
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
As a very important part of Mexico's ecosystem. hummingbirds now face all sorts of serious threats. That's where 73-year-old Catherine comes in, who 1 most of her free time caring for the tiny birds.
Catherine's story as a self-taught hummingbird nurse began in 2011. She was walking on the street one day when she noticed a(n) 2 hummingbird that had suffered a serious eye injury. 3 , it was taken home by the kind-hearted woman, but she knew nothing about taking care of a bird. However, a friend 4 her to look after it.
"That hummingbird wrote me a new life," Catherine said. It was a very difficult 5 in her life. She had just lost her husband and she herself was battling with cancer at that time. It was the hummingbird that managed to pull her out of the sadness and loneliness that had 6 her life.
And it was only the beginning.
Word of her success 7 among Catherine's friends, and before long some of them began bringing her injured and abandoned hummingbirds. She needed to study the birds and their 8 to better take care of them, and after 11 years of experience, the 73-year-old woman is considered an expert on hummingbirds while her home has become known as a hummingbird 9 .
Until now, Catherine has rescued hundreds of hummingbirds. After 10 the birds back to health, she releases them in a wooded area on the south side of Mexico City.
1. A. gains B. spends C. misses D. wastes
2. A. ugly B. scary C. dangerous D. desperate
3. A. Surprisingly B. Fortunately C. Accidentally D. Secretly
4. A. allowed B. commanded C. encouraged D. reminded
5. A. task B. decision C. moment D. goal
6. A. taken over B. relied on C. turned down D. gone through
7. A. existed B. spread C. occurred D. changed
8. A. values B. legends C. numbers D. habits
9. A. shop B. park C. hospital D. museum
10. A. nursing B. guiding C. moving D. feeding
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
Starbrook has been a keen swimmer for almost 80 years, ever since he 11 (leave)school at the end of World War II. As a young man, he raced butterfly at the national swimming championships. He didn't win anything, 12 he had a lot of fun and never lost his love of the water. When he turned 80, he celebrated by swimming a mile or so across the Gulf of Corryvreckan. He still swims three times a week, which is 13 keeps him healthy and active.
Most of us assume that more water means a 14 (good)shower. But that's not true. Today's high-pressure shower heads 15 (design)to deliver the same experience that once required three times as many gallons per minute. And because they provide a strong stream of water, they might also encourage you to turn off the tap sooner, 16 (save)even more water, a recent U. K. study suggests.
In cities like Suzhou and Hangzhou, 17 beautiful landscapes meet rich cultural heritage, the trend of wearing hanfu for photos and social media check-ins is on the rise. New Chinese style is becoming a popular everyday choice 18 (accept)by young people, who are increasingly adopting this style across various aspects of their lives. The 19 (combine)of traditional Chinese elements with modern design is often referred to 20 xinzhongshi, or the "new Chinese style", which has been gaining popularity both in products and activities.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
5-Day Silk Road Tour from China to Central Asia
Day 1 Turpan, China
Start your trip in Turpan by visiting the Karez Well System and discover the ancient underground irrigation channels, which are still maintained and functioning today. For the rest of the day, you will visit and stay at a local family-run vineyard, where you can walk around the farm and talk to the local people to learn about their daily lifestyle.
Day 2 Urumqi, China
After breakfast, you will be driven from Turpan to Urumqi, the provincial capital of Xinjiang. After lunch, it's time to visit Xinjiang Museum, where a variety of artworks, hand-made crafts, and relics are on display. Before flying to Kashgar, you will have some time to stroll around and shop at the Erdaoqiao Market, the biggest bazaar in Xinjiang selling various goods.
Day 3 Kashgar, China
You will spend a relaxing day in Kashgar, starting with visiting the Handicrafts Street, where you can purchase an amazing range of handicrafts, including copper, metal, and porcelain. Then, have a break at an ancient teahouse and join in with the local people's conversations and dancing. Lastly, have a good night sleep to get ready for the upcoming road trip to Osh.
Day 4 Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Osh is the second-largest city in Kyrgyzstan. Here, you will visit the National Historical and Archaeological Museum Complex and enjoy collections of artifacts, handicrafts, and sculptures. Afterwards, you will visit Jayma Bazaar, the largest market in Central Asia, which has a history dating back to the ancient Silk Road period. If you are interested in silk, you can ask your guide to take you to Yodgorlik Silk Factory, which has preserved a manual method of silk production.
Day 5 Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
After a cozy morning train ride, you will arrive in Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. Let's spend the day visiting the Parthian Fortresses of Nisa, one of the earliest and most important cities of the Parthian Empire. You will return to the city for dinner and take a night trip at the Ashgabat National Museum of History.
21. On which day can a tourist have a tea-tasting experience
A. Day 1. B. Day 2. C. Day 3. D. Day 4.
22. What does the tour in Urumqi and Osh have in common
A. Staying at a local farm. B. Shopping at a market.
C. Visiting an ancient city. D. Dancing with local people.
23. Where can a tourist visit a museum in the evening
A. Turpan. B. Kashgar. C. Osh. D. Ashgabat.
By the time Alex Sanburn was 13, he was well on his way to becoming a working artist. He had already had his first show at a local arts centre. Yet he wanted more-specifically to start showing his work in a juried exhibition, where art experts would evaluate and select pieces in a competitive review process. That's when he hit a barrier, discovering in the very last line of a multi-page application that the minimum age for submission was 18.
That rejection became a driver for creation. "There was a gap in the art world, and I thought it'd be really cool if I could provide the opportunity to more young artists," says Alex, now 15.
With the support of his parents, Alex rented a storefront and founded Little EGG Gallery, a commercial studio only for underage artists. The gallery charges a small hanging fee for any displayed work and takes a 15 percent commission fee on sales. In turn, Little EGG helps promote young talent by showcasing their work.
Not long after the opening, Henry Cameron, a professor and artist, happened upon the gallery while walking in his neighbourhood. An exhibition was being installed at the time, and some of Alex's own work was on the walls. A connection was formed, and Alex asked Henry to help judge an upcoming competition. The first juried show was last spring, and the top three winners each received a $50 cash prize.
Given how busy Alex is with school, life and his own art, Little EGG is mostly open by appointment only, but he's still devoted to growing the gallery with seasonal and themed shows scheduled a few times a year.
Leo Smith, a 17-year-old artist from Toronto says it's about time that a venue like Little EGG existed. "As young artists, we don't get as much credit as I think we're due, and we also don't get many opportunities to showcase the amount of work we put into the art."
24. What happened when Alex was 13
A. He was rejected by a juried exhibition. B. He missed the deadline for submission.
C. He had his first show at a local art club. D. He became a working artist successfully.
25. What do we know about Little EGG
A. It is free of charge. B. It is open on weekdays.
C. It is aimed at young talents. D. It holds competitions regularly.
26. Which of the following words can best describe Alex
A. Ambitious and creative. B. Loyal and determined.
C. Modest and sympathetic. D. Honest and hard-working.
27. What can we learn from the story
A. Art connects people worldwide. B. One good turn deserves another.
C. Failures can drive positive change. D. Chance favours the prepared mind.
In a new study, researchers have unveiled interesting findings that link the consumption of refined carbohydrates-such as sugary snacks and highly processed foods-with changes in facial attractiveness. They found that individuals who consumed a high glycemic(血糖的)load breakfast were rated as less attractive than those who consumed a low one.
104 participants were asked to attend the study early in the morning on an empty stomach. Upon arrival, they were assigned to consume one of two types of breakfasts having the same caloric values: one high in refined carbohydrates and the other low. About two hours later, they were photographed under standardized conditions to ensure consistency in lighting, background, and positioning. A separate group of raters, who were carefully selected to minimize cultural bias(偏见), assessed the facial photographs, making judgments on overall attractiveness.
To evaluate long-term dietary habits, the participants completed detailed dietary questionnaires concerning their consumption during breakfast, afternoon snacks, and between-meal snacks on the day before the study. This information was used to calculate the glycemic load and energy intake for these meals, providing a comprehensive picture of their usual refined carbohydrate consumption.
The researchers found that participants who consumed a breakfast rich in refined carbohydrates were less attractive than those who consumed a low-glycemic breakfast. This effect was observed for both male and female participants. The researchers proposed that this could be related to the physiological effects of low blood sugar, such as changes in skin blood flow and colour, which occur following the consumption of high-glycemic foods.
When examining long-term consumption of refined carbohydrates through glycemic load measures, the researchers found that a higher energy intake at breakfast was associated with increased attractiveness for both men and women, suggesting that foods high in fats and proteins, which do not lead to rapid glycemic responses, might contribute positively to perceived attractiveness.
However, the effects of refined carbohydrate consumption on attractiveness varied depending on the specific meal and the gender of the participants. For example, while high energy intake at breakfast increased attractiveness across both genders, the glycemic load of afternoon snacks had opposite effects for men and women. Men with a higher glycemic load during their afternoon snack were perceived as more attractive, but for women, a lower glycemic load in this meal was associated with increased attractiveness.
While the study includes some limitations, the findings serve as a strong reminder of the far-reaching impact of dietary choices. Further research is needed to understand the broader social implications of diet, which could provide valuable insights into the complex interplay between diet, biology, and social behaviour.
28. What are Paragraph 2 and 3 mainly about
A. The research purpose. B. The research methods.
C. The research proposal. D. The research background.
29. What can we learn about the research findings
A. Sharp glycemic reactions might reduce attractiveness.
B. Low blood sugar could impact attractiveness positively.
C. Men were less affected by refined carbohydrate consumption.
D. High energy intake at meals had inconsistent effects on women.
30. What is the purpose of the research
A. To explain a food preference. B. To illustrate a biological process.
C. To present a dietary phenomenon. D. To explore a complex association.
When climate activists glued themselves to the frame of a copy of The Last Supper at London's Royal Academy of Arts, they received a fairly sympathetic hearing. "No painting is worth more than my six-month-old nephew's life," said a protester, criticizing the British government's support of the fossil fuel industry during the urgent climate crisis. But when protesters threw tomato soup at Van Gogh's Sunflowers, and mashed potatoes at Haystacks by Monet-the censure rose.
"Absolutely absurd," said the culture minister of France. "We have been deeply shaken by their risky endangerment," read a statement from the International Council of Museums.
The protesters are targeting works that are protected behind glass-at least for now-so actual damage has been minimal. And perhaps the anger greeting their acts proves their point: that people care more about the threatened destruction of a painting than the actual destruction of the planet. But as the attacks wear on, and their impact decreases, they risk changing into a joke.
What's especially misguided about the protests is their binary nature. "What is worth more, art or life " a protester asked. Why choose "It's possible to blame both environmental vandalism(蓄意破坏)and cultural vandalism at the same time," Mark Pasnik, chair of the Boston Art Commission, said.
Art is not the problem here. In fact, contemporary artists are making quite effective works about the climate crisis, precisely using art as activism. Maya Lin's Ghost Forest, a climate change memorial she created in a New York City park, is only one example. "I believe that art can help us imagine and map sustainable future scenarios(设想), and, in doing so, give people a way to see and hope for a different future," Lin said.
The climate activists are surely correct that the pace of reform is far too slow, as the planet burns and deadly storms intensify. But they casually dismiss the sincere efforts of millions of people working on the issue. It would be easier to respect the young protesters at Just Stop Oil, Last Generation, and the rest of the splash groups if they were to spend their time and energy on the unexciting but essential political work around climate change: legislation, regulation, and winning hearts and minds.
Perhaps predictably, the debates caused by the protests have not been about climate change, but about the protests themselves. Given how little they've done to generate serious discussion or engage people to the cause, the art attacks seem less like vital acts of lawbreaking than mere theatre.
31. What does the underlined word "censure" in Paragraph 1 probably mean
A. Approval. B. Criticism. C. Stress. D. Spirits.
32. Which idea can help explain climate activists' action
A. The end justifies the means.
B. Art speaks where words fail.
C. The freedom of protest should be protected.
D. Art matters in the fight against climate crisis.
33. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. The solution to climate crisis lies in communication.
B. Galleries should strengthen regulations like theatres.
C. Climate activists should diversify their strategies.
D. Art attacks are mainly about seeking attention.
34. The author writes the passage to ________.
A. launch a campaign B. assess a debate C. propose a solution D. challenge a practice
Food has always been a universal language that brings people together. It has the power to bridge cultural gaps and foster understanding between nations. 35
Actually, culinary diplomacy is not a new concept. It has been practiced for centuries, with ancient civilizations using food as a means of establishing diplomatic relations. Today, it has developed into a more formalized practice, with governments recognizing its potential to build bridges and promote peace.
36 Food is deeply rooted in culture, and by sharing traditional dishes, countries can showcase their unique heritage and traditions. Through food, people can gain a deeper understanding of a nation's history, values, and way of life. This exchange of culinary traditions can lead to a greater appreciation and respect for different cultures.
Culinary diplomacy also provides a platform for dialogue between nations. 37 These gatherings create opportunities for people to engage in meaningful conversations. By breaking bread together, people can find common ground and establish connections that go beyond political differences.
Furthermore, culinary diplomacy can have economic benefits for countries. By promoting their local cuisine, nations can attract tourists and boost their culinary tourism industry. 38 Additionally, culinary diplomacy can enhance a country's soft power, as its cuisine becomes a symbol of its cultural richness and diversity.
In recent years, several countries have embraced culinary diplomacy as a means of promoting their national cuisine and culture. Peru, for example, has successfully used culinary diplomacy to promote its cuisine. 39 Peru has taken advantage of this by hosting international food events and establishing culinary schools to train chefs. As a result, Peru has seen a significant increase in tourism and international recognition.
Culinary diplomacy plays a crucial role in fostering cultural exchange and promoting dialogue between nations. As the world becomes more interconnected, it will continue to be a powerful tool in promoting peace and fostering global understanding.
A. Culinary diplomacy can promote trade, tourism and cooperation.
B. This generates profit and creates job opportunities for local people.
C. One of the key roles of culinary diplomacy is fostering cultural exchange.
D. Its rich culinary heritage, with dishes like ceviche, has become a global hit.
E. International food festivals and events bring food enthusiasts worldwide together.
F. As the saying goes, "The easiest way to win hearts and minds is through stomach."
G. This is where culinary diplomacy comes in, using food to promote cultural exchange.
第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
The high school years can feel like an uphill battle at times: endless exams, friendship crises, and self-doubt about your abilities-it's enough to make anyone think that the world is against them. But don't lose hope just yet, because improving your Adversity Quotient(AQ)can help you navigate adverse situations.
AQ is a measure of how well you deal with life's challenges, obstacles, and even total failures. It's about resilience, the ability to bounce back from difficulties, and the ability to adapt to new or difficult situations. High AQ isn't just about going through tough times; it's about learning, growing, and becoming stronger. So, how do you turn adversities into your stepping stones Here's a guide.
Keep flexible when sudden changes arise. If a group project falls apart, see it as an opportunity to learn how to work independently and manage a project on your own. This kind of adaptability ensures that you're not just getting by when faced with challenges, but actually finding ways to stand out.
Look to past hardships you've overcome for motivation. You've overcome hardships before and you can do it again. Think about a specific struggle you dealt with in the past. How did you do it What got you through it Use these to help boost your inner strength and resilience so you can face any new adversity that comes your way.
Lastly, remove your emotions so you can see things objectively. Avoid making decisions if you're feeling overwhelmed with emotion-good or bad. Emotions aren't necessarily a bad thing, but they can make you unreasonable. Whenever you're dealing with an adverse situation, take a moment to step back and assess it objectively. That can help you see things more clearly.
In high school, boosting your AQ means learning to dance in the rain, rather than waiting for the storm to pass. So, treat each adversity as an opportunity to grow, and remember, the most inspiring heroes are those who've overcome the greatest barriers.
40. What is AQ
41. Why are past hardships helpful when you are faced with a difficult situation
42. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
When you're dealing with an adverse situation, use your emotions in a reasonable way.
43. Besides the methods mentioned in the passage, what are some other ways to deal with adversity (In about 40 words)
1. 活动目的;
2. 活动安排及效果。
提示词:校园安全campus safety
注意:1. 词数100左右;
2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Jim,
Li Hua
第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
第一节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. A 7. B 8. D 9. C 10. A
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
11. left 12. but/yet 13. what 14. better 15. are designed
16. saving 17. where 18. accepted bination 20. as
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. C 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. A 30. D 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. D
35. G 36. C 37. E 38. B 39. D
第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
40. AQ is a measure of how well you deal with life's challenges, obstacles, and even total failures.
41. Because they can help boost our inner strength and resilience.
42. When you're dealing with an adverse situation, use your emotions in a reasonable way.
When you're dealing with an adverse situation, remove your emotions.
43. 略
One possible version:
Dear Jim,
Great to hear from you! I'm excited to share my experience with the "Campus Safety" campaign we recently had.
The main goal of this campaign was to make us more aware and to teach us the skills we need to handle emergencies. We participated in a fire drill, which was pretty intense but really useful. We also learned some basic first-aid lessons and techniques. These activities showed us just how important it is to know first-aid.
Thanks to this campaign, I now feel confident that I can handle common emergencies.
Hope this gives you a good idea of what we did and how it helped us!
Li Hua


