
  1. 二一教育资源



时间:120分钟 满分:150分
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.How would the woman like her steak today
A.Rare. B.Medium. C.Well-done.
2.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student.
B.Librarian and library user.
C.Shop assistant and customer.
3.Why does the woman call the man
A.To ask for a favor. B.To say thanks. C.To make a complaint.
4.Where does the conversation take place
A.At the airport. B.On a plane. C.In a taxi.
5.What seems to be the man’s problem
A.He gets bored of reading.
B.He is disturbed by the noise.
C.He hates the hot weather today.
6.What are the two speakers talking about
A.Different countries. B.Travel experiences. C.Historical places.
7.Where does the man come from
A.England. B.India. C.Egypt.
8.What can a camper do
A.Camp by the lake. B.Ski on a hill. C.Skate on a river.
9.How much does a non-member need to pay in all
A.380 dollars. B.350 dollars. C.320 dollars.
10.What does Jane have to do on Fridays
A.Practice the guitar. B.Take a grammar class. C.Work at the swimming pool.
11.What does the man think of playing tennis
A.Enjoyable. B.Difficult. C.Boring.
12.What are the two speakers going to learn
A.Singing. B.Doing DIY. C.Playing basketball.
13.On which day can the man attend the guitar class every week
A.Tuesday. B.Wednesday. C.Thursday.
14.Why does Kevin come here
A.To apply for a job. B.To conduct a survey. C.To give an interview.
15.What is Kevin’s duty
A.Saving sea animals.
B.Reducing ocean pollution.
C.Spreading knowledge of the ocean.
16.What caused trouble for the turtle
A.Oil. B.A bottle. C.A cloth.
17.When did Kevin set his life goal
A.When he was twelve.
B.When he was in high school.
C.When he was at university.
18.What does the speaker tell us first
A.The serious problems caused by lack of vitamin A.
B.The number of children who are lacking in vitamin A.
C.The effort that the team made in developing the superbanana.
19.Who are the creators of the superbanana
A.An Australian scientist.
B.A team of African scientists.
C.Scientists from Africa and Australia.
20.How does the speaker sound when speaking of the superbanana’s future
A.Hopeful. B.Disappointed. C.Doubtful.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
The Talk: “The Evolution of Morality”
Professor Stephen Stich’s Talk on “The Evolution of Morality”
The Department of Philosophy, the Institute of Foreign Philosophy, and the Center for the Studies of Analytic Philosophy at Peking University invite Professor Stephen Stich (Rutgers University, USA) to visit Peking University on March 29th, 2024. Professor Stephen Stich kindly accepts the invitation and will deliver a talk on the evolution of morality from 10:00 to 12:00 on March 29th, 2024 in Room 109 of the No. 3 Yard of Lee Shau Kee Humanities Buildings.
The Abstract for the Talk:
The theory of moral psychology proposed by Sripada & Stich, and many other theories in which social learning plays a major role, suggests that people will often internalize standards that reduce their own biological fitness. It might be thought that no such psychological mechanism could possibly evolve. But that would be a mistake. In this talk, I’ll explain why it was all but unavoidable that natural selection would lead to moral psychology in our species, once we had acquired the ability to learn from one another. The account I’ll offer explains why many moral regulations improve cooperative or pro-social behavior. It also explains why many human regulations lead to ethnic hatred and morally unacceptable behavior. If the account is correct, these standards will be very difficult to overturn, and powerful cultural differences in standards are likely to be widespread.
* Chandra Sripada & Stephen Stich, “A Framework for the Psychology of Norms,” in P. Carruthers, S. Laurence & S. Stich, eds., The Innate Mind: Culture and Cognition. (New York: Oxford University Press), 2006. pp. 280-301.
21.What will happen at Peking University according to the text
A.Lee Shau Kee will give lectures.
B.A foreign expert will visit.
C.An international conference will be held.
D.Sripada and Stich will conduct a book fare.
22.Whom does “I” in the text refer to
A.S. Laurence B.P. Carruthers
C.Stephen Stich D.Chandra Sripada
23.What is the text
A.A book review B.A research abstract
C.A sales advertisement D.An academic notice
Niu Rong, better known as Red Panda, has become a significant presence at NBA halftime shows across the US. Niu is a fourth-generation acrobat (杂技演员) and grew up in Taiyuan, China. She started learning from her parents at age 7. Niu joined the famed Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe as a teenager. She traveled the world and gained valuable experience performing her routine regularly.
She knew that the US was where she needed to be, despite the fact that she then spoke only limited English. So she reached out to a contact who worked for Walt Disney World and asked if she could perform at the World Showcase at Epcot Center. When she was 19, Niu made the move to Orlando, Florida. With Disney’s blessing, she spent her downtime performing in restaurants, schools and various businesses in the area. After about a year and a half, she decided to move to San Francisco, mostly because of the city’s large Chinese population. Without a full-time job for the first time in her life as a performer, Niu began sending out audition tapes to whomever she thought might be interested.
She had been pitching her acrobat audition video to NBA teams for a halftime show for nearly two years without hearing a word of interest. She was working relentlessly at the time, feeling like she performed at every school and corporate events possible. Finally, on Thanksgiving Day in 1993, she received a call from the Los Angeles Clippers. Their scheduled halftime act for the game that night had to cancel, and the team was wondering if she could fill in. She jumped at the chance and hopped on the next flight from her home in San Francisco to Los Angeles. While Niu was anxious about her first real opportunity and took the court with butterflies in her stomach, she was stunned to finish her routine to a standing ovation. It didn’t take long for the Los Angeles Clippers to book her again.
Today, Niu is one of the most popular performers in NBA and college basketball ranks.
24.What does the underlined “downtime” in the second paragraph most probably mean
A.Boring time. B.Hard time. C.Busy time. D. Spare time.
25.What’s the right order of Niu Rong’s life
a.Niu gave the performances in Walt Disney World.
b.Niu participated in the famed Shanghai Acrobatic Troupe.
c.Niu received a call to give a performance in NBA.
d.Niu was signed to perform by the Los Angeles Clippers.
A.abcd B.bacd C.acbd D.badc
26.What can’t be inferred from the passage
A.Niu’s family was an acrobatic family.
B.Niu is a positive and experienced acrobat.
C.Niu was attracted by the prosperity of San Francisco.
D.Niu won the opportunity by sending out audition tapes.
27.According to the passage, what kind of person is Niu Rong
A.Determined and inspiring. B.Confident and selfless.
C.Strict and professional. D.Responsible and caring.
Nobody likes to feel negative emotions: anger, jealousy and regret can all be overwhelming. In fact, we dislike feeling negative emotions so much that some of us will do anything to avoid them, from adopting a sense of denial to turning to food or work as a distraction.
Deep down we know that we can’t be joyful all the time, so why do we have such a problem with the less-than-favorable feelings It’s natural for people to avoid or suppress negative emotions. We are biologically programmed above all else to survive, to keep ourselves safe; therefore, anything that our brain perceives as something out of our comfort zone, something that might harm us in any way is usually avoided. This is the default in-built programming we have inherited from our ancestors.
However, when we do, things don’t always work out well for us. “When we bury our emotions, they inevitably end up reappearing elsewhere further down the line,” says Dr. Elena Touroni, a consultant psychologist of The Chelsea Psychology Clinic. “Burying them in this way can cause a whole host of different issues and symptoms such as headaches and anxiety.”
Not only can burying our less-desirable emotions impact our well-being, but it also prevents us from enjoying the well-being rewards coming along with these emotions. Actually, it’s a sign of emotional well-being to be able to acknowledge and stay with the uncomfortable feelings instead of pushing them away or denying them. Negative emotions can be wonderful signposts if we pay attention to them. For example, a feeling of dread, uncertainty or fear in any working environment might be a great sign that you need to start to consider changing that environment.
Our emotions are a big part of being human and they serve an important function — even the difficult ones. As Elena says: “Without negative emotions, we would struggle to know our boundaries, how to keep ourselves safe, what hurts us or makes us happy. They can guide us toward making decisions that serve us in the long term.”
28. What is Paragraph 2 of the text mainly about
A. The features of negative emotions.
B. The definition of negative emotions.
C. The causes of avoiding negative emotions
D. The methods of avoiding negative emotions.
29. What does Dr. Elena Touroni suggest
A. Keeping a positive attitude.
B. Taking care of the physical condition.
C. Ignoring the negative emotion.
D. Acknowledging the uncomfortable feelings.
30. Why is the working environment mentioned in Paragraph 4
A. To explain function of negative emotions.
B. To stress the benefits of negative emotions.
C. To prove the powerful influence of negative emotions.
D. To remind that negative emotions can change your job.
31. What can be the best title for the passage
A. The Good Side of Negative Emotions B. The Reasons for Negativity
C. The Influence of Negative Emotions D. The Ways to Embrace Negative Emotions
The hottest table reservation is now outdoors. From Instagram-worthy settings in city parks to car boots pulling out fancy tablecloths, cushions and flatware, picnics are no longer the domain of simple sandwiches ready-made meals. They’re catered events. Picnics have caught the imagination of Generation Z, who, according to Pinterest, are now often choosing picnic over restaurants and movie nights.
Today’s picnics may focus on clean living and fresh air, but the word “picnic” has far more raucous (吵闹的) beginnings. The word pique-nique first appeared in a 17th-century French poem that featured a character called Pique-Nique. Among French aristocracy, the term came to mean a dinner where everyone brought food and drink to share. With industrialization and the growth of cities in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, an escape to the country became fashionable, and the picnic moved outside. Picnics were no longer about indoor parties, but healthy living. In the 1830s, city-dwelling Americans started to copy Europeans, throwing down their picnic rugs in parks to embrace the countryside vibe. The modern picnic, laying a blanket down on the ground and toting your food in a cooler, came in the late 1950s and 1960s with car tourism.
Many countries have long used a picnic to mark an occasion, such as the Japanese tradition of picnicking under flowering trees during the centuries-old cherry blossom festivals, or the Finnish herring picnic on May Day. Now, some new companies want to spread the idea of a picnic as a special event.
What unites all picnics throughout the years is the element of delight and the sense that no matter what you eat, serve or do, you can never go wrong. Even if you’ve forgotten the corkscrew or the salad dressing, or it starts to rain, this only serves to increase the fun than diminish it.
32.What do Generation Z think of picnic according to paragraph 1
A.They should make sandwiches for their picnics.
B.They can get picnic ideas from their imagination.
C.They prefer picnics to restaurants and movie nights.
D.They can swim and enjoy flowers during picnic time.
33.What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A.What picnics were about in the history.
B.What people focus on today in picnics.
C.Why the picnic moved outside later.
D.How going on a picnic became popular.
34.Which of the following statement is wrong according to the passage
A.Pique-Nique was a character in a 17th century French poem.
B.Picnics were originally indoor parties for French aristocracy.
C.Europeans copied Americans and went for a picnic in the countryside.
D.People in the late 1950s toted food in a cooler when going for a picnic.
35.What can we learn from the last two paragraphs
A.Japanese people have a longer tradition of going for a picnic than Finnish people.
B.Picnics can bring people joy and have no standard about what they eat and do.
C.People should go on a picnic during rainy days in order to have more pleasure.
D.Many companies promote the idea of going on picnics so as to make more money.
Language Learner Habits to Avoid
Successful language learners do the kind of things the unsuccessful ones don’t and avoid the ones that unsuccessful ones do! This article is about language learning habits that successful learners avoid.
Always being distracted. Being distracted by noises, people walking past or your own thoughts will take you away from being present. Presence is of fundamental importance in learning. 36 Study can’t make up for a lack of presence — nothing can.
Only talking the talk. There is little point in making plans or talking about what you are going to do if you do not follow through. 37 You need to walk the talk. If you are only talking the talk, maybe it has to do with one of the other habits mentioned below!
38 We can all get lazy if we are doing things that are not inspiring us. Who gets lazy when they are courting a partner Who gets lazy with things they love doing Laziness is a sign that something has to change. Forcing yourself to persist will only last for so long, before it gives way to more laziness.
Giving up. “The most certain way to succeed,” Thomas Edison once said, “is always to try just one more time.” 39 And often, it comes after first failing time and time again.
If you are doing any of these, my suggestion is to look more carefully and see if you can move away from these practices. 40
A. Giving in to laziness.
B. Learning to get rid of laziness.
C. In a sense, we do learn by trial and error.
D. Once you do, you will be heading in a better direction.
E. Success, however you define it, never comes from not trying.
F. Action is what will produce results, not just words or thoughts.
G. Without that, you cannot notice the things that can help you to improve.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Explorer Lucy Shepherd and her team completed a 253-mile walk across the Amazon’s Kanuku Mountains in 50 days.
She said she 41 deadly snakes and groups of wasps (黄蜂) and had to climb a tree to 42 a herd of wild boars (野猪). “I’m exhausted but excited,” she said.
Ms. Shepherd 43 the challenge in the hope of highlighting the ongoing deforestation of the Amazon and the 44 to protect wildlife areas.
For 17 days of the mission the group travelled without seeing 45 , due to the density of the jungle’s covering. Once they were left holding their backpacks to stay afloat as their boat 46 in the strong rapids of the river. Ms. Shepherd said she did not have accurate maps to 47 .
“It was a 48 but unbelievably rewarding journey and to see what we’ve 49 together as a team is just 50 ,” she said. “To know I have witnessed the 51 of one of the last remaining unexplored wildernesses on earth is the 52 that will stay with me forever.”
“The Kanuku Mountains are 53 growing pressures from unsustainable wildlife hunting and trapping, logging and mining, as well as forest clearing for agricultural expansion, which all 54 this unique ecosystem,” she said.
Ms. Shepherd’s next journey is to 55 the Arctic next year.
41.A.found B.met C.ate D.caught
42.A.trick B.shoot C.escape D.hunt
43.A.took on B.gave up C.thought about D.fought for
44.A.need B.ability C.potential D.freedom
45.A.clouds B.rocks C.sunlight D.water
46.A.came in B.broke down C.set off D.turned over
47.A.read B.follow C.watch D.guide
48.A.smooth B.dangerous C.pleasant D.favorable
49.A.received B.prepared C.achieved D.expected
50.A.incredible B.imaginable C.possible D.reliable
51.A.destruction B.development C.change D.beauty
52.A.shame B.reward C.regret D.fear
53.A.facing B.reducing C.surviving D.resisting
54.A.improve B.protect C.support D.threaten
55.A.occupy B.defend C.explore D.locate
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
China’s Chang’e missions and NASA’s Apollo missions reflect humanity’s long obsession with Earth’s satellite. Cultures 56 (track) the lunar cycle for tens of thousands of years.
In fact, the term “month” originates 57 (direct) from “Moon”. The lunar cycle remains an essential part of religions and cultures across Earth, 58 (mark) important events and milestones.
Of course, the Moon’s importance in the night sky has influenced humanity for millennia. People all over the world associate it 59 various deities (神明) and cultures. Moon deities are both gods and goddesses in different 60 (faith). Some of the best known were female, like Selene, worshipped by the ancient Greeks. The Chinese admired the goddess Chang’e, 61 origin story is a key part of China’s modern-day 62 (celebrate) of the Mid-Autumn Festival, which celebrates 63 brightest full Moon of the year.
When 64 (admire) the Moon, people often look for varied things — shapes, animals, and even people. Many 65 (west) cultures see a man’s eyes, nose, and mouth in the dark areas of the lunar disk. Some Chinese heritage records a rabbit on the surface. People in old England saw a man carrying a lantern.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华。你的英国笔友 Chris 给你发来邮件,告知你他所在的学校即将举办中国传统文化展,请你给他回一封邮件来推荐你认为最具代表性的一件东西去参展,内容包括:
Dear Chris,
Li Hua
The summer finally came. That afternoon, the hot sun was shining brightly, making the tree leaves almost burn and making people’s bodies seem to be on fire. Having nothing interesting to do at home, I decided to go to the pool to enjoy the coolness instead of going swimming. The reason was simple — I still couldn’t swim. I was impatient, and I always failed to do something and suffered losses. So the swimming lesson was put off again and again.
Upon arriving at the gym’s pool, I was greeted by a lively scene. Some people just jumped into the water, with hands entering first and the body following in a smooth motion. Some were kicking their legs rhythmically below the surface. All were happy. That was infectious, and I couldn’t help but feel deep admiration. Then I made a decision!
Taking a deep breath, I followed their example, closing my eyes and jumping into the “vast water” with a plop (扑通声).
At this moment, my head was pointing to the ground and my feet to the sky. When I “plopped” to the bottom, my whole body was swinging hard and my hands and feet lost their ability to feel. I just felt water rushing towards me, and my nose was filled with water. It was very terrible. Suddenly, I was hit by something. I struggled out of the light blue water bit by bit as if being dragged.
“That’s horrible!” I shouted loudly, and while I was complaining, I suddenly realized that I couldn’t swim in the first place, so why should I be shocked Just when I decided to stay away from water, someone gently patted (轻拍) my shoulder and said, “Don’t be discouraged, little girl. Look, swimming requires...” The lady introduced herself as Allison. She gave me a “lecture” on how to hold my breath, how to kick gently, and how to start with floating with the help of a swimming ring, being patient while giving me a demonstration.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“Why not try one more time ” said Allison.
As the day drew to a close, I still could not swim very well.
1~5 CCAAB 6~10 CBBAC 11~15 ABCCA 16~20 BBACA
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D
21. B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的 “…Peking University invite Professor Stephen Stich (Rutgers University, USA) to visit Peking University on March 29th, 2024.” 可知,美国罗格斯大学的 Stephen Stich 教授将来北京大学。故选B。
22. C 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Professor Stephen Stich kindly accepts the invitation and will deliver a talk on the evolution of morality...”和第二段中的“In this talk, I’ll explain why it was all but unavoidable that natural selection would lead to moral psychology in our species...”可知,文中的 “I”指的是 Stephen Stich。故选C。
23. D 推理判断题。根据全文内容可知,本文是一则通知:美国罗格斯大学Stephen Stich 教授将于 2024年3月29日10:00~12:00在北京大学李兆基人文学苑3号楼109 室做关于“道德的演变”的讲座。故选D。
【答案】24. D 25. B 26. C 27. A
【导语】本文介绍了在 NBA 比赛的中场表演中国传统杂技的女性——牛蓉的故事。
24. D 词义猜测题。根据画线词所在句可以推断出牛蓉是利用业余时间在餐馆、学校和商业活动中进行杂技表演,故D正确。
25. B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段、第二段、第三段相关信息,可以得出B项正确。
26. C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“she decided to move to San Francisco, mostly because of the city’s large Chinese population”可以判断出牛蓉搬到旧金山是由于那里华人较多,更懂得欣赏中国杂技表演,故C正确。
27. A 推理判断题。根据全文中牛蓉的人生经历和成功,我们可以判断她是一个有坚定毅力并能激励别人的杂技演员,故A正确。
【答案】28. C 29. D 30. B 31. A
28. C 细节理解题。根据第二段中的 It’s natural for people… to keep ourselves safe 以及 This is…inherited from our ancestors.可知,本段主要阐述人们会避开消极情绪的原因。故选C项。
29. D 细节理解题。根据第三段中的 When we bury our emotions, they inevitably end up reappearing elsewhere further down the line和Burying them in this way can cause a whole host of different issues…以及最后一段埃琳娜所说的话可推知,隐藏负面情绪是有害的,我们应该面对并接受负面情绪。故选D项。
30. B 推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Actually, it’s a sign of emotional well-being to be able... can be wonderful signposts if we pay attention to them. 可知,承认负面情绪(存在),与负面情绪共存而不是拒绝或推开它,负面情绪是情感健康的一种信号;接着通过工作环境的例子详细说明上文的论点:负面情绪可以影射情感健康。由此可知,提及工作环境是为了强调负面情绪的好处。故选B项。
31. A 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文通过阐述隐藏负面情绪所带来的坏结果和接受负面情绪所带来的好处来论证负面情绪是有益于我们的。故选A项。
【答案】32. C 33. A 34. C 35. B
32. C 细节理解题。根据第一段第四句可知,根据Pinterest的数据,Z世代现在经常选择野餐而不是餐馆和电影之夜,因此C项正确,比起餐馆和电影之夜,他们更喜欢野餐。
33. A 主旨大意题。根据该段中“ first appeared in a 17th-century French poem” “..in the late 18th and early 19th centuries” “In the 1830s”以及“in the late 1950s and 1960s” 可知,该段主要讲的是不同历史阶段野餐的内容,故选A。
34. C 细节理解题。根据第二段第六句可知,在19世纪30年代,居住在城市的美国人开始模仿欧洲人,在公园里铺上野餐毯,感受乡村的气息。C项欧洲人模仿美国人去乡村野餐的表述有误。故此题选C项。
35. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,不同时期的野餐的共同特点是它的快乐以及去野餐时,无论你吃什么,提供什么或者做什么,你都永远不会出错。因此C项正确,野餐可以给人们带来欢乐,并且关于他们吃什么、做什么没有标准。
【答案】36. G 37. F 38. A 39. E 40. D
36. G 根据段落主题句“Always being distracted. ”可知,该段的主要内容与“分心”有关。空处上一句介绍“不分心”对学习的重要性,空处下一句也在强调没有什么可以弥补注意力的分散。因此设空处应该同样介绍注意力的重要性。分析选项内容可知,G项“心不在焉的话,你就不会注意到那些能帮助你进步的事情。”符合语境;G项中的that 指代上文中的Presence。
37. F 本段主要介绍 “只说不做”这一不好的语言学习习惯。空前内容指出只有计划没有行动是没意义的,空后强调了行动的重要性。F项“行动才会产生结果,而不仅仅是靠言语或想法。” 承上启下,符合语境。本题易误选D项。考生会以为D项中的do后省略了what you are going to do。但D项与下文的“You need to walk the talk,”无法构成合理的行文逻辑。故本题F项为最优选项。
38. A 空处为段落主旨句,应与其他段落的主旨句在形式上保持一致,同时在内容上应概括介绍一种不好的语言学习习惯。根据下文 “We can all get lazy...”可知,本段主要介绍“懒惰”相关的内容。因此A项“屈服于懒惰”概括了本段主旨。本题易误选B项。根据文章首段最后一句“This article is about language learning habits that successful learners avoid. ” 以及各段主旨句“Always being distracted.” “Only talking the talk,” “Giving up.”可知,此处所填应概括介绍一种不良的习惯,而不是一种良好的习惯。故B项不符合文章的行文逻辑。
39. E 空前内容提到Thomas Edison的有关成功的名言。E项“不尝试就永远不会成功——不论你如何定义它。”可以承接上文;succeed和Success是同根词复现。同时,E项中的(it)never comes与下文的it comes是对比的逻辑关系。故选E。
40. D 空处上一句鼓励人们要摆脱上文中提到的不良习惯,D项“一旦你这样做了,你就会向着更好的方向前进。”承接上文内容(do指代上文的 to look more carefully and see if you can move away from these practices)。故选D。
【答案】41. B 42. C 43. A 44. A 45. C 46. D 47. B 48. B 49. C 50. A 51. D
52. B 53. A 54. D 55. C
【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了探险家 Lucy Shepherd 和她的团队在50天内穿越亚马孙卡努库山脉的故事。
41. B 考查动词。根据后面的 “climb a tree... wild boars” 可知,这里 Lucy 在说自己遇到的危险,她遇到了致命的蛇和成群的黄蜂。故选B。
42. C 考查动词。根据前面的“climb a tree”和后面的“a herd of wild boars” 可知,Lucy 爬树是为了躲避一群野猪。故选C。
43. A 考查短语。根据后面的 “the challenge in the hope of highlighting the ongoing deforestation of the Amazon” 可知,Lucy 接受了这一挑战。故选A。
44. A 考查名词。根据后面的 “to protect wildlife areas” 可知,此处是说保护野生动物区的必要性。故选A。
45. C 考查名词。根据后面的 “due to the density of the jungle’s covering”可知,由于覆盖着浓密的丛林,他们17天没有看见阳光。故选C。
46. D 考查短语。根据前面的“stay afloat”和后面的“in the strong rapids of the river” 可知,他们的船在湍急的河流中翻了。tum over 意为“翻转”。故选D。
47. B考查动词。根据前面的“she did not have accurate maps”可知,除了上面提到的那些危险外,Lucy还没有准确的地图可查。故选B。
48. B 考查形容词。根据后面的“but unbelievably rewarding journey”可知,虽然这是一次危险的旅行,但也是令人难以置信的收获之旅。故选B。
49. C 考查动词。根据语境可知,此处是说Lucy他们作为一个团队一起取得了很大的成绩。故选C。
50. A 考查形容词。此处与上文的unbelievably呼应,指他们作为一个团队取得的成绩令人难以置信。故选A。
51. D 考查名词。根据后面的 “one of the last remaining unexplored wildernesses on earth” 可知,Lucy目睹了地球上仅存的未经探索的荒野之一的美景。故选D。
52. B 考查名词。根据前面的“I have witnessed… on earth”可知,Lucy 看到了地球上仅存的未经探索的荒野之一的美景,这是对她的奖励。故选B。
53. A 考查动词。根据后面的“growing pressures from unsustainable wildlife hunting and trapping, logging and mining”可知,这个地方面临着诱捕和猎杀野生动物、伐木和采矿等带来的越来越大的压力。故选A。
54. D 考查动词。根据前面的 “unsustainable wildlife hunting and trapping, logging and mining, as well as forest clearing for agricultural expansion”可知,这些活动都威胁着这个独有的生态系统。故选D。
55. C 考查动词。根据第一段的Explorer和后面的“the Arctic next year” 可知,Lucy 的下一次旅行是去北极探险。故选C。
【答案】56. have tracked/have been tracking 57. directly 58. marking 59. with
60. faiths 61. whose 62. celebration 63. the 64. admiring 65. western
56. have tracked/have been tracking 考查时态。本句时间状语 “for tens of thousands of years” 为时间段,故本句时态可使用现在完成时或现在完成进行时,以突出动作的持续。
57. directly 考查副词。设空处应使用副词修饰句子谓语动词 originates。direct 虽有副词词性,但意思为“径直,亲自”,意义不符合语境。directly 在句中意为“恰好,正好地”。
58. marking 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词与被修饰词之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故使用现在分词。
59. with 考查介词。本题考查固定搭配 associate…with....,意为“把....与....联系在一起”。
60. faiths 考查名词单复数。根据设空前修饰词 different 可知此处应使用名词复数形式。
61. whose 考查定语从句。先行词为Chang’e,关系词在从句中作定语。
62. celebration 考查词性转换。设空前的modern-day为形容词,其后应为名词。
63. the 考查冠词。根据设空后brightest 一词可知,设空处应填定冠词 the与brightest 构成最高级。
64. admiring 考查非谓语动词。非谓语动词与句子主语 people为逻辑上的主动关系,故使用现在分词。
65. western考查形容词。此处应用形容词修饰名词,表示“西方文化”。
Dear Chris,
In your recent e-mail, you wanted me to recommend a representative thing for the Chinese traditional culture exhibition to be held in your school. Personally, I recommend Peking Opera masks.
Peking Opera masks are a great demonstration of Peking Opera facial makeup, which is unique to stage performances of Chinese opera. The colors of Peking Opera facial makeup are based on some special figures. Specific facial makeup is put on the actors’ faces to symbolize the personalities, characteristics and fates of the roles. The facial makeup is not only a symbol of the characters in the play, but a symbol of Chinese traditional culture.
Sincerely wish the exhibition a complete success!
Li Hua
“Why not try one more time ” said Allison. I hesitated, and then murmured, “Perhaps I should.” Her smile broadened in response, “That’s the spirit!” With the swimming ring serving as my safety net, I practiced what she taught. After getting used to floating, I tried to imitate her movements. My initial efforts were awkward, yet she reassured me that it was all part and parcel of the learning process. Standing by the pool, she applauded every small victory. Hours later, though I wasn’t swimming like the others, I succeeded in taking the first steps.
As the day drew to a close, I still could not swim very well. But I knew what I needed to do. The following morning found me at the gym once more, where only a few early swimmers dotted the pool. Gazing at the inviting blue water of the pool, now a familiar friend, I plunged in with newfound determination. Stroke after stroke, breath after breath, I practiced. Finally, my arms, no longer tentative, cut through the water with purpose. My legs followed, kicking rhythmically,I knew I had learned swimming and one thing more valuable — being patient.
Text 1
M: How would you like your steak, rare, medium or well-done I usually choose rare.
W: Well, I usually choose medium but I want to try well-done today.
Text 2
W: Hello, do you have The Magic School Bus series
M: Sorry. We’ve sold them out.
W: Can you order the books for me
M: Of course we can. Come back next Friday. They will have arrived.
Text 3
W: Hi, Henry. This is Jenny. My new computer isn’t working. I don’t know why. Can you come and have a look at it
M: Sure. Wait for me for about twenty minutes.
Text 4
W: Excuse me, sir. Has the flight to Chicago already left
M: Yes. Ten minutes ago.
W: I should have left home earlier. I really didn’t expect to get stuck in a traffic jam. Could I change to a later flight, please
M: Certainly.
Text 5
W: Hi, what are you doing
M: I had planned to do some reading today, but the noise outside is so annoying.
W: How about hanging out with me
M: I hate walking outside on such a hot day.
Text 6
W: Whenever I travel to a foreign country, I always visit its famous historical places.
M: Can you name some historical places you have visited
W: I have been to the Great Wall in China, the Pyramids in Egypt and Stonehenge in England.
M: The most famous site in my country is the Taj Mahal. Have you been there
W: Not yet. But I will add India to my travel list. If I have a long holiday later this year, I will pay a visit to your country.
Text 7
W: Good morning. May I ask something about your winter camp, please
M: Certainly. Campers have a chance to do winter sports like skiing on the hill and skating on the lake. And they will make their way to the CMC Hut staying overnight under the stars.
W: When will it take place
M: From February 18th to 19th.
W: Can you tell me about the cost
M: Sure. For members it costs 300 dollars each, and non-members need to pay 30 dollars more. The cost includes all meals, transportation and equipment. But a camper needs to pay another 50 dollars for accommodation.
Text 8
M: Will you go to any classes at the community center this year, Jane
W: Is the art class offered this year
M: Yes. Every Friday.
W: That’s a shame. I have to work late at the swimming pool on Fridays. And when is the tennis class
M: Every Monday. And there is also basketball practice that day.
W: Will you go
M: To basketball No. But I might go to the tennis. You know I have French grammar classes on Monday afternoon. I’ll enjoy hitting a ball hard after that boring class.
W: I’m not interested in any sport. Anything else
M: Mr. Brown will continue to give classes.
W: Oh! Mr. Brown’s DIY class. I enjoy that.
M: Yeah. I’m hoping to do that this year, too. It’s on Wednesdays. And on Thursdays, the local singing group will be upstairs and the guitar group will be downstairs. I’m considering learning to play the guitar.
Text 9
W: Today, our “Person of the Week” is Kevin. Welcome to the program, Kevin.
M: Glad to be here.
W: Please tell us something about your job.
M: I spend a lot of my time with sea animals, trying to learn what things they need in the environment. If we know what they need, we can help them survive. And part of my work is to rescue sea animals when they get into trouble with pollution.
W: Can you tell us something about them
M: Yes. of course. I still remember we tried to save some seabirds that had oil on their wings last year. They couldn’t fly. They couldn’t eat the fish because the fish were covered with oil. And, last weekend, my workmates and I saved a turtle that swallowed a small plastic bottle. And a whale died after it ate a plastic cloth a short time ago.
W: So bad. Why did you choose this job
M: I became interested in sea animals at twelve after a one-month trip to the beach. In 2016, when I was in high school, 1 saw a documentary called A Plastic Ocean. After watching it, I realized that I wanted to protect sea animals. So I studied marine biology at the university……
Text 10
An international team of scientists has reportedly created the superbanana that contains more vitamin A.
Lacking vitamin A has been a serious problem in some places in Africa and Southeast Asia. It is harmful to children’s growth and it causes blindness. Without absorbing enough vitamin A, children get ill easily.
According to the World Health Organization, 190 million preschool-aged children worldwide lack vitamin A. Luckily, a cheap solution to the problem may be available in the very near future.
The Banana21 project was launched in Uganda in 2005, and after 18 years of hard work and failed attempts, a team of researchers from the African country’s National Agricultural Research Laboratories and Australian agricultural scientist James Dale worked together to create a type of banana capable of saving millions of children’s lives.
According to National Geographic, the superbanana is ready to be planted in Uganda, but scientists are still waiting for approval from the local government. The problem of lacking vitamin A may disappear one day by providing the superbanana for people.


