
  1. 二一教育资源



1-5 ACAAB 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 CABCB 16-20 BAABC
21-23 BCD 24-27 DCAD 28-31 CBDA 32-35 CBCD 36-40 ECGDA
56. decorating 57. when 58. led 59. Initially 60. acceptance
61. integrated 62. a 63. in 64. participants 65. to build
Dear classmates,
I’m going to share a bad habit of mine, and explain why and how I plan to change it.
In my daily life, when feeling stressed, I’d like to eat junk food, which obviously has a bad effect on my
body. To get rid of the bad habit and live a healthy life, I plan to eat more fruits and drink water, from which I
can benefit a lot. Additionally, it is vital for me to do some exercise regularly to enhance my body and keep
myself energetic and proactive.
I hold the firm belief that as long as I take action with determination, I can make a change and dominate
my own life. Thank you for your listening.
一、 评分标准
(1)总分为 15分,按 5个档次给分。
档次 描述
— 覆盖所有内容要点。
第五档 — 应用较多的语法结构和词汇。
(13~15 分) — 语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致。具备
— 有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。
— 虽漏掉 1~2 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。
第四档 — 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
(10~12 分) — 语法结构或词汇方面应用基本准确,些许错误主要是因尝试较复杂的语法结
— 使用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文结构紧凑。
— 虽漏掉一些内容, 但覆盖所有主要内容。
第三档 — 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
(7~9 分) — 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,但不影响理解。
— 使用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。
— 漏掉或未描述清楚一些主要内容, 写了一些无关内容。
第二档 — 语法结构单调,词汇项目有限。
(4~6 分) — 有一些语法结构或词汇方面的错误,且影响对写作内容的理解。
— 较少使用语句间的连接成分,内容缺乏连贯性。
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— 明显漏掉主要内容, 写了一些无关内容, 原因可能是未理解试题的要求。
第一档 — 语法结构单调, 词汇项目有限。
(1~3 分) — 较多语法结构或词汇方面的错误, 且影响对写作内容的理解。
— 缺乏语句间的连接成分, 内容不连贯。
0分 --未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判; 所写内容均与所要求内容无关或所
二、 说明
2.词数少于 60的,从总分中减去 1-2分。
Meanwhile, Grandma felt convinced that the thing in her shoe must be the coin. As Grandma sat in the
classroom, her heart raced. She couldn’t help but feel torn between honesty and the fear of exposing her holey
sock in front of the entire class. Eventually, she gathered her courage. Standing up, grandma took a deep breath
and approached Miss Peabody, and approached. The classroom fell silent as all eyes turned to her. With a
trembling voice. Grandma spoke, “I believe the coin must have slipped into my shoe.” Miss Peabody, touched
by Grandma’s honesty, asked her to do the favor of getting it out.
Hesitant but determined, Grandma removed her shoe, feeling everyone’s gaze on her holey sock. And
there it was. She felt a mix of relief and embarrassment. With downcast eyes, she handed the coin back to Miss
Peabody. “Why do you hang your head in shame when you’ve done something so admirable ” Miss Peabody
asked gently. Grandma explained, “I felt ashamed because of my holey sock.” Miss Peabody’s eyes twinkled
with understanding. “But those holes tell a story of honesty. They make you unique,” she said, and then turned
to the class and praised Grandma’s honesty. The students listened attentively, with their judgment replaced
with admiration for Grandma.
1. 评分原则
(1)总分为 25分,按 5个档次给分。
档次 描述
第五档 —内容丰富,利用了文中的关键信息。
(21~25 分) —所使用语法结构和词汇丰富,准确,可能有些许错误,但完全不影响意义表达。
第四档 —内容比较丰富,基本利用了文中的关键信息。
(16~20 分) —所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富,准确,可能有些许错误,但不影响意义表达。
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第三档 本相关,但有的情节不够合理或逻辑性不强。
(11~15 分) —应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求,虽有一些错误,个别部分影响意义表达。
第二档 一些问题,续写不够完整。
(6~10 分) —语法结构单调,词汇项日有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意义的表达。
第一档 写原文,续写不完整,与原文情境脱节;
(1~5 分) —使用的语法结构单调,词汇项日很有限,有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误,严重影
0分 —未作答;所写内容太少或无法看清以致无法评判;所写内容全部抄自原文或与题目要
Text 1
M: I spent my day wearing different clothes and posing for pictures. It was all about looking good and
displaying products. I almost do such work day after day.
W: My job is relatively easy. I just need to select photos and ensure the magazine looks fantastic.
Text 2
M: Have you noticed the picture on the cover of the English textbook It shows the beautiful Danxia landform.
W: Yes. It reminded me of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park in Hunan Province, which we visited earlier.
M: Yeah. This picture shows its beauty perfectly. It brings back wonderful memories of our trip.
Text 3
W: Sam, any plans for tomorrow
M: Yeah. In the morning, I will have two meetings. At noon, I'm going to have lunch with Sarah. In the
afternoon, I intend to hit the gym. At night, I need to have a painting class.
W: What a tight schedule!
Text 4
M: Hi, Dora. I'm here to see Paul.
W: Hello, Joe. He is working in the back e in, please.
M: Is he doing the gardening
W: No. He is working with some wood, making the yard a better place for children to play.
Text 5
W: You're extremely new from head to toe! The new hairstyle, new clothes and new shoes.
M: Christmas is a week away. I usually give myself a new look at this time of year.
W: Awesome. We do the same thing before Chinese New Year.
Text 6
M: Hey, are you ready for the ping-pong competition this weekend
W: Absolutely! I’ve been practicing a lot. How about you
M: Same here. I’ve been working on my backhand. It’s getting better.
W: That’s great! The competition is going to be tough. Have you seen the line-up
M: Yeah, some skilled players will participate. I heard Sarah has an amazing serve.
W: True, and David can put a lot of spin on a ball. We must perform at our best level.
M: Definitely. Let’s meet up tomorrow for some last-minute practice. What time works for you
W: How about 4:00 p.m.at the community center We can focus on strategies and footwork.
M: Sounds like a plan. Let’s give it our best shot.
Text 7
W: Hey, tough competition out there, huh
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M: Yeah, we gave it our all. But hey, it’s not the end of the world.
W: I know, but still, losing by just one point is frustrating.
M: Yeah, but our debaters performed very well and we played some solid defense. We did enough research on
the topic. Plus, we had good organization and structure.
W: Yeah, that’s true. But we have to admit that our opponents were able to express their points clearly and
persuasively, and raise their voices for emphasis.
M: You’re absolutely right! What should we do next-continue to practice or host a post-debate discussion
W: Neither. I think we should seek feedback from judges and our coaches.
M: That’s a good point, too. Let’s focus on improving and getting the win next time!
Text 8
M: Barbara, I’m planning to open a pet store, but I don’t know where to start. Any advice
W: Yes. To begin with, be aware of and observe national and local pet store regulations. Make sure to obtain
all necessary permits. Besides, provide a clean environment and ensure your employees are trained in pet
care, health and behavior.
M: Thanks. Anything else
W: Yeah. Choose high-quality pet food and supplies that meet safety standards.
M: OK. Should I cooperate with an animal doctor
W: Yes. Establish a partnership with a local animal doctor for emergency medical assistance.
M: Oh, how can I attract customers
W: Use social media for effective marketing and consider loyalty programs or promotions.
M: It seems like there’s a lot to manage. What else
W: Regularly inspect and update your facilities and services.
M: Oh my! I thought your advice would ease my pressure, but now I feel even more anxious. There’s so much
to consider!
Text 9
M: I felt embarrassed this morning, because my computer made some noise when it gave out heat in the library.
I was afraid that the noise would disturb others. Besides, I’m always afraid of seeking help from others for
fear of putting them to a lot of trouble.
W: That’s not a big deal. I think many people are ready to help others. Yesterday, I forgot to bring my card and
couldn’t get hot water in the water room. Therefore, I borrowed a card from a schoolmate. In return, I gave
her a few pieces of candy. We were both very happy in the end.
M: I know you sometimes have low levels of blood sugar, so you always carry candy with you.
W: Yes. Anyway, I told my story to advise you not to think too much and feel like you’ll trouble others. You
won’t know the result until you start.
M: I got the life wisdom. Well, you’re always cheerful and outgoing. I’ve never seen you get upset, even when
you didn’t do well in exams.
W: I’m usually in a bad mood when I have an empty stomach.
M: Then let’s hurry up. If we arrive at the dining hall too late, there won’t be any food left.
Text 10
W: Children in the Indonesian city of Bogor are cleaning up a local lake on their own. They remove the trash
from the water and place it in their boats. Later, on land, all the trash is examined and dealt with. It began
with a boy.10 years ago, Giri Marhara decided to start cleaning up the lake. He was just 16 years old at the
time and had a habit of cleaning up his environment. Young people like Marhara have been at the forefront
of environmental and climate change movements in recent years. Movements like school events for climate
action, protests at United Nations Climate Talks, and local cleanups have often been youth-led. Indonesian
Environmental and Forestry Ministry said the country produced more than 35 million tons of waste last year.
It was estimated that 35 percent of waste in the country was not managed. Some types of plastic can be
recycled. But environmentalists also say the world needs to make less waste in the first place, as much of it
ends up in landfills or in the world’s oceans. Marhara believes that lasting change will require ending the
behavior that causes trash to be out there in the environment. “I think that the only way is to develop a
cleanup culture.” he said.
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