译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Food Matters Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共39张PPT,内嵌视频)

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译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册Unit 1 Food Matters Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共39张PPT,内嵌视频)


1.Feeling confused, I walked into the crowd and asked ……
2.“……”a choked voice replied.
3.Great sadness and guilt seized us.
4. ……a brilliant idea flashed into my mind.
5.……everyone on the spot nodded in agreement.
6.……the crowd burst into cheers.
7.The young man who is in charge of this store was touched deeply and kept expressing gratitude with tears on his face.
8.“The bookstore without you book-lovers is like birds without wings”he added sincerely.
9.Applause took the place of cheers .
10.It's mutual love and care that make this world go around.
Unit 1 Food matters
Welcome to the unit & Reading
I have to work hard to earn my bread and butter.
He hit the man and now he is in the soup.
Mr.Green will go bananas if you don’t hand in your homework on time.
Jenny and I were like peas and carrots.
I guess learning English is a piece of cake for you.
President Xi is a big potato/ the big banana.
Food is as fundamental to man as the people are to the state.
— Chen Shou
国以民为本,民以食为天。—— 陈寿
A is as +adj. to B as C is to D
A对于B就像C对于D 一样.......
1)“A is to B as C is to D”
e.g. Reading is to the spirit as exercises are to the body.
2)“A is to B what C is to D (A对于B就像C对于D一样)
e.g. Oxygen is to the human beings what water is to the fish.
In order to survive and lead a better life, people have invented various kinds of foods.
Tell me what they are in English.
Hot pot
Each country has its typical food.
Finish the following exercises after the video.
Fish and chips from the UK consists of deep-fried fish and __________ chips.
Sushi from Japan comes in ___________________ and is very popular partly because of its freshness and convenience.
A taco, a traditional Mexican dish, is made up of a ________ or wheat pancake rolled around a filling.
Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour, water and sometimes ______.
Welcome to the unit
Welcome to the unit
Watch the video and find the following exercises.
Finish the following exercises after the video.
Fish and chips from the UK consists of deep-fried fish and __________ chips.
Sushi from Japan comes in ___________________ and is very popular partly because of its freshness and convenience.
A taco, a traditional Mexican dish, is made up of a ________ or wheat pancake rolled around a filling.
Pasta from Italy is typically made from flour, water and sometimes ______.
fat golden
all shapes and sizes
Welcome to the unit
What do you know about Chinese food
What is comfort food
Comfort food (治愈系食物)may be a type of delicious food related to our happy memories.
Read for main idea of each paragragh (A1)
Comfort foods are highly individual, depending on their own unique experiences.
Rice pudding cheers me up whenever I feel unhappy.
Comfort food gives the “taste of home” to people who feel homesick when they move to a new country.
Comfort food is food for the soul.
Comfort food has the unique power to make us feel better.
What’s the main idea of this passage
This passage tells the readers what is ____________and its features and _________.
comfort food
What is the text type of the passage
A.Narration(记叙文). B.Argumentation(议论文).
C.Exposition(说明文). D.Practical writing(应用文).

Read Para. 1 and answer the following questions.
1. How does the author introduce the topic of comfort food
A. by making a comparison
B. by introducing the definition
C. by giving personal experience
D. by telling a story
2. What is the author’s comfort food
Rice pudding
Descriptions of the rice pudding
rice, milk and sugar
the perfect marriage of rice and milk
cooked low and slow
lovely creamy flavour
What does the author compare the flavour of the rice pudding to in the first paragragh (P4, A2)
A time machine that transports the author back to her sunny childhood.
No matter how bad my mood is, that perfect combination is always enough to lift my spirits. Sometimes the smell alone can do the trick, not to mention the lovely creamy flavour, which works like a time machine immediately transporting me back to my sunny childhood. With pleasure, I remember the lazy Sunday afternoons I used to spend in the warmth of my grandma's flat, listening to her wonderful stories and greedily eating bowl after bowl of her delicious rice pudding. I take my time over every spoonful, gently rolling the silky dessert around my mouth and enjoying the perfect marriage of rice and milk. (line 5-9)
1.no matter how 无论如何
2.combination (n.) 结合体,联合体
3.lift my spirits 令我振奋,挑起我的激情
4.not to mention 更不用说
5.transport sb. back to … 把某人带回到…
6. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事
be/get/become used to doing sth.
7 take one’s time over sth.
慢慢做某事, 从容不迫做
Read Para. 2 carefully, and then answer the following question.
Accordding to the author, what is the definition of comfort food (P4, A2)
In broadest sense: ___________________________________
In this article: ______________________________________
(In narrow sense) ______________________________________
any food that makes us feel better
a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the association it calles to mind.
My experience with rice pudding illustrates the unique power of “comfort food”.In its broadest sense, comfort food refers to any food that makes us feel better. In this article, we will talk about a particular type of comfort food whose power mainly lies in the associations it calls to mind. It often makes up for bad feelings by helping us recall happy memories of the people, things or places we love. (line 11-15)
illustrate 说明,阐明;
refer to 提及;参考
lie in 位于; (问题等)在于
call sth. to mind 使想起某事
make up for 弥补
Read Para. 3 carefully, and then answer the following questions.
1. What will be connected with the positive emotions
A. The happy childhood. B. The foods in the family.
C. The feeling of being taken care of. D. The unlocked memories.
2. How does comfort food such as chicken soup cheer us up (P4, A2)
Chicken soup is connected with a happy childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of.
Our comfort foods are highly individual.They vary from person to person, depending on our own unique experiences that have shaped our lives. If we grow up eating certain foods in our family, then those foods tend to be linked with positive emotions. For example, we often connect chicken soup with a happy 20 childhood and its flavour becomes tied up with the feeling of being taken care of.When we eat it again, we unlock memories of a time when we were loved and looked after, and this cheers us up.
1.vary from person/ individual to person/ individual 因人而异
2. tend to do sth. 倾向于做某事
2. connect … with … 把…与…连接/联系起来
3. become tied up with … 与... 联系在一起
4. take care of = look after 照顾
Read Para. 4 carefully and do the following exercises.
1. For people who move away from their home country, what largely determines their comfort food (P4, A2)
It depends on where they come from.
2. How does the author explain the relationship between comfort food and one’s sense of belonging
quote (引用)________________________
draw a __________.
some food experts’ words
The feeling of happiness and sense of belonging can become particularly important for people who move away from their home country. According to some food experts, there are some aspects of culture that people will lose right away, but with food, there are more opportunities to connect to memory, family and place. It is hardest to give up the food that you grow up with. Of course, each person’s comfort food largely depends on where they come from—for a Chinese it might be a plate of dumplings with a saucer of vinegar, and for a native of the UK it might be the classic fish and chips, served hot, salty and sour. One mouthful of comfort food takes us back to our cultural roots, giving us the “taste of home” that we cry out for and relieving feelings of homesickness.
1.move away from 离开……,搬离……
What is the author's purpose for writing this article
A. To tell us the definition of comfort food.
B. To tell us why food can comfort us.
C.To tell us what her comfort food is.
D. To tell us that food can not only keep us alive and healthy, but also benefit us emotionally by lifting our spirits.

Only food and love cannot be failed!
That’s certainly true for fort food tastes good and by building an emotional bond with our happy memories, always makes us feel good. It isn’t just a bowl of noodles or chicken soup. It’s food for the soul.
bond n. 纽带,联系;连接,结合
Para. 1: To__________ the topic of “comfort food” by describing the author’s personal experience.
Para. 2: To give the __________ of comfort food and narrow down the topic which will be discussed later.
Para. 3: To talk about one kind of comfort food linked with ______________ in our memories.
Para. 4: To talk about the other kind of comfort food related to one’s sense of ________ and cultural _____Para.
5: To Make a _____________.
In-depth reading
Figure out the function of each paragraph of the article.
positive emotions
Skim the article again and choose its right structure.

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B1 The passage below is about different kind of comfort plete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.
B Building your language
greedily emotion link cry out for
mood dessert relieve do the trick
When we are in low spirits, we may ______________ things that gives us comfort and a sense of security.
cry out for
greedily emotion link cry out for
mood dessert relieve do the trick
Since it brings back happy memories of the past or offers an opportunity to connect with our home culture, comfort food can often _____________. However, there is another type of comfort food, which generates positive __________ in a different way. Food high in calories may also make us feel better. As __________ like cakes are digested, blood sugar levels can go up quickly. As a result, we will be in a better __________ after eating the comfort food.
do the trick
greedily emotion link cry out for
mood dessert relieve do the trick
However, the sharp increase in blood sugar will cause the body to produce a special chemical to remove it. When the chemical lowers blood sugar level, we are likely to feel sad again and will ___________ eat more comfort food. There is then the danger of entering a cycle of highs and lows where more and more comfort food, high in carbohydrates, needs to be eaten. This ___________________ with health problems like being overweight.
is / has been linked
greedily emotion link cry out for
mood dessert relieve do the trick
Comfort food is an important tool in helping us __________ tension and feel good about ourselves. However, be aware of the hidden dangers of high-calories comfort food!
A Writing Task
Write an article about your comfort food
Requirements are as follows:
1. no less than 80 words
2. give reasons why you regard it as your comfort food
Describe your comfort food and happy memories about it.
sour 酸的
bitter 苦的
spicy 辣的
juicy 多汁的
fluffy 松软的
crispy 外皮松脆的
sticky 粘的
1、My comfort food is .... (What)
2、The comfort food is made of/ consists of ..., which tastes ... (How)
3、When I eat it again, I unlock happy memories of... ( Why)
Describe your comfort food and happy memories about it.
My comfort food is Zongzi -- sticky rice dumplings. Zongzi is mainly made of glutinous rice with various fillings, wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves and cooked for a few hours by steaming or boiling. I love the sweet flavor with red dates and red bean paste as fillings. Whenever I eat it, I unlock memories of a time when I were loved and looked after by my grandma, and this cheers me up.


