
  1. 二一教育资源



音素:是语音的最小单位,因素有区别意义的作用。如:live/liv/ leave /li:v/ 这两个单词都含有三个音素,但意思不一样。
前元音:/i:/ /i/ /e/ / /
中元音: / :/ / / /Λ/
后元音:/u:/ /u/ / :/ /D或 / /ɑ:/
合口双元音:/ei/ /ai/ / i/ / u/ /au/
集中双元音:/ i / / e / / u /
爆破音:/k/ /g/ /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/
摩擦音:/f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ /θ/ / / /∫/ /З/ /h/ /r/ /w/ /j/
破擦音:/t r / /dr / /t / /d3/ /ts/ /dz/
鼻 音:/m/ /n/ / /
1. 前元音:口腔前部作用所发出的音叫前元音。 /i:/ /i/ /e/ / /
特点:① 舌尖抵住下齿
② 舌前部向硬颚抬起,中间留出空隙,发 /i:/ 时,舌前部抬得最高,所留空隙最小,发/ /时,舌前部最低,所留空隙最大。
③ 使用扁唇,发/i:/ 时牙床开得最小,发/ /时,牙床开得最大。
④ /i:/ 是长音,其它都是短音。
2. 中元音: 口腔中部作用发出的音叫中元音。
/ : Λ/
特点: ① 舌尖轻抵下齿或略为离开下齿。
② 舌身的中部隆起,舌的两侧不接触上颚。
③ 扁唇或中常唇形。
/u:/ /u/ / :/ /D或 / /ɑ:/
③圆唇(口形) /ɑ:/用中常唇形。
4.合口双元音:发音时牙床由不同程度的开到合,所以叫合口双元音。 /ei/ /ai/ / i/ / u/ /au/
集中双元音:发音时都集中到/ /上,所以叫集中双元音。
/ i / / e / / u /
1.爆破音:参加发音的器官互相接触形成阻隔,将气流逼住,然后突然取消阻隔,使气流冲出,这样形成的音叫爆破音。 /p b/ /t d/ /k ɡ/
2.摩擦音:参加发音的器官形成狭窄的气流通道,但不完全阻塞,气流逸出时摩擦或振动成音。摩擦音可以延长而发音部位不变。 /f v/ /s z/ /∫ З / /θ / /h r / /j/ /w/
3.破擦音:是爆破音和摩擦音二者结合,先形成阻碍,在解除阻碍的同时,舌尖向摩擦部位滑动,二个步骤紧密相连,一次送气完成 。/t r / /dr / /t / /d3/ /ts/ /dz/
/θ/ / / 舌尖抵住上齿的边缘,气流由上齿和舌尖的缝隙泄出。 /θ/声带不振动, / /声带振动。
/ ∫/ / З / 舌尖和舌前靠近上齿龈较后部分,舌身上抬,靠近上颚,上下齿稍并拢,双唇稍突出,气流由缝隙泄出。
/t / /d/ :舌尖抵上齿龈,气流突然冲出。
/t / /d3/ 舌尖抵上齿龈,成发/t d/姿势,开始发第二个辅音,两者密切结合,中间无停顿。
/tr dr/;舌尖抵住上齿,后部与/r/舌势 同,先形成阻碍,舌尖慢慢离开。
3)辅音连缀:gl, pl, sl, bl, sr, br, gr等
eg: a .gainst a.gree ap.ple fa.mi.ly stu.dent
Play.er pen.cil different difficulty I a
单音节词:warm,loud ask desk strange change
双音节词:teacher machine surprise thankf
多音节词: university Japanese American
另外:少数辅音字母如m n l ,/m n l/也可以构成非重读音节。
成音节:少数发音较响亮的辅音/m n l /也可以和他们前面的另一个辅音构成没有元音的音节(非重读音节)people little certainly capital given
成音节条件:1. /m n l / 前必须有一个或几个辅音。
2. 只能出现在非重读音节中。
重音符号“ ′”加在重读音节的第一个音素的左上方。
如:between/bi’twi:n/ Chinese/ /, surprise/ /
1.单音节词单独念时一律要重读,但通常不必加重音符号“ ′” 。
2.双音节词重音“ ′”多加在第一个音节上;
Education population pianeer Japanese
3.多音节词的重读符号“ ′”一般多标在倒数第三个音节上。如;university/ /
另外,多音节词除重音之外,有时还有一个次重读音节,符号 加在重读音节前第二个音节第一个音素的左下方
(1)复合词 loudspeaker/laudspi:k/ kind-hearted/ kaindha:tid/ headmaster/hedma:st/
downstairs upstairs harvest-time afternoon
(2) 13—19 thirteen—nineteen
(3) Chinese unfriendly untrue untouched unreal unknown unlike unimportant 但unhappy unusually只有一个重读音节。
(4)但大部分复合词只有一个重读符号“ ′”在第一个单词上
sometimes classroom bus-driver storybook
basketball classmate schoolgirl homework everything anywhere birthday playground
newspaper grandfather shopkeeper gatekeeper get-together without
(5) 有一些词重音在后一个音节上
understand, myself
特殊: a. 以a/ / be/bi/ dis/dis/ ex/iks/ in/in/(除interesting外) im/im/ re/ri/ to/t / de/di/ pre/pri/ sur/s / 等开头的单词重读多在第二个音节上。
b.含tion sion tian sian等发/∫ n/字母组合的单词重音在这个音节的前一个音节上。
开音节 闭音节 r音节及元音字母发音规则
table /teibl/ potato/p teit u/ station radio paper favourite famous me she he baby Australia lazy eraser Canadian student
ruler paper
相对开音节;page take make hate wake skate late plane space date late place home hike bike note nose
特殊词:come some love live move lose do to none who any many
发音规则:在开音节中a e i (y) o u 一般都发他的字母表音即所谓的长音或本身音。分别是:a/ei/ e/i:/ i (y)/ai/ o/ u/ u/ju:/ /u:/
Aa/ei/ snake space cake cage able 特殊:have water ate
Ee/i:/ be the he she we metre even evening retell relay eve Chinese Japanese these
Ii(y)/ai/ 绝对:I my by fly sky chinese license Friday driver science tidy tiger library
相对:bike fine nine white ride size smile drive arrive decide beside polite surprise island shine
Oo// u/ hello over photo broken open programmer motor ago no go so october
相对:joke hole chose close phone nose spoke
特殊:move once one shoe to do come lose done gone
Uu /ju:/ duty student pupil universe computer museum excuse Tuesday produce use usually music
/u:/ blue ruler June July true
规则:a e i o u 在闭音节中一般都发它的短音 分别是:a/ / e/e/ i/i/ o/ D或 / u/Λ/
a/ / 例词:glad hand lab match maths can thank black map catch stand hap carry
注:凡三个音节的单词,第一个音节符合开音节的条件,但它不发开音节中的音,而常发它闭音节中的音。Family animal canada Saturday
e/e/ neck bedroom pencil then century centre French Wednesday forget eleven American exercise
i/i/ milk things which ilm hill till windows winter pity mirror difficult dictionary history 特殊:fight light high mind find kind child wild
o/ D或 / knock borrow often song tomorrow strong dollar possible
u/ u//Λ/brush lucky lunch uncle duck dumpling husband hungry must
Sugar pull push full put
特殊:1. o在m n o th前发/Λ/ 如:送 other mother come nothing love none month monkey among money 但 move moment 例外。
2. both old hold ever one
3.a 在ss sk st n 前发/a:/ dance banana plant answer France glasss class last ask master
规则:ar/a:/ party large hard market card farmer hardly star pardon
er/ :/ certainly person tern German thermos
ir/ :/ thirty first skirt birthday girl dirty shirt
ur/ :/ Thursday further return nurse burning
/u / sure poor
/ju / during
or/ :/ morning forty corner sport important
/ / sorry tomorrow foreign forest
w后发/ :/ worse world work word
注:ar在w后发/ :/ 音 warm war
A在w wh后发/ /音 what wash watch want Washington 但water中a发/ :/
规则:are/e / careful parent hare
ere /i / here
/e / there where
ire /ai /fire tired hire
ore / :/ bofore more score
ure /u / sure
非重读音节:在双音节或多音节词中,重读音节之 外的音节称为非重读音节。
规则:1. a o u 在非重读音节中一般多发/ /。a u有时发/i/
2. e i y 在非重读音节中一般多发/i/ e I 有时发/ /
3. a o u e i(y) 有时不发音
例: a / /:about again banana animal Japanese
e / /:broken children open different moment handred
o / /:today welcome policeman
u / /:suggest famous
/i/: orange cinema message village
i /i/ inventor soldier 不发音
e/i/ toilet eraser begin eleven
有时不发音 pencil listen certainly cotton
2. ar er ir or ur 在非重读音节中一般 都发/ /
例:dollar inventor visitor sweater sister water under worker surprise river other exercise daughter number
元音字母a e i(y) o u 在重读音节及非重读音节中的发音规则表如下:
类别 重读音节 非重读音节
规则 开音节 闭音节 -r音节 -re音节 元音字母 元音字母+r
a /eI/ / / /a:/ /e / /a:/ / //I/ / /
e /i:/ /e/ / :/ /I / /e / /I// / / /
i(y) /aI/ /I/ / :/ /aI / /I// / / /
o / u/ /D// / / :/ / :/ / / / /
u /ju:/ /u:/ /u Λ/ / :/ /u / / / / /
字母组合:两个元音再一起 只读一个元音,两个辅音在一起只读一个辅音,元音字母与一个或几个辅音在一起发一个比较固定的音,这些称为字母组合。例:oa/ u/ ee/i:/ ch/t / ck/k/
ar/a:/ park large hard star farther guitar 注:ar在w后读 / :/ warm war quarter
ai/eI/ tail wait nail paid train rain
ay//eI/ say lay day may stay playground gray pay
aw/ :/ draw saw
au/ :/ autumn daughter August
al/ :/ talk tall small call ball walk
are/e /或/a:/ parent
air/a:/ chair pair hair
augh/ :/ caught(catch) taught(teach)
ee/i:/ bee tree meet see need
ea /i:/ sea meat tea seat pea lead teach read
/e/ head bread sweater read
/ei/ break great
/i / real really theatre
ei ey /ei/ eight they 但key /ki:/不一样
er/ :/ her certainly
/ / sister brother mother perhaps
ere/e / /i /there where here
eir /e /their
oa/ u/ boat coat
oi oy/ I/ boy toy noise voise
oo/u:/ moon school noon soon room
/u/ foot book cook good
or/ :/ for nor sport norse horse short north
/ / sorry orange
ow/au/ shower down town
/ u/ window yellow show know snow
ou/au/ south found house mouth mouse loud
ough/ :/ brough(bring) bought(buy) thought(think)
our/ :/ four fourteen your
ie/i:/ piece field believe
ir/ :/ girl bird
ire/e / hire tire fire
ur/ :/ thursday further return nurse burn
/ /surprise
ure/u / sure
th/θ/ three math throw both thirty thirteen ninth fortieth ninetieth fifth twelfth
/ /mother brother father the other another this that
ch /t / much change chair cheap which touch
/k/ chemistry Christmas Christ school headache stomch
/ / machine
tch /t / watch match
ture/t / picture furniture
ck /k/ black neck luck clock trick
gh /f/ laugh
ph /f/ photo telephone phisics geography
sh / / fresh sheep ship finish fish shoud shout shorts shine shelf
wr/r/ write wrap
wh/w/ what where which why whilewhen
wh/h/ who whose whom
tion/sion /cian / n/ operation population decision musician
ing/i / sing saying
ng / / / g/ English language longer long hung
ed/t/清辅音结尾+ed 发/t/ 例:looked missed helped washed finished watched
/d浊辅音结尾+ed 发/d/ played stayed performed moved
/id/元音结尾+ed发/id/planted wanted ended needed
kn/n/ know knock knife knee
ge/d3/ orange message vegetables large
qu/kw/ quarter square quiet tw/tw/between twin twelve
Therezare some books.
3.词末元音和词首元音连读。He's myzuncle.
4.词末辅音和词首辅音连读。 Helpzyourselves!
爆破音+爆破音 blackboard sit down doctor
爆破音 +摩擦音 my best friend breakfast
爆破音 +破擦音 picture
爆破音 +其它辅音 let me mostly English
语调:英语中有两种基本语调,“升调”和“降调”,只要表现为句末语调的降和升,分别用符号“n” (降调)“ o”(升调)。
英语中陈述句、特殊疑问句、祈使句、感叹句一般用降调。一般疑问句、选择疑问句的前一部分用声调。o、n 标在每个句子最后一个重读词上。
Aa/eI/ Bb/bi:/ Cc/si:/ Dd/di:/ Ee/i:/ Ff/ef/ Gg/d3i:/ Hh/eIt∫/ Ii/ai/ Jj/Xi: / Kk/kei/ Ll / el / Mm/em/ Nn/en/ Oo/ u/ Pp/ i: /Qq/kju:/ Rr /a:/ Ss/es/ Tt /ti:/ Uu/ju:/ Vv /vi:/ Ww /dΛblju:/ Xx/eks/ Yy/wai/ Zz/zed/ 或 / zi:/


