2025年高考英语一轮复习 教材梳理 外研版(2019)必修第一册 学案(教师版,共6份)

  1. 二一教育资源

2025年高考英语一轮复习 教材梳理 外研版(2019)必修第一册 学案(教师版,共6份)


Unit 5 Into the wild
【Step1 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
St.Pete Beach圣彼得海滩
  My husband and I visited the coastal resort city of St. Pete Beach, Florida earlier this year, thanks to being fortunate enough to have a relative with their own beachfront apartment there. With its picturesque sandy beaches crystal-blue waters and year-round sunshine, it’s clear to see why St. Pete is a popular tourist destination among travellers around the world. Just a few feet from our apartment we found ourselves walking on powdery, white sand towards the glistening azure ocean. We were soon greeted by a vendor offering us the use of one of his luxury cabanas for the day for a very reasonable price and settled into a full day of relaxation. The serene atmosphere was a true escape from the hustle and bustle of life back home. It was so easy to while away the days from morning until dusk,relishing the warm embrace of the sun’s rays and getting lost in a good book,before dipping into the tranquil ocean waters to cool off.   After a while we began to crave a bit more adventure on our trip which, to our delight, we discovered was easy to come by. On one of our excursions we took a boat trip to the secluded island of Egmont Key State Park. Here we explored the ruins of Fort Dade,a military garrison built in 1898 during the Spanish-American war, and a 150-year-old working lighthouse. The island is also a protected wildlife reserve and home to hundreds of species of birds, gopher tortoises and a popular nesting site for vulnerable leatherback turtles. On our return journey from the island, we were mesmerised to discover we were being followed by over a dozen bottlenose dolphins, who were taking it in turns to leap out of the water playfully in the wake of our boat. The delights that this wonderful place has to offer are too numerous to possibly squeeze into one visit. —READER’S DIGEST (同源高考:2018年全国卷ⅡD篇阅读选自本杂志)
金榜原创 1.Where did the writer and her husband live when in St. Pete Beach (B) A.In a hotel downtown. B.In a house near the sea. C.On an island. D.In their own apartment. 2.How did the writer find her visit to the island (A) A.Exciting and rewarding. B.Adventurous and frightening. C.Tough and unforgettable. D.Boring and tiring. 长难句分析 On our return journey from the island, we were mesmerised to discover we were being followed by over a dozen bottlenose dolphins, who were taking it in turns to leap out of the water playfully in the wake of our boat. 分析:本句是主从复合句。discover后面是省略that的宾语从句。在这个从句中,who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰dolphins。
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.seek v. (sought, sought)寻找, 寻求
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(2023·新高考Ⅱ卷)Seeking(seek) and accepting constructive feedback (反馈) is crucial to growth.
②(2024·威海模拟)They explain in the paper that there are conceptual thinkers, who seek to communicate(communicate) specific ideas or emotions and have precise goals for their works.
③(牛津高阶词典)She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour.
④We sought her out to tell her of her success. On hearing the good news, she was on top of the world.
我们找到她, 告诉她她成功了。听到这个好消息,她非常高兴。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)seek to do sth.=try to do sth.  试图做某事
(2)seek (after/for)=look for=search for 寻找
(3)seek sth. from sb.=ask sb. for sth.=turn to sb. for sth.  向某人寻求某事
(4)seek one’s fortune  寻找致富或成功之道
(5)seek sb./sth. out 找到某人/物
2.measure v.量, 测量 n.措施;尺度;标准
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(剑桥高阶词典)The area, measuring(measure) 5 kilometres by 3 kilometres, has been purchased by the army.
②(朗文词典)Education shouldn’t be measured(measure) purely by examination results.
③(牛津高阶词典)I’m having the curtains made to measure.
④We should take measures to stop the forest being destroyed.
我们应该采取措施阻止森林被破坏。 <写作运用:应用文写作之保护森林>
(1)measure...by...     用……来衡量……
(2)take measures (to do sth.) 采取措施(做某事)
make...to measure 定做……
3.determine v.测定,确定;决定
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I’m determined to help(help) him overcome his pain.
②She is a determined(determine) photographer, who often braves the elements to take photos in the wild.
③She has a great determination(determine) to protect the creatures.
④It is our efforts, not our intelligence, that determine our success, so let’s work hard together for our dream.
决定我们成功的是我们的努力而非智力,所以让我们为了我们的梦想一起努力吧。 <写作运用:应用文写作之倡议书>
(1)determine to do sth.  决定做某事
determine sb. to do sth. 让某人下决心做某事
(2)determined adj.坚决的;有决心的
be determined to do sth. 决心做某事(表示状态)
(3)determination n.决心,决定
4.survive v.活下来, 幸存;比……长命
①It’s amazing that the 12-year-old boy survived on a bottle of water in the earthquake.
②A lot of small companies have to fight for survival(survive).
③Survivors(survive) of the accident were rushed to the nearest hospital in no time.
④Falter confirmed the board was his and was shocked to learn his “baby” had floated across the world’s largest ocean and survived.
Falter确认冲浪板是他的,当得知他的“宝贝”漂过世界上最大的海洋并幸存下来时,他感到非常震惊。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)survive+冠词+n.(fire/earthquake/accident...) 幸免于, 从……生还
survive sb.  比某人活得久(与家族成员相比)
survive on 靠……生存下来
(2)survival n.幸存, 生还,残存物
(3)survivor n.幸存者,幸存物
actor男演员    translator 翻译家
visitor参观者 inventor 发明家
educator教育者 governor统治者,管理者,州长
5.freeze v.(froze, frozen) 突然停止,呆住;冻结,(使)冷冻; 使结冰
①Slowly, and with the camera still held to my eye, I turned...and froze(freeze). (教材原句P75)
②I nearly froze to death watching that football match.
③There is a lot of frozen(freeze) food in the fridge.
④Seeing the wolf rushing to him, Mike froze with horror but he reacted quickly and ran away as fast as he could. 看到狼向他冲来,迈克吓呆了,但他很快反应过来,以最快的速度跑开了。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)freeze one’s blood/make one’s blood freeze
freeze to death/be frozen to death 冻死/被冻死
freeze with horror 吓呆
(2)freezing adj.极冷的
freezing point  冰点
freezing cold 极冷
(3)frozen adj.冷冻的
(4)freezer n.制冰淇淋的机器;冰箱
6.recover v.(从糟糕经历中)恢复,康复;重新获得
①They sought to recover damages from the firm.
②The patient’s recovery(recover) was encouraging as he could walk slowly by himself.
③To our relief, mother recovered completely/made a full recovery from her heart operation.
令我们感到宽慰的是,妈妈从心脏手术中完全康复了。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)recover from 从……中恢复
recover...from... 从……中找到/恢复……
(2)recovery n.恢复,康复
make a full/speedy recovery from 从……中完全/快速恢复
shock n.吃惊,震惊;休克;强烈的冲击或震动 v.使震惊
①The photographs of starving children shocked(shock) us so we were determined to help them.
②(剑桥高阶英语)We were shocked(shock) to see smoke pouring out of the roof.
③Tom has since reported the shocking(shock) findings to the government in an attempt to emphasise that babies are at the higher risk of developing asthma (哮喘).
④I stared at him in shock and a faint sound of surprise escaped my throat.我惊愕地盯着他,不禁发出轻轻的惊愕声。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)in shock   震惊地
culture shock   文化冲击
(2)shocked   adj.感到震惊的
(3)shocking   adj.令人震惊的
7.cut down砍倒;缩减;降价
①He cut down coffee and junk food, and decided to live a healthy life.
②The village was cut off because of the heavy snow.
③You can cut out the unimportant details.
④It is impolite to break in when other people are talking. cut in
⑤After I cut up the onion, I poured it into a bowl and then mixed it with egg liquid. 我把洋葱切碎后,倒进碗里,然后和鸡蛋液混合在一起。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
cut in   插嘴;打断
cut off 切断;阻断;隔绝
cut out 裁剪;删掉
cut up 切碎
8.after all毕竟,终究,归根结底(句首);别忘了(用在句尾或句中)
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/同义替换/完成句子
①Kids aren’t too young to help. After all, just at the age of 6 Quick started his first cooking.
②He made only two mistakes in all.
③You should not have scolded the boy at all.
④Max is fair, hard-working and most importantly honest. above all
⑤First of all, we are to gather at the school gate at 6 am tomorrow.
首先,我们明天早晨6点在学校门口集合。 <写作运用: 应用文写作之通知>
in all    总计,总共
above all 最重要的是;尤其是
at all (否定句)根本;(疑问句)到底;究竟
first of all 首先
9.The more we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come. 我们对这种可爱的生物了解越多,它生存的机会就越大,并在自然界中长期占有一席之地。
①If you practice more, your English will be better.
→The more you practice, the better your English will be.
②(2023·全国甲卷)You’ll soon find that the more patience you practice, the more you start to apply it to other, more annoying situations.
③It becomes warmer and warmer when spring comes and the flowers are getting more and more beautiful. 春天来了,天气越来越暖和了,花也变得越来越漂亮了。<写作运用:读后续写之环境描写>
(2)比较级+and+比较级,表示“越来越……”(如果是多音节形容词或副词,用more and more+多音节形容词/副词)
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.To keep our streets clean annually(annual) costs the UK taxpayers £500 million.
2.Shocked(shock) and proud, their mother hugged them firmly.
3.Emotional intelligence cannot be measured(measure) by an IQ test.
4.When the ice is heated above freezing(freeze) point, it begins to change into a liquid state.
5.Universities have to provide student accommodation(accommodate) for first-year students.
6.Most of the old part of the city was destroyed(destroy) by bombs during the war in the 1940s.
7.Reactions(react) to the proposal so far have been mixed. There are a variety(vary) of posts about it online.
8.It was hard for me to understand the lecture, so eventually(eventual) I lost concentration(concentrate) and felt bored. Later, I sought(seek) help from my professor.
9.The determined(determine) doctors let him make a full recovery(recover). He was thankful so he owed his survival(survive) to the doctors.
10.The amazing(amaze) thing was that the solution(solve) to the problem was put forward by an 11-year-old boy. Later, he founded(found) a charity to help more people.
If you cut down the young trees, you will be punished.
Don’t believe the advertisement. After all, it is the customers who pay for whatever they are given.
The more you hurry, the less progress you are likely to make.
With tears welling up in his eyes, he thanked us for keeping his son alive.
The reason why I’m here to tell the story is that I want to encourage others to move on.
Many animals move from one place to another at certain times of the year. This annual movement 1.is called(call) migration. One of the most wonderful migrations in nature is 2.that of the North American monarch butterfly.
Every autumn, 3.millions(million) of these beautiful insects begin a long and difficult journey. Somehow they manage to find their way to California or Mexico. However, until 4.recently(recent) no one knew how they did this. Some scientists now have found out what allows the butterfly 5.to determine(determine) the way to go. The 6.solution(solve) to the mystery of the monarch’s amazing ability comes at a time 7.when it is in serious trouble.
Sadly, its population 8.has crashed(crash) by as much as 90 per cent in the last few years because of human activity. The research has however led to 9.a greater awareness of this creature. The 10.more(much) we know about this lovely creature, the greater the chance it will survive and keep its place in the natural world for a long time to come.
随着社会的发展,一些野生动物遭到捕杀,它们的栖息地遭到破坏。学校将举办一个主题为“How to protect wild animals”的演讲比赛。你打算参加此演讲,内容要点如下:
Good morning, everyone,
I am honored to give a speech about how to protect wild animals. __________
Thank you for your listening!
1.一些动物的数量急剧下降,因为人们杀死了它们,破坏了它们的栖息地。(crash, destroy)
2.因此,我们应该采取措施让它们幸存下来。(measure, survive)
3.提高人们保护野生动物的意识,严惩捕杀野生动物的人。(awareness, who)
5.我希望更多有决心的志愿者能够参与进来,希望政府能够想出更好的办法来增加野生动物的数量。(determined, solution)
Good morning, everyone,
I am honored to give a speech about how to protect wild animals. As we all know, wild animals can help keep the balance of nature. However, the number of some animals has crashed because people kill them and destroy their habitats.
Therefore, we are supposed to take measures to make them survive. First, raise people’s awareness of protecting wild animals and seriously punish those who hunt or kill them. Besides, more natural reserves should be founded. I hope more determined volunteers will take part and that the government will think of more good solutions to increasing the population of wild animals. The sooner, the better.
Thank you for your listening!Unit 3 Family matters
【Step1 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
A Kansas man plants 1.2 m sunflowers as 50th anniversary gift for his wife
  A Kansas man celebrated his 50th wedding anniversary by surprising his wife with more than a million sunflowers. In May, working with his son, Lee Wilson secretly planted 80 acres of sunflowers, around 1.2 m plants, in preparation for the anniversary on 10 August. Speaking to KAKE, an ABC affiliate TV station in Wichita,Wilson said,“What’s a guy got his gal for the 50th And I put a lot of thought into it, and she always liked sunflowers. And I thought, this is the year to plant sunflowers, so I planted 80 acres of sunflowers for her.”KAKE said each acre contained approximately 15,000 sunflowers, totaling about 1.2 m. “It made me feel very special,” Renee Wilson said. “It couldn’t have been a more perfect anniversary gift than a field of sunflowers.”   The couple met in high school. Lee Wilson said, “She couldn’t date until she was 16, and I called her on her 16th birthday, and that’s when we started dating. Our first date was a roller-skating party.” He knew his wife was “the one”, he said, after that first date. The sunflowers, which happen to be the Kansas state flower,are located off the south side of Highway 54,four miles outside Pratt, Kansas. Wilson’s anniversary surprise drew plenty of comments online. One user tweeted that for other spouses approaching a significant anniversary, “The bar has been raised.” Another said,“I can’t even get a text back.” Lee said he would not be making the sunflowers an annual anniversary gift. “It’s been fun but I think one time is enough for us,” he told KAKE. “It’s somebody else’s turn next year.” —The Guardian (同源高考:2022年全国乙卷七选五选自本报)
金榜原创 1.What can we know about Lee Wilson (A) A.He didn’t tell his wife about his plan at first. B.He planted the sunflowers by himself. C.He is an agricultural expert. D.He is romantic and ambitious. 2.What can we infer from the passage (B) A.There are few comments online about this event. B.Lee and his wife have been in love. C.The sunflowers are the nation flower of America. D.More couples will plant sunflowers next year. 长难句分析 She couldn’t date until she was 16, and I called her on her 16th birthday, and that’s when we started dating. 分析:本句是and连接的三个并列句。第一个分句中,until引导时间状语从句。not...until...意思是“直到……才……”。第三个分句中,when引导表语从句。 词汇积累 anniversary      n.周年 wedding n.婚礼,结婚 in preparation for 为……做准备
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.approach v.走近,靠近,接近 n.方式,靠近
①(剑桥高阶词典)If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you’ll see that we’re now approaching(approach) the Tower of London.
②(朗文词典)Students should be able to approach teachers for advice.
③(2023·浙江高考1月卷)InSPIRE is investigating practical approaches to “low-impact”solar development, which focuses on establishing and operating solar farms in a way that is kinder to the land.
④As I approached the farm, my memories with the hummingbird flooded back.
当我接近农场时,关于蜂鸟的记忆涌上心头。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
an approach to doing sth. 做某事的方法
the approach of ……的临近
at one’s approach 某人一靠近
make approaches to sb. 接近某人;与某人打交道
2.focus v.(把……)集中(于);聚集 n.焦点, 焦距, 中心
①I want to focus on my band and have a career in music when I leave school.(教材原句P35)
②With his attention focused(focus) on the details, he ignored some important things.
③(牛津高阶词典)The children’s faces are badly out of focus in the photograph.
④This course is specially designed for beginners like you, focusing on listening and speaking practice.
本课程专为像你这样的初学者设计,重点是听和说的练习。 <写作运用:应用文写作之介绍课程>
(1)focus on=focus one’s attention on 集中注意力于
(2)the focus of... ……的焦点
be in focus 清楚,在焦点上
be out of focus 不清楚,不在焦点上
bring...into focus 使……成为焦点
3.respect v.尊敬, 敬重;遵守 n.尊重, 敬意, 问候(pl.);方面
①(2023·新高考Ⅱ卷)They make me feel valued and respected(respect), no matter my level of artistic ability.
②This proposal given by our tutor is really excellent in all respects(respect).
③In addition to the snacks they gave, there was the $20 bill.What a kind and respectable(respect) family!
④In China, respecting/showing respect for the old people is a virtue everyone should have.
在中国,尊敬老人是每个人都应该具备的美德。 <写作运用:应用文写作之礼节>
(1)respect sb. for sth.  因……尊重某人
(2)show respect for 对……表示尊重
give/send one’s respects to 代某人向……问好
in respect of 就……而言, 关于
out of respect 出于尊重
(3)respectable adj.值得尊敬的;正派的, 体面的
(4) respectful adj.有礼貌的, 表示尊敬的
【词缀拓展】 -able形容词后缀小结
acceptable可以接受的   comfortable 舒服的
admirable 值得钦佩的 changeable 可变的
washable 可洗的  wearable 可穿戴的
4.aim v.力求达到;对准 n.目标, 目的;瞄准
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/句型转换
①(2023·全国甲卷)Two thirds of people aim to improve(improve) their comfort while at home.
②They will carry out a campaign aimed at reducing road accidents.
③It is a project with the aim of helping the poor children in the countryside.
④This activity is aimed at developing the students’ listening and speaking.
→This activity aims to develop the students’ listening and speaking.
→This activity aims at developing the students’ listening and speaking.<写作运用:应用文写作之通知>
(1)aim to do sth.   旨在做某事
aim at doing sth.=be aimed at 目的是;旨在
(2)take aim at 瞄准
with the aim of   以……为目标
(3)aimless   adj.无目标的
aimlessly   adv.漫无目的地
homeless无家可归的   useless无用的
hopeless没有希望的  powerless无力的
speechless 无语的   careless粗心的
5.observe v.庆祝, 过(节日、生日等);观察, 注意到;遵守(规则、法律等)
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①Officers observed him driving(drive) at 90 miles per hour so he was stopped immediately.
②(朗文词典) It was observed(observe) that 40 percent of patients had high blood pressure.
③(剑桥高阶词典)She was admitted to hospital for observation(observe).
④If you come to China, you can observe the Spring Festival with the local people.
如果你来中国,你可以和当地人一起过春节。 <写作运用:应用文写作之邀请信>
(1)observe sb. doing sth. 观察某人正在做某事
observe sb. do sth.→sb. be observed to do sth. 观察到某人做了某事
observe sb./sth. done 观察到某人/物被……
(2)observation n.观察;注意;监视
(3)observer n.观察者;观察员
1.assume v.假定,假设,认为
①I had assumed him to be(be) a lawyer but he was a professional coach.
②In art criticism, it is assumed(assume) that the artist has a secret message hidden within the work.
③Try to understand what’s actually happening instead of acting on the assumption(assume) you’ve made.
④Assuming that you pay attention to a balanced diet, you will keep healthy.
假如你注意平衡膳食,你就会保持健康。 <写作运用:应用文写作之建议信>
(1)assume that...   设想/认为……
assume...to be... 假定/假设……是……
It is assumed that... 人们认为……
(2)assumption n.假定;假设
make an assumption 认为;假定
(3)assuming (that)... 假设/假定……
2.suit v.适合 n.套装,诉讼
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①You will have to try out the various balls to find out which one suits(suit) you best.
②(2023·全国乙卷)Many of these species (物种) are not ideally suited to growing(grow) outside in the UK, especially in the winter.
③(牛津高阶词典)I don’t have anything suitable(suit) to wear for the party.
④This programme is suitable for students who are eager to learn English well.
本课程适合渴望学好英语的学生。 <写作运用:应用文写作之介绍课程>
(1)suited       adj.适合的(作表语)
be suited to doing sth. 适合做某事
(2)suitable adj.适合的(作定语、表语)
be suitable for 适合
6.in the lead领先
①With just 700 metres to go, Alistair Brownlee was in third place and his younger brother, Jonny, was in the lead. (教材原句P42)
②(朗文词典)The Bears took the lead for the first time this season.
③Because a local led the way, we arrived at the remote village.
→With a local leading the way, we arrived at the remote village. (with的复合结构)
④His rude behaviour led to his being driven out of the hotel.
他的粗鲁的行为导致他被赶出旅馆。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)take the lead  领先
(2)lead to 通向,导致(to是介词)
(3)lead the way 带路
7.leave behind把……抛在后面,留下
①(朗文词典)Sarah, with her long legs, soon left the rest of us far behind.
②When I arrived home, he’d already left for work.
③Barry took up the story where Justine had stopped.
→Barry took up the story where Justine had left off.
④Tony felt left out and was getting desperate with loneliness.托尼觉得自己被冷落了,因为孤独而变得绝望。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
leave for 离开去(某地/上班等)
leave off 停止
leave out 排除在外; 忽略掉
8.Watched by millions, the ending to the race has divided opinions: should the brothers have been disqualified or highly praised for their actions
①(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)Encouraged(encourage) by his words, I agreed to give it a try.
②(2023·新高考Ⅱ卷)Evaluate your performance and, if needed(need), redefine your role.
③When it is approached in this way, your relationship with him will become better.
→Approached in this way, your relationship with him will become better.
④The patient got off the bed, supported by the nurse.
(1)动词-ed形式在句中作状语时, 表示时间、原因、条件、方式、伴随、结果、让步等。
(3)动词-ed形式作状语多放在句首, 也可放在后面或插在中间。
But for Alistair, his decision was easy to explain... 但是对于阿利斯泰尔来说, 他的决定很容易解释……
①(2023·新高考Ⅱ卷)Jaramillo’s students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find(find) and fast food restaurants outnumber grocery stores.
②A bike is cheap to repair(repair) while a car is expensive to maintain(maintain).
③It is not comfortable to sit on the chair made of plastic.
→The chair made of plastic is not comfortable to sit on.
④The summary is hard to write so I have to ask you for help.
这个总结很难写,所以我不得不向你求助。 <写作运用:应用文写作之求助信>
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.Approaching(approach) the port, we saw some ships carrying goods.
2.I should apologize(apology) to you—I’m afraid I opened your letter by mistake.
3.We focus on urban areas where access to nature is often not that easy.
4.It is assumed(assume) that stress is caused by too much work.
5.The girl chatting(chat) on the phone looked happy.
6.The girls are currently(current) talking about the two leading characters in the film.
7.We discussed the strengths(strong)and weaknesses of each person. Obviously(obvious), the discussion made us come to know about ourselves better.
8.These athletes(athlete) train regularly(regular) in preparation for the coming competition. Each of them is eager to get more medals(medal).
9.It’s our responsibility(responsible) to protect our environment. Besides, we should help solve some environmental issues(issue).
10.Typically(typical), the more knowledgeable a person is, the more powerful(power) he is. As a consequence, read a wide range of books and apply your knowledge to practice.
Look! The Chinese swimmer now appears to be in the lead.
The boy finds that the ice in the river is easy to break.
Moving to a faraway city sometimes means losing some friends.
If you are left behind,it is hard to catch up with others.
The driver was observed to break the traffic rules, so he was fined.
Grandfather and Father are playing chess 1.when Son comes in. Son tells his father his intention of not going to university, which surprises his father. Father is a 2.lawyer(law), and intends his son to do the same job. However, Son is 3.interested(interest) in playing music. Father doesn’t understand his son and has 4.an argument with him. Grandfather has no 5.choice(choose) but to calm both of them down. He reminds Father that he faced the same situation when Father was his son’s age. Father now has a career that 6.suits(suit) his own talents and Grandfather is 7.proud(pride) of him. Finally, Grandfather asks Son to take his advice 8.seriously(serious) that he should go to university and play music at the same time. 9.In his opinion, Son can make lots of new friends at university. Father accepts it, 10.saying(say) “You can make lots of new lawyer friends.”
Step 1 要点写作
Your father is strict with you currently. He cares about you very much.
I think you will find he is not too strict if you focus on what he requests you to do and try your best to do it well. In addition, you can find your strengths and develop your talents.
People generally assume that there is a generation gap between parents and children.
You should respect them.
Step 2 句式升级
Your father is strict with you currently because he cares about you very much.
It is generally assumed that there is a generation gap between parents and children.
What you should do is respect them.
Step 3 组句成篇
Dear Lucy,
I am writing to give you some advice on how to get along well with your father.
Your father is strict with you currently because he cares about you very much. I think you will find he is not too strict if you focus on what he requests you to do and try your best to do it well. In addition, you can find your strengths and develop your talents.
It is generally assumed that there is a generation gap between parents and children. What you should do is respect them. Do things positively and you won’t be bored.
I hope my advice is beneficial.
Li HuaUnit 4 Friends forever
【Step 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
Lifelong Platonic Love
  A few months after moving in with her friend Susie, Tracey Emerson knew that she’d found the life she wanted. “It just kept feeling like it was a better situation than any alternative,” she says. “I always kept feeling like, ‘This is where I want to be,and that it does make sense.’” That was over 20 years ago, and the pair have lived together ever since as platonic life partners—a relationship where the person you build your life with is a friend. Just like a spouse, platonic partners may share a home, finances, and even co-parent, but aren’t romantic or sexual with each other. These sorts of partnerships are nothing new—the concept of chosen family is well-ingrained in LGBTQIA+ culture, while 19th-century “Boston marriages” allowed unmarried women to live together—but a surge of interest driven by social media has thrust them into a new spotlight. Now,we have the terms “platonic life partnership” and “platonic soulmate”,plus posts clocking millions of views that represent and legitimise these relationships. And yet, because having a friend as the person we go through life with looks different to what was taught to expect,there’s still a lack of understanding around platonic partnerships and how they can work.“There’s this idea that you’ll have friends,but a life partner—or what might be deemed a romantic partner—will become primary over that. The idea with a platonic life partner is that, actually, that’s not the case,” says sex and relationships psychotherapist, Miranda Christophers. —READER’S DIGEST (同源高考:2018年全国卷ⅡD篇阅读选自本杂志)
金榜原创 1.Why does the author mention Tracey Emerson’s story (D) A.To show her life. B.To relate her relationship with Susie. C.To introduce a new concept. D.To introduce the topic. 2.What can we infer from the passage (A) A.Many of us can’t accept platonic life partnership. B.Platonic life partnership is illegal. C.Those unmarried women who live together are independent and well-educated. D.More platonic soulmates will appear in the future. 长难句分析 And yet, because having a friend as the person we go through life with looks different to what was taught to expect,there’s still a lack of understanding around platonic partnerships and how they can work. 分析:本句是主从复合句。because引导原因状语从句。在because引导的从句中,主语是having a friend as the person we go through life with。在这个主语中,we go through life with是定语从句,修饰person。what was taught to expect是what引导的宾语从句,作介词to的宾语。主句是there be句型,其中how they can work是how引导的宾语从句,作介词around的宾语。
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.familiar adj.熟悉的;常见到的;常听说的;通晓的
①(朗文词典)This kind of situation was all too familiar to John.
②It is an area with which I have been familiar since childhood.
③(剑桥高阶词典) Ellen’s familiarity(familiar)with pop music is astonishing.
④When you come across unfamiliar words, don’t be anxious. Instead, try to understand them in the context. 当你遇到不熟悉的单词时,不要着急。相反,试着在上下文中理解它们。 <写作运用:应用文写作之建议信>
(1)be/get familiar with... 熟悉……/与……熟悉起来(主语通常是人)
be familiar to... 为……所熟悉(主语通常是事物,to的宾语通常是人)
(2)unfamiliar adj.陌生的,不熟悉的
(3)familiarity n.[U]熟悉;亲近
unaware 不知道的    unlikely 不可能的
uncomfortable 不舒服的 unemployed 失业的
unfortunate 不幸的 unhappy 不开心的
2.prefer v.偏爱,更喜欢
①I simply prefer just to sit(sit) on the chair watching a film rather than play games.
②I’d prefer you not to postpone(postpone) holding the meeting.
③(2023·淄博模拟)However, as each successive generation reaches old age, bringing with it its particular tendencies and preferences(prefer), new problems arise requiring new social accommodations.
④I prefer riding a bicycle to driving a car/prefer to ride a bicycle rather than drive a car because riding not only can make us healthy but also is good for our environment.
(1)prefer doing/to do sth.  更喜欢做某事
would prefer (sb.) to do sth. 宁愿(某人)做某事
prefer (doing) A to (doing) B=prefer to do A rather than do B
(2)preference n.偏爱,爱好
3.advance n.进步,进展 v.前进,促进,提前
①Thanks to advances(advance) in technology, how we make friends and communicate with them has changed significantly. (教材原句P50)
②(2023·浙江1月高考)But no matter when you travel, it’s a good idea to make your reservations at least 90 days in advance.
③(剑桥高阶词典)This is the most advanced(advance) type of engine available.
④The men advanced on us, shouting angrily.
那些人愤怒地叫喊着,向我们逼近。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)advance on/upon/towards 朝……前进
(2)in advance 预先;提前(指事先)
in advance of 在……前面;超过……
(3)advanced adj.高级的;先进的;高龄的
4.prove v.证明,证实
①(2023·全国乙卷)She went right into the shower to wash it, but it was no use. At least one thing proved(prove) true:the color wouldn’t wash out.
②(牛津高阶词典)Can it be proved(prove) that he did commit these offences
③(朗文词典)He’s living proof(prove) that footballers can still play at the highest level into their late thirties.
④The exhibition proved (to be) a complete success and we hope such activities will be held in the future.
展览会取得了圆满成功,我们希望今后能够举办这样的活动。 <写作运用:应用文写作之活动感受>
(1)prove sth. to sb. 向某人证明某事
prove to be+adj./n. 证明是……
It’s proved that... 据证明……
(2)proof n.证明,证据
5.appointed adj.约定的, 指定的,任命的
①(剑桥高阶词典)I’d like to introduce our newly appointed(appoint) members of staff.
②Last Monday a committee was appointed to investigate(investigate) the influence of social media on teenagers.
③They appointed him as captain of the English team.
④I am writing to apologize to you for breaking the appointment yesterday.
我写信是为了向你道歉,因为我昨天失约了。 <写作运用:应用文写作之道歉信>
(1)appoint       v.任命,约会,约定
appoint sb. to do sth. 任命某人做某事
appoint sb. as sth. 任命某人担任……
(2)appointment n.约会,约定,任命
make an appointment with sb. 和某人约会/预约
keep/break an appointment 守约/失约
6.strike v.(struck, struck)划(火柴);打;(钟)敲响;撞击;侵袭;打动;突然想起;罢工 n.罢工;打击
①It struck me that I ought to illustrate the data using a diagram.
②The victim revealed that the man had struck him on the head with an iron bar.
③I was struck(strike) deeply by Yuan Longping’s story and determined to do my part.
④An earthquake struck his hometown. He was worried about his parents and it was the concern that quickened his steps.
(1)sth. strike(s) sb.=sth. hit(s) sb.=sth. occur(s) to sb. 某人突然想到某事
It struck sb. that...=It hit sb. that...=It occurred to sb. that... 某人突然想到……
be struck by/with 被……打动
strike sb.+介词+the+... 打某人某部位
(2)be on strike/go on strike 在/举行罢工
(3)striking adj.显著的, 突出的, 引人注目的
7.lose track of不了解……的情况,不了解……的动态,与……失去联系
①(朗文词典)We’ve had the initial test results and it looks as though we’re on the right track.
②(牛津高阶词典)The police have so far failed to track down the attacker.
③It’s impossible to keep in touch with all your classmates in the primary school.
keep track of
④I felt sad to lose track of some of my childhood friends so I decided to find their phone number and contact them.
我为失去一些儿时的朋友而感到难过,所以我决定找到他们的电话号码并与他们联系。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)keep track of     了解……的动态,与……保持联系
on the right/wrong track (想法或做法)对/不对
follow the tracks of 循着……的足迹/痕迹
(2)track sb./sth. down  追踪某人/物
8.turn up(意外地或终于)出现;调大(音量等)
①(牛津高阶词典)The job turned out to be harder than we thought.
②(2023·浙江1月高考)As you make your lifestyle changes, you may find yourself wanting to speak up for yourself if others comment on what you’re doing, which can turn itself into a whole household debate.
③When he was turned down by the boss, he felt low.
→Turned down by the boss, he felt low. (过去分词短语作状语)
④Turning up the TV set, the old man began to watch his favourite program.
老人把电视机的音量调大,开始看他最喜欢的节目。 <写作运用: 读后续写之细节描写>
turn on       打开
turn off      关掉
turn out      结果是
turn back      返回
turn (...) into (...)   (把……) 变成
turn down     拒绝,调小(音量等)
9.We figured that in twenty years each of us ought to have our destiny worked out and our fortunes made, whatever they were going to be.
①(朗文词典)Mullins had his nose broken(break) in a fight.
②I normally have my hair done(do) in a barber’s shop near my home.
③He always gets the car player playing(play) music all the way when driving.
④The words had my heart beat fast and brought tears to my eyes.
这些话让我心跳加速,热泪盈眶。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事(强调动作的持续性)
(2)have sb. do sth.   让某人做某事
(3)have sth. done  让/叫别人完成某事;使某事被完成
注意:have sth. to do有事情要做(不定式作定语),have意思是“有”。
The next morning I was to start for the West to make my fortune.
①You are to regret(regret) some day for what you have done.
②I wish to visit all the famous tourist attractions in the world.
→My wish is to visit all the famous tourist attractions in the world.
③We are to hold an English speaking competition this Friday.
这个周五我们打算举办英语演讲比赛。 <写作运用:应用文写作之通知>
be to do sth.的用法
(4)如果主语是aim, duty, hope, job, plan, purpose, wish等名词或what引导的名词性从句时,不定式作表语解释说明主语的内容。
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery.
2.We tend to get(get) in touch with others online.
3.He didn’t know how to maintain(maintain) his car so he had it repaired at a garage.
4.With many people buying the car, the promotion proved to be(be) a success.
5.I’m ashamed to admit(admit) that I’ve never read any of his books.
6.It’s unusual(usual) for Dave to be late. He is always punctual.
7.It didn’t strike him that he would be appointed(appoint) as manager. I thought his boss must have discovered his excellent qualities(quality) such as honesty and diligence.
8.It takes patience(patient) as well as generosity(generous) to develop friendship. We hope all teenagers can make real friends.
9.We were fortunate(fortune) to have the chance to listen to such inspiring(inspire) speeches.We decided to improve ourselves significantly(significant) to make more contributions to the society.
10.Scanning to pay is one of the great technological advances(advance) of the 21st century. It enables people to avoid(avoid) the trouble of taking cash.
They finally turned up before the dinner after we waited for two hours.
The busy life makes us lose track of some friends.
Thanks to the latest app, I can have my heart rate and blood pressure examined every day.
Some people want to take advantage of short videos to make their fortune.
His plan is to get a degree in physics and then teach in a high school.
How would you feel if moving to a new town meant losing track of your friends What 1.if you could only contact your friends by writing letters which took ages 2.to be delivered(deliver) Thanks to 3.advances(advance) in technology, the thing has changed 4.significantly(significant). We can move around the world and still stay in touch with our friends and maintain our friendships. The digital age 5.enables(able) us to find people sharing the same interests. But we need to be cautious about making friends 6.with people online. People tend 7.to post(post) only positive updates that make them appear happy and 8.friendly(friend). We could be sharing our information with criminals. But this doesn’t mean that we should throw 9.the baby out with the bathwater. Although technology has changed the way we acquire friends, the meaning of friendship and our 10.longing(long) for friends remain the same.
Whether we notice it or not, our child is a little reflection of ourselves. They grow up looking more and more like us. They even have similar personalities and hobbies. And in some cases, the standard of choosing a good friend.
One day, my 10-year-old Jane said, “Mom, I made a new friend at school today. Can she come over tomorrow ” Her words made me extremely happy because Jane was a shy girl and I wanted her to make some friends to bring her out of her shell.
“Sure, honey, that sounds great.” I said, thinking back to my own childhood best friend, Susan. We lived across the street from each other in Washington Heights, New York. We met at the age of 10, too. Like my daughter,I was shy and had trouble making friends. But Susan drew me out. She was one of the friendliest people in school, with shiny black hair and a mile-wide smile. Thanks to Susan,I was happy every day.
In senior high school, Susan went on a trip to Florida. This was the first time we had to be away from each other for a few days. “I’ll be back soon and I will write to you as soon as I arrive,” she told me. But I didn’t get her phone call nor receive any mail from her. Soon, my family moved to New Jersey, making my hope of seeing Susan impossible.
Whenever I thought of her, tears came into my eyes.
The next day Jane brought her new friend home. “Hi, Mrs Smith,” the little girl said. Her hair was so shiny and black and she gave me a big smile. “My name is Jo. My mom will pick me up 2 hours later.”
  I was puzzled because my daughter’s new friend looked so familiar. ________
  Two hours passed really quickly, and there was a knock on the door. ________
Step 1 快读文本 获取信息
故事发展线索: 作者的女儿Jane想要邀请自己的朋友Jo来家里→作者想起了自己童年时的多年未见的好朋友Susan→第二天Jane把Jo带回家→Jo的妈妈两个小时后来接她
Step 2 恰当用词 打造靓句
She told me that her family just moved from Los Angeles, which puzzled me even more because we had no relatives living in Los Angeles.
Watching them playing happily, I felt so happy for my daughter from the bottom of my heart.
It was Jo’s mom coming to pick her up later that afternoon. On seeing her face, I was shocked.
It turned out that her father’s company sent her father to Los Angeles before they settled in Florida.
The two little girls were happy to see the sight, with happy tears rolling down our cheeks.
Step 3 衔接过渡 组句成篇
  I was puzzled because my daughter’s new friend looked so familiar. But I was sure that I had never met Jo before. She told me that her family just moved from Los Angeles, which puzzled me even more because we had no relatives living in Los Angeles, either. I convinced myself that it was only my imagination. The two girls got on very well and they giggled from time to time. Watching them playing happily, I felt so happy for my daughter from the bottom of my heart.
Two hours passed really quickly, and there was a knock on the door. It was Jo’s mom coming to pick her up later that afternoon. On seeing her face, I was shocked. “Judy!” she cried. “It’s me, Susan!” We hugged each other. It turned out that her father’s company sent her father to Los Angeles before they settled in Florida. She tried calling me later but we had moved. The two little girls were happy to see the sight, with happy tears rolling down our cheeks.Unit 6 At one with nature
【Step1 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
Heatwave is a blessing for Arizona’s desert-loving date palms
  The air feels like an oven this time of year in the Bard valley. The temperature has reached over 110°F every day for weeks now—some days coming close to 120°F—forcing most residents of the agricultural valley, nestled at the intersection of the Arizona,California and Mexican borders, inside. But the date palms at Sun Garden Farms love it. As a heatwave rolls across the south-west, leaving cities like Phoenix and Death Valley national park experiencing record-setting temperatures, crops are wilting in the extreme heat—leaving many farmers worry their yields will fall when harvest time comes. But here, the heat, however extreme it feels, is welcomed. Dates are built for desert climates and the temperature will help the fruits ripen as their sugars develop.   Hundreds of date palms fill Sun Garden Farms’ nearly 200-acre property. But each palm, and every other one of the thousands of date palms grown across the Bard valley region,are descendants of just one palm that was growing in Morocco nearly a hundred years ago. When the harvest begins next month, the grandchildren of that Moroccan date palm will feed date lovers across the world—even as other crops struggle to survive rising temperatures. In the south-westernmost corner of Arizona, just 3 miles from California and 10 miles from Mexico, the town of Yuma is one of North America’s most important agricultural hubs. Nicknamed “The Winter Salad Bowl”, the Yuma area supplies the United States and Canada with 90% of its winter leafy vegetables—even in the coldest months of winter, temperatures don’t generally fall below 50°F. —The Guardian (同源高考:2022年全国乙卷七选五选自本报)
金榜原创 1.What does the heatwave lead to (A) A.Crops may not have a good harvest. B.The date palms will die out. C.All the residents in the Bard valley moved out. D.Extreme weather will happen frequently. 2.What can we know about the town of Yuma (B) A.It is known for its industry. B.It matters to Americans and Canadians. C.It is located in California. D.It is hot in winter. 一词多义 1.Today’s date is the 23rd of June. 日期 2.I have a date with my girlfriend tonight. 约会 3.The date is the brown sweet edible fruit of a palm tree. 枣 4.Don’t forget to date your letter. 写上日期 5.The method of dating rocks is advanced. 鉴定(某物的)年代 6.The boy and the girl have been dating for a long time. 约会 7.Our partnership dates back to 2020. 追溯到
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.prevent v.阻挡, 防止
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①The flat terraces catch the rainwater and prevent the soil from being washed(wash) away.(教材原句P83)
②The organization is committed to AIDS prevention(prevent) and education.
③To prevent the oceans from being polluted, we should raise public awareness.
为了阻止海洋被污染,我们应该提高公众的认识。 <写作运用:应用文写作之倡议书>
(1)prevent sb. (from) doing sth.=stop/prohibit/forbid sb. (from) doing sth.
=keep sb. from doing sth.   阻止某人做某事
(2)prevention    n.预防, 防止
2.design v.设计;计划 n.设计;图案;打算
①(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)Each chapter concludes with a collection of practices, which are designed to help(help) you act on the big ideas of the chapter.
②We shall never know whether this happened by accident or by design.
③I am eager to become a fashion designer(design).
④Designed to arouse the students’ interest in painting, our school will hold a painting exhibition, on which many students’ works will be on display. 为了激发学生对绘画的兴趣,我们学校将举办一次绘画展,展出许多学生的作品。 <写作运用:应用文写作之邀请函>
(1)be designed for/to do (为某种目的)计划;设计
(2)by design=on purpose 故意地(反义短语:by accident/chance碰巧)
(3)designer n.设计师
【词缀拓展】 -er名词后缀小结
teacher老师     worker工人
lecturer讲师  waiter 服务员
singer歌手   dancer舞者
3.harm n.&v.伤害,损害
①Live in harmony with nature or we will do serious harm to it.
②(2023·全国乙卷)They also remove some harmful(harm) chemicals from paints or cooking.
③(剑桥高阶词典)There were those who found the joke offensive, but Johnson insisted it was just a bit of harmless(harm) fun.
④She was relieved to see the children had come to no harm.
看到孩子们没有受到伤害,她松了一口气。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)do harm to sb./sth.=do sb./sth. harm伤害某人/某物
there is no harm in (sb.’s) doing sth.=it does no harm (for sb.)to do sth.
come to no harm 没有受到伤害
(2)harmful    adj. (尤指对健康或环境)有害的,导致损害的
be harmful to... 对……有害
(3)harmless adj.无害的,不会导致损伤的
be harmless to... 对……无害
careful细心的    colourful 五颜六色的
powerful强大的   painful痛苦的
wonderful精彩的   cheerful高兴的
4.replace v.以……替换,更换,代替,把……放回原处
①After replacing(replace) the book on the shelf, he left the library.
②(剑桥高阶词典)The agency sent a replacement(replace) for the secretary who resigned.
③Our cities will be better places if we replace cars with bicycles.
如果我们用自行车代替汽车,我们的城市会变得更好。 <写作运用:应用文写作之环保倡议书>
(1)replace A (with/by B) (用B)取代/替换/接替A
(2)replacement n.[U]更换,替换
5.narrow adj.狭窄的,不宽的;勉强的;狭隘的 v.(使)变窄;缩小
①(2023·浙江1月高考)Their siheyuan were far smaller in scale and simpler in design and decoration, and the hutongs were narrower(narrow).
②A woman had a narrow escape yesterday when her car left the road.
③(剑桥词典)A man narrowly(narrow) escaped death when a fire broke out in his home on Sunday morning.
④He narrowed his eyes and gazed at the horizon, lost in thought.
他眯起眼睛,凝视着地平线,陷入了沉思。 <写作运用:读后续写之情景描写>
(1)a narrow escape   死里逃生
a narrow victory/defeat 险胜/惜败
narrow (sth.) down (to sth.) 把(可能性或选择)缩小(到);缩小范围
narrow (...) to... (把……)缩小到……范围之内
(2)narrowly adv.狭窄地; 严密地; 勉强地
6.limited adj.有限的,受……限制的
①Unfortunately, there are a limited(limit) number of opportunities for these graduates.
②(牛津高阶词典)I’ve limited myself to 1,000 calories a day to try and lose weight.
③A limiting(limit) factor in health care is the way resources are distributed.
④As we all know, there is no limit to knowledge so let’s put our heart into study.
正如我们所知,学海无涯,所以让我们全心学习吧。 <写作运用:应用文写作之倡议书>
(1)be limited to... 受……的限制
(2)limit     v.限制,限定n.限度,限制
limit sth. to... 把某事物限制在……范围内
within limits   有一定限度
(3)limiting   adj.限制性的
(4)limitless   adj.无限的
7.benefit n.好处,益处,优势 v.有益于,从……中获益
①(2023·全国乙卷)There are many benefits(benefit) to growing plants indoors.
②(剑桥高阶词典)I feel that I have benefited greatly from her wisdom.
③The field trip was of great benefit to the students.
④Cycling is highly beneficial to health and the environment.
骑自行车对健康和环境都非常有益。 <写作运用:应用文写作之倡议书>
(1)for the benefit of sb.(=for sb.’s benefit)为了某人的利益/为帮助某人
be of (great/much) benefit to 对……(很)有益
to sb.’s benefit 对某人有利
(2)benefit sb.   对某人有益
benefit from   从……中获益, 受益于
(3)beneficial adj.有利的,有用的
be beneficial to... 对……有益 
【词缀拓展】 -al形容词后缀小结
influential有影响的 traditional传统的
national国家的 natural自然的
cultural文化的   agricultural农业的
8.in harmony with和……协调一致,和……和谐相处
①We must ensure that tourism develops in harmony with the environment.
②I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
③We try to maintain harmony between the two communities.我们努力维持两个社区之间的和谐。
in harmony     和谐地,一致地
maintain/promote harmony between A and B
sing in harmony 用和声演唱
9.pass down将某物从一代传给下一代
①These beautiful Chinese folk tales have been passed down through generations.
②He passed over her rude remarks and continued to do his job.
③When his mother passed away last year, he was in great grief. 他母亲去年去世时,他极度悲伤。 <写作运用:读后续写之心情描写>
pass away    去世
pass by  走过; 经过
pass out 失去知觉; 昏厥
pass over sth. 忽略或不理会某事物; 回避某事
10.Summer sees the mountains turn bright green with growing rice.
①When I see the children playing(play) happily, I want to join them.
②When he saw his name included(include) in the list, he was surprised.
③After I saw many people make the same workout mistakes in this place, I wrote an article to remind them.在这个地方我看到很多人犯同样的锻炼错误后,我写了一篇文章来提醒他们。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
有以上类似用法的动词(短语)还有feel,hear,observe,notice,watch,listen to等。
11.These terraces also provide a perfect environment for birds and fish, some of which feed on insects that can harm the rice crops.
①There are 46 students in the class, all of whom have passed the test.
②He downloaded ten songs, four of which were very popular.
③The trees, all of whose leaves have fallen down, look bare.
④The boy helped me clean all the windows, most of which were dirty, so I rewarded him with 10 dollars.那个男孩帮我擦了所有的窗户,大部分的窗户都脏了,所以我给了他10美元。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(4)关系代词:先行词指物时用which,先行词指人时用 whom,关系词在从句中作定语时用whose
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.Two of the tyres had to be replaced(replace) after they burst.
2.During the Ming and Qing dynasties(dynasty), the terraces began to be built.
3.Everyone will benefit from reading classics.
4.The living(live) creatures should be protected from being killed.
5.This energetic(energy) young man left a good impression on us.
6.There is always a conflict between regional(region) and national interests.
7.The book designed(design) for children is beautifully illustrated. It also goes with pleasant(please) music. Therefore, it sells well.
8.They prevented the girl throwing(throw) away the clothes out of date. Then they wrapped(wrap) them and brought them to some poor people.
9.Green consumers(consume) think that products should be environmentally friendly. They try their best to avoid using materials(material) that are harmful(harm) to environment.
10.It was a pity that she narrowly(narrow) missed winning an Oscar. She decided to use her limited(limit) time to improve herself.
We always desire to live in harmony with our neighbors.
This technique is passed down from generation to generation.
You should sit there quietly, reflecting on your failure.
This book is full of thoughts and messages, many of which are repeated.
In spring, we can always see some children fly kites in the field.
The Longji Rice Terraces 1.were built(build) by the local Zhuang and Yao people. There are few large, flat areas in the region, and they turned mountains 2.into terraces to have 3.more(many) areas to grow rice. The flat terraces can catch the rainwater 4.and prevent the soil from 5.being washed(wash) away. The terraces are 6.cleverly(clever) designed. There are hundreds of waterways, along 7.which rainwater moves down the mountains and into the terraces during the 8.rainy(rain) season. The sun heats the water and turns it into vapour. This forms clouds from which rain falls down onto the mountain terraces once again. Today local people use ancient methods 9.to maintain(maintain) the terraces, and they attract lots of 10.visitors(visit) to admire this great wonder.
假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Tom 看到你在微信上分享了学校最近举行的主题为“建造绿色家园”的植树活动,发邮件向你询问有关情况。请你用英语回复邮件,内容包括:
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
Step 1 要点写作
I’m delighted to learn that you are interested in our tree-planting activity.
All the teachers and students gathered on the West Hill at 9 am on March 12, our National Tree-planting Day. There we spent the whole morning digging, planting and watering.
When we saw the trees waving in the breeze, we felt proud despite tiredness.
This activity not only brings us the pleasure of labor but also helps us develop team spirit.
Hopefully you can join us next year.
Step 2 句式升级
All the teachers and students gathered on the West Hill at 9 am on March 12, our National Tree-planting Day, where we spent the whole morning digging, planting and watering.
Seeing the trees waving in the breeze, we felt proud despite tiredness.
Step 3 组句成篇
Dear Tom,
I’m delighted to learn that you are interested in our tree-planting activity.
The activity is held annually with different themes. This year’s theme is “Building a green home”. All the teachers and students gathered on the West Hill at 9 am on March 12, our National Tree-planting Day, where we spent the whole morning digging, planting and watering. Eventually about 200 trees were planted. Seeing the trees waving in the breeze, we felt proud despite tiredness.
This activity not only brings us the pleasure of labor but also helps us develop team spirit. Hopefully you can join us next year.
Li HuaUnit 2 Exploring English
【Step1 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
How can I help my learners become effective communicators
Appropriacy It’s important that learners understand what is appropriate in different contexts. Formal English tends to be very indirect, and often the use of imperatives (common in many other languages) sounds quite rude or even aggressive in English. Give students practice using this kind of language, and comparing how different structures sound in English. Asking students to listen to or write short dialogues of everyday situations using different registers—for example, ordering a drink in a cafe using just imperatives, and then the same dialogue using indirect questions—they can compare the two, and notice what effect the different language has on the interaction. It’s also important to give learners opportunities to practice different types of writing tasks that require different levels of formality (informal e-mails, more academic discursive essays, narratives etc.,) with a focus on clarity of expression. Focusing on structure and use of linking words can help ensure that students’ messages are coherent and clearly expressed. Pronunciation/intonation Including a focus on pronunciation, and particularly on word stress and intonation can also help learners communicate their ideas more effectively when speaking. As English is a stress-timed language, using word stress appropriately can greatly facilitate communication. You can highlight how word stress works in English by reading out sentences and asking students to tell you how many words you have just said. Hopefully learners will notice that words that carry meaning (nouns, adjectives, verbs) tend to be stressed, whereas more grammatical words (articles, auxiliary verbs, pronouns) tend to be unstressed. Changing word stress in a sentence can change the meaning of what they are saying. —www.teachingenglish.org.uk (同源高考:2022年全国乙卷C篇阅读选自本网站)
金榜原创 1.Which statement does the author agree with (A) A.Practice can make learners know what is proper. B.English is similar to many other languages. C.Speaking is more important than writing. D.It’s better to let students focus on one task a week. 2.When speaking English, what should a student pay attention to (C) A.Spelling. B.Grammar. C.Word stress and intonation. D.The choice of words. 一词多义 1.I’ve ordered egg and chips for you. 点/叫(饭菜、饮料等) 2.The doctor ordered me to stay in bed. 命令,吩咐 3.I’ve ordered a new chair from the shop. 订购 4.The events are arranged in order of time. 顺序 5.Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes. 秩序 6.He gave orders that the work should be started immediately. 命令,指示 7.A delivery truck brought the grocery order. 交付的订货
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.confusing adj.令人困惑的
①Even the smallest words can be confusing(confuse). (教材原句P20)
②(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)As for Bailey, she is more confused(confuse) about why her act is considered a big deal.
③(牛津高阶词典)To avoid confusion(confuse), please write the children’s names clearly on all their school clothes.
④The woman felt confused about the question in the form with a frown. “What does it mean ” she said to herself.
女人皱着眉头对表格上的问题感到困惑。“是什么意思呢 ”她暗想。 <写作运用:读后续写之情感描写>
(1)confuse       v.使困惑;混淆
(2)confused=puzzled adj.困惑的
be confused about 对……感到困惑
(3)confusion n.困惑;糊涂;混淆
【词缀拓展】 -ing形容词后缀小结
surprising令人吃惊的 disappointing令人失望的
interesting有趣的   amusing有趣的
exciting令人兴奋的  embarrassing令人尴尬的
2.likely adj.可能的, 可能发生的 adv.可能
①(剑桥高阶词典)It’s quite likely that we’ll be in Spain this time next year.
②(2024·广东模拟)This helps you build up your staying power, so next time you might be more patient and more likely to focus(focus) on your task.
③At first, it was unlikely(likely) to reveal the secrets but after nearly two years, he made a breakthrough.
④My heart leaped with joy and I released a long breath as I knew we were likely to be saved.
我的心高兴得怦怦直跳,当我知道我们可能得救了时我长出了一口气。 <写作运用:读后续写之心理描写>
(1)unlikely   adj.不大可能发生的
(2)sb./sth. be likely/unlikely to do... 某人/某物可能/不可能会做……
It is likely/unlikely that... 很可能/不可能……
3.remind v.提醒,使……想起
①(牛津高阶词典)Passengers are reminded(remind) that no smoking is allowed on this train.
②(2023·全国甲卷)Those tomatoes had the taste that reminded me of the ones my uncle used to grow when I was a child.
③The list actually serves as a useful reminder(remind) of the issues to consider.
④She was late. I should have reminded her to set the alarm and get up early at the office yesterday.
她迟到了。昨天在办公室我应该提醒她定闹钟早起的。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事
remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事
remind sb. that 提醒某人
(2)reminder   n.提醒者/物, 令人回忆的东西,通知单
4.intend v.计划, 打算
①He intended joining/to join(join) a green organization to protect nature.
②(朗文词典)I didn’t intend her to see(see) the painting until it was finished.
③Our school will hold an English reciting competition with the intention of arousing the students’ interest in English.
为了激发学生对英语的兴趣,我们学校将举办英语背诵比赛。 <写作运用:应用文写作之通知>
(1)intend to do/doing sth. 打算做某事
intend sb. to do sth.  打算让某人做某事
(2)be intended for  为……打算或设计的
be intended to do sth.  打算做某事
(3)intention  n.意图, 目的, 打算
with an/the intention of 打算……,为了……
5.recognise(=recognize) v.认识, 辨认出
①(剑桥高阶词典)The Eiffel Tower in Paris is an instantly recognisable(recognise) landmark.
②It’s necessary that he should have a recognised(recognise) qualification if he wants to apply for the job.
③My beautiful workplace lay beyond recognition, even some in ruins.
我美丽的工作场所是无法辨认的,甚至有些已经成为废墟。 <写作运用:读后续写之情景描写>
(1)recognise sb. as/to be   认为某人是……
it is recognised that...=it is agreed that...=it is assumed that... 人们认为
(2)recognised     adj.公认的, 经过验证的
(3)recognition n.认出,认可
out of/beyond recognition 难以辨认
(4)recognisable=recognizable adj.能辨认的
6.base v.以……为基础 n.底部
①(2024·武汉模拟)Social media sites connect groups of like-minded users together based(base) on shared content preferences.
②At the base of the cliff was a beach, where many tourists walked, lay or played.
③In the holiday,I learned some basic living skills such as cooking.
在假期里,我学会了一些基本的生活技能,如做饭。 <写作运用:应用文写作之介绍新技能>
(1)base...on...   以……为基础/依据
be based on... 以……为基础, 把……建立在
(2)at the base of 在……的底部
(3)basic adj.基本的,基础的
7.come across偶然发现,偶然遇到
①The ceiling came down with a frightening crash in the earthquake.
②When I work, I often concentrate so much on what I’m doing that I may have a hard time dealing with things that come up unexpectedly.
③Throughout life, we come across many people who impact us in a way. The person who left the deepest impact on me is my dad.
④The salesgirl is so creative that she can think up a new idea for increasing sales.
→So creative is the salesgirl that she can come up with a new idea for increasing sales.
come down   塌下,落下,下降
come after 跟随
come up 发生;升起;长出地面;被提出
come up with 想出, 找出(答案)
come out 出版,发行;盛开
come to 清醒过来;共计
8.be aware of意识到, 察觉到;知悉
①The students who are aware of their strengths, weaknesses, and learning needs can learn actively.
②(2023·新高考Ⅱ卷)The program aims to help students develop science skills, environmental awareness(aware),and healthy lifestyles.
③I didn’t know that Joe had this problem with his knee.
→I wasn’t aware that Joe had this problem with his knee.
④“Fire drill” was held in the student dormitory last Friday in order to raise students’ awareness of safety.为了提高学生的安全意识,上周五在学生宿舍举行了“消防演习”。 <写作运用:应用文写作之介绍活动>
(1)be aware that...  察觉
(2)awareness n.认识,意识
raise/increase/heighten awareness of/about 提高对……的认识
raise public awareness of/about 提高公众对……的认识
9.Neither is there pine nor apple in pineapple. “pineapple”(菠萝)里既没有“pine”(松树)也没有“apple”(苹果)。
①Neither the TV nor the e-books are(be) my favorite at present.
②The equipment they bought is neither accurate nor safe so they decide to return it.
③(剑桥高阶词典)Chris wasn’t at the meeting and neither was his assistant.
(1)neither...nor...连接两个并列主语时遵循就近原则,即谓语动词应与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致。常见的类似短语还有: either... or..., not... but... 和not only... but also... 。
10.That is why when the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible.
那就是为什么星星出来了的时候, 它们是可见的, 而灯灭了的时候, 它们是看不见的。
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/句式升级
①It is hot outside. And that’s why we prefer to stay in a room with an air-conditioner on.
②I show respect for her. That’s because she never loses temper but instead always encourages me.
③I am writing to apply for the position because I want to improve my spoken English.
→The reason why I am writing to apply for the position is that I want to improve my spoken English.
(1)This/That is/was why...这/那就是……的原因(why引导表语从句,表示结果)。
(2)This/That is/was because...这/那是因为……(because引导表语从句,表示原因)。
(3)The reason why...is/was that...……的原因是……(why引导定语从句并在从句中作状语;that 引导表语从句,表示原因)。
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.The brave doctor intended to stay(stay) alone and risk his own life to save the nurse.
2.The project is based(base) on an agreement, one of whose purposes is to ensure that the project can be accomplished before the deadline.
3.Creativity(create) was needed because the team did not just want to copy others.
4.The doctor reminds me of the physical problems that aging results in.
5.Human behavior/behaviour(behave) was the main cause of shark extinction.
6.The findings of the survey are confusing(confuse)—they’re not at all what I would have expected.
7.Throughout the talk Jane and her father had a talk on whether violence in schools was a recognised(recognise) problem. It turned out that they took opposing(oppose) views.
8.People have found that something actually(actual) has been changing.As a result, they are much more likely to accept(accept) the change.
9.I am working for a voluntary organization(organize) to help the homeless.In addition (add),I can get along well with people with all types(type) of personalities.
10.A creative(create) artist builds huge sculptures(sculpt) out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.
If she doesn’t agree to the plan, neither will Tom.
We’re going away this weekend. That’s why we can’t attend the party to be held on Sunday night.
Whatever difficulties we come across, he doesn’t hesitate to come to our aid.
He doesn’t seem to be aware of the problem.
When her house burnt up/down, she caught a cold and had a frog in her throat, but she had to look on the bright side and move on.
Have you ever asked 1.yourself(you) why people often have trouble learning English I hadn’t, until one day my five-year-old son asked me whether there was ham in a hamburger or not. This 2.got(get) me thinking how English can be a crazy language 3.to learn(learn). For example, when 4.travelling/traveling(travel), we can get seasick at sea, airsick in the air and carsick 5.in a car, but we don’t get homesick at home. Besides, why aren’t homework and housework 6.the same thing Even the smallest words can be 7.confusing(confuse). Do you read WHO as the “who” in “Who’s that ” You also have to wonder at the unique madness of a language in 8.which a house can burn up as it burns down!
English 9.was invented(invent) by people, not computers, and it reflects the 10.creativity (creative) of the human race.
假定你是李华,你在英国的笔友John知道了学习汉语的重要性,想学习汉语,你用英语给他写封信,向他介绍学习汉语的方法。(根据文中的提示,使用本单元词汇与句型写一篇 80词左右的短文。)
Dear John,
I’m glad that you 1.are aware of(意识到) the importance of learning Chinese. I’m writing to introduce some ways of learning Chinese to you.
To begin with, 2.remind yourself to remember(提醒自己记住) a few Chinese characters every day. Besides, keep practicing listening to Chinese, which can help you 3.recognise the pronunciation of more Chinese characters(辨认出更多汉字的发音). Chinese also 4.reflects the creativity of the human race(反映人类的创造性). 5.That’s why(那就是为什么)it is hard to learn. When you 6.come across new Chinese characters(遇到生疏的汉字), try to guess their meanings instead of referring to the dictionary. 7.If you have trouble understanding some confusing sentences(如果你在理解一些令人困惑的句子方面有困难), you can 8.contact me(联系我).
I hope my methods will be helpful.
Li Hua复习导学案
必修第一册 Unit 1 A new start
【Step1 题源研读·探寻主题提升思维】
     Exam’s growth mirrors rise of education
  Nineteen-year-old Yang Min has complicated feelings about the upcoming national college entrance exam, or gaokao. She is nervous, anxious and excited, but also hopes the exam can take her from a small city in Shanxi Province to her dream university, China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, and help fulfill her ambition of becoming a diplomat. Yang, a senior high student from Shuocheng District No. 1 Middle School in Shuozhou, has had a busy schedule in recent years, getting up before 6 am and going to bed after midnight to prepare for the “biggest test” of her life. A record 12.91 million students around China are expected to take this year’s gaokao. The number of participants is 980,000 higher than last year. The increase in examinees reflects the improvement in the country’s education system and the strength of high school education, experts said.   Zhang Wenjie, a senior high school student in Shanxi, said although he is not too nervous about the exam, he regards it as “the most important thing” in his life so far. He wants to study the Chinese language, law or economics at Shanxi University, and said all his hard work will be worthwhile if he performs well in the exam. “Many of my students are from rural areas and are children of migrant workers whose parents work in cities to support their families,” said Sun Fang, a teacher at Xishui County No. 1 High School in Hubei’s Huanggang city. “They have fewer opportunities to see the bigger world than their urban counterparts, so the gaokao offers them a great and relatively fair opportunity to move up the social ladder and change the destiny of themselves, their family and people around them.” —CHINADAILY. (同源高考:2022年全国乙卷语法填空选自本网站)
金榜原创 1.What do Yang Min and Zhang Wenjie have in common (D) A.They have the same dream university. B.They come from the same high school. C.Both of them don’t feel nervous. D.They both work hard in order to go to university. 2.What can we infer according to Sun Fang (A) A.The gaokao means a lot to rural students. B.Rural children live a hard life. C.Passing the gaokao means changing one’s fate. D.Opportunities are for those who are prepared. 长难句分析 Zhang Wenjie, a senior high school student in Shanxi, said although he is not too nervous about the exam, he regards it as “the most important thing” in his life so far. 分析:这是一个主从复合句。主语是Zhang Wenjie,a senior high school student in Shanxi作同位语,补充说明主语。谓语是said,后面接省略that的宾语从句。宾语从句中,although引导让步状语从句。 词汇积累 fulfill v.实现 law n.法律 economics n.经济学
【Step2 考点突破·感悟经典运用提升】
1.impression n.印象, 感想
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(朗文词典)When it comes to job interviews, first impressions(impress) are important.
②(牛津高阶词典)We were most impressed(impress) with/by your efficiency.
③(2024·淄博模拟)Despite looking very impressive(impress), ChatGPT still has limitations.
④In order to live, I submitted articles to magazines in India and, occasionally, they paid me for them.Those years of exploring left a permanent impression on me.
为了生活,我向印度的杂志投稿,偶尔他们会付钱给我。那些年的探索给我留下了永久的印象。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)make/leave/have an impression on sb.给某人留下印象
(2)impress v.使留下深刻印象;使铭记
impress sth. on sb. 使某人铭记某事
be impressed by/with... 对……印象深刻
(3)impressive adj.令人钦佩的, 给人印象深刻的
【词缀拓展】 -ion名词后缀小结
action行动    protection 保护
devotion献身   determination 决心
creation创造   accommodation 住宿
celebration庆祝  congratulation祝贺
2.argue v.争论, 争辩
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(朗文词典)Gallacher continued to argue with the referee throughout the game.
②(牛津高阶词典)They argued him into withdrawing(withdraw) his complaint.
③(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷)Somehow, these arguments(argue) and reasoning resulted in a global reduction in error.
④We argued with the waiter about the price of the meal and at last, he admitted making a mistake.
我们与服务员争执起餐费的问题,最后他承认犯错了。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)argue with sb. about/over sth.与某人争论某事
argue for/against sth. 据理支持/反对某事
argue sb. into/out of doing sth. 说服某人做/不做某事
(2)argument  n.争论;论据
【词缀拓展】 -ment名词后缀小结
development发展  movement移动,动作
judgment判断 advertisement广告
statement陈述 announcement宣布
3.apply v.申请;应用;涂,敷
①(朗文词典)We need to apply for planning permission to build a garage.
②(牛津高阶词典)We must apply our minds to finding(find) a solution.
③British companies are subject to international laws and the same applies to companies in Europe.
④(2024·青岛模拟)I would appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.
如果你能考虑我的申请我将非常感激。 <写作运用:应用文写作之建议信>
(1)apply (to sb.) for sth. (向某人)申请某物
apply to 适用于
apply sth. to sth. 把某物应用/涂抹于另一物上
apply oneself to=devote/commit oneself to 致力于/集中精力于……
(2)application n.申请(书);应用
(3)applicant n.申请人
4.frightened adj.受惊的, 害怕的
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(朗文词典)I was frightened(frighten) of being left by myself in the house.
②(牛津高阶词典)It’s frightening(frighten)to think it could happen again.
③The boy was frightened to speak(speak) when he was standing on stage.
④The wild bears and rabbits sometimes frightened her and she enhanced her courage by singing loudly.
野熊和兔子有时吓到她,她就大声唱歌来增加自己的勇气。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)be frightened of=be afraid/scared/terrified of     害怕
be frightened to do sth.=be afraid/scared/terrified to do sth. 害怕做某事
(2)frightening adj.令人害怕的
(3)frighten v.使害怕
frighten sb. to death 把某人吓死
(4)fright n.害怕;惊吓,恐怖
5.refer v.(referred; referred, referring) 提到, 谈到;参考;涉及;将……送交给
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①(牛津高阶词典)She always referred to Ben as“that nice man”.
②(2023·浙江高考1月卷)What Hammond is referring to is the question of meaning, and meaning is central to what distinguishes the least intelligent of humans from the most intelligent of machines.
③(朗文词典)The article made no reference(refer) to previous research on the subject.
④I forgave him and promised not to refer to the matter again.
我原谅了他并答应不再提及此事。 <写作运用:读后续写之细节描写>
(1)refer...to...   把……提交给……
refer to 查阅, 参考;涉及, 提到;指的是
refer to...as... 把……称为……
(2)reference n.提及;参考;参考书
in/with reference to 关于
【误区释疑】 同样“查词典”, 形式不一样
(1)refer to a dictionary
(2)look up a word in a dictionary
(3)consult a dictionary
6.exchange v.&n.交流(意见、信息等), 交换, 兑换
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/完成句子
①I’ve offered to clean the campus in exchange for a week’s accommodation.
②(朗文词典)He exchanged the black jacket for a blue one.
③An exchange student asked where he could exchange his dollars for pounds.
④I pushed my way through the audience in my eagerness to exchange thoughts about an exchange program with the lecturer.
渴望就交换生项目与演讲者交换意见,我从听众中挤了过去。 <写作运用:读后续写之动作描写>
(1)exchange...for...  用……换取……
exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物
(2)in exchange for 作为(对……的)交换
an exchange student 一名交换生
7.depend on/upon依靠;依……而定;取决于
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/句型转换/完成句子
①My clothing fits differently, depending(depend) on how much I ate the day before.
②Your parents are far from you, so you can’t depend on them to help you solve all the problems.
→Your parents are far from you, so you can’t depend on their helping you solve all the problems.
→Your parents are far from you, so you can’t depend on it that they can help you solve all the problems.
③Seeing their grandpa stand up slowly depending on the walking stick they made, the two boys felt very happy and proud.
看到祖父依靠着他们做的拐杖慢慢地站起来,两个男孩感到非常高兴和自豪。 <写作运用:读后续写之场景描写>
(1)depend on/upon sb. to do sth.=depend on/upon sb./sb.’s doing sth.
(2)depend on/upon it that... 指望,相信
8.look forward to(兴奋地)期待,盼望
【步入经典】 单句语法填空/句型转换/完成句子
①I was 18 years old then, but I was not looking forward to getting(get) opportunities to go to college.
②Looking back on my high school life, I think being elected as monitor was unforgettable.
③The scientist has made great achievements so we all respect him.
→The scientist has made great achievements so we all look up to him.
④I’m looking forward to your participation in the activity.
我盼望你参加这个活动。 <写作运用:应用文写作之邀请信>
look up to    尊敬; 仰视 
look into   调查; 考察
look up 抬头看; 查阅
look back on 回忆, 回顾
look out (for...) 注意;留意
look through 浏览;仔细查看
9.I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard when I heard a voice behind me.我正在浏览公告牌上的照片,身后忽然传来一个声音。
①I was organising my words in my head when the girl next to me gave me a nudge. “It’s your turn!”(教材原句P3)
②(2023·浙江高考1月卷)I was just about to leave when the hummingbird appeared.
③I had just started my car when the heavy rain poured down and wind began blowing hard. I felt too frightened to move on.
我刚刚发动汽车,这时大雨倾盆而下,风开始猛烈地刮起来。我感到太害怕了,不敢继续前进。 <写作运用:读后续写之场景描写>
(1)was/were doing...when... (过去)正在做某事这时突然……
(2)was/were about to do sth. when...=was/were on the point of doing sth. when...
(3)had just done sth. when... 刚刚做完某事这时就……
10.Turning around, I saw a white-haired man.
①(2023·新高考Ⅰ卷) When John Todd was a child, he loved to explore the woods around his house,observing(observe) how nature solved problems.
②(2024·金华模拟) When water is poured onto the dry ice, a misty atmosphere spreads instantly, making(make) it just the perfect offering for customers in summer.
③(2023·全国乙卷)Barry retired in 1859, having practiced(practice) her entire medical profession living(live)and working as a man.
④I rushed towards the bird, waving and shouting to make it notice me.
我朝那只鸟冲去,一边挥手,一边叫喊,好让它注意到我。 <写作运用:读后续写之动作描写>
(2)having done表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前;doing表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作同时或几乎同时发生。
(3)v.-ing形式作状语时,其前面可以加一些连词,如when, while, if, unless, once等。
【Step3 进阶演练·强化基础素养落实】
1.He returned to the campus two years after Tom graduated(graduate) with first-class honours from this university.
2.You’d better memorise/memorize(memory) the words in the context.
3.The fans are curious about the past of the film star, in particular his affairs.
4.There are various(vary) festivals in this country.
5.You can stop bleeding by applying pressure close to the injured area.
6.The teacher asked them to stop arguing(argue) with each other and keep calm.
7.They exchanged(exchange) their views after organizing(organize) the debate. At last, they had to agree that every coin has two sides.
8.When exploring(explore) in the forest, he met a bear. He was so frightened(frighten) that he froze there.
9.I talked with the interviewer in a confident(confidence) way in my eagerness(eager) to make him a good impression(impress). To my delight, it worked.
10.This was a very impressive(impress) performance(perform) by the young player, who scored 12 points within the first 10 minutes. The audience cheered for him loudly.
I am looking forward to your participation and hoping that you will perform well.
You don’t depend on it that others will get rid of the barriers for you/depend on others to get rid of the barriers for you.
With butterflies in her stomach, the girl stood on the stage, her heart beating fast and her hands trembling.
I was reading when loud noise came from the kitchen and then I ran into it in panic to see what had happened.
The students swore to make the most of every minute and go all out to prepare for the exam.
My first day at senior high finally arrived, after I 1.had pictured(picture) it over and over again in my mind. I rushed to the school in my 2.eagerness(eager) to know about it. The campus was still quiet when I arrived, so I decided 3.to explore(explore) a bit. I was looking at the photos on the noticeboard 4.when I heard a voice behind me. 5.Turning(turn) around, I saw a white-haired man. When my English teacher stepped into the classroom, I was 6.surprised(surprise) to see the same man I had met earlier. He asked us to introduce 7.ourselves(we) to the class one by one. When introducing myself, I breathed 8.deeply(deep), with butterflies in my stomach. After I finished the introduction, everyone started laughing because I shared the same name 9.with my teacher.
Mr Meng gave us some advice and encouraged us to keep calm and make 10.the most of our time at senior high. I guess this was a good beginning of my new school life.
Linda, a high school girl, was feeling depressed after she had failed her mid-term exams. She didn’t answer her teachers’ questions actively in class like she used to. Instead, she began to lower her head and got absent-minded easily. Her friends and classmates were worried about her, but she didn’t feel like talking about it with them. Mrs Green, her English teacher, noticed her changes and decided to do something before it got worse.
One day, Mrs Green entered the classroom and asked her students to prepare for a surprise test. They waited anxiously at their desks for the test to begin. Mrs Green handed out the question papers, with the text facing down as usual. After she handed them all out, she asked her students to turn the page and begin. To everyone’s surprise, there were no questions, just a black dot(点) in the center of the page. Mrs Green, seeing the expression on everyone’s face, told them the following:
“I want you to write what you see there.”
The students, confused, got started on the task.
At the end of the class, Mrs Green collected all the answer papers and started reading them aloud in front of all the students. Just as Mrs Green had expected, with no exception, all of them described the black dot, trying to explain its position in the middle of the sheet, etc. Mrs Green then picked out Linda’s paper and added, “Linda, I like your idea. Would you please follow me to the office and talk about it ”
“Er... Yes, madam!” Linda was puzzled because she thought her idea was no better than anyone else’s. Like others, she also described the black dot only and ignored the white part of the paper.
  Feeling nervous, Linda went into Mrs Green’s office. ____________________
  “Mrs Green is right. I should focus more on the white part of the paper!” Linda got refreshed. _______________________________________________________
Step 1 快读文本 获取信息
故事发展线索:Linda期中考试没有考好,心情低落→Mrs Green想帮助她→一天,Mrs Green让学生进行一次特别的测试,试卷上只有一个黑点→学生都描述那个黑点,包括Linda在内→Mrs Green说她喜欢Linda的想法→Linda感到困惑
Step 2 细读续写段首句合理推测
(1)What would Mrs Green say to Linda in the office
(2)How would Linda react
(1)What would be Linda’s reflection
(2)What would Linda decide to do after the talk
推测:Mrs Green会告诉Linda不要注意那个黑点,要注意范围更大的纸上的白区。这个黑点就像是一次失败,不要让失败使我们忽视生活中其他更多的美好的事情。
Step 3 细心雕琢 下笔如神
Feeling nervous, Linda went into Mrs Green’s office. Mrs Green invited her to share her ideas. After that, Mrs Green smiled, “Have you ever noticed the white part of the paper ” Linda shook her head confused because it never occurred to her. Mrs Green continued, “The black dot is just like the failure in life, only a small part. If we focus only on it, we might easily overlook the happiness of life, the bigger part.” Suddenly, Linda understood it. Tears welling up her eyes, she expressed gratitude to Mrs Green before leaving the office.
“Mrs Green is right. I should focus more on the white part of the paper!” Linda got refreshed. Only then did she realize that she had a lot of admirable teachers, beloved families and friendly classmates. The failure of the exams was just a small part. From then on, Linda became active in the class again. She made steady progress in study and eventually got the best grades in the final exams. After this experience, Linda deeply realized that sometimes life can be hard, but we should always be positive and look at the bright side.


