2025届高考英语一轮复习 核心词汇复习Day seven~eight 导学案(含解析)

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2025届高考英语一轮复习 核心词汇复习Day seven~eight 导学案(含解析)


2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 8
1. bargain ['bɑ g n]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 协议,交易,便宜货
They finally reached a bargain after hours of negotiation. (经过数小时的谈判,他们终于达成了协议。)
I got a real bargain on this dress - it was 50% off! (这件衣服我真是捡到便宜了,打了五折!)
(4)同义词: deal, agreement, pact
(5)反义词: rip-off (敲竹杠)
strike a bargain (达成协议)
drive a hard bargain (拼命压价)
a good bargain (便宜货)
bargaining chip (谈判筹码): He used the information as a bargaining chip in the negotiations.
bargain for/on something (预料到, 指望): We hadn't bargained on such a long wait.
bargain basement (廉价商品部): I found a great winter coat in the bargain basement.
(8)易错点拨: bargain 指的是双方都同意的协议,而并非单方面的低价。
bargain, deal: 都可以表示“交易”,但 bargain 更强调物超所值,而 deal 则更为中性。
bargain, sale: bargain 指的是一件商品的价格很便宜,而 sale 指的是商店的降价促销活动。
The customer haggled with the vendor to get a better bargain. (顾客与摊贩讨价还价,想买到更便宜的东西。)
He made a bargain with the devil to gain wealth and power. (他与魔鬼做交易,以获得财富和权力。)
2. base [be s]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun), 动词 (verb)
(名词) 底部,基础,基地,根据
(动词) 以...为基础
The statue has a wide base. (这座雕像的底座很宽。)
The company has its base in New York. (这家公司的总部设在纽约。)
The movie is based on a true story. (这部电影是根据真实故事改编的。)
(4)同义词: foundation, bottom, basis, headquarters
(5)反义词: top, summit
at the base of (在...的底部)
military base (军事基地)
data base (数据库)
base on (以...为基础)
base camp (大本营): The climbers set up their base camp at the foot of the mountain.
off base (不正确的): Your assumptions about the situation are way off base.
base 作名词时,发音为 /be s/,重音在第一个音节。
base 作动词时,发音为 /be z/,重音在第二个音节。
(9)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:base, basis: base 指的是具体的底部或基础,而 basis 则指抽象的基础或根据。
A strong foundation is essential for any successful endeavor, much like a sturdy base is crucial for a tall building. (坚实的基础对于任何成功的事业都是至关重要的,就像坚固的底座对于高层建筑至关重要一样。)
3. basement ['be sm nt]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 地下室
We store our old furniture in the basement. (我们把旧家具存放在地下室。)
They finished their basement and turned it into a family room. (他们装修了地下室,把它变成了家庭活动室。)
(4)同义词: cellar
in the basement (在地下室)
basement apartment (地下室公寓)
basement floor (地下室楼层)
from the basement to the penthouse (从底层到顶层):His music appealed to everyone, from the basement to the penthouse.
basement band (在地下室排练的乐队): The basement band practiced every weekend, hoping to one day make it big.
(7)易错点拨: basement 通常指整个房屋的地下室,而 cellar 通常指用于储藏物品的地下室。
(8)帮助串记的例句:The children were afraid to go into the dark and dusty basement. (孩子们不敢进入黑暗、满是灰尘的地下室。)
4. basic ['be s k]
(1)词性: 形容词 (adjective)
(2)中文释义: 基本的,基础的,简单的
He only has a basic understanding of the subject. (他对这个科目只有一点基本的了解。)
The recipe is very basic and easy to follow. (这个食谱非常简单易懂。)
(4)同义词: fundamental, elementary, simple
(5)反义词: advanced, complex, complicated
basic skills (基本技能)
basic information (基本信息)
basic needs (基本需求)
back to basics (回归基础): Sometimes, the best solution is to go back to basics.
basic training (基础训练): All new recruits have to go through six weeks of basic training.
(8)易错点拨: basic 形容词,通常放在所修饰的名词前面。
(9)帮助串记的例句:We need to address the basic needs of the poor and the hungry. (我们需要解决穷人和饥饿者的基本需求。)
5. basin ['be sn]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 盆,脸盆,盆地
I filled the basin with warm water and washed my face. (我在盆里装满温水,洗了把脸。)
The Amazon basin is home to the world's largest rainforest. (亚马逊盆地是世界上最大的热带雨林的所在地。)
(4)同义词: bowl, sink (洗涤槽) , valley
washbasin (洗脸盆)
catchment basin (集水盆地)
river basin (河流流域)
ocean basin (海洋盆地): The Pacific Ocean basin is the largest and deepest of the Earth's oceanic basins.
basin 作“脸盆”讲时,通常指比较大的,可以用来洗脸、洗衣服的盆。
basin 作“盆地”讲时,指的是四周地势较高,中间低洼的地理形态。
(9)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:basin, bowl: basin 通常指比 bowl 更大、更深的容器。
(10)帮助串记的例句:The water in the basin was crystal clear, reflecting the blue sky above. (盆里的水清澈见底,倒映着蔚蓝的天空。)
6. basket ['bɑ sk t]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 篮,篓
She put her shopping in the basket. (她把购物的东西放进了篮子里。)
The children were playing with a ball and a basket. (孩子们在玩球和篮子。)
picnic basket (野餐篮)
laundry basket (洗衣篮)
wastebasket (废纸篓)
a basket case (精神崩溃的人; 无法独立的事物) : After the accident, he was a complete basket case.
full of holes (漏洞百出): His alibi was full of holes.
(6)易错点拨: basket 通常指由藤条、柳条等编织而成的容器。
(7)帮助串记的例句:She filled the basket with fresh fruit from the garden. (她从花园里摘来新鲜水果,装满了篮子。)
7. bath [bɑ θ, b θ]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 浴,洗澡
I take a bath every evening before bed. (我每天晚上睡觉前都洗个澡。)
He gave the dog a bath in the backyard. (他在后院给狗洗了个澡。)
take a bath (洗澡)
have a bath (洗澡)
run a bath (放洗澡水)
bubble bath (泡泡浴)
(5)拓展词组:bathtub (浴缸)
(6)易错点拨:bath 作名词时,可以指“洗澡”这个动作,也可以指“浴缸”。
(7)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:bath, bathe: bath 多指在浴缸里洗澡,而 bathe 可以指在浴缸、河里、海里等地方洗澡。
(8)帮助串记的例句:After a long day at work, a hot bath is the perfect way to relax. (在辛苦工作了一天后,洗个热水澡是放松身心的最佳方式。)
8. bathe [be ]
(1)词性: 动词 (verb)
(2)中文释义: 洗澡,浸
He bathed in the warm sunlight. (他在温暖的阳光下沐浴。)
She bathed the wound with disinfectant. (她用消毒剂清洗伤口。)
bathe in (沉浸在)
sunbathe (日光浴)
(5)易错点拨: bathe 既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词。
(6)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:bathe, bath: 见 bath 的辨析。
(7)帮助串记的例句:We spent the afternoon bathing in the cool, refreshing water of the lake. (我们整个下午都在清凉爽口的湖水中游泳。)
9. battle ['b tl]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun), 动词 (verb)
(名词) 战役
(动词) 战斗,斗争
He fought bravely in the battle. (他在战斗中英勇作战。)
The two armies met in a fierce battle. (两军展开激战。)
She's battling cancer with courage and determination. (她以勇气和决心与癌症作斗争。)
(4)同义词: fight, combat, struggle
(5)反义词: peace, truce
a fierce battle (激烈的战斗)
win/lose a battle (赢得/输掉战斗)
fight a losing battle (打一场必败的仗)
(7)拓展词组:battlefield (战场): The battlefield was littered with the bodies of fallen soldiers.
(8)易错点拨: battle 既可以指实际的战争,也可以指比喻义的斗争。
(9)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:battle, war: battle 指的是战争中的单个战斗,而 war 则指的是整个战争。
(10)帮助串记的例句:The battle for civil rights was long and difficult, but ultimately successful. (争取公民权利的斗争漫长而艰难,但最终取得了胜利。)
10. bay [be ]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 湾,海湾
We sailed into the sheltered bay. (我们驶入了避风的港湾。)
The city is located on a beautiful bay. (这座城市坐落在一个美丽的海湾。)
Hudson Bay (哈德逊湾)
San Francisco Bay (旧金山湾)
bay window (飘窗)
(6)拓展词组:keep/hold at bay (阻止...靠近): She managed to keep her fear at bay long enough to finish her presentation.
(7)易错点拨: bay 通常比 gulf 小。
(8)与其他近似单词的中文意思的辨析:bay, gulf: bay 指的是比 gulf 小的海湾。gulf 指的是比 bay 大的海湾。
(9)帮助串记的例句:We stood on the clifftop, gazing out at the breathtaking view of the bay below. (我们站在悬崖顶上,俯瞰着下面海湾的壮丽景色。)
11. beach [bi t ]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 海滩,沙滩
We spent the day swimming and sunbathing on the beach. (我们整天在沙滩上游泳和晒日光浴。)
The children were building sandcastles on the beach. (孩子们在沙滩上堆沙堡。)
sandy beach (沙滩)
pebble beach (鹅卵石滩)
go to the beach (去海边)
(5)拓展词组:beachfront (海滨): We stayed at a beautiful hotel right on the beachfront.
(6)易错点拨: beach 通常指覆盖着沙子或砾石的海滨地带。
beach, coast, shore:
beach 特指覆盖着沙子或砾石的海滨地带。
coast 指的是陆地与海洋的交界处,可以是沙滩、悬崖等多种地形。
shore 指的是水边的陆地,可以是海边、湖边、河边等。
(8)帮助串记的例句:The waves crashed gently on the shore, creating a soothing rhythm. (海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸,形成了一种舒缓的节奏。)
12. beast [bi st]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 野兽
A fierce beast emerged from the forest. (一只凶猛的野兽从森林里钻了出来。)
The lion is the king of beasts. (狮子是万兽之王。)
(4)同义词: animal, creature, monster
wild beast (野生动物)
beast of burden (驮兽)
(6)拓展词组:beastly (糟糕的, 令人不快的): What beastly weather!
(7)易错点拨: beast 通常指体型较大、性情凶猛的动物。
(8)帮助串记的例句:In the depths of the jungle, mythical beasts roamed freely. (在丛林深处,神话中的野兽自由游荡。)
13. beat [bi t]
(1)词性: 动词 (verb), 名词 (noun)
(动词) 打败,敲打,搅拌
(名词) 节拍
Our team beat theirs by a score of 3 to 1. (我们队以3比1的比分击败了他们队。)
The rain was beating against the window. (雨点敲打着窗户。)
She beat the eggs until they were light and fluffy. (她把鸡蛋打发到颜色变浅、蓬松为止。)
I could hear the beat of my own heart. (我能听到自己的心跳。)
(4)同义词: defeat, hit, strike, rhythm
(5)反义词: lose
beat someone at a game (在比赛中打败某人)
beat a drum (敲鼓)
(7)拓展词组:beat around the bush (拐弯抹角): Stop beating around the bush and tell me what you really think.
(8)易错点拨: beat 的过去式和过去分词都是 beat。
beat, win:
beat 强调战胜对手,而 win 则强调取得胜利。
beat 后面可以直接跟人或队伍,而 win 后面通常要接比赛、奖品等。
(10)帮助串记的例句:The boxer beat his opponent to a pulp. (拳击手把对手打得鼻青脸肿。)
14. beauty ['bju ti]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 美丽,美人
The beauty of the sunset was breathtaking. (日落的美丽令人叹为观止。)
She is a woman of great beauty and charm. (她是一位美丽迷人的女性。)
(4)同义词: attractiveness, prettiness, handsomeness, loveliness
(5)反义词: ugliness
natural beauty (自然美)
beauty queen (选美皇后)
beauty salon (美容院)
(7)拓展词组:beauty is only skin deep (美貌是肤浅的): Remember, beauty is only skin deep - it's what's inside that counts.
(8)易错点拨: beauty 是不可数名词,表示抽象的“美丽”。
beauty, beautiful:
beauty 是名词,而 beautiful 是形容词。
(10)帮助串记的例句:True beauty lies not in physical appearance, but in the kindness of one's heart. (真正的美丽不在于外表,而在于内心的善良。)
15. bedclothes ['bedkl z]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: (pl.) 被褥
(3)例句:She changed the bedclothes and put on fresh sheets. (她换了床单,铺上了干净的床单。)
(4)同义词: bedding, linens
change the bedclothes (换床单)
air the bedclothes (晾晒被褥)
(6)易错点拨:bedclothes 是复数名词,永远用复数形式。
(7)帮助串记的例句:As I slipped between the warm bedclothes, I could feel all the stress of the day melt away. (当我钻进温暖的被褥里时,我能感觉到一天的压力都消失了。)
16. beer [b ]
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 啤酒
He ordered a beer with his meal. (他点餐时要了一杯啤酒。)
They went to the pub for a few beers after work. (他们下班后去酒吧喝了几杯啤酒。)
a pint of beer (一品脱啤酒)
draft beer (扎啤)
bottled beer (瓶装啤酒)
(5)拓展词组:beer belly (啤酒肚): He had developed a bit of a beer belly after years of enjoying a few pints every night.
(6)易错点拨: beer 是不可数名词,表示“啤酒”这种饮料。
(7)帮助串记的例句:On a hot summer day, there's nothing quite like a cold, refreshing beer. (在炎热的夏天,没有什么比一杯冰镇啤酒更爽口了。)
17. beg [beg]
(1)词性: 动词 (verb)
(2)中文释义: 乞求,恳求
The children begged their parents to let them stay up late. (孩子们恳求父母让他们晚点睡觉。)
He begged for forgiveness. (他请求原谅。)
beg for something (乞求某物)
beg someone to do something (恳求某人做某事)
I beg your pardon. (对不起,请再说一遍; 我不同意你的说法)
beggar (乞丐): The beggar held out his hand, asking for spare change.
(6)易错点拨:beg 后面可以跟动词不定式,表示恳求某人做某事。
(7)帮助串记的例句:The lost puppy looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to take him home. (那只迷路的小狗用恳求的眼神看着我,求我带他回家。)
Passage 1
The quaint seaside town of Bayview had long been a haven for artists and poets, drawn to its breathtaking bay and rugged coastline. The salty tang of the ocean breeze mixed with the scent of pine needles from the forest that formed the town's natural base, creating an intoxicating aroma that awakened creativity.
Emma, a struggling artist, had rented a small basement apartment overlooking the beach, hoping the town's magic would help her overcome a stubborn bout of artistic block. Her tiny living space, though humble, held a charm of its own. The whitewashed walls provided the perfect backdrop for her colorful canvases, and the single, north-facing window bathed the room in a soft, ethereal light, perfect for capturing the nuances of color and shadow.
One sunny afternoon, Emma wandered along the beach, the sand hot beneath her feet. A group of children played volleyball, their joyful shouts echoing across the bay. She envied their carefree spirit, a stark contrast to the turmoil within her. Her recent works, she felt, lacked the depth and emotion that had previously defined her art. They seemed flat, lifeless, devoid of the beauty that she so desperately wanted to convey.
Reaching a secluded cove, she noticed an old fisherman mending his nets. He looked up and greeted her with a warm smile. Intrigued, she sat down beside him, drawn to the weathered lines on his face, a testament to a life lived battling the elements and reaping the ocean's bounty. They talked for hours, not about art or beauty, but about the sea, its moods, its creatures, and its unforgiving nature.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of colors, Emma rose to leave. "Thank you," she whispered, a sudden understanding dawning on her. She hadn't found the answer to her artistic struggles in her paints or her brushes, but in the simple act of observation, in truly seeing the world around her and listening to the stories it had to tell.
Hurrying back to her basement apartment, she dug out her old, paint-splattered basket filled with brushes and tubes of color. The answer, she realized, wasn't in finding the perfect shade of blue for the sky or the ideal stroke to depict the crashing waves. It lay in the heart of the stories, the emotions, and the raw beauty that surrounded her, waiting to be discovered.
1.What initially attracted artists and poets to Bayview
a) The cheap rent in basement apartments.
b) The vibrant social scene and nightlife.
c) The beautiful bay and rugged coastline.
d) The abundance of art supplies available.
2.What was the main source of Emma's frustration
a) She couldn't find enough time to paint.
b) She was unhappy with the quality of her recent work.
c) Her basement apartment was too small and dark.
d) She couldn't afford to buy the art supplies she needed.
3.What best describes the fisherman Emma encountered on the beach
a) Rude and dismissive of Emma's presence.
b) World-weary and cynical about life.
c) Wise and connected to the sea.
d) Young and full of energy.
4.What was the "sudden understanding" that dawned on Emma
a) That she should give up painting and become a writer.
b) That she needed to move to a bigger city for inspiration.
c) That true artistic inspiration comes from experiencing and observing life.
d) That the old fisherman was secretly a famous artist.
5.What can we infer about Emma's future as an artist
a) She will continue to struggle and eventually give up.
b) She will find renewed purpose and inspiration in her art.
c) She will become a famous painter specializing in seascapes.
d) She will abandon her art and become a fisherman's apprentice.
Passage 2
The bustling marketplace buzzed with activity, a cacophony of sights, smells, and sounds. Vendors hawked their wares, their voices hoarse from calling out bargains to attract customers. Vibrantly colored fabrics cascaded from stalls, tempting passersby with intricate designs. The aroma of spices hung heavy in the air, a heady mix of cinnamon, cumin, and cardamom that tickled the senses.
A young boy, no more than ten years old, navigated the crowded aisles, his small frame weaving through the throng of people. He clutched a basket filled with fresh vegetables, his mother's instructions echoing in his ears: "Get the best deal, Alfie, every penny counts."
He approached a stall piled high with plump tomatoes, their red skins gleaming in the afternoon sun. The vendor, a stout woman with a booming laugh, quoted him a price, her words barely audible above the din.
"That's too much," Alfie countered, mustering the bravado of a seasoned haggler. He pointed to a small blemish on one of the tomatoes, barely noticeable. "These are not the best quality."
The vendor raised an eyebrow, a playful smile spreading across her face. This was a game they both knew how to play. The barter began, a lively back and forth of witty comments and dramatic sighs, each trying to outdo the other. Finally, after much banter, they struck a deal, both parties satisfied with the outcome.
As Alfie walked away, his basket a little lighter and his coin purse a little heavier, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. He had learned well from his mother, mastering the delicate art of the bargain. It wasn't just about saving money; it was about respect, wit, and understanding the true value of things.
Suddenly, he bumped into a beggar, his tattered clothes and pleading eyes a stark contrast to the abundance of the marketplace. Shame washed over Alfie. He reached into his basket, carefully selecting the largest, juiciest tomato, and pressed it into the beggar's outstretched hand.
"God bless you, son," the beggar whispered, his voice thick with emotion. Alfie continued on his way, a newfound wisdom settling in his heart. He understood that true generosity wasn't measured in coins or bargains but in acts of kindness, freely given.
1.What is the overall atmosphere of the marketplace described in the passage
a) Quiet and peaceful.
b) Chaotic and overwhelming.
c) Lively and energetic.
d) Dangerous and intimidating.
2.Why does Alfie bargain with the vendor for the tomatoes
a) He enjoys arguing with adults.
b) He is trying to impress the other shoppers.
c) He wants to practice his negotiation skills.
d) He needs to get the best price he can for his mother.
3.What can be inferred about the relationship between Alfie and the vendor
a) They are enemies who dislike each other.
b) They are strangers engaging in a common market practice.
c) They are family members with a history of disagreements.
d) They are old friends who enjoy teasing each other.
4.How does Alfie demonstrate a "newfound wisdom" at the end of the passage
a) By counting the money he saved on the tomatoes.
b) By bragging to his friends about his bargaining skills.
c) By giving a tomato to the beggar out of genuine compassion.
d) By resolving to never bargain for goods ever again.
5.What is the central theme or message of the passage
a) The importance of getting the best price on every purchase.
b) The excitement and chaos of a busy market.
c) The value of kindness and generosity outweighs material gain.
d) The dangers of trusting strangers in a crowded marketplace.
Passage 3
The ancient city of Petra, carved directly into the sheer rock face of a Jordanian canyon, had always held a mythical allure. Legends spoke of lost treasures hidden within its dusty tombs and whispered tales of forgotten empires. For centuries, it remained a well-kept secret, visited only by Bedouin nomads who traversed the unforgiving desert, their camels laden with goods and spices.
Dr. Eleanor Vance, a renowned archaeologist known for her meticulous research and adventurous spirit, had dedicated her life to uncovering the secrets of ancient civilizations. Petra, with its enigmatic beauty and historical significance, had become her life's obsession. Armed with her trusty compass, worn leather-bound journal, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, she embarked on an expedition to unlock the mysteries entombed within the sandstone cliffs.
Her team, a motley crew of seasoned excavators and enthusiastic students, had set up their base camp at the mouth of the Siq, a narrow gorge that served as the gateway to the hidden city. The air buzzed with anticipation as they carefully brushed away centuries of sand and debris, each artifact unearthed a testament to a glorious past.
Weeks bled into months, their days spent meticulously documenting each discovery: intricate mosaics depicting scenes of daily life, pottery shards bearing remnants of ancient scripts, and even the skeletal remains of those who had once called this magical place home.
One scorching afternoon, while exploring a particularly remote section of the ruins, Dr. Vance stumbled upon a curious anomaly. A single, weathered basin, half-buried in the sand, seemed oddly out of place amidst the grandeur of the surrounding tombs. Brushing away the dust, she felt a surge of excitement course through her veins. Carved on its base was an inscription in a language she had only glimpsed in ancient texts – the language of the lost Nabataean kingdom.
This discovery, she knew, was more than just another artifact. It was a key, a Rosetta Stone that could potentially unlock a deeper understanding of the Nabataean culture and their ingenious mastery of water engineering, which had allowed them to thrive in the arid desert. As the sun began its slow descent, casting long shadows across the sandstone cliffs, Dr. Vance knew her work in Petra was far from over. This was just the beginning.
1.What is the main reason Dr. Vance chose to study Petra
a) To discover hidden treasures and become wealthy.
b) To write a travelogue about her adventures for a magazine.
c) To learn more about the lost Nabataean civilization and their culture.
d) To prove her colleagues wrong about the existence of Petra.
2.What can be inferred about Dr. Vance's personality based on the passage
a) She is reckless and impulsive in her archaeological pursuits.
b) She is meticulous, dedicated, and passionate about history.
c) She is greedy and motivated by personal gain.
d) She is easily discouraged and gives up easily.
3.What does the discovery of the basin with the inscription represent for Dr. Vance
a) A financial reward for her hard work.
b) A chance to become famous in her field.
c) A significant breakthrough in understanding Nabataean history.
d) A reason to abandon her research and return home.
4.What does the phrase "this was just the beginning" at the end of the passage suggest
a) Dr. Vance will soon return home after making her discovery.
b) The mysteries of Petra have been completely solved.
c) There are likely more discoveries to be made in Petra.
d) Dr. Vance will give up archaeology to become a linguist.
5.What is the purpose of the author's description of the "Siq" and the surrounding desert environment
a) To create a sense of danger and adventure in the passage.
b) To provide a realistic setting and highlight the challenging conditions.
c) To contrast with the comfort and luxury of Dr. Vance's base camp.
d) To discourage future archaeological expeditions to the region.
Passage 4
The flickering gaslight cast long, eerie shadows across the cobbled streets of London, its orange glow struggling to penetrate the dense fog that clung to the city like a shroud. The stench of coal smoke and damp earth filled the air, mingling with the more unpleasant odors emanating from the murky Thames.
In the dimly lit backroom of the "Blind Beggar" pub, a group of men huddled around a table, their faces illuminated by a single, guttering candle. These were not your typical pub patrons seeking solace in ale and boisterous company. This clandestine gathering, veiled in secrecy, whispered about matters of grave importance.
"He is becoming a liability," growled a man with a thick handlebar mustache, his voice barely a whisper. “The coppers are getting too close. Word on the street is they suspect his involvement in the recent bank job."
"He talks too much, that's his trouble," added another, his face hidden in the shadows. "Too fond of his beer and bragging about his exploits. A loose cannon, I tell you!"
Their target: Jack “The Shadow" Hawkins, notorious thief and master safecracker. Hawkins, despite his many talents for deception, possessed a fatal flaw - an ego larger than Buckingham Palace and a weakness for a frothy pint of ale.
A plan began to form, shrouded in whispers and shadowed glances. They would use Hawkins' own vanity against him. Lure him with a fabricated tale of a priceless ruby necklace, rumored to be hidden in a manor house outside the city. They knew his greed and his confidence in his own abilities would make him an easy mark.
But little did they know, Jack Hawkins, a master of disguise and deception, had his ear pressed against the thin, wooden partition, overhearing every word. A sly smile played upon his lips as he slipped out of the pub, disappearing into the fog-choked night. He had learned a valuable lesson that night: Trust no one, especially those who claim to have your best interests at heart. The hunter, it seemed, was about to become the hunted.
1.What is the main purpose of the detailed description of the setting in the opening paragraph
a) To establish a sense of place and time for the story.
b) To foreshadow an impending natural disaster.
c) To emphasize the poverty and squalor of Victorian London.
d) To provide information about the local geography.
2.What is the main criticism that the men in the pub have of Jack Hawkins
a) He is becoming greedy and demanding more money.
b) He is no longer skilled at cracking safes.
c) He is reckless and attracting unwanted attention.
d) He has become addicted to alcohol and unreliable.
3.How does Jack Hawkins react to overhearing the men's conversation
a) He panics and flees the city.
b) He confronts the men and threatens revenge.
c) He uses the information to his advantage.
d) He begs for their forgiveness and promises to change his ways.
4.What literary device is used in the final sentence of the passage
a) Simile
b) Metaphor
c) Personification
d) Irony
5.What can be inferred about Jack Hawkins' personality based on the passage
a) He is arrogant, but also clever and resourceful.
b) He is naive and easily manipulated by others.
c) He is loyal to his friends and keeps his promises.
d) He is honest and follows the law.
Passage 5
The grand manor house stood at the end of a long, winding drive, its imposing fa ade gleaming white even in the twilight's fading light. Lush gardens, bursting with fragrant roses and lavender, stretched out before it like a vibrant tapestry. It was the epitome of elegance and refined living. Yet, beneath its surface beauty lay a palpable tension, a sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air.
Inside, the stately dining room was ablaze with candlelight, the long, mahogany table laden with an array of delicacies. A crystal chandelier sparkled overhead, casting dancing shadows on the somber faces of the assembled guests.
Lord Ashworth, the master of the house, sat at the head of the table, his face a mask of forced joviality. A mountain of a man, his stern gaze and formidable presence commanded respect, if not affection. Flanking him were his children: Edward, the elder son, a dissolute dandy more concerned with the cut of his coat than the dwindling family fortunes; and Victoria, a beautiful but icy young woman, her boredom betrayed only by the occasional tap of her perfectly manicured fingernails against the polished silverware.
The source of their unease was seated opposite: Mr. Silas Blackwood, a shrewd and ruthless businessman, had purchased the Ashworth estate for a song after Edward, an inept gambler, had accrued insurmountable debts. Tonight's dinner, under the pretense of a celebratory feast, was nothing more than a charade – a final, humiliating reminder of their fall from grace.
Victoria, unable to bear the strained silence any longer, pushed back her chair. "This is unbearable!" she exclaimed, her voice cutting through the suffocating tension like a shard of glass. "Let us not pretend this is anything more than it is – a pathetic display of subjugation."
Her words hung in the air, a stark challenge to both her family's resignation and to Mr. Blackwood's triumphant smirk. Perhaps, in losing everything, they had found something far more valuable: the courage to confront the truth and reclaim their own narrative.
1.What contributes most to the "sense of foreboding" at the beginning of the passage
a) The rundown state of the manor house.
b) The unpleasant weather conditions.
c) The palpable tension among the guests.
d) The absence of servants in the house.
2.How does the author characterize Lord Ashworth
a) As a kind and compassionate father figure.
b) As a foolish and irresponsible patriarch.
c) As a domineering and formidable presence.
d) As a cunning and manipulative businessman.
3.What motivates Edward's reckless behavior
a) A desire to rebel against his father.
b) A gambling addiction he cannot control.
c) A misguided attempt to increase the family's wealth.
d) The passage does not provide a clear motivation.
4.Why is Victoria so disturbed by the situation
a) She is worried about her future inheritance.
b) She is ashamed of her family's loss of status.
c) She resents the presence of strangers in her home.
d) She recognizes and refuses to accept the humiliation.
5.What is the significance of Victoria's outburst at the end of the passage
a) It exposes her own lack of manners and decorum.
b) It signals a potential shift in the family's dynamics.
c) It forces Mr. Blackwood to reconsider the deal.
d) It leads to a physical altercation with Edward.
bargain. 空格前有不定冠词 "a",空格后有 "on",此处需要填入名词,构成短语 "a bargain on sth.",表示“在...方面得到便宜货”。
based. 空格前是 "be" 动词,后面是介词短语,此处需要填入动词的过去分词形式,构成被动语态,表示 "公司总部设在伦敦"。
basement. 空格前是定冠词 "the",此处需要填入名词,构成短语"in the basement",表示“在地下室”。
basic. 此处需要填入形容词,修饰后面的名词 supplies,"basic supplies" 表示“基本物资”。
basin. 空格前是定冠词 "the",此处需要填入名词, "in the basin" 表示 “在盆里”。
basket. 空格前是定冠词 "the",此处需要填入名词,"the basket of apples"表示 “那一篮苹果”。
bath. 空格前是形容词 "hot",此处需要填入名词,构成短语 "a hot bath",表示 “洗个热水澡”。
bathing. 此处考察动词搭配,spend time doing sth. 花费时间做某事。
battle. 空格前是定冠词 "The",空格后是介词短语,此处需要填入名词,表示“那场战斗”。
bay. 此处考察固定搭配 sail into the bay (驶入海湾)
beach. 空格前是定冠词 "the",此处需要填入名词,"at the beach" 表示 “在海边,在沙滩上”。
beasts. 空格前是介词 "of",此处需要填入名词,“king of beasts”意为“万兽之王”。
beat. 此处考察固定搭配 manage to do sth.“设法完成某事”。
beauty. 空格前形容词性物主代词 their, 后面有介词短语of… , 故此处填入名词 beauty,作介词of的宾语。
bedclothes. 此处考察固定搭配 throw off the bedclothes (掀开被子)。
beer. 此处考察固定搭配 a cold beer 一杯冰啤酒。
begged. 空格前是主语,空格后是宾语,此处需要填入动词作谓语;根据句意应使用一般过去时。
for buy --> to buy. 此处考察固定搭配 make a bargain to do sth.(达成协议做某事)。
from basement --> from the basement. 此处basement是特指,故前面加上the。
base --> basic。“基本的理解”应用形容词 basic 来修饰。
basic --> basin. 此处指 “河盆,流域”。
bath the baby --> bathe the baby. bathe 表示“洗澡”,bath表示“浴缸”。
bathing --> bathed. bathe in shared sorrow and support 沐浴在共同的悲伤和支持中,此处使用过去式。
at coast --> at the coast. 此处特指“在海边”。
won their rivals --> beat their rivals. 在比赛中击败对手用动词beat.
natural beautiful --> natural beauty. 此处应使用名词形式。
basement. “下楼去地下室”。
based. “小说的成功部分是基于它对战争的现实刻画。”
basic. “基本的语法和词汇的理解”。
bargain. “店主给了我们一套三块手工编织的地毯的优惠价。”
beasts. “神话里的野兽和奇幻生物”
begged. “恳求他的心脏不要再跳”。
beach. “我们要去海边野餐”。
begged. “她求他说实话”。
basket. “篮子里堆满了刚洗过的毛巾和亚麻布”。
beach. “海滩沿着海岸绵延数英里,是一弯完美的白色沙滩”。
basket. “他把野餐用品放在一个柳条篮子里”。
battling. “与敌人作战多日后”。
basin. “她在盆里装满了凉水,泼了泼脸。”
bathed. “月光将整个山谷沐浴在空灵的银色光芒中”
beer. “他在吧台坐下,要了一杯啤酒”
beauty. “我喜欢参观艺术博物馆,欣赏伟大绘画和雕塑的美”。
bays. "海盗经常用隐蔽的海湾和海湾来藏匿宝藏。"
We agreed to make a bargain for a lower price.
The sculpture has a base made of marble.
My apartment is in the basement, so it's a little cold in winter.
We need to learn basic skills to protect ourselves in emergencies.
She filled the basin with hot water and started washing clothes.
Can I borrow your picnic basket
He takes a bath every morning.
They were swimming in the lake, bathing in the summer sun.
After a fierce battle, our army was victorious. / After a fierce battle, our army won.
The ship dropped anchor in the bay.
I enjoy walking on the beach and feeling the sand beneath my feet.
The beast made terrifying noises during the night.
She beat me at tennis.
The painting reveals the beauty of nature. / The painting showcases the beauty of nature.
She made the bed and then went to work. / She straightened the bedclothes and then went to work.
They had a few beers at the local pub.
He begged her to give him another chance.
Passage 1
1.答案:c) The beautiful bay and rugged coastline.
解析:文章第一段第一句话提到 "The quaint seaside town of Bayview had long been a haven for artists and poets, drawn to its breathtaking bay and rugged coastline." (这座古色古香的海滨小镇贝维尤长期以来一直是艺术家和诗人的避风港,他们被这里壮丽的海湾和崎岖的海岸线所吸引。)
2.答案: b) She was unhappy with the quality of her recent work.
解析: 文章第三段描写了Emma对自己近期作品的不满:"Her recent works, she felt, lacked the depth and emotion that had previously defined her art. They seemed flat, lifeless, devoid of the beauty that she so desperately wanted to convey." (她觉得她最近的作品缺乏以前作品中那种深度和情感。它们看起来平淡、毫无生气,缺乏她极度想要表达的那种美。)
3.答案:c) Wise and connected to the sea.
解析:文章第四段描写了渔民的形象:"Intrigued, she sat down beside him, drawn to the weathered lines on his face, a testament to a life lived battling the elements and reaping the ocean's bounty." (她被他吸引住了,在他身边坐了下来,因为他脸上饱经风霜的皱纹证明了他一生都在与自然作斗争,收获着海洋的馈赠。) 这说明渔民是睿智的,并且与海洋有着深厚的连接。
4.答案:c) That true artistic inspiration comes from experiencing and observing life.
解析: 文章第五段中Emma离开时意识到: "She hadn't found the answer to her artistic struggles in her paints or her brushes, but in the simple act of observation, in truly seeing the world around her and listening to the stories it had to tell." (她没有在颜料或画笔中找到她艺术挣扎的答案,而是在简单的观察行为中,在真正地去看待她周围的世界,倾听它所讲述的故事的过程中找到了答案。)
5.答案: b) She will find renewed purpose and inspiration in her art.
解析: 文章最后一段说明Emma找到了答案,不在于技巧而在于故事和情感:”The answer, she realized, wasn’t in finding the perfect shade of blue for the sky or the ideal stroke to depict the crashing waves. It lay in the heart of the stories, the emotions, and the raw beauty that surrounded her, waiting to be discovered.” (她意识到,答案不在于找到完美的蓝色阴影来描绘天空,也不在于找到描绘汹涌波浪的理想笔触。它存在于故事的核心、情感和环绕在她身边的原始之美中,等待着被发现。) 因此,可以推断出Emma会在艺术中找到新的目标和灵感。
Passage 2
1.答案:c) Lively and energetic.
解析: 文章第一段通过描写景象、声音、气味来渲染市场热闹的氛围: “The bustling marketplace buzzed with activity, a cacophony of sights, smells, and sounds...The aroma of spices hung heavy in the air, a heady mix of cinnamon, cumin, and cardamom that tickled the senses.” (熙熙攘攘的市场充满了活力,各种景象、气味和声音汇聚在一起……香料的香气弥漫在空气中,肉桂、孜然和小豆蔻混合在一起,令人陶醉。)
2.答案:d) He needs to get the best price he can for his mother.
解析:文章第二段提到Alfie的母亲叮嘱他: "Get the best deal, Alfie, every penny counts." (尽量争取最好的价格,Alfie,每一分钱都很重要。) 这说明Alfie与摊贩讨价还价是因为他需要为母亲争取到最优惠的价格。
3.答案:b) They are strangers engaging in a common market practice.
解析: 从文章中可以看出Alfie和摊贩之间并没有明显的私人关系,他们之间的讨价还价是市场中常见的行为。文章第四段也提到:"The vendor raised an eyebrow, a playful smile spreading across her face. This was a game they both knew how to play."(摊贩 raised her eyebrows and smiled playfully. They both knew how to play this game.) 表明这种讨价还价是他们都熟悉的一种市场交易方式。
4.答案:c) By giving a tomato to the beggar out of genuine compassion.
解析: 文章最后一段描述Alfie遇到乞丐后的行为:"He reached into his basket, carefully selecting the largest, juiciest tomato, and pressed it into the beggar's outstretched hand." (他把手伸进篮子里,仔细地挑选了一个最大、最多汁的西红柿,塞进了乞丐伸出的手中。) 这体现了Alfie的同情心和善良,而这正是他新获得的智慧。
5.答案:c) The value of kindness and generosity outweighs material gain.
解析: 文章通过Alfie先前的精打细算和最后对乞丐的慷慨形成对比,突出了善良和慷慨比物质利益更有价值的主题。
Passage 3
1.答案: c) To learn more about the lost Nabataean civilization and their culture.
解析:文章第二段提到Dr. Vance的毕生追求:"Dr. Eleanor Vance...had dedicated her life to uncovering the secrets of ancient civilizations. Petra, with its enigmatic beauty and historical significance, had become her life's obsession." (Eleanor Vance博士……毕生致力于揭开古代文明的秘密。佩特拉以其神秘的美丽和历史意义,成为她一生痴迷的对象。)
2.答案:b) She is meticulous, dedicated, and passionate about history.
解析: 文章第二段描述了Dr. Vance的性格: "Dr. Eleanor Vance, a renowned archaeologist known for her meticulous research and adventurous spirit" (Eleanor Vance博士是一位著名的考古学家,以其严谨的研究和冒险精神而闻名) ,说明她是一个严谨、专注、对历史充满热情的学者。
3.答案: c) A significant breakthrough in understanding Nabataean history.
解析: 文章最后一段提到:"This discovery, she knew, was more than just another artifact. It was a key, a Rosetta Stone that could potentially unlock a deeper understanding of the Nabataean culture." (她知道,这一发现不仅仅是另一件文物。它是一把钥匙,一块罗塞塔石碑,可能开启对纳巴泰文化更深层次的了解。) 这说明,刻有铭文的盆的发现是理解纳巴泰历史的重大突破。
4.答案: c) There are likely more discoveries to be made in Petra.
解析: "This was just the beginning"意味着Dr. Vance在佩特拉的研究仅仅是一个开始,未来还会有更多发现。
5.答案:b) To provide a realistic setting and highlight the challenging conditions.
解析: 作者对“西克”和周围沙漠环境的描述是为了呈现一个真实的环境,并突显出考古学家们所面临的艰苦条件,从而衬托出Dr. Vance的坚持与热情。
Passage 4
1.答案: a) To establish a sense of place and time for the story.
解析: 开篇对环境的描写是为故事搭建舞台,交代故事发生的时间和地点,营造出一种神秘、危险的氛围。
2.答案: c) He is reckless and attracting unwanted attention.
解析: 文章第三、四段提到同伙对Hawkins的评价: "He talks too much, that's his trouble... A loose cannon, I tell you!"(他话太多了,这是他的毛病……我告诉你,他就像一个定时炸弹!) 以及 "He is becoming a liability," growled a man... "The coppers are getting too close." ( “他正在成为一个负担,”一个男人咆哮道…… “警察越来越近了。”) 都表明Hawkins的鲁莽行为引起了不必要的注意,对他们构成了威胁。
3.答案: c) He uses the information to his advantage.
解析:文章倒数第二段提到: "A sly smile played upon his lips as he slipped out of the pub, disappearing into the fog-choked night." (他狡黠地笑了笑,溜出酒吧,消失在浓雾弥漫的夜色中。) 这暗示Hawkins利用了听到的信息为自己谋利。
4.答案: d) Irony
解析:文章最后一句"The hunter, it seemed, was about to become the hunted." (猎人,似乎要变成猎物了) 使用了反讽的修辞手法。原本打算陷害Hawkins的人,最终可能会被他反过来算计。
5.答案: a) He is arrogant, but also clever and resourceful.
Passage 5
1.答案:c) The palpable tension among the guests.
解析: 文章第一段最后一句提到:"Yet, beneath its surface beauty lay a palpable tension, a sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air." (然而,在这种表面上的美丽之下,隐藏着一种明显的紧张气氛,一种不祥的预感弥漫在空气中。) 这说明是客人们之间明显的紧张关系营造出一种不祥的预感。
2.答案: c) As a domineering and formidable presence.
解析:文章第三段对Lord Ashworth的描写是: “A mountain of a man, his stern gaze and formidable presence commanded respect, if not affection.” (他身材魁梧,目光严厉,不怒自威,人们即使不爱戴他,也会对他敬畏三分。) 这说明Lord Ashworth是一个专横且令人敬畏的人物。
3.答案:d) The passage does not provide a clear motivation.
解析: 文章中并没有明确说明Edward reckless behavior的动机。
4.答案:d) She recognizes and refuses to accept the humiliation.
解析: 从Victoria的话 “This is unbearable!” 和 “Let us not pretend this is anything more than it is – a pathetic display of subjugation.” 可以看出她无法忍受这种屈辱的安排。
5.答案:b) It signals a potential shift in the family's dynamics.
解析: Victoria的爆发打破了沉默和压抑的氛围,暗示着家族内部可能会发生转变。2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 7
1. Background [ b kɡra nd]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 背景,背景资料,背景知识
The mountains form a dramatic background to the scene. (群山构成了这幅景象的壮丽背景。)
The story takes place against a background of war. (故事发生在战争的背景下。)
Can you tell me something about your family background (你能告诉我一些你的家庭背景吗?)
(4)同义词: backdrop, setting, context, circumstances
(5)反义词: foreground (前景)
historical background (历史背景)
cultural background (文化背景)
social background (社会背景)
family background (家庭背景)
against a background of... (在...的背景下)
background information (背景资料)
background check (背景调查)
background noise (背景噪音)
Her design incorporates traditional motifs onto a modern background, creating a striking contrast.
To fully understand his motivations, it's important to delve into his background and upbringing. (要充分理解他的动机,深入了解他的背景和成长经历至关重要。)
2. Backward ['b kw d]
(1)词性: 形容词 (adj.)
(2)中文释义: 向后的,落后的
He took a backward step in surprise. (他惊讶地向后退了一步。)
The country is backward in terms of economic development. (这个国家在经济发展方面很落后。)
She gave him a backward glance. (她回头瞥了他一眼。)
(4)同义词: retrograde, underdeveloped, behindhand, reverse
(5)反义词: forward (向前的),progressive (先进的)
a backward country (落后的国家)
a backward child (落后的孩子)
backward and forward (来回地)
look backward (回顾过去)
backward compatibility (向后兼容性)
backward glance (回头一瞥)
backward vs. behind: backward 强调方向,表示与前进的方向相反;behind 强调位置,表示在某物的后面。
例如: He walked backward. (他向后走。) vs. He stood behind the door. (他站在门后面。)
The teacher patiently helped the backward student catch up with the rest of the class. (老师耐心地帮助落后的学生赶上班上的其他同学。)
Glancing backward, she noticed someone had been following her. (她回头一看,发现有人一直在跟踪她。)
3. Backwards ['b kw dz]
(1)词性: 副词 (adv.)
(2)中文释义: 向后地,倒退地
He fell backwards into the chair. (他向后倒在椅子上。)
The car was reversing backwards down the drive. (汽车正在倒车驶出车道。)
You can say the alphabet backwards, can't you (你能倒着背字母表,是吗?)
(4)同义词: reverse, in reverse
(5)反义词: forwards (向前地)
move backwards (向后移动)
count backwards (倒数)
think backwards (逆向思考)
walk backwards (倒着走)
She stumbled backwards in surprise when the lights suddenly went out. (灯突然熄灭时,她惊讶地向后踉跄了几步。)
Can you write your name backwards (你能倒着写你的名字吗?)
4. Bacon ['be k n]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 培根,熏肉
I like bacon and eggs for breakfast. (我喜欢早餐吃培根和鸡蛋。)
Would you like some bacon with your toast (你的吐司要加培根吗?)
The smell of frying bacon filled the kitchen. (煎培根的味道弥漫了整个厨房。)
crispy bacon (脆皮培根)
smoked bacon (烟熏培根)
a slice of bacon (一片培根)
fry bacon (煎培根)
bring home the bacon (养家糊口,获得成功)
save one's bacon (解救某人于危难)
The cafe serves a delicious breakfast of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. (这家咖啡馆供应美味的早餐,包括鸡蛋、培根和煎饼。)
He arrived just in time to save his friend's bacon. (他及时赶到,救了他的朋友。)
5. Bacteria [b k't r ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.) (复数)
(2)中文释义: 细菌
Bacteria are single-celled organisms. (细菌是单细胞生物。)
This disinfectant kills 99% of bacteria. (这种消毒剂可以杀死 99% 的细菌。)
Some types of bacteria are beneficial to humans. (有些细菌对人体有益。)
bacterial infection (细菌感染)
beneficial bacteria (有益菌)
harmful bacteria (有害菌)
注意区分bacteria和virus (病毒)。
Washing your hands frequently can help prevent the spread of bacteria. (勤洗手可以帮助预防细菌传播。)
The scientist discovered a new type of bacteria in the soil sample. (科学家在土壤样本中发现了一种新型细菌。)
6. Badminton ['b dm nt n]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 羽毛球
Badminton is a popular sport in China. (羽毛球在中国是一项很受欢迎的运动。)
Do you want to play badminton with me tomorrow (你明天想和我一起打羽毛球吗?)
They built a new badminton court in the park. (他们在公园里建了一个新的羽毛球场。)
play badminton (打羽毛球)
a badminton court (羽毛球场)
a badminton racket (羽毛球拍)
a badminton shuttlecock (羽毛球)
They practiced their badminton skills every weekend. (他们每个周末都练习羽毛球技巧。)
Lin Dan is a world-renowned badminton player. (林丹是一位世界闻名的羽毛球运动员。)
7. Baggage ['b ɡ d ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 行李
Please check your baggage at the counter. (请在柜台办理行李托运。)
They arrived at the airport with six pieces of baggage. (他们带着六件行李到达机场。)
I need to collect my baggage from the carousel. (我需要从行李传送带上取回我的行李。)
(4)同义词: luggage
check (in) baggage (托运行李)
carry-on baggage (随身行李)
excess baggage (超重行李)
baggage allowance (行李限额)
baggage claim (行李提取处)
(6)拓展词组:emotional baggage (情感包袱)
Make sure to label your baggage clearly with your name and contact information. (确保在行李上清楚地标明您的姓名和联系方式。)
She arrived at her destination, exhausted after a long journey with heavy baggage. (经过漫长的旅途和沉重的行李,她精疲力尽地到达了目的地。)
8. Bakery ['be k ri]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 面包店
The bakery on the corner sells delicious bread. (街角的面包店出售美味的面包。)
I love the smell of fresh bread coming from the bakery. (我喜欢从面包店飘来的新鲜面包的香味。)
He worked part-time at his uncle's bakery. (他在叔叔的面包店做兼职。)
The bakery is known for its wide selection of pastries and cakes. (这家面包店以其种类繁多的糕点和蛋糕而闻名。)
Every morning, the aroma of freshly baked bread wafts from the local bakery. (每天早晨,当地面包店都飘来新鲜面包的香味。)
9. Balance ['b l ns]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.),动词 (vt.)
(名词) 平衡,余额
(动词) 使平衡,权衡
She lost her balance and fell. (她失去了平衡,摔倒了。)
It's important to keep a balance between work and play. (保持工作和娱乐之间的平衡很重要。)
I need to check the balance in my bank account. (我需要查一下我的银行账户余额。)
He balanced the book on his head. (他把书顶在头上保持平衡。)
She balanced the pros and cons before making a decision. (在做决定之前,她权衡了利弊。)
(名词) equilibrium, stability, remainder
(动词) stabilize, equalize, weigh
(名词) imbalance (不平衡)
(动词) unbalance (使不平衡)
keep balance (保持平衡)
lose balance (失去平衡)
a sense of balance (平衡感)
the balance of power (力量平衡)
(7)拓展词组:work-life balance (工作与生活的平衡)
Cyclists need a good balance to stay upright. (骑自行车的人需要良好的平衡才能保持直立。)
She tried to balance her work responsibilities with her family commitments. (她试图在工作职责和家庭责任之间取得平衡。)
10. Balcony ['b lk ni]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 阳台
They have a small balcony overlooking the garden. (他们的房间有一个可以俯瞰花园的小阳台。)
We sat on the balcony, enjoying the cool evening breeze. (我们坐在阳台上,享受着夜晚凉爽的微风。)
She decorated her balcony with flowers and plants. (她用鲜花和植物装饰了她的阳台。)
a sunny balcony (阳光明媚的阳台)
a balcony railing (阳台栏杆)
a balcony view (阳台景观)
stand on a balcony (站在阳台上)
(5)拓展词组:Juliet balcony (朱丽叶阳台,一种小型突出的阳台)
The couple shared a romantic dinner on the balcony, watching the sunset over the city. (这对情侣在阳台上共进浪漫晚餐,欣赏着城市上空的日落。)
From their hotel room balcony, they had a breathtaking view of the ocean. (从他们酒店房间的阳台上,他们可以欣赏到壮丽的海景。)
11. Ballet ['b le ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 芭蕾舞
She has been studying ballet since she was five years old. (她从五岁起就开始学习芭蕾舞。)
"Swan Lake" is one of the most famous ballets. (《天鹅湖》是最著名的芭蕾舞剧之一。)
They went to the theatre to see a performance of the ballet. (他们去剧院看芭蕾舞表演。)
classical ballet (古典芭蕾)
modern ballet (现代芭蕾)
a ballet dancer (芭蕾舞演员)
a ballet company (芭蕾舞团)
a ballet performance (芭蕾舞表演)
She dreamed of becoming a prima ballerina in a world-renowned ballet company. (她梦想着成为世界著名芭蕾舞团的首席芭蕾舞演员。)
The grace and elegance of the ballet dancers captivated the audience. (芭蕾舞演员的优雅和优雅深深吸引了观众。)
12. Balloon [b 'lu n]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 气球
The children were playing with balloons in the park. (孩子们在公园里玩气球。)
They decorated the party room with colourful balloons. (他们用五颜六色的气球装饰了宴会厅。)
He inflated the balloon with helium. (他用氦气给气球充气。)
a hot air balloon (热气球)
a helium balloon (氦气球)
a water balloon (水球)
blow up a balloon (吹气球)
trial balloon (试探性意见)
go over like a lead balloon (遭到彻底失败)
The birthday party featured a magician who made colorful balloons disappear and reappear. (生日聚会上有一位魔术师,他会让五颜六色的气球消失和重现。)
They released hundreds of balloons into the air to celebrate the new year. (他们向空中放飞了数百个气球来庆祝新年。)
(7)近似词辨析:balloon vs. ball: balloon 指的是充气的气球;ball 是指球类运动的球或者舞会。
13. Ballpoint ['b lp nt]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 圆珠笔
I prefer writing with a ballpoint pen. (我比较喜欢用圆珠笔写字。)
Please use a black or blue ballpoint pen to fill out the form. (请使用黑色或蓝色的圆珠笔填写表格。)
He took out a ballpoint and began to write in his notebook. (他拿出圆珠笔,开始在笔记本上写字。)
(4)同义词: ballpoint pen, biro
a retractable ballpoint (可伸缩圆珠笔)
a ballpoint refill (圆珠笔芯)
The student diligently took notes during the lecture, their ballpoint pen gliding effortlessly across the page. (学生在上课时认真做笔记,他们的圆珠笔在纸上轻松地滑动。)
Can I borrow your ballpoint I seem to have misplaced mine. (我能借用一下你的圆珠笔吗?我好像把我的放错了地方。)
(7)近似词辨析:ballpoint vs. pen: ballpoint 特指圆珠笔; pen 则是所有笔的总称, 包括钢笔 (fountain pen), 圆珠笔 (ballpoint) 等等。
14. Ban [b n]
(1)词性: 动词 (vt.)
(2)中文释义: 禁止,取缔
Smoking is banned in public places. (公共场所禁止吸烟。)
The government has banned the sale of alcohol to minors. (政府禁止向未成年人出售酒精饮料。)
The book was banned for its controversial content. (这本书因内容 controversial 而被禁。)
(4)同义词: prohibit, forbid, bar, outlaw, suppress
(5)反义词: allow (允许), permit (允许), legalize (合法化)
ban somebody from doing something (禁止某人做某事)
impose a ban (实施禁令)
lift a ban (解除禁令)
a total ban (全面禁止)
a partial ban (部分禁止)
The use of cell phones while driving is strictly banned. (开车时使用手机是被严格禁止的。)
The organization has called for a worldwide ban on the use of landmines. (该组织呼吁全球禁止使用地雷。)
15. Bandage ['b nd d ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 绷带
The nurse cleaned the wound and applied a bandage. (护士清洗了伤口并包扎了绷带。)
He wore a bandage on his injured leg. (他的伤腿上绑着绷带。)
She kept a supply of bandages in the first-aid kit. (她在急救箱里放了一些绷带。)
apply a bandage (包扎绷带)
remove a bandage (拆除绷带)
a sterile bandage (无菌绷带)
He carefully wrapped a bandage around his sprained ankle. (他小心翼翼地用绷带包扎了他扭伤的脚踝。)
The doctor changed the bandage every day to prevent infection. (医生每天换绷带以防止感染。)
16. Bar [bɑ r]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 酒吧,条,棒,(法律)律师业
We went to a bar for a drink after work. (下班后我们去了一家酒吧喝酒。)
The chocolate came in a bar. (巧克力是条状的。)
He lifted the heavy iron bar. (他举起了那根沉重的铁棍。)
He's been a member of the bar for 20 years. (他做了20年的律师。)
a chocolate bar (一块巧克力)
a gold bar (一根金条)
a bar of soap (一块肥皂)
behind bars (在监狱里)
set the bar (设定标准)
After a long day, they unwound with a drink at a local bar. (漫长的一天过后,他们在当地一家酒吧喝了一杯酒放松身心。)
The athlete set a new world record in the pole vault, raising the bar even higher for future competitors. (这位运动员在撑竿跳高比赛中创造了新的世界纪录,为未来的竞争者设立了更高的标杆。)
(8)近似词辨析:bar vs. pub: bar 指的是提供酒精饮料和其他饮料的地方, pub 则特指英国传统的酒吧,通常提供食物和住宿。
17. Barbecue ['bɑ b kju ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 户外烤肉,烤肉野餐
We had a barbecue on the beach last weekend. (上周末我们在海滩上烧烤。)
They invited us over for a barbecue on Saturday. (他们邀请我们星期六去参加烧烤。)
The smell of barbecue wafted through the air. (烤肉的香味在空气中飘荡。)
(4)同义词: BBQ
have a barbecue (举行烧烤)
a barbecue grill (烧烤架)
barbecue sauce (烧烤酱)
The family enjoyed a relaxing afternoon at the park, having a barbecue and playing games. (这家人在公园里享受了一个轻松的下午,烧烤和玩游戏。)
The aroma of grilled meat from the barbecue filled the air, making everyone hungry. (烤肉的香味弥漫在空气中,让每个人都感到饥肠辘辘。)
(一) 语法填空
My parents come from very different ____________ (background), but they get along well.
The bus was moving __________ (backward), causing confusion among the passengers.
She glanced ___________ (backwards) at her pursuer and quickened her pace.
The smell of sizzling __________ (bacon) filled the kitchen, making my stomach growl.
__________ (bacterium) are everywhere, even in the air we breathe.
He's quite good at __________ (badminton) and often wins in local tournaments.
Please make sure you have all your __________ (baggage) before leaving the plane.
We stopped by a charming __________ (bakery) and picked up some fresh croissants.
It's important to find a good __________ (balance) between work and leisure activities.
She stepped out onto the __________ (balcony), breathing in the fresh morning air.
I've always wanted to learn __________(ballet), but I never had the chance when I was younger.
The child giggled with delight as the colourful ___________ (balloon) soared through the air.
He jotted down the number quickly with a __________ (ballpoint).
The government has announced a complete __________ (ban) on smoking in public places.
She cleaned the cut carefully and applied a __________ (bandage).
After work, we often head to a local __________ (bar) for a relaxing drink.
We're having a __________ (barbecue) this weekend. Would you like to come
It is thought to be unwisely to swim in the sea after a heavy meal.
His handwriting is so badly that it's difficult to read.
She balanced the tray carefully on one hand, trying not to spill the drinks.
My grandfather used to tell me wonderful story about his childhood.
It was so a funny joke that we couldn’t stop laughing!
I often dream to travel the world and experience different cultures.
We saw several deers in the forest, but they quickly ran away.
He wiped his hand on his trousers and shook mine firmly.
I tried calling you last night, but I couldn’t get to.
His parents separated when he was six, which had a deep effect in him.
Could you pick up some bread from the bake on your way home
The little boy walked backward slowly, his eyes fixed on the toy truck.
He gave the rope a sharp tug, and the balloon drifted upwards into the blue sky.
The school has benned students from using mobile phones during school hours.
He used his tie as bandage to stop the bleeding.
After a delicious meal, they retired to the bar for coffees and dessert.
We enjoyed a relaxing barbecue lunch on the beach.
(三)选词填空 (从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其正确形式填空。)
background, backward, bacon, bacteria, badminton, baggage, balance, balcony, ballet, balloon, ballpoint, ban, bandage, bar, barbecue, wise, worthwhile
It's __________ to invest in a good pair of walking shoes if you plan on doing a lot of hiking.
He's very athletic and enjoys playing tennis and ____________ in his free time.
She has a passion for dance and dreams of becoming a professional ___________ dancer.
We sat on the hotel __________ and watched the sun sink below the horizon.
She wrapped a __________ around her injured ankle to provide support.
The restaurant serves a hearty breakfast with eggs, toast, sausages, and ____________.
Harmful _________ can cause infections if they enter the body through cuts or wounds.
Please do not bring any food or drinks into the library.
The new law imposes a total _______ on the sale of ivory products.
He comes from a humble __________ but has achieved great success through hard work and determination.
Her economic policies were seen as __________ and harmful to the country's growth.
She took a deep breath and tried to find her __________ on the icy path.
I prefer writing with a fountain pen because I find __________ pens a bit scratchy.
They are holding a charity __________ to raise money for the local hospital.
Please make sure to collect all your ___________ from the baggage claim area.
We went to a jazz _____ to enjoy some live music and drinks with friends.
It's important to listen to the advice of ______ and experienced individuals.
你能把那支圆珠笔递给我吗?(ballpoint pen)
他的理论在很多方面都很有趣。(in many ways)
Passage 1
For centuries, the Arctic has captured the human imagination. Its frozen wastes, shrouded in darkness for half the year, have been the backdrop for myths of monstrous creatures and hardy explorers battling impossible odds. Yet, beyond the romanticized image lies a complex and fragile ecosystem, increasingly threatened by a warming planet and human activities.
Covering an area of about 14 million square kilometers, the Arctic is home to a surprising array of life, including polar bears, walruses, seals, and various bird species. These animals have evolved to thrive in extreme conditions, where temperatures can plunge to -50°C and darkness reigns for months on end.
The Arctic's delicate balance, however, is being upset. Climate change is happening at a faster rate in the polar regions than anywhere else on Earth. As temperatures rise, sea ice – a critical hunting ground for polar bears and a vital habitat for many other species – is rapidly melting away.
This dramatic shift in the Arctic environment has triggered a wave of concern among scientists and policymakers alike. Some argue that urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the pace of climate change. Others suggest that the focus should be on adaptation, helping Arctic communities and ecosystems adjust to the changing conditions.
The debate is complex, with far-reaching implications. What is certain is that the fate of the Arctic is inextricably linked to our own. What happens in this remote region will have a ripple effect on the rest of the planet, impacting weather patterns, sea levels, and global biodiversity.
1. What is the main idea of the passage
(A) The Arctic is a fascinating place full of mythical creatures.
(B) The Arctic is experiencing rapid climate change with serious consequences.
(C) The Arctic is home to a variety of animals that are now endangered.
(D) The Arctic needs urgent attention from scientists to prevent further damage.
2. According to the passage, what is one significant threat to the Arctic ecosystem
(A) The romanticized image of the Arctic held by humans.
(B) The increasing arrival of explorers to the Arctic regions.
(C) The rising temperatures causing a decline in sea ice.
(D) The lack of knowledge about the Arctic among scientists.
3. What is the primary cause of the debate mentioned in the passage
(A) The difficulty in studying the Arctic due to its extreme conditions.
(B) The disagreement over the best course of action to address the Arctic crisis.
(C) The lack of funding and resources to implement effective solutions in the Arctic.
(D) The skepticism among some about the reality of climate change in the Arctic.
4. The word "extricably" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to:
(A) unexpectedly
(B) inseparably
(C) unfortunately
(D) significantly
5. What is the author's primary purpose in writing this passage
(A) To promote tourism and exploration in the Arctic region.
(B) To highlight the unique challenges faced by Arctic communities.
(C) To advocate for a specific policy response to the Arctic crisis.
(D) To raise awareness about the global impact of changes in the Arctic.
Passage 2
James had always been fascinated by astronomy. Ever since he was a young boy, he'd sit in his armchair, eyes glued to the pages of his astronomy books, dreaming of distant galaxies and uncharted regions of the universe. He devoured information about planets, stars, and the intricate workings of celestial objects, filling his mind with images of cosmic wonders.
As he grew older, his fascination only intensified. He converted a small room in his house into a makeshift observatory, complete with a telescope he meticulously assembled from parts he found online. Every clear night, he'd position his telescope on the balcony, patiently searching the night sky for familiar constellations and elusive celestial events.
One evening, as he peered through his telescope, he noticed something peculiar. It was a faint, luminous object, moving slowly across the background of stars. At first, he dismissed it as a satellite, but its trajectory seemed off. It was moving too slowly, tracing a path that didn't match any known orbital patterns.
His curiosity piqued, James carefully documented the object’s position and movements over several nights, meticulously plotting its course on star charts. His excitement grew with each passing night as he realised that he had stumbled upon something truly unique, something beyond the realm of typical astronomical observations.
With growing confidence, James contacted a local astronomy club, sharing his findings with seasoned astronomers who were initially skeptical. His meticulous records and passionate arguments, however, convinced them to take a closer look. To his astonishment, they confirmed that what James had discovered was indeed an uncatalogued asteroid, a small, rocky body orbiting the sun in a unique and previously unknown path.
1. What was James’ childhood passion
(A) Reading adventure stories.
(B) Learning about outer space.
(C) Building telescopes.
(D) Traveling to remote places.
2. Where did James observe the peculiar object
(A) From his armchair.
(B) In his makeshift observatory.
(C) At the local astronomy club.
(D) Through a window in his house.
3. What initially made James think the object might not be a satellite
(A) Its unusual brightness.
(B) Its slow speed and unusual path.
(C) Its position in the night sky.
(D) Its disappearance for several nights.
4. How did James convince the astronomy club to investigate his findings
(A) He invited them to his observatory.
(B) He showed them his detailed observations and argued passionately.
(C) He published his findings in an astronomical journal.
(D) He contacted a famous astronomer for support.
5. What was the significance of James' discovery
(A) He found a new planet.
(B) He located a missing satellite.
(C) He identified an uncatalogued asteroid.
(D) He proved a long-held astronomical theory.
Passage 3
The teacher stood before his students, an arithmetic problem neatly written on the blackboard behind him. “Now, who can tell me what the area of this rectangle is ” he asked, his voice booming across the classroom. Several hands shot up eagerly, while others fidgeted in their seats, avoiding eye contact.
Among those eager to answer was young Emily, her eyes sparkling with excitement. But as she glanced around, noticing her classmates struggling with the problem, a wave of shame washed over her. She knew the answer, knew it instantly in fact, but a newfound hesitation gripped her.
Recently, some of her classmates had started teasing her, calling her a “know-it-all” and whispering behind her back whenever she answered questions quickly or corrected their mistakes. Their words, initially brushed aside as childish taunts, had begun to plant seeds of doubt within her.
Should she pretend she didn't know the answer Should she intentionally get it wrong, sacrificing her love for learning just to fit in A war raged within her – the yearning to speak up, to share her knowledge, battling against the fear of being ostracized, of becoming an outcast among her peers.
As the teacher called on another student, Emily sank lower in her seat, her gaze dropping to the floor. The answer to the arithmetic problem, once clear and bright in her mind, now seemed as distant and unattainable as the stars she’d learned about in her astronomy book the night before. The classroom walls seemed to close in, suffocating her with the weight of her unspoken answer.
1. What was the teacher's initial question about
(A) The history of astronomy.
(B) The meaning of a word.
(C) The size of a shape.
(D) The life cycle of a butterfly.
2. Why did Emily feel ashamed even though she knew the answer
(A) She cheated on the assignment.
(B) She didn't want to stand out.
(C) She had forgotten how to do the problem.
(D) She felt sorry for her classmates.
3. What had Emily's classmates done to make her doubt herself
(A) They had excluded her from their games.
(B) They had bullied her for being different.
(C) They had spread rumors about her.
(D) They had made fun of her intelligence.
4. How did Emily react when the teacher called on another student
(A) She raised her hand again, determined to answer.
(B) She whispered the answer to her friend.
(C) She became quiet and withdrawn.
(D) She stormed out of the classroom in frustration.
5. What can be inferred about Emily’s feelings in the last paragraph
(A) She felt proud of herself for knowing the answer.
(B) She felt a sense of relief for not having to answer.
(C) She felt conflicted about wanting to be accepted by her peers.
(D) She felt a deep sense of regret and sadness for not speaking up.
Passage 4
Upon his arrival in the remote village nestled among the Himalayas, Dr. Liam felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. The village was incredibly isolated, accessible only by a treacherous mountain path, and its inhabitants, although warm and welcoming, adhered to traditions and beliefs very different from his own.
Dr. Liam had come to study their unique medicinal practices, passed down orally through generations. He had heard tales of their ability to heal a vast array of ailments using only locally sourced herbs and ancient rituals, techniques unheard of in modern medicine. He was particularly interested in their approach to treating sleep disorders, a field he specialized in back in the bustling city hospitals of his homeland.
The villagers, with a mixture of curiosity and reverence, shared their knowledge with the doctor, showing him the herbs they collected from the steep mountain slopes and the precise ways they arranged them for different medicinal purposes. He learned that they believed insomnia wasn't just a physical ailment, but a sign of an imbalance within a person, a disharmony between mind, body, and spirit.
To restore balance, they didn't just administer herbs. They chanted rhythmic verses, used fragrant incense, and created an atmosphere of peace and tranquility that Dr. Liam found both soothing and intriguing. They saw sleep as a journey, a symbolic descent into the quiet depths of oneself, guided by rituals and ancient wisdom.
The doctor, initially skeptical, began to see the wisdom in their approach. While he still relied on his scientific knowledge, he also recognized the importance of the environment, the rituals, and the power of belief in the healing process.
1. Why did Dr. Liam travel to the remote village
(A) To enjoy the natural beauty of the Himalayas.
(B) To study traditional healing methods.
(C) To escape the noise and stress of city life.
(D) To provide medical aid to the villagers.
2. What aspect of the villagers' medicine intrigued Dr. Liam the most
(A) Their surgical techniques.
(B) Their use of exotic plants.
(C) Their treatment of sleep problems.
(D) Their knowledge of anatomy.
3. How did the villagers view insomnia
(A) As a contagious disease.
(B) As a sign of spiritual imbalance.
(C) As a result of eating the wrong foods.
(D) As a normal part of aging.
4. Apart from herbs, what else did the villagers use to treat insomnia
(A) Advanced medical equipment.
(B) Chants, incense, and a peaceful environment.
(C) Strong medications imported from the city.
(D) Physical exercises and meditation techniques.
5. How did Dr. Liam’s perspective change during his time in the village
(A) He completely rejected his scientific training.
(B) He began to appreciate a more holistic view of healing.
(C) He lost interest in his own area of specialization.
(D) He decided to abandon his medical career.
Passage 5
"Move aside, move aside!" shouted the king’s messenger, his voice hoarse with exertion. He raced through the crowded market square, pushing past merchants hawking their wares and mothers pulling along reluctant children. All eyes turned towards him, their curiosity piqued by the urgency in his voice and the official emblem emblazoned on his tunic – a golden arrow pointing towards the heavens.
He came to an abrupt halt before the village notice board, the hub of all news and announcements, and fumbled for the scroll tucked in his belt. He cleared his throat, and as the expectant hush fell over the square, he read aloud: “Hear ye, hear ye! By order of the king, a grand tournament of archery shall be held one fortnight hence…"
The air, thick with anticipation, crackled with excited whispers. Archery contests were a popular form of entertainment in the kingdom, but this one, judged by the king himself, promised to be an event of unparalleled prestige.
The scroll detailed the rules: archers from every corner of the land were invited to showcase their skills, competing for the grand prize - a magnificent bow crafted of the finest wood and strung with the sinews of a mythical beast. But more than the material reward, it was the honor, the recognition, and the chance to be declared the kingdom's finest archer that truly set hearts ablaze.
The king, a wise and just ruler, had instilled in his people a deep respect for archery, viewing it not just as a martial art, but as a discipline that cultivated focus, patience, and a harmonious connection between mind and body.
1. Where is the king’s messenger
(A) On a battlefield.
(B) In a grand palace.
(C) In a bustling marketplace.
(D) Inside a training arena.
2. What did the emblem on the messenger's tunic depict
(A) A golden crown.
(B) An arrow pointing upwards.
(C) A roaring lion.
(D) A set of balanced scales.
3. What event did the messenger announce
(A) The arrival of a foreign dignitary.
(B) A royal wedding ceremony.
(C) An archery competition.
(D) A celebration of the harvest.
4. According to the scroll, what was the top prize for the archery tournament
(A) A large sum of money.
(B) A position of power in the kingdom.
(C) A handcrafted bow and arrow.
(D) A piece of land in the king’s name.
5. What did the king believe archery helped to cultivate
(A) Greed and ambition.
(B) Strength and aggression.
(C) Focus and patience.
(D) Trickery and deceit.
(一) 语法填空
backgrounds :空格前 “different” 提示空格处需要用名词复数形式。
backward : 此处需要用副词修饰动词 "moving"。
backwards: 此处需要用副词修饰动词 "glanced"。
bacon: 此处需要用名词作为 "of" 的宾语, “sizzling bacon” 意为 “滋滋作响的培根”。
Bacteria : 此句缺少主语,此处应用bacteria的复数形式,注意首字母大写。
badminton: "at" 此处表示 “在…方面”, 后接名词, “be good at badminton” 意为“擅长羽毛球”。
baggage : 此处需要用名词作为 "your" 的宾语, baggage 意为 “行李”,是不可数名词。
bakery: 此处需要用名词, “a charming bakery” 意为 “一家迷人的面包店”。
balance: "a good balance" 意为 “良好的平衡”。
balcony: 此处需要用名词, "step out onto the balcony" 意为 “走出阳台”。
ballet: 此处需要用名词作宾语, “learn ballet” 意为 “学习芭蕾舞”。
balloon: 此处需要用名词作主语, “colourful balloon” 意为 “五颜六色的气球”。
ballpoint: 此处需要用名词, “ballpoint pen” 意为 “圆珠笔”。
ban: "a complete ban" 意为 “完全禁止”。
bandage: 此处需要用名词作宾语, “apply a bandage” 意为 “包扎绷带”。
bar: "a local bar" 意为 “一家当地的酒吧”。
barbecue: "have a barbecue" 意为 “举行烧烤”。
unwisely → unwise: 此处需要用形容词作表语。
badly → bad : 此处需要用形容词作表语。
balanced → was balancing : 此处强调 “保持平衡” 的动作正在进行, 应用过去进行时。
story → stories : “story” 为可数名词,此处表示多个故事应用复数形式。
so → such: “such...that...”为固定句型,表示“如此...以至于...”。
to travel → of traveling: "dream of doing sth." 为固定搭配, 意为 “梦想做某事”。
deers → deer: “deer” 为单复数同形的名词。
hand → hands: “wipe one’s hands” 为固定搭配, 意为 “擦手”。
to → through: “get through” 为固定搭配, 意为 “接通电话”。
in → on: "have a deep effect on sb." 为固定搭配, 意为 “对某人有深远的影响”。
bake → bakery: 此处需要用名词, “bakery” 意为 “面包店”。
backward → backwards: 此处需要用副词修饰动词 "walked"。
balloon → balloons: 此处应用名词复数形式。
benned → banned: “ban” 的过去分词为 “banned”。
bandage → a bandage: 此处需要用 “a bandage” 指代 “一个绷带”。
coffees → coffee: “coffee” 为不可数名词。
barbecue → barbecue / BBQ : 此处缺少名词修饰 “lunch”, “barbecue” 可缩写为 “BBQ”。
(三) 选词填空
1.worthwhile 2. badminton 3. ballet 4. balcony 5. bandage 6. bacon 7. bacteria
wise 9. ban 10. background 11. backward 12. balance 13. ballpoint 14. barbecue 15. baggage 16. bar 17. wise
It is important to know someone's background to understand their actions/behaviour.
He tried to balance himself on one foot but failed, falling to the ground.
Her new apartment has a small balcony overlooking the city.
I need to bandage my finger, as it is bleeding.
They are having a barbecue in the garden to celebrate his birthday.
They tried to ban the book because they found it offensive.
The economy of this area is quite backward.
The croissants at this bakery are delicious!
He has never liked sports, especially badminton.
They enjoyed breathtaking views from the hot air balloon.
Can you pass me that ballpoint pen
We need to find a way to solve this problem.
She wiped the tears from her face.
We are full of hope for the future. / We have high hopes for the future.
His theory is interesting in many ways.
This dress is too expensive; it is not worth buying/the price.
We often go to bars to unwind at the weekend.
Passage 1
1. B 北极正在经历快速的气候变化,并带来严重的后果。
解析: 文章主要讲述了北极地区正面临着气候变化带来的严重威胁,以及人们对此的不同看法和应对措施,所以正确答案是 B。
2. C 气温上升导致海冰减少。
解析: 文章第三段提到:"As temperatures rise, sea ice – a critical hunting ground for polar bears and a vital habitat for many other species – is rapidly melting away." (随着气温上升,海冰——北极熊的重要狩猎场和许多其他物种的重要栖息地——正在迅速融化。) 因此,正确答案是 C。
3. B 对于如何应对北极危机存在分歧。
解析: 文章第四段提到:"Some argue that urgent action is needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the pace of climate change. Others suggest that the focus should be on adaptation, helping Arctic communities and ecosystems adjust to the changing conditions." (一些人认为需要采取紧急行动来减少温室气体排放并减缓气候变化的速度。另一些人则建议应把重点放在适应方面,帮助北极社区和生态系统适应不断变化的环境。) 这说明人们对于如何应对北极危机存在不同意见,因此正确答案是 B。
4. B (不可分割地)
解析: "extricably" 的意思是“无法摆脱地”,与 "inseparably" (不可分割地) 意思相近。
5. D 提高人们对北极变化的全球性影响的认识。
解析: 文章旨在向读者介绍北极地区面临的气候变化问题及其全球性影响,呼吁人们关注北极,因此正确答案是 D。
Passage 2
1. B 学习关于外太空的知识。
解析: 文章第一段提到 James 从小就 "fascinated by astronomy" (着迷于天文学) 而且 "devoured information about planets, stars, and the intricate workings of celestial objects" (如饥似渴地阅读有关行星、恒星和天体复杂运行的信息) ,说明他从小就对学习外太空知识充满热情,所以正确答案是 B。
2. D 在他家的阳台上。
解析: 文章第二段提到 James 会 "position his telescope on the balcony" (把望远镜放在阳台上) 来观察星空,所以正确答案是 D。
3. B 它的速度很慢,路径也不寻常。
解析: 文章第三段提到 James 一开始认为这个物体是卫星, 但是 "its trajectory seemed off. It was moving too slowly, tracing a path that didn't match any known orbital patterns." (它的轨迹似乎不太对劲。它移动得太慢了,而且运动轨迹与任何已知的轨道模式都不符。) 因此,正确答案是 B。
4. B 他向他们展示了他详细的观察记录,并进行了充满激情的辩论。
解析: 文章最后一段提到 James "sharing his findings with seasoned astronomers who were initially skeptical. His meticulous records and passionate arguments, however, convinced them to take a closer look." (与经验丰富的天文学家分享了他的发现,但他们一开始持怀疑态度。然而,他一丝不苟的记录和充满激情的辩论最终说服了他们仔细观察。) 因此,正确答案是 B。
5. C 他发现了一颗未被记录在册的小行星。
解析: 文章最后一段提到 "they confirmed that what James had discovered was indeed an uncatalogued asteroid, a small, rocky body orbiting the sun in a unique and previously unknown path" (他们证实,James 发现的确实是一颗未被记录在册的小行星,一个以独特且此前未知的路径围绕太阳运行的小型岩石天体。) 因此,正确答案是 C。
Passage 3
1. C 一个图形的大小。
解析: 问题问的是“老师最初的问题是关于什么的”,文章第一句就点明了是关于“arithmetic problem” (算术题), 而且是要求计算 “the area of this rectangle” (这个长方形的面积) , 所以正确答案是 C。
2. B 她不想引人注目。
解析: 文章第二段提到 Emily “knew the answer...but a newfound hesitation gripped her.” (知道答案... 但一种新的犹豫抓住了她), 并且在第三段解释了原因是 “some of her classmates had started teasing her, calling her a “know-it-all”...” (她的一些同学开始嘲笑她,叫她“万事通”...) 说明她害怕因为知道答案而被嘲笑,所以不想引人注目, 因此正确答案是 B。
3. D 他们嘲笑她的聪明。
解析: 文章第三段提到 "some of her classmates had started teasing her, calling her a “know-it-all” and whispering behind her back whenever she answered questions quickly or corrected their mistakes" (她的一些同学开始嘲笑她,叫她“万事通”,每当她快速回答问题或纠正他们的错误时,就会在她背后窃窃私语。) 这说明同学们在嘲笑她爱表现自己,嘲笑她聪明,因此正确答案是 D。
4. C 她变得沉默寡言。
解析: 文章最后一段提到 "As the teacher called on another student, Emily sank lower in her seat, her gaze dropping to the floor." (当老师叫另一个学生回答问题时,Emily 在座位上坐得更低了,目光落在地板上。) 这说明 Emily 变得沉默寡言,不愿意参与课堂,因此正确答案是 C。
5. D 她为自己的不敢说出来感到深深的后悔和悲伤。
解析: 文章最后一句提到 “The classroom walls seemed to close in, suffocating her with the weight of her unspoken answer.” (教室的墙壁似乎向她逼近,让她对自己的沉默感到窒息。) 这句话运用了比喻的修辞手法,生动形象地描绘出 Emily 因为不敢说出答案而感到后悔和悲伤的心情,因此正确答案是 D。
Passage 4
1. B 研究传统的治疗方法。
解析: 文章第二段开头就点明了 Dr. Liam 来到这个偏远村庄的目的: “Dr. Liam had come to study their unique medicinal practices...” (Liam 医生来这里是为了研究他们独特的医疗实践...) 因此,正确答案是 B。
2. C 他们治疗睡眠问题的方法。
解析: 文章第二段提到 Dr. Liam "was particularly interested in their approach to treating sleep disorders" ( 对他们治疗睡眠障碍的方法特别感兴趣) 因此,正确答案是 C。
3. B 作为精神失衡的标志。
解析: 文章第三段提到村民们认为 "insomnia wasn't just a physical ailment, but a sign of an imbalance within a person, a disharmony between mind, body, and spirit." (失眠不仅仅是一种身体疾病,而是一个人内部失衡的标志,是身心和精神失调的表现) 因此,正确答案是 B。
4. B 诵经、焚香和创造一个和平宁静的氛围。
解析: 文章第四段提到村民们治疗失眠, 不仅仅是使用草药, 还会 "chanted rhythmic verses, used fragrant incense, and created an atmosphere of peace and tranquility..." ( 诵念有节奏的经文,使用芳香的熏香,并创造一种和平与安宁的氛围...) 因此,正确答案是 B。
5. B 他开始欣赏更全面的治疗观。
解析: 文章最后提到 Liam 医生 "While he still relied on his scientific knowledge, he also recognized the importance of the environment, the rituals, and the power of belief in the healing process." ( 虽然他仍然依赖于自己的科学知识,但他也认识到环境、仪式和信仰在治疗过程中的重要性。) 说明他开始认同这种将环境、仪式和信仰融入治疗的更全面的治疗观,因此正确答案是 B。
Passage 5
1. C 在一个繁忙的市场里。
解析: 文章第一段描写了国王的信使 "raced through the crowded market square" (快速穿过拥挤的市场广场), 所以正确答案是 C。
2. B 一支指向天空的箭。
解析: 文章第一段提到信使衣服上的图案是 "the official emblem emblazoned on his tunic – a golden arrow pointing towards the heavens" (绣在他外套上的官方标志——一支指向天空的金色箭), 因此正确答案是 B。
3. C 一场射箭比赛。
解析: 文章第二段提到信使宣布 “By order of the king, a grand tournament of archery shall be held one fortnight hence” (奉国王之命,两周后将举行一场盛大的射箭比赛) 因此,正确答案是 C。
4. C 一个手工制作的弓和箭。
解析: 文章第四段提到射箭比赛的最高奖品是 "competing for the grand prize - a magnificent bow crafted of the finest wood and strung with the sinews of a mythical beast" (争夺最终大奖——一张由最上等的木材制成,并用神话野兽的筋腱串起的精美弓箭) 因此,正确答案是 C。
5. C 专注和耐心。
解析: 文章最后一句提到国王认为射箭 "not just as a martial art, but as a discipline that cultivated focus, patience, and a harmonious connection between mind and body" ( 不仅仅是一门武术,更是一门培养专注、耐心以及身心和谐的学科。) 因此,正确答案是 C。


