
  1. 二一教育资源



1-5BCBAC 6-10 CAABA 11-15 ACABA 16-20 BCACB
21-25 CCBCA 26-30 BCBAC
31-35 BACBA 36-40 BACCA
41-45 ABCBC 46-50 CCABA 51-55 CBAAC
56. 209./Two hundred and nine.
57. To make people feel better about where they lived and bring them together.
58. White.
59. 邀请街坊四邻一起干活减少了当地的一些社会问题。
60. Murals brought people together/Murals changed people’s life/Murals in Las Palmitas.
(每题2分,共10分。单词拼写错误每处扣0.5分, 直至扣完本题分值为止。第50题只要符合题意即可酌情给分)
61. clearly 62. in 63. swam 64. When 65. leaves 66. wonderful 67. they 68. really 69. traveling 70. afraid
第一节 信息归纳(5分)
71. Last Friday 72. (by) train 73. temple
74. film 75. fast food
1. How long has your daughter had the toy bear, Mr. White
2. Linda’s father is a keeper and he looks after elephants.
3. Anna thinks that Alice in wonderland is a fantastic book.
4. The couple got married two years ago and now they have a son.
5. It has been about two years since my mother bought this purple scarf.
6. Have you ever tried the rice dumplings, Amy
7. What was the boy doing when it started to rain
8. How long have you had this camera
9. What do you think of having a yard sale
10. I think Journey to the West is very interesting to read.
11. M: What is your favorite subject, Mary
W: My favorite subject is math. I think it is very interesting.
Q: What subject does Mary like best
12. W: Hey! Peter, do you want to visit the science museum
M: No, I've already been there four times.
Q: How many times has Peter visited the science museum
13. W: What's that in your hand, Bill
M: Treasure Island. I have to hand in a book report about the story this Friday, but I haven't finished reading it yet.
Q: When should Bill hand in the book report
14. W: Hurry up, John, or we'll miss our plane.
M: I'm coming. Oh, it's five p.m. already. Let's take the subway to the airport instead of the bus.
Q: How will the speakers go to the airport
15. M: Do you know the yellow river is 5464 kilometers long, Emily
M: Yes, I learned it from a geography book before.
Q: Where did Emily get the information
16. Hello everyone, I'm Maggie, a girl from New York. I came to Shanghai three months ago because my parents found jobs here. Now I'm studying at a middle school in Shanghai. At first, I was a little nervous because I was new here, but soon I made many good friends. Chinese students are really friendly. They give me a lot of help when I have problems with my studies.
During our holidays, my parents and I often travel around China. So far, we have visited tuan and Qingdao. I especially like Qingdao because I like swimming in the sea and eating delicious seafood. Of course, we have already visited the capital of China, Beijing. We have visited the Great Wall. It is amazing. For the next winter holiday, we're going to visit Harbin. I want to play in the snow there.2023-2024学年度第二学期期末质量检测
( )1. A. B. C.
( )2. A. B. C.
( )3. A. B. C.
( )4. A. B. C.
( )5. A. B. C.
( )6. A. No, 1 wasn't. B. Sure, I did. C. Yes, I have.
( )7. A. He was taking a shower. B. It was raining. C. The ground was all wet.
( )8. A. For three years. B. Once a month. C. Ten meters deep.
( )9. A. Have it for 75 cents. B. It is perfect. C. The most famous part.
( )10. A. So do I. B. Nu Wa repairs the sky. C. I like the Monkey King best
( )11. Whal subject does Mary like best
A. Math. B. Chinese. C. English.
( )12. How many times has Peter visited the Science Museum
A. Twice. B. Three times. C. Four times.
( )13. When should Bill hand in the story report
A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
( )14. How will the speaker go to the airport
A. By bus. B. By subway. C. By taxi.
( )15. Where did Emily get the information
A. From a book. B. From the Internet. C. From the teachers
( )16. How long has Maggie been in Shanghai
A. For three weeks. B. For three months. C. For half a year.
( )17. How did Maggie feel when she started to study in Shanghai
A. Happy. B. Excited. C. Nervous.
( )18. What does Maggie think of Chinese students
A. Friendly and helpful. B. Honest. C. Unbelievable.
( )19. What do Maggie and her parents often do during their holidays
A. Cook delicious food. B. Enjoy country music. C. Travel around China.
( )20. Where is Maggie going to visit in the next winter holiday
A. Beijing. B. Harbin. C. Qingdao.
第一节 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
( )21. —What can you see on the map
—I can see ________ island. ________ island is a small green dot on the map.
A. a, The B. an, A C. an, The
( )22. —Andy, please ________ the book on the floor.
—No problem.
A. put on B. take off C. pick up
( )23. —I am so ________ because the interview is coming.
—Take it easy. Maybe listening to some soft music is helpful.
A. active B. nervous C. serious
( )24. —Look! The old computers in the museum are much bigger!
—Yes. It’s unbelievable that technology has ________ in such a rapid way.
A. protected B. provided C. progressed
( )25. — I called you last night, but nobody answered.
―Oh, I ________ a bath at that time.
A. was taking B.am taking C. have taken
( )26. ________ are ________ serious that they can make the best cars in the world.
A. Germen; such B. Germans; so C. Germen; so
( )27. —Jerry, who is the woman in front of the teaching building
—She is Miss White. She teaches ________ English.
A. we B. our C. us
( )28. —Could you tell me why you learn English so well
—It is very simple. ________ you study, ________ grades you will get.
A. Harder; better B. The harder; the better C. The harder; better
( )29. The story of Yu Gong ________ us that you can never know what's possible unless you try to make it happen.
A. remind B. repair C. report
( )30. —Could you tell me how to take a taxi through the app on a smartphone
A. Take it easy B. You're welcome C. With pleasure
第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Ludwig van Beethoven was one of the greatest composers(作曲家) of all time. He was born in 1770 in Bonn, Germany, Beethoven showed a talent for (31)________ at an early age. His first music teacher was his father. Later, Beethoven took lessons from other (32)________.
In March 1787, Beethoven travelled to Vienna. When his mother became (33)________, Beethoven returned home. After his mother died, Beethoven had to (34)________ his two younger brothers because their father couldn't.
In November 1792, Beethoven left Bonn for Vienna. There he (35)________ Mozart’s works and wrote his own works with a clear flavor(特色) of Mozart.
Beethoven played music written by other people but he also (36)________ improvising(即兴创作). Beethoven would ask someone to play a few notes(音符) on a piano. Then he would sit down and play the same notes and add more. When Beethoven composed his own music, he always wrote it over and over (37)________ he was happy with it.
Around 1798, Beethoven was (39)________ to lose his hearing. However, Beethoven had a strong mind. Even though he couldn't hear, Beethoven (39)________ playing the piano. He even kept composing! It was a very difficult time for him, but he (40)________ thought of giving up. In the end, he composed many famous musical works.
( )31. A. singing B. music C. painting
( )32. A. teachers B. doctors C. drivers
( )33. A. angry B. nervous C. ill
( )34. A. fight with B. take care of C. look for
( )35. A. studied B. copied C. reported
( )36. A. minded B. enjoyed C. hated
( )37. A. until B. if C. because
( )38. A. silly B. crazy C. unlucky
( )39. A. forgot B. stood C. continued
( )40. A. never B. always C. usually
Are you thinking about how to spend your summer vacation Join us! Our school will have some interesting activities. There will be a week-long study trip to Beijing.
Chinese Calligraphy(书法) Course in Shijia Hutong Chinese calligraphy started more than 2,000 years ago and it is popular all the time in China. Learning how to write Chinese characters(汉字) is both for fun and for a cultural experience.
Chinese Crosstalk(相声) Performance in Lao She Teahouse Chinese crosstalk, a traditional performance, is good for your Chinese language learning The language skills used in it will improve your Chinese. If you plan to be in this performance, you'd better make some preparations.
Cooking Class in Gui Street The cooking class provides the teaching of cooking different kinds of Chinese food. And we are just going to learn how to make Chinese dumplings. We will invite a good cook to teach you.
If you want to get more information about this study trip or decide to take part in it, please come to our school office or contact(联系) us in one of the following ways.
Tel: 67880906 WeChat: school office E-mail: schooloffice@
( )41. Where will the Chinese calligraphy course be
A. In Shijia Hutong. B. In Lao She Teahouse. C. In Gui Street.
( )42. What can you do if you take the cooking class
A. Cook any kind of food. B. Learn to make dumplings. C. Make a lot of foreign friends.
( )43. What does the last part of the text mainly tell us
A. Where to have the study trip.
B. What you should prepare lor the study trip.
C. How to know more about or join in the study trip.
After I became a mother, 1 couldn't remember the last time I had had time for myself. Even my simple hobby of reading a book became a thing of the past. I spent all my time taking care of the family, doing chores, and of course, working to make a living. I longed for(渴望) “me time”.
When I said “me time”, I only meant having an hour of quietness, such as listening to music, reading a book, or watching a movie, without being troubled by my kids.
Soon I had a chance to travel to a new country all by myself! My husband and kids would have to follow at a later date.
Now I am alone in an apartment. Finally, I can do whatever I want and keep the house clean and tidy. I am happy because I can read my favorite books and do all that I want to do.
But surprisingly it doesn't make me happy. I feel lonely. I miss my kids and my husband. I feel something in me is missing. Now I realize that making time for myself doesn't mean being away from those I love. I can still have “me time” even if the kids are around.
I will change my attitude to chores and other things. Life won5t be meaningful or wonderful without the people I love around me. Now I'm looking forward to seeing them soon.
( )44. Which of the following was the writer's “me time” according to Paragraph 2
A. B. C.
( )45. Why did the writer want to have “me time”
A. Because she wanted to visit a new country by herself.
B. Because she was sick and tired of working to make a living.
C. Because she wanted to enjoy some time that was hers completely.
( )46. How did the writer's feelings change
A. unhappy→lonely→happy
B. unhappy→relaxed→happy
C. bored→happy→lonely
( )47. What does the writer want to tell us
A. Travelling alone is a wonderful experience.
B. “Me time” plays an important role in everyone's life.
C. Happiness conics from doing things for those we love.
The 24-year-old volunteer, who is known online as Danni recorded(记录) happy times with her students on her phone. Each of the videos attracts thousands of Chinese netizens who are interested in her volunteer experiences.
After finishing university in 2020, Danni chose to work in Africa for a year and then traveled to seven countries. Finally, she stopped in Uganda because of a primary school. She taught children from Grade One to Grade Four. Danni set up different kinds of classes for her students, such as Chinese language learning and cooking.
Sometimes Danni would cook traditional Chinese food for her students, and she also taught them to speak Putonghua. “Their smiling faces gave me energy(能量) and I enjoyed staying with them,” she said.
In 2022, Danni arrived in Lebanon and became a voluntary teacher at a local school. This time she taught arts and crafts(手工艺). At the school, Danni built beautiful friendships with the children. They would run to give her hugs(拥抱) or small presents every morning, and would invite her to their homes.
She had some interesting activities in her teaching such as paper cutting and the making of paper ice cream. Some of her students were good at these and could finish the handicraft works quickly, while some needed a bit of help. The good thing was that they all worked hard.
( )48. What did Danni do first after she finished university
A. Worked in Africa for a year.
B. Started to teach in Uganda.
C. Traveled to different countries.
( )49. What did Danni teach her students to do
A. Speak English. B. Speak Chinese. C. Do chores.
( )50. What does the underlined word “attracts” mean
A. 吸引 B. 欺骗 C. 搜索
( )51. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage(语篇结构)
A. ①/②③④/⑤ B. ①②/③④/⑤ C. ①/②③/④⑤
In recent years, Chinese cartoons are catching more and more people's eye. For Chinese cartoon lovers, I Am What I Am is a film they can't miss. The film tells the story of Ah Juan, a left-behind child(留守儿童). He lives in a village in Guangdong Province. He's having trouble with his life. He's weak in other people's eyes. One day, after meeting a girl, he comes up with an idea of learning lion dances and joining in a competition in Guangzhou with his friends. They learn lion dances from a former(昔日的) lion dancer and train hard day after day. Things are getting better.
However, here comes the bad news: Ah Juan's father has an accident. Ah Juan has to go to the city and find a job to feed his family. But his love for lion dances doesn't stop. The strong love pushes him to run after his dream once again.
This film is very different from traditional Chinese cartoons. Traditional Chinese cartoons often have to do with Chinese fairy tales(童话故事) or legends. But this film looks at real life. It tells us how a left-behind boy faces up to his hard life. Although life isn't perfect or easy, Ah Juan never loses hope. At the same time, there are many scenes of traditional lion dances in the film. They show this kind of traditional Chinese culture to more people.
( )52. What can we know about Ah Juan from Paragraph 1
A. He has no interest in lion dances.
B. He doesn't live with his parents.
C. He's strong in other people's opinion.
( )53. Why does Ah Juan go to the city after his father gets hurt
A. To make money. B. To follow his dream. C. To look after his father.
( )54. What makes the film different from traditional Chinese cartoons
A. It's about real life. B. It's about fairy tales. C. It's about traditional Chinese culture.
( )55. What's the best title for the passage
A. How to perform lion dances
B. A big dream: to be a star
C. A wonderful film you can’t miss
第二部分 非选择题(共40分)
Las Palmitas is a community(社区) with a difference. A group of artists, working with the people there, painted the outside walls of 209 houses to create the world's largest mural(壁画) of its kind. “It has been a community's effort(努力). Each family has taken part in it in some way,” said Enrique Gomez. The project(项目) was to make people feel better about where they lived and to bring them together.
The neighborhood has changed completely. First, all the houses were painted white to show that all the people were the same. And the colors of the mural gave it life. Then, the relationships between people became closer. The project made the artists work with the people there to paint the houses.
Life in Las Palmitas before the project was very different. People used to be afraid of going out after dark. There was some crime and social problems. But now, life there is much safer than before. Enrique Gomez won the trust of young people in the neighborhood. Inviting neighbors to work together helped cut down social problems there. And it also helped to develop the community spirit.
In the morning, people wake up and look around and see the colors around them. They are very pretty. Many people go out and say, “Ah, everything is so nicely painted and fixed up.”
56. How many houses’ outside walls did the artists paint with the people
57. Why did they start the project
58. What color did they paint the houses
59. 请把文中划线句子翻译成汉语.
60. 请给短文拟一个恰当的标题。
real, leaf, they, clearly, swim, afraid, in, when, travel, wonderful
I'm Li Qin from Zhengzhou, China. I like traveling very much. I visited many places. I can't remember most of them (61)________, but I will never forget White Lake in my hometown.
When I was young, I liked to swim (62)________ the lake. I liked to float(漂浮) on my back in the water and watch beautiful clouds. Sometimes I (63)________ to the island to pick some wild flowers. White Lake brought me a wonderful time.
(64)________ my best friend Tony visited White Lake for the first time, it was wintertime. The trees lost their (65)________ and there were not any beautiful flowers, but he still thought this lake is a (66)________ place. Last September Tony took some friends to my hometown, and (67)________ took a boat out on the lake. Everyone said, “It is (68)________ a beautiful and charming(迷人的) lake!”
Every year there are thousands of tourists (69)________ to White Lake. I am very happy that people like the lake, but I’m (70)________ that they will pollute the lake.
第一节 信息归纳(5分)
Last Friday I went to Salt Lake City with three Chinese friends. For the first time I went to the city. We spent 45 minutes taking a bus to the station and then took a train to the city.
We visited Salt Lake Temple first. There were many groups. We joined the Chinese group so that we could listen to the guide clearly. It was easy for us to understand what the guide explained about its history. After visiting the temple, we got free tickets for an interesting film. At last we went to a big mall(商场) to eat fast food for lunch. I was nervous when ordering food because of my poor English. Finally, I ordered my food with the help of a waiter. Although it was a short trip, I really enjoyed it.
Paragraph Important information
1 When: (71)________ Where: Salt Lake City Who: Three Chinese friends and I How: By bus and (72)________
2 What: ◇ At first, we joined the Chinese group to visit the (73)________. ◇ After visiting the temple, we enjoyed a (74)________ for free. ◇ At last, we went to a big mall to eat (75)________ for lunch.
第二节 写作(15分)
假如你是李明,红旗中学的一名学生,你有一位认识3年的网友Jack Smith,他想要通过你认识更多的中国朋友,请你根据以下图片提示,并发挥你的想象,写一篇不少于80词的短文,把Jack介绍给你班同学。
1. 语句流畅,语意连贯,书写规范,卷面整洁;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 不得出现真实校名、人名等。
你可能用到的词:Chinese culture中国文化;achieve his dream实现他的梦想
Hello, boys and girls! I have a special friend. I got to know him through the Internet. ________________


