
  1. 二一教育资源



Dear Mom, Because of saving sick people in the hospital, you and Dad have to work away from home. You must be very tired. I know something I can do to help give you both a break. I can do chores and you can pay me! Every day, I'll sweep the floor, set the table and walk the dog each for $1. This plan can let you and Dad relax. It will help me, too. Ill organize my time better and learn to manage(管理)my money. So what do you think I'm ready to start right now! Love Gabby
Dear Gabby, You're old enough to start doing chores. But Dad and I won't pay you. No one pays us to do chores. Chores are a part of family life, and we all need to help keep our house clean and tidy. Sometimes we do jobs not for a reward(回报), but because it's our responsibility(责任) to do so. In fact, you'll get a reward for doing chores—smiles from both your dad and me. Love Mom
1. What housework does NOT Gabby plan to do
2. What does Mom think of Gabby's idea
A. She wants to give it a try. B. She doesn't agree to pay money.
C. She thinks it's interesting. D. She isn't sure if it will be useful.
3. What does Gabby's mom want her to learn
A. Money isn't important.
B. Getting a reward isn't hard.
C. Managing one's money is easy.
D. Doing chores is everyone's responsibility.
S1Yan Minwen, a retired(退休的)engineer in Beijing, set up a free class to teach let-behind children in her hometown in Hebei Province.
Although Yan is not a teacher, it is a common wish of her and her husband to open such a class in the village.
However, before she set up the class, her husband fell ill and died. Yan was very sad, but she didn't forget their wish. She rented(租)a room from her uncle, bought some used desks and chairs and started the class on March 23rd.
There are 19 students from Grade One to Seven in Yan's class. Yan knows about each child well and talks about them as if they were her own grandchildren. They learn together and work together to solve problems.
"It is not about teaching, but about company(陪伴), "Yan said.
After learning that Yan is teaching in the village to help left-behind children, her old classmates send books to her every now and then to help her.
Some young people also want to help Yan and Yan is always happy to see this happen. She said, "I am too old to take care of the class all by myself. "Yan wants to see more volunteers help these left-behind children and is planning to open a library in the village as soon as possible.
4. Why did Yan set up a free class
A. To make herself famous.
B. To make as much money as possible.
C. To help her grandchildren with their studies.
D. To help the left-behind children in her hometown.
5. What did Yan NOT do to open the class
A. Rent a room. B. Buy some desks.
C. Buy some chairs. D. Buy food for children.
6. Which of the following happened first
A. Yan's husband died
B. Yan wanted to set up a free class.
C. 19 students started to learn in Yan's class.
D. Yan first received books from her old classmates.
Welcome to Sanxingdui Museum
It is in Chengdu. It is a famous museum in China. There are two halls with a display(展览)area of nearly 12,000 square metres in it. Welcome!
Opening Hours: The first hall: 8:30—18:00. The second hall: 8:30—18:30. Whole year except for(除了)the afternoon on Chinese New Year's Eve. Ways to Buy Tickets: Alipay WeChat and cash(现金). Tickets Selling Time: 8:30—17:00. Ticket Price: Adult: 72. People aged 60 or above: Free. Student: 36. Children under 1.2 meters: Free.
Services: ★ The Visitor Center offers free drinking water, self-serve coffee and milk tea machines (pay by WeChat) for visitors. ★ Provide some Chinese-English guide services.
7. When can you visit Sanxingdui Museum
A. At 8 a. m. on the May Day.
B. At 9 a. m. on the Mid-Autumn Festival.
C. At2 p. m. on Chinese New Year's Eve.
D. At 7 p. m. on the Dragon Boat Festival.
8. Which is not a right way to buy tickets
A. By cash. B. By bank card.
C. Through Alipay D. Through WeChat
9. If your father visits the museum with your 75-year-old grandmother and your 1.3-meter-tall sister, how much does he need to pay
A. 72 yuan. B. 36 yuan. C. 108 yuan. D. 144 yuan.
10. Where is the text probably from
A. A diary. B. A storybook C. A health report. D. A travel magazine.
11.As we know music can bring us not only wonderful excitement but also happiness when we are tired or sad. And many people have the habit of enjoying music when they are free. But one English school named Millfield School allows children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while they are studying, and they find it helps to improve the students' grades.
According to the research at Millfield School, about 20%of teenagers work best with background music, 10%of them do well when allowed to finish their work with short walks around the room while up to 80%can concentrate(集中注意)better if allowed to play with a small thing.
The research has made the school use a very new way, encouraging students to discover (发现) which learning ways suit(适合)them best, and then let them do their homework listening to music or even lying down. Some parents don't believe, but many are now accepting it at home where children are allowed to do their work with the television on.
"I prefer(更喜欢)to work on the floor with music on low, "said Linda, a 13-year-old girl. "At first my parents thought I didn't study hard, but my teacher asked them to look at my homework and when they saw it was okay, they agreed at last. "
1. Music can bring us _______________________ and happiness.
2. Millfield School finds that listening to music while studying helps to improve the students' _________________________.
3. How can 80% of the teenagers at Millfield School concentrate better
4. What does Linda prefer to do while doing homework
5. What do you think of listening to music while doing homework
12.A: Good morning, Doctor.
B: Good morning, boy. ①_________________
A: I’ve got a toothache.
B: ②.__________________________
A: Since last night.
B: Let me check it. Open your mouth, please. ③. ________________
A: Yes. Sweet food is my favorite. Is my tooth okay
B: Nothing serious.
A: ④._____________________
B: Please remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day.
A: OK. I’ll do as you say. But it still hurts now.
B: I’ll give you some medicine. Take it after meals three times a day.
A: ⑤. ________________________.
Once there was a big fat frog(青蛙)and a little frog. They were jumping along together 1 they jumped into a pail (桶) of fresh milk. They swam for hours and hours hoping to get out of the pail, but 2 Death seemed to be near.
The big frog was very 3 . "Why keep trying what we can’t I can't swim any longer, "he said.
"Keep on! Keep on! "the lite frog said, who was still swimming around the pail. 4 they went on for a while. But the big frog found it was no 5 . " Little brother, we'd 6 " he said. And so he did.
Now only the little frog was 7 . He thought to himself, "Well, to give up is to be dead, so I will keep swimming. "Two more hours passed and the little frog was 8 tired to move for another minute. But he thought of his dead fiend, "To give up is to be meat for someone's table, so I’ll keep jumping on until I 9 —if death is to come—but I will not 40·trying—where there is life, there is 10 . "
Making up his 11 , the little frog kept on swimming around and around the pail, making the milk into white waves (波浪) . After a while, just as he was about to drown (淹死) , he suddenly felt something 12 under him. 13 his surprise, he found that he was resting on a piece of butter which he had made by swimming! So the little frog jumped out of the milk pail 14 . He won his freedom(自由).
13. A. when B. since C. because D. although
14. A. fell B. failed C. passed D. succeeded
15. A. tired B. brave C. crazy D. excited
16. A. Or B. So C. But D. Because
17. A. way B. use C. time D. problem
18. A. give up B. fall over C. take down D. work out
19. A. left B. gone C. lost D. missed
20. A. so B. too C. such D. enough
21. A. die B. come C. wake D. leave
22. A. stop B. begin C. Enjoy D. remember
23. A. time B. room C. hope D. advice
24. A. idea B. plan C. mind D. suggestion
25. A. hard B. soft C. rapid D. thick
26. A. At B. To C. In D. For
27. A. heavily B. mostly C. actually D. finally
28.假如你是Susan, 下周你将要搬家。你决定把一些玩具送给表妹Helen。虽然你已经很久不玩这 些玩具了, 但它们仍使你想起了美好的童年。请你根据下面的表格提示给 Helen写一封邮件, 给她讲一讲这些你最喜欢的玩具。
A toy bear I slept next to it when I was a child.
A train and railway set It was a gift for my sixth birthday.
A toy piano I haye had it for five years
(1)邮件须包含表格中内容, 可适当发挥;
Dear Helen,
My family are moving to another city next week. I want to give you some of my toys and I hope they’ll make you happy.
解析:题干句意是:Gabby打算做哪些家务 答案在第一封信的第一段末尾“|will sweep the foor,set the table and walk the dog.”(我将扫地、摆桌子和遛狗),根据以上信息可确定①③④是对应Gabby想做的家务,即C项。故本题答案是:C。
解析:题句意是“妈妈对于Gabby的主意是什么想法 ”,根据第二封信妈妈回信的内容“But Dad and l won't pay you”(但是爸爸和我是不会向你支付酬劳的。)可知,妈妈不同意Gabby的想法和提议,即B项符合题意,A项恰好与题意相反,C、D项文章中未提及。故本题答案是:B。
解析:细节理解题。根据第三段Yan was very sad,but she didn't forget their wish.She rented(租)a room from her uncle,bought some used desks and chairs and started the class on March 23rd.(严很难过,但她没有忘记自己的心愿。她从叔叔那里租了一个房间,买了一些二手桌椅,3月23日开始上课。)可知,严开班,租一个房间:买一些桌子;买几把椅子,没有给孩子买吃的。故选D
解析:细节理解题。根据表格Opening Hours:The first hall:8:30-18:00.The second hall: 8:30-18:30.Whole year except for(除了)the afternoon on Chinese New Year's Eve.(开放时间:第一大厅:8:30--18:00;第二大厅:8:30-18:30;除除夕下午外,全年开放。)可知可以在中秋节上午9点。故选B。
解析:推理判断题。根据表格Ticket Price:Adult: ¥72.People aged 60 or above,Free.Student¥36.Children under 1.2 meters:Free.(票价:成人:¥72.60岁及以上免费。学生:¥36.1.2米以下儿童免费。)可知如果你爸爸带着你75岁的奶奶和你1.3米高的妹妹去参观博物馆,他需要付72+36=108元。故选C
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段Welcome to Sanxingdui Museum;It is in Chengdu.lt is a famous museum in China.There are two halls with a display(展览)area of nearly 12,000 square meters in it.Welcome!(欢迎来到三星堆博物馆;它在成都。它是中国著名的博物馆。这里有两个大厅,展示面积近12000平方米。欢迎光临!)可知文章可能来自一本旅游杂志。故选D。
1.wonderful enjoyment
3.They can play with a small thing.
4.She prefers to work on the floor with music on low.
5.Any reasonable answer is OK.
①What's the matter with you
②How long have you been like this
③Do you have a sweet tooth/Do you like sweet food
④Then what should I do
⑤Thank you
①根据答语(我牙痛。)可知,此处应该询问怎么了。故填What's the matter with you.
②根据答语Since last night.(自从昨天晚上。)可知,此处应该询问对方这种情况持续多久了。故填How long have you been like this.
③根据答语Yes.Sweet food is my favourite.(是的。甜食是我的最爱。)可知,此处是一个一般疑问句,应该询问是不是爱吃甜食。故填Do you like sweet food.
④根据答语Please remember to brush your teeth at least twice a day.(记得每天至少刷两次牙。)可知,此处应该询问对方自己要做什么。故填Then what should l do.
⑤根据上文Take some medicine after meals three times a day.(饭后吃点药,一天三次。)可知,此处应该对医生表示感谢。故填Thank you。
解析:考查连词。句意:当他们跳进一桶新鲜牛奶时,他们正一起跳着前进。A.当….的时候;B.由于;C.因为;D.尽管。根据They were jumping along together...they jumped in to a pail(桶)of fresh milk(.他们跳进一桶新鲜牛奶,他们正一起跳着前进。)可知,当他们跳进一桶新鲜牛奶时,他们正一起跳着前进。故选A。
解析:考查动词。句意:他们游了好几个小时,希望能从桶里出来,但是失败了。A.掉落;B.失败;C.通过;D.成功。根据Death seemed to be near(死亡似乎就在眼前)可知,但是失败了。故选B。
解析:考查形容词。句意:这只大青蛙非常累。A.疲惫的;B.勇敢的;C.疯狂的;D.兴奋的。根据"Why keep trying what we can't I can't swim any longer, " he said."Keep on!Keep on!"("为什么要不断尝试我们做不到的事情 我不能再游了,"他说。"坚持下去!坚持下去!")可知,这只大青蛙非常累。故选A。
解析:考查连词。句意:所以他们继续了一段时间。A.或;B.所以;C.但是;D.因为。根据"Why keep trying what we can't I can't swim any longer, " he said."Keep on!Keep on!"("为什么要不断尝试我们做不到的事情 我不能再游了,"他说。"坚持下去!坚持下去!")可知,所以他们继续了一段时间。故选B。
解析:考查名词。句意:但是大青蛙发现没有用。A.方式;B.使用;C.时间;D.问题。根据they went on for a while(他们继续了一段时间)和Now only the little frog(现在只..小青蛙)可知,但是大青蛙发现没有用。故选B
解析:考查短语。句意:"小弟弟,我们会放弃的,"他说。A.放弃;B.摔倒;C.记下;D.锻炼。根据Now only the little frog(现在只...小青蛙)和前文讲述大青蛙发现没有用,可知,"小弟弟,我们会放弃的,"他说。故选A。
解析:考查动词的过去分词。句意:现在只剩下小青蛙了。A.留下;B.走;C.丢失;D.错过。根据And so he did(他确实这么做了)可知,现在只剩下小青蛙了。故选A。
解析:考查副词。句意:又过了两个小时,小青蛙累得一分钟也走不动了。A.所以;B.太;C.这样;D.足够的。根据But he thought of his dead friend, "To give up is to meat for someone's table(但他想起了他死去的朋友,"放弃就是成为某人餐桌上的肉)可知,小青蛙累得一分钟也走不动了,too...to do sth"太..而不能"。故选B。
解析:考查动词。句意:但他想起了他死去的朋友,"放弃就是成为某人餐桌上的肉,所以我会一直跳下去直到死去--如果死亡即将来临--但我不会停止尝试-只要有生命,就有希望。"A.死;B.来;C.醒来;D.离开。根据But he thought of his dead friend, "To give up is to e meat for someone's table(但他想起了他死去的朋友,"放弃就是成为某人餐桌上的肉)可知,所以我会一直跳下去直到死去。故选A。
解析:考查名词。句意:下定决心后,小青蛙继续绕着桶游啊游,把牛奶弄成白色的波浪。A.想法;B.计划;C头脑,心智;D.建议。make up one's mind"下定决心"符合语境。故选C。
解析:考查形容词。句意:过了一会儿,就在他快要淹死的时候,他突然感到身下有什么硬硬的东西。A.硬的;B.软的;C.快的;D.厚的。根据he found that he was resting on a piece of butter which he had made by swimming(他发现自己正躺在一块他游泳时做的黄油上)可知,他突然感到身下有什么硬硬的东西。故选A。
解析:考查介词。句意:令他惊讶的是,他发现自己正躺在一块他游泳时做的黄油上。A.在具体的时间点;B.到;C.在....的里面;D.对于。to one's surprise"令某人惊讶的是"符合语境。故选B
解析:考查副词。句意:所以小青蛙终于跳出了牛奶桶。A.重地;B.大部分;C.实际上;D.终于。根据he found that he was resting on a piece of butter which he had made by swimming(他发现自己正躺在一块他游泳时做的黄油上)可知,所以小青蛙终于跳出了牛奶桶。故选D。
Dear Helen,
My family are moving to another city next week.l want to give you some of my toys and l hope they'll make you happy.Although I have not played with these toys for a long time, they always remind me
of my happy childhood.【高分句型-】One of them is a toy bear.(玩具熊)I liked it so much that l slept next to it every night when l was a child.【高分句型二】(我小时候睡在它旁边。)Can you see the train and railway set (火车和火车组)It was a gift from my parents for my sixth birthday.(这是我六岁生日的礼物。)I know you love music, so l'll give you a toy piano.l have had it for five years, but it still works
well now.(钢琴:拥有5年了)I hope you'll like these toys.
Although l have not played with these toys for a long time, they always remind me of my happy childhood.
I liked it so much that I slept next to it every night when l was a child.我非常喜欢它,小时候每晚都睡在它旁边。时间状语从句。


