
  1. 二一教育资源



试卷满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
The Language Exchange Programme allows students in pairs to communicate in two different languages they wish to share and learn each week. Students record short entries after each partner meeting noting the language skills practised and the topics discussed. Each pair of students meets three times throughout the term with a teacher who decides if the exchange is effective. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive one credit each.
Requirements for completion:
·One welcoming session on the second Friday of the term
·18 weekly one-hour pair meetings
·Weekly progress reports for all pair meetings
·At least three pair-teacher meetings
·One five-minute final video
Sign up!
The sign-up and registration process is as follows:
Students sign up and indicate the languages they can share and languages they are interested inlearning.
·Based on the information entered by each student, potential pairs are identified.
·Proficiency(熟练)levels are confirmed through coursework or placement tests.
·Once a pair has been determined to be suitable, the students will be contacted individually witha special permission number to register for the programme.
Signing up for the programme does not automatically mean that you will be able to register and participate. Pairs are matched by languages of interest and proficiency levels. Since there are many factors involved in the pairing process, not all students who sign up will be matched with a partner and be able to register for the programme.
1.In the programme, students will ______.
A.chair daily meetings B.evaluate the exchange
C.meet teachers each week D.practise their language skills
2.To complete the programme, students are required to ______.
A.development tests B.participate in pair meetings
C.welcome new students D.work on weekly videos
3.What do students need to do during the registration
A.Indicate their languages of interest. B.Select their own coursework.
C.Make individual contact. D.Choose their partners.
I know next to nothing about baseball. When in the right field during P. E. as a boy, I prayed the ball wouldn’t come to me. It took a miracle(奇迹)for me to catch it. Yet I later became the father of two boys, Will and Tim(8 and5), who were both interested in baseball. On Saturday mornings, I’d take Will out to the playground and play catch with him. Thanks to my weak arm, the ball dropped before he could catch it. After many misses one day, he said, “How am I ever going to make the major leagues ” “You got the wrong dad, kid,” I thought. Baseball isn’t my thing.
Still, I wanted to give my kids confidence on the field. There was an official Little League in our area, but it was super-competitive and primarily targeted older boys. What if we had something more low-key, something that welcomed boys and girls, and younger ones
I shared the idea with some neighbors. “That would be great!” they said. Now who could organize such a thing Not me. I tried to put the idea aside, but it wouldn’t leave me. I finally decided that I must do something about it, So I called the city’s recreation department, explaining that some families wanted to start a baseball league in our neighborhood. Were there any fields for that They bounced me around. Finally, I spoke to the official in charge. I got butterflies in my stomach. What if he said no “Yes, we have something for you,” the man said, hearing my request. We got two fields for four hours every Sunday morning. Our league was founded. What a joy it was to sit on the benches, watching Will and Tim playing baseball! How grateful I was for other parents who did the coaching! And I became the most unlikely baseball commissioner(专员)ever.
Many years have passed. Now Will and Tim are new dads, and I can’t wait to see what they’ll have to do. I know better than anyone: Parenthood calls you to do the most unlikely things.
4.Why did the author think his son Will got the wrong father
A.He lacked confidence. B.He had poor baseball skills.
C.He had little energy or time. D.He didn’t know Will’s dream.
5.What special feature did the author expect the baseball league had
A.Being easy to join. B.Having its own fields.
C.Focusing on training kids. D.Having professional coaches.
6.How did the author probably feel while talking to the official
A.Confident. B.Peaceful. C.Nervous. D.Hesitant.
7.What does the author want to stress in the text
A.The need to challenge oneself.
B.The greatness of parental love.
C.The responsibility of parenthood.
D.The role of sports in kids’ growth.
Is forgiveness against our human nature To answer our question, we need to ask a further question: What is the essence of our humanity For the sake of simplicity, people consider two distinctly different views of humanity. The first view involves dominance and power. In an early paper on the psychology of forgiveness, Droll(1984)made the interesting claim that humans’ essential nature is more aggressive than forgiving allows. Those who forgive are against their basic nature, much to their harm. In his opinion, forgivers are compromising their well-being as they offer mercy to others, who might then take advantage of them.
The second view involves the theme of cooperation, mutual respect, and even love as the basis of who we are as humans. Researchers find that to fully grow as human beings, we need both to receive love from and offer love to others. Without love, our connections with a wide range of individuals in our lives can fall apart. Even common sense strongly suggests that the will to power over others does not make for harmonious interactions. For example, how well has slavery worked as a mode of social harmony
From this second viewpoint of who we are as humans, forgiveness plays a key role in the biological and psychological integrity of both individuals and communities because one of the outcomes of forgiveness, shown through scientific studies, is the decreasing of hatred and the restoration of harmony. Forgiveness can break the cycle of anger. At least to the extent the people from whom you are estranged accept your love and forgiveness and are prepared to make the required adjustments. Forgiveness can heal relationships and reconnect people.
As an important note, when we take a Classical philosophical perspective, that of Aristotle, we see the distinction between potentiality and actuality. We are not necessarily born with the capacity to forgive, but instead with the potential to learn about it and to grow in our ability to forgive. The actuality of forgiving, its actual appropriation in conflict situations, develops with practice.
8.What is Droll’s idea about forgiveness
A.People should offer mercy to others.
B.People who forgive can have their own welfare affected.
C.Forgiveness depends on the nature of humanity.
D.Aggressive people should learn to forgive.
9.What does the example in Paragraph 2 illustrate
A.To forgive is to love. B.To fight is to grow.
C.To dominate is to harm. D.To give is to receive.
10.What is the writer’s attitude toward forgiveness
A.Objective. B.Reserved. C.Favorable. D.Skeptical.
11.What is message of the last paragraph
A.Forgiveness is in our nature. B.Forgiveness grows with time.
C.Actuality is based on potentiality. D.It takes practice to forgive.
Minimizing the environmental damage that new roads cause is generally regarded as a good thing. But to do that, it helps to understand just how new roads cause the damage of which they are accused. Recently, a group of researchers led by Dr. Gonzalez conducted an experiment and proved that immigration is good for the health of animal populations. A road destroys only a small part of the habitat, thus destroying just a few local population s of creatures. So the argument that road-building itself is bad for biodiversity is not self-evidently correct. Those who nevertheless hold this view say that apparently separate local populations of animals are, in fact, parts of much larger populations connected via migration.
According to this theory, when a local population struggles to move about —because of an epidemic, for example — individuals from neighboring communities can fill the gaps. The implications of the theory are straightforward. Cut local populations off from each other and each is more likely to disappear. And roads are good at doing just that. Testing the theory with experimental roads, however, would be expensive. Dr. Gonzalez’s brainwave was to do the whole thing on a much smaller scale.
The team studied moss-covered rocks. On some rocks the researchers left the moss untouched; on others they made “roadways” across to leave the moss isolated. After waiting six months, they found that in the disturbed habitats nearly all the bug population had declined compared with undisturbed moss, and 40% of the species had become extinct.
The real test came in the second part of the experiment. In this, the researchers removed moss much as before, but they left narrow moss paths to bridge the no-bug’s-land between islands. The islands with bridges did far better than isolated islands —a result that supports the notion that population exchange is necessary to keep an ecosystem healthy.
Whether these results can be translated to large-scale ecosystems remains uncertain. But if they can, they would cause more, not less, concern about the ecological effects of road-building. On the other hand, they also suggest a way out. In Britain, tunnels are often built under roads for animals of regular habits, such as badgers(獾), to be able to travel their traditional routes without having to fight with traffic. Extending that principle, perhaps special bridge s might be a cheap way of letting man and nature rub along a bit better.
12.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.Calling on us to stop building roads for a healthy ecosystem.
B.Warning us of potential dangers of animal immigration.
C.Informing us of the environmental damage caused by new roads.
D.Suggesting a new way to avoid the damage caused by new roads.
13.Dr. Gonzalez’s experiment found that ______.
A.building roads is expensive
B.immigration is good for animals
C.roads cut off animal immigration
D.tunnels should be built under roads
14.How does the author present his point
A.By analyzing facts. B.By giving examples.
C.By providing scientific findings. D.By comparing possible effects.
15.According to the passage, which of the following statements will the writer agree with
A.The impact of road-building is not as serious as we thought.
B.Road-building is beneficial to animal immigration.
C.Environmental damage caused by road-building is still uncertain.
D.Environmental damage caused by road-building might be lessened.
Who can imagine life today without an Automated Teller Machine(ATM) They are available in considerable numbers throughout the world.
The first ATM was the brainchild of an enterprising Turkish-American inventor Luther George Simjian. When the idea of an automated banking machine struck him, he registered 20 patents before any bank agreed to give it a trial run. It is easy to assume that the inventor of such a popular machine was laughing all the way to the bank.16.______ Within six months of its operation in New York in 1939, the device was removed due to lack of customer acceptance.
It was not until 1967, nearly 30 years later, that Barclays Bank, in a careful launch, rolled out a self-service machine in London, England, which proved successful.17.______ The first cash machine relied on customers’ use of prepaid tokens(代币)to get envelopes with a fixed amount of cash inside.
18.______ The banks’ principle was seemingly customer service. But it would be foolish to minimize the many advantages that cash machines provided to the banks themselves. By the late 1970s, the highest fixed cost for the average large bank was its branches. The greatest variable cost and loss to profits were its staff. Ban k accounts swiftly recognized that self-service operations could reduce bank branch staff cost by70 percent.
Experts quickly determined that public acceptance of ATMs counted on convenience, simplicity, speed, security and trust. 19.______ For maximum efficiency, ATMs had to be located near public transport or in a shopping mall, not at a branch. The busier and more crowded the location, obviously, the better. Now, roughly 75percent of all cash provided by banks to their customers comes from cash machines.20.______.
Public acceptance of deposits(存款)by machine was significantly slower than customers’ usage of ATMs for withdrawals. In general, it seems that customers sometimes still prefer and trust an over-the-counter transaction(交易)for deposits.
A.Location, in particular, was a key factor.
B.His cash machine, however, didn’t prove durable.
C.The device was relatively primitive, at least by today’s standards.
D.However, cash machines posed some interesting, unanswered questions.
E.An interesting factor was the issue of bio-statistics for customer identification.
F.Devices originally dismissed by the public are now recognized as essential institutions.
G.Soon afterwards, many other banks became admittedly champions of the cash machine.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
In American culture, I am noticing a lack of respect, especially among children. This should be treated 21.______ since disrespectful children will become disrespectful teenagers, and then disrespectful adults. American culture is 22.______ the ways of teaching respect, while other cultures have methods that Americans could learn from.
In 1995, I spent a couple of months in Kenya where I lived with a pastor’s family. This pastor was a part of the Maasai tribes that have some unique customs. One of them is the 23.______ that the children give the adults. When an adult approaches a Maasai child, the child will 24.______ and tilt their head slightly saying “Suppa”. The adult responses by saying “Ippa” touching the top of their heads. This simple act shows respect for the adult. The children 25.______ that they are their elder and that the adult deserves respect.
In my early 20’s, I worked at a children’s home in South Carolina where the children from 4 to 19 years old were taught to respect their elders. They 26.______ me as “Mr. Vince” and every adult worker there with a “Mr, Mrs, or Ms.”. However, as I counsel and talk to teachers and other professionals who work with children now, there seems to be a 27.______ in such as friendly behavior that children give adults. Fewer students treat teachers with respect: Children frequently talk back to their teachers, parents or seniors, interrupt conversations, and disregard their 28.______. Children casually speak with other adults like waiters, store clerks, postmen, cashiers, etc. in the way as if they are children’s 29.______.
Immanuel Kant expressed two 30.______ attitudes in Europe that are still dominant today. One is that only humans are persons because they have autonomy—they freely choose to act on principles by 31.______ laws on themselves, and not on desires. It is this mind based on 32.______ that gives humans special status. Second, to learn to follow principles instead of desires, a human child needs to learn 33.______ to the laws of adults. They must practice 34.______ regulation before they are able to practice autonomy. Kant said that “act in the way you want others to act in the situation, taking other people as persons, not 35.______ you use for your own goals”. Only in this way can you become a real person with intrinsic values.
21.A.passionately B.steadily C.publicly D.alarmingly
22.A.challenging B.faking C.piloting D.abandoning
23.A.assistance B.greeting C.blessing D.guarantee
24.A.come forward B.drop by C.show off D.fall down
25.A.pretend B.suspect C.determine D.acknowledge
26.A.located B.ranked C.addressed D.defied
27.A.delight B.delay C.decline D.distress
28.A.gesture B.secret C.behavior D.authority
29.A.peers B.enemies C.guards D.owners
30.A.controversial B.accepted C.foreign D.equivalent
31.A.twisting B.imposing C.banning D.sparing
32.A.reason B.solution C.harmony D.consciousness
33.A.similarity B.response C.obedience D.approach
34.A.environmental B.external C.voluntary D.flexible
35.A.luxuries B.glories C.instruments D.models
Shenzhou XVIII manned spaceship successfully 36.______(dock)with the space station at 3:32 am on April 26 2024, according to the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA). The whole process took 37.______(approximate)6.5hours.
The spaceship, atop a Long March-2F carrier rocket, blasted off at 8:59 p. m. from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China. About 10 38.______(minute)after the launch, the Shenzhou-18 spaceship separated from the rocket 39.______ entered its designated orbit. The crew members are 40.______ good shape and the launch is 41.______ “complete success,” the China Manned Space Agency(CMSA)announced.
While in orbit, the Shenzhou-18 spaceship is scheduled 42.______(make )a fast, automated rendezvous and docking with the space station combination. The Shenzhou-18 crew will rotate with the Shenzhou-17 crew in orbit.
The Shenzhou-18 crew members are Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu, with Ye as the mission 43.______(command). The Shenzhou-18 mission marks Ye’s second journey into space.44.______(follow)his previous role as a crew member during the Shenzhou-13 mission from October 2021 to April 2022.Li Cong and Li Guangsu,45.______ belong to the third group of Chinese astronauts, are both embarking on their first-ever space adventure.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是安徽省黄山国家自然保护区的负责人,为了更好地对迎客松进行日常保护,拟招聘一名迎客松守护员。请你撰写一则招聘广告发布在China Daily上,内容包括:
Guardian of Welcoming-Guest Pine Wanted
Please contact Miss Wang before 30 July. Inquiries are encouraged but visits declined.
Mount Huangshan Nature Reserve
On a sunny Friday morning, Mr. Stone, the Grade 4 head teacher, walked into the classroom with a new student following him. She was a lively girl from Mexico, and her red mushroom hair cut immediately drew everyone’s eyes. With a welcoming smile, Mr. Stone gestured for her to sit beside Mike, a student known for teasing others.
During break time, Mike couldn’t help but laugh when he caught sight of his new deskmate. Sara’s distinctive hairstyle seemed like an open invitation for him to make fun of her. Leaning in towards Sara, he playfully suggested, “Hey, Sara. Ever thought about changing your name to Dora You look just like Dora the Explorer!” His words caused laughter and cheers from the others in the classroom.
Sara’s eyes filled with tears, her cheeks turning red with embarrassment. Feeling hurt and upset, she stood up suddenly, rushing to the teacher’s office to seek support from Mr. Stone. After hearing her story, Mr. Stone offered her gentle comfort, saying, “Sara, your hairstyle is truly pretty. Remember, everyone has their own sense of beauty.”
Mr. Stone then directed his attention to Mike, expressing his disappointment and urging Mike to apologize to Sara. “Mike,” he continued, “your actions were unkind. We must treat everyone with empathy(同情). Laughing at Sara’s hair has deeply hurt her.”
This conflict was temporarily settled, but Mr. Stone found himself lost in thought. Reflecting on his own childhood, Mr. Stone recalled how he had been teased for being overweight. The pain caused by hurtful words was like wrinkles on a crumpled(压皱的)ball of paper. Even if you smoothed them out, the wrinkles stayed.
He wanted to teach an important lesson to Mike, the troublemaker. Then, a unique strategy came to mind. He contacted Mike’s mother, explaining the situation and discussing a plan with her to develop empathy in her son. They agreed that over the weekend, Mike’s mother would arrange for Mike to have his hair cut extremely short.
On Monday morning, Mike unwillingly approached the classroom. __________________________________
At that moment, Mr. Stone walked into the classroom with a ball of paper. ____________________________
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.Where are the speakers
A.In a library. B.In a store. C.In a bank.
2.What is the weather like now
A.Sunny. B.Cloudy. C.Rainy.
3.How did the speakers come to Seattle
A.By plane. B.By car. C.By train.
4.What went on at Cooper’s last night
A.A movie show. B.A birthday party. C.A sales promotion.
5.What does the man probably want to do
A.Do some exercise. B.Get an extra key. C.Order room service
6.What does the man want to do before noon
A.Post a letter. B.Make a card. C.Write an email.
7.Whose birthday is it
A.Richard’s. B.Sarah’s. C.Vera’s.
8.Where is Jim now
A.In a taxi. B.On a bus. C.In his office.
9.What is the woman’s suggestion
A.Going to the city center.
B.Taking a short cut home.
C.Meeting Jim in the park
10.What position does the man apply for
A.A salesperson. B.An engineer. C.An accountant.
11.Which aspect of the company appeals to the man
A.The company culture.
B.The free accommodations.
C.The competitive pay.
12.What is difficult for the man to deal with
A.Interpersonal relationships.
B.Quality-quantity balance.
C.Unplanned happenings.
13.What is the woman doing
A.She’s interpreting a painting.
B.She’s chairing a meeting.
C.She’s hosting a program.
14.How did Kuhn get the name “Happy”
A.From an oil painting.
B.From a city in Mexico.
C.From his initials in Spanish.
15.Who discovered Kuhn’s artistic talent
A.His childhood friend. B.His father. C.A woman artist.
16.What makes Kuhn’s art special
A.His focus on life of the aged.
B.His unique use of bright colors.
C.His expression of childlike innocence.
17.What did Gall o receive yesterday
A.A call from her sister.
B.A bottle from her aunt.
C.A letter from a stranger.
18.Where did the fisherman find the bottle
A.On Monhegan Island. B.At Cumberland. C.In Spain.
19.How old was Gall o when she threw out the bottle
A.Eight. B.Eleven. C.Fourteen.
20.Where is the bottle now
A.In the ocean. B.At Gallo’s home. C.With the fisher.
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.A 2.A3.A4.C5.A
11.A 12.C 13.C 14.C 15.B
16.C 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.A
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
1-3.DBA 4-7.BACC 8-11.BCCD 12-15.CBCD
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
21-25.DDBAD 26-30.CCDAB 31-35.BACBC
36.docked 37.approximately 38.minutes 39.and 40.in
41.a 42.to make 43.commander 44.following 45.who
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Guardian of Welcoming-Guest Pine Wanted
Intending to better guarantee the daily growth of the Welcoming-Guest Pine, Mount Huangshan Nature Reserve of Anhui Province needs to employ a guardian.
The fundamental responsibility for the job is to make sure that nothing harms the tree. Additionally, applicants are expected to check the pine tree more than 3 times a day and take notes recording your observations. Preference will be given to those who are careful, diligent and responsible. What’s more, anyone with previous experience is highly welcome.
We can provide you with accommodation, meals and a free medical check. Salary is negotiable.
Please contact Miss Wang before 30 July. Inquiries are encouraged but visits declined.
Mount Huangshan Nature Reserve
On Monday morning, Mike unwillingly approached the classroom. Feeling nervous and embarrassed, his heart was heavy with worry that his classmates would tease him. His hair had been cut so short that the skin under the hair was nearly visible. As he stepped through the door, the room erupted in giggles, nicknaming him “Baldy.” A few curious boys came up and attempted to touch his newly shaved head. Overwhelmed by shame and anger, Mike shouted out, “You are mean!” Tears welled up in his eyes as Mike stood up and ran towards the door.
At that moment, Mr. Stone walked into the classroom with a ball of paper. With a gentle pat on Mike’s shoulder, he guided him back to his seat. As Mr. Stone made his way to the platform, the room fell silent. Holding up the crumpled ball of paper, he began to smooth out its wrinkles. “Each fold represented a scar of hurtful words. Even when we try to apologize,” Mr. Stone explained softly, “the wounds remain. Let us always speak with kindness and warmth.” From that day on, Mike learned a valuable lesson: the importance of kindness and empathy.
(Text 1)
M: Excuse me. I’m sorry that these books were due yesterday.
W: That’s OK. You know you need to pay a fine for that, right That’s one dollar and fifty cents total.
(Text 2)
M: We couldn’t ask for a better day, could we, Barbara
W: I know, Steve. There isn’t a cloud in the sky. I love this time of year.
M: Me too. The flowers are beautiful but calling for rain though.
(Text 3)
W: What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving. I’m sure.
M: I don’t think you’d say that if you’d just driven 400 miles. Let’s come to Seattle by train next time. It’ll be more relaxing.
(Text 4)
W: Did you go to Cooper’s last night
M: No, was there anything special
W: Yes, the employees dressed up as movie characters, and every customer received a discount card.
M: That was interesting.
M: Excuse me, where is the hotel gym, please
W: It’s on the top floor. You can take the lift over there.
M: Do I have to pay extra
W: No, sir. You just need to take your room key with you.
(Text 6)
W: Richard, why are you taking everything out of your drawer
M: I’m looking for a stamp, Sarah.
W: A stamp What do you want a stamp for
M: I’ve written a letter to aunt Vera and I want to put it in the post before midday.
W: Can’t you just email her
M: Yeah. But it’s her seventieth birthday. Vera will be happy to get a real letter with a real birthday card.
(Text 7)
W: Jim will call on us this afternoon. Do you know where he is now
M: Er…wait. Let me see. He has sent two messages saying that he’s done with his work at the office and got a taxi and ... and he’ll arrive in twenty minutes.
W: We can’t keep him waiting outside our home. We have to hurry.
M: But it takes at least half an hour to get out of the city center by bus. Look at the traffic.
W: Let’s get off. We can save at least twenty minutes by walking through the park.
M: Are you sure
W: Yes. A hundred percent.
(Text 8)
W: Now, sell yourself in a minute please.
M: I graduated from university two years ago, and have since been working in an accounting company. Apart from the knowledge and skills related to my major, I’m really good with computers. I have a large amount of experience working with big data. I think I’m well qualified for the account ant position here.
W: Good! Why did you choose this company
M: Peterson has been my dream company all along. You value progress and focus on the quality of work more than the quantity. The flexible working hours and working from home is also attractive.
W: Ah huh. What do you think is your biggest weakness
M: Well, when I work, I often concentrate so much on what I’m doing that I may have a hard time dealing with things that come up unexpectedly. That may be annoying to some people.
W: All right. Thank you very much.
W: Good evening, this is Meeting Artists. Our guest today is James Patrick Coon, The Happy Artist. Mr. Coon is famous for his colorful murals. That is, pictures painted on a wall. Welcome, Happy. Our audience is curious about how you got your name.
M: My initials are JP. In Spanish they are pronounced “ha-pay”. And my Mexican friends called me so when we were in Mexico.
W: What inspired you to become an artist
M: My father was an oil painting artist. He used to work in the living room. One day when I was six, I put some paint on one of his paintings when he was out. First he was mad. Then he laughed. That was all it took to make me an artist.
W: How do you describe your work
M: My work speaks to the five-year olds in all of us. Though we become experienced when we grow up, we are always five years old at heart. We all want to have fun.
W: That’s a unique idea, which is why your art is so special. Thank you very much for coming, Happy, and for bringing us so much happiness.
(Text 10)
W: Welcome back, everyone. This is CBA News Radio. Here comes something interesting. Yesterday, a teenage girl named Terra Gallo, from Cumberland, got some unexpected news when she received a handwritten letter from a fisherman saying that her message in a bottle had been found in Spain. Gall o and her sister put messages into bottles and threw them into the ocean while visiting their aunt on Monhegan Island three years ago. The girls had forgotten about the bottles until they were surprised by the fisherman’s letter. Gallo, now 14, studied maps and discovered her message traveled about 3,000 miles. Gallo’s message asked that whoever found her bottle should put their own message inside with hers and send it back out to sea. The fisherman said in his letter that he had carried out her wishes.


