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专题09 听力
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
1.Why did the speaker go to the hotel
A.To deliver a speech.
B.To arrange a conference.
C.To interview Mr. Rochester.
2.What did Mr. Rochester do soon after he bought the hotel
A.He talked with the staff members.
B.He had the old carpets replaced.
C.He ran a six-month training project.
3.What did Susan do when she met Mr. Rochester the second time
A.She was a cleaner.
B.She was a secretary.
C.She was a receptionist.
4.What does the speaker think is key to Mr. Rochester's success
A.Managing time efficiently.
B.Valuing human relationships.
C.Possessing a good memory.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。
5.How often does the band come to perform in the park
A.Three times a year.
B.Once a year.
C.Every other year.
6.What kind of music will be played this evening
A.Country music. B.Jazz. C.Rock and roll.
7.What will Jannie do next
A.Catch a bus.
B.Listen to a lecture.
C.Go to the library.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
8.Why does Sarah come to talk to Jacob
A.To make an appointment.
B.To seek his advice.
C.To explain a decision.
9.How many people are there in Sarah's group
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers
B.Fellow workers.
C.Teacher and student.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
11.Why does the man make the call
A.To reserve a table.
B.To ask about a party.
C.To postpone a meeting.
12.What time should the man arrive on Friday evening
A.At 5:30. B.At 6:30. C.At 8:00.
13.What is the man's name
A.Brown. B.Anderson. C.Howard.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
14.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a fitness center.
B.In a sports shop.
C.In a clinic.
15.What does the man advise the woman to do
A.Buy high-quality sportswear.
B.Keep working out regularly.
C.Avoid over-exercising.
16.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What is Alex doing
A.He's having breakfast.
B.He's feeding a cat.
C.He's reading a book.
17.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) Where is Barbara going tonight
A.To a gym. B.To her grandma's. C.To the doctor's.
18.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A weekend plan.
B.A wedding invitation.
C.A business deal.
19.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What is the man's suggestion
A.Taking a rest.
B.Going for a coffee.
C.Having a snack.
20.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What did the woman do yesterday evening
A.She watched TV.
B.She went shopping.
C.She attended a show.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
21.What is "Life of Johnson"
A.A magazine column. B.A TV series. C.A historical novel
22.What is Johnson famous for
A.His acting talent.
B.His humorous writing.
C.His long sports career.
23.When did Johnson join Sports Times
A.In 1981. B.In 1983. C.In 1985.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。
24.Why did Marie post her kitchen gardening online at first
A.To keep records of her progress.
B.To sell home-grown vegetables.
C.To motivate her fellow gardeners.
25.Why does Marie recommend beginners to grow strawberries
A.They need no special care.
B.They can be used in cooking
C.They bear a lot of fruit soon.
26.What is difficult for Marie to grow
A.Herbs. B.Carrots. C.Pears.
27.What is Marie's advice to those interested in kitchen gardening
A.Aim high. B.Keep focused C.Stay optimistic.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
28.How did Jack go to school when he was a child
A.By bike B.On foot C.By bus.
29.What is Jack's attitude toward parents driving their kids to school
A.Disapproving. B.Encouraging. C.Understanding.
30.What is the problem with some parents according to the woman
A.Overprotecting their children.
B.Pushing their children too hard
C.Having no time for their children
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
31.Why is Kathy in California now
A.She is on vacation there.
B.She has just moved there.
C.She is doing business there.
32.What is the relationship between Tom and Fiona
A.Husband and wife
B.Brother and sister.
C.Father and daughter
33.What does Kathy thank Dave for
A.Finding her a new job.
B.Sending her a present.
C.Calling on her mother.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。
34.What will the weather be like today
A.Stormy. B.Sunny. C.Foggy
35.What is the man going to do
A.Plant a tree. B.Move his car C.Check the map.
36.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) When will the next train to Bedford leave
A.At 9:45. B.At 10:15. C.At 11:00.
37.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What does the man want to do
A.Cancel an order
B.Ask for a receipt
C.Reschedule a delivery.
38.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What will the speakers do today
A.Go to an art show
B.Meet the man's aunt.
C.Eat out with Mark.
39.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What are the speakers talking about
A.A pop star. B.An old song. C.A radio program
40.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What is Kate doing
A.Boarding a flight
B.Arranging a trip.
C.Seeing a friend off.
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
41.What caused the closure of Pittwater Road
A.A fallen tree. B.A flooded river. C.A car accident.
42.What happened at Town Hall Station
A.A police officer got hurt.
B.A passenger went missing.
C.The station roof was broken.
43.What are road users advised to do
A.Drive at low speed.
B.Postpone their trips.
C.Follow traffic signs.
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
44.What does Kevin think of abstract art
A.It has lasting artistic value.
B.It makes little sense to him.
C.It appeals mainly to children.
45.What impression did the first painting give the woman
A.Hopefulness. B.Nervousness. C.Coldness.
46.What color was used for the background in the second painting
A.Green. B.Purple. C.Red.
47.What will Kevin probably do this Saturday
A Attend an art class.
A.Visit an exhibition. B.Buy an abstract painting.
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
48.What does Linda do for plays and shows
A.She gives actors advice.
B.She assigns roles to actors.
C.She designs actors' clothes.
49.What does Linda need to research
A.The setting of the story.
B.The decoration of the stage.
C.The names of the characters.
50.Who does Linda report her work to
A.The director. B.The editor. C.The photographer.
51.What does Linda say about her job
A.It pays very well.
B.It requires team effort.
C.It involves frequent travel.
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
52.What course does Professor Brooks teach
A.Public Speaking. B.European History. C.English Literature.
53.Why does Vicky come to talk with Professor Brooks
A.To sign up for his course.
B.To ask for a make-up test.
C.To discuss her homework.
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
54.What does the man want to do before noon
A.Post a letter. B.Make a card. C.Write an email.
55.Whose birthday is it
A.Richard's. B.Sarah's. C.Vera's.
56.(2024·浙江) How is Sophie feeling now
A.Confused. B.Worried. C.Disappointed.
57.(2024·浙江) What will the speakers have for dinner today
A.Fried rice. B.Noodles. C.Steak.
58.(2024·浙江) How did the speakers come to Seattle
A.By plane. B.By car. C.By train.
59.(2024·浙江) Where does the conversation take place
A.At the grocer's. B.At the tailor's. C.At the cleaner's.
60.(2024·浙江) What does the man do
A.A computer technician.
B.A hotel receptionist.
C.A shop assistant.
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
专题09 听力
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
1.Why did the speaker go to the hotel
A.To deliver a speech.
B.To arrange a conference.
C.To interview Mr. Rochester.
2.What did Mr. Rochester do soon after he bought the hotel
A.He talked with the staff members.
B.He had the old carpets replaced.
C.He ran a six-month training project.
3.What did Susan do when she met Mr. Rochester the second time
A.She was a cleaner.
B.She was a secretary.
C.She was a receptionist.
4.What does the speaker think is key to Mr. Rochester's success
A.Managing time efficiently.
B.Valuing human relationships.
C.Possessing a good memory.
【解析】【听力原文】Good morning everyone. This lesson is a part of our leadership series. Let me start by sharing a story of a Richard Rochester, one of the most successful businessmen in Britain. Years ago, I was given the task of organizing a conference in the south of England. I chose a five star hotel owned by Rochester as the venue. Susan, the receptionist, helped me arrange everything perfectly. Once, when we were chatting, I asked Susan if she'd ever met Mr. Rochester. She said yes. Shortly after Mr. Rochester bought the hotel, he made an appointment to see the hotel manager. When he arrived, the first person he met was Susan, who was cleaning the carpet. He chatted with Susan for 30 minutes before keeping his appointment with the manager. He spent all day at the hotel talking with each member of the staff, from the top guy to the lady who cleaned the toilets. Six months later, Mr. Rochester paid another visit. Susan had been promoted to receptionist, but he recognized her immediately and addressed her by name. He even remembered that she had a little girl and what her name was. Now, I don't believe that Richard Rochester has that good a memory. He must have been a lot of notes after his first visit and read them over again before that second visit. But it's time consuming, but it shows the importance he places on human relationships. I think that's one of the secrets of his success.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。
5.How often does the band come to perform in the park
A.Three times a year.
B.Once a year.
C.Every other year.
6.What kind of music will be played this evening
A.Country music. B.Jazz. C.Rock and roll.
7.What will Jannie do next
A.Catch a bus.
B.Listen to a lecture.
C.Go to the library.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey, Jannie, where are you going
W: To the library.
M: There is a music concert in Victoria Park at 04:00. Do you want to go
W: Yes, Professor Darwin's lecture is canceled. I'm free this evening.
M: Great. The band plays pretty good music. For the last three year, I have never missed it.
W: How long ago did the bands start playing in the park
M: I think it was five years ago. Every year they arrived the first week of July and play for a week. You're sure to enjoy this evening. There will be good country music.
W: My favorite is rock and roll, but I have to say that country music can be quite beautiful sometimes.
M: I like all kinds of music, especially jazz. Oh, Jannie, we have to go now.
W: Why There's plenty of time.
M: Many people are heading to the park. The traffic will be terrible.
W: All right, but I have to return these books first.
M: Okay, I'll be waiting for you at the bus station.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
8.Why does Sarah come to talk to Jacob
A.To make an appointment.
B.To seek his advice.
C.To explain a decision.
9.How many people are there in Sarah's group
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
10.What is the relationship between the speakers
B.Fellow workers.
C.Teacher and student.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Jacob, do you have a minute now
M: Sure.
W: Well, it's not easy to say, but I have to tell you, you're not in our group for the class project.
M: Sarah, what do you mean You know, I'm always in a group with you.
W: I know, it's just that this time, this time, we made the group differently. And because you were late, we've already made the group. See, there are four of us already.
W: So we can't be a group of five
W: Well, professor North said there should be no more than four people in each group. It's not about you or your work or anything like that.
M: Okay, but please count me in next time.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第7段材料, 回答第8至10题。
11.Why does the man make the call
A.To reserve a table.
B.To ask about a party.
C.To postpone a meeting.
12.What time should the man arrive on Friday evening
A.At 5:30. B.At 6:30. C.At 8:00.
13.What is the man's name
A.Brown. B.Anderson. C.Howard.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello, Browns Grow. How may I help you
M: Hi. I'd like to book a table for Friday evening.
W: OK, how many people are there in your party
M: There will be six.
W: And what time would you like to come
M: Let's say at 06:30
W: I'm afraid we don't have anything available. Then we could see you at 05:30 or 08:00.
M: Oh, 08:00 is better.
W: Fine. May I have your name
M: Yes, it's Anderson.
W: Thank you. We'll see you on Friday. By the way, we've moved to Howard Street.
M: Oh, yeah, I know. Thanks.
(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。
14.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a fitness center.
B.In a sports shop.
C.In a clinic.
15.What does the man advise the woman to do
A.Buy high-quality sportswear.
B.Keep working out regularly.
C.Avoid over-exercising.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Miss, do you need any help
W: I want to get fit, but exercise doesn't seem to help.
M: What kind of exercise have you done before
W: I did jogging now and then, but it was so boring. So I changed to weight lifting, but it was so demanding. And I was afraid of getting injured, so I went bike riding.
M: Oh, I see. You need to be consistent. I suggest you do different kinds of exercise on one day or on different days of the week. This will help hold your interests, so you can keep coming back.
16.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What is Alex doing
A.He's having breakfast.
B.He's feeding a cat.
C.He's reading a book.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Alex, did you feed the cat this morning I don't think she can wait.
M: All right, after I finish this chapter, I just can't let go of this book.
17.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) Where is Barbara going tonight
A.To a gym. B.To her grandma's. C.To the doctor's.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Barbara, do you want to play table tennis with us tonight
W: I'd love to, but I can't. I'm catching the last train to Denver to see my grandma. I need to take her to visit a doctor tomorrow morning.
18.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A weekend plan.
B.A wedding invitation.
C.A business deal.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Tom, shall we invite the Smiths around for dinner this Sunday
M: Sure, but I need to pack for Monday's business trip. What about Saturday
W: Okay.
19.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What is the man's suggestion
A.Taking a rest.
B.Going for a coffee.
C.Having a snack.
【解析】【听力原文】W: I love this park. It's so beautiful.
M: It surely is. Are you tired Shall we stop by the lake for a few minutes
W: Good idea. Let's go to that cafe for a little refreshment.
20.(2024·新高考Ⅱ卷) What did the woman do yesterday evening
A.She watched TV.
B.She went shopping.
C.She attended a show.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Did you watch the talent show on TV last night
W: No, I missed it. I went with my mom to buy some clothes.
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。
21.What is "Life of Johnson"
A.A magazine column. B.A TV series. C.A historical novel
22.What is Johnson famous for
A.His acting talent.
B.His humorous writing.
C.His long sports career.
23.When did Johnson join Sports Times
A.In 1981. B.In 1983. C.In 1985.
【解析】【听力原文】Welcome to meet the author. Well, many readers of Sports Times turn to the last page of their magazine first in order to read Jacob Johnson's weekly article under the title Life of Johnson. The articles, along with his novels and essay collections, have earned Johnson the reputation as one of the funniest humans on the planet. Johnson began writing about sports as a second year student at the University of Colorado, covering high school volleyball games for his hometown newspaper. After graduating in 1981, he moved on to work at the Denver Weekly for two years and the Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing atSports Times. He has been voted National sports writer of the year eleven times. So now let's welcome the funny man with serious talent, Jacob Johnson.【分析】主题:介绍体育作家和其成就。Jacob Johnson,以幽默风趣的笔触在《体育时报》撰写专栏《约翰逊的生活》而广受读者喜爱,他的文章和作品使他成为备受赞誉的体育作家,并多次荣获全国年度体育作家称号。
【点评】考查听力独白,对应材料中的" read Jacob Johnson's weekly article under the titleLife of Johnson"与"A magazine column"、"one of the funniest humans on the planet"和"His humorous writing"等。
21.题意:《约翰逊的一生》是什么?根据"Well, many readers ofSports Times turn to the last page of their magazine first in order to read Jacob Johnson's weekly article under the titleLife of Johnson嗯,许多《体育时报》的读者为了阅读雅各布·约翰逊的周报《约翰逊的生平》,首先会翻到杂志的最后一页",可知Life of Johnson是一个杂志专栏,故选A。
22.题意:约翰逊以什么出名?根据"The articles, along with his novels and essay collections, have earned Johnson the reputation as one of the funniest humans on the planet这些文章,连同他的小说和散文集,为约翰逊赢得了地球上最有趣的人之一的声誉",可知Johnson是以幽默的书写风格出名的,故选B。
23.题意:约翰逊什么时候加入《体育时报》的?根据"After graduating in 1981, he moved on to work at theDenver Weekly for two years andthe Los Angeles Post for two more years before landing atSports Times1981年毕业后,他在《丹佛周刊》工作了两年,又在《洛杉矶邮报》工作了两年,最后来到《体育时报》",可知Johnson是在1985年加入的《体育时报》,故选C。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。
24.Why did Marie post her kitchen gardening online at first
A.To keep records of her progress.
B.To sell home-grown vegetables.
C.To motivate her fellow gardeners.
25.Why does Marie recommend beginners to grow strawberries
A.They need no special care.
B.They can be used in cooking
C.They bear a lot of fruit soon.
26.What is difficult for Marie to grow
A.Herbs. B.Carrots. C.Pears.
27.What is Marie's advice to those interested in kitchen gardening
A.Aim high. B.Keep focused C.Stay optimistic.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So Marie, your kitchen garden looks excellent. What made you turn to social media to record your vegetable growing
W: Initially, I used the online platform as a diary, something to look back on, giving me a sense of achievements and keeping me motivated and moving forward. As time went by, other gardeners and like minded people began to follow my progress too.
M: I know you grow lots of fruit on your land. Which would you recommend to beginners as the best to grow
W: Strawberries would be a good choice. They produce a lot of fruit in their first season.
M: That's cool. Well, do you have plans to try new or any particular crops next year
W: Next season, I will be adding some pear trees to the fruit area. I will be adding more herbs, which I can use in the kitchen. And, after a couple of years of failure, I will try growing carrots again.
M: What advice would you offer someone thinking of doing kitchen gardening
W: Have a plan of what you want your kitchen garden to look like. Don't be too discouraged if things don't go according to plan. Learn from your mistakes and move on. There is always next season.
【分析】主题:讨论园艺与社交媒体。 女性(W)分享了她为何选择使用社交媒体记录她的菜园种植经历,并推荐草莓作为适合初学者的水果种植选择。她还提到了明年的种植计划,包括添加梨树和更多的草药,并打算再次尝试种植胡萝卜。最后,她给想要进行菜园种植的人提出了建议,包括制定计划、不要因失败而气馁,并从错误中学习。
【点评】考查听力长对话,对应对话中的"as a diary, something to look back on"和选项中的"keep records"、"produce a lot of fruit"和"bear a lot of fruit"、"a couple of years of failure"和"difficult"等。
24.题意:为什么玛丽一开始会把她的厨房园艺发到网上?根据" Initially, I used the online platform as a diary, something to look back on, giving me a sense of achievements and keeping me motivated and moving forward最初,我把这个在线平台当作日记,让我回顾过去,给我一种成就感,让我保持动力,继续前进",可知Marie最初把她的厨房花园发到网上是为了记录生活,故选A。
25.题意:为什么玛丽推荐初学者种植草莓?根据"Strawberries would be a good choice. They produce a lot of fruit in their first season草莓是个不错的选择。它们在第一个季节结出很多果实",可知玛丽推荐初学者种植草莓是因为草莓会结出很多果实,故选C。
26.题意:玛丽种植的困难是什么?根据"And, after a couple of years of failure, I will try growing carrots again经过几年的失败,我将再次尝试种植胡萝卜",可知玛丽种植的困难是胡萝卜,故选B。
27.题意:玛丽对那些对厨房园艺感兴趣的人有什么建议?"Don't be too discouraged if things don't go according to plan. Learn from your mistakes and move on. There is always next season如果事情没有按计划进行,不要过于气馁。从错误中吸取教训,继续前进。总会有下一个季节的",结合选项,可知 Marie建议对厨房园艺感兴趣的人保持乐观的心态,故选C。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
28.How did Jack go to school when he was a child
A.By bike B.On foot C.By bus.
29.What is Jack's attitude toward parents driving their kids to school
A.Disapproving. B.Encouraging. C.Understanding.
30.What is the problem with some parents according to the woman
A.Overprotecting their children.
B.Pushing their children too hard
C.Having no time for their children
【解析】【听力原文】W: Jack, how did you get to school when you were in primary school
M: I lived close to my school, so I walked every day. Why
W: Well, I remember that when we were kids, we often walked, rode a bike or caught the bus to school. Few of us were dropped off at the school gate by our parents.
M: I see what you mean. These days, you can see traffic jams around schools that drop off and pick up times, but it's hard to blame the parents. They have good reasons for driving their kids to school, mostly to do with safety and convenience.
W: You have a point there, but it could also mean children are missing out on much needed exercise and other life skills. Some parents are just being over protective with their children learning nothing but living in fear of everything. Studies have found that children who spend more time outside tend to be healthier, better adjusted and better at dealing with stress.
【分析】话题:上学方式的变化与影响。 男女对话者讨论了现在孩子多数由家长开车接送上学的现象,虽然出于安全和方便的考虑,但这也导致孩子失去了锻炼和其他生活技能的机会,研究显示多进行户外活动的孩子更健康、更适应环境且更擅长应对压力。
【点评】考查听力长对话,对应对话中的"walked"和选项中的"on foot","it's hard to blame the parents"和"Understanding"," Some parents are just being over protective "和"Overprotecting their children"。
28.题意:杰克小时候是怎么上学的?根据男士的话"I lived close to my school, so I walked every day我住得离学校很近,所以我每天都走路",可知Jack小时候步行上学,故选B。
29.题意:杰克对父母开车送孩子上学持什么态度?根据"These days, you can see traffic jams around schools that drop off and pick up times, but it's hard to blame the parents. They have good reasons for driving their kids to school, mostly to do with safety and convenience这些天,你可以看到学校周围的交通堵塞,接送时间,但很难责怪父母。他们开车送孩子上学有很好的理由,主要是为了安全和方便",可知Jack非常理解开车接送孩子的父母,故选C。
30.题意:根据这位女士的说法,有些父母有什么问题?根据"Some parents are just being over protective with their children learning nothing but living in fear of everything有些父母只是过度保护他们的孩子,他们什么也没学到,只是生活在恐惧之中",可知女士认为一些父母过于保护孩子,故选A。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
31.Why is Kathy in California now
A.She is on vacation there.
B.She has just moved there.
C.She is doing business there.
32.What is the relationship between Tom and Fiona
A.Husband and wife
B.Brother and sister.
C.Father and daughter
33.What does Kathy thank Dave for
A.Finding her a new job.
B.Sending her a present.
C.Calling on her mother.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hello Dave, this is Kathy from Sunny California.
Hi, Cathy, you finally called. How was the move All settled in
M: W: Sorry I hadn't called sooner, but it's been a busy month. We're slowly getting things set up in our new home.
Yeah, I understand. How are Jeff and the children
W: Jeff is doing well with his new job. Tom has made many new friends here and has a lot to do. Fiona is fine, though she misses her grandma, by the way. Thank you for looking in on my mother from time to time. I call her every week, but it isn't the same as seeing her.
M: No problem. Betty and I are friends, how. How is the weather there
W: It's nice and warm, and we are able to spend some time every week on the beach with the children.
M: That's great.
【分析】话题:朋友间分享生活和家人近况。 Kathy 从阳光明媚的加州致电给 Dave,分享了她搬家后的生活情况,包括她与家人的近况、天气以及海滩活动。
【点评】考查听力长对话,对应对话中的"getting things set up in our new home"、"moved there"、"the children"和"Tom and Fiona"、"looking in on my mother"和"Calling on her mother"。
31.题意:凯西为什么现在在加州?根据"We're slowly getting things set up in our new home我们正在慢慢地把新家布置好",可知Kathy刚刚搬家到加州,故选B。
32.题意:汤姆和菲奥娜是什么关系?根据"How are Jeff and the children杰夫和孩子们怎么样"和"Jeff is doing well with his new job. Tom has made many new friends here and has a lot to do. Fiona is fine, though she misses her grandma杰夫的新工作做得很好。汤姆在这里交了很多新朋友,有很多事情要做。菲奥娜很好,不过她很想念奶奶",可知Tom和Fiona是兄妹关系,故选B。
33.题意:凯西为什么感谢戴夫?根据"Thank you for looking in on my mother from time to time谢谢你不时来看望我母亲 ",可知Kathy感谢Dave是因为Dave会时不时地拜访Kathy的的母亲,故选C。
(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。
34.What will the weather be like today
A.Stormy. B.Sunny. C.Foggy
35.What is the man going to do
A.Plant a tree. B.Move his car C.Check the map.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Honey. Have you checked today's weather forecast
M: Yes, it's cold and wet. There is a warning for strong winds up to 100 kilometers per hour.
W: What are we going to do then
M: Nothing much. Just stay indoors. There is a risk falling trees and power lines.
W: Right.
M: And the low temperatures could bring snow to the forest area.
W: I hope it's over quickly.
M: Well, it won't get better until late Wednesday. Anyway, I have to move the car away from the trees.
W: Yeah, you cannot be too careful.
【分析】主题:极端天气的风险及应对。 这对夫妇讨论了今天的恶劣天气预报,包括大风、低温以及可能的降雪,并决定留在室内以避免风险,男子还提到需要将车从树下移开以防不测。
【点评】考查听力长对话,对应对话中的strong winds与选项中的stormy。
34.题意:今天的天气怎么样?根据男士的话"it's cold and wet. There is a warning for strong winds up to 100 kilometers per hour天气又冷又湿。有风速高达每小时100公里的强风警告",可知今天会是大风天气,故选A。
35.题意:男士将要做什么?根据男士的话"Anyway, I have to move the car away from the trees不管怎样,我得把车挪开,让它远离树木",可知男士将要去挪车,故选B。
36.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) When will the next train to Bedford leave
A.At 9:45. B.At 10:15. C.At 11:00.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Next, please.
M: Oh, hi. I missed my 9 o'clock train to Bedford. Do I have to buy another ticket
W: No. The next train leaves at a quarter to 10 at Platform Eleven.
M: Thank you.
【分析】题意:下一班去贝德福德的火车什么时候开?根据"The next train leaves at a quarter to 10 at Platform Eleven下一列火车将于十点差一刻在十一号站台开出",可知选A。
37.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What does the man want to do
A.Cancel an order
B.Ask for a receipt
C.Reschedule a delivery.
【解析】【听力原文】W: How may I help you
M: I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday.
W: Yes. What's the problem
M: I need to have it delivered this Saturday.
【分析】题意:男士想做什么?根据男士的话"I bought a desk and asked for it to be delivered to my house this Friday我买了一张桌子,要求这个星期五送到我家"和"I need to have it delivered this Saturday我需要这个星期六送到",可知男士需要重新安排送货时间,故选C。
38.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What will the speakers do today
A.Go to an art show
B.Meet the man's aunt.
C.Eat out with Mark.
【解析】【听力原文】W: David, forget about Mark. His aunt is in town, so he can't go with us today.
M: Ah, what a pity. It's the last day of the art show.
【分析】题意:说话者今天要做什么?根据男士的话"It's the last day of the art show今天是艺术展的最后一天",可知说话者今天会去参加艺术展,故选A。
【点评】考查听力短对话,根据对话中的"forget about Mark",可排除选项B和C。
39.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What are the speakers talking about
A.A pop star. B.An old song. C.A radio program
【解析】【听力原文】W: Paul. Listen to the radio. It'sYou've stolen my heart. One of the songs played at our wedding.
M: Yeah, how beautiful. It has been popular for almost two decades.
【分析】题意:说话者在谈论什么?根据女士的话" It'sYou've stolen my heart. One of the songs played at our wedding是《你偷走了我的心》。我们婚礼上放的一首歌",可知说话者在谈论的一首歌,故选B。
40.(2024·新高考Ⅰ卷) What is Kate doing
A.Boarding a flight
B.Arranging a trip.
C.Seeing a friend off.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Thanks for the wonderful weekend, Kate
W: That's okay, bob and I are glad you came to see us.
M: Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when you're in Sydney.
W: Sure, we will.
【分析】题意:Kate在做什么?根据男士的话"Oh, I have to go in. My flight will take off soon. Do contact me when you're in Sydney哦,我得进去了。我的航班马上就要起飞了。你到了悉尼一定要联系我",可知Kate在为朋友送行,故选C。
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
41.What caused the closure of Pittwater Road
A.A fallen tree. B.A flooded river. C.A car accident.
42.What happened at Town Hall Station
A.A police officer got hurt.
B.A passenger went missing.
C.The station roof was broken.
43.What are road users advised to do
A.Drive at low speed.
B.Postpone their trips.
C.Follow traffic signs.
【解析】【听力原文】M: You are watching the morning news. This is Steven Johnson. Sydney and the New South Wales coast have been hit by heavy rains. Major roads, the airport, trains and buses were all thrown behind the schedule as more than a month's worth of rain fell in just one hour during the morning rush. All traffic into city remains very heavy. Pittwater Road is closed due to a car crash. Consider using Wicks Road instead. A police officer has been hurt assisting drivers in North Ryde. A woman is believed to have broken her leg after a tree fell on her car. The roof of Town Hall Station has fallen in, causing delays for passengers. The rain is expected to be at its heaviest from 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Today a total of up to 200 millimeters rain is being forecast, along with damaging winds of more than 90 kilometers per hours to fall. All road users are advised to reconsider the need to be on roads in such wild weather, and reschedule their day and continue on their journey after the rain stops.
41.问题:是什么原因导致了 Pittwater Road 的关闭?根据"Pittwater Road is closed due to a car crash. "Pittwater Road因车祸而关闭。故选C。
42.问题:市政厅车站发生了什么事?根据"The roof of Town Hall Station has fallen in, causing delays for passengers."市政厅车站的屋顶坍塌,造成乘客延误。故选C。
43.问题:建议道路使用者做什么?根据"All road users are advised to reconsider the need to be on roads in such wild weather, and reschedule their day and continue on their journey after the rain stops."建议所有道路使用者重新考虑在这种恶劣天气下是否需要上路,并重新安排一天的行程,在雨停后继续行驶。故选B。
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
44.What does Kevin think of abstract art
A.It has lasting artistic value.
B.It makes little sense to him.
C.It appeals mainly to children.
45.What impression did the first painting give the woman
A.Hopefulness. B.Nervousness. C.Coldness.
46.What color was used for the background in the second painting
A.Green. B.Purple. C.Red.
47.What will Kevin probably do this Saturday
A Attend an art class.
A.Visit an exhibition. B.Buy an abstract painting.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi Kevin. I've just got back from the Art Gallery. There's a wonderful show of abstract art. You should have come with me.
M: I don't know. Abstract art seems like children's painting to me.
W: Well, if you don't understand what the artist is trying to communicate, it can seem a little like that.
M: What did you see then
W: There were two paintings that impressed me most. The first is a huge one which I supposed the tree although it could have been anything.
M: What did you like about it
W: Just the way the tree looked. It was like the tree was made of hard metal, and the mix of white and gray made everything look like it was winter, freezing winter.
M: That's something. What about the other one
W: The second looked like a piece of grassland. All the grass was purple and red, and there was green sky in the background. I looked at it and thought of summer.
M: Hmm, your description really teaches me something about appreciating abstract art. Maybe I should go and give this show a try this Saturday.
W: You really should.
44.问题: Kevin 认为抽象艺术怎么样?根据" Abstract art seems like children's painting to me."抽象艺术在我看来像是儿童画;以及"if you don't understand what the artist is trying to communicate, it can seem a little like that."如果你不明白艺术家想要传达的是什么,这可能看起来有点像那样。可推知 Kevin看不懂抽象艺术。
45.问题:第一幅画给女士留下了什么印象?根据"It was like the tree was made of hard metal, and the mix of white and gray made everything look like it was winter, freezing winter."就像这棵树是由硬金属制成的,白色和灰色的混合让一切看起来都像是冬天,冰冷的冬天。故选C。
46.问题:第二幅画的背景是什么颜色的?根据"The second looked like a piece of grassland. All the grass was purple and red, and there was green sky in the background."第二个看起来像一片草地。所有的草都是紫色和红色的,背景是绿色的天空。故选A。
47.问题:这个星期六 Kevin 可能会做什么?根据"Maybe I should go and give this show a try this Saturday."也许这个星期六我应该去试试看这个展览。故选A,
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
48.What does Linda do for plays and shows
A.She gives actors advice.
B.She assigns roles to actors.
C.She designs actors' clothes.
49.What does Linda need to research
A.The setting of the story.
B.The decoration of the stage.
C.The names of the characters.
50.Who does Linda report her work to
A.The director. B.The editor. C.The photographer.
51.What does Linda say about her job
A.It pays very well.
B.It requires team effort.
C.It involves frequent travel.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Linda, you work on plays and shows but you are not on stage. What do you do
W: I'm a costume designer. I have the actors become their characters.
M: Is it a kind of, like, playing dresser
W: A little bit. But I need to study the play to create the characters' clothes, not just use my imagination.
M: How do you do that
W: I read the play and do research about the time and place of the story. If the story is set in the past, I might study old magazines or paintings. For plays set in now, I sometimes collect pictures of people on the street.
M: Then what do you do
W: I take my ideas and pictures to the director of the show. We talk about whether I'm on the right track. If it's good, we will hire a tailor to make the costume.
M: Is it finished then
W: Almost. We still need to try on the actor to make sure everything fits and looks good.
M: Wow, it takes so many steps to make a costume.
W: Yes, it does. I work with lots of different people to put it all together.
48.问题: Linda 为戏剧和节目做什么?根据"I'm a costume designer. I have the actors become their characters."我是一名服装设计师。我让演员成为他们的角色;以及"But I need to study the play to create the characters' clothes"但我需要研究这部剧来塑造角色的服装,故选C。
49.问题: Linda 需要研究什么?根据"I read the play and do research about the time and place of the story. If the story is set in the past, I might study old magazines or paintings. For plays set in now, I sometimes collect pictures of people on the street."我读了这出戏,并研究了故事发生的时间和地点。如果故事发生在过去,我可能会研究旧杂志或旧画。对于以现在为背景的戏剧,我有时会收集街上人们的照片。故选A。
50.问题: Linda 向谁汇报工作?根据" I take my ideas and pictures to the director of the show. "我把我的想法和照片带给节目导演。故选A。
51.问题: Linda 对她的工作怎么评价?根据"I work with lots of different people to put it all together."我和很多不同的人一起工作,把它做成。故选B。
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
52.What course does Professor Brooks teach
A.Public Speaking. B.European History. C.English Literature.
53.Why does Vicky come to talk with Professor Brooks
A.To sign up for his course.
B.To ask for a make-up test.
C.To discuss her homework.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Professor Brooks, I'm Vicky Comore in your European History class. Can I speak with you for a few minutes
M: Sure. What can I help you with
W: Well, I was sick for two weeks. So I didn't take the midterm exam. Could you give me another test
M: All right. You can take it next Thursday afternoon.
W: Thank you so much, Professor Brooks. Could I come to you at 3:30 after my English Literature class
M: No problem.
52.问题: Brooks 教授教什么课程?根据"Professor Brooks, I'm Vicky Comore in your European History class."Brooks教授,我是你欧洲历史课上的Vicky Comore。故选B。
53.问题:为什么 Vicky 和布 Brooks 教授谈话?根据"So I didn't take the midterm exam. Could you give me another test "所以我没有参加期中考试。你能再给我一次考试吗?故选B。
(2024·浙江) 听录音,回答问题。
54.What does the man want to do before noon
A.Post a letter. B.Make a card. C.Write an email.
55.Whose birthday is it
A.Richard's. B.Sarah's. C.Vera's.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Richard, why are you taking everything out of your drawer
M: I'm looking for a stamp, Sarah.
W: A stamp What do you want a stamp for
M: I've written a letter to Aunt Vera. And I want to put it in the post before midday.
W: Can you just email her
M: Yeah. But it's her 70th birthday. Vera will be happy to get a real letter with a real birthday card.
54.问题:男士中午之前想做什么?根据"I've written a letter to Aunt Vera. And I want to put it in the post before midday."我给Vera阿姨写了一封信。我想在中午之前把它寄到邮局。故选A。
55.问题:今天是谁的生日?根据" I've written a letter to Aunt Vera. "我给Vera阿姨写了一封信;以及"But it's her 70th birthday. Vera will be happy to get a real letter with a real birthday card."但今天是她的70岁生日。Vera会很高兴收到一封真正的信和一张真正的生日卡。故选C。
56.(2024·浙江) How is Sophie feeling now
A.Confused. B.Worried. C.Disappointed.
【解析】【听力原文】M: All well, Sophie
W: Hmm…not great. I'm just so down with writing this report.
M: Are you almost done with it
W: Far from it. And I'll get it represented in class tomorrow.
【分析】问题: Sophie 现在感觉怎么样?根据" I'm just so down with writing this report."我写这份报告太累了;"Are you almost done with it "你差不多完成了吗?;以及"Far from it. And I'll get it represented in class tomorrow."差得远。我明天会让它在课堂上交上。可推知Sophie 很担心,故选B。
57.(2024·浙江) What will the speakers have for dinner today
A.Fried rice. B.Noodles. C.Steak.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Could I have fried rice or noodles for dinner for a change I don't feel like steak today.
W: I'm in a hurry. I can't cook two different meals today. Tomorrow you can have what you want.
M: All right.
【分析】问题:发言人今天晚餐吃什么?根据"Could I have fried rice or noodles for dinner for a change I don't feel like steak today."我晚饭能吃炒饭或炒面吗?我今天不想吃牛排;"I'm in a hurry. I can't cook two different meals today. Tomorrow you can have what you want."我正忙。我今天不能做两顿不同的饭。明天你可以得到你想要的;以及"All right. "好吧。可知,今晚谈话人吃牛排,故选C。
58.(2024·浙江) How did the speakers come to Seattle
A.By plane. B.By car. C.By train.
【解析】【听力原文】W: What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving, I'm sure.
M: I don't think you say that, if you've just driven 400 miles. Let's come to Seattle by train next time. It'll be more relaxing.
【分析】问题:谈话人是如何来到西雅图的?根据"What a journey! Air travel is more tiring than driving, I'm sure."多么棒的旅程!我敢肯定,坐飞机比开车更累。可推知他们乘飞机来到西雅图,故选A。
59.(2024·浙江) Where does the conversation take place
A.At the grocer's. B.At the tailor's. C.At the cleaner's.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hi, I'd like to have this blouse washed and pressed.
M: OK, but I'm afraid you won't be able to collect it until next Friday. We've been very busy recently.
【分析】问题:谈话在哪里进行?根据"Hi, I'd like to have this blouse washed and pressed."嗨,我想把这件上衣洗一下熨一下;以及"OK, but I'm afraid you won't be able to collect it until next Friday. We've been very busy recently."好的,但恐怕你要到下周五才能收到。我们最近很忙。可推知他们可能在洗衣店,故选C。
60.(2024·浙江) What does the man do
A.A computer technician.
B.A hotel receptionist.
C.A shop assistant.
【解析】【听力原文】M: IT Department. How can I assist you
W: My computer is giving me a lot of trouble. Could you help me with it, please
M: OK, I just need to check on a couple of things.
【分析】问题:男士是做什么的?根据" IT Department. How can I assist you "IT部门。我能为您提供什么帮助?;"My computer is giving me a lot of trouble. Could you help me with it, please "我的电脑给我带来了很多麻烦。你能帮我一下吗?;以及"OK, I just need to check on a couple of things. "好的,我只需要检查几个东西。可推知男士会修电脑,故选A。
21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)


