
  1. 二一教育资源



Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower isn’t just a symbol of Paris, but a symbol for all of France. Established by Gustave Eiffel to memorize the French Revolution in 1889, the 1,050-foot (320-metre) tower once held the title of the world’s tallest structure.
The basics
The Eiffel Tower’s first floor features exhibits, kid-friendly experiences, and the 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant; the second floor includes the Jules Verne Restaurant; and the third-floor summit, accessible via a glass elevator, features Gustave Eiffel’s private apartments and a Champagne bar. Of course, all levels offer striking 360-degree views of the City of Light.
Given the structure’s global popularity, the crowds can be quite large, meaning that priority-access tours are highly recommended—in peak season, long lines mean that waits can often be over 3 hours. Save precious sightseeing time by booking a skip-the-line Eiffel Tower ticket with or without a tour guide; this experience can be combined with a Paris city tour. If you’d rather view the iconic (标志性的) structure in all its glory than head to the top, book a Seine River cruise (巡航), or a walking, biking, or Segway tour.
Things to know before you go
Plan your visit in advance and book skip-the-line tickets to avoid a long wait time.
If you purchase an admission ticket for Eiffel Tower summit access, you’ll head straight to the top before stopping at the lower levels on your downward journey.
There are ATMs and souvenir shops on the ground floor.
The tower’s first two levels are wheelchair accessible, but the summit is not.
You’ll be required to undergo a security screening before entering the tower.How to get there
Take metro line 6 to Bir Hakeim or RER line C to the Champ de Mars station. For better views, take metro line 6 or 9 to the Trocadero stop across from the River Seine.
1.On which floor are there the most children probably
A.The first floor. B.The second floor. C.The third floor. D.The top floor.
2.What do you know about going to Eiffel Tower
A.You can’t take a wheelchair inside.
B.You must buy a skip-the-line ticket to visit it.
C.You can take metro line 9 to Bir Hakeim station.
D.You can reach the top with an admission ticket for summit access.
3.Where is this text probably taken from
A.A science fiction. B.A travel brochure. C.A news report. D.A diary.
Xu Yuanchong was a famous Chinese translator, best known for translating Chinese ancient poems into English and French. Xu was born in 1921 in Nanchang, Jiangxi. His mother, who was well educated had great impact on Xu in the pursuit of beauty and literature. When studying at the Provincial Nanchang No. 2 High School, he excelled in English. In 1938 he was admitted to the Department of Foreign Languages, National Southwest Associated University, a school history and graduates have played a central role in modern China. 1939 was unusual for him. As an undergraduate, he met his mentor Qian Zhongshu, a renowned Chinese scholar and writer. That year also witnessed his one-sided love to the girl sitting next to him in class.
Also in this year Xu translated a poem for the first time — “Don’t Cast Away”, written by Chines architect Lin Huiyin. At university, Xu gave outstanding performances in English, Russian, French, while even hosting Shakespeare classes, clearly showing a gift for translation. In 1941, at a reception welcoming General Claire Lee Chennault, commander of the US Army Air Force “Flying Tigers”, Xu, who was a senior student at the time, borrowed Lincoln’s well-known phrase “of the people, by the people, for the people” in order to refer to Sun Yat-sen’s “Three Principles of the people (三民主义)”, solving the communication difficulty between the Chinese and American representatives. It soon became a story on everyone’s lips. Because of this, Xu was regarded as one of the “Five Geniuses” of the National Southwest Associated University. In 1949, Xu Yuanchong was studying in France. After his graduation, Xu returned to China and devoted himself to education and translation. In 1979, Xu first proposed the “Three Beauties Theory” in a letter to scholar Zhu Guangqian. According to his theory, a good translator should convey the beauty in image, the beauty in sound and the beauty in form, to his readers in his translated works. Xu managed to be such a translator himself.
4.What made Xu a good translator
A.Ability to find beauty. B.Love from family and friends.
C.Studying more than one foreign language. D.Uniting education and translation.
5.What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.Lincoln’s well-known phrase. B.Xu’s outstanding work.
C.Three Principles of the People. D.The communication difficulty.
6.Which of the following best describe Xu’s career
A.Simple. B.Rough. C.Fruitful. D.Romantic.
7.How does the author develop this article
A.By contrast. B.By time order. C.By example. D.By space order.
Capentes is a waste picker. She collects bags of separated garbage, placing food waste in one container. This material will be turned into compost (堆肥) at the local recycling facility. The rest of the waste goes into separate containers. The recyclable materials are later sold.
The Mother Earth Foundation in the Philippines is a member of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives, called GAIA.The organization wants to prevent food waste from going to landfills (垃圾填埋场). Food waste gives off methane (甲烷) gas as it breaks down. Methane is a powerful greenhouse gas. Methane traps more heat than carbon dioxide. But it does not stay in the atmosphere nearly as long—around 12 years compared with hundreds of years.
GAIA says preventing organic waste from going to landfills or being burned is a proven and cost-effective climate solution. The environmental organization supports its members, including waste pickers, around the world. GAIA is working with governments to set up systems to separate and collect organic waste and establish facilities to compost it.
At a materials recycling facility in Malabon, organic waste collected from households is turned into compost. This material then goes into a community garden to grow vegetables. Some of the food waste is broken down into biogas. This biogas is then used to cook vegetables for waste workers to eat. It is a complete cycle, said Froilan Grate, chief of GAIA Asia Pacific, based in Manila.
Grate said there are challenges in establishing these systems in new places. It costs money to set up a facility for composting. People, including local officials, have to be educated on the importance of separating waste. Containers have to be provided to households that cannot buy more than one. And sometimes separating organic waste is not thought to be important. Also, unlike recyclables and metals, there is not a large market for organic materials. Therefore, waste workers must be paid for the system to work.
But Grate believes these problems can be solved. More people are making the connection between reducing methane and fighting climate change. The world needs better systems for dealing with waste because the current methods are adding to warming. The treatment of organic matter is an important way to reduce methane gas.
8.What is GAIA currently committed to
A.Getting rid of food waste by burying it.
B.Reducing the impact of organic waste on the climate.
C.Economizing on food.
D.Reducing the harm of carbon dioxide.
9.What is the main idea of Paragraph 4
A.The method to collect waste. B.The process to treat organic waste.
C.How to use a recycling facility. D.The wide use of organic waste.
10.Which statement supports the challenge Grate mentioned
A.Collecting organic waste does not require significant investment.
B.Every household needs to constantly replace the latest trash cans.
C.Organic waste holds a large share in the garbage market.
D.Families need to develop the habit of garbage sorting.
11.What can be the best title for the text
A.Methane: an Important Greenhouse Gas
B.The New Systems to Reduce Greenhouse Gas
C.The New Uses of Organic Waste
D.Waste Pickers Help Fight Climate Change
Shortly after its opening on the first day of Chinese New Year, The Wandering Earth began to gain momentum (展现强劲势头). In a little over a week, it made 2.8 billion yuan in the domestic market alone. The film’s popularity and success has come as a surprise to many reviewers especially since there hasn’t been that much success for Chinese-produced science fiction in the past. Many agree that this film will change the embarrassing situation and bring in a new age for Chinese science fiction.
As a genre (类型), Chinese science fiction has lagged behind general fiction in both the film and publishing industries. Even Liu Cixin’s (the author who wrote the short story on which The Wandering Earth is based) The Three Body Problem —which is currently quite popular — didn’t have many readers until it was translated into English and won the Hugo Award (雨果奖) in 2015. Personally, I haven’t read much of any genre written in Chinese, but I do notice that there aren’t many separate sections of the bookstore dedicated to science fiction. I cannot speak for everyone, but some people seem to have misunderstandings regarding the genre.
My parents were the type who tried to steer me in the direction of non-fiction and the classics. They believed that science fiction and fantasy were “unrealistic nonsense” and would “rot my brain.” Actually, great science fiction writers do their research. More often than not, one can learn a great deal about science and its possible development from reading science fiction. Sure, some of the concepts may be confusing or technical in nature, but that is also part of the appeal. Things like the internet, electric cars and tablet computers were first theorized (建立理论) in science fiction before they were invented. The author simply uses a combination of science and their imagination to create worlds different from the Earth of today, from which we can get bits and pieces that can be turned into a reality.
The world is changing. There may very well be a time when Earth is no longer able to sustain the entire population. We could be living on Mars or in giant spaceships; perhaps we will be forced to move Earth to a new solar system just like The Wandering Earth. Each of these scenarios has appeared in science fiction multiple times. If we are to be prepared for what is to come, we can look into modern science fiction for a window into the future.
12.According to the article, which of the following statements about The Wandering Earth is NOT true
A.Critics did not expect too much of the film before its release.
B.It is the first time that Chinese science fiction has succeeded in the film industry.
C.The film was adapted from a short story in Liu Cixin’s The Three Body Problem.
D.In the future we might be faced with similar crises to the one described in the movie.
13.We can learn from the article that the author ________.
A.has little interest in science fiction
B.has never read Chinese science fiction
C.was not allowed to read science fiction by his parents
D.has not been prepared for the future development of science and technology.
14.Paragraph 3 mainly focuses on ________.
A.the practical significance of science fiction
B.real technologies inspired by science fiction
C.people’s misunderstandings about science fiction
D.imaginary worlds created by science fiction writers
15.What does the underlined word “scenarios” in the last paragraph probably mean
A.strategies B.proposals C.ideas
We get it. Students are busy. Among a challenging curriculum, exciting social life and personal commitments, sometimes it can be difficult to remember to take care of yourself. 16 That’s why it’s so important to develop great habits now that you can follow for a lifetime. Check out the following health tips to ensure you stay at the top of your game for the rest of the semester and beyond. Here’s what you should do to stay healthy.
Eat Right. This can seem difficult, but, when broken down, is a bit more attainable. The principles you should follow are very simple. 17 Balance your meals by ensuring you have the proper amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and proteins while leaving sugary and fatty foods by the wayside.
Exercise. Keeping your body healthy and in shape is important. 18 You can simply walk to your classes, take a class that involves physical fitness or check out the student facilities your campus offers for students to use.
Get Enough Sleep. It can be difficult to ensure you’ re getting enough sleep when you’ve got a huge load of class work or other commitments. But getting enough sleep can really improve your overall health and wellness. Try to stick to a sleep schedule so that you can stay well-rested throughout the day. 19 Also, try not to eat or drink caffeinated beverages near bedtime.
Drink Lots of Water. Staying hydrated will give you more energy throughout the day, refresh your body, stop you from overeating and aid in concentration. It also helps prevent those headaches, so fill up your water bottle daily. 20
A.It doesn’t have to be extreme either!
B.Joining a gym is essential for every high-school student.
C.Remember to use a refillable bottle for the environment.
D.Of course, when you’ re really busy, you may turn to fast food.
E.But, without your health, none of your other activities are possible.
F.Always eat breakfast, never skip meals and snack often to avoid hunger.
G.So don’t pull all-nighters, and turn off all of your electronic devices on time.
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I was only eleven years old but I’d been the best runner, high jumper and long jumper in my school since kindergarten! But the one hundred meter race was the most 21 competition for me. Nothing boosted my ego more than my schoolmates 22 me as I sprinted across the finish line.
But the 23 news crushed my spirit -- a knee injury meant I might never compete again. It hit me like a knockout punch that left my ears ringing in 24 .
The next day I was 25 inside, while the other kids were outside running. Mr. Lewis encouraged me to 26 my energy into the town poetry contest. Determined to find comfort in this new endeavor, I diligently crafted poems each day, 27 their rhyme and rhythm. But the sadness of being 28 from track and field was overwhelming.
One day writing in the classroom, I caught Mr. Lewis 29 scolding the boys in the next classroom who were exhausted and desiring to quit. “I’m 30 of you boys! At this moment there’s a girl in the next classroom dreaming about competing in track and field! She’d do anything to take your 31 , but because of a bad knee, she can’t! You should be embarrassed! You should be happy you can run every day without 32 !”
For the first time, I felt 33 and appreciated. Mr. Lewis understood how much I’d lost because of the injury. From that day forward, I created my 34 with a strong belief that I would win the contest, for me and for Mr. Lewis!
That year, my small town 35 my triumph as I claimed first prize. I owed my success to Mr. Lewis, his support fueling my inner fire.
21.A.challenging B.frustrating C.promising D.rewarding
22.A.cheering for B.relying on C.believing in D.cooperating with
23.A.hopeful B.sorrowful C.harmful D.powerful
24.A.awe B.disbelief C.annoyance D.confusion
25.A.inspired B.tended C.stuck D.monitored
26.A.rush C.divide
27.A.breaking B.emphasizing C.perfecting D.mastering
28.A.saved B.released C.sheltered D.excluded
29.A.severely B.constantly C.proudly D.patiently
30.A.confident B.ashamed C.guilty D.tolerant
31.A.side B.time C.advice
32.A.expectation B.pain C.warning D.delay
33.A.valued B.ignored C.disrespected D.applauded
34.A.diaries B.models D.outlines
35.A.witnessed B.supported C.secured D.recalled
The Chinese painting is one of the oldest artistic traditions in the world. The painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guohua, 36 (mean) the “national” or “native” painting. It is different from Western styles of art which 37 (become) popular in China in the 20th century.
One technique of the traditional Chinese painting is ink and wash painting and in Chinese it is called shuimo. In fact this was an art form 38 (practise) by gentlemen from the Song Dynasty. This style is also referred to 39 xieyi or the freehand style.
40 (traditional), the Chinese painting is done on rice paper or thin silk. There 41 (be) broadly three subjects for traditional Chinese paintings — portraits, landscapes, and flowers and birds — of 42 the landscape is the most familiar to people. Therefore the Chinese painting is often known as the landscape painting, or shanshui painting.
The landscape painting was regarded as 43 highest form of the Chinese painting, and generally still is. In the north, artists such as Jing Hao painted 44 (picture) of towering mountains and in the south, Dong Yuan, Juran, and other artists painted the rolling hills and rivers of their native countryside in 45 (peace) scenes.
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
1. 节约用电的意义;
2. 日常节电的措施。
2.开头结尾已给出, 不记入词数。可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
Dear friends,
I’m LiHua. ___________________________________________________________________
Thank you!
It was a great pity when one day I heard that the Sunshine Bookstore was closing after fifty years of business. I was also heartbroken. The bookstore was a place where anyone in the neighborhood could drop by (顺便拜访) and be connected through their love of books.
When I hurried to the store, I saw the books were being packed into boxes. Sighing deeply, the store’s elderly owner, Thomas, told me how it was becoming difficult to run an independent bookstore. Most young people preferred to read e-books on tablets. Customers were being attracted by chain stores and online discounts. I tried to think of some words of sympathy, but I had to admit that the Sunshine Bookstore couldn’t stay in business much longer.
Childhood memories came flooding back. A bunch of us kids would frequently drop into the store after school, looking at the new books, or just chatting with old Thomas. He knew every book in the store and would always pick the perfect one for us. We spent hours reading, seated on the store’s old, but comfortable furniture. Thomas encouraged us to share our ideas and comments on the books by writing them on a large board in one corner of the store.
When I left the bookstore, it was becoming cold and dark outside. I turned to wave goodbye to Thomas, but both he and his bookstore were already hidden in a thick mist. It made me realize that the bookstore and all that old Thomas had given to the community could soon disappear for good.
A few months later, I was back in the neighborhood from my vacation and was surprised to see that the Sunshine Bookstore was still there and open for business. Its old brick outside hadn’t changed, but inside it was like a different world. Clearly, the Sunshine Bookstore was in good and creative hands.
I was told that the community had decided to work together on a campaign to save the Sunshine Bookstore. The campaign had been led by Martin, a salesman who had grown up in the neighborhood and who was helping Thomas run the bookstore.
注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
I entered the bookstore and saw how it had changed. _________________________________
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Where is Thomas,” I said to myself. ______________________________________________
1—3 ADB 4—7 ABCB 8—11 BBDD 12—15 CCAC
16—20 EFAGC
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
21—25 DABBC 26—30 DCDAB 31—35 DBACA
36.meaning 37.became 38.practised 40.Traditionally
41.are 42.which 43.the 45.peaceful
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
One possible version:
Dear friends,
I’m LiHua, Chairman of the Students’ Union, appealing to/calling on us students to save electricity.
There is no denying that electricity plays a great role in our society. However, with the rapid development of our country, it is being consumed too much, which threatens the sustainable economic growth. It is high time that we saved electricity. To begin with, switch off the household appliances in time. What’s more, use the stairs as often as possible. In addition, set the air conditioner at a reasonable temperature. All in all, form a good habit of saving electricity. Let’s make joint efforts to save energy and live a green low-carbon life.
Thank you!
One possible version:
I entered the bookstore and saw how it had changed. With Martin’s help, the bookstore was being turned into a different place. In one area, some members of the reading club of our community were reading some books and discussing their plots and themes. Nearby, some customers were gathering around the shelves filled with stationery, pictures and other goods. The large board in the corner had been replaced by a big screen, where customers’ comments on the month’s best-seller were being displayed. The bookstore also became a place for literature-loving members to get together to participate in various community events, where people could share their experiences that couldn’t be downloaded.
“Where is Thomas, ” I said to myself. I suddenly saw Thomas, who was reading readers’ comments on the big screen, and joined him. “Well, as you can see, business knowledge combined with creativity has changed my humble bookstore into a modern one! I’m so pleased to see that everything I wanted it to offer to the community is still here.” Thomas said with emotion, tears welling up in his eyes. Patting him on the shoulder, I felt truly lucky for both Thomas and myself to still have the bookstore in the neighborhood to provide people with not only knowledge but also precious memories.


