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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节(共5小题,每小题1. 5分,满分7. 5分)
1. What will Mike probably do this afternoon
A. Attend a party. B. Move to a new place. C. Get some books from David.
2. Why does the man have to stay indoors
A. He caught a cold. B. His foot was injured. C. The weather is terrible.
3. What is Harry like in the man's opinion
A. Outgoing. B. Talkative. C. Quiet.
4. How much did the speakers spend last month
A. $1, 400. B. $1, 500. C. $1, 900.
5. What are the speakers talking about
A. The heavy traffic. B. Their work problems. C. The government's measures.
第二节(共15小题,每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分)
6. Where does the conversation take place
A. At school. B. At home. C. At a grocery store.
7. What is Lisa going to do next
A. Have some water. B. Look for a phone. C. Pick up her mother.
8. What will the speakers do tomorrow evening
A. Study together. B. See a film. C. Go to Don's house.
9. How will the speakers get there
A. By subway. B. By bike. C. On foot.
10. Why was the new automation system installed
A. To protect collections. B. To attract more readers. C. To save more space.
11. What percentage of energy can be saved yearly
A. 72%. B. 38%. C. 28%.
12. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Schoolmates. B. Friends. C. Student and librarian.
13. Where did the woman spend her vacation
A. In New York City. B. In Middleville. C. In Miami.
14. What does the man think of the woman's trip at first
A. Boring. B. Exciting. C. Unique.
15. How did the woman learn about the strange history of the place
A. By chatting with the old at a bar. B. By visiting traditional shops C. By eating at local restaurants.
16. What does the man show much interest in about the place
A. Its old streets. B. Its wine festival. C. Its simple people.
17. What made Barrymore famous at the age of seven
A. A Steven Spielberg movie. B. A dog food TV advertisement. C. The science fiction Altered States.
18. What was Barrymore's dream as a young adult
A. To act in dramas. B. To star in comedies. C. To make her own movies.
19. When did Barrymore produce the film Never Been Kissed
A. In 1995. B. In 1999. C. In 2005.
20. What did Barrymore do after the 2010 Haitian earthquake
A. She began working for the UNWFP B. She persuaded people to donate money.
C. She taught people to make YouTube videos.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)
Did you know you can visit the Great Wall of China, see famous paintings or check in on your favourite zoo animals without leaving home That's good news any time. Here are some of explore-the-world-from-home ideas.
This incredible landmark is a collection of walls. It's often said it's the only human-madestructure that can be seen from the Moon but that claim was made many years before anyone had been to the Moon. Today, the Great Wall is generally recognized as one of the most impressive architectural feats in history.
VISIT /destination/great-wall-of-china
This famous zoo is offering virtual animal-watching tours. “We're bringing the zoo to people who are stuck at home,” said zoo director Thane Maynard. “The goal with the daily live sessions is to provide fun and educational content to people who are staying at home.”
VISIT cincinnatizoo. org/home-safari-resources
The Smithsonian Museum and National Zoo has a large range of exhibits available to view online, including Animal Cams—live streams(视频直播) of their animal enclosures so you can get up close with lions, pandas, elephants and more.
VISIT si. edu/kids
Take some time to study the paintings of Monet, Ce zanne, and Gauguin at the Musee
D'Orsay, Paris.
VISIT: m. musee-orsay. fr/en
And for a truly out-of-this-world experience from the comfort of your own home, take a virtual tour of Mars. The tour images are recorded by NASA's Curiosity rover.
VISI Taccessmars.
21. How can we describe the Great Wall according to the second paragraph
A. Old. B. Popular. C. Splendid. D. Well-organized.
22. What do CINCINNATI ZOO and SMITHSONIAN have in common
A. They require visitors to fill in forms. B. They offer visual feasts about animals.
C. They educate people to protect animals. D. They provide live streams of their animals.
23. Which one is suitable for those who are interested in space
Walter Diemer, who invented bubble gum(泡泡糖), died at age 93.
Mr Diemer was an accountant for Fleer Chewing Gum Co. in Philadelphia when he began testing recipes for a gum base, the part that makes gum chewy, in his spare time in 1928. He created the first batch of bubble gum by chance, making it pink because that was the only shade of food coloring on hand. “It was an accident,” Mr Diemer said in a 1996 interview with the Lancaster Intelligencer Journal. “I was doing something else and ended up with something with bubbles.”
Americans had been chewing gum since 1870, when a New Yorker named Charles Adams began manufacturing it in a Manhattan warehouse. By the 1920s, a handful of 人 companies were making gum from chicle, a form of sapodilla tree sap(树液) that had been chewed in Belize, Guatemala and Mexico for centuries. Mr Diemer's pink concoction(调和物) was stretchier and less sticky than earlier recipes.
Fleer Co. took over the recipe and called it Dubble Bubble, selling the gum for a penny apiece. Mr Diemer helped market Dubble Bubble by teaching salesmen to blow bubbles so they could demonstrate the product. Dubble Bubble had no competition until after World War II, when Topps Co. began wrapping bubble gum in comics and calling it Bazooka.
Mr Diemer, who had begun working for Fleer after high school, never received royalties for his invention, said his wife, Florence Freeman Kohler Diemer. He did receive hundreds of letters from children thanking him for bubble gum, she said. He rarely, chewed gum, but he would invite children to his home and tell them about his invention, then preside over bubble-blowing contests, his wife said. “He was terrifically proud of it,” she said. “He would say to me, ‘I've done something with my life; I've made kids happy around the world.’ ” Mr Diemer eventually became senior vice president of Fleer, retiring in 1970.
24. What does paragraph two mainly talk about
A. The function of gum bases.
B. The working experience of Diemer.
C. The process of Diemer inventing bubble gum.
D. The difference between bubble gum and chewing gum.
25. How did Diemer help market bubble gum
A. By reducing its production cost. B. By constantly improving the recipes.
C. By wrapping it in fascinating packaging. D. By telling salespeople how to blow bubbles.
26. Why did children write letters to Diemer
A. Because they had something to ask Diemer
B. Because they wanted to express their gratitude
C. Because they hoped to get permission to visit him
D. Because they were impressed by Diemer's generosity
27. What is the author's purpose in writing the text
A. To introduce the inventor of bubble gum.
B. To explain the reasons for Diemer's success
C. To describe the health benefits of bubble gum.
D. To highlight the importance of marketing strategies.
Is it easy for you to feel scared Does art make you cry Do you feel other people's feelings On the other hand, do you tend to be overwhelmed by crowds, bright lights or strong perfume Bad news--or maybe good. You could be an HSP, a highly sensitive person.
How can we understand what's happening inside an HSP The term was coined in 1996 by psychologist Elaine Aron and she argued that sensitive brains are uniquely tired to process their environment at a deep level. Her theory's most striking claim is that physical and emotional sensitivity are one and the same. A complicated attention to body language strengthens empathy(共鸣); responsiveness to subtle physical signals creates rich sensations in HSPs, but can also overwhelm.
In the workplace, HSPs are usually the highest performers, yet the first to get tired out. They can struggle in relationships, as they tend to be people-pleasing. The ability to connect is of huge value and higher sensitivity is linked with creativity, brilliance and higher IQ. The trait is shared by pioneers across science, business and the arts--anyone who notices details others don't, makes connections they can't.
No matter what you call it, sensitivity is defined as the ability to sense, process, and respond deeply to one's environment. People who are sensitive naturally pick up more information from their environment, process it more deeply, and are ultimately more shaped by it. Much of this deep processing happens involuntarily and many sensitive people aren't even aware that they do it. A better word for sensitive might be responsive. If you are a highly sensitive person, your body and mind respond more to the world around you. You respond more to heartbreak, pain and loss, but you also respond more to beauty, new ideas and joy. You go deep where others only skim the surface. You keep thinking when others have given up and moved on to something else.
28. What does the first paragraph mainly talk about
A. The definition of sensitivity B. The features of an HSP
C. The ways of dealing with an HSP D. The cause of high sensitivity.
29. What do we know about an HSP
A. An HSP often demonstrates low working efficiency.
B. The term refers to a patient troubled by mental problems
C. An HSP responds more to the negative than to the positive.
D. The term was created by a female psychologist in the 1990s.
30. What is the writer's attitude towards high sensitivity
A. Objective. B. Doubtful. C. Disapproving. D. Concerned.
31. Where does this text probably come from
A. A medical journal. B. A news report.
C. A scientific magazine D. A health magazine.
Humpback whales are well known for their fascinating culture: These mysterious animals migrate thousands of miles every year, sing charming songs, leap from the water in an enormous breach, and collaborate while hunting--creating bubble nets that trap their prey. Now, researchers have shed light on another aspect of whale behavior: Playing with kelp(巨藻) they find floating in the ocean—moving it between their fins, rolling around with it, and, most interestingly, wearing it atop their heads like a hat.
This behavior—called kelping—has been described in a new study as a “global phenomenon” . There's no doubt kelping looks fun. But could it have another purpose Olaf Meynecke, research fellow at Griffith University and co-author of the study, thinks so--especially considering that whales can keep it up for 30 to 40 minutes.
What's particularly intriguing about kelping is the way that humpbacks from different populations—in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres—all prefer to wear seaweed on the top of their heads, says Meynecke. They place kelp on their forehead in over half the recorded instances Baleen species are believed to like having their heads scratched--gray whales are known for approaching whale watching boats for a tickle on the nose. Because whales don't have hands to scratch themselves, like we do, Meynecke suggests "they might seek out other tactile sensations that just feel good".
Whales might also be treating kelp like a cleansing face mask, as seaweed has antimicrobial qualities that can reduce levels of bacteria. Rubbing kelp across their bodies may also remove parasites(寄生物) and shed bacterial and viral growths to prevent them getting completely overgrown with sea lice(虱) and skin infections, says Meynecke.
The study has caught the attention of researchers globally, and Meynecke's mailbox has been flooded with people who have also seen kelping. “Someone from Tahiti was like, ‘We see it all the time,’ ” he says. Now the phenomenon has been highlighted globally, which could lead to further research into the behavior, its benefits, and even if other species do it.
32. What can we learn about humpback whales
A. They migrate alone every year. B. They are naughty and good at sports.
C. They have an ear for music. D. They cooperate closely while hunting.
33. What does the underlined word “intriguing” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Dangerous. B. Fascinating. C. Optimistic. D. Worthwhile.
34. What function does seaweed possess according to Paragraph 4
A. Resisting bacteria. B. Removing dirt from the skin.
C. Enhancing immune system. D. Preventing the growth of parasites.
35. What might be talked about next in the article
A. Explore the benefit of kelping. B. Analyze the harm of kelp to whales.
C. Research into other species' behavior D. Advocate for the protection of marine animals
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
With modern life so jam-packed with activities and stimulation, it is hard to completely unplug and relax. 36 So here are some ways to relax your brain.
Getting some exercise
It might sound strange to talk about exercise as being restful. 37 . A short walk at lunchtime can do the job as well as more intense or longer exercises.
A lot of our time is spent waiting. Instead of stressing about unfinished tasks, take a look around you. Buses and grocery store lines offer a glimpse into the lives of others. Maybe that young mom struggling with a baby could use your seat on the bus. Has that businessman with the dozen roses found love What will that student do for the world Even if you never know the truth, stepping outside of your own thoughts can bring insights and freedoms, always things of value.
Walking or sitting in natural surroundings is an opportunity for healing. 39 . Peaceful colors, fresh oxygen, pleasing textures, and soothing sounds create a perfect spot for quiet thinking or cloud watching. Changing seasons may bring back fond memories or give hope for new ideas. And a simple garden or even an indoor plant can inspire hope every time we look at it.
If you have a cat or dog, you are probably familiar with the peaceful feelings watching animals or petting their fur. If you don't have any animals of your own, you can still interact with a variety of species when you visit or volunteer at butterfly houses, zoos, aquariums, or even a friend's house. 40 They deserve companionship and care just as you do.
A. Watching people
B. Changing surroundings
C. However, nature doesn't always help
D. Nature makes no demands of us yet gives so much
E. Being around them always carries a peaceful magic
F. But that's something our brain needs to repair and restore itself
G. But moving the body helps clear the mind as well as relax the body
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Originally, John Bravo was just an ordinary high school student in Georgia. He ran around to attend 41 in different classrooms every day.
John's school is very 42 . In order not to be late, John has to run 43 across the campus, rain or shine. Because he ran through the same path every day, other students began to 44 him, and sometimes a few students standing next to him would 45 him. Soon his 46 began to circulate on campus: That John running to class daily. As a result, more and more students began to come to see John 47 for class. This scene became a unique 48 in the campus.
Someone created a Tiktok account to 49 his running to class every day. Several videos of John running have already 50 tens of millions of likes. John became an Internet celebrity.
Gradually, the 51 behind John's running to class was revealed. John is actually a foreign student. His English is not very 52 but he worked very hard. The classrooms of 6th and 7th classes were far apart, 53 in order not to be late, he ran away immediately when he heard the bell.
After hearing this, people also felt this scene was very 54 and felt this is what a campus should look like. Everyone needs that positive 55 . This is literally Forrest Gump 2. 0.
41. A. meetings B. school C. classes D. college
42. A. small B. large C. rich D. poor
43. A. quickly B. slowly C. sadly D. eagerly
44. A. discover B. ignore C. influence D. recognize
45. A. ask for B. look for C. leave for D. cheer for
46. A. name B. voice C. fame D. honor
47. A. walking B. rushing C. playing D. flying
48. A. change B. error C. view D. chance
49. A. record B. emphasize C. prevent D. promote
50. A. hidden B. lost C. missed D. received
51. A. secret B. story C. topic D. excuse
52. A. bad B. special C. good D. common
53. A. but B. so C. unless D. though
54. A. funny B. normal C. strange D. warm
55. A. energy B. result C. sport D. courage
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
According to one legend, dumplings first appeared during the Han Dynasty. 56 (rough) 1800 years ago, the story goes, a physician named Zhang Zhongjing returned to his hometown during a cold winter. He found his fellow villagers with frostbitten 57 (ear) and created a new dish to help them warm up. Mutton, herbs, and spices were 58 he chose as the ingredients. The doctor 59 (wrap)them in pieces of dough and folded the pieces to resemble tiny ears. That particular tale is 60 (possible)to confirm, but the long history of dumplings in China is undeniable. Typically filled 61 meat or vegetables, the simple bites are distinguished by their pleated(起褶皱的), wheat dough wrappers. They're often served for the Chinese New Year, though not because they look like crescent moons(新月). Eating them is believed 62 (bring) prosperity in the new year. Traditionally, if you want to wish someone good fortune in China, you feed them dumplings with a coin 63 (hide) inside. In addition to being one of the most delicious foods ever created, soup dumplings rank among 64 most dangerous. Hot soup is one of the 65 (lead) causes of burns. When you're too nervous to eat it whole, tear into the dumpling while it's on your spoon and drink the soup one cautious sip at a time.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 才艺比赛的时间、地点;
2. 参赛须知。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
3. 参考词汇:英语才艺比赛English Talent Show
I was 11 years old when I asked my mum for piano lessons. We were in the economic decline and she'd recently been out of work. She said a polite “no”.
That didn't stop me. I googled the photos of a keyboard, drew the keys on to a piece of paper and stuck it on my desk. I would click notes(音符) on an online keyboard and “play” them back on my paper one—keeping the sound they made on the computer in my head. After a while I could hear the notes in my head while pressing the keys on the paper. I spent six months playing scales(音阶) and chord sequences(和弦序列) without touching a real piano. Once my mum saw it wasn't a fad(一时的怪念头), she borrowed some money from family and friends, and bought me 10 lessons.
I still remember the first one. I was struck by how organic the sound of the piano was, as I had become familiar with the artificial electronic sound. The teacher tried to explain where middle C was but I could already play all the major and minor scales.
I passed my grade one after eight lessons and got distinction. By the time I started secondary school, we couldn't afford lessons again, so I returned to my paper keyboard. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing only on my piece of paper.
For the grades above that, there's an expectation that you put a certain sensitivity into your playing. The head of music at my school said I could practice on the school's piano. I would wake up at 5: 30 am to get there in time and play until lessons started. I'd skip lunch and then practice after school until the caretaker kicked me out. At home, I'd have dinner, do three hours of revision, and then mental practice until I am.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
One evening, when I was about 13, I came home, and my mom said she had a surprise for me.
My dad was very much against me playing, but when he heard that song, something inside him changed.
一、听力(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
1~5 CBCCA 6~10 BABCA 11~15 CBBAA 16~20 BACBB
二、阅读(共20小题;每小题2. 5分,满分50分)
21~23 CBD 24~27 CDBA 28~31 BDAC 32~35 DBAA
36~40 FGADE
三、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1. 分,满分15分)
41~45 CBADD 46~50 ABCAD 51~55 BCBDA
四、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)
56. Roughly 57. ears 58. what 59. wrapped 60. impossible
61. with 62. to bring 63. hidden 64. the 65. leading
We are delighted to announce that our school will host an exceptional English Talent Show in October! Here are the details of the competition.
The English Talent Show is scheduled to take place on October 20th in the school hall. We welcome a wide range of talents, including speeches, recitations, English song performances, and skits. Participants are responsible for preparing their own music, props, and any necessary items. If you are interested in participating, please ensure that you register before October 10th. Registration forms can be obtained from the Student Union office.
We eagerly anticipate your active involvement in this event. May all participants achieve tremendous success in the competition!
六、写作 第二节:读后续写(满分25分)
One evening, when I was about 13, I came home, and my mum said she had a surprise for me. I was expecting a chocolate bar, but it was a real piano, bought with more money borrowed from friends. It was the first time I'd played for her. She was expecting to hear a simple song but I played a very complicated one. She was in shock. And I could see that tears were rolling in her eyes as she hurried to fetch my dad from his room and almost pushed him into the sofa. “Just listen, ” she said.
My dad was very much against me playing, but when he heard that song, something inside him changed. He'd wanted me to study medicine. But it seemed that from that moment on, he hardened my resolve to keep playing. And it turned out that my dad was such a music lover. He would always drop everything he was doing when-
ever he heard the sound of the piano keys. “You know I wanted you to do medicine because it's a profitable career. But I can see in your eyes your passion for the piano, so if you do love playing it, play like no one else would. ” These words meant a lot to me.


