
  1. 二一教育资源



英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the woman say about the waiters in the Italian restaurant
A. They were hard-working.
B. They understood English.
C. They would leave the restaurant soon.
2. What course has the man bought a book for
A. Writing. B. Listening. C. Reading.
3. How does the woman relax on a plane
A. She has a sleep. B. She listens to music. C. She reads a magazine.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Their favorite singers. B. A dance party.
C. A band.
5. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Customer and waitress. B. Friends.
C. A couple.
6. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a library. B. In a post office. C. In a restaurant.
7. How much should the woman pay
A. $18. B. $23. C. $32.
8. What does Michael Lamb look like according to the woman
A. He is tall. B. He is old. C. He is fat.
9. Who is busy
A. Brad Peter. B. Tom Delaney. C. Dave Wilson.
10. Where do the speakers plan to go
A. Berlin. B. London. C. Tokyo.
11. Till what time will the woman work on Thursday evening
A. 6:45 pm. B. 8:00 pm. C. 10:10 pm.
12. What will the man do next
A. Call Elsie. B. Have a meeting. C. Change the ticket.
13. What is the woman doing
A. Running. B. Having a test. C. Making a plan.
14. What does the man suggest the woman do for a rest
A. Watch TV. B. Take a walk. C. Have a chat.
15. What does the woman care most about the tests
A. Parents' praise. B. The knowledge. C. Teachers' comments.
16. What does the woman think of the man's studying a whole night before a test
A. It is worthy. B. It is terrible. C. It is important.
17. What does the speaker do for a living
A. Sell bikes. B. Keep animals. C. Repair old things.
18. What was the speaker's father
A. A farmer. B. A designer. C. A doctor.
19. Where does the speaker work now
A. In an old factory.1 B. In a wooden shelter. C. In a small office.
20. When does the Italian night clock date from
A. 1650. B. 1850. C. 1950.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Australian snowfields offer a unique experience for skiers looking for fresh snow with a beautiful backdrop.
Perisher Ski Resort (度假胜地)
Where: a six-hour drive from Sydney
If you like big ski resorts, then Perisher is for you. The resort features the best ski runs in Australia. You can stay at Perisher without the crowds of a ski village with options like the Marritz Hotel. Many skiers prefer to stay in the nearby town of Jindabyne, where you'll find a variety of classic country cafés.
Where: a five-hour drive from Sydney
Whether you're skiing down Australia's longest ski run, or finding your feet in the beginner's area, Thredbo has it all. You'll have unforgettable experiences like the Sunrise Session to enjoy the first run of the day. When darkness falls, you have warm accommodation options like The Eastern or The Denman.
Falls Creek Alpine Resort
Where: a five-hour drive from Melbourne
Falls Creek is a pedestrian (行人)-only ski village, where all the accommodation, dining and snow activities are ski-in/ski-out, so bring your boots! The largest ski resort in Victoria,it's also great for families, with a ski school and child-friendly runs. If you love to explore something beyond the park, take a backcountry tour to find fresh snow.
Mount Hotham
Where: a four-hour drive from Melbourne
The ski village at Mount Hotham is on the top of the mountain, meaning your first ski of the day is down to the chairlift. This is a mountain for those who like their runs steeper and deeper, with an impressive mix of advanced and expert ski runs as well as a separate beginners' area.
21. How long does it take to drive from Sydney to Perisher Ski Resort
A. Four hours. B. Five hours. C. Six hours. D. Seven hours.
22. What is special about Thredbo
A. It is the largest ski resort in Victoria. B. It has the steepest ski run in Australia.
C. It features Australia's longest ski run. D. It sits at the foot of a huge mountain.
23. Where should you go if you want to ski with a child
A. Thredbo. B. Mount Hotham.
C. Perisher Ski Resort. D. Falls Creek Alpine Resort.
A team of students in the Netherlands has designed and built a new car that is completely powered by the sun. The car, called Stella Terra, is the first solar-powered car that can travel for a long journey without needing a charging station (充电站).
Students at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands have been working on solar-powered cars for years. In order to create a car that the team was planning for, the students had to design the car from top to bottom.
On top, of course, are the solar panels (太阳能板). Most solar panels are only about 20% efficient (效率高的). That means they waste about 80% of the sunlight they get. But the Stella Terra's solar panels are 26% efficient. They waste far less sunlight than even the best solar panels you can buy. Thanks to its powerful solar panels, when it's sunny, the car can run for 710 kilometers a day. Stella Terra can carry two people, and has a top speed of 145 kph. The car weighs just 1,200 kilograms. That's about two-thirds the weight of a typical car.
The team recently took the car on its biggest test—a challenging 1,000-kilometer test drive across Morocco. The car had to travel through forests as well as dry riverbeds. It had to drive across burning desert sands and climb up mountain roads. The car succeeded in doing all of this—and all without ever stopping at a charging station.
The team is very proud of their car, but they won't be worried if car companies start to copy their idea. In fact, they will share the idea before car companies are able to build a similar car.
24. What can we learn about the car
A. It can travel more freely. B. It's terribly expensive.
C. It has been out of style. D. It has come on the market.
25. What is paragraph 3 mainly about
A. The appearance of Stella Terra. B. The hardship the team suffered.
C. The members of the design team. D. The basic information on the car.
26. Why did the team drive the car across Morocco
A. To find more buyers. B. To test out its performances.
C. To improve their driving skills. D. To enjoy the amazing sight.
27. What does the team want to do concerning the idea
A. Keep it top secret. B. Put it into production.
C. Share it with car producers. D. Sell it to other students.
A three-year drought has left millions of people in Syria, Iraq and Iran with little water. A new study says it would not have happened without human-caused climate (气候) change.
The team looked at temperature and rainfall levels. And they compared what happened in the last three years to many different computer models of the conditions in a world without human-caused climate change. They concluded that without the world warming 1.2℃ since the mid-19th century, there would not be such a serious drought at all.
"Human-caused climate change is already making life extremely hard for tens of millions of people in West Asia," said study co-writer Mohammed Rahimi. "With every degree of warming, Syria, Iraq and Iran will become even harder places to live.
Computer models did not find any considerable signs of climate change in the low rainfall, Otto said. But evaporation (蒸发) of water in lakes, rivers, and wetlands was much higher than it would have been without climate change-increased temperatures. The study writers found that the drought conditions in Syria and Iraq are 25 times more likely because of climate change, and in Iran, 16 times more likely.
"Drought is not unusual to the Middle East area. But fights make the area even more likely to have a drought because they have weakened water systems," said study co-writer Rana El Hajj. "This is already touching the limits of what some people are able to stand. As long as we keep burning fuels that affect climate change and continue to explore new oil and gas fields, these kinds of events will only get worse," she added. "This will continue to destroy lives and keep food prices high."
28. What caused the drought according to the study
A. Rising temperatures. B. Cold weather.
C. Loss of wetlands. D. Forest damage.
29. How does climate change affect the people in West Asia
A. They become wise. B. They explore more oil.
C. They are ready to help. D. They lead a hard life.
30. What is Rana's attitude to the situation in the area
A. Doubtful. B. Uncaring. C. Worried. D. Positive.
31. In which part of a newspaper may this text appear
A. Education. B. Technology. C. Health. D. Environment.
Your ears are already dark, wet and full of oils and dead skin—a delicious meal for many bacteria (细菌). It seems that wearing headphones could only make that environment more inviting to these bacteria.
Actually, a 2008 study at Manipal University in India found that frequent (频繁的) use of headphones did increase the population of bacteria in the ear—mostly the staphylococcus, a common skin bacterium. And in 1992, a study at the Navy Medical Research Institute in Bethesda, Maryland in the US, found that the kind of over-the-ear headphones used by airlines had 11 times more bacteria after having been worn for just one hour.
As unpleasant as this sounds, there is no need to worry about it. The headphones in the second study were clean before use, so began with a very low bacterial population and that increase resulted in a fairly low number in absolute terms.
Also, this increase was not fast enough to increase the reproduction of bacteria. The study's authors said that most of the bacteria must already have been present in the deeper skins. The dark warm conditions while wearing headphones just encouraged some of them to come out and play. Furthermore, there are no signs that these bacteria can cause any harm. A 2002 study of call centre workers in Malaysia found no connections between headphone use and the illness in the ear.
The bacteria that increase in your ear while you listen to music are the ones that live there normally, and your ear is able to deal with them. However, several studies have suggested that repeatedly putting on and taking off headphones may increase the risk of skin abrasions (擦伤) that allow harmful bacteria to get in and cause illnesses.
32. What does the underlined word "inviting" in the first paragraph mean
A. Equal. B. Attractive. C. Deadly. D. Confusing.
33. Why does the author mention the 2002 study
A. To support a view. B. To show a lifestyle.
C. To raise a question. D. To present a product.
34. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. Researchers haven't finished the studies.
B. Listening to music makes us less focused.
C. We can kill harmful bacteria completely.
D. Improper use of headphones harms health.
35. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. Proper Ways to Get Free from Bacteria
B. Doctors Can Treat an Illness in the Ear
C. Concerns about Bacteria on Headphones
D. Causes of the Rising Number of Bacteria
Living a healthy life is all about choosing to make healthy choices each day. We've put together some good tips for starting a healthy life.
Create specific health goals
When you have specific goals you want to achieve, you'll be more encouraged to make changes in your life. 36 . And then you can set smart goals that are specific and measurable to better achieve your success.
It's no secret that eating healthy food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet, you reduce the risk for heart disease, high blood pressure, and other diseases. More than that, healthy eating can relax you and make you happy.
Drink plenty of water
Just like tasty food, water is necessary to keep your body healthy. Water helps you digest (消化) food, keeps you hydrated (补水), and protects your body. 38 . This amount can change depending on your age, weight, and physical activity level.
Exercise regularly
Find a type of physical activity that's enjoyable for you. 39 . Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function (认知能力), and lifts your spirits. Experts suggest that adults get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week.
Get enough sleep
A good night's sleep can help you avoid getting sick, keep a healthy weight, and start a good day. Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night. 40 .
A. Keep a healthy diet
B. Get into shape before school starts
C. Be positive about yourself and your body
D. The good points of physical activity are endless
E. You should know what parts of your life you want to improve
F. Children need from 8 to 13 hours depending on how old they are
G. You should drink about 3.1L of water a day to stay properly hydrated
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I grew up around books. I remember opening my parents' 41 book Finnegan's Wake by James Joyce and thinking: They might have never opened the 42 from the sign of the dust (灰尘), and with so many obscure (晦涩的) words in it, why did they 43 it In spite of this, I could sense the magic of buying it, and I carried that sense of 44 into my life.
In the past, I had hundreds of books in the house. They 45 my bookshelves, and the books got in the way sometimes. They gathered around the chair where I 46 on to watch TV. They 47 the space on my ottoman (凳子) where my feet were 48 to go. I thought I needed more 49 for my books. Since my work is to write about books, I have some forms of 50 . But there's more to it than that. That is I always had the 51 of holding a book, reading a book, and buying a book.
Though many books I 52 may haven't been read, nothing can stop me from buying them. 53 with many books around me, there will always be an opportunity for me to pick up a book 54 , and it takes me back to 55 times.
41. A. half-opened B. dust-covered C. children-centered D. picture-filled
42. A. book B. door C. window D. bag
43. A. choose B. revise C. improve D. design
44. A. safety B. direction C. magic D. humor
45. A. protected B. broke C. shook D. lined
46.A. waited B. jumped C. stood D. sat
47. A. kept on B. cleaned up C. took up D. focused on
48. A. addicted B. supposed C. attracted D. locked
49. A. agreement B. ideas C. bookcases D. money
50. A. excuses B. promises C. rules D. answers
51. A. anger B. pleasure C. luck D. patience
52. A. sold B. advised C. borrowed D. collected
53. A. Actually B. Quietly C. Quickly D. Hardly
54. A. in time B. by chance C. on purpose D. at first
55. A. unsuccessful B. sorry C. good D. difficult
Tea comes from China, and Chinese tea culture has a long history. Now, enjoying a nice cup of tea is a habit around the world. Not only is drinking tea a 56 (relax) moment, but tea is an endless drink with so many different types to get, each with 57 (it) own unique flavor (味道). But if you're a tea-time beginner and find yourself just 58 (put) an old tea bag in hot water and steeping (浸泡) 59 (simple) and carelessly, you could be missing out on tons of flavor and the chance to experience the moment of tea-drinking 60 (happy). There are a few important 61 (thing) that can affect the taste of tea, including the types of tea, the water temperature, and the steeping time. To make a cup of perfect tea, firstly, instead 62 tea bags, you'd better prepare loose-leaf tea 63 has a strong and lasting flavor. Loose-leaf tea also produces generally 64 (little) rubbish than tea bags. Secondly, you should start with fresh water and not let the water get too hot. Remove the water right when it 65 (start) boiling for the best flavor. Finally, set a timer and start steeping according to the suggested time on your tea's packaging.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
City Sports Park Opens
I grew up in southeastern Michigan. I was a fan of Detroit Tigers, a famous baseball team, as a young boy.
My childhood dream was to be like my hero, Al Kaline, and someday play for the Tigers. My Dad would take me to Tiger Stadium several times a year and my hero Al Kaline would never let me down. We never attended a game that he didn't get at least one hit.
I was crazy about baseball. If there was a game in my high school, I was never absent. I kept practising so that I could achieve my dream of playing for the Tigers, and I was doing well at each level of play. Later, I got a chance to sign up for a strong American Legion baseball program. There I met our coach, Bob Ohm, who knew a lot of baseball and taught each of us the basics as well as more advanced baseball skills. With Bob Ohm's help and my hard work, I had set new records in many baseball championships.
My dream to be like my hero seemed to draw near. One summer, I went up to play the final season in Marinette. There were scouts who came to find the best players. This was it! My big chance!
Well, as the game progressed I hit the ball very well getting five hits in the game. Unfortunately, I also made four mistakes. The final mistake actually drew laughter from the crowd.
After the game, I knew my dream of playing professional baseball was lost.______________________________
Today, I teach baseball in a high school.___________________________________________________________
(Text 1)
W: My husband and I went to dinner last night at that new Italian restaurant in town.
M: How was it
W: The waiters did not understand English and nothing was perfect, but it was clear that the boss and the waiters were hard-working. If the restaurant continues, it might be better in several months.
(Text 2)
W: Have you bought all the books you need this term yet
M: I've bought a book for listening, but the textbooks for reading and writing were sold out.
(Text 3)
M: People say that's a good time to get some useful work done while traveling by plane.
W: I agree, but I prefer to relax. I just bring a nice magazine and read it when I'm not staring out of the window.
(Text 4)
W: Hello. Are you enjoying the music
M: Not really. I prefer rock. This band is terrible.
W: My dad is the head of this band.
M: Oh, right. Actually, they aren't playing badly now. Lots of people are dancing.
(Text 5)
M: There's a problem with my order. I asked for a salad without tomatoes because I really can't stand them, and now, here are tomatoes in it.
W: Oh, I'm sorry. Just a moment and I'll bring another.
(Text 6)
M: Good afternoon, how can I help you today
W: I'd like to send this box to Philadelphia.
M: All right, then. For a box with this weight, it would be $32 for express service or $18 for regular service. If I were you, I would use express service. It's fast and you can track the box online easily.
W: Actually, there is no rush for them to get it, so I'll just take the regular service.
(Text 7)
W: Now, we need an actor for the lead role. Brad Peter is certainly good-looking enough. But is he tall enough
M: No, he isn't. He's only I meter 50. How about Tom Delaney He's very attractive.
W: But he hasn't had enough experience. He's only acted in one film.
M: Well, Michael Lamb is famous enough—everyone knows him. He's appeared in lots of films.
W: Yeah, but he's too old. He'll be 50 next year. And look at his photo—he hasn't got enough hair. This is a love story, remember
M: What about Dave Wilson
W: He's always very busy. I'm sure he hasn't got enough time.
(Text 8)
W: Did you manage to book our flights
M: Yes, this morning. We'll leave at 6:45 pm on Thursday, and arrive at 10:10 in Berlin. Then we'll return...
W: Wait a minute. Didn't Elsie tell you that I'm not available on Thursday evening I have to work till 8:00 pm! I said I need to go on Friday morning.
M: Uh, no. I didn't hear anything about this.
W: What are you going to do
M: Well. I just have to call back and change your ticket.
(Text 9)
M: Hey, Rachel. What are you doing
W: I'm making a review plan for the exam.
M: Exams are a week away!
W: Exactly! I really should have started on this plan earlier.
M: Let me have a look at your plan. Oh, wait. You don't have a test for running.
W: Taking small breaks gives my brain time to review what I've studied.
M: Why not watch TV then That's more fun than running.
W: Exercise will help me keep my brain clear.
M: I'm not going to study, but I'm sure I'll still get better grades than you do!
W: It's not only about grades. The point of tests is to help you review everything you've learned before moving on. I want to learn something, not a score.
M: Well, I can always study a whole night before a test.
W: That's a terrible way to study. If you do that, you won't really learn anything, and you'll be tired of the test! You need to get prepared one day before the test instead of studying until the last minute.
M: You're right.
(Text 10)
M: Hi there! My name's Peter Denison and I make my living by repairing old clocks and watches. I'm here to tell you about my work. Most people think my interest in clocks and watches must come from a family tradition. Actually, my father was a farmer who liked animals perhaps because my grandfather was a doctor for animals. But growing up, I was always fixing bikes and taking things like radios to bits. One day when I was 12, I took my parents' clock to bits and discovered the clock was actually beautifully made inside. After leaving school, I did a course about the art of designing clocks. I did well and went on to get a job in London afterwards. But I didn't like city life, so I decided to go home and set up my own workshop in the country. I began working in a corner of an old factory. Actually, I've spent my entire adult life working on my own in little rooms. I once worked in a wooden shelter in a small garden. Now my workplace is a little office behind a shop. For me, clocks are something which connects us to the past. I'm devoted to repairing things and keeping old things going. I often work with old clocks from the period between 1850 and 1950. The oldest one I've worked on was an Italian night clock dating from 1650.
1~5 ABCCA 6~10 BABCA 11~15 BCCAB 16~20 BCACA
21.C 细节理解题。根据Perisher Ski Resort(度假胜地)一节“Where: a six-hour drive from Sydney”可知,从悉尼开车到Perisher Ski Resort需花费6小时。
22.C 细节理解题。根据Thredbo一节“Whether you're skiing down Australia's longest ski run... Thredbo has it all.”可知,Thredbo有澳大利亚最长的滑雪道。
23.D 细节理解题。根据Falls Creek Alpine Resort一节“The largest ski resort in Victoria... with a ski school and child-friendly runs.”可知,若带着孩子一起滑雪的话,宜前往Falls Creek Alpine Resort。
24.A 推理判断题。根据第一段“A team of students in the Netherlands has designed and built a new car that is completely powered by the sun. The car... can travel... without needing a charging station (充电站).”可推断,这款新车可以不受充电设施限制,行动更自由。
25.D 段落大意题。通读第三段可知,本段主要介绍这款新车的基本信息。
26.B 细节理解题。根据第四段“The team recently took the car on its biggest test—a challenging 1,000-kilometertest drive across Morocco. The car had to travel through forests...”可知,该团队驾驶这辆车穿越摩洛哥是为了检测车辆性能。
27.C 细节理解题。根据最后一段“In fact, they will share the idea before car companies are able to build a similar car.”可知答案。
28.A 细节理解题。根据第二段“... without the world warming 1.2℃ since the mid-19th century, there would not be such a serious drought at all.”可知,该研究认为不断攀升的气温导致此次旱灾。
29.D 细节理解题。根据第三段“‘Human-caused climate change is already making life extremely hard for tens of millions of people in West Asia... Syria, Iraq and Iran will become even harder places to live.’”可知,气候变化使得西亚地区的人们生活日益艰难。
30.C 观点态度题。根据最后一段“... said study co-writer Rana El Haj.‘This is already touching the limits of what some people are able to stand... This will continue to destroy lives and keep food prices high.”可推断,Rana对该地区的现状甚为担忧。
31.D 文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍西亚地区长达三年的旱灾情况,故本文可能出自报纸的“环境”版面。
32.B 词义猜测题。根据画线词前“Your ears are already dark, wet and full of oils and dead skin—a delicious meal for many bacteria (细菌).”及第二段可推断,画线词与attractive的意思最接近。
33.A 推理判断题。根据第四段“Furthermore, there are no signs that these bacteria can cause any harm.”可推断,作者提及2002年的这项研究是为了证实一个观点。
34.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段“... several studies have suggested that repeatedly putting on and taking off headphones may increase the risk of skin abrasions (擦伤) that allow harmful bacteria to get in and cause illnesses.”可推断,耳机使用不当会有害健康。
35.C 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段可知,本文主要介绍戴耳机会使耳道滋生更多细菌。
36.E 根据本节小标题及空后“And then you can set smart goals...”可知,E项“你应知晓你期待改善的具体内容”符合。
37.A 根据本节下文,尤其是“It's no secret that eating healthy food is one of the keys to achieving a healthy life. When you follow a healthy diet...”可知,A项“坚持健康的日常饮食”适合作本节小标题。
38.G 根据本节小标题及空后“This amount can change depending...”可知,G项“你每天需饮水约3.1升以补充体内水分”符合。
39.D 根据空后“Being active helps you lose weight, improves your cognitive function (认知能力), and lifts your spirits.”可知,D项“体育活动的好处不胜枚举”符合。
40.F 根据本节小标题及空前“Most adults need at least 7 hours of quality sleep each night.”可知,F项“小孩因年龄差异,所需的睡眠时间为8至13小时”符合。
41.B 当打开父母买的已布满灰尘的(dust-covered)书——《芬尼根守灵夜》时,“我”有所思考。
42.A 从书上落满的灰尘来看,也许他们从来没有打开过这本书(book),他们为什么要选择(choose)买这么难读的书呢?
43.A 见上题解析。
44.C 尽管如此,“我”还是能感觉到买书的魔力,这种魔力(magic)在“我”的生活中也能得到体现。
45.D 书排列在(lined)“我”的书架上,有时它们会比较碍事。
46.D 它们被堆放在“我”坐着(sat)看电视的椅子旁。
47.C 它们会占用(took up)“我”习惯放脚的凳子。
48. B be supposed to 意为“应该”。
49.C “我”想“我”还需要更多的书架(bookcases)呢。
50.A 因为“我”的工作是写书,所以“我”有理由(excuses)这样做。
51.B “我”喜欢(pleasure)这种感觉:拿着一本书,读一本书或者是买一本书。
52.D 虽然“我”收藏的(collected)很多书可能都没有被读过,但“我”还是不停地买书。
53.A 事实上(Actually),当身边有很多书时,这能让“我”有机会偶然间(by chance)拿起一本书并让自己回想起美好的(good)时光。
54.B 见上题解析。
55.C 见第53题解析。
56. relaxing 57. its 58.putting 59. simply 60. happiness 61.things 62. of 63. which/that 64.less 65. starts
One possible version:
City Sports Park Opens
Last Saturday, a sports park in the south of our city was officially opened to the public.
The park is not only a big park for people of different ages to play sports, but also a wonderland of nature and pleasure. With a wide variety of open spaces, it features high-quality and professional sports facilities, such as running tracks, basketball courts and tennis courts.
On that day, a great many people came and enjoyed themselves in the park. The park will hopefully serve as a wonderful escape from the busy city life.
One possible version:
After the game, I knew my dream of playing professional baseball was lost. I was crushed at the time about the loss of my dream. I talked with my coach Bob Ohm about my failure. He shared the way he became himself now and comforted, "There can be many kinds of dreams in life. As long as you never give up, you can have the chance to realize your dream. The key point is that you need to maximize your strengths and be who you really are." Thinking of my coach's words, I decided to continue to play and practise to achieve my next dream of being a baseball teacher in a school.
Today, I teach baseball in a high school. The relationships that I have enjoyed with the students and athletes through the years are things that no one can put a price tag on. Although my early dream to play baseball for the Tigers didn't come true, it created a new dream for me to be a teacher. I am proud of what I am doing because I can help the young go beyond their dreams with my most positive influence on them.


