专练02:阅读理解【乐英阅】-专项训练20篇-人教版(Go for it!)八年级英语下学期

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专练02:阅读理解【乐英阅】-专项训练20篇-人教版(Go for it!)八年级英语下学期


专业指引 专注中考
Test 5
More than 3,000 pairs of twins participated in the Twins Plus Festival in Melbourne, Australia. It's truly astonishing to witness such a large number of twins gathering at one place. Half of these twins are adults. Can you imagine the sight of so many pairs of twins together
Meet the dog Ingo and the baby owl Napoleon – the most unusual pair of friends in the world. These two cute companions do almost all their activities in their owner's house and venture almost everywhere together in the forest.
Burger King is offering a new product – perfume. And it has a smell similar to a Burger King Whopper. Although many people enjoy the aroma of a hamburger, hardly anyone is fond of the perfume with such a scent.
1. How many pairs of twins attended the Twins Plus Festival in Melbourne
A. Over 1,500 pairs.
B. Over 3,000 pairs.
C. Over 4,500 pairs.
D. Over 6,000 pairs.
2. Where do Ingo and Napoleon usually stay
A. In the open field.
B. In a zoo.
C. In the forest.
D. In a park.
3. The underlined word "perfume" means in Chinese.
A. 香水
B. 体育用品
C. 美食
D. 生活用品
4. Which statement is correct based on the passage
A. Napoleon is a dog.
B. Ingo and Napoleon are close friends.
C. The Twins Plus Festival was held in the UK.
D. Everyone loves the perfume that smells like a hamburger.
5. We might come across this passage in _____.
A. a poster
B. a magazine
C. an advertisement
D. a storybook
In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23 as World Reading Day to encourage people to develop the habit of reading. But have you ever given a thought to whether you like reading or not Have you ever wondered about the reasons behind the importance of reading
It doesn't matter whether it's a traditional paper book or an e-book. The key is to get immersed in the act of reading. However, according to a survey, among the 12 million adults in Britain, a significant number have difficulties with reading.
Studies indicate that reading sharpens your mind. Unlike watching TV, which doesn't require much thinking, reading is an active learning process that keeps your brain agile, even in old age.
Sometimes our daily lives can be rather dull – we all know this. At such times, why not escape into a new world that a good fiction book can offer So you can temporarily forget about the problems that are bothering you.
Reading more increases your chances of success. The more books you read, the more knowledge you acquire, and the greater the likelihood of your success. Consequently, the more you read, the better your life becomes.
1. April 23, 2024 is the ____ World's Reading Day.
A. First
B. Fifteenth
C. Twenty-first
D. Twenty-third
2. Among the ____ adults in Britain, many have problems with reading.
A. 1,200
B. 12,000
C. 120,000
D. 12,000,000
3. From Paragraph 3, we learn that reading can ____.
A. lead to one's success
B. help one relax
C. assist one in living a better life
D. make one think actively
4. How many benefits of reading does the passage mention
A. Three.
B. Four.
C. Five.
D. Six.
5. The main purpose of this passage is to _____.
A. encourage frequent reading
B. suggest buying useful books
C. discover the key to success in books
D. read books beneficial to our jobs
I have a few wonderful friends, and I'd love to share some details about them with you. Let me introduce them one by one.
Jane comes from a highly educated family where both her parents are accomplished writers. When she was just seven years old, she began penning down little poems and has dedicated her spare time to writing ever since. Her dream is to become a renowned writer like her parents.
Robert is a junior student. His father is a courageous fire fighter who has saved numerous lives. Inspired by his father, Robert aspires to follow in his footsteps and become a fire fighter upon graduation.
John is an avid reader who is constantly on the hunt for newly released books at bookstores. Unfortunately, he is rather forgetful. Just last Sunday, when he left the bookstore, he left his hat and jacket behind.
Rose is a charming girl who has an insatiable passion for dancing. This coming Saturday, she plans to invite her friends from other schools to join her in a dance party.
Jack has read numerous travel books about Europe and is deeply captivated by the descriptions within them. Now, he is eager to embark on a journey to Europe. His aspiration is to become a traveler.
1. Jane's parents are ____.
A. fire fighters
B. dancers
C. writers
D. travelers
2. Robert's father can ____.
A. put out fires
B. dance very well
C. read a lot of books
D. write some poems
3. Why can't Jack wait to start his journey to Europe
A. Because he wants to take a break.
B. Because he loves traveling and has read many related books.
C. Because he has plenty of time and wants to visit every country.
D. Because he has read many travel books about Europe and is fascinated by it.
4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage
A. John has a great love for reading.
B. Rose is passionate about dancing and singing.
C. Jane is fond of writing and wants to be a writer.
D. Robert aims to become a fire fighter like his father.
Nearly everyone, regardless of age, has a fondness for chocolate. And no matter how old you are, you'll definitely enjoy uncovering more fascinating facts about chocolate. Keep reading to discover some interesting tidbits.
All the chocolate that we savor comes from a unique plant – the cacao tree. This tree yields special seeds. First, these seeds are dried. Then, they are transformed into chocolate. Cacao trees prefer to grow in the shade, so they thrive when planted beneath the branches of taller trees in the forest. They won't start bearing fruit until they are at least three to five years old. Cacao trees produce exquisite flowers throughout the year. The flowers are white and have small, delicate petals. A type of tiny fly pollinates these dainty flowers. These flies are so minuscule that they can easily perch on the tip of a needle. They flap their wings at an astonishing speed – 1,000 beats per second! It's the fastest on the planet. A cacao pod contains approximately 30 to 50 seeds. This is sufficient to make around seven milk chocolate candy bars!
1. Chocolate is made from ____.
A. cacao seeds
B. cacao leaves
C. cacao flowers
D. a kind of small fly
2. Cacao trees like growing ______.
A. in the sun
B. on the farm
C. under big trees
D. in the mountains
3. There are _________ in cacao pods.
A. flowers
B. flies
C. leaves
D. seeds
4. What can we learn from the passage
A. The cacao tree is an ordinary tree.
B. Both kids and adults have a love for chocolate.
C. A kind of small fly consumes cacao flowers.
D. The flowers on cacao trees have large petals.
5. The most suitable title for the passage is ________.
A. Cacao Flowers
B. Chocolate Candy Bars
C. Fun Facts About Chocolate
D. Where to Find Cacao Trees
Making apps is a challenging task, but some middle school students are successfully creating their own apps. Recently, a competition for app inventions by middle school students was organized in Shanghai, China. A group of middle school students from different parts of China showcased their creations at the event.
Zhang Shaolin, a student from WFLMS (Shanghai World Foreign Language Middle School), has developed an app named Health Helper. His app is highly practical as it provides people with information on when and how to exercise every day.
Zhang Jichen, a ninth-grade student from Beijing, was concerned about the poor air quality, so he invented an app that can calculate PM2.5.
“It's quite difficult to make an app. You need to be extremely meticulous and patient. Sometimes, you have to keep trying over and over again. But it's very engaging. I really enjoy the process,” said Zhang Yuqi, another student from WFLMS.
Many interesting apps left a deep impression on the engineers from Google at the competition.
Answer the following questions:
1. Who was the app competition in Shanghai for
2. What does Zhang Shaolin do
3. Why is Health Helper very useful
4. What kind of app did Zhang Jichen invent
5. What did Zhang Yuqi think of making an app
Test 6
Come and have a wonderful time at Marsha's House! We provide various-sized rooms and a wide range of delicious food. It's a place where you can relax and enjoy. Located at No. 5 Park Road. For reservations, call 543-0022.
Country Life Market offers you fresh fruit and vegetables every single morning. Special discounts are available for the first month. Opening hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. It's at No.3 Clinton Street. Contact them at 544-9966.
Wawa Village is the ideal place for your dog to learn and have a great time. It's also a wonderful home for your dog when you're away. Call 544-4717.
After ten years of teaching piano, Diana from Next Wave Music Store has released her first CD! Come and meet her this weekend. Special gifts for the first 50 visitors. Time: 7:00 p.m., Saturday. Tel: 543-6161.
1. What can you do at Marsha's House
A. Play with pet dogs.
B. Taste delicious food.
C. Buy fresh apples.
D. Take guitar lessons.
2. If you want to purchase fresh oranges, you should call _.
A. 544-9966
B. 543-0022
C. 543-6161
D. 544-4717
3. If Tom is going on a vacation and doesn't want to take his dog with him, _ can assist him.
A. Marsha's House
B. Country Life Market
C. Wawa Village
D. Next Wave Music Store
4. We might receive presents from _______.
A. Marsha's House
B. Country Life Market
C. Wawa Village
D. Next Wave Music Store
5. Which of the following statements is incorrect according to the passage
A. We can call 543-0022 to reserve rooms.
B. Diana has been teaching piano for 10 years.
C. Dogs can learn a lot in Wawa Village.
D. We can go to Country Life Market to buy fresh meat.
An old man was traveling on the train with his 25-year-old son. As the train began its journey, the young man was filled with immense joy and astonishment. He was seated by the window and extended one of his hands out, feeling the rushing air. He shouted excitedly, "Papa, look! All the trees are moving backward." The old man smiled gently and looked at his son.
Next to the young man, an elderly couple was sitting and listening to the conversation between the father and the son. They thought the behavior of the 25-year-old man was like that of a small child.
Suddenly, the young man shouted once more, "Papa, see the river and the animals!" The couple was stunned and watched the young man in amazement. Then it started to rain and some raindrops touched the young man's hand. He was brimming with joy and closed his eyes. He shouted again, "Papa, it's raining. The water is touching me!"
The couple couldn't hold back and asked the old man, "Why don't you take your son to see a doctor "
The old man replied, "Yes, we just returned from the hospital because today my son regained his eyesight for the first time in his life."
1. How did the young man feel when he saw the trees outside the window
A. Nervous and surprised.
B. Happy and shocked.
C. Sad but excited.
D. Tired but happy.
2. What did the old couple think of the young man
A. Cute.
B. Friendly.
C. Foolish.
D. Clever.
3. The underlined word " extended " means ________ in Chinese.
A. 穿着
B. 行动
C. 工作
D. 伸出
4. The young man used to be ________.
A. deaf
B. blind
C. ill
D. weak
5. What is the most suitable title for the passage
A. A Wonderful Train Journey
B. A Young Man's New World
C. An Old Father and His Son
D. A Surprising Experience on the Train
It was a lengthy and monotonous wait before going through the security check for my flight at the airport. I stepped out and glanced around. There was a girl selling flowers.
I walked up to her and said that I wanted to purchase flowers for someone, and she could decide to whom I would give them. Initially, the girl responded, "That's insane." But then I elaborated a bit more on the concept of doing something kind for a stranger.
"Give them to someone who appears a little down. Maybe he or she might need some encouragement to cheer up." She comprehended my intention.
At that moment, she seemed thrilled about it. She went to fetch the flowers. I told her, "It's okay to leave them there until the person you want to uplift arrives."
"Sure," the girl agreed.
At that time, I thought she was a mixture of surprised and delighted, because it might have been her first encounter with a customer like me. I paid for the flowers, said goodbye, and joined the security check queue.
What a delightful day I had!
1. Where did the story take place
A. At the subway station.
B. At the train station.
C. At the bus station.
D. At the airport.
2. What was the girl doing when the writer met her
A. She was waiting for the writer.
B. She was waiting for the flight.
C. She was selling flowers.
D. She was selling tickets.
3. At the very beginning, the girl thought the writer's idea was _.
A. kind-hearted
B. crazy
C. dull
D. creative
4. Why did the writer want to buy flowers according to the passage
A. Because he wanted to cheer up the girl.
B. Because he wanted to assist the girl.
C. Because he wanted to encourage some sad people.
D. Because he thought the flowers were lovely.
5. From the passage we can infer that ___.
A. the writer was a kind-hearted person
B. the girl was the writer's acquaintance
C. the girl was skilled at selling flowers
D. the writer was a shrewd businessman
A father was deeply concerned about his sixteen-year-old son because he lacked bravery. Therefore, the father decided to seek the help of a renowned teacher to train his boy.
The teacher told the boy's father, "You should leave your son here by himself. I will transform him into a true man within three months. However, during this period, you are not allowed to visit him."
Three months later, the boy's father returned. The teacher arranged a boxing match between the boy and an experienced boxer. Each time the boxer hit the boy, he fell to the ground, but immediately the boy stood up. And each time a punch knocked him down, the boy got up again. Several times later, the teacher asked, "What do you think of your child "
"What a disgrace!" the boy's father said. "I never expected that he would be knocked down so easily. I don't need to keep him here any longer."
"I'm sorry that's all you saw. Didn't you notice that each time he fell, he stood up again instead of crying That's the kind of courage you wanted him to possess."
1. The father was worried about his son because the boy was ________
A. too quiet
B. too young
C. not brave
D. not strong
2. The teacher promised to make the boy into a real man within ________.
A. three days
B. three weeks
C. three months
D. three years
3. The boy was asked to have a fight with ________.
A. his father
B. a boxer
C. his teacher
D. a soldier
4. What did the boy do after he was knocked down
A. He stood up again.
B. He started crying.
C. He refused to stand up.
D. He ran away.
5. From the passage we can understand that ___________.
A. in the end, the boy became courageous
B. in the end, the father felt very disappointed
C. the father didn't love the boy
D. the teacher was not a good teacher
Dear Lily,
(A) You wrote to me that you often feel sad recently. Don't worry. It's quite normal to have such feelings sometimes. There are various reasons in life that can make us feel down.
In fact, it's common to get the blues from time to time. Some things in life can cause us to feel sad. When you get the blues, you don't have to stay down. (B)There are some ways for you to cheer up when you're in a bad mood.
Firstly, do something that makes you happy or you love doing. Let yourself be with anything other than your thoughts. Listen to some music. Music is a great way to lighten your mood. You can dance around to it or just get lost in the music itself. Don't always think about those unlucky things. It's all about self-love. It's your day. It's your moment. Isn't it
Secondly, just think! Be an onlooker to think about your problem. You will find any reasonable excuse for his or her mistakes. (C)That is to say, learn to put yourself in other people's shoes. Can you
Thirdly, ask for help. "Saying to yourself" is not working Ask for help. Great people, successful people, people who are confident all ask for help if they need it. Why don't you
Good luck.
1. Why did Lily write to Sonia
A. Because she was happy.
B. Because she was sad.
C. Because she was bored.
D. Because she was excited.
2. How many ways to cheer up are mentioned in the passage
A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
D. Five.
3. What can you do to lighten your mood according to the passage
A. Listen to music and dance.
B. Think about unlucky things.
C. Stay alone and keep silent.
D. Argue with others.
4. What does the phrase "put yourself in other people's shoes" mean
A. Wear others' shoes.
B. Understand others' feelings.
C. Borrow others' shoes.
D. Follow others' steps.
5. Who will ask for help if needed according to the passage
A. Only great people.
B. Only successful people.
C. Only confident people.
D. Great, successful and confident people.
Test 7
The ancient Indian art of yoga has been present in western countries since the 1970s to 1980s. Over the years, not only has the number of people practicing yoga increased, but the styles have also diversified and evolved.
Hot Yoga
Imagine yourself in a room heated to a scorching 40°C, moving rapidly for a full 90 minutes. Yes, this is hot yoga. Devotees of hot yoga believe it is effective in helping to shed weight. Even celebrities like Lady Gaga and Madonna are enthusiasts of it.
Anti-Gravity Yoga
Anti-gravity yoga is rather straightforward. With a silk hammock suspended from the ceiling, this style of yoga enables you to hold positions for a longer duration. It is beneficial for your blood circulation. American actress Gwyneth Paltrow is among the many fans.
Laughter Yoga
Laughter is indeed the best medicine. This style of yoga may seem somewhat comical and absurd. You clap your hands, laugh heartily, and sometimes shout like a lion. The objective is to unwind yourself and acquire more feelings of joy and happiness.
1. How long has yoga been practiced in western countries
A. For less than 10 years.
B. For approximately 40 years.
C. For more than 50 years.
D. For over 100 years.
2. Which style of yoga is suitable if you aim to lose weight
A. Hot yoga.
B. Anti-gravity yoga.
C. Laughter yoga.
D. Traditional yoga.
3. Laughter yoga can make a person ______.
A. tense
B. relaxed
C. sleepy
D. worried
4. Which of the following statements is correct based on the passage
A. Gwyneth Paltrow is a fan of hot yoga.
B. The styles of yoga have remained unchanged over time.
C. The temperature in a hot yoga room is around 40°C.
D. Both anti-gravity yoga and laughter yoga improve blood flow.
"Mommy, look at my paper," Sandra said unhappily. "My teacher wrote me a note."
Her mom took a look at the paper. It was a math test result. At the top, it stated, "50%—You're such a loser." Her mom let out a shrill scream. She shouted, "Did Mr Brown write this note How could he do such a thing I'm calling your headmaster right this instant to inform him about it."
She stormed into the living room. Sandra could hear her mom yelling loudly on the phone. A short while later, she returned to the kitchen. "Don't be bothered by that note, my dear. Failing a test just once doesn't make you a loser. You're the most wonderful little girl in the world. If you work harder, you can become a top student. Don't worry about your score. Your daddy and I got 50% on many tests at school too. We're not losers, and neither are you. But do you know who is a loser Mr Brown is a loser because he's going to lose his job!"
1. What did Sandra's math teacher think of her
A. She was a top student.
B. She was a failure.
C. She was a hardworking girl.
D. She was a naughty girl.
2. Who was Mr Brown
A. Sandra's father.
B. Sandra's teacher.
C. Sandra's neighbor.
D. Sandra's headmaster.
3. How did Sandra's mother react after seeing the note
A. She was calm.
B. She was angry.
C. She was worried.
D. She was excited.
4. Where did Sandra's mother make the call to the headmaster
A. In the kitchen.
B. In the bedroom.
C. In the living room.
D. In the dining room.
5. Why did Sandra's mother consider Mr Brown a loser
A. Because she disliked him.
B. Because she wanted to insult him.
C. Because he had failed many tests.
D. Because he was about to lose his job.
Once upon a time, in a village, there was an elderly man. Whenever the villagers encountered difficulties, they would turn to him for assistance. As a result, he was renowned as the wisest person in the world.
In the same village, there was a young fellow who was also quite intelligent. He was disgruntled that everyone favored the old man.
One day, he carried a bird in his hand and went to visit the old wise man. He posed a question to the old man, "Is this bird alive or dead "
The old man glanced at the bird and replied, "It all depends on you. If I claim it's alive, you'll likely kill it. If I say it's dead, you'll set it free. Thus, when matters are in your hands, it's up to you to determine their outcome. What does this story teach us In most circumstances, our success or failure lies within our own hands. It's your decision whether you strive for success or not. Even though you can't control the events that occur, you can choose how to handle them.
1. The old man was regarded as the wisest person in the world because ______.
A. he was the eldest in the village
B. he was the most intelligent in the village
C. he always assisted others in solving their problems
D. he could predict the future
2. How did the young man feel about everyone's fondness for the old man
A. Surprised.
B. Unhappy.
C. Thrilled.
D. Unlucky.
3. According to the old man, whether the bird was dead or alive relied on ______.
A. Fate
B. The bird itself
C. The old man
D. The young man
4. What does the story convey to us
A. Most of the time, our success or failure is in our own hands.
B. It's not our choice whether we want to succeed or not.
C. We can control all the events that happen.
D. We have no option in dealing with the events that occur.
One morning, while I was jogging at a slow pace, I noticed my friend's father sitting all by himself on a bench along the roadside. I approached him. He seemed extremely delighted to see me.
After an extensive conversation, he spoke in a low and melancholic tone, "At this stage of my life, I feel profoundly lonely in this place. Anyone who shares a few sincere moments with me means a great deal. I must express my gratitude to him or her."
I was profoundly shocked by his words and began to ponder: What tiny act could I undertake to make a difference in his life
I knew he was a painter and that painting was a captivating topic for him. Hence, I initiated a conversation about painting with him. I asked him, "Can you teach me to paint "
He was initially taken aback but agreed after a few seconds of contemplation.
Now, every alternate day, I go to learn painting from him. We paint a lot and engage in numerous discussions. He claims he feels better, and he awaits my arrival every day. After all, I have managed to bring some improvement to the old man's state of mind. Of course, I can acquire a wealth of wisdom from a person with such rich experience!
1. What was the old man doing when the writer encountered him
A. He was engaged in painting.
B. He was sitting alone.
C. He was exercising.
D. He was waiting for someone.
2. How did the old man feel upon seeing the writer
A. Ecstatic.
B. Peculiar.
C. Shocked.
D. Bored.
3. What is the old man's occupation
A. He is a teacher.
B. He is a painter.
C. He is a speaker.
D. He is a collector of paintings.
4. Why did the writer discuss painting with the old man
A. Because the writer excelled in painting.
B. Because the writer intended to purchase paintings.
C. Because the old man had a passion for painting.
D. Because the old man wished to sell his paintings.
5. From the story, we can infer that the writer is a ______ person.
A. Solitary
B. Courageous
C. Timid
D. Kind-hearted
Each year, over 1.2 million children are abducted worldwide. Hong Kong actor and singer Andy Lau hopes that his film Lost and Love can bring about some changes.
In the movie, Andy portrays a farmer, Lei Zekuan, who spends a whopping fifteen years in the quest to find his missing son. Andy stated, "I sincerely hope that people can pay greater attention to kidnapped children and that every lost child can be located and safely return home."
Many individuals were moved to tears by the movie. "As a parent, I can completely empathize with the excruciating pain of losing a child," remarked a viewer. The movie also serves as an educational lesson for children. Parents would be frantic if their children went missing.
Lost and Love is based on an actual incident that occurred in 2010. A father from Hubei Province managed to find his son two years after his disappearance. The movie also features Jing Boran as a young man whom Andy encounters during his journey.
1. What does Andy Lau hope his new movie Lost and Love can achieve
A. Make a lot of money.
B. Win some awards.
C. Attract more fans.
D. Raise people's awareness of kidnapped kids.
2. In the movie, who spends fifteen years looking for someone
A. A mother.
B. A farmer.
C. A young man.
D. A police officer.
3. How did the movie make many people feel
A. Happy.
B. Angry.
C. Sad.
D. Bored.
4. Where does the story of Lost and Love originate from
A. A novel.
B. A real event.
C. A fairy tale.
D. The director's imagination.
5. Who does Jing Boran play in the movie
A. A kidnapped child.
B. A farmer's son.
C. A young man met by Andy.
D. A police officer.
Test 8
Millions of people around the world who love to hunt for bargains go shopping on Black Friday. Stores offer huge discounts, sometimes up to 70%. It's a major shopping day in the US, and it made its way to Britain in 2010. On this day, British police are present at stores. There are thousands upon thousands of shoppers. Police are concerned that the stores will be overly crowded. They collaborate with the stores to ensure that shoppers can enter and exit the stores safely.
Shoppers in the UK are overjoyed. However, store workers in the US are frustrated because Black Friday starts a day earlier, on Thanksgiving Day. This is typically a day when people spend time with their families. There are more than 60 petitions on the website Change.org. They want Black Friday to change. They believe that family is more important than profit. A "Boycott Black Thursday" Facebook page has received 114,000 likes.
1. What is the usual activity for people in the US on Black Friday
A. They go on a picnic.
B. They go shopping.
C. They have a family reunion.
D. They go for a walk.
2. When did Black Friday arrive in Britain
A. In 2014.
B. In 2012.
C. In 2010.
D. In 2008.
3. What do people usually do on Thanksgiving Day
A. They go on a vacation.
B. They visit relatives.
C. They stay with their family.
D. They have a party.
4. Why do store workers in the US want to change Black Friday
A. They want to rest on Thanksgiving Day.
B. They want to go hiking on Thanksgiving Day.
C. They want to spend time with their family on Thanksgiving Day.
D. They want to have a barbecue on Thanksgiving Day.
Jack Livings is currently employed by Time Inc. in New York. During the 1990s, he spent time in China as a student and an English teacher. He has a strong interest in everything related to China. Recently, the American writer composed The Dog, which is based on a genuine story that occurred in China. It tells the tale of a retired racing dog that is safeguarded from being turned into a meal.
When an interviewer, Simons, asked the writer why his first book focused on China, he discussed the challenges of writing about the country. "I admire what writers like Evan Osnos and Peter Hessler have accomplished. For them, distance is not an obstacle. They both succeeded in penning books about China. That's why I wrote the story about China, even though I am indeed far removed from contemporary China. I once worried that I might get the facts incorrect, and all the experts on China would come after me. But they are forgiving of a foreigner's one-sided perspective."
And Jack Livings did exert his utmost effort. He would sit there writing with an idiom dictionary and two Chinese dictionaries. And he would write a Chinese sentence and then spend two hours researching whether that character would truly have expressed it in that manner.
1. Where does Jack Livings work at present
A. In China.
B. In America.
C. In England.
D. In Japan.
2. What is The Dog about
A. A book on dog training.
B. A TV show about dogs.
C. A book about a retired racing dog.
D. A film about Chinese food.
3. The underlined word "admire" means _______ in Chinese.
A. 羡慕
B. 嫉妒
C. 钦佩
D. 讨厌
4. Who has written books about China
(1) Jack Livings (2) Simons
(3) Evan Osnos (4) Peter Hessler
A. (1) (2) (3)
B. (1) (3) (4)
C. (2) (3) (4)
D. (1) (2) (4)
5. What is the most suitable title for the passage
A. A Trip to China
B. A Retired Racing Dog
C. An Interview with Jack Livings
D. Jack Livings and His Book on China
There is an orange cat featured in the Shrek movies. Its name is Puss. It always dons a hat, wields a sword, and sports a pair of boots. Moreover, it has a penchant for helping others. Do you have a desire to acquire more knowledge about this cat in boots Head over to watch the movie Puss in Boots.
Before Puss encounters Shrek, it arrives in a town. Puss has a childhood friend named Humpty. They share the same aspiration. They aim to discover Jack's magic beans. However, two malevolent individuals, Jack and Jill, have gained a head start. They have intentions of using the beans to dominate the world. They place the magic beans in a case. A wild pig keeps a vigilant watch over the beans day and night. Puss is compelled to obtain the beans in order to safeguard the town. His endeavors render him a courageous hero among the townsfolk.
The movie has gained significant popularity among kids in the US. Let's take a look at what they have to say.
"Humpty is extremely amusing. Jack and Jill are somewhat terrifying," remarks Ryan.
"This 3D movie is truly awesome! You simply must not miss it," declares Nicole, 11, from New York.
1. Which of the following images represents Puss
A. B.
C. D.
2. The dream of Puss and Humpty is ______.
A. to obtain the magic beans
B. to become close friends
C. to own a pair of boots
D. to meet Shrek
3. "Jack and Jill, already go a few steps ahead" implies that Jack and Jill ____.
A. utilize the beans to travel the world
B. give the magic beans to others
C. instruct a pig to harm Puss and Humpty
D. place the magic beans in a case
4. In the movie, Puss is ______.
A. funny
B. scary
C. shy
D. brave
5. What is Nicole's opinion of Puss in Boots
A. It is uninteresting.
B. It is not worth watching.
C. It is an excellent 3D movie.
D. It is not popular among children.
Long, long ago, there was a spider residing in a field. It had a fondness for the field and intended to remain there for the remainder of its life.
One day, the spider ensnared a bug. The spider grinned and said, "What is this harvest you speak of You are merely fabricating a tale for me." But the bug insisted, "Oh, no, it is the truth. The owner of this field is approaching to harvest shortly. If you persist in staying here, you will be exterminated by the machinery."
The spider retorted, "I do not believe you. I have resided here for an extended period, and the owner has never once appeared here." Subsequently, the spider consumed the bug for its lunch.
The following day dawned beautifully and sunny. Just as the spider was about to take a repose, it noticed some thick clouds advancing towards it. It could discern the sound of a massive machine, and it murmured to itself, "What could that be Was the bug correct " It endeavored to flee, but it was already too late.
1. The bug attempted to escape by ______.
A. struggling within the web
B. engaging in combat with the spider
C. seeking assistance from its friends
D. informing the spider of something significant
2. The spider did not trust the bug because ____.
A. the bug frequently told falsehoods
B. no such incident had occurred previously
C. it had received alternative information
D. it was familiar with the harvest schedule
3. What ultimately befell the bug
A. The spider released it.
B. The spider devoured it for a meal.
C. The farmer captured it.
D. It vanquished the spider.
4. In the end, the spider might ______.
A. perish in a storm
B. escape from the field
C. be eliminated by the machine
D. continue to dwell in the field for the rest of its life
5. What can we learn from this story
A. It is beneficial to follow others' advice.
B. We should safeguard small creatures.
C. Nothing is insurmountable in the world.
D. Diligence is of paramount importance.
Atttaha Group became publicly listed in New York in September 2014, and its founder, Jack Ma, emerged as the wealthiest individual in China.
"I have been anticipating this day for numerous years. I take pride in my accomplishments over the past 14 years of business," he stated. "From tomorrow onwards, my responsibility is to relish life. I will engage in activities that pique my interest, such as education and environmental protection."
Jack Ma's journey to success was not a smooth one. During his school years, he performed poorly in math examinations. For five years, he functioned as an English teacher. In 1995, he journeyed to the United States and acquired knowledge about the Internet. He was convinced that conducting business on the Internet held a promising future. Everyone regarded him as insane, yet he did not abandon his hope. Jack Ma established Alibaba in 1999 and Taobao in 2003 with the assistance of his friends. Presently, Alibaba is among the largest Internet companies globally.
Jack Ma consistently urges young people not to be daunted by difficulties. "Young individuals in China should be cognizant of one matter. Today is challenging, tomorrow is even more so, but the day after tomorrow is splendid," he asserted.
( )1. Jack Ma started his business career as an English teacher.
( )2. Jack Ma gave up his hope when everyone thought he was crazy.
( )3. Jack Ma set up Taobao earlier than Alibaba.
( )4. Jack Ma is interested in doing things like education and environmental protection now.
( )5. Alibaba is not one of the biggest Internet companies in the world.
Test 5
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. B
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. A
5. A
1. C
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
1. Middle school students.
2. He has developed an app named Health Helper.
3. Because it provides people with information on when and how to exercise every day.
4. An app that can calculate PM2.5.
5. He thought it was quite difficult but very engaging and he really enjoyed the process.
Test 6
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. D
1. B
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. B
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. A
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. D
Test 7
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. C
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. D
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. A
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. D
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
Test 8
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. C
1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. D
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. D
5. C
1. D
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. A
1. √
2. ×
3. ×
4. √
5. ×


