Unit 3 Robot Period 6 task课件(共26张PPT)-牛津译林版英语九年级下册

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Unit 3 Robot Period 6 task课件(共26张PPT)-牛津译林版英语九年级下册


Unit 3
Period 6
1. How many famous robots do you know
2. Is one of them your ideal robot Why
Free Talk
New words
adj. 满意的,满足的
n. 质量
adv. 完全地
vt. & vi. 后悔;遗憾
n. 产品,成果
New phrases
be satisfied with
first of all
up to standard
There is a questionnaire at a robot shop. Fill in it with your own opinions. Then share the questionnaire with your group members.
Questionnaire: Your ideal robot
What do you look for in a robot Complete this questionnaire and return it to us. You will receive a special gift!
1 How long do you expect your robot's batteries to last
2 days 1 week 2 months
2 How long do you think your robot should work
8 hours a day 12 hours a day 24 hours a day
3 What do you want your robot to help you with
homework cooking cleaning
4 How often do you think your robot should be checked
never every 3 months every 6 months
A. Daniel has filled in a questionnaire at a robot shop. Do you agree with his answers Discuss with your partner.
Questionnaire: Your ideal robot
What do you look for in a robot Complete this questionnaire and return it to us. You will receive a special gift!
1 How long do you expect your robot's batteries to last
2 days 1 week 2 months
2 How long do you think your robot should work
8 hours a day 12 hours a day 24 hours a day
3 What do you want your robot to help you with
homework cooking cleaning
4 How often do you think your robot should be checked
never every 3 months every 6 months

B. Daniel's robot has stopped working. He decided to write a complaint letter to the shop. Help Daniel complete his letter.
Dear Sir/Madam,
Robot model number HUGO123BB
Two weeks ago, I bought a robot from your shop.
However, I am not satisfied with it at all.
First of all, I am unhappy with its batteries. They last for one week at most, so I have to change them often. I think they should last for at least (1) __________.
2 months
I think a robot should work (2) ______________, and I want my robot (3)_______________________________. However, this robot is very lazy. I need to give it instructions all the time. Otherwise, I need to do everything myself.
The quality of this robot is not up to standard either. A good robot should only need checking (4) ______________. My robot has already stopped working completely. I do not know what is wrong with it.
I regret having bought a robot like this. I would like to get my money back.
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Chen
24 hours a day
to help me with my homework
every 6 months
Read and fill in the table below.
Daniel's robot Daniel's ideal robot
Type of work
last for one week at most
last for at least 2 months
lazy, give it instructions all the time
work 24 hours a day, help him with his homework
not up to standard, has stopped working completely
need checking every 6 months
The structure of the complaint letter
Dear Sir/Madam,
Robot model number HUGO123BB
Two weeks ago, ... I am not satisfied with it at all.
First of all, I am unhappy with its batteries. ...
I think a robot should work 24 hours a day, ...
The quality of this robot is not up to standard either. ...
I regret having bought a robot like this. ...
Yours faithfully,
Daniel Chen
Robot model Number
Name of receiver
Purpose of this letter
Reasons for dissatisfaction
Free Talk
1. If you are Daniel, what would you like to do with the robot
2. If you are the manager of the robot shop, how will you deal
with the situation
C. The robot shop sent a reply to Daniel. Listen to the tape and answer the question below.
What does the robot shop plan to solve Daniel's problem
The robot shop wants to send Daniel a new robot. If he doesn't accept the new product, he can have his money back.
Dear Mr Chen,
We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your robot. We understand why you are so angry. We would like to send you a new robot. You will only need to put the batteries in to make it work.
Of course, you can have your money back if you would not accept our new product. However, we hope that you will give it a try. We are sure that you will like it. You are welcome to let us know whenever you are not satisfied with it.
Please tell us your decision. If the new robot is your choice, please let us know when we can send it to you.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Lin Fang
D. Suppose you are not satisfied with the robot you bought. You also want to write a complaint letter. You may use Daniel's complaint letter as a model.
Sample writing
Dear Sir/Madam,
Robot model number FAD1228CC
A month ago, I bought a robot from your shop. I was so happy that I bought this beautiful buddy. However, I am not satisfied with it at all. It disappointed me much.
First of all, I am unhappy with its batteries. They last for one week at most. I think they should last for at least one month.
The quality of this robot is not up to standard either. A good robot should only need checking every 8 months. My robot has already stopped working completely. I don't know what's the matter with it.
I regret having bought a robot like this. I would like to get my money back. I know your shop always have high reputation and always give good service to customers, maybe you don't want to break your promise.
I hope to receive your reply soon.
Yours faithfully,
Language Points
1. How long do you expect your robot's batteries to last
e.g. Parents expect their children to be successful.
We are expecting him to arrive. 我们一直在等他。
2. However, I am not satisfied with it at all.
be satisfied with 对……感到满意
e.g. We are not satisfied with these results.
not ... at all 一点也不……,根本不……
e.g. She couldn't see or hear anything at all.
3. First of all, I am unhappy with its batteries.
first of all 首先
e.g. First of all, let me ask you something.
be unhappy with 对……不满意
e.g. I'm very unhappy with the service here.
4. Otherwise, I need to do everything myself.
A good robot should only need checking every 6 months.
sb. need to do sth. 某人需要做某事
sth. need doing = sth. need to be done 某物需要被做某事
e.g. I need to repair my bike. 我需要修理我的自行车。
My bike needs repairing. 我的自行车需要修理。
=My bike needs to be repaired.
5. The quality of this robot is not up to standard either.
短语up to standard的意思是“达到标准;合格”。
e.g. The product is up to standard. 此产品合格。
6. I regret having bought a robot like this.
句中的regret意思是“后悔”,regret having done something意思是“后悔做了某事”
e.g. She regrets not having bought that book.
1. ________ _______ ________ (首先), could you give me your full name
2. ________ you ________ ________ (对……感到满意) his school report
3. The flowers ________ ________ (需要被浇).
4. I ________ _______ ________ (后悔告诉了) her the truth.
5. I ________ _______ ________ ________ (期望他通过) the exam.
Are satisfied with
First of all
need watering
regret having told
expect him to pass
Unit 3
Period 6
satisfied, quality, completely, regret, product, be satisfied with, first of all, up to standard


