【弯道超车提前学】Unit 1 This is me! 核心知识梳理总结 课件+音频+精练(含答案) 译林版(2024)英语七年级上册

  1. 二一教育资源

【弯道超车提前学】Unit 1 This is me! 核心知识梳理总结 课件+音频+精练(含答案) 译林版(2024)英语七年级上册


Unit 1 This is me!
词汇 音标 词性和词义
greet [gri:t] vt. 和(某人)打招呼(或问好)
introduce [ ntr dju s] vt. 介 绍
each other [ i:t ' (r)] pron. 互 相
go by 叫作,被称为
glad [gl d] adj. 高兴
same [se m] adj. 同一的,相同的
hobby [ h bi] n. 业余爱好
grade [gre d] n. 年级;等级
classmate [ klɑ sme t] n. 同班同学
friendly ['frendli] adj. 友好的
full [f l] adj. (有)大量的;满的
be full of 满是…的
energy [ en d i] n. 精力,活力
be good at 擅长 …
slim [sl m] adj. 苗条的
polite [p 'la t] adj. 有礼貌的
smart [smɑ t] adj. 聪明的;智能的
ready ['redi] adj. 愿意迅速做某事;准备好
be ready to do sth. 愿意(或准备好)做某事
other [' (r)] pron.&adj. 另外,其他
interested [' ntr stid] adj. 感兴趣的
be interested in 对......感兴趣
looks [l ks] n.[pl.] 相貌,容貌
character [ k r kt (r)] n. 性格
both [b θ] pron.&det. 两个都
enjoy [ n d ] vt. 享受的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱
pretty [ pr ti] adj. 漂亮的,标致的
shy [ a ] adj. 腼腆的
only [ nli] adv.只有,仅
stay [ste ] vi. 保持,继续是;暂住,逗留n. 停留,逗留
match [m t ] n. 比 赛
luck [l k] n. 幸运,好运
good luck 祝成功,祝好运
chess [t es] n.国际象棋
Chinese chess n. 中国象棋
problem [ pr bl m] n. 数学题;难题,困难
weekend [ wi k end] n. 周末
at the weekend 在周末
fun [f n] adj.有趣的,使人快乐的n. 开心,乐趣,好玩的事
make friends with 与交朋友
1. each other 互相
2.the first day 第一天
3.be from... 来自……
4.some of the ... ......中的一些
5.welcome to… 欢迎到……
6.in Class1,Grade7 在七年级一班
7.at Sunshine Middle School 在阳光中学
8. 12 years old 十二岁
9. have short hair 留着短头发
10. meet my new classmates 见见我的新同班同学
11. like sports 喜欢运动
12. play football 踢足球
13. after school 放学后
14. tall and slim 又高又苗条
e from... 来自……
16. wear glasses 戴眼镜
17. be good at... 擅长……
18. have some new friends 有一些新朋友
19. be nice to sb. 对某人友好
20. an English teacher 一位英语老师
21. our Chinese teacher 我们的语文老师
22. introduce yourself 介绍你自己
23. live with my family 和我家人生活在一起
1. Hello,I'm WangXinyue,and I go by Millie.
2.Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。
3.—Nice/Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
—Nice/Glad to meet you too. 见到你也很高兴。
4.—What's your name 你叫什么名字?
—My name is Sandy. 我的名字叫桑迪。
5.Welcome to Class 1,Grade 7! 欢迎来到七年级一班。
6. I'm Millie, a new student at Sunshine Middle School.
7.I'm12 years old. 我12岁了。
8. .He is from Nanjing. 他来自南京。
9. I love reading. 我喜爱读书。
10. I like sports. 我喜欢运动。
11. I have short hair. 我留着短发。
12. I often play football after school. 我经常放学后踢足球。
13. Now let's meet my new classmates. 现在让我们来见见我的新同班同学。
14. She is tall and slim. 她又高又苗条。
15. He is good at Maths. 他擅长数学。
16. Look,Sandy is over there. 看,桑迪在那边。
17. I am(not) a student. 我(不)是一个学生。
18. We are (not) in Class 1. 我们(不)在一班。
19. I come from Nanjing, but now I live with my family in Beijing.
20.—Are you/ we/they happy 你(们)/我们/他们快乐吗?
—Yes, you/ we/ they are. 是的,你(们)/我们/他们快乐。
—No, you/ we/ they are not. 不,你(们)/我们/他们不快乐。
21.—Is he/ she/ it happy 他/她/它快乐吗
—Yes, he/ she/ it is. 是的,他/她/它快乐。
—No, he/ she/ it is not. 不,他/她/它不快乐。
22.—Are you good at English,Sandy 桑迪,你擅长英语吗?
—No,I am not. 不,我不擅长。
e.g. arm /ɑ:m/ 音标中只有一个 /ɑ:/的元音音素发音,是单音节词
warm /w :m/ 音标中只有一个 / :/的元音音素发音,是单音节词
party / pɑ (r)ti/ 音标中有两个元音音素发音,/ɑ:/和/i/,是双音节词
care /ke / 音标中有一个双元音/e /音素发音,双元音看成一个音 节,是单音节词
improbably / m pr b bl / 音标中有/ /, / /, / /, / /四个元音音素发音,是 多音节词
e.g. be /bi/ no /n / 这两单词结尾都是元音字母,都发音,是绝对开音节
相对开音节(元辅e),以元音字母(发音)+辅音字母(r 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节
e.g. made /me d/ take /te k/ 这两单词结尾都是元音字母(发音)+辅音字母+e,e都不发 音,是绝对开音节
a发/e / e 发/i:/ i 发/a / o 发/ u/ u 发/ju:/
name/ne m/ make/meik/ 单音节词,重读,都是相对开音节,a发字母音/ei/
Pete/pi:t/ he/hi:/ 单音节词,重读,Pete相对开音节,he绝对开音节,e发字母音/i:/
time/ta m/ bike/ba k/ 单音节词,重读,都是相对开音节,i发字母音/a /
go/g u/ nose/n uz/ 单音节词,重读,go绝对开音节,nose相对开音节,o发字母音/ u/
use/ju:z/ huge /hju:d / 单音节词,重读,都是相对开音节,u发字母音/ju:/
常与often, always, sometimes, every day, on Sundays/Mondays等表示频度的时间状语连用。
例句:My mother always gets up early in the morning.我妈妈早晨总是早起。
Lucy has breakfast at 8:00 every morning.Lucy每天早晨八点吃早饭。
例句: His mother is at work. Her is very busy.他的父亲在工作,他很忙。
The girl is 12 years old.这个女孩12岁。
例句: I like to listen to music.我喜欢听音乐。
They speak English very well.他们英语说得非常好。
例句:The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.太阳从东方升起,从西方落下。
动词: go、come、leave、start、begin、 arrive。
例句: The plane takes off at 11 a.m.飞机上午11点起飞。
We leave Beijing next month.下月我们离开北京。
(1). 当主语是第一人称单数(I,我)时,使用"am"。
例如:I am a teacher.我是一名教师。
(2). 当主语是第二人称单数(you,你)或第一人称、第二人称和第三人称复数(we,我们;you,你们;they,他们/她们/它们)时,使用"are"。
You are my friend.你是我的朋友。
We are going to the movies.我们要去看电影。
They are from different countries.他们来自不同的国家。
(3). 当主语是第三人称单数(he, she, it,他/她/它)时,使用"is"。
例如:She is a student.她是一名学生。
It is a beautiful day.这是一个美丽的日子。
(4). 当主语是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,使用"is"。
例如:This cat is very cute.这知猫很可爱。
Milk is a very nutritious food.牛奶是一种很有营养的食物。
(5). 当主语是复数可数名词时,使用"are"。
例如:The trees are tall.这些树是高的。
(6).用and连接的两个或以上的人或物作主语时,用 are
例如:Amy and Mary are sisters.苏海和苏洋是姐妹。
句型:主语 + be动词...
be动词的肯定句由“主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + 表语”构成:
例:I am a doctor.我是一名医生。
Mary is at work.玛丽在工作。
句型:主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + not...
例:We aren't her classmates.我们不是她的同班同学。
I'm not Tom.我不是汤姆。
句型:be动词 + 主语...
回答方式:Yes,主语 + be动词(am/is/are)...
No,主语 + be动词(am/is/are) + not...
They are fruit.它们是水果。(肯定句)
They are not fruit.它们不是水果。(否定句)
Are they fruit 它们是水果吗 (一般疑问句)
The book is on the table.书在桌子上。(肯定句)
The book is not on the table.书不在桌子上。(否定句)
Is the book on the table 书是在桌子上吗 (一般疑问句)
(4) be动词的特殊疑问句
句型:①疑问代词(名词) + be动词(am/is/are)...
②疑问代词/疑问副词 + be动词(am/is/are) + 主语...
例如:Who is that teacher 那个老师是谁?
What is your name 你的名字是什么?
Which student likes singing.哪个学生喜欢唱歌
Whose car is the most expensive 谁的车是最贵的?
I am缩写I'm You are缩写You're
He is 缩写 He's She is 缩写She's
It is 缩写It's We are缩写We're
They are缩写 They're What is缩写What's
Who is缩写Who's
live 生活 study学习 tall高 slim瘦 big大 long 长 music 音乐 reading 阅读
be born出生
......year(s)old 多大
come from 来自
live in住在
in Class 1,Grade 7在七年级一班
listen to听
be good at 擅长
Her name is Han Mei.她的名字叫韩梅。
I am a middle school student我是一名中学生
I have long black hair.我有一头乌黑的长发。
I'm tall and slim.我又高又瘦。
I want to make friends with you. 我想和你交朋友。
She was born in Nanjing.她出生在南京。
She gets up earl every morning.她每天早上起得早。
At school she studies hard and she is good at all her lessons.在学校里,她学习很努力,功课也很好。
On rainy days she always helps to carry the little girl on her back on the way home.
假设下面图画中的女孩是你最好的朋友韩梅,请你根据图画内容和英文提示,以“My Best Friend”为题,写一篇短文介绍她。
1.get up early 2.study hard 3.on rainy days,help 4.on the bus,give one's seat to...
【写作思路点拨】 “三步法”介绍自己或他人
Hello,everyone. Let me tell you something about my best friend.
Her name is...
She is...years old.
She was born in..
She is..and...
The teacher and others say......is a good girl.
My Best Friend
Hello,everyone.Let me tell you something about my best friend.
Her name is Han Mei.She is 13 years old.She was born in Nanjing.She is very tall and has black hair.She is very friendly.She gets up early every morning.At school she studies hard and she is good at all her lessons.She is polite and helpful.On rainy days,she always helps to carry the little girl on her back on the way home.On the bus,she often gives her seat to the old.
The teacher and others say Han Mei is a good girl.
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Unit 1核心知识精练
1.Young    (学生) should learn more about the defence of the country(国防).
2.—Are there three    (年级) in your school —No, there are six.
3.Mary is a very _________ (漂亮的) girl. Everyone likes her
4.Shirley's sister is_________(仅仅)three months old.
5.She is________(害羞的)and quiet,but she is very helpful.
6.My father is an English teacher at No. 3 M____________School.
7.I read a lot of wonderful books. R__________makes me feel great.
8.He always_______(打招呼)all his friendswarmly.
9.His favourite h________is taking pictures with an old camera.
10.Kitty and Amy are in the________(相同的)class.
11.This______(苗条的)girl called Linda is my best friend.
12.This cup is very________(满的),so be careful with it.
13.Jack is f________ and he often helps his classmates.
14.The clothes shop is closed at the w__________.
15.We wish her good l_______ in her mid-term exam.
16. nice________
17. same________
18. hope ________
19. he_________
20. use_________
21.—What can Jane and Jill do
—Jane can play ________ piano and Jill can play ________ chess.
A./; the B.the; a C.the; / D.a; /
22.—What class are you in
A.I’m in class one, grade seven B.I’m in grade seven, class one
C.I’m in Class One, Grade Seven D.I’m in Grade Seven, Class One
23.— ________ going shopping with us, Susan
—I’d love to, but my uncle asks me to finish my homework first.
A.What about B.why not C.Why don’t D.Shall we
24.If I have free time, I’d like to ________ kids ________ their schoolwork.
A.help; to B.help; with C.helping; to D.helping; with
25.Our teachers are always there ________ us ________ all kinds of problems.
A.to help; doing B.helping; with
C.are helping; in D.to help; with
26.When it snows, children are happy ________ snowmen outside.
A.making B.to making C.make D.to make
27.We should take more exercise to stay ________.
A.health B.healthy C.fat D.short
28. —Good morning, Miss Zhang!
A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening D. Good night
29.—May I have your name, please
A. Just call me Jack B She is Lucy C. That’s all right D. Oh, no
30—Can I get(买;拿)you a cake
—_______. But I have already got(已有) one.
A. No, you can’t B. Here you are
C. You are welcome D. That’s very nice of you
31. —Mum, _______ is my friend, Jim.
—Nice to meet you.
A. that B. this C. he D. it
32. he has a round face. Her hair    black and long.
A.has B.am C.are    D.is
33. —Are you happy today, boys and girls
A.Yes, I am.    B.Yes, I’m. C.Yes, we are.    D.Yes, we’re.
34. —    your name Millie —Yes,    .
A.Is;I am     B.Is;it is C.Are;I am     D.Are;it is
35. Some people enjoy______ out their messages in bottles when they travel on the sea.
A.to send B.send C.sending D.sent
_______ ______Simon. He_______ ________ very much.
Fu Yuanhui________ _________Zhejiang. She_______ _________ ________swimming.
Millie is_____ _________ _________. She___________ ____________.        .
Sandy______ ________ ________. She is ______ _______ __________.
My sister _______ __________ _____music_________ ____________.                              
41. Danny is from England.(改为同义句)
Danny________ ___________England.
42. Simon plays basketball very well. (改为同义句)
Simon is ________ ______ ____________basketball.
43. That tall girl's hair is long.(改为同义句)
That tall girl_______ _________ _________.          .
44. Daniel is in Class 1 and Kitty is in Class 1, too.(改为同义句)
Daniel and Kitty_______ ______________.
45. My sister is nine years old.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______is ________sister
Good morning, everyone. I want to tell you something about my 46 . There are 47 people in it. My father works in a bookstore. He sells books in the shop. He is nice to others and 48 likes him. My mother is a teacher at a middle school. She teaches English. Her students like her very much 49 she is interesting. I have a 50 . His name is Tim. He is thirteen years old. I am a girl. I’m twelve. There is also a brown cat in my family. Its name is Stella. We are a happy family.
My family members have different 51 . My father loves 52 and he is good at playing basketball. He plays basketball with his friends after work every day. My mother likes drawing. She often draws many beautiful pictures. Tim enjoys 53 . He has many CDs. Justin Bibber is his favorite singer. I like doing some reading. I have a lot of books in my bedroom. On Sundays, we take our cat to the 54 . We enjoy the blue sky, green grass and different kinds of flowers there. We always have a good time!
This is my family! What about yours Can you 55 me something about your family
46.A.classmates B.teachers C.friends D.family
47.A.three B.four C.five D.six
48.A.no one B.everyone C.we D.people
49.A.when B.but C.so D.because
50.A.sister B.brother C.cousin D.friend
51.A.names B.rooms C.hobbies D.looks
52.A.sports B.food C.English D.music
53.A.listening to music B.swimming C.running D.dancing
54.A.park B.cinema C.zoo D.school
55.A.say B.talk C.tell D.speak
Hi, everyone! My name is Guo Ailun. And my English name is Allen. I come from Liaoning, China. I’ m 30 years old, and I look really tall and strong. I’m a basketball player. I love basketball very much and I play it quite well.
My uncle was a great basketball player in the national team (国家队) in the past and my father loves basketball too. So I started to play basketball at the age of 8. And I began to play for our country as a player when I was only 14. Three years later, I became a player in the national team just like my uncle. Basketball is my favourite sport. I play it every day. It makes me happy.
LeBron James is my favourite basketball player in NBA.I want to become an NBA player and play with James some day. I hope my dream comes true.
Do you want to be a basketball player like me Then you must play it hard.
56.Allen’s ________ was a great basketball player.
A.brother B.father C.uncle D.mother
57.Allen began to play for our country at the age of ________.
A.8 B.13 C.14 D.30
58.Allen’ s dream is to ________.
A.be a basketball player B.be an NBA player
C.meet James some day D.talk about basketball with James
59.Which is the best title (标题) of the passage
A.Allen and basketball B.Allen’s hero, LeBron James
C.Play basketball hard D.Allen’s baskelball family
1.students  2.grades  3.pretty 4.only 5.shy
6.Middle 7.Reading 8.greets 9.hobby 10.same
11.slim 12.full 13.friendly 14.weekend 15.luck
16. /a / 17. /e / 18. / / 19. /i:/ 20. /ju /
21. C 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. A 30. D
31. B 32. D 33. C 34. B 35. C
36. This is; likes sports
37. is from/comes from; is good at/does well in
38. 12 years old; loves reading
39. has long hair; tall and slim
40. often listens to music after school.
41.comes from 42.good at playing 43.has long hair 44.are classmates 
45. How old; your
46.D 47.B 48.B 49.D 50.B 51.C 52.A 53.A 54.A 55.C
56.C 57.C 58.B 59.A
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