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2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What will the woman be responsible for
A. Cleaning the house. B. Taking care of a cat. C. Doing grocery shopping.
2. What did the woman do just now
A. She told a lie. B. She apologized to Tess. C. She argued with the man.
3. What does the woman think of Juno
A. She’s calm. B. She’s outgoing. C. She’s helpful.
4. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. A to-do list. B. Some notes. C. A notebook.
5. Where is the kite
A. In the tree. B. On the chair. C. On the wall.
6. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Friends. B. Co-workers. C. Family members.
7. What is the woman going to do next
A. Send a message. B. Buy a train ticket. C. Talk with her boss.
8. What do we know about the man’s camping trip
A. He forgot to bring a tent.
B. His car broke down halfway.
C. He caught a cold during the trip.
9. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At home. B. At a repair shop. C. In the office.
10 Who might the woman be
A. A secretary. B. A candidate. C. An interviewer.
11. What is advised by the woman for the team-building
A. Taking a ropes course.
B. Exploring a natural park.
C. Visiting a drama workshop.
12. When will the team-building event be arranged
A. On a Sunday next month.
B. On a Saturday this month.
C. On a Saturday next month.
13. What does the woman suggest doing at last
A. Setting up a committee.
B. Collecting employees’ opinions.
C. Organizing some icebreaker events.
14. What is the movie Purple Rain mainly about
A. The rise of a film company.
B. A guitarist’s road to success.
C. The mysterious death of an actor.
15. What did Prince do
A. A film director. B. An editor. C. A musician.
16. Why will the movie be adapted for a musical according to the producers
A. To celebrate the movie’s success.
B. To honor Prince and his achievements.
C. To attract people’s attention to original songs.
17. How does the man feel about the new musical
A. It’s promising. B. It’s puzzling. C. It’s old-fashioned.
18. How long did Roland Palmaerts paint continuously
A. 60 hours. B. 100 hours. C. 106 hours.
19. What did Chancellor Ahaghotu paint at the 60th hour
A. A plant. B. An animal. C. A machine.
20. What is a challenger not allowed to do during the longest painting marathon
A. Sleep for a while. B. Use the bathroom. C. Create an abstract painting.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
The World’s 4 Best Long-distance Hikes
Several new long-distance, multi-day hikes have been launched that promise visitors unique access to previously inaccessible areas, where natural landscapes and local cultures are found.
Juliana Trail
Slovenia introduced the Juliana Trail in an attempt to get visitors to stay there longer and visit more. The 270km route begins at the adventure center of Kranjska Gora, near the Italian border, before circling around the Julian Alps past turquoise rivers and glacier-carved lakes. The trail is divided into 16 stages, so you can choose a shorter adventure or tackle the entire trail.
Red Sea Mountain Trail
Mainland Egypt’s first long-distance hiking path, the Red Sea Mountain Trail links a series of ancient trade routes into a single 170km circuit that takes an average of 10 days to complete. Hikes brave enough to set off into this remote wilderness will skirt vast plain, dip into deep gorges and summit barren peaks to visit ruined Roman towns and prehistoric rock art.
Paparoa Track
The 5km Paparoa Track in New Zealand snakes into the rainforests of the South Island near the famous Pancake Rocks. The freshly carved trail typically takes three days on foot, or two days on a mountain bike. Along the way, you pass river gorges and hilltop lookouts with expansive views over the turquoise Tasman Sea.
Liechtenstein Trail
Liechtenstein celebrated its 300th birthday in 2019 by crafting a 75km walking path where citizens and visitors alike could explore three centuries of local history. The Liechtenstein Trail twists over peaks and pastures on a route that takes in 147 sites. The zigzagging north-south route takes about three days to complete.
1. Why did Slovenia launch the Juliana Trail
A. To show the beauty of the Italian border.
B. To attract tourists to visit Slovenia more.
C. To protect the environment of the Julian Alps.
D. To promote the development of local economy.
2. Which is the shortest trail
A. Juliana Trail. B. Paparoa Track.
C. Liechtenstein Trail. D. Red Sea Mountain Trail.
3. What is special about LiechtensteinTrail
A. It offers a window into local history.
B. Visitors have access to prehistoric rock art.
C. Hikers can ride a mountain bike on the trail.
D. It takes visitors through fascinating valleys.
Born in 1958 in Nanning, Guangxi, Dr. Huang Danian became interested in geophysics early. His parents, teaching at a local geological institution, passed the passion down to him. In 1978, Huang was admitted to Changchun Institute of Geology and later taught there. He once wrote that rejuvenating (使恢复活力) the Chinese nation was their generation’s responsibility.
In 1992, he went to Britain for further studies. There, he obtained his doctorate in geophysics and joined a local firm. During his time in the UK, Huang’s heart remained devoted to the motherland, frequently flying back to China to attend academic meetings or seminars related to his field. In 2008, he returned to China with great resolution. For him, no matter how successful he was abroad, the biggest satisfaction would be improving his home country.
Upon his return to China, he was entrusted to work at Jilin University as a professor and chief scientist in a branch of China’s biggest deep earth exploration program. Over 400 scientists participated in the program, which aimed to fix high-tech cameras on aircraft, ships, and satellites that would enable scientists to see through the earth’s crust (地壳) without digging into it.
For seven years, Huang worked racing against time. Many of his co-workers called him a workaholic while he thought he was more like a “lunatic (疯狂的人)”. “China is in urgent need of ‘lunatics’ if it is to become a stronger country. It would be an honor if I could be one of them,” he added. The lunatic’s madness paid off. He and his team helped China greatly narrow its gap with developed countries in obtaining precise data on deep earth exploration. They created a number of China’s No.1s, filling many technical gaps for China’s sky survey, ground detection, and sea exploration.
During his whole life, he sought no fame, and always kept the motherland in mind. As a scientist, he fulfilled his dream of rejuvenating the nation with exceptional achievements.
4. Why did Dr. Huang decide to return and work in China
A. To work at Jilin University.
B. To attend academic meetings.
C. To devote himself to researching.
D. To serve his motherland whole-heartedly.
5. What did the deep-earth exploration program focus on
A. Discovering new mineral resources.
B. Competing with developed countries.
C. Equipping various platforms with cameras.
D. Helping scientists explore beneath the earth’s crust.
6. What did Huang and his team achieve
A. They won many international awards.
B. They got accurate data on deep ocean.
C. They attained many firsts in relevant fields.
D. They helped China overtake developed countries.
7. Which of the following can best describe Dr. Huang
A. Committed and patriotic. B. Enterprising and crazy.
C. Sensitive and rigid. D. Single-minded and unreliable.
Cyber-attacks may sound like something that happens only in Hollywood movies. You picture a team of talented hackers gathered around computer monitors trying to break into a secure bank or some important severs. In reality, cyber-attacks are much less exciting but no less dangerous.
Cyber-attacks can happen to anybody. It doesn’t matter who you are; cyber criminals can target you. While many often think hacking victims were clueless abut digital security best practices, this isn’t always the case. True, there are plenty of apparent scams (骗局) that can be easily identified, but there are many attacks that can fool even the skillful computer-users.
Criminals create fake websites and email addresses. You may think you are clicking a link to Dropbox, only to download malware (恶意软件) onto your computer, and may never know when you have visited the wrong site and downloaded an infected file. So, it’s up to you to be vigilant and protect yourself.
So you need to learn to recognize the signs of cyber-attacks. First, recognize suspicious activity on your accounts or devices. While some things may be obvious, such as account password changes, others aren’t so easy to spot. And then, you might receive a file from a trusted sender whose mail has been leaked. Sometimes, the data are even real, but the hacker may have inserted a few lines of code that can also infect your computer. You should take the time to check your “Task Manager” to get a sense of what programs are running. Check anything suspicious that’s running in the background. That’s often the sign of malware. Other things to watch out for include: random device or internet slowdown; the software you don’t recognize; inability to access your account or unscheduled shutdowns and restarts.
As with everything, prevention is the best medicine. So, instead of waiting for cyber-attacks to hit you, recognize the signs to protect yourself.
8. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs
A. Cyber-attacks are not really dangerous.
B. Anyone can be subject to cyber-attacks.
C. People don’t realize the risk of cyber-attacks.
D. Cyber-attacks in Hollywood movies are exciting.
9. What does the underlined word “vigilant” in paragraph 3 mean
A. Dismissive. B. Upset. C. Cautious. D. Concerned.
10. How do you find you might be attacked by cyber criminals
A. A trusted friend sent you a file.
B. Your internet slows down strangely.
C. You can access your account with ease.
D. Your account password functions normally.
11. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing the text
A. To clarify the definition of cyber-attacks.
B To analyze different types of cyber-attacks.
C. To introduce how to identify cyber-attacks.
D. To entertain readers with cyber-attacks in movies.
China is currently constructing the world’s first commercial underwater data center, which marks a groundbreaking initiative. This project aims to revolutionize the industry by controlling the power of the ocean depths, resulting in significant energy and land savings. With the potential to match the computational abilities of approximately 6 million conventional personal computers, this underwater data center is ready to be a game-changer.
The data center modules of China’s underwater facility are being installed on the seafloor at depths of around 35 meters. Designed to withstand harsh underwater conditions, these modules are expected to operate sustainably for up to 25 years. Each waterproof storage module weighs an impressive 1,300 tons and can process over 4 million high-definition images every 30 seconds.
One of the most significant advantages of the underwater data center is the ability to use the natural cooling qualities of seawater. By adopting this innovative approach, the data center is estimated to save a remarkable 122 million kilowatt-hours of electricity annually. This achievement in energy efficiency emphasizes China’s commitment to sustainability and educing environmental impact.
With the initial arrangement of one storage module in April, 2023 and the recent addition of a second module, the project is well underway. The grand plan aims to have a total of 100 modules fully operational by 2025, marking a significant milestone in sustainable data center development.
By choosing an underwater data center, China is actively addressing the challenges of land conservation. Traditional data centers often occupy vast amounts of land. In contrast, this underwater marvel takes up minimal dry space, preserving land for other essential purposes. Additionally, the use of natural sate cooling reduces the stress on traditional energy sources, leading to a significant reduction in carbon emissions. This environmentally conscious approach corresponds with global sustainability goals ad sets an example for the industry to follow.
12. Why is China building the underwater data center
A. To reshape the data center industry.
B. To make full use of energy and land.
C. To control the power of the ocean depths.
D. To improve computers’ computational ability.
13. What can be learnt about the underwater data center’s modules
A. They are light and easy to reposition.
B. They will be replaced every few years.
C. They occupy vast amounts of land and ocean.
D. They can sustain operation for long periods.
14. What is one impact of using an underwater data center
A. Preventing ocean pollution. B. Worsening the environment.
C. Conserving land for other uses. D. Increasing energy consumption.
15. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage
A. National Seawater Cooling System
B. China’s Initiative to Conserve Land
C. Land-Based Energy-Efficient Data Centers
D. China’s Commercial Underwater Data Center
The power of positive thinking
Is your glass of milk half-full or half-empty ____16____ Do they focus on the positives (a half-full glass) or the negatives (a half-empty one) Thinking positively, with a belief that most things will turn out well, is called optimism — and it’s known to boost your well-being. The good news is that everybody can learn to think more positively.
Research shows that people who are optimistic and think positively tend to experience less stress and cope well when faced with life’s challenges. People who are more pessimistic (expect that the worst will happen) may find it hard to believe that these challenges will pass.
Worrying is like a fire alarm.
Everybody can worry from time to time. Worrying can help to keep you safe — if you were never worried and were overly positive about how things would turn out, you wouldn’t recognize risks. “____18____ It’s like a fire alarm,” says child psychotherapist Rachel Melville-Thomas. “The trouble is that sometimes it goes off when there isn’t a huge danger to face.” When this happens, you can feel anxious and hopeless about what lies ahead.
Learn to think positively.
Optimism is shaped by your genes which carry characteristics inherited from your parents and by what happens to you. ____19____ Research has shown that it can help to draw or write an outcome that’s positive-for example, an image of you playing guitar, having passed your next grade. ____20____
A. Your genes will in turn help obtain it.
B. This question makes you lost in thought.
C. Why is thinking positively good for you
D. Imagining this can motivate you to work to achieve it.
E. Worrying is our brain warning us of something threatening.
F. However, whatever your starting point is, everyone can learn it.
G. This saying is often used to test people’s outlook in a situation.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
I’m pretty good at sticking with things even when they get hard. Bad relationships, unpleasant workplaces, ____21____ sports — I’ve hung on in there for months and even years longer than I should have, convinced the situation would ____22____ if I refused to give up.
After all, isn’t every success story covering ____23____ Didn’t Ernest Hemingway shrink from writing during the First World War, and didn’t Oprah get fired from her first TV job Quitting is a sign that you lack ____24____ and strong will, or at least I was raised to believe.
____25____, if I look back on all the things I eventually quit, my only regret is that I didn’t do it sooner. I’ve wasted too much time and energy, anticipating that I could ____26____ everyone if I just kept going.
People are more likely to ____27____ something if they’ve invested a lot of money or effort into it, even when it’s clear that they should ____28____ their losses and jump ship. This practice is normal and understandable but it’s also ____29____.
If you don’t get energy out of doing something, it can be a(n) ____30____ that this is not for you or that there’s something better you could be doing. Or it could be a sign that you should ____31____ your goals. In fact, dogged perseverance in the face of energy-consuming disappointment can ____32____ depression, and then make you suffer from diseases in the long run.
But the good news is that people can learn to pay better attention to these moments when they’re happening and make ____33____. The art of quitting isn’t about just letting go whenever there’s a ____34____. It’s about being able to ____35____ when there’s no access to success anymore.
21. A. appealing B. demanding C. conventional D. leisure
22. A. worsen B. occur C. improve D. develop
23. A. depression B. determination C. passion D. inspiration
24. A. patience B. support C. money D. skill
25. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. Otherwise D. However
26. A. amaze B. bother C. amuse D. annoy
27. A. benefit from B. back down C. stick to D. pass up
28. A. evaluate B. balance C. analyse D. cut
29. A. irrelevant B. illegal C. unwise D. uncomplicated
30. A. indication B. clue C. occasion D. recognition
31. A. achieve B. adjust C. maintain D. set
32. A. set off B. hold back C. set out D. take up
33. A. researches B. choices C. changes D. resolutions
34. A. shortcut B. barrier C. guarantee D. advance
35. A. abandon B. challenge C. attempt D. continue
May 19, Dalian, China — The ISF Football World Cup 2024 kicked ____36____ in Dalian, Liaoning province, on Saturday. It is the first time the reputable international high school soccer event ____37____ (hold) in China.
The tournament, ____38____ (comprise) of 55 teams from 33 countries and regions, more than 1,300 high school student-athletes, promises to be a celebration of soccer and youth. Organized by the International School Sport Federation, the ISF Football World Cup is generally recognized as an ____39____ (ambition) global high school soccer competition.
Laurent Petrynka, the president of ISF, emphasizes that ____40____ sports competition is at the core of their mission, the event still calls on young football enthusiasts worldwide to join hands and move forward, ____41____ (reflect) the spirit of youth, unity, and friendship. In Dalian, Liaoning province, apart from the intense matches, the ____42____ (participate) have engaged in various activities aiming to promote mutual understanding ____43____ cultural exchange.
Dalian, ____44____ port city on the southern tip of the Liaodong Peninsula, is a city famous for its rich soccer tradition and deep-rooted soccer culture. Possessing a strong sporting tradition, Dalian _____45_____ (enhance) a dynamic soccer culture with a solid foundation on school campuses and promotes the high-quality development of youth soccer in Liaoning.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
46. 在数字化阅读已经很发达的今天,关于“选择纸质书还是电子书”的讨论一直存在;假如你是李华,你校将举办英语演讲比赛,请就此话题写一篇发言稿,内容包括:
1. 你的观点;
2. 你的理由。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
E-books or Printed books
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Jessica and the Necklace
Jessica and her little sister Anna slipped into their Mum’s room. “I’m just going to try on me jewelry,” said Jessica. She took a necklace and tried to put it on her neck. “Oh, no,” said Anna. “Mum doesn’t like us playing with her stuff.” “OK, you are the lookout,” instructed Jessica. “Stand by the door and let me know if Mum comes up the stairs.”
Before Anna reached the door, Rocky, the family’s dog, charged into the room and almost knocked Jessica down. The necklace went flying. It had barely hit the floor when Rocky bit it and raced off.
“Rocky! Rocky!” yelled Jessica. “Anna, help me get the necklace back.” The girls chased Rocky. “Stop!” they yelled. Rocky dashed down the stairs and into the living room. He stopped just long enough for the girls to get close, and then took off again. “Stop!” yelled Jessica. “Anna, you go the other way. We’ll comer him in the dining room.”
Jessica met Anna in the dining room. Sure enough Rocky was there waiting for them. He was down low on his front legs with his tail in the air, ready to play. “Grab him!” screamed Jessica.
Jut as Anna was about to grab him, Rocky took off again. “Stop, you are a troublemaker!” yelled Jessica as she raced after him. The girls got close again, but Rocky zoomed down the basement (地下室) stairs. The girls raced after him. “I don’t see him.” said Anna. Jessica scratched her head, “He’s got to be down here.”
Just then, Mum called to the girls. “Jessica, what’s all the noise What’s wrong I heard you from the yard.” “Uh, oh,” whispered Jessica. “Uh… nothing is wrong,” she shouted back. Anna dashed upstairs. Jessica heard her telling Mum everything. “That is a blabber mouth (多嘴的人).” Jessica muttered under her breath.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
“Jessica!” said Mum. “Up here right now.”
Jessica went into the basement with the snacks, Mum and Anna following.
高二英语 答案
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5 CAACA 6~10 BABCC 11~15ACABC 16~20 BAACC
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
【答案】1. B 2. B 3. A
【答案】4. D 5. D 6. C 7. A
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. B 11. C
【答案】12. A 13. D 14. C 15. D
【答案】16. G 17. C 18. E 19. F 20. D
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. A 25. D 26. A 27. C 28. D 29. C 30. A 31. B 32. A 33. C 34. B 35. A
【答案】36. off
37. has been held
39. ambitious
40. while##though##although
41. reflecting
42. participants
43. and 44. a
45. enhances
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
【答案】Possible version one:
E-books or Printed books
Nowadays, e-books have been gaining ever-increasing popularity with its portability and easy accessibility. However, I still have an undeniably strong preference for reading printed books.
Firstly reading physical books facilitates comprehension. Without distractions popping up, readers are more likely to be absorbed in the reading, which lays the foundation for a sound grasp of knowledge. Additionally, it is really an engaging experience to leaf through the pages and even highlight your favorite lines.
To sum up, under no circumstances will physical books be replaced by e-books. Why not pick a book and immerse yourself in the awesome experience!
Possible version two:
E-books or Printed books
The debate about printed books or e-books has been an age-old one. As for me, I stand up for the latter. On top of edges like portability, easy updates and customized services, two other advantages shine through.
First and foremost, e-books totally eliminate the paper publishing and shipping processes, which means more trees saved from being chopped down and less emissions released into air. Thus, e-books are better for the environment on the whole. Furthermore, e-books provide readers with multimedia elements, such as audio or video options, especially friendly to users with learning disability or visual impairment.
In conclusion, e-books offer numerous advantages over printed versions, making them an ideal alternative for readers.
“Jessica!” said Mum. “Up here right now.” Hurrying upstairs, Jessica could feel her blood rushing to her face. While she was struggling to find an excuse, Mum’s voice broke in. “Where is he now ” asked Mum, with arms crossed. Not daring to look into Mum’s eyes, Jessica just pointed to the basement as a reply. The three remained silent, wondering how to get the necklace back. Suddenly, an idea flashed across Jessica’s mind. She went straight to the kitchen counter and took some snacks. “I know what to do. Just come with me.” she smiled.
Jessica went into the basement with the snacks, Mum and Anna following. “Rocky,” called Jessica, “I’ve got a treat for you.” In no time, Rocky appeared at Jessica’s feet, with his tail swinging up and down. Just at that moment, Jessica grabbed his collar and pulled the necklace from his mouth. Handing the necklace to Mum, Jessica apologized, “Sorry, Mum. I shouldn’t have touched your stuff. I’m the troublemaker.” Jessica hung her head, overwhelmed with guilt, while Rocky was pushing Mom softly to pet him. “As long as you admit your fault,” said Mum gently, patting her girls and the little “troublemaker”.


