
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1. Where are the speakers
A. At a hotel. B. At a bank. C. At the airport.
2. What did the man do last night
A. He wrote a report. B. He went to a party. C. He hosted a meeting.
3. How will the speakers get to the company
A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By subway.
4. What does the woman suggest
A. Getting more fresh air. B. Buying some fresh milk. C. Jogging with her next time.
5. Why does the woman talk to the man
A. To cut travel cost. B. To cancel a holiday. C. To express excitement.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to feed kids properly.
B. How to teach kids to swim.
C. How to make kids confident.
7. What does the man's daughter probably like
A. Cakes. B. Ice creams. C. Chocolates.
8. What's the relationship between the speakers
A. Parent and kid. B. Husband and wife. C. Waitress and customer.
9. What might the woman think of delivered food
A. Delicious. B. Unhealthy. C. Convenient.
10. What is the man going to do next
A. Go shopping. B. Clean the house. C. Do sports practices.
11. How does the woman help other companies
A. By lending money to them.
B. By offering nice designs to them.
C. By changing the materials they use.
12. How long has the man run his business
A. For 5 years. B. For 20 years. C. For 30 years.
13. What does the man's company sell
A. Bags. B. Sports shoes. C. Formal clothing.
14. What are the speakers doing
A. Deciding on a hotel. B. Reading a magazine. C. Making a travel plan.
15. What makes the second hotel attractive
A. Its price. B. Its service. C. Its location.
16. How much will the speakers pay for the hotel in total
A. 100. B. 200. C. 400.
17. Where does the speaker come from
A. China. B. Brazil. C. Portugal.
18. How many countries in Africa speak Portuguese
A. Two. B. Three. C. Five.
19. What fact is the speaker most probably proud of about his homeland
A. It is the oldest country in Europe.
B. It has its own national type of music.
C. It has the oldest bookstore in the world.
20. What is the speaker's most recommended travel destination in Europe
A. Lisbon. B. The major cities. C. The northern forest area.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Rome, as we know, overflows with color, creativity and compassion. And in our shops series, we'll point you in the direction of our favorite independent shops across some of the world's best cities.
Best for souvenirs: Co. Ro Jewels
When on vacation, it's attractive to fill our luggage with souvenirs. If you want something special to take home, visit Co. Ro Jewels on Via dell a Scrofa, not far from Piazz a Navona. This female-run shop specializes in architectural jewelry and wearable art that copies famous city sights, which will last a lifetime.
Best for local design: Hang Roma
The vine-covered roundstones of Monti have made it one of Rome's most popular neighborhoods. The best of Monti is Hang Rom a on Via degli Zingari. Owner Federica handcrafts leather bags, belts, and pouches onsite and also showcases a great selection of local artists. Whatever you get, it will be Monti.
Best for food: Mercato Testaccio
Rome is a giant food market. The charming smells of centuries-old aging, grilling, and smoking continue steady. Still, Mercato Testaccio feels different. Perhaps it's the passages of local cheesemongers, bread makers and butchers. There are also non-food stands selling everything from shoes to leather bags and household products.
Best for books: Spazio Sette
I spend. a lot of time in bookshops. The stranger and more unique the collection is, the more at I feel home. Take Spazio Sette, next to the Torre Argentina. If the frescoed(湿壁画) ceilings and cozy cafe don't win you over, the store's cat mascot(吉祥物) will do the trick.
21. What is special in Co. Ro Jewels
A. Architectural jewelry. B. Local cheesemongers.
C. Leather bags. D. The cat mascot.
22. Which shop is suitable for foodies
A. Co. Ro Jewels. B. Hang Roma.
C. Mercato Testaccio. D. Spazio Sette.
23. Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A travel brochure. B. A history textbook.
C. A city introduction. D. A fashion magazine.
Karla Tatiana Vasquez, a trained chef and food writer, was born in El Salvador, moved to Los Angeles as a baby, and grew up eating food from her homeland. She thought it would be easy to find recipes. "I went to the Internet, did some search but only found two books, which I thought immediately, 'Wow, this is funny,'" Vasquez said. It was at the moment that Vasquez determined to do something to safeguard her culture.
Her idea became SalviSoul, a platform(平台) launched in 2015 to preserve her traditional food culture through stories, cooking classes and recipes. And now, that mission has turned into The SalviSoul Cookbook: Salvadoran Recipes.
Vasquez said that the book started coming together through her desire to interview the women in her family and learn their recipes. But when friends heard about her project, they were excited to share recipes and stories from their families. She started seeking stories and recipes from her community and got responses from around the world. The interviews she collected became The SalviSoul Cookbook, with 80 recipes from 25 women.
"The way that I brought in the culture was through the women in my family and they fedme." They also shared lessons on life and love. "So there was the food that built my physical form. And as I was at the table, these stories were feeding the part of my soul that longed to connect, that longed to belong."
She eventually secured a contract(合同) for The SalviSoul Cookbook from Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House. About the publication, Vasquez said,“It's about making sure that what cost a lot to learn isn't forgotten.”
24. What inspired Vasquez's idea of SalviSoul
A. Lack of Salvadoran recipes.
B. Appetite for the Internet culture.
C. Desire to be a famous chef and writer.
D. Interest in traditional and modern cooking.
25. How did women in Vasquez's family offer help
A. They funded her cookbook to be published.
B. They fed her to grow up with nutritious food.
C. They taught her traditional cooking techniques.
D. They gave her material and emotional supports.
26. Which of the following can best describe Vasquez
A. Creative and determined. B. Outgoing and generous.
C. Positive and confident. D. Friendly and thankful.
27. Who might be the target readers of The SalviSoul Cookbook
A. Female neighbors. B. Women publishers.
C. Salvadoran food lovers. D. Experienced housewives.
Several new species of tropical(热带的) birds have been found on far islands in Indonesia. Researchers have discerned the Wakatobi sunbird, a new species that lives on the small Waka-tobi Islands, located in central Indonesia. They also studied olive-backed sunbirds and black sun-birds and found that some of the birds they examined actually belonged to some previously un-recognized species.
The new Wakatobi sunbird looks similar to the olive-backed sunbird, but has darker feathers, shorter wings, and a higher-toned song. Zoologists believe that because it has such short wings, it never spread beyond the tiny islands. The olive-backed sunbird, however, can fly long distances, so it was able to live in other locations.
"Specifically, we became interested in the Wakatobi sunbird because of the work of ErnstHartert, a German bird expert active at the beginning of the 20th century," Fionn Marcaigh, one researcher, says. "He described the Wakatobi sunbird as a population with unique dark feath-ers, but he and the rest of the scientific community finally decided that it was only a subspecies of the widespread olive-backed sunbird. We were eager to use modern methods to put this to the test."
For their research, scientists used DNA, recordings of songs, and body measurement analysis to compare the sunbirds they studied. "We used a system called integrative taxonomy (综合分类学), which combines data on a number of aspects of the birds, including theirsongs, feathers, and body structures, " Marcaigh says. "We recorded their songs using digital recorders, measured live birds, set them free, and used computers to analyze the differences."
"I'm excited that we've added to the list of known species from this wonderful part of the world," Marcaigh says.
28. What does the underlined word "discerned" in paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Imagined. B. Controlled. C. Overlooked. D. Recognized.
29. How does the Wakatobi sunbi rd differ from the olive-backed sunbird
A. It has colorful feathers. B. It flies shorter distances.
C. It lives throughout Indonesia. D. It sings more beautiful songs.
30. Why did Marcaigh study the Wakatobi sunbird
A. To identify its classification. B. To analyze its genetic makeup.
C. To support the study of Ernst Hartert. D. To investigate its habitat and behavior.
31. What about the research is presented at the end of the text
A. Its impact. B. Its prospect. C. Its background. D. Its imperfection.
Rote memorization is when we repeat a piece of information until we remember it. One great example of it is how we memorize the alphabet (字母表) when we are little.“Rote memorization can be a useful learning tool in some situations, but its effectiveness depends on the type of information being learned and how it is applied, ”says Dr. Aldrich Chan, neuropsychologist and professor of Pepperdine University of the US.
Rote memorization can be useful for test preparation, learning basic facts and information such as vocabulary words or math formulas, and when we are in the early stages of learning something new. Rote memorization has a place in our day to day lives, especially when we need to learn something new or in a quick fashion. It enables us to remember information in situations where doing so is the main thing asked of us, even if it doesn't lead us to have a deep understanding of that information.
However, rote memorization isn't always the solution to every problem. Information memorized through rote learning is often preserved in the short term but may be forgotten rela-tively quickly if not actively used. Besides, it often does not promote a deep understanding of the material. Learners may. memorize facts or information without truly comprehending their meaning or how they fit into a broader context. And rote memorization tends to focus on memorizing facts and procedures, which may discourage critical thinking or problem-solving skills.
Both rote memorization and meaningful learning have their place. The most important thing to remember is that rote memorization cannot stand in as a replacement for actual learning. Meaningful learning promotes long-term memory and the ability to apply knowledge flexibly.
32. What is Dr. Aldrich Chan's attitude towards rote memorization
A. Against. B. Doubtful. C. Objective. D. Approving.
33. Which of the following can be best achieved through rote memorization
A. Improving study effectiveness in all situations.
B. Applying knowledge flexibly in our daily lives.
C. Obtaining a thorough comprehension of information.
D. Memorizing information at the beginning stages of learning.
34. What is the purpose of Paragraph 3
A. To compare different types of memorization.
B. To present the limitations of rote memorization.
C. To prove the effectiveness of rote memorization.
D. To discuss the advantages of meaningful learning.
35. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Rote Memorization: A Useful Learning Tool
B. Rote Memorizing: No Equal to Understanding
C. Rote Memorization: Way of Meaningful Learning
D. Rote Memorization: Alternative to Deep Learning
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
In a 24-hour readathon(读书竞赛), you try to read as much as you possibly can in 24 hours without doing anything else, except for the necessities like eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. 36 . Here are some tips for how to have a 24-hour readathon.
● Go book shopping right before your start
Take a trip to your favorite local bookstore and pick out a few books that will keep you interested for a full day. 37 . In this case you can discuss all the juicy plot points with one another.
● 38
If you plan on staying awake the entire 24 hours, you'll probably need some nutrition to keep you going. Plan a trip to the grocery store and pick out cooked food or snacks so you don't have to waste any time making food.
● Find a comfortable space
39 . Decorate the space so that it fits the mood— light candles, turn down the lighting, or stream calming instrumental music from your TV or computer to set the relaxing atmosphere for reading.
● Schedule breaks
Do you want to read straight through a book for as long as you can, or take occasional breaks every few hours Decide what you want to do ahead of time. 40 .
● Pick out proper clothes to wear
While reading, you'll probably be spending a lot of time in the same sitting or lying down positions, so it's important to pick clothes that will keep you comfortable for a long time.
A. Reserve something to eat
B. Stick to your task no matter what happens
C. Choose a book that someone else has already read
D. You can equip your living room so fa with pillows and blankets
E. Also take into account if you'll be doing anything else during the day
F. Creators who do this challenge want to see how many pages they can read
G. You can set alarms for yourself when it's time to stop resting and get back to reading
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Despite facing difficulties, Kieran Behan kept going. This remarkable man has since 41 the world, not only with his gymnastic skills, but also his unshakable 42 .
Behan was born in Croydon, London. He had a 43 for gymnastics and became a part of the school team. However, his 44 childhood was interrupted when he was ten, due to an operation to 45 a tumour(肿瘤) in his leg. The unfortunate turn of events left the young gymnast in a wheelchair. The doctors 46 told him that he would never walk again. Yet, against all odds, Behan was back in the gym 15 months later.
However, tragedy 47 again when he was 12 years old. While working on the high bar at school, Behan 48 and hit the back of his head on the rail. All of a sudden, 49 things such as sitting and moving his head became difficult for him. This time, the doctor was 50 more certain that he would never walk again. Returning to the gym was out of the 51 . However, Behan refused to believe any of that. With the 52 of his family and friends, he managed to make a 53 to the gymnastic world.
Behan's final Olympic appearance in 2016 was to be the one where he would be most remembered. On his first landing, he felt 54 pain shoot through his legs. Where others may have given up, Behan 55 through the pain. When asked how he felt, Behan said, "If I've inspired anyone out there, then that's what I'm going to be so proud of."
41. A. explored B. impressed C. occupied D. amused
42. A. position B. figure C. will D. structure
43. A. judgement B. pity C. passion D. damage
44. A. inaccurate B. dishonorable C. improper D. uneventful
45. A. get rid of B. be based on C. get trapped in D. be meant for
46. A. cheerfully B. regretfully C. curiously D. peacefully
47. A. collapsed B. improved C. faded D. struck
48. A. slipped B. tricked C. breathed D. wept
49. A. fancy B. simple C. popular D. complex
50. A. yet B. still C. already D. even
51. A. question B. control C. place D. charge
52. A. decision B. support C. promise D. respect
53. A. profit B. donation C. comeback D. trade
54. A. extreme B. mild C. unique D. casual
55. A. quieted B. freshed C. cleared D. braved
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
As China and Laos marked the first anniversary(周年纪念日) of the launch of cross-border passenger railway services on April 13, both sides have added another pair of trains 56 the China-Laos Railway's international passenger service.
The newly added trains run between Xishuangbanna in the most 57 (south) tip of Yunnan province and the town of Luang Prabang in northern Laos, both of 58 are popular tourist destinations.
According to China State Railway Group Co, the additional trains will 59 (initial)operate every Monday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The entire trip covers six stations and takes about five hours, enabling passengers to make 60 round trip in one day. Tickets can 61 (buy) online and offline.
As a high-quality landmark project under the Belt and Road Initiative, the China-Laos Railway 62 (begin) international passenger services on April 13 last year. Within a year, the railway has handled more than 180,000 cross-border passenger trips 63 (involve) travelers from 87 countries and regions.
64 (representative) from China and Laos at the ceremony greeted the first group of passengers arriving at Luang Prabang. They also showered the passengers with blessings by sprinkling(洒) water and took photos with 65 (they), sending the China-Laos Railway's best wishes and praising China-Laos friendship.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Last week, in conjunction with the provincial Red Cross Society, our school carried out the theme activity of "Firs-aid Knowledge into the Campus". ___________________________________________________________
第二节 (满分25分)
Ari was and his parents lived on a large island called Iceland. The village where they lived was a fishing village along the green, winding coastline, and Ari often wondered what lay beyond the horizon(地平线). He was so desperate to leave there and enjoy the splendid world outside but his parents were concerned about his safety. The days were long and cold, and he spent many hours of silence in his tiny cottage thinking about what life would be like in a warm, sunny place.
"I shall find a true friend far away from here," Ari thought, and he began writing a letter. He described himself as a loner who had few visitors, yet he had a strong of curiosity. It was his hope to find true friendship with someone who understood his sadness. For days, Ari poured his soul and innermost thoughts into the letter. Then he rolled the paper, placed it into a bottle, and sealed(密封) it tightly.
At high tide, Ari cast the bottle out into the sea and wished upon the brightest star that a true friend would find the letter. A year later, many cold nights after shaking his message into the sea, Ari received a letter in the mail. He had no idea who would be writing him, but with joy, he opened the envelope.
Dear Ari,
I found your simple but lovely letter. Imagine my surprise when your little bottle from so far away washed up on my shore. I, too, live on an island called Sardinia. My island is warm and filled with mountains, clear white beaches, and green waters. Now that you have found a friend far away, I do hope that you will write and tell me more about your life and people.
Your new friend,
For three years, Ari and Renata exchanged letters. They shared secrets about their villages and wrote about their festivals, music and their favorite foods. They described their imagination of the outside world. Ari couldn't hide his eagerness to visit Sardinia any longer.
Finally, Ari determined to win his parents' support. _______________________________________________
Without telling Renata, Ari set out by ship to meet his best friend in person. ___________________________


