适的
knowledge——knowledgeable 知识渊博的
suit ——suitable 合适的
动词以辅音加y结尾 把y变i 加able
deny—— deniable 可否认的
rely—— reliable 可靠的
5.名词+ ous
courage——courageous 勇敢的
danger—— dangerous 危险的
mystery 神秘—— mysterious 神秘的
6.ce 变 t
confidence—— confident 自信的
difference——different 不同的
dependence —— dependent 依赖他人的
independence—— independent 独立的
7.词尾加 al
addition—— additional 附加的,额外的
music—— musical 音乐的
person——personal (私人的)
nation—— national 国家的
tradition—— traditional 传统的
origin起源——original 新颖的;独创的
nature——natural 自然的
globe—— global 全球的
class—— classical 经典的
medicine 药——medical 医学的
grammar—— grammatical 语法的
8.名词+ ly
friend—— friendly 友好的
live——lively 活跃的,有生气的
love——lovely 可爱的
week——weekly 每周的
man——manly 男子气概的;强壮的
9.词尾+ en
wood—— wooden 木制的
wool—— woolen 羊毛的
10. 表示方位的词
Asia 亚洲—— Asian
Africa 非洲——African
Europe欧洲—— European
America 美洲——American
12. 其他
energy精力——energetic 精力充沛的
strategy——strategic 战略的
scientist——scientific 科学的
fool 傻子——foolish 愚蠢的
love——loving 慈爱的
pleasure——pleasant令人愉快的 / pleased高兴的
pride——proud 自豪的
modern——modernize 使...现代化
social——socialize 使...社会化
fast——fasten 使固定;集中于
short—— shorten 缩短
wide——widen 放宽
less——lessen 使...减少
long——lengthen 使延长
strong ——strengthen 加强;巩固
large —— enlarge 扩大;放大
1.形容词+ ly
bad——badly 坏地
bright——brightly 明亮地
casual——casually 随意地
clear——clearly 清楚地
complete——completely 完全
correct——correctly 正确地
final——finally 最后
general——generally 一般来讲
loud——loudly 大声地
particular ——particularly特别地
polite——politely 礼貌地
proper ——properly适当地
main——mainly 主要地
most ——mostly 多半,大多数
normal——normally 正常地
quick——quickly 迅速地
quiet——quietly 轻轻地,安静地
real——really 真正地
recent ——recently 最近;近来
sad——sadly 悲哀地
slow——slowly 缓慢地
special——specially 专门,特殊地
specific——specifically 特定地,明确地
strong——strongly 坚决地, 强烈地
usual——usually 通常
2. 以le 结尾的,去e+y
comfortable——comfortably 舒服地
gentle——gently 温柔地
possible——possibly 可能地
simple——simply 仅仅;只;简单地
terrible——terribly 非常;极度地
3. 辅音字母+ y 变y为 ily
easy——easily 容易地
heavy——heavily 沉重地
happy——happily 快乐地
true——truly 真实地英语中的构词法主要有三种,即转化法、合成法和派生法。
一. 转化法
1. 动词转化为名词
●Let me have a try. 让我试试。
●They are only allowed to sell soft drinks at school.在学校里只准许他们出售不含酒精的饮料。
2. 名词转化为动词
●He shouldered his way through the crowd.他用肩膀推开人群前进。
●The smell from the kitchen made his mouth water.从厨房传来的气味使他流口水。
3. 形容词转化为动词
●We will try our best to better our living conditions.
●They tried to perfect the working conditions.他们努力改善工作条件。
4. 形容词转化为名词
●He didn’t know the difference between right and wrong.他不辨是非。
●The old in our village are living a happy life.我们村的老年人过着幸福的生活。
5. 形容词转化为副词
●How long have you lived there 你在那儿住多久了?
6. 个别词在一定场合中可转化为名词
●Warm clothes are a must in the mountains.穿暖和的衣服到山区去是必须的。
●Life is full of ups and downs.人生有得意时也有失意时。
●His argument contains too many ifs and buts.他的辩论中含有太多的“如果”和“但是”。
二. 合成法
1. 合成名词
●名词/代词+名词 newspaper blood-test she-wolf
●动词+名词 typewriter pickpocket daybreak
●形容词+名词 greenhouse highway
●副词+名词 overcoat outside
●名词+v.-ing/v.-ing +名词 handwriting reading-room freezing-point
●动词+副词/ 副词+ 动词 breakthrough get-together outbreak outcome
●名词+介词+名词 sister-in-law editor-in-chief
2. 合成形容词
●名词+形容词/形容词+名词 world-famous duty-free large-scale long- term
●副词+形容词 over-anxious evergreen
●名词+过去分词 man-made sun-burnt
●名词+现在分词 peace-loving English-speaking
●形容词+现在分词 good-looking easy-going
●副词+过去分词 well-informed widespread
●副词+现在分词 hardworking far-reaching
●形容词+名词+ed warm-hearted absent-minded
●数词+名词+ed three-legged ten-storied
●数词+名词 one-way five–star
●数词+名词+形容词 ten-year-old 800-meter-long
●名词+to+名词 face –to-face door - to -door
3. 合成动词
●名词+动词 baby-sit sleepwalk
●副词+动词 outnumber underestimate overwork
●形容词+动词 whitewash
4. 合成副词
●形容词+名词 meanwhile anyway
●形容词+副词 everywhere anyhow
●副词+副词 however
●介词+名词 beforehand overhead
●介词+副词 forever
5. 合成代词
●代词宾格+self/selves herself themselves
●物主代词+self/selves myself yourselves
●形容词+名词 anything nothing
6. 合成介词
●副词+名词 inside outside
●介词+副词 without within
●副词+介词 into
三. 派生法
1. 前缀
●un- unhappy unfinished undress
●dis- disagree disbelieve
●in- [il-(在字母l前),im- (在字母m,b,p前),ir- (在字母r前)] inaccurate illegal impolite imbalance irregular
●mis- misbehave mislead mistake
●non- nonstop nonsmoker
●en- “使……”enrich enlarge encourage
●inter- “相互”international intercontinental
●re- “再,又,重”rethink retell recycle
●tele- “远程的”telescope telephone telegraph
●auto- “自动的”automatic automobile
●co- “共同”coworker cooperate coexist
●anti- “反对,抵抗”antiwar antifreeze antinuclear
●multi- “多”multistory multicultural multicolor
●bi- “双,二”bicycle bilingual bilateral
●micro- “极小的,微小的”microwave microcomputer
●over- “太多,过分”overwork overdo overestimate
●self- “自己,本身”self-centered self-confident self-control
●under- “在……下面,……下的,不足的”underline, underground, underestimate, underrate
2. 后缀
●-able “可……的,具有……的”acceptable drinkable knowledgeable reasonable
●-al “与……有关的”physical, magical, political
●-an “属于某地方的人”American African
●-ern “方向”southern, northern, eastern
●-ful/ less “(没)有……的”helpful, useful, homeless, hopeless
●-ish “如……的;有……特征的”foolish childish selfish
●-ive “有……倾向的”active attractive expensive
●-en “由……制成的”golden wooden woolen
●-ous “有(性质)的”famous, dangerous, poisonous
●-ly “有……性质的”friendly yearly daily
●-y “构成形容词”noisy dusty cloudy
●-er / or “表人或用具” farmer, baker, visitor, professor, cooker, container
●-ese “某国(人)的”Chinese, Japanese
●-ian “某国、某地人;精通……的人”musician, Asian, Russian, technician
●-ist “某种主义或职业者”physicist, scientist, communist,socialist
●-ess “表女性,雌性”hostess, actress, princess
●-ment “行为或其状态”government, movement, achievement
●-ness “性质,状态”illness, sadness, carelessness
●-tion “动作,过程,结果”invention, organization, translation
●-ance/ ence “抽象;行为、性质、状态”importance, appearance, absence, existence
●-th “性质、情况” depth, warmth, truth
●-ful “(满的)量”handful, spoonful, mouthful
●-(a)bility “抽象、性质、状态”possibility, disability, reliability
●-al “过程、状态”survival, arrival, approval
●-y “性质、情况”modesty, delivery, honesty
●-dom “处于……状态;性质”freedom, boredom
●-age “状态,行为,身份及其结果”courage, storage, marriage
●-fy / ify “使得;变得” simplify, beautify, purify
●-en “使成为;变得” shorten, deepen, sadden
●-ize “使成为” apologize, realize, specialize
●-ly “方式,程度” freely, truly, angrily
●-ward(s) “向……” towards, forward, upwards
●-teen “十几” fourteen, eighteen, thirteen
●-ty “整十位数” forty, fifty, sixty
●-th “序数词” twelfth, twentieth单项选择题
There are many students living at school,the(child) houses are all far from schoo1.
由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式—— 复数的所有格children’s。
A talk(give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang.
句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“未来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。
代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。
The king decided to see the painter by(he).
I am— —(tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class.
此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上最高的学生,那“我”确定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。
数词的形式变化包含基数词、序数词,或加后缀一teen、ty的变化,甚至还有作分母用的序数词的单复数形式,以及one/two的特殊变化形式 once/twice
To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a half,my second son shall take a (three).
从上下文持续起来懂得,这是一个分马的方案,大儿子分得a half,也就是“一半”或“二分之一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词“third”才干命中目标。
Lious lost his wallet yesterday,SO he was very____(happiness).
The children were playing on the ground,enjoying____,dirty but happy.
从句中的happy可以 猜出孩子们是开心的,所以应用enjoy oneself短语,故其答案为themselves。
His boss was____angry as to fire him.
如果“跳过”横线后面的angry,就可以发现这里用到一个关联短语so...as to...,所以,so是正解。
He did not done_____his father had asked him to do.
Those_____want to go to the village must sign here.
The us consists____fifty states.
Mrs Baker was ill,so her daughter had to ask for leave to take_____of her.
生病需要人照顾,所以答案是care,与前后词构成take care of。
短语介词即多个词的组合。起介词作用的短语,如:except for,due to等。
Mr Smith took a plane to London____of taking a train.
此题中说到两种交通工具,所以可以理解此句有“坐……而不是坐……”的意思,故答案为instead,以构成介词短语instead of。
Just then,he saw a blackboard in_____of him.
细心观察,可以看出填人fr0nt即可构成in front of,此题得解。
常用的连词有and,or,but,so,for,while等,常用的关联短语有both…and...,either…or...,neither…nor...,not only…but also...等。
Little Wang Jun could not go to school,_____his family was too poor.
____Marrie and Jannie like going to the theatre.
横线处的词与后面可以形成both and,故答案为Both。
Jackie likes to drive at____ high speed.
这里考查的是不定冠词的习习用法,答案为a,构成at a high speed,“以高速”开车。
Old Tom’s granddaughter used to visit him_____Saturday afternoon.
Saturday afternoon是指定的某天下午,所以不必介词in,而用on才是正解。
Though Liu Qiang did the same work____Zhang Wen did,he got a lower pay______Zhang Wen.
第一条横线可由前面的the same断出用as,第二条横线则可由lower断出比较意义,故答案为than。
It was only one day left,_____,his father had no idea to answer him.
观察上下句,可以看出是转折关系,且横线与前后用逗号隔开,消除but,所以答案是however。1.The Great wall 长城
The Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as
the “10,000-li Great Wall”. Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7th century to 14th century AD. The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud history and its present strength.
2.The Palace Museum 故宫
The Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. The
imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient wooden-structure building complex in the world. Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 emperors were enthroned there.
3. Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking Man 周口店猿人遗址 Remains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing. In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man. Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed. Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times. Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.
4. Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terra-cotta Army 秦始皇兵马俑 Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province. Construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years and involved over 700,000 workers. Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed. In 1980, two bronze painted horse-drawn chariots were unearthed. They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far. In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about 1.5 kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion. The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 life-size terra-cotta warriors and horses. The collection of warriors is often dubbed the “eighth wonder of the world”.
5. The Mogao Grottoes at Dunhuang 敦煌莫高窟
Dunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes, West 1,000-Buddha Cave, and Yulin Cave. The Mogao Grottoes, representative of the three sites, are located 25 kilometers southwest of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. Construction of the grottoes began in 366 AD. The well-designed grottoes are a treasure house containing painting, sculptures, documents, and cultural relics.
6. The Huangshan Mountain 黄山
Located in Huangshan City in southern Anhui Province, the scenic area of the Huangshan Mountain covers 154 square kilometers and is famous for its four wonders: strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock formations, seas of clouds and hot springs. It also features a natural zoo and botanical garden.
7. Huanglong 黄龙The Huanglong Scenic Area is located in Songpan County, Sichuan Province. Calcified ponds, beaches, waterfalls and embankments characterize Huanglong scenery.
8. Chengde Summer Resorts and Surrounding Temples 承德避暑山庄
Chengde Summer Resort, known as “The Mountain Hamlet for Escaping the Heat”, is located in northern Chengde, Hebei Province. Qing Emperors used to spend their summer days handling state affairs at the resort. Construction of the resort lasted from 1703 to 1792. It is the largest and best-preserved imperial palace outside the capital. Many of the scenic spots around the resort’s lake area mimic famous landscaped gardens in southern China, and the buildings of the Outer Eight Temples feature architectural style of minority ethnic groups such as Mongolian, Tibetan and Uygur.
9. Qufu, Confusius’Mansion, Temple and Cemetery 曲阜 Qufu, in southwestern Shandong Province, was the capital of the state of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the hometown of Confucius(孔子), a great thinker and educator. Confucius’Mansion was the residence of Confucius’ eldest male descendants for generation. The mansion holds more than 9,000 volumes of archives dating from 1534 to 1948 and many cultural relics, ancient costumes, and utensils. Confucius’ Temple is famous for its 2,000 stone steles and more than 100 portrait stones from the Han Dynasty. Confucius’Cemetery houses tombs for Confucius and his descendants.
10. Ancient Buildings on the Wudang Mountain 武当山
The Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts. The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents advanced architectural styleand building techniques of that period.
11. Potala Palace Potala 布达拉宫 Palace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level. The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng. Potala features the essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.
12. The Lushan Mountain 庐山
The Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China. The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites. Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning. 13. The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains. It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province. There are 150 temples on the mountain. The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals. Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province. The Buddha is carved out of a cliff and, being 70.7 meters tall, is the largest sitting Buddha in China. Carving of the Buddha started in 713 and was completed in803. The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.
14. Lijiang Ancient City 丽江古城
Lijiang ancient city, located in Lijiang, Yunnan Province, is an ancient town inhabited mainly by the Naxi minority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with colored pebbles produced in Lijiang, and there are many stone bridges and memorial archways built during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Most of the residences are made of earth and wood. Palace murals depicting religious themes were painted during the Ming Dynasty. The traditional Dongba Culture of the Naxi ethnic group has been preserved in Lijiang.
15. Pingyao Ancient City 平遥古城Pingyao of Shanxi Province was built 2,000 years ago during the Zhou Dynasty. The city wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of China’s earliest and largest county-level city walls. Ancient streets, government offices, markets, stores and residences have been preserved, providing invaluable resources for research on China’s ancient Ming Dynasty county seat.
16. Suzhou Gardens 苏州园林 Suzhou in Jiangsu Province is a famous historic and cultural city that is more than 2,500 years old. Suzhou features more than 200 ancient gardens. The small private gardens are especially famous nationwide and reflect architectural styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
17. The Summer Palace of Beijing 颐和园 The Summer Palace, featuring the best of China’s ancient gardens, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing. The palace was built in 1153 as a temporary imperial palace. It was rebuilt in 1888. The Summer Palace consists of the Longevity Hill and the Kunming Lake. The Long Corridor, painted with exquisite paintings, was included in the Guinness Book of World Records in 1992 as the longest corridor in the world. The corridor links the area where Empress Dowager Cixi handled state affairs with the residential and sightseeing areas.
18. The Temple of Heaven of Beijing 北京天坛 The Temple of Heaven, built in 1420, is located in southern Beijing. It is included in the UNESCO World Heitage(联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录) in 1998. With an area of 2.7 million square meters, it is the largest of this kind in the country. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, emperors came to the temple to worship the God of Heavenand pray for a good harvest.
19.West Lake 西湖
West Lake is located in the western area of Hangzhou City. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with an area of around 6.5 square kilometers. West Lake is not only famous for its picturesque(如画的)landscape, it is also associated with many scholars and national heroes. In addition, many ancient buildings in surrounding areas are among the most cherished national treasures of China, with significant artistic value.
20.The Ermei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha 峨眉山和乐山大佛
The Ermei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist mountains. It is located 7 kilometres southwest of Emeishan city, Sichuan Province. There are 150 temples on the mountain. The mountain features more than 3000 plant species and 2000 varieties of animals. Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan province.1
(1)强调句型的基本结构为“It+is/was+被强调部分+that/ who十句子其他部分”;
(2020江苏满分作文) Because of these films,some foreigners have begun to think of coming to China.
+It is because of these films that some foreigners have begun to think of coming to China.
(2)借助于助动词 do/does/did 对谓语动词进行强调。
(2020新高考山东满分作文)We do hope that the school will carry out more similar activities in the future我们真的希望学校今后能开展更多类似的活动。
(2021江西五校高三模拟)We can raise people's awareness of protecting our environment only in this way.
+Only in this way can we raise people's awareness of protecting our environment.只有这样我们才能提高人们保护环境的意识。
(2)none.neither.nor、not.never、hardly、little,seldom 等否定词,以及由 no 构成的否定短语,如 at no time、by no means 等置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。
(2020全Ⅱ满分作文)We had hardly arrived at the farm when we saw many oranges hanging from the branches.
+Hardly had we arrived at the farm when we saw many oranges hanging from the branches.我们刚到农场,就看见橘子挂满枝头。汁原味的英语句子和文章
(3)在 so/such...that...结构中,当 so/such...位于句首时,其后的句子用倒装。
(2020全I满分作文)She is so patient with each student that we all like her.
→So patient with each student is she that we all like her.她对每个学生都很有耐心,所以我们都喜欢她。
(4)当地点状语位于句首且谓语动词是 be、stand、sit,lie,come 等时,句子用全部倒装。
An old temple which dates back to the Ming Dynasty stands at the foot of the mountain.
→At the foot of the mountain stands an old temple, which dates back to the Ming Dynasty.
(5)在 as 引导的让步状语从句中,形容词或名词置于句首时,句子用部分倒装。
Our school life is busy. We should spare some time to do exercise and build our body.
→ Busy as our school life is, we should spare some time to do exercise and build up our body.虽然学校生活很忙,但我们应该抽出一些时间做运动,强身健体。
(2021兰州高三)If it is possible,avoid going to crowded public places such as cinemas, shopping malls and Internet bars and so on.
——If possible, avoid going to crowded public places such as cinemas,shopping malls and Internet bars and so on.
(2021太原高三)As is known to us,Chinese food has become increasingly popular around the world.众所周知,中国菜在世界各地越来越受欢迎。
(2021东北一模)The activity's aim is to draw attention to environmental protection.lt provides a platform for participants to remind people that we should care about nature -The activity, whose aim is to draw attention to environmental protection,provides. a platform for participants to remind people that we should care about nature这个旨在引起人们对环境保护的关注的活动为参与者提供了一个平台来提醒人们应该关心大自然
(2020新高山东满分作文)Ninety students from twenty classes participated in the race. Thirty girls were among them..Ninety students from twenty classes participated in the race, among whom were thirty girls.来自 20 个班的 90 名学生参加了比赛,其中有 30 名女生。
(2020全Ⅲ满分作文)What puzzles me most about the play is how we should use proper stage langunge for different roles,这出戏最让我困惑的是我们应该如何对不同的角色使用适当的舞台语言。
(2019浙江6月满分作文)What you told me about your country broadened my horizons and aroused my interest in foreign culture.你告诉我的关于你的国家的事情开阔了我的视野,激发了我对外国文化的兴趣。
(2020全国卷满分作文)There is no denying that this was a fantastic experience and 1 do hope to go there once again.不可否认,这是一次奇妙的经历.我非常希望能再次去那里。
The task is tough. There is no doubt that we will overcome all the difficulties and succeed.
→No matter how/However tough the task is, there is no doubt that we will overcome all the difficulties and succeed.
(2021郑州二测)I believe that our environment will be improved as long as we keep working together.我相信,只要我们共同努力,我们的环境一定会得到改善。
1、(2019全Ⅲ满分作文)I know that you are fond of classical music. Id like to invite you to participate in a Chinese classical music concert.——Knowing that you are fond of classical music, I’d like to invite you to participate in a Chinese classical music concert. 了解到您喜欢古典音乐,我想邀请您参加一个中国古典音乐演奏会。
2、(2020,全国世川满分作文)We were bathed in sunshine. We sang and laughed while picking oranges.-——Bathed in sunshine, we sang and laughed while pickingoranges.沐浴在阳光下,我们一边采摘橘子一边又唱又笑。
3、(2021银川质检)After lunch,we spent some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games. It made them very happy.
——After lunch,we spent some fun time together singing. dancing and playing games,making them very happy.午饭后我们一起唱歌、跳舞、玩游戏来度过愉快的时光,这让他们很开心。适时感叹,必要强调
What a wonderful time we had! Not only did it give us relaxation, but it also got us closer to nature我们度过了多么美好的时光啊!它不仅让我们放松,而且让我们更接近大自然。高级表达,佳作之道
lt goes without saying that ...毋庸置疑
As the old saying goes....常言道,......
I hold the view/belief that...我持......观点/我认为......
I wonder if...我想知道是否......
It is strongly recommended that ...强烈建议......
It is(high/about)time that+主语+did/should do该是......的时候了
There is no doubt that...毫无疑问......
I sincerely hope that ...我真诚地希望......
I feel it a great honour to do sth. 做某事我感到很荣幸,
I wonder if you can pick him up at the airport and take him to the hotel.我想知道你能否到机场接他去宾馆。
I feel it a great honour to deliver a farewell speech here on behalf of the students in our school我感到很荣幸在这里代表我们学校的学生发表告别演讲。
(2021太原一模)There is no doubt that a positive attitude to the competition contributes to excellent performance.毫无疑问,积极的竞争态度有助于出色的表现。


