【暑期七升八衔接】 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 教材分析+练习(含答案)人教八上

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【暑期七升八衔接】 Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation? 教材分析+练习(含答案)人教八上


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation 教材解析
1.延续七年级下册 Unit 11 和 Unit 12 的过去式
Section A 重难点解析
一、visited my uncle看望我叔叔
visited museums参观博(教材第1页,1a)
二、We took quite a few photos there.我们在那儿拍了不少照片。(教材第2页,2d)
few几乎没有,a few几个,相当于 several/some ,quite a few相当于many,后面修饰可数名词。如:
1. He is a quiet boy and he has few words.他是一个安静的男孩,几乎不说话。
2.He has a few friends here and often visits them.他这里有几个朋友,经常拜访他们。
三、Did you do anything special last month 上个月你做了什么特别的事情吗 (教材第2页,2d)
复合不定代词有something, somebody,someone , anything, anybody, anyone , nothing , nobody , no one, everything, everybody , everyone等。
①I bought something special for my mother.我给我妈妈买了一些特别的东西。
②He sometimes does something boring.他有时候做无聊的事。
① There's something wrong with my bike.我的自行车坏了。
② Nobody knows the answer to the question.没人知道这个问题的答案。
四、Did you go shopping 你们去购物了吗 (教材第3页,3a)
go shopping 去购物,去买东西
I went shopping and bought something for my parents.我去购物了,并给我父母买了些东西。
go climbing 去爬山
go skating 去滑冰
go hiking 去远足
go sightseeing 去观光
go fishing 去钓鱼
go swimming 去游泳
go camping 去野营
go surfing 去冲浪
go boating 去划船
五、The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read.唯一的问题是晚上除了读书没什么事可做。(教材第3页,3b)
but 前有实义动词 do,does 或 did时, but 后若接动词不定式应省略to,but前无实义动词 do,does 或 did 时,but后若接动词不定式应带to。如:
①What can you do but play games 你除了玩游戏还能做什么
②I have no choice but to arrive late. 除了迟到之外,我别无选择。
六、Still no one seemed to be bored.虽然如此,好像没有人厌烦。(教材第3页,3b)
seem 是连系动词,一般有三个结构: seem +形容词,seem to do, it seems that +句子。如:
①She seems angry. = She seems to be angry.她好像生气了。
②He seemed to stay up late last night.他昨晚好像熬夜了。
③It seemed that Tom was happy yesterday.汤姆昨天好像很开心。
Section B 重难点解析
一、What activities do you find enjoyable 你发现什么活动让人快乐 (教材第5页,2a)
1.act v.表演, actor n.男演员, actress n.女演员, active adj.活跃的, activity n.活动,复数形式activities。如:
Tennis and swimming are her favorite activities.网球和游泳是她最喜欢的活动。
2.enjoyable adj.有乐趣的;令人愉快的
①I'm sure we will have an enjoyable vacation.我确信我们将会有一个愉快的假期。
②The job is enjoyable. I like it very much.这份工作是令人快乐的,我很喜欢它。
My sister and I tried paragliding.我和姐姐尝试了滑翔伞运动。(教材第5页,2b)
辨析:try doing 与try to do
try doing sth.意为“尝试做某事”; try to do sth.意为“尽力做某事”。如:
①I tried calling him, but no one answered.我试着给他打电话,但没人接。
②I'm trying to learn English well.我正尽力把英语学好。
三、I felt like I was a bird.我感觉自己就像一只鸟。(教材第5页,2b)
feel like
I feel like a fish in the sea.我感觉自己像大海里的一条鱼。
②意为“想要”,其后可接名词、代词或动词-ing 形式。如:
feel like doing sth. = want to do sth.= would like to do sth.想要做某事
四、It was so exciting!这太令人兴奋了!(教材第5页,2b)
exciting使人兴奋的;令人激动的 常说明事物具有使人兴奋的特征 可作定语或表语
excited感到兴奋的;激动的 常说明人的感受 常作表语
The story is exciting.这个故事很令人兴奋。
Sarah was excited to see the singer.看到那位歌手萨拉很激动。
五、What a difference a day makes!一天的差异是多大呀!(教材第5页,2b)
different adj.不同的,differently adv.不同地,difference n.差别;差异,复数形式 differences。如:
Can you tell the differences between them 你能说出他们俩之间的区别吗
六、We waited over an hour for the train because,there were too many people.因为人太多,所以我们等了一个多小时的火车。(教材第5页,2b)
辨析:too many, too much 与 much too
too many 意为“太多” 修饰可数名词复数
too much 意为“太多” 修饰不可数名词,还可修饰动词,作状语
much too 意为“太” 修饰形容词或副词
七、And because of the bad weather, we couldn't see anything below.并且因为糟糕的天气,底下的东西我们什么都看不到。(教材第5页,2b)
辨析:because of与because
because of 短语介词 后跟名词(短语)、代词或动词-ing 形式
because 连词 引导状语从句,表示直接、明确的原因或理由
Because of the heavy rain, we had to stay at home to watch TV.因为下大雨,我们只好待在家里看电视。
I didn't buy the shirt because it was too expensive.我没有买那件衬衫,因为它太贵了。
八、Everyone in our class took a bug with some food and water.我们班上的每一个人都随身带了一个装有一些食物和水的包。(教材第8页,Self Check 2)
此处介词短语with some food and water 作a bag 的后置定语。如:
I often dream of a big house with a garden.我经常梦想有一座带花园的大房子。
九、My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop.我的腿太累了以至于我想停下来。(教材第8页,Self Check 2)
so ... that ...意为“如此……以至于……"。如:
①Our school is so beautiful that everyone likes it.我们学校如此美丽以至于大家都喜欢它。
②He runs so fast that nobody can catch up with him.他跑得非常快,没有人能追上他。
十、Everyone jumped up and down in excitement.大家都兴奋地上下跳跃。(教材第8页,Self Check 2)
1. up and down 意为“上上下下;来来回回”。如:
①They looked at me up and down.他们上上下下打量我。
②He walks up and down the room.他在房间里来回走动。
2.in excitement 意为“兴奋地,激动地”。常用作状语,其中excitement为 excite 的名词形式。
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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation (Section B) 练习
1.How many____________( build) are there in your city
2.What activities do you think are____________(enjoy)
3. There are some____________( different )between the twins.
4. Jim is a good student. He keeps___________( diary) in English.
5. Both of my parents are____________(trade).
6.I really enjoy____________(walk ) around the town.
7. Because of the bad weather we can't see____________(something) below.
8.It was eight o'clock when I____________(arrive) at the station.
9.Three hours later they____________(find ) out they were not in the center of the city.
10.The students do a lot of free time____________(activity) on weekends.
Did Anna do __________ __________last week
__________ __________ __________like the summer vacation
He __________ __________today but clean his room.
Li Ming's English was not very good__________ __________ __________.
At eleven o'clock this morning, it started to__________ __________.
We__________ __________where Tom lived.
Dad didn't__________ __________anything from Sydney.
Children were__________ __________ __________they wanted to give up.
We held our breath__________ __________.
Who is__________ __________ __________ __________ in the room
This Friday I went to the Salt Lake City with my three friends.They were __1__Chinese girls and an American, It was the first time for me to go to the __2__, We __3__ 45 minutes taking the 811 bus to Sandy and then transferred (换乘) to the Delta train. It was very __4__. It was the first time for me to take a train in America.
We visited Temple Square(圣殿广场) first. The temple was so huge and wonderful! There were many __5__ language tour guides. We joined the Chinese group so that we could listen to the explanations __6__. It was easy __7__ us to understand what the guide explained about the history. After __8__ the temple, we got free tickets to go to see the new Church film. The __9__ name was The Testaments; it was about the life of Jesus (耶稣) and his __10__behavior. I loved this movie, __11__ I couldn't understand all the details (细节): some sentences were difficult for me to understand.
We went to a big mall to eat fast food for our lunch. You know that ordering the __12__was a little difficult for me. I was nervous, so I chose an easy way __13__ my food. I ordered a special meal for myself. There __14__ the main dish, dessert , and a cup of drink. I enjoyed this small trip; it gave me a__15__memory.
( )1.A.one B.two C. three D.four
( )2.A.lake B.town C.countryside D.city
( )3.A. spent B.took C.cost D. paid
( )4. A. interest B. interested C.interesting D.interests
( )5.A.tall B.thin C. different D.same
( )6.A. badly B.loudly C. hardly D. clearly
( )7.A.with B.at C.for D.to
( )8. A.visiting B.building C.making D.having
( )9.A.book's B.movie's C.temple's D.guide's
( )10.A.kind B.strict C. polite D.bad
( )11. A.when B.while C.though D. because
( )12.A.bike B.bus C.train D.food
( )13. A. to get B.getting C.get D.gets
( )14.A.is B.was C.are D.were
( )15. A.good B.well C.bad D.worse
One day,I went to a park. There wasn't anything interesting for me to do, so I sat in a chair. I started to watch two boys. The elder(年龄较大的)one was about 6 years old and the other was about 3.They were riding their bikes. From the happy faces of the children, I thought they were brothers.
Suddenly, the little kid fell off (跌落) his bike and started to cry. The elder one stopped riding his bike at once. He checked(检查)the little kid's legs first. Then he put his small hands on the little kid's head. He also made faces to make the little kid stop crying. But all these didn't work.The elder boy didn't know what to do, and he ran away. After a short time , he came back with a box of chocolate.
He put some chocolate in the little kid's hands and said nothing. At last, he stopped crying. When the little kid's father came , he said goodbye to the elder boy.
At that time, I knew they weren't brothers! They were strangers(陌生人).I think the elder boy did an excellent thing and we should learn from the elder boy.
( )1. Why did the writer watch the two kids
A. Because he had nothing interesting to do.
B.Because he knew them.
C. Because he liked children very much.
D. Because he wanted to help them.
( )2. What does the underlined word“he”refer to
A.The writer. B.The elder boy.
C.The little boy's father. D. The little boy.
( )3. How did the elder boy make the little kid stop crying at last
By telling stories to him. B.By touching(触摸)his legs.
C. By giving him chocolate. D.By asking others for help.
( )4. What can we infer(推断)from the passage
A. The little boy didn't like the elder boy.
B.The elder boy was nice and friendly.
C.The elder boy couldn't find his father.
D.The elder boy's home is near the little boy's.
Last Saturday, I went to Happy Park with my sister by bus. That's 1.___________wonderful park in our city. We got there at 9 in the morning and there were quite a few 2.___________( visitor ) at that time. Everyone seemed 3. ___________(be) happy. There we saw many different kinds of animals, such as tigers, elephants and wild(野生的)pigs. We took some pictures of them. Then we started to do some activities 4.___________fun. I was interested in the roller coaster(过山车),but my sister was afraid of it, so I tried it 5.___________(I). I waited for several minutes , and then I 6.___________(sit )in a small train. It went up and down 7.___________(quick ) and it was really exciting. Then we went to the Kid's Land. We went on the merry-go-round(旋转木马).It was very interesting. After that, we went to the Water World. We tried the drifting(漂流)game there. It began to rain 8.___________ we were drifting on the water , but we didn't stop. Finally, we all got wet 9.___________we didn't take an umbrella with us. At last, we watched 4D movies in a cinema. At 4:50 pm, we took a taxi back home. We felt very tired, but we had an 10.___________(enjoy) day.
1.Miss Wang a___________in Beijing at 7:00 yesterday morning.
2. We w___________a long time for the train yesterday.
3. I w___________if he will come here tomorrow.
4. Lin Tao d___________to fly to Shanghai this morning.
5. The man had no money for a taxi and w___________back home.
6.He is afraid of water. But yesterday he tried s___________in the water.
7.We have quite a few a___________this new term in our school, like basketball games and singing shows.
8. There are many t__________doing business around the world on the Internet.
9. P__________is a very cool sport.
10.It seemed she had something terrible. I f__________ like she was not so happy.
活动时间 5 月28日(星期六)
集合地点 学校大门口
活动地点 人民公园
出发时间 8:00 a.m. 到达时间 8:30 a.m.
交通工具 自行车
活动内容 上午:做游戏
返回时间 5:00 p.m.
Saturday,May 28th Sunny
I went for an outing with my classmates today. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
一、1. buildings 2. enjoyable 3.differences4. diaries5. traders 6. walking 7. anything 8. arrived 9.found 10.activities
二、1.anything special2.How do you3. did nothing4. in the past 5. rain hard 6.found out7. bring back8. so tired that9.in excitement10. jumping up and down
一、1-5 BDACC 6-10 DCABA11-15 CDABA
二、1-4 ABCB
三、1.a 2. visitors 3. to be 4.for 5.myself6. sat 7. quickly 8. when because 10. enjoyable
四、1.arrived 2. waited 3.wonder 4. decided5. walked6. swimming7. activities8. traders9. Paragliding 10.felt
Saturday,May 28th Sunny
I went for an outing with my classmates today.
At 8:00 a. m., we met at the school gate and then set off for the People's Park. The bicycle ride took us half an hour.
The sun was shining and there were many people in the park. In the morning, we played many different kinds of games. After the picnic at noon , we took many pictures in the afternoon. Before we went back at 5:00 p.m., we spent about one hour visiting the zoo.
Although I was a little tired, I felt very happy.
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Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation (Section A) 练习
1.Tom___________( come )to China last year.
2.He___________( go ) to see a film yesterday evening.
3.I___________( buy ) a toy bear for my sister.
4.I___________ ( stay ) at home and___________( watch) TV last night.
5.There___________( be) enough milk at home last week, wasn't there
6. They___________( see ) many interesting animals in the zoo last weekend.
7.—What is the boy doing —He___________( do) his homework in the classroom.
8.What___________you___________ ( do) last week
9.Look! The boys___________(play) volleyball there.
10.The news___________(make)me feel happy yesterday.
1. He came here last night.(改为否定句)
They played football this morning.(改为一般疑问句)
They went to Beijing last year.(对画线部分提问)
Tom watched TV last night.(改为否定句)
5. Mary does her homework every day.(用 last night 改写)
I bought________ ________ ________my mother's birthday.
This kind of cake________ ________ ________.
The work that robots do________ ________ be boring.
Do they need________ ________ stay for the night
It is a good habit________ ________ ________ ________.
We went to the________ ________last Friday.
7.—你在泰国玩得开心吗 —当然!
—Did you have a good time in Thailand —________ ________!
Jack________ ________ ________busy these days.
Norah is my four-year-old daughter. Five months ago, I took her to buy a cake for her __1__ at the supermarket. When I was choosing (挑选)the cake, I heard Norah say,“Hi, Grandpa!It's my birthday today!" The old man looked at her and answered,“ Hello, little girl! How old are you "He__2__her a happy birthday.
Norah told me that she wanted to take a__3__with the old man. The old man__4__said yes. Norah put her small hand on his big hand when I was taking the photo. That looked lovely. The old man told us to call him Dan. I thanked him__5__ spending his time with us. __6__ he said,“I should thank you. Today is the best day in my life." Then he turned to my daughter and said,“You made me so __7__ , Norah. I live alone(独自)and really need __8__ to talk with. "After hearing this, Norah and I __9__ to see Mr.Dan every week.
Now Norah asks about Mr.Dan every day. She __10__ him. She wonders if(是否) he's cold or hungry. She wants him to feel loved. Mr. Dan __11__misses Norah. During our last visit, he told me that he slept very __12__ every night after meeting my girl.“Norah really __13__ me a lot, "he said. That made me touched(感动的) and my eyes were __14__ with tears(眼泪).
There is a big age __15__between Norah and Mr. Dan , but they get on well with each other. Sometimes talking to strangers can lead to enjoyable beginnings.
( )1. A.fight B.race C. birthday D.vacation
( )2.A.gave B. stopped C.tried D.wished
( )3.A.walk B.trip C.picture D. shower
( )4.A.kindly B. healthily C. differently D.importantly
( )5.A.in B.for C.to D.from
( )6.A.But B.So C.When D.If
( )7.A.bored B.happy C.easy D.busy
( )8.A.no one B.everyone C.anyone D. someone
( )9. A. finished B.decided C. left D.relaxed
( )10.A. feels like B. wakes up C.worries about D.blows out
( )11.A. never B.still C.only D. also
( )12.A.well B.badly C. difficultly D.slowly
( )13.A.disliked B. forgot C.lost D.helped
( ) 14.A. late B.dry C.wet D.free
( ) 15.A. danger B. difference C. symbol D.message
Boracay(长滩岛)is famous for its white sand beaches. Also , it is one of the best places for relaxing yourselves in the world. You can have a delicious lunch , swim in the blue water, watch a show of colorful fish in the sea or just relax on the beach.
Adults(成人):Only $100 per person
Children with student cards: $60
The price includes:
*A lunch
*Use of some equipment(装备)for swimming or snorkeling(浮潜)
*An English-speaking guide
◆Pick you up at the hotel.(8:30)
◆Enjoy the beauty of Balinghai Beach and Coral Garden.(9:30-12:30)
◆Eat at Puka Beach.After eating, take a trip to another amazing beach.(12:40-13:40)
◆You can choose to swim, go snorkeling to see colorful fish in the sea, or just relax on the beach.(13:40-16:50)
◆Go back to your hotel.(17:00)
( )1.Jack and his friend both have a student card, how much should they pay for the tour
A.$60. B.$100. C.$ 120. D.$200.
( )2.What may visitors do at 12 :15 according to the table
A.Have lunch. B.Visit Coral Garden. C.Go snorkeling. D.Stay at the hotel.
( )3. Which is TRUE according to the table
A.The great beach tour on Boracay lasts for seven hours.
B.You need to buy some snorkeling equipment before the tour.
C.You can have a healthy breakfast in the tour.
D.The tour provides(提供)you with an English-speaking guide.
Susan went on a trip to Hastings with her classmates last Friday.They were very happy because it was their 1.____________(one) school trip.
The night before, Susan prepared(准备) enough things for the trip. She put a sweater and 2.____________ new umbrella in her bag. It was cold and might rain. She also took something 3.____________( eat ) and drink--hamburgers, cakes and juice.
Susan didn't sleep very well that night, but she still got up early the next morning. She got 4.____________( dress ), washed her face and had breakfast at home. Then her father drove her to school. Susan met her 5.____________( classmate ) at the school gate. They waited for the bus for 10 minutes. When it arrived, everyone got on it 6.__________(quick).
The ride took about two hours.They spent much time 7.____________( sing) . Also, they kept talking about something interesting, and that made the long ride 8.____________(enjoy).
When they arrived in Hastings , it was a little cold. So they didn't swim in the sea. They visited a castle(城堡)and all of them thought it was a great 9.____________( build). About two hours later, they had lunch in the park. In the afternoon,Susan and her classmates travelled around the town. At 6:30 pm, they went back home.Susan was really tired, 10.____________she liked this school trip.
1. Where did you go on v____________last year
2.Last Sunday,I v____________the museum. It was great.
3.—Did you go out yesterday evening —No, I s____________at home.
4. —Did you go with a____________ —Yes, I went with my mother.
5. I went to Guizhou and saw Huangguoshu Waterfall. It was w____________.
6. Did you go to the mountains and do anything i____________
7. My friend Lucy visited New York City and m____________someone.
8.—Did you go to the movies last night —No, I didn't. I studied for t____________all night at home.
9. Last week we t____________photos in the park.
10. I learned a lot about f____________.
11. I went to a farm in the countryside' and I fed some h____________.
12. In the evening he felt b____________ and had nothing to do.
一、1.came 2. went 3. bought 4. stayed; watched 5.was 6. saw 7. is doing 8. did; do 9. are playing 10. made
二、1.He didn't come here last night.
2. Did they play football this morning
3. Where did they go last year
4. Tom didn't watch TV last night.
5. Mary did her homework last night.
三、1.something special for2.tastes really good3. seems to4. anywhere to5. to keep a diary 6.summer camp
7. Of course 8.seems to be
一、1-5 CDCAB 6-10 ABDBC11-15 DADCB
二、1-3 CBD
三、1.first 2.a 3. to eat 4. dressed 5. classmates 6.quickly 7. singing. 8. enjoyable 9.building 10.but
四、1.vacation 2.visited 3. stayed .anyone 5. wonderful6. interesting7. met 8. tests 9. took 10.farming 11. hens 12. bored
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