
  1. 二一教育资源



1. What view does the man like best on the train journey
A. The view of the city. B. The view of the farms. C. The view of the mountains.·
2. What will the woman probably do this afternoon'
A. Have a drink. B. Stay indoors. C. Go out for a walk.
3. When is John's flight due to arrive
A. At 2:00 pm. B. At 4:00 pm. C. At 6:00 pm.
4. Who will probably look after the baby today
A. Lucy. B. The woman. C. The man's sister.
5 What are the speakers doing
A. Choosing a person suitable for a job.
B. Buying some red skirts in a shop.
C. Talking about the experience in an interview.
6. When does the conversation take place
A. On Tuesday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Thursday.
7. What will the man do tomorrow
·A. Attend a meeting. B. Have a check-up. C. Find a job.
8. How did the woman sound first
A. Worried. B. Confident. C. Thankful.
9. Why is Mike praised
A. For his performance at home.
B. For his progress at school.
C. For his kindness to his friends.
10. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. Why shops are a thing of the past.
B. What advantage online shopping has.
C. How shops survive in the modern world.
11. What's the new change of the bookshop near the bank at weekends
A. People can work out there.
B. People can enjoy live music there.
C. People can buy clothes there.
12. Why has the sports shop next to the school opened a gym
A. To hold some sports matches
B. To offer some gymnastics classes.
C. To sell more sportswear and equipment.
13. When did the man start to volunteer
A. In 2013. B. In 2014. C. In 2015.
14. Why did the man choose to volunteer after retirement
A. To develop a new hobby.
B. To find a good way to make friends.
C. To put his experience and knowledge to use.
15. What volunteer job is the man doing now
A. Teaching in local schools.
B. Being a tour guide.
C. Offering food to the homeless.
16. What does the man gain from volunteering
A. Free education. B. A sense of purpose. C. Love for life.
17. To whom does the speaker give this talk
A. Singers. B. Teachers. C. Students.
18. What does the speaker suggest the listeners do
A. Protect their voice from being hurt.
B. Take advantage of opportunities to perform.
C. Consider how strong their ambition is.
19. Why does the speaker mention Rita
A. To encourage singers to get over anxiety.
B. To let singers value their good voices.
C To show a different path to be a singer.
20. What do we know about Rita
A. She often practices singing in private.
B. She is extremely nervous on stage.
C. She avoids singing in the studio.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
If you want to learn something new in your spare time, there are some choices for you.
AR Workshop 615-258-5569
AR Workshop is a DIY studio that offers hands-on classes for decorating home from raw materials.
Join an instructor-led workshop where you can make wood signs, framed signs, round signs and more! AR Workshop will help you take your home decoration to the next level and have fun while creating it!
Artistic Elements Dance 615-371-5437
Artistic Elements’ aim is to develop dancers with excellent, professional technique, humble character and team spirit. We offer Beginner to Pre-Professional Level Classes to dancers from 18months to adults in the styles of ballet, jazz, hip-hop and more!
Melody Music Studios 615-472-9471
Melody Music Studios offers exciting music and voice lessons, in the student's home or the instructor's personal studio. We offer all styles in a fun and positive environment. There's a grace period (宽限期) of three business days to cancel after the trial lesson, and if you're not satisfied, we will refund(退款) your money in full! So you have nothing to lose to sign up today!
My Gym of Brentwood 615-510-3798
My Gym is the expert in children's fitness. It has good programs and facilities designed to help children 6 weeks through 13 years of age develop physically and mentally. Our structured, age-appropriate, weekly classes include music, dance, games, special rides, gymnastics. Children have loads of fun as they gain strength, balance, coordination(协调) and flexibility while developing social skills and confidence.
21. Which number will you call if you want to learn how to improve your house condition
A.615-258-5569. B.615-371-5437.
C.615-472-9471. D 615-510-3798.
22. What do we know about Melody Music Studios
·A. They aim to have fun and protect the environment.
B. They will refund the learners' money anytime.
C. They provide the trial lesson for t ho leaners.
D. All the lessons are given in personal studios.
23. What do Artistic Elements Dance and My Gym of Brentwood have. in common
A. They both focus on learners' physical and mental development.
B. They both offer professional level classes for children.
C. They both train adult dancers once a week.
D. They both provide experts to teach gymnastics.
Frank Herbert's science fiction Dun n was the first coming-of-age story that helped me survive me lonely junior high school. At age 12, my life was the liny, boring cycle of home, school and my parents store. Dune broke it all open and led me to a universe that made my little world a lot more bearable Unlike Holden Caulfield who kept breaking windows in The Catcher in the Rvehy J. D. Sailingèr, Dune's main character, Paul Atreides, equipped me with a junior-high survival guide.
Paul is not a classic underdog. He's the son of a king. He's been trained since birth in war arts, politics and critical survival skills by a group of smart and experienced men with impossible-to-pronounce names. But when his world is turned upside down — when he leaves his home, loses his father and enters a physically and politically hostile environment — he doesn’t complain and cry. He adapts.
To this day, I can still recite his words against fear: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total destruction. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
The steady diet of literary fiction assigned by my teachers was escapist(逃避现实的) and the very act of reading (whatever the content) usually took me out of a given moment, but didn't provide much advice on how to face my daily conflicts and painful insecurity.
Dune was escapist, too. However, it was expansive and literally redefined possibility for me who had been struggling along with eyes on the ground, just trying to make it through another day of boredom and hardship of being a teenage girl. Paul lifted my eyes up so I could see the stars.
24. Who created the character, Paul Atreides
A. The author of this passage. B. J. D. Sailinger.
C. Holden Caulfield. D. Frank Herbert.
25. Which can best explain the underlined word ‘hostile’ in paragraph 2
A. Sensitive. B. Unfriendly.
C. Unbeneficial. D. Private.
26. What does Paul impress the author most:
A. His survival skills. B. His noble birth.
C. His courage to face fear. D. His escapist attitude.
27. What can we , infer from the last paragraph!
A. The plot of Dune was more complicated than other fictions.
B. The author learned much knowledge of stars room Dune.
C. Paul helped the author escape from the real world.
D. The author changed her attitude towards life owing to Paul.
In a remarkable achievement for the young innovators, Victoria Ou and Justin Huang. both17-year-old students from Texas, have developed a pioneering device that uses ultrasound (超声波)technology to filter out(过滤) harmful microplastics from water.
Their invention has earned them the honored Gordon E. Moore Award at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), a well-known annual competition held by the Society for Science, a non-profit organization based in Washington, D. C.
Microplastics, resulting from the breakdown of plastic waste, are common pollutants that can be found in water sources, food supplies, and even the human bloodstream. To solve this critical environmental and public health problem, Ou and Huang invented their device, which employs a novel ultrasound filtration system to effectively remove these particles from water.
The device uses the power of acoustic(声音的) radiation force generated (发射) by ultrasound. When water containing microplastics passes through the system, these forces prevent the particles from passing, resulting in microplastic-free water.
Their device demonstrated impressive efficiency during testing, achieving filtration rates of84–94% for microplastics at flow rates of 10, 20, and 40 mL/minute in a single-stage setup. In a two-stage arrangement, the efficiency increased to 94-96%. Additionally, the system proved effective in filtering microplastics from laundry water and managing microplastic build-up in highly concentrated or large volumes of water.
“This is the first year we've done this,” Huang shared with Business Insider after receiving their award. “If we could refine this— maybe use more professional equipment, maybe go to a lab instead of testing from our home — we could really improve our device and get it ready for large-scale manufacturing.”
28. Which of the following can best describe Victoria Ou and Justin Huang
A. Humorous and patient. B. Cool-minded and well-behaved.
C. Responsible and eco-minded. D. Ambitious and self-disciplined.
29. What's the main idea of paragraph 4:
A. The harm of the microplastic B. The operational principle of the device.
C. The expense of the device. D. The spread of the microplastics.
30. How does the author show the efficiency of the device
A. By listing the data. B. By stating arguments.
C. By analyzing the cause and effect. D. By making surveys.
31. What can we know from Justin Huang's words in the last paragraph
A. The device has been massively made. B. The device is conducted in the lab.
C. The device has been successfully tested. D. The device needs more improvement.
The humble beaver(海狸) could hold the key to saving our water, according to a new research at has found how their da m building skills protect the rivers threatened by climate change.
The research, done on the rivers in Colorado, found the wooden banners built by beavers raise water level upstream. As it builds up, the water flows into surrounding soils and secondary waterways. These acts separate out extra nutrients and pollutants before water reenters the main channel downstream.
Extreme weather events, such as severe storms, impact water quality in major river systems. Droughts and floods are becoming more frequent, and the scientists have also found they are contributing to an increase in the American heaver in the US, and consequently an explosion of dam building.
The team chose to monitor a 40-kilometer stretch of the East River. They reviewed data on water levels gathered hourly by sensors fixed in the river and the areas along the river.
They also collected water samples, including from below the ground's surface to monitor nutrient and pollutant levels. The researchers compared water quality along the stretch during a historically dry year, to water quality the following year when water levels were unusually high. They also compared these year-long datasets to water quality during the nearly three-month period, starting in late July2018, when the be aver dam blocked the river.
The study revealed the dams increased nitrate(硝酸盐) by nearly 50% by increasing the pressure of the water flow upstream 10 times over, which pushed more water out into the surrounding areas. The nitrates are absorbed and digested by tiny organisms in the soil. This helped increase the oxygen content and quality in the rivers.
Beavers' hand work is responsible for the land they love.
32. What do the wooden barriers created by beavers act as
A. Waterways. B. Samples.
C. Dams. D. Sensors.
33. What is the direct result of frequent droughts and floods in Colorado
A. More dams emerge on the rivers.
B. More American beavers appear in the US.
C. More pollutants are removed from the rivers.
D. More oxygen is created in the rivers.
34. Why did the researchers collect water samples from below the ground's surface
A. To keep an eye on the water quality.
B. To improve the nutrient of the stretch.
C. To remove pollutants from the river.
D. To decrease the effect caused by the flood.
35. What is the main idea of the text
A. Dams do good to water quality.
B. Beavers contribute to climate change.
C. Extreme weather catches researchers’ eyes.
D. Beavers help protect rivers against climate change.
Ways to Be Resilient(坚韧) in Tough Times
When uncertainty stresses us out, it makes us wonder which path to take, or what decision to make. 36 Here are ways to develop the emotional resilience that will help you in tough times.
Try to be flexible. Often we have difficulty learning to “go with the flow”. Fixed beliefs, expectations, and habits are some of the things that lead us to resist change. But when the house you thought you'd live in forever is destroyed. in a fire or hurricane, or the job you had trained for has been automated, what do you do It can be heartbreaking. 37 Tho only way forward now is to adjust your attitude, shift your thoughts, and dream bigger by being flexible.
38 When we are dealing with a situation in change, most of us will feel unsure of ourselves. This is normal. Accepting yourself and your situation is a good place to begin. Calm the inner voices of fear and blame.
Learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. because they will make you more emotionally resilient if you are willing to learn from them. :39' By recognize uncertainty as an opportunity for growth, you can more easily move through it to attain your desired personal goals.
Celebrate your successes. When you have initiated a plan that is working or picked yourself back up after a tough experience, celebrate your success with those who helped you gain positive results. 40 ..
A Trial. and error are how we learn.
B. Practice being OK with discomfort.
C. Review your options and then look for helpers.
D. But it is also true that v our life is demanding a “course change”.
E. New efforts stimulate growth potential through new experiences.
F. Congratulate yourself and commit to c,.. in Jing your achievement.
G It can be difficult for us if we have not de v eloped emotional resilience.
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
In the town of Norwich, England, that is a bookshop stalled Book bugs and Dragon Tales. It opened in 2019 just months before the COVID-19 pandemic 41 . The bookshop's owners, Dan and Leanne Fridd, 42 to keep the shop open for two years before they decided they needed some 43 so they started crowdfunding(众筹).
When they saw someone had donated 5,000, they were 44 .“And we checked the name, and I guessed: Russell Crowe No, it can't be Russell Crowe.” Leanne told CBS News.
Now, they have 45 it is the real Russell Crowe —a famous actor. Dan and Leanne said the 46 from the actor helped spread the word about their shop. “People wanted to come in and the press were 47 and we were on Australian breakfast television.” Leanne said.
They may never know why Crowe 48 their business, but perhaps it's because the couple use their bookshop to help the 49 in many ways. They hold well-being 50 for adults and kids to teach them how to feel happy and healthy. They also 51 . free books to kids in need. Last year,30 kids got their books.
When asked why they used the donation money so selflessly, they said the 52 is simple. “Someone saw the 53 in us and decided to put money into our business.” Leanne said. “Thanks to their kindness, we could go through the tough days. In turn. we get to 54 it back to society through the shop.”
Next time when someone does something good for you, not only thank the person 55 , but also pass it on to someone else.
41. A. exposed B. presented C. struck D. disappeared
42. A. managed B. failed C. intended D. required
43. A. care B. service C. help D. honor
44. A. worried B. moved C. encouraged D. astonished
45. A. checked B. confirmed C. challenged D. suspected
46. A. donation B. request C. advice D. invitation
47. A. amazed B. interested C. unconcerned D. disappointed
48. A. respected B. found C. chose D. praised
49. A. agency B. organization C. community D. government
50. A. views B. lessons C. competitions D. festivals
51. A. took out B. gave away C. turned down D. asked for
52. A. concept B. decision C. project D. reason
53. A. strength B. energy C. potential D. promise
54. A. give B. make C. turn D. bring
55. A. frequently B. instantly C. gradually D. directly
第Ⅱ卷 (非选择题)
第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
The famous author Lu Xun (1881–1936) once wrote that the beauty of Chinese characters is present in three aspects . They include: the meaning enlightens the mind, the sound touches the ear, and the 50 (appear) appeals to the eye.
Chinese characters originated as a pictographic (象形的) writing system, borrowing the shapes of the sun, the moon, birds, beasts and so on. 57 (improv . . esthetics(美学) and efficiency of use. multiple writing systems. such as zhuanshu, lishu, caoshu and kaishu, 58 (create) over the passage of time. Their beauty is especially visible 59 calligraphy works. Many characters not only bear 60 (meaning) and cultural implications but also indicate their pronunciations. As 61 whole, characters are a symbol of Chinese civilization, bridging the past, present and future.
According to the Ministry of Education's Center for Language Education and Cooperation, more than 30 million people around the globe 62 (learn) Chinese. The language is taught in more than190 countries and regions. among 63 85 countries have included Chinese lessons into their national education systems. With a growing number of people 64 (speak) between their mother tongue and Chinese, the genes of Chinese culture are likely to be better and more 65 (wide)recognized.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华。你将参加学校举办的英文演讲比赛。请你给外籍老师Mr. Johnson写一封邮件,请他给予指导。内容包括:
Dear Mr. Johnson,
Li Hua
Jim Barr stared in awe(敬畏) at the platform in the crowded school hall. The headmaster marched onto the stage, followed by the captains of the school soccer team and rugby side. Jim watched with envy as each was presented with an honor s jacket for their contribution to the school's sporting success over the previous year. When the next presentation of honors jacket would come around, Jim knew there was little hope that he would be the receiver of one of these treasured items of clothing.
“I wish you all a happy summer holiday,” the headmaster announced. “Although most of you will be going away to sunnier parts, there are others who will be staying near their home. The local council has asked the school to undertake a project over the next six weeks to help clear up rubbish around the area and separate it for recycling. If anyone is interested, come to my office and you will be supplied with a rubbish picker, bags and heavy-duty gloves.”
Jim knew he would be at a loose end over the holiday, so he went to the office along with five classmates to pick up the equipment needed to gather up the rubbish which littered the streets around the school. When he arrived home, his mother looked at him curiously as he placed the equipment on the kitchen table.
“What is this all about ” she asked with a smile on her face. “Mum, I'm an average pupil and I'm not very good at sports,” he replied. “This waste recycling is one way I can contribute to the good name of the school.”
“Just as long as you don't get fed up and stop half way through,” said Mum.
“I won't give up. I have made up my mind to do it well,” Jim said confidently.
Over the next few weeks, his classmates dropped out of the project.
Hearing his name called by the headmaster, Jim nervously made his way to the platform.


