外研版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Lessons in Life Understanding ideas课件(共38张PPT)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 2 Lessons in Life Understanding ideas课件(共38张PPT)


Understanding ideas P18-21
Unit 2 Lessons in life
新外研版选择性必修Book 4
Learning objectives
In this class, you will be able to
get the main content of the text and understand the main idea of the book Tuesdays with Morrie;
read the text to get the structure and language features;
learn and master the ways of expression related to the topic in the text.
Have you ever read the book
MITCH ALBOM is an internationally renowned and best-selling author, journalist, screenwriter, playwright, radio and television broadcaster and musician. His books have collectively sold more than 40 million copies worldwide; have been published in 49 territories and in 47 languages around the world; and have been made into Emmy Award-winning and critically-acclaimed television movies.
The author
Look at the pictures and guess what the book is about.
Read the reviews on the back cover of the book, Tuesdays with Morrie, and answer the questions.
1. What metaphor for life is used in the reviews
2. When people are described as “watching you kindly from further along the way”, what does this mean
Life is compared to a journey in the reviews.
It means these people are kind and have more experiences.
Now let’s read and find out what the book is about.
Read the passage quickly and get the structure.
Fast reading
Para. 1
The introduction to Tuesdays with Morrie
Tuesdays with Morrie is about the weekly conversations between Mitch and Morrie.
Para. 2
Arthur K’s comments on the book
Arthur K found the book filled with joy and hope.
Structure of this passage
Para. 3
Amy wang’s comments on the book
Amy wang felt herself given a deeper insight into the world.
Para. 4
Marty’s comments on the book
The book made Marty stop and think about the importance of creating his own values.
Para. 5
Vivian’s comments on the book
Morrie’s reflections on love and friendship made Vivian think about her life and all the good friends.
Read the passage and decide how many stars the four people would give the book (five being the highest rating). Give your reasons.
Careful reading
Choose the topics of the book mentioned in the passage and find the evidence.
joy and hope art friendship love death values power sorrow
...this gook is filled with joy and hope.
Morrie's reflections on love and friendship made me think about my life...
This book is about dying...
In fact, far from being a book about death, it's a book about life.
The book made ...think about..the importance of creating my own values.
...the big things-how we think, what we value...
What lessons they learnt
What they liked or disliked about the book
Organise information from the passage and complete the table.
It was a pleasant surprise to find that 1__________ _____________________. As people learn how to die, 2________________________. He was encouraged to 3_________________________ and make the most of each day.
this book is filled with joy and hope
they learn how to live
appreciate what they had
What lessons they learnt
What they liked or disliked about the book
Organise information from the passage and complete the table.
She thinks the book should be on 4 ___________________. And she felt she was given 5 ______________ ____________________. People should choose 6 ______
themselves. She felt as if she had been woken up from a long sleep and finally 7 ______
all school reading lists
a deeper insight into the world
how they think, what they value
opened her eyes to the world
What lessons they learnt
What they liked or disliked about the book
Organise information from the passage and complete the table.
His first impression was that the book is just 8 ________________________________________________________________________________. nonetheless, he would recommend it because 9 ____________________________________________________________. The book made him stop and think about 10______________
__________________________________ and the importance of 11 ______________________
made up of a collection of over-emotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated
it taught him a lesson or two and is something that’s a bit different
how much he was influenced by popular culture
creating his own values based on love and open communication
What lessons they learnt
What they liked or disliked about the book
Organise information from the passage and complete the table.
The book made her cry because Morrie’s reflections on 12 _____________________. made her think about 13_________________________________________________________________________________. People should always keep in touch 14___________________
__________________________. She was aware that people want to 15 _________________ __________________________,
knowing that 16 ___________
love and friendship
her life and all the good friends that she has lost touch with along the way
with the good people they meet as they go through life
die feeling that they have lived life to the full
they are loved and have loved others as much as they could
1. According to the passage, the following sentences are right except _____.
A. Morrie suffered from a serious disease.
B. The book is more about life than death
C. The four people are all fond of the book
D. Mitch was very fond of his life
2. What can’t we infer from Vivian’s comments
A. She cried while reading the book
B. She has lost track of some good friends
C. The book makes a difference to her
D. Auden is her favourite poet
Answer the questions according to the passage.
3. Which topics aren’t mentioned in the book in the passage
A. Friendship and love
B. Joy and hope
C. Power and art
D. Death and value
4. What’s the main idea of this passage
A. The introduction to Tuesdays with Morrie
B. Comments on Tuesdays with Morrie by different readers.
C. Lessons on the meaning of life.
D. How to live a full life
Think & Share
1. According to Morrie, what are “the big things” in life
According to Morrie, “the big things” in life are how we think and what we value.
2. What is your understanding of Auden’s words: “Love each other or perish”?
We should love who we love and who loves us, or else the life is meaningless.
3. How do you usually learn lessons about life Through experience or learning from other people Give an example.
4. Can you critically evaluate other people’s opinions and make your own judgements
I also learn from one friend who earned lots of money at the cost of his own health that we should value our won life and those who love us.
Yes. I think that knowing necessary information can effectively, critically acquire and evaluate information and creatively use information based on facts.
Language points P18-21
Unit 2 Lessons in life
新外研版选择性必修Book 4
Tuesdays with Morrie is a 1997 non-fiction novel written 1.__________       American writer Mitch Albom.The story was 2.___________ (late) adapted by Thomas Rickman into a TV movie of the same name directed by Mick Jackson, 3.___________ aired on 5 December 1999 and starred Jack Lemmon and Hank Azaria.The book topped the New York Times Non-Fiction Bestsellers of 2000.
This novel tells the true story of a 4.___________ (retire) professor Morrie Schwartz and his relationship with his students.On his 5.___________ (graduate), Mitch Albom, the narrator, tells his favourite professor, Morrie Schwartz, that he will keep in touch. However, Mitch hears nothing of his old
professor until one night on TV when he sees Morrie 6. ____________ (interview). It turns out that Morrie has developed ALS,a terminal disease,and is in a wheelchair.Mitch begins to visit his professor and soon realises that,though he has grown 7._____________ (remarkable),he still has a lot to learn from Morrie.Both the film and the book chronicle(记录) 8._____ lessons about life that Mitch learns from his professor.
being interviewed
After five years in hardcover, Tuesdays with Morrie 9. ______________       (release) as a trade paperback in October 2002.It was re-released as a mass-market paperback by Anchor Books in January 2006.According to this edition,11 million 10.___________ (copy) of Tuesdays with Morrie are in print worldwide.
was released
Despite its widespread recognition, my first impression was that Tuesdays with Morrie is just made up of a collection of over-emotional thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated.
despite 尽管;虽然
1. despite + 名词/名词词组
Despite his advanced years,he is learning to drive.
2. despite of + 名词/名词词组
The old couple went for a walk after supper despite of the heavy rain. 尽管雨下得很大,这对年迈的夫妻依然晚饭后去散步了。
3. despite the fact that...
Despite the fact that the disease is so prevalent, treatment is still far from satisfactory. 尽管疾病戏谑,治疗却远不尽如人意。
recognition n. 承认,认可;认出,识别
beyond/out of recognition 使人认不出来
recognise...as/to be... 承认/公认……是……
It’s generally recognised that... 人们公认……
He glanced briefly towards her beyond recognition.
We recognise this as a genuine need.
It’s generally recognised that the main reason of global warming is the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases.
1. Alexander tried to get his work ____________ (recognise) in the medical circles.
2. It _____________(recognise) that one can’t survive without knowledge in the modern society.
3. Employees who receive a very favorable evaluation may deserve some type of ____________ (recognise) or even a promotion.
is recognised
This encourages us to appreciate what we have, and make the most of each day.
make the most of... 充分利用,尽情享受
make full/good use of...
make the best of...
You only have one ride through life so make the most of it.
Let’s make good use of what we have — by turning it back into something new.
让我们充分利用我们所拥有的 — 变废为宝。
If you only have 20 minutes, make the best of it.
1. The money collected should be made good use of _________ (help) the people who suffered a lot in the earthquake.
2. If better use is ________ (make) of your spare time, you’ll make good progress in doing your business.
3. Do make the best _____every chance you have to speak English.
to help
From his window, he watches each season change, knowing it could be his last.
1. 用法:用来说明动作发生的背景或情况,表示一个陪衬动作,没有相应的状语从句可以转换。
2. 与谓语动词的关系:一般情况下,现在分词所表示的动作与谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生。
3. 逻辑主语:其逻辑主语就是句中的主语。
4. 现在分词作伴随状语时,常置于句末,可转换成一个并列谓语。
A waiter was serving a big group, rapidly rearranging tables for them. 一位服务员正在为一大群人服务,迅速地为他们重新摆好桌子。
Walking in the fields on a March afternoon, he could feel the warmth of spring. 三月的一个下午,他走在田野里,感受到了春天的温暖。
1. He sat on the sofa, _________ (focus) his attention on a storybook.
2. She shook her head, ________ (reject) my offer.
3. Lots of rescue workers were working around the clock, ________ (send) supplies to Yushu, Qinghai Province after the earthquake.
A box of tissues will be needed to get through this book!
句意: 读这本书,千万要准备一盒纸巾。
get through (设法)处理;完成;接通电话;(使)正式通过,获得采纳;消耗掉;用完,耗尽
get across (使)被理解,讲清楚
get away with 被放过,不受惩罚
get down to (doing) sth. 开始认真地做某事
get on/along well with... 相处得好;进展顺利
get over 爬过;克服;恢复过来
It’s hard to see how people will get through the winter.
Officers felt their point of views was not getting across to ministers. 官员们感觉自己的观点并未准确地传达到大臣们那里。
The policeman can’t have the thief getting away with stealing people’s money. 警察不能容忍小偷偷了人们的钱而跑掉。
I'm going to get down to studying English this term.
1. I rang you several times but wasn’t able to _____________ (接通电话).
2. Everything is getting on/along well and we have _____________ (完成) two-thirds of the whole task.
3. Anyway, we’re here now, so let’s __________ (开始认真地做) to some serious work.
4. I spoke slowly but I couldn’t _______ my meaning __________ (讲清楚).
get through
got through
get down
I guess that’s one of the lessons of the book — always keep in touch with the good people you meet as you go through life.
句意: 在人生旅途中,要和你遇到的优秀的人时常保持联系,这或许就是此书传达给我们的一条经验吧。
keep in touch with 保持联系
get in touch with 取得联系
lose in touch with 失去联系
stay in touch with 保持联系
be in touch with 保持联系
be out of touch with 失去联系
Remember to keep in touch with me when you get there.
I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening, but I think you were out.
In my job one tends to lose touch with friends.
He is out of touch with reality.
1. To make it easier _____________________ (与……取得联系) us, you’d better keep this card at hand.
2. He prefers ___________________________ (与……保持联系) his friends by sending e-mails.
3. We __________________________ (失去联系) for a couple of years.
4. I _________________ (与……失去联系) my old friend Diana.
to get in touch with
to keep/stay in touch with
have been out of touch with
lost touch with
Thank you!


