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八年级英语 2024.7
第一部分 听力(30分)
1.What does the woman’s father like doing after work
A. B. C.
2.When will the new cartoon be on
A. B. C.
3.What’s Jenny’s favourite sport
A. B. C.
4.How does Lucy improve her vocabulary
A. B. C.
5.How did the woman come back
A. B. C.
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.Subjects. B.Clubs. C.Countries.
7.Where is Mr. White from
A.Australia. B.America. C.England.
8.How long has Julia been in China
A.For one year. B.For two years. C.For three years.
9.What do we know about Julia
A.She will go back to the US this winter.
B.She is very busy with her work.
C.She has no family in the US.
10.How often must the boy clean his room
A.Every day. B.Once a month. C.Once a week.
11.What can the girl do
A.Sleep before finishing her homework.
B.Play with her friends at weekends.
C.Stay out at night after nine.
12.What is the conversation mainly about
A.School life. B.Family rules. C.After-school activities.
13.Who held the birthday party
A.Jack. B.Tony. C.Tom.
14.What is the man’s gift for the birthday
A.The latest CDs. B.Chocolate. C.A book.
15.Why is the boy unhappy
A.Because Tony didn’t open the gift at once.
B.Because Tony didn’t like the gift.
C.Because Tony didn’t say thanks.
Learning Chinese in Beijing
Linda ·comes from 16 ·likes Chinese language and 17 very much ·will stay in Beijing for 18 months
Lessons 19
Host family ·Mr and Mrs Li and their 20 ·kind and friendly
16.A.America B.Canada C.England
17.A.history B.arts C.music
18.A.three B.six C.eight
19.A.reading, writing and speaking
B.reading, writing and listening
C.speaking and listening
20.A.parents B.daughters C.sons
第二部分 笔试(90分)
第Ⅰ部分 选择题(共50分)
Passage 1
Cathy is 1.53 meters tall, but she is 160 pounds. She decides to lose weight(减肥). She goes to the doctor, and the doctor gives her the following advice. Exercise: · Run for 30 minutes every morning. · Swim twice a week. ·Go to work on foot instead of(而不是)by bus. ·Take a walk after supper every day. Diet: · Have a glass of milk and an egg for breakfast. · Eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat for lunch. · Eat only fruit for supper three times a week. ·Never eat junk food(垃圾食品). · Drink at least eight glasses of water every day.
1.Why does Cathy go to see the doctor
A.Because she is too thin. B.Because she is ill.
C.Because she gets hurt. D.Because she is too fat.
2.How many pieces of advice does the doctor give
A.Four. B.Five. C.Nine. D.Eight.
3.Cathy can only eat fruit for supper ______.
A.four times a week B.twice a week
C.three times a week D.five times a week
4.In which part of a magazine can you read the text
A.Health. B.Cooking. C.Science. D.Sports.
Passage 2
An introduction to Treasure Island
Treasure Island is a famous story. The hero, Jim Hawkins, finds Captain Flint’s map. Captain Flint was a pirate and had lots of gold. He hid his gold before he died, and there is a cross on the map to show where the gold is. It is on an island in the Caribbean Sea. Jim and his friends buy a ship, get some men and go to the island to look for the gold.
They set sail but then they discover that Long John Silver, the cook, and the other men on the ship are all pirates. The pirates are planning to kill them. As soon as they get to the island, Jim and his friends fight the pirates. The pirates do not kill them, but take the map.
The pirates go to look for the gold, and Jim follows them. Although they find the place, the gold is not there. Later, Jim knows it is because of Ben Gunn. Jim meets Ben Gunn on the island and he tells Jim and his friends his story. He tells them he was a pirate, a friend of Captain Flint. He has now decided not to be a pirate. Ben Gunn found the gold some time before. He agrees to share it with Jim and his friends because they will take him back to England.
When Jim and his friends leave the island, Ben goes with them. All of the pirates have to stay on the island except Long John Silver. Although he is also a pirate, he helps Jim and his friends. On their way home, they stop in America for one night. In the morning, they find that Long John Silver has gone, and he has taken some of the gold. When they get back to England, Jim decides never to go looking for gold again.
5.Who is the hero of Treasure Island
A.Ben Gunn. B.Captain Flint. C.Long John Silver. D.Jim Hawkins.
6.Why do Long John Silver and the other men want to kill Jim and his friends
A.Because Jim treats them badly. B.Because Jim doesn’t want to pay them.
C.Because they want to get the gold. D.Because they don’t want to work for Jim.
7.What is the right order of the following events
①Jim, his friends leave the island together with Ben.
②Jim and his friends fight the pirates but fail, and their map is taken away.
③Jim meets Ben Gunn on the island and he tells Jim where the gold is.
④Jim, Ben and their friends get back to England.
⑤Jim and his friends get some men and go to the island to look for gold.
A.⑤①②③④ B.⑤③②④① C.⑤②③①④ D.⑤③②①④
8.What is Treasure Island
A.An island in the Caribbean Sea. B.A place for pirates to live.
C.An exciting movie about Jim and pirates. D.An adventure story about looking for gold.
Passage 3
Eddie was filled with excitement. The mountain bike race was about to start and he had been training hard. Perhaps, this year, he would finally win. The waiting crowd shouted encouragement, and Eddie’s dad was among them, smiling proudly.
The starter’s gun went off and Eddie got away quickly. The road was bumpy with lots of sudden turns, but Eddie was for these challenges(挑战). As he went around a corner, he realized that his friend Riley was the only rider in front of him.
Putting in more effort, Eddie reached Riley and then suddenly he was in the lead. He was going to win!
Eddie could see the finish line at the top of the next hill. The crowd began to cheer and Eddie heard his father’s voice supporting him.
Moments later, Eddie heard a cry. He looked around to see Riley lying on the road with his bike on top of him. Any moment now, the other riders would rush toward him over the hill.
Eddie jumped off his bike and ran to Riley. His friend was unhurt and the boys quickly moved Riley’s bike off the road.
The other riders sped past to the finish line.
Slowly, Eddie pushed his bike to the finish line. Tears of disappointment(失望)filled his eyes.
Then, to his surprise, Eddie heard a sound and looked over at the crowd to see them cheering for him.
And there was his dad, with the proudest smile of all.
9.What does the underlined word bumpy probably mean
A.起伏不平的 B.笔直的 C.平坦的 D.宽阔的
10.Why did Eddie stop during the race
A.Because he was too tired. B.Because the race was too hard.
C.Because he wanted to help his friend. D.Because he didn’t want his friend to feel sad.
11.How did Eddie’s feelings change
A.nervous--disappointed--worried--surprised B.excited--worried--disappointed--surprised
C.worried--nervous--excited--disappointed D.nervous--worried--excited--disappointed
12.What do we know from the story
A.To win a game, we must train very hard.
B.We should help our friends when they are in need.
C.To win a game, parents’ support is important.
D.In a game, we must be careful not to get hurt.
Passage 4
In space, astronauts have to solve(解决)two problems: How to get food and how to keep their spaceship clean. They need to solve them in order to stay alive. They are in a spaceship far from the earth, and they need to take care of everything themselves. They need to be sure they have what they need to live there, because the astronauts may be in space for weeks.
Here is how they solved the food problem. At first , the astronauts took tubes of semi-liquid (半流质的)food with them into space. They look like the toothpaste(牙膏)you use when you brush your teeth. The food did not taste great, but because astronauts did not need to take dishes with them, they had no dishes to wash.
Today’s spaceships have a bigger menu. Astronauts can eat from bowls. In fact , they take cereal(谷类食物)and other foods with them. The foods are kept in a special way to stay fresh. They have a kitchen in the spaceship. Its oven can heat food to 170 degrees. The kitchen has water and sets of meals that come on plates. The astronauts choose their menu before they go into space. They take a lot of food with them.
How do they keep the kitchen clean They do not have to worry about mice or other rodents (啮齿动物). They make sure that there are no rodents before the ship leaves. But sometimes mice travel on the ship. Those mice are part of experiments. They live in cages.
How do astronauts keep their plates clean That is another health problem the astronauts solve. They need to stay healthy in space. To carry a lot of water to wash plates would be much heavier. They take wet wipes(纸巾)in bags. They use them to clean plates. Therefore, their kitchen is clean and they stay healthy.
13.What can we know about astronauts
A.They want to live far from the earth. B.They like to take care of themselves.
C.They have to live in space for weeks. D.They can keep pets on the spaceship.
14.Which picture can best show the meaning of the underlined word “tube”
A. B. C. D.
15.Which of the following is TRUE
A.Astronauts need to grow their own food in space.
B.Astronauts can not brush their teeth in the spaceship.
C.Astronauts needn’t worry about mice or other animals in space.
D.Astronauts use water to wash their plates in space.
16.What’s the main purpose of the text
A.To invite us to have a trip to the spaceship.
B.To teach us how to keep our kitchen clean.
C.To show us the ways to have healthy food in space.
D.To introduce how astronauts solve their problems in space.
Hobbies let you explore(探索)interests outside your line of work. They let you be creative and try all kinds of new things. If you are bored with your old hobby, picking a different one can get your creative ideas back again.
Look at what interests you. 17 Do you enjoy reading books Maybe you want to try your hand at writing your own. Do you like a hot coffee at the end of the day Maybe your hobby could be trying to make it at home. Turn what you already love into a hobby.
Think about what you value most. Do you value wisdom(智慧)or courage Do you admire(羡慕)artists 18 For example, maybe you could volunteer at a library as a hobby because you value education(教育), or maybe you could try painting because you admire people who can express themselves with art.
19 Certain hobbies need certain skills. If you don’t have much patience, then maybe going fishing isn’t something you’d enjoy. However, if you love building things, maybe you should consider a hobby like working on older cars or building furniture. Play to your strengths.
Pay attention to what excites your interests. The way you talk about things can also show what you really like and it can be developed into a hobby. 20 Ask your friends and family what you seem to talk about all the time. Now think about the subject that you enjoy so much and decide how it can be turned into your hobby.
A.Hobbies can develop our interests. B.Let such questions guide you when choosing a hobby. C.Think about the topics you keep on talking. D.Check your skills and personality.(个性) E.Check what you love doing in your spare time.
The story was a true one and still moved me deeply. Twenty years ago, I got to know a poor lady named Mila. She had no kids and lived alone. When I went to visit her, I always took Mila some coffee and food.
One day she said she would invite me to have 21 . We walked from my workplace to a little restaurant on David Street. On the way, I began to get 22 . I knew that she had no money, but if I 23 to pay for the lunch. I was afraid I would hurt her.
There were many people in the restaurant and all of them were happy. Mila told me to sit and drink coffee by the window. Then she went to 24 in the kitchen. After about 20 minutes, she came out and sat with me. She just 25 one meal and we started to enjoy the delicious food together. She told me that the restaurant let people work for a meal if they had no 26 , or it would give them a free meal if they were not able to work. To my surprise , she also explained that the workers who were working there were all volunteers(志愿者).
I still remember the beautiful afternoon I 27 with Mila though we had a meal together only once. The meal was paid by her work. The weather was 28 and bright, and everyone’s smile was warm and bright too.
I’m still thinking that life cannot be always easy to us, but we can still do something for our friends and neighbors. The world will be 29 if everybody would like to share happiness with others. It will never be dark if there is a 30 in everyone’s heart.
21.A.lunch B.breakfast C.dinner D.tea
22.A.excited B.happy C.surprised D.worried
23.A.offered B.refused C.wanted D.decided
24.A.stay B.rest C.sleep D.work
25.A.looked for B.searched for C.paid for D.asked for
26.A.time B.home C.money D.interest
27.A.shared B.worked C.played D.fought
28.A.hot B.cold C.cool D.warm
29.A.colder B.better C.darker D.worse
30.A.poem B.light C.song D.dream
第Ⅱ部分 非选择题(共40分)
Every year, when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, Chinese people often hang a kind of plant on the door. It is called wormwood(艾草). On the one hand, people believe that wormwood can drive out bad luck. On the other hand, 31 (it)special smell can also keep insects(昆虫)away from rooms.
In fact, wormwood tastes bitter(苦) 32 smells very pleasant. Hundreds of years ago, Chinese people began to use wormwood as a kind of medicine. This book is 33 (wide)believed to be the classic of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM). The writer of the book is Li Shizhen, who 34 (live)in the Ming Dynasty. He was a very famous TCM doctor at that time.
Wormwood is well-known for its ability to treat 35 great number of illnesses. Hundreds of 36 (year)later, in Qichun, Hubei Province, it is still serving local people. Recently, Qichun has been busy 37 (prepare)for the World Wormwood Industry Show. It will take place during the Dragon Boat Festival. And it will be good for the popularity of TCM and the 38 (tradition)Chinese culture.
So far, wormwood 39 (become)the main industry in this area. The life of the local people is getting better and better by growing wormwood. 40 the same time, wormwood is known step by step around the world as a kind of traditional Chinese medicine.
Hey, Captain Lim,
First of all, I would like to say that it is a great pleasure to be able to speak to an experienced pilot who knows what life is like in the sky.
I am a 13-year-old girl and for as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a pilot. I would spend hours watching the planes at the airport take off the runway. I love the feeling of packing my bags, traveling to some places that I have never explored(探索)before.
I just love airplanes and flying. The idea to fly people around the world always makes me excited. I’m just not sure if it’s the right job for me. My dad says I need to make a quick decision because now is the right time to start training. It’s true. I want to start early. It sounds funny, but I want to be young and energetic when I’m flying a Qantas Boeing 737, or even an A380!
I have so many questions about it---do you get paid well I want to have a pretty good income(收入). I want to have a big family and house when I grow up. And it will need a lot of money. Is it fun Is it safer than being a doctor or a teacher Will I regret it I hate regretting things I’ve done. Is it really hard I’m also a girl, so will I be looked down upon
And I would also like to know, if I definitely(明确地)want to become a pilot, where and when should I start training if I want to start early
Thanks so much Captain!
Mary Anne
41.What does Captain Lim do
42.Why does Mary Anne want to be a pilot
43.How many questions does she have about the job of being a pilot
44.What is your dream job Why Write 30 words or more.
Hi, Daming,
It is great to hear from you...________________________________________________________________
Li Hui
八年级英语试题 参考答案(2024.7)
1-5BCABA 6-10 BACBC 11-15BBBAA 16-20CABAB
1-4 DCCA 5-8 DCCD 9-12 ACBB 13-16 DBCD 17-20 EBDC
21-25ADADC 26-30 CADBB
31.its 32.but 33.widely 34.lived 35.a
36.years 37.preparing 38.traditional 39.has become 40.At
41.He is an( experienced)pilot.\A pilot.
42.(1)Because she loves the feeling of packing her bags, traveling to some places that she has never explored before.
(2)She just loves airplanes and flying.
(3)The idea to fly people around the world always makes her excited.
Hi, Daming,
It’s great to hear from you. I’m glad that you are about to start your new middle school life.
As we all know, friends play an important part in our life. Good friends understand and care about each other, share happiness and offer to help when they’re in trouble. In a new school, you should have several such good friends.
Here is my advice about making new friends. First, show them your kind smile. Everybody likes easy-going friends. Second, offer a hand when others need your help. Be warm, kind and friendly. It is a good way to start a friendship. I hope this helps.
Li Hui


