人教版八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?精讲精练

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人教版八年级上册Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?精讲精练


Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation
1 复习一般过去时 ③复合不定代词的用法
2 反身代词的用法 ④系动词的用法
⑤动词后的to do和doing 的区别 ⑥ed形容词和ing形容词的区别
⑦“近义词”的区别 ⑧本单元中的主谓一致现象
1、go on vacation去度假 2、 stay at home 呆在家,
3、go to the mountains 上山/进山 , 4、 go to the beach到海边去,
5、visit museums 参观博物馆, 6、go to summer camp 去夏令营,
7、 quite a few 相当多, 8、study for为……学习,
9、go out 出去, 10、most of the time 大部分时间/绝大多数时间,
11、taste good 尝起来味道好, 12、have a good time玩的开心,
13、of course当然可以, 14、feel like感觉像……/想要,
15、 go shopping购物, 16、in the past 在过去,
17、walk around绕……走, 18、too many 太多(可数名词前面),
19、because of 因为, 20、one bowl of 一碗……,
21、find out 查出来/发现 , 22、go on继续,
23、take photos 照相, 24、something important重要的事情,
25、up and down上上下下, 26、come up出来
Where did you go on vacation 你到哪里去度假了?I went to New York City.我去了纽约城
Did you go out with anyone 你出去带人吗?
No, No one was here. Everyone was on vacation.不,没有人在这儿。大家度去度假了。
Did you buy anything special 你买了什么特别的东西吗?
Yes, I bought something for my father.对,我给父亲买了一些东西。
How was the food 食物怎么样? Everything tasted really good.每一样东西真的都好吃。
Did everyone have a good time 大家玩的开心吗? Oh, yes. Everything was excellent.对,一切都很精彩。
1. buy sth. for ab./ buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 2. taste + adj. 尝起来……
3. nothing ….but + V.(原形) 除了……之外什么都没有
4. seem + (to be) + adj 看起来 5. arrive in + 大地方 / arrive at + 小地方 到达某地
6. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 7. try doing sth. 尝试做某事 / try to do sth. 尽力做某事
8. enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 9. want to do sth. 想去做某事
10. start doing sth. 开始做某事 11. stop doing sth. 停止做某事
12. look + adj 看起来 13. dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事
14. Why not do sth. 为什么不做…….呢? 15. so + adj + that + 从句 如此……以至于……
16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要) 做某事 17. keep doing sth. 继续做某事
18. forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事 / forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
1.Where did you go on vacation 你去哪里度假了?(P1)
a._____ do you _____ ______ 你从哪里来? b._____does he______ 他住在哪里?
2)go on vacation意为“去度假”。 be on vacation 在度假
I want ____ ____ ____ ____in Hainan this winter.今年冬天我想去海南度假。
2.visited my uncle 看望了我的叔叔(P1)
visit v. 参观,游览;拜访,作客;浏览(网页);视察,巡视
n.. 参观,游览;拜访,作客;浏览(网页);视察,巡视
复数 visits第三人称单数 visits现在分词 visiting过去式 visited过去分词 visited
visitor n. 访问者,参观者
①pay a visit to sb./sp. 拜访某人/访问某地= visit sb./sp.
②make/go on a visit to sb./sp.对某人/某地进行访问
③make a visit to sb.= make sb. a visit 拜访某人
3.buy anything special 买特别的东西。(P2)
▲拓展:①buy sth. for sb.=buy sb. sth. “给某人买某物”。 ②buy sth. for +钱 “用…..买…….”
My uncle_____ _____a bike.= My uncle_____ _____for me.
▲sell sb. sth.= sell sth. to sb. 将某物卖给某人
a.Do you want anything from me b.I can’t say anything about it.
3) anything special表示“特别的东西”,形容词修饰不定代词时后置。
Is there________ ________in this book 这本书里有新的内容吗?
4.Oh, did you go anywhere interesting 哦,你去有趣的地方了吗?(P2)
1)本句是did开头的一般疑问句 2)anywhere用作副词,意为“在任何地方”。
eg:Did you go anywhere during the summer vacation?
somewhere,anywhere,nowhere,everywhere=here and there是指地点的副词。
2)当形容词修饰不定代词、副词时,放于其后; something special; somewhere wonderful. ▲
Is everybody here 大家都到齐了吗?Does everything go well Everybody knows Tom here.
4)some ,something,somebody,someone,somewhere用于肯定句及表示请求或建议以及要求对方做出肯定回答的疑问句中,而anything,anybody,anyone,anywhere用于否定句、疑问句及条件状语从句中。▲
5)home/here/there/somewhere/anywhere/nowhere前不加介词 go somewhere cool
▲ someone 和some one
some one +of +名词复数/代词宾格 一群人
some one特指一群人中的某个人
5.We took quite a few photos there.我们在那里拍了不少照片。(P2)
take photos 意为“照相;拍照”。 eg:We______ ______on the Great Wall.我们在长城上照了相。
辨析:quite a few与quite a little
quite a few “很多;不少”,修饰可数名词复数;▲
quite a little “很多;不少”,修饰不可数名词。▲
a. He stays here for _____ _____ _____days.
b.There is _____ _____ _____water in the bottle(瓶子).
quite adv. 相当,很;非常,十分;完全地,彻底地
very adv. (用于强调形容词或副词)很,非常;极其,完全地
adj. 同一的,恰好的,正是的
(1) quite a/an+adj. +可数名词单数形式
(2) a very +adj+可数名词单数形式
quite a lot 相当多 (此时后面不加名词)▲
quite a lot of+不可数名词/可数名词复数 相当多…..; 不少…..▲
quite a few +可数名词复数 相当多的….;大量的….▲
quite a little+不可数名词 相当多….;不少….▲
6. I just stayed at home most of the time to read and relax. 我大部分时间只是待在家里读书休息。 (P2)
most of the time意为“大部分时间”,其中most为代词,意为“大部分;大多数”。
拓展①most of+可数名词单数/可数名词复数/不可数名词/代词宾格…意为“……中的大多数”,它作主语时,谓语动词取决于most of后所修饰的名词或者代词。▲
a. Most of us_____(be)going to the park. 我们大多数人要去公园。
b. Most of the food_____(go)bad. 大部分的食物都变质了。
②most +名词复数 most students most of the students
类似用法:分数、百分数、the rest of等
7.Everything tasted really good!所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃!(P3)
taste n.味道,滋味;味觉 ;v.尝起来;尝出……的味道;尝,品尝
taste +adj. 尝起来…..
感官动词 +形容词:look、sound、smell(闻起来)、feel、taste▲
a.The food tastes really great.食物尝起来棒极了。
8. Did everyone have a good time 大家都玩得很开心吗?(P3)
have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun 玩得开心 ▲
have a good time doing sth = enjoy oneself doing sth= have fun doing sth 开开心心做某事▲▲
eg: We had a good time visiting the the Great Wall.
= We enjoyed ourselves visiting the the Great Wall.= We had fun visiting the the Great Wall.
9.How did you like it 你觉得它怎么样?(P3)
How do you like…… 意为“你觉得……怎么样?”,用来询问对方的观点或看法,相当于
=What do you think of…… =How do you feel about…. ▲▲
eg: How do you like your new job = _____ _____ _____ _____ your new job
10.Did you go shopping 你们去购物了吗?(P3)
go shopping“去购物;去买东西”,=do some shopping. ▲
eg: I usually go shopping on Sundays.我通常星期天去购物。
拓展:“go+ doing”形式表示“去做某事”,常用于表达从事某一体育活动或休闲活动。
go skating 去滑冰 go hiking 去远足 go sightseeing 去观光
go fishing 去钓鱼 go swimming 去游泳 go boating 去划船
11. We fed some hens and saw some baby pigs.
feed v. 饲养,喂养,为……提供食物;以……为食物, n. 哺乳,喂养;
feed用法:复数 feeds第三人称单数 feeds现在分词 feeding过去式 fed过去分词 fed
(1)feed sb./sth. on/ with sth. 用某物喂某人/某物▲
(2)feed sth. to sb./sth. 用某物喂…..
(3)feed on 以….为食▲
(4)feed oneself 自己吃
12.I went to a friend’s farm in the countryside with my family.我和家人一起去了乡下一个朋友的农场。(P3)
a friend’s farm是名词所有格形式。
eg:The red bike is Alice’s. 那辆红色的自行车是爱丽斯的。
1)单数名词词尾加’s ,复数名词词尾没有s,也要加’s
the girl’s pen女孩的钢笔 women’s shoes女鞋 on Children’s Day
2)复数名词以s结尾的只加 “’”
the students’ reading room学生阅览室 Teachers’ Day教师节
John’s and Kate’s rooms. 约翰和凯特(各自)的房间。
Lily and Lucy’s father. 莉莉和露西的爸爸(同一个爸爸)。
a map of China一幅中国地图 the name of the story那个故事的名字
13. The only problem was that there was nothing much to do in the evening but read. (P3)3b
nothing ……..but…..除….外没什么▲▲
(1)nothing but+名词短语
(2)nothing(to do)but do
(3)nothing but to do sth. 该结构用于want、like、decide、hope、wish、need等动词后面
I want nothing but to speak to you all these days.
14. Still no one seemed to be bored. (即使这样)仍然没有人看起来无聊。(P3)
eg:Everything seems easy.一切似乎很容易。
1 seem+adj. “看起来……”。▲ You seem happy today.你今天看起来很高兴。
2 seem like +n. 似乎;好像 ▲ It seems like a good idea.
3 seem+to do sth. “似乎,好像做某事”。▲▲You seemed to have a cold.你似乎感冒了。=It seemed that you had a cold.
④It seems/seemed+从句 “看起来好像…;似乎…”。▲▲It seems that no one believes you.看起来好像没有人相信你。=No one seems to believe you.
a. bored adj. “厌烦的;感到无聊的”,一般在句中修饰人。▲
b. boring adj. “无聊的;令人厌烦的”,一般在句中修饰事或物。▲
eg:a. I’m ______with what he said.我对他说的话厌烦极了。
b. I find the story very_______.我发现这个故事太无聊了。
(3) no one 没有人,只能指人(nobody),no one不可以和of连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,用来回答who的引导特殊疑问句▲
none 三者或三者以上没有一个(人或物),用来回答how many 的提问。 反义词:all▲
None of 名词复数/us/you/them+ 谓语动词(单数/复数)…..没有一个▲
类似用法:someone some one anyone any one
15、keep a diary 记日记 take notes作笔记
Section B
1. What activities do you find enjoyable 你发现什么活动让人快乐?(P5)
activity n.活动
Students like outdoor activities. ____________________________
active adj. 积极的;活跃的 take an active part in 积极参加=join in…… actively
2)enjoyable adj.“愉快的;快乐的”。
able adj.能够,有能力的;聪明能干的,精通(某事)的 be able to do sth. 能够做某事(有能力胜任);▲
disabled adj. 残疾的
enable v.使能够,使可能;激活,启动;准许,授权
第三人称单数 enables现在分词 enabling过去式 enabled过去分词 enabled
enable sb.( not) to do sth. 使某人(不)能够做某事
I’m sure we will have an enjoyable vacation. 我确信我们将会有一个愉快的假期。
★拓展:find 的用法★
▲find v. found-found发现;找到 强调结果 look for 寻找,强调寻找的过程
found v. 建立;found-founded-founded
(1) find+宾语+宾语补足语(名词/adj./doing/to do sth./adv./介词短语)
(2) find it (形式宾语) +adj.(宾语补足语)+ (for/of sb.) to do sth . 发现做某事(对于某人)………..▲▲▲▲▲
(3) find that从句 ▲
I found _________ difficult for me to work out these math problems.
A. that B. it’s C. it D./
The girl found that it was hard to get along well with(和…..相处得愉快)her classmates last term.(改为同义句)
The girl found ______ _______to get along well with her classmates last term.(改为同义句)
(4) find out 查明;弄清楚;找出
2. I arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning with my family. 今天早上我和家人到达了马来西亚的槟城。(P5
arrive vi. 到达,抵达
reach v. 到达,抵达伸,伸手;能伸到,能够到;通向
辨析:①arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 ②get to +地点 ③reach+地点
3. …so we decided to go to the beach near our hotel… 因此我们决定到旅馆附近的海滩上去。(P5)
decide v.决定,选定;判定;裁决;判决
第三人称单数 decides现在分词 deciding过去式 decided过去分词 decided
decision n. 决定;决心;抉择;判决,裁定(cn.)
make a decision/decisions (for/about…..)(为/关于….)做决定;▲
decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”。
(1)decide(not) to do sth.“决定(不)做某事”。= make a decision/decisions (not)to do sth.= make/set up one’s mind (not)to do sth.下决心(不)做某事▲
(2)decide on (doing) sth.决定(做)某事;选定(做)某事
(3)decide +what /which/where/when/how/who/whom从句I can’t decide where I will go on vacation.▲▲▲▲▲
(4)decide +特殊疑问词to do….. I can’t decide where to go on vacation.▲▲▲▲▲
My father can’t decide which city he will go on vacation this summer vacation.(改为简单句)
= My father can’t decide _______ _______ ________ go on vacation this summer vacation.
4. My sister and I tried paragliding.姐姐和我尝试了滑翔伞运动。(P5)
try v.试图,努力;试用,试做,试验;品尝 n. 试图,努力;试用,试验
She is trying my bicycle.她正在试骑我的自行车。
(2)try也可用作名词,意为“尝试”,常用短语“have a try”,意为“试一试”。
I want to have a try.我想试一试。
辨析:try doing sth. / try to do sth.
1)try doing sth. 尝试做某事▲,表示一种尝试、做做看的想法,不一定付出很多努力。
2)try to do sth.尽力、设法去做某事▲,表示想尽一切办法要把事情办成,强调付出努力设法去完成。
3)try/do one’s best to do sth. 竭尽某人全力做某事▲
4)try out for报名参加;报名选拔;角逐▲
5)try out to do sth. 尝试做某事
6) have a try 试一试▲
7)try on 试穿▲
I ______ ______ him, but no one answered. 我试着给他打电话了,但没有人接听。
I’m ______ ______ ______ English well. 我正尽力把英语学好。
5. I felt like I was a bird. It was so exciting! 我感觉自己就像一只小鸟。太刺激了!(P5)
(1)feel like意为“给……的感觉;感受到”。其后常接从句。
(2)feel like还可意为“想要……”,其后可接名词、代词或动名词。即:
①feel like sth. 想要某物= want sth. = would like sth.▲
②feel like doing sth. 想要做某事=want to do sth.=would like to do sth. ▲
③would like sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do sth.想某人做某事▲
④feel like +从句▲
拓展:feel like的用法
①feel like+名词,意为“觉得好像…….”
It feels like rain soon.好像马上就要下雨了。
②feel like+物质名词,意为“摸上去像是……”
I'm holding something that feels like a potato. 我拿的东西摸上去像个土豆。
This kind of brick feels like wood. 这种砖摸起来像木头。
③feel like+名词/代词,意为“觉得想做……”
I feel like a rest after the long journey. 长途旅行后我想休息一下。
④feel like+doing,意为“想做……”
I don't feel like walking very much today. 我今天不太想散步。
⑤feel like+反身代词,意为“感到舒适;感觉身体好”,like可省略
I'm not feeling myself today. 我今天感觉不舒服。
He felt(like)himself after doing exercise. 锻炼之后他感觉很舒服。
⑥feel like+从句,意为“觉得好像是……”
He feels like that he has never been to such a place. 他感觉好像从未到过这样一个地方
exciting adj. “令人兴奋的,使人激动的”, 一般修饰某物。
excited adj.“感到兴奋的,激动的”, 一般修饰某人。
excitement n. 兴奋 in excitement 兴奋地
类似用法:in surprise 惊讶地;in disappointment 失望地
Eg:a.The story is_________(exciting, excited) . b.He told me the_______(exciting, excited)news.
c.Sarah was_______(exciting, excited)to see the singer.
d. The students told their teachers this piece of good news __________.
A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. in excitement
6. There are a lot of new buildings now…现在有许多新的建筑物……(P5)
building 可数名词,意为“建筑物;楼房”。
build v.“建造,建筑” build---built---built
rebuild v.重建
The workers built many tall buildings in our school last year.
7. I wonder what life was like here in the past. 我想知道在这儿过去的生活是什么样的。(P5)
(1)wonder v.想知道,好奇,琢磨;不知是否(用于提问或礼貌地提出请求);`!
①后接“who, what, why, how等疑问词引导的宾语从句”
⑤后接at 或about表示“感到惊异;感到疑惑”的意思
⑥It’s no wonder that... 难怪...... It’s a wonder that... 奇怪的是…..
(2)What’s the weather like….. = How’s the weather…. ....天气怎么样?▲
(3)in the past在过去▲
8.I really enjoyed walking around the town. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。 (P5)
1)enjoy vt. 享受,欣赏,喜爱;过得愉快,玩得开心(enjoy oneself);享有,拥有;
第三人称单数 enjoys现在分词 enjoying过去式 enjoyed过去分词 enjoyed
a. Do you enjoy your job 你喜欢你的工作吗?
b. I enjoy reading books. 我喜欢读书。
拓展: enjoy oneself =have a good time = have fun 玩得开心 (+ doing sth.)
enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事
2)walk around 意为“四处走走”。He’s just walking around the village.他只是在村庄里随便走走。
9. What a difference a day makes! 一天的变化有多大呀! (P5)
(1)difference cn.差异,不同之处
different adj.不同的;分别的,各别的;与众不同的
Eg: a. What is the difference between this book and that book
▲be different from 与……不同 the same as 和……一样
拓展:▲ make a difference to 对….产生影响 (difference前可用great/big/large/no 修饰)
have an effect/ influence on对….产生影响
①What +adj.+ 复数名词 / 不可数名词+主语+谓语+其他!
②What +a/an+ adj.+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+其他!
③How +adj. +a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语+其他!
④How+ adj./adv. +主语+谓语+其他!
10. We wanted to walk up to the top , but then it started raining a little so we decided to take the train.(P5)
(1)want to do sth. 意为“想要做某事”。
(2)start doing sth. 意为“开始做某事”,同义短语:start to do sth.
start v. 开始(做某事);使发生,开始;开动,发动(机器);创立,创始;出发,启程;
n. 开始,开端,
start up 开始;发动;启动; start off 出发;动身;开始;上路
start with 从…开始 start from 从…开始
start out 动身;进行;出发
(3)a little 意为“一点儿”,在句中修饰动词、形容词或副词。也可以不可数名词。
拓展:a little、little、a few、few 的区别▲▲▲▲▲
①a little 有一点儿 a little +不可数名词
②little “几乎没有” 否定意义 +不可数名词
adj. 小的,比较小的(可修饰可数名词);年幼的(可修饰可数名词)
det. 一点儿,少得几乎没有;少量的,一些
adv. 极少,轻微;几乎不;短时间地,一会儿地
pron. 少许
③ a few 一些;几个 +可数名词复数形式 表示肯定意义
④ few adj. 很少的;几乎没有的 +可数名词复数形式 表示否定意义
pron. 很少
n. 很少数
few (= not many; hardly any)含否定意义;a few (= some; several; a small number of)
not a few = no few = quite a few = a good few = many
当 few受 every, last, past, next, some, very等词所修饰时,表示肯定意义,few之前不再有冠词。如:
In the last few minutes, he checked up his paper again.
It took us some few days to repair the machine.
They are very few in number.
There were too few of them.
He goes to see his grandma every few weeks.
little含否定意义(反义词:much);a little含肯定意义(反义词:none)。
Eg: a. I can draw a little, but only as a hobby. ______________________________
b. It’s a little cold outside. ______________________________
c. He can speak a little English. ______________________________
(4) top n.顶部,顶端,上端;上层表面;最高的级别,最重要的职位
the top of 在…的顶部;在…的巅峰 at the top 在顶端
on the top 在顶部;在上部
at the top of 在最高地位,在首位;在…的巅峰;在…的顶端 (指的是把一个东西放在另一个东西的上面) 反:at the bottom of “在……底部”
from top to bottom 完完全全,从头到脚
on (the) top of 在……的顶部,在……之上 反:at the foot of 在…脚下;在…下部在…的脚下
top ten 前十名;十佳排行榜
(5) take the train意为“乘火车”,take在此意为“乘坐”。
11.We waited over an hour for the train because there were too many people. 因为人太多,所以我们等了一个多小时的火车。(P5)
wait v.等候;盼望,期待; n.等待
1)wait for…….“等候……..”,其后可接人或物。▲
wait for sb. to do sth. 等待某人做某事▲
can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事▲
2)over介词,意为“多于;超过” ,相当于more than。▲
3) too many意为“太多”,其后接可数名词复数。 He always has too many questions to ask me.
辨析:too many + 可数名词复数 “太多... ”▲
too much + 不可数名词 “太多... ”▲
much too + 形容词/副词 “太... ”▲
12. When we got to the top, it was raining really hard. P5 2b
▲▲▲▲▲hardly adv.几乎不,几乎没有;一般位于动词之前,助动词、be、情态动词之后。
▲▲▲▲▲hard adj.硬的,坚固的;困难的;猛烈的,用力的;困苦的,艰苦的;努力的;冷酷的,心肠硬的;严厉的,苛刻的
13. We didn’t have an umbrella so we were wet and cold. P5 2d
wet adj.湿的,潮湿的; n.雨,雨天(the wet) v.把(某物)弄湿
dry adj.干的;干旱的,少雨的;
14.And because of the bad weather, we couldn’t see anything below.而且因为坏天气,我们也没能看到下面的任何景色(P5)
(1)辨析:because of与because ▲▲▲▲▲
a. because of意为“因为,由于”,后可接名词、代词或动名词,不能接句子。
He lost his job because of his age.
b. because意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句,即接句子。
I didn’t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.
(2)below prep.(位置)在……下面; (数、量、水平等)在……以下;(职位、官衔等)低于
above prep.(数量或度量)在……以上,超过;在(或向)……上面;(级别或地位上)高于; (重要性、质量)超过,胜过
n.上文提及之事,前文所提之事(the above)
above all 首先;尤其是
15. My father didn’t bring enough money… 我爸爸没带足够的钱……(P5)
bring意为“带来;拿来”, 指从别处带到说话者所在地。
take意为“拿走;带走”, 指从说话者所在地带到别处去。
get 去取来;去拿来
1)辨析:bring、take 、get和fetch
bring意为“带来;拿来”, 指从别处带到说话者所在地。可以和to/from连用(由远到近)▲
take意为“拿走;带走”, 指从说话者所在地带到别处去。可以to连用(由近到远) ▲
take after(v. +prep.)长得像; 性格类似于(内在的性格、脾气等与由血缘关系的人尤其指长辈长得像)
look like看起来像(外表上像) be like 指 “品德,相貌”等,询问性格
be similar to 与……相似….. ,后面可接人也可接物
take away(v.+ adv.)①拿开,拿走②把…带走,带开
take back(v.+ adv.) ①归还; (使)返回②收回; 撤回③(使)回忆起; (使)回到
take down(v.+ adv.)①取下; 拿下②拆卸③吞③记录; 记下
take in(v.+ adv.)①吸入
take off(v.+ adv.)①脱下② (飞机)起飞
take up(v.+ adv.)①占用(时间/空间)②开始做…..(兴趣/爱好)
take out(v.+ adv.)①把…带出去〔拿出去〕②拿出,掏出
get 去取来;去拿来,
carry 是“带着、搬运、携带”的意思,指随身携带,有背着、扛着、抱着、提着的含义,不表明来去的方向。
fetch (去)拿来,(去)找来;售得,卖得;推导出,演绎出;吸引,迷住;抵达,到达;
2)enough 意为“足够的,充分的” 名前形副后▲▲▲▲▲
Eg:a. We have enough time to do our homework.
拓展:plenty of+可数名词复数/不可数名词 (不可用于否定句,否定句用enough)
b. The box is big enough.
16. …because we forgot to bring an umbrella.因为我们忘了带雨伞。(P6 2d)
forget v. 忘记,遗忘;忘做
第三人称单数 forgets现在分词 forgetting过去式 forgot过去分词 forgot或forgotten
辨析:forget to do sth.与forget doing sth.
forget to do sth. 意为“忘记要做某事(事情还没做)” ▲▲▲▲▲
forget doing sth. 意为“忘记做过某事(事情已经做过了)” ▲▲▲▲▲
类似用法:①remember v. 回想起,记得;记起
第三人称单数 remembers现在分词 remembering过去式 remembered过去分词 remembered
②regret v. 懊悔,惋惜;(用于正式书面语)对......感到抱歉,对......感到遗憾
n. 遗憾,惋惜;(因无法出席会议、聚会等的)致歉语
复数 regrets第三人称单数 regrets现在分词 regretting过去式 regretted过去分词 regretted
17. We _______(start) at 9:30 a.m and ________(see) lot of special Malaysian flowers along the way. P6 2e
along the way 沿途
18. About one hour later, we stopped and drank some tea. 大约一小时后,我们停下来喝了些茶。(P6)
1)one hour later 一小时后 ; 一小时前__________________
②“in + 时间段”表示从现在起“多少时间之后”用于一般将来时,用how soon提问;
2)stop v. (使)停止,结束;(使)中断;(机器等)停止运转;(汽车或火车)停靠
stop- stops- stopping- stopped- stopped
n. 停止,终止;车站;
①stop doing sth. 停止做某事 ▲▲▲▲▲
②stop to do sth. 停下去做某事▲▲▲▲▲
③stop/keep/prevent sb./sth. from doing sth. 阻止/防止某人/某物做某事 (keep sb./sth./ from doing sth. 中的from不可以省略)
3)drink vt.“喝;饮”; n. “饮料”。
19. Then we _______(walk) for another two hours before we_______(get) to the top.
▲▲▲▲▲another +数字+名词(复数)= 数字+more+名词(复数) I need another 30 minutes
20. I _______(be) quite tired ,but the city _______(look)wonderful from the top of the hill. P6 2e
from the top of the hill 从山顶
21. Did you dislike anything 你不喜欢什么东西吗?(P7 3b)
dislike v. 不喜欢,厌恶n. 不喜欢,反感;不喜欢的事物
dislike+名词/代词/doing sth.
复数 dislikes第三人称单数 dislikes现在分词 disliking过去式 disliked过去分词 disliked
like:prep. 像(反义词unlike),如同;符合……的方式;(用于询问)……怎么样;例如,好比;
like v. 喜欢,喜爱(反义词dislike);希望,想要;(用于请求)想要,希望得到;喜欢(做某事、习惯某事);(用于询问)你觉得……怎么样;
as conj. 像……一样,如同;好像,似乎
n. 喜好,爱好(常复数);类似或同类的人或物
22. How did you feel about the trip P7 3b
What do you think of……. = How do you like ….. = How do you feel about …. 你认为…..怎么样? 用来征询对…..的看法或意见
23. I didn’t bring back anything from Malaysia. P8 Self Check.
▲bring back 拿回来;使……恢复;使……回忆起来
bring back to life 使复生;复活;使复活;致使或使脱离危险境地
bring back to one's mind 使回想起
24. Nothing at all? P8 self check
not……..at all 根本不……;一点也不…..▲
Not at all. 一点也不;不客气;不用谢!▲
Why not 为什么不带呀?(P8 Self Check )
why not意为“为什么不呢”,一般用在疑问句中,表示提建议;why not后面需跟动词原形。
注“Why not + 动词原形 ” 相当于“Why don’t you+ 动词原形 ”
a. Why not go to the party with me =Why don’t you go to the party with me 为什么不和我一起去参加聚会呢?
b._____ _____ take a walk = _____ ______ _____ take a walk 为什么不去散步呢?
(1)用Shall we... 在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用以Shall开头的一般疑问句。其肯定回答一般可用:All right, OK, Good idea等。
(2)用Let's... 表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let's 开头的祈使句。而Let us在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如:Let's go and see the pandas. Let us go, will you 让我们去吧,好吗?
(3)用Why not... Why not... 意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to的不定式(即动词原形)。Why not... 是省略了主语的省略形式,完整句 Why don't you/they/we... 如:Why don't you go with me Why don't you try again = Why not try again
(4)用What about... 意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如:What about going out for a walk I'm going to the park. What about you
(5)用You’d better /You had better 意为“最好”,“还是……好”,常用于口语,后接动词原形。如:You had better stay at home. You'd better go now.
(6)用Don't...来表示建议,通常用于祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don't play in the street. Don't throw it like that.
(7)Would you like+短语?这个句型意思是“……怎么样?”后接sth. 或to do sth.如:Would you like another cup of tea Would you like some colour pencils
(8)Will you please+动词原形……?它的意思是“请你……好吗?”如:Will you please come tomorrow Will you please pick it up
25.Everyone in our class took a bag with some food and water. 我们班上的每一个人都随身带了装有食物和水的提袋。(P8 Self Check)
with prep.和……在一起;具有;用;反对;关于;包括;由于;随着;顺着;受雇于;虽然;支持;穿着;受……影响;表示与某物分离;由……负责。
此处介词短语with some food and water作bag的后置定语。
①“和……一起’ I often go to school ______ my friend. 我经常和朋友们一起去上学。
②以(手段、材料),用(工具或人体器官), Cut the apple with a knife. 用刀切苹果。
by与with, in 的区别:
◆with 的用法:表示用某种工具
(1) with +工具 We like to write with a pen.
(2)with+人体部位 We see with our eyes.
◆in 的用法:通常与“衣着、声音、书写材料”等名称连用
in+语言 in English 用英语 in ink 用墨水
speak in a loud voice大声地讲 in red 穿红色的衣服
26. My legs were so tired that I wanted to stop. 我的双腿太累了以至于我都想停下来。(P8)
so…that… / such…that…(如此…以致)引导的结果状语从句
so+ adj./adv.+ that… 如此…..以至于▲▲▲▲▲
Eg:1. He is ____lovely a boy____ we love him very much.
2. The little boy is so young that he can’t go to school. ___________________________
拓展:☆so/ such…that 引导的结果状语从句句型有:
在句子中作结果状语的从句称为结果状语从句,一般置于句尾。that常用在“so……that……”、“such……that……”和“so that ”结构中引导结果状语从句。
1、 so…….that…… 的用法
①so +形容词/副词+that 从句 “如此…….以至于…….”
②so many/few +可数名词复数that 从句
③so much/little+不可数名词 that 从句
④so+形容词+ a / an +单数名词+that 从句
例如:This math problem is so difficult that few students can work it out.
There are so many persons that I can’t get into the hall.
The old man had so much money that he bought three villas for his son.
Mr. Zhang gave us so meaningful and educational a lesson that we couldn’t forget it forever.
= Mr. Zhang gave us such a meaningful and educational lesson that we couldn’t forget it forever.
拓展:(1)在“so…..that……”意为“如此……以至于……..”,that 从句中如果是否定句,可与“too…..to do sth.太……而不能做某事”进行转换同义句。
㊣so…that 句型的否定形式可用too…to do sth或not…enough to do sth 化成简单句
too+ adj./adv.原形 to do sth. 太……..不能……..
=so+ adj./adv.原形+that +主语+can’t/couldn’t +do sth. …..如此…….以至于……不能…..
=not+ adj./adv.原形(原句中的反义词) enough to do sth. 做某事不够…….
He is so young that he can’t go to school.=He is too young to go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.他太小而不能上学
=so+ adj./adv.原形+that +主语+can/could +do sth. …..如此…….以至于……能…..
=…….adj./adv.原形 enough to do sth. 做某事足够…….
Tom is so smart that he can finish all the hard tasks.
= Tom is smart enough to finish all the hard tasks.
2、such…….that…… 的用法
①such+ a / an + (形容词)+单数名词+that 从句
②such + (形容词)+复数名词 + that从句
③such + (形容词)+ 不可数名词 + that从句
She is so lovely a girl that we love her very much.
=She is such a lovely girl that we love her very much.她是一个这么可爱的女孩,以至于我们都喜欢她。
㊣当名词前有many ,much, few, little修饰时,用so而不用such
所以有so many /few+复数名词;so much/little +不可数名词
☆ so that引导的目的状语从句 ☆
①主句so that 从句=主句in order that 从句(+主语+may/ might/can/could/ will/would+动词原形+其他)
I want to learn new words and more grammar so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.我要学习生词和更多的语法,以便我能更好的理解英文电影。
He must get up early so that he can catch the early bus.他必须早起以便能赶上早班公共汽车。
②当主从句主语一致时,可用so as to /in order to do sth“为了做……” 转换同义句 注意:so as to 不用于句首
③so as not to /in order not to do sth“为了不做……” 转换同义句
=He must get up early in order to catch the early bus.
27. After three hours , someone looked at the map and_______(find) out we________(be not) anywhere near the top. P8 Self check.
(1)look at v.看;考虑;着眼于= take/have a look at
(2) find out 查明;弄清楚;找出;揭发
28. My classmates told me to keep going, so I went on. 我的同学告诉我坚持往前走,因此我便继续前
1)tell sb. (not)to do sth. 意为“告诉某人(不要)做某事。
The teacher ______ ______ ______ ______ the window just now. 老师刚才告诉我们擦窗户。
2)keep doing sth. 意为“继续做某事,一直做某事”。
She______ ______ TV for two hours last night. 昨晚她持续看了两个小时的电视。
(1)keep (kept ; kept)保留
keep 用法归纳如下:
一、用作系动词,意为“保持(某种状态)”,其后常接形容词作表语。 Please keep quiet / silent! 请保持安静!
(1)保管;保存;保留 Please keep these things for me while I am away.
(2)赡养;饲养 I used to keep sheep in my childhood.
(3)坚持;继续 接V-ing 形式作宾语。
If you keep practicing your spoken English, you'll soon make great progress.
(4)阻止;阻碍 keep sb/sth from doing sth 其中介词 from 不能省略。=stop/prevent sb. from doing sth.
The heavy rain didn't keep them from watching the football match.
(5)保持。 其后常接复合宾语,表示使(某人或某物)保持某种状态或使某一动作继续。
(1)keep +adj 保持…
(2)keep+ doing sth. 继续做…;一直做…
(3)keep +sb./sth.+adj 使/让某人/某物…..(状态)
(4)keep +sb./sth.+doing 让…一直做
(5)keep on doing sth.坚持做;继续做;不断做
(6)keep in touch ... with 与…保持联系
(7)keep/stop/prevent sb.from doing sth. 阻止/防止….做…..
(1)keep +adj 保持…..
(2)keep+ doing sth.继续做;一直做 强调状语的继续,常与表示延续动作的动词与静止状态的动词连用, (hope,think,wonder,dream,sit,stand,lie,sleep等)。
(3)keep+ sb./sth.+adj 使某人…..(状态)
(4)keep+ sb./sth.+doing 使某人/某物一直做…… 强调动作的持续性。
(5)keep on doing sth. 不断做…..;坚持做….. 表示动作反复,强调动作与动作之间有间隔,常与表示短暂动作的动词连用。
(6)keep in touch ... with与…..保持联系
(7)keep/stop/prevent sb./sth from doing sth. 阻止某人/某物做…..
(8)keep off 不接近,不让接近
(9)keep out 把...关在外面; 阻止入内; 不参加; 不进去;
(10)keep away from:使离开,站开.
keep a record 保持记录, keep in touch (with)保持与……的联系
keep out (of) 把……关在外面, keep up 保持;使……不能入睡
keep one's / an eye on密切注视 keep away (from) 离开
keep in mind 牢记 keep one's word 遵守诺言
(3)go on 继续;过去;继续下去;发生
go on doing sth. = continue doing sth. 继续做某事(中途有中断)
go on to do sth.= continue to do sth.继续做某事(做完一件事去做另一件事)
what’s going on 发生了什么
29. after/later /in的区别
①after+一段时间 其后既可接时间点,又可接时间段。 表示以过去时间为起点的一段时间以后,因此通常与过去时连用;after 除与时间段连用外,还可与时间点连用,此时则可用于将来时(但是in不能与时间点连用)
②一段时间+later later作副词,可以指过去,也可指将来,常常放在时间段的名词之后。
③in +一段时间 in作介词,用来表示从现在算起的“过一段时间以后”,常用在将来时的肯定句里,一般与go, come, start, arrive, return (be back), finish等表示瞬间动作的终止性动词连用。
30. Everyone jumped up and down in excitement. 大家都兴奋地跳起来。(P8)
(1)up and down 意为“上上下下;来来回回”,在句中作状语。
Eg:They looked me ______ ______ ______. 他们上上下下打量我。
He walks______ ______ ______ in the room. 他在房间里来回走动。
(2)in excitement 兴奋地;激动地
excitement n.令人激动(或兴奋)的事,刺激因素;激动,兴奋
excite v.使兴奋,使激动;引起,激起;使(身体或身体系统某部份)活动,刺激……的活动
exciting adj.令人兴奋的,令人激动的 (修饰物)
excited adj.激动的,兴奋的;忧虑的,气愤的;已激发的,受激的(修饰人或动物)
31. 反身代词:myself , ourselves, yourself , yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves.
作动词或介词的宾语:经常在enjoy, teach, hurt, buy, introduce, dress, kill等动词和by, for, to, of等介词后作宾语。
He is teaching himself English.她在自学英语。
She was talking to herself.她自言自语。
He lives by himself in the country.他独自住在乡下。
1)Help yourself! 请随便吃吧!/请自己去取吧! help oneself to+食物或饮料 随意/自便吃喝……
2)Make yourself at home! 别客气!宾至如归!
3)make yourself heard /understood. 使你的话被人听得见/理解
4)teach oneself 自学=learn…….. by oneself
5)by oneself 独自=alone=on one’s own
6)for oneself 为自己;替自己
7)enjoy oneself 玩的愉快
8)dress oneself 给自己穿衣
32.few, little, a few, a little :的用法few, a few修饰可数名词,little, a little修饰不可数名词。few, little具有否定意义,表示“几乎没有”,a few, a little具有肯定意义,表示“一些”。
only a few (=few) not a few (=many)
quite a few (=many) many a +名词的单数 (意思是:many)
many a+名词的单数形式——谓语动词用单数形式。
He has little money, but few students want to lend money to him.他几乎没有钱,但是几乎没有学生想借钱给他。
There is a little milk and a few apples left in the fridge.冰箱里还有一些牛奶和一些苹果。
33. Then we walked for another two hours before we got to the top. P6 2e
another 又一,另一;另外的,别的
【课堂辨析】another、other、others、the other、the others.▲▲▲▲▲
another 又一个,再一个, 泛指三者或三者以上中的另外一个
③another+数词+名词(复数) =数字+more+名词(复数) 再/还……
④one another =each other 互相;彼此
⑤a /an +序数词+可数名词单数形式= another+可数名词单数形式
【课堂注意】:(1)other adj.(表示与已知的人或事物不同)别的,另外的
pron.(表示与已知的人或事物不同)另外;意为“另外,其他”作限定词(后接可数名词) 无范围限制
(2)the other 两者中的另外一个,one…the other…….(两者中)一个……另一个……;the other+数词+名词复数
on the one hand一方面,on the other hand 另一方面
(3)another (三者或三者以上)另一个
(4)others 其他的一些,另外的一些 无范围限制 在句中单独使用 结构为:Some……others……一些……另外一些….. other+名词复数=others
(5)the others 其他的一些,另外的一些(表示在一个范围内的其他全部) the other+名词复数=the others
(1)There’s no _____ ways to do it.
A. other B. the other C. another D others
(2)Some people like to rest in their free time. ______ like to travel.
A. Other B. The others C. Others D. Another
(3)This cake is delicious! Can I have_______ piece, please
A. other B. another C. others D. the other
(4)The supermarket is on _____ side of the street.
A. other B. another C. the other D. others
(5)There were three books on my table. One is here. Where are ___
A. others B. the others C. the other D. another
(6)Mary didn’t want ____of the two kinds and asked the shop assistant to show her ______.
A. both; the other B. all; the others C. either; another D. other; the others
(7) Mr. Turner bought two bikes. One was for his wife, and ____was for his son.
A. another B. other C. the other D. one
(8) he has two sons. One is a doctor, ____is a student. He is now studying at _____ university.
A. another; a B. the other; an C. the other; a D. another; an
(9) --- Would you like _____ apples
---- ______, please.
A. some more; another two B. any more; Two more
C. another; two more D. some more; Other
(10) There are twenty-eight students in the class. Ten of them are girls and _____ are boys.
A. the other B.the others C. others D. other
(11) I have six colored pencils; one is blue, _________is red, and _____ are green.
A. the other; others B. others; another
C. another; others D. another; the others
(12) ---- Have you finished your report yet
---- No. I’ll finish it in ______ ten minutes.
A. another B. other C. more D. less
34.Twenty minutes later, the sun________(start) to come up . P8 self check.
come up出现;被提出; come up with 提出;随…出现
come out 出版;出来 come into being形成;产生
come to life 复苏
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