Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.检测题(含答案,含听力音频及原文)2023-2024学年度人教版英语八年级下册(江西南昌版)

  1. 二一教育资源

Unit 10 I've had this bike for three years.检测题(含答案,含听力音频及原文)2023-2024学年度人教版英语八年级下册(江西南昌版)


八年级英语下册Unit 10检测题(江西南昌版,学生版)
满分:120分   时间:120分钟
( )1.How long has the man been away from his hometown
A.For twenty years.  B.For two years. C.For twelve years.
( )2.How much will the woman pay for two toy tigers
A.55 cents. B.100 cents. C.110 cents.
( )3.What will Mike give away to the poor kids in hospital
A.The toy monkey. B.Nothing. C.The toy trains.
(   )4.Why doesn't the boy want to sell the old toy
A.He wants to use it again.
B.He needs it.
C.It brings back memories to him.
(   )5.What will the man do with the money he raises from the sale
A.He'll give it to a children's home.
B.He'll give it to the old people's home.
C.He'll buy some new books.
(   )6.How long has Linda had her books
A.Twenty years.   B.Five years. C.Ten years.
(   )7.Who is Linda going to send the books to
A.Sunshine Charity School.
B.A child.
C.A children's home.
(   )8.Why hasn't Rose had her watch with her
A.She has left it at home.
B.She has lost it.
C.It has broken down.
(   )9.How will they go there
A.By bus.   B.By taxi. C.By bike.
(   )10.Where has Rose been
A.Go back to her hometown.
B.Travel abroad.
C.Visit some of her old friends.
(   )11.How is Rose's hometown now
A.She can't see it.
B.The environment has been improved a lot.
C.The environment is terrible now.
(   )12.What's the effects of the opened chemical factories
A.They may pollute environment.
B.They may be good for people's health.
C.They may be good for the environment.
( )13.Why is Lisa unhappy
A.She feels lonely.
B.She dislikes her schoolmates.
C.Her classmates don't talk with her.
( )14.How long has Lisa been in the new school
A.For three months. B.For two months. C.For five months.
( )15.What does the boy invite Lisa to do
A.See a film.
B.Go to the concert.
C.Go to the English club.
16.The teenagers like their hobbies because they like to learn new things and develop new .
17.The important point is that they can eat fresh .
18.Outdoor activities can keep the teenagers and bring them much happiness.
19.Collecting dolls can help the girls learn to others.
20.Most boys think it's to play computer games.
( )21.My grandma likes listening to old songs,because they can bring back sweet ______.
A.gifts   B.records C.marks  D.memories
( )22.—What did Mrs.Smith do last Sunday
—She ________ out all her old clothes from her house.
A.tried B.worked C.cleared D.cut
( )23.My parents hope that I can win the match,but ________ me,the most important thing is to learn something useful and have fun.
A.as for B.because of C.such as D.instead of
( )24.—Can you dig a hole easily in the ground
—Of course. It rained heavily yesterday and the ground is______now.
A.broken B.soft C.wide D.fresh
( )25.Making dumplings is an important activity for many families on New Year's Eve,________ in northern China.
A.actually B.especially C.certainly D.truthfully
( )26.We should ________ the difficulties in life as challenges and not give up easily.
A.count B.solve C.include D.regard
( )27.—Excuse me, where is our English teacher
—He is ________ a meeting in the office now.
A.holding B.making C.teaching D.sharing
( )28.—Kangkang,you speak English so well.
—Thank you.That's because I ______ English since 2015.
A.will learn  B.learned C.have learned  D.learn
My family has always been poor, but we love our pets more than everything else. In December, things got even __29__ for our family. In the end,we lost our __30__ and we only had our two German dogs.
It was a cold winter, but __31__ we found a place where our two beautiful dogs could live with us. __32__, after living there for one week, all of our money was gone and our dog food was __33__ out.
We tried to __34__ someone to help. But nobody would give a __35__. I began to have bad dreams at night. I was scared that our dogs would __36__ without food. I called one last place in town—a small pet supply(用 品) store.
There, a young girl answered the phone. I told __37__ about what we were going through.
To my __38__,this sweet girl told me that she would buy the dog food __39__ us. She didn't even ask us to pay back the money. She __40__,“I just feel so bad for your dogs and I know how you feel. I just think I have to do __41__ for you.”
Hearing this, I started crying. My __42__ went away. I knew that our dogs would have food, all because of this young girl. She didn't know us, but she still would like to help our dogs.
This young girl, __43__ we don't even know her name, will always be a warm-hearted princess to us. She is a warm-hearted princess to our dogs as well.
( )29.A.better B.worse C.more D.fewer
( )30.A.dream B.chance C.home D.stress
( )31.A.carefully B.quietly C.recently D.luckily
( )32.A.Then B.Also C.However D.Even
( )33.A.running B.bringing C.giving D.checking
( )34.A.find B.control C.refuse D.accept
( )35.A.leg B.hand C.head D.neck
( )36.A.sleep B.leave C.die D.rest
( )37.A.him B.her C.them D.it
( )38.A.joy B.satisfaction C.surprise D.shame
( )39.A.with B.for C.to D.about
( )40.A.said B.spoke C.told D.talked
( )41.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.none
( )42.A.kindness B.excitement C.happiness D.fear
( )43.A.though B.unless C.if D.because
honest among especially hometown sincechildhood understand singer borrow own share
Have you heard of a living library?Your answer is probably “no”. There is such a library in my 44. ,Beijing.
In a living library,readers can 45. and return books as they do in a normal one,but the “books” in it are real people.They 46. their stories and ideas with readers.Some stories are even about their 47. .Many people like spending time there,48. on weekends.
“From here we get to know people with stories to share and also 49. who they are and the way they live,” said Li Xingning,the owner of the living library.“
50. I was a little child,I have always dreamed of being a librarian.Now I have
51. a library.”
52. the “living books”,a man named Yu Shi is a street 53. .He used to live a vagabond(流浪汉)life for nine months. He made a living by singing on the street.
“To be 54. ,I really like the job.I'm considering starting a library like this in my hometown soon,” said Li.
Here is a charity sale(义卖) for the poor kids in the mountain area. We'll give away the money we raise in the charity(慈善) e and see our things.
Li Hua   I have an MP4 player. I have had it for a year. It still works very well now. And I have downloaded(下载) some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are unhappy. It costs(价钱) 300 yuan. Now you can pay 50 yuan for it.
Hu Ming   I'd like to sell some of my story books. I started to buy the story books when I was ten years old. I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from these books. Each book only costs 10 yuan. Come and buy them!
Wang Hao   I have some soft toys to sell. The toy bear is my thirteen-year-old birthday present. It still looks very new. It costs 50 yuan. You only need to pay 15 yuan for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.
( )55.How long has Li Hua had the MP4 player
A.For half a year. B.For a year.
C.For two years. D.For three years.
( ) 56.How much will you pay if you want to buy two story books from Hu Ming
A.Twenty yuan. B.Thirty yuan.
C.Forty yuan. D.Fifty yuan.
( )57.Who sells toys in the charity sale
A.Li Hua. B.Hu Ming.
C.The poor kids. D.Wang Hao.
When we first moved here,we didn't have a garden.Mike and I talked about making a large vegetable garden somewhere in our yard,but we couldn't agree on where.Before we went ahead and dug up the grass,we spent some time thinking about where it would work best.At last,we chose an old sandbox(沙坑) in our front yard to become our garden.
We dreamed about a lively garden with lots of vegetables.We asked many people what we should do to turn this sandbox into a space,then plants can grow in it.And they gave us lots of ideas.My sister was the most knowledgeable,so we listened mostly to her.At first.Mike made a wood fence(栅栏) and I painted it with the kids.We chose a darker color because it would fit our light grey house.
Next,Mike dug 17 holes.Then we filled them with soil(土壤).It was still too cold to plant anything,so for days I just stared out the window at these holes.To me,it looked much too untidy.I advised to fill those holes back and dig new ones.This time we ended up with 10.Much better.
Over the next few weeks,I worked on getting everything planted in my garden.I started by planting green onion.But I was too excited and planted it too early.Right away it was clear that it wasn't going to survive.I had to give it up and try something else.Then my next door neighbor gave me red roses to put in my garden.A few days later we went to a greenhouse and came back not with green onion but peppers,tomatoes and so on.Clearly the vegetable and flower garden was slowly becoming our dream garden.Oh well!
I love the way it turned out.This garden will always remind me of my sister.
( )58.When the writer first arrived at her new house,she ________.
A.had a large flower garden
B.dug up the grass in her yard
C.talked about making sandbox
D.wanted a garden with vegetables
( )59.Why did the writer suggest filling the first 17 holes back
A.Because she listened to her sister.
B.Because the weather was too cold.
C.Because the garden looked like a mess.
D.Because the kids could dig better ones.
( )60.What does the underlined word “it”in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.A wood fence. B.An old sandbox.
C.A lively garden. D.A darker color.
( )61.Which one is the right order of building the garden according to the passage
a.We built the fence and painted it.
b.We collected much others' advice.
c.We prepared the plants that we wanted.
d.We decided on the place of the garden.
e.We dug several holes and filled them with soil.
A.b-d-a-e-c B.d-b-a-e-c
C.d-e-c-a-b D.b-a-d-e-c
( )62.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Why was the writer thankful to her sister
B.What did the family plant in their garden
C.How did the family make their dream garden
D.Who spent time with the writer in the garden
My name is Sally. When I was ten years old,I had a lot of friends. But looking back now, my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend, Rina.
Rina is four years older than me. She and I used to live in the same neighborhood. She went to an art and dance school in the city. Every afternoon when I played in the yard with my brother Kevin, I would see her walking home from the train station.
During the weekend, there was always something to do, thanks to Rina. She was good at drawing, so she would teach me and my brother how to draw. She also made up amazing games with interesting characters for us to play. Sometimes, Kevin taught Rina and me basketball and I taught them guitar.
One day, I was sitting in the yard. It was my birthday, but I was sad. Rina appeared and gave me a CD and a picture she had drawn for me. I was really surprised. To this day,I still don't know how Rina remembered my birthday, but I'm glad she did.
Now I'm seventeen and I'm in high school. When I get home from the train station, I always see Alex, the little boy who lives down the street, and his sister Jenny. Sometimes I make up games for them to play. And sometimes I teach them how to draw. I'm happy to watch Alex and Jenny laugh and play. It reminds me of Rina, a girl who left many wonderful memories in my heart.
( )63.What can we know about Sally and Rina
A.They lived in the same neighborhood.
B.They played soccer in the same team.
C.They went to the same school.
D.They joined the same club.
( )64.What did Rina give Sally on her birthday
A.A CD and a book. B.A card and a book.
C.A CD and a picture. D.A card and a picture.
( ) 65.What does the underlined word“them” refer to in the last paragraph
A.Kevin and Rina. B.Rina and her brother.
C.Alex and his brother. D.Alex and Jenny.
( )66.What can we learn from the story
A.A true friend helps out when we are in trouble.
B.People with the same interests can be friends.
C.Good friends are impossible to forget.
D.It is hard to make friends.
( )67.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution.They join “environment clubs”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean.Here are some things students often do.
How much do you throw away after lunch?Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again.Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!
On this day,nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers!Cars give pollution to our air,so remember:Walk,jump,bike or run.Use your legs!It's lots of fun!
Did you know that some toilets(厕所) waste a lot of water every day?In a year that would fill a small river!In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.
We love our environment.Let's work together to make it clean.
( )68.Environment clubs ask students  ________.
A.to run to school every day
B.to take exercise every day
C.not to forget to take cars
D.not to throw away lunch bags
( )69.From the passage we know the students usually have lunch ______.
A.at school B.in shops C.in clubs D.at home
( )70.After students mend toilets,they save ________.
A.a small river B.a club C.a lot of water D.a toilet
( )71.Match the title with each paragraph.
a.Turn off the water b.Use your legs
c.No garbage lunches d.Mend broken toilets
e.No car day
A.①-c,②-b,③-d B.①-c,②-e,③-d
C.①-c,②-e,③-a D.①-c,②-a,③-e
( )72.The writer wrote the passage to ask students to ________.
A.clean schools B.make less pollution
C.join clubs D.help teachers
Manuel Vera, who lives in Maryland, is 71 years old. He thinks that the home must be full of old bikes because bikes are good memories of the home and love.
73. He said, “I grew up in Peru. My father taught me to ride. I remember when my father first let go of the bike. 74. I could go wherever my bike might take me.”
75. Children grow up and don't need them anymore. Some people stop riding them because of more cars. Manuel Vera felt kind of sad. 76. He would try to get these old bikes back on the road. In 2020,he sent a message to his neighbors. It said he would fix their bikes for free. Mr.Vera fixed 104 bicycles last year. There is no bike for him to work on. 77. He asked if people had unused bikes in the message. He would fix them up and give them away. Mr.Vera gives the bikes away at a park. He says it is the perfect place.
Sometimes, Mr.Vera will see a bicycle he fixed. “Every old bike is shining with good memories of love,” he said with his eyes shining.
A.An idea came to his mind.B.It was a surprise to ride by myself.C.Bikes make him think of his childhood.D.In January,he sent another message around.E.All his neighbors are thankful to him for doing this.F.As time goes by, bikes are disappearing in people's life.G.There are more and more people riding bikes in the park now.
(Amy and Mr.Wang are talking about Mr.Wang's son. Amy=A Mr.Wang=W)
A:Hello, Mr.Wang! Has your son come back to Yichun
W:No, he hasn't come back yet. He is still in Beijing. 78.
A:How long has he worked in Beijing
W:79. He has been working there since he left the university.
A:Has he ever come back
W:Yes,he has. 80.
A:Do you often miss him
W:Yes. We miss him very much. 81.
A:Why don't you ask him to come back
W:Because we hope he can have a better job and life in the big city. But he said he would come back next year. 82.
A:That's great.
A.For about two years.B.He went there by himself.C.He will be back next week.D.He has been back three times.E.He often calls us at weekends.F.And he will stay with us in Yichun.G.Without him, my wife and I often feel lonely.
1.What's the name of your hometown
2.How long have you lived in your hometown
3.What's the most famous place in your hometown
Dear Lucy,
This is Li Hua. I'd like to tell you something about my hometown.
Li Hua八年级英语下册Unit 10检测题(教师版答案版)
满分:120分   时间:120分钟
( A )1.How long has the man been away from his hometown
A.For twenty years.  B.For two years. C.For twelve years.
( B )2.How much will the woman pay for two toy tigers
A.55 cents. B.100 cents. C.110 cents.
( C )3.What will Mike give away to the poor kids in hospital
A.The toy monkey. B.Nothing. C.The toy trains.
( C )4.Why doesn't the boy want to sell the old toy
A.He wants to use it again.
B.He needs it.
C.It brings back memories to him.
( B )5.What will the man do with the money he raises from the sale
A.He'll give it to a children's home.
B.He'll give it to the old people's home.
C.He'll buy some new books.
( C )6.How long has Linda had her books
A.Twenty years.   B.Five years. C.Ten years.
( A )7.Who is Linda going to send the books to
A.Sunshine Charity School.
B.A child.
C.A children's home.
( A )8.Why hasn't Rose had her watch with her
A.She has left it at home.
B.She has lost it.
C.It has broken down.
( B )9.How will they go there
A.By bus.   B.By taxi. C.By bike.
( A )10.Where has Rose been
A.Go back to her hometown.
B.Travel abroad.
C.Visit some of her old friends.
( B )11.How is Rose's hometown now
A.She can't see it.
B.The environment has been improved a lot.
C.The environment is terrible now.
( A )12.What's the effects of the opened chemical factories
A.They may pollute environment.
B.They may be good for people's health.
C.They may be good for the environment.
( A )13.Why is Lisa unhappy
A.She feels lonely.
B.She dislikes her schoolmates.
C.Her classmates don't talk with her.
( B )14.How long has Lisa been in the new school
A.For three months. B.For two months. C.For five months.
( C )15.What does the boy invite Lisa to do
A.See a film.
B.Go to the concert.
C.Go to the English club.
16.The teenagers like their hobbies because they like to learn new things and develop new skills.
17.The important point is that they can eat fresh vegetables.
18.Outdoor activities can keep the teenagers in good health and bring them much happiness.
19.Collecting dolls can help the girls learn to care for others.
20.Most boys think it's exciting to play computer games.
( D )21.My grandma likes listening to old songs,because they can bring back sweet ______.
A.gifts   B.records C.marks  D.memories
( C )22.—What did Mrs.Smith do last Sunday
—She ________ out all her old clothes from her house.
A.tried B.worked C.cleared D.cut
( A )23.My parents hope that I can win the match,but ________ me,the most important thing is to learn something useful and have fun.
A.as for B.because of C.such as D.instead of
( B )24.—Can you dig a hole easily in the ground
—Of course. It rained heavily yesterday and the ground is______now.
A.broken B.soft C.wide D.fresh
( B )25.Making dumplings is an important activity for many families on New Year's Eve,________ in northern China.
A.actually B.especially C.certainly D.truthfully
( D )26.We should ________ the difficulties in life as challenges and not give up easily.
A.count B.solve C.include D.regard
( A )27.—Excuse me, where is our English teacher
—He is ________ a meeting in the office now.
A.holding B.making C.teaching D.sharing
( C )28.—Kangkang,you speak English so well.
—Thank you.That's because I ______ English since 2015.
A.will learn  B.learned C.have learned  D.learn
My family has always been poor, but we love our pets more than everything else. In December, things got even __29__ for our family. In the end,we lost our __30__ and we only had our two German dogs.
It was a cold winter, but __31__ we found a place where our two beautiful dogs could live with us. __32__, after living there for one week, all of our money was gone and our dog food was __33__ out.
We tried to __34__ someone to help. But nobody would give a __35__. I began to have bad dreams at night. I was scared that our dogs would __36__ without food. I called one last place in town—a small pet supply(用 品) store.
There, a young girl answered the phone. I told __37__ about what we were going through.
To my __38__,this sweet girl told me that she would buy the dog food __39__ us. She didn't even ask us to pay back the money. She __40__,“I just feel so bad for your dogs and I know how you feel. I just think I have to do __41__ for you.”
Hearing this, I started crying. My __42__ went away. I knew that our dogs would have food, all because of this young girl. She didn't know us, but she still would like to help our dogs.
This young girl, __43__ we don't even know her name, will always be a warm-hearted princess to us. She is a warm-hearted princess to our dogs as well.
( B )29.A.better B.worse C.more D.fewer
( C )30.A.dream B.chance C.home D.stress
( D )31.A.carefully B.quietly C.recently D.luckily
( C )32.A.Then B.Also C.However D.Even
( A )33.A.running B.bringing C.giving D.checking
( A )34.A.find B.control C.refuse D.accept
( B )35.A.leg B.hand C.head D.neck
( C )36.A.sleep B.leave C.die D.rest
( B )37.A.him B.her C.them D.it
( C )38.A.joy B.satisfaction C.surprise D.shame
( B )39.A.with B.for C.to D.about
( A )40.A.said B.spoke C.told D.talked
( C )41.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.none
( D )42.A.kindness B.excitement C.happiness D.fear
( A )43.A.though B.unless C.if D.because
honest among especially hometown sincechildhood understand singer borrow own share
Have you heard of a living library?Your answer is probably “no”. There is such a library in my 44.hometown,Beijing.
In a living library,readers can 45.borrow and return books as they do in a normal one,but the “books” in it are real people.They 46.share their stories and ideas with readers.Some stories are even about their 47.childhood.Many people like spending time there,48.especially on weekends.
“From here we get to know people with stories to share and also 49.to understand who they are and the way they live,” said Li Xingning,the owner of the living library.“50.Since I was a little child,I have always dreamed of being a librarian.Now I have 51.owned a library.”
52.Among the “living books”,a man named Yu Shi is a street 53.singer.He used to live a vagabond(流浪汉)life for nine months. He made a living by singing on the street.
“To be 54.honest,I really like the job.I'm considering starting a library like this in my hometown soon,” said Li.
Here is a charity sale(义卖) for the poor kids in the mountain area. We'll give away the money we raise in the charity(慈善) e and see our things.
Li Hua   I have an MP4 player. I have had it for a year. It still works very well now. And I have downloaded(下载) some pop songs in it. I hope it can be with you when you are unhappy. It costs(价钱) 300 yuan. Now you can pay 50 yuan for it.
Hu Ming   I'd like to sell some of my story books. I started to buy the story books when I was ten years old. I believe anyone like me will learn a lot from these books. Each book only costs 10 yuan. Come and buy them!
Wang Hao   I have some soft toys to sell. The toy bear is my thirteen-year-old birthday present. It still looks very new. It costs 50 yuan. You only need to pay 15 yuan for it now. Other toys are very new but cheap, too.
( B )55.How long has Li Hua had the MP4 player
A.For half a year. B.For a year.
C.For two years. D.For three years.
( A ) 56.How much will you pay if you want to buy two story books from Hu Ming
A.Twenty yuan. B.Thirty yuan.
C.Forty yuan. D.Fifty yuan.
( D )57.Who sells toys in the charity sale
A.Li Hua. B.Hu Ming.
C.The poor kids. D.Wang Hao.
When we first moved here,we didn't have a garden.Mike and I talked about making a large vegetable garden somewhere in our yard,but we couldn't agree on where.Before we went ahead and dug up the grass,we spent some time thinking about where it would work best.At last,we chose an old sandbox(沙坑) in our front yard to become our garden.
We dreamed about a lively garden with lots of vegetables.We asked many people what we should do to turn this sandbox into a space,then plants can grow in it.And they gave us lots of ideas.My sister was the most knowledgeable,so we listened mostly to her.At first.Mike made a wood fence(栅栏) and I painted it with the kids.We chose a darker color because it would fit our light grey house.
Next,Mike dug 17 holes.Then we filled them with soil(土壤).It was still too cold to plant anything,so for days I just stared out the window at these holes.To me,it looked much too untidy.I advised to fill those holes back and dig new ones.This time we ended up with 10.Much better.
Over the next few weeks,I worked on getting everything planted in my garden.I started by planting green onion.But I was too excited and planted it too early.Right away it was clear that it wasn't going to survive.I had to give it up and try something else.Then my next door neighbor gave me red roses to put in my garden.A few days later we went to a greenhouse and came back not with green onion but peppers,tomatoes and so on.Clearly the vegetable and flower garden was slowly becoming our dream garden.Oh well!
I love the way it turned out.This garden will always remind me of my sister.
( D )58.When the writer first arrived at her new house,she ________.
A.had a large flower garden
B.dug up the grass in her yard
C.talked about making sandbox
D.wanted a garden with vegetables
( C )59.Why did the writer suggest filling the first 17 holes back
A.Because she listened to her sister.
B.Because the weather was too cold.
C.Because the garden looked like a mess.
D.Because the kids could dig better ones.
( A )60.What does the underlined word “it”in Paragraph 2 refer to
A.A wood fence. B.An old sandbox.
C.A lively garden. D.A darker color.
( B )61.Which one is the right order of building the garden according to the passage
a.We built the fence and painted it.
b.We collected much others' advice.
c.We prepared the plants that we wanted.
d.We decided on the place of the garden.
e.We dug several holes and filled them with soil.
A.b-d-a-e-c B.d-b-a-e-c
C.d-e-c-a-b D.b-a-d-e-c
( C )62.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Why was the writer thankful to her sister
B.What did the family plant in their garden
C.How did the family make their dream garden
D.Who spent time with the writer in the garden
My name is Sally. When I was ten years old,I had a lot of friends. But looking back now, my best friend was someone I never really thought of as my friend, Rina.
Rina is four years older than me. She and I used to live in the same neighborhood. She went to an art and dance school in the city. Every afternoon when I played in the yard with my brother Kevin, I would see her walking home from the train station.
During the weekend, there was always something to do, thanks to Rina. She was good at drawing, so she would teach me and my brother how to draw. She also made up amazing games with interesting characters for us to play. Sometimes, Kevin taught Rina and me basketball and I taught them guitar.
One day, I was sitting in the yard. It was my birthday, but I was sad. Rina appeared and gave me a CD and a picture she had drawn for me. I was really surprised. To this day,I still don't know how Rina remembered my birthday, but I'm glad she did.
Now I'm seventeen and I'm in high school. When I get home from the train station, I always see Alex, the little boy who lives down the street, and his sister Jenny. Sometimes I make up games for them to play. And sometimes I teach them how to draw. I'm happy to watch Alex and Jenny laugh and play. It reminds me of Rina, a girl who left many wonderful memories in my heart.
( A )63.What can we know about Sally and Rina
A.They lived in the same neighborhood.
B.They played soccer in the same team.
C.They went to the same school.
D.They joined the same club.
( C )64.What did Rina give Sally on her birthday
A.A CD and a book. B.A card and a book.
C.A CD and a picture. D.A card and a picture.
( D ) 65.What does the underlined word“them” refer to in the last paragraph
A.Kevin and Rina. B.Rina and her brother.
C.Alex and his brother. D.Alex and Jenny.
( C )66.What can we learn from the story
A.A true friend helps out when we are in trouble.
B.People with the same interests can be friends.
C.Good friends are impossible to forget.
D.It is hard to make friends.
( C )67.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage
A. B. C. D.
In most parts of the world,many students help their schools make less pollution.They join “environment clubs”.In an environment club,people work together to make our environment clean.Here are some things students often do.
How much do you throw away after lunch?Environment clubs ask students to bring their lunches in bags that can be used again.Every week they will choose the classes that make the least garbage and report them to the whole school!
On this day,nobody comes to school in a car—not the students and not the teachers!Cars give pollution to our air,so remember:Walk,jump,bike or run.Use your legs!It's lots of fun!
Did you know that some toilets(厕所) waste a lot of water every day?In a year that would fill a small river!In environment clubs,students mend those broken toilets.
We love our environment.Let's work together to make it clean.
( D )68.Environment clubs ask students  ________.
A.to run to school every day
B.to take exercise every day
C.not to forget to take cars
D.not to throw away lunch bags
( A )69.From the passage we know the students usually have lunch ______.
A.at school B.in shops C.in clubs D.at home
( C )70.After students mend toilets,they save ________.
A.a small river B.a club C.a lot of water D.a toilet
( C )71.Match the title with each paragraph.
a.Turn off the water b.Use your legs
c.No garbage lunches d.Mend broken toilets
e.No car day
A.①-c,②-b,③-d B.①-c,②-e,③-d
C.①-c,②-e,③-a D.①-c,②-a,③-e
( B )72.The writer wrote the passage to ask students to ________.
A.clean schools B.make less pollution
C.join clubs D.help teachers
Manuel Vera, who lives in Maryland, is 71 years old. He thinks that the home must be full of old bikes because bikes are good memories of the home and love. 73. C He said, “I grew up in Peru. My father taught me to ride. I remember when my father first let go of the bike. 74. B I could go wherever my bike might take me.”
75. F Children grow up and don't need them anymore. Some people stop riding them because of more cars. Manuel Vera felt kind of sad. 76. A He would try to get these old bikes back on the road. In 2020,he sent a message to his neighbors. It said he would fix their bikes for free. Mr.Vera fixed 104 bicycles last year. There is no bike for him to work on. 77. D He asked if people had unused bikes in the message. He would fix them up and give them away. Mr.Vera gives the bikes away at a park. He says it is the perfect place.
Sometimes, Mr.Vera will see a bicycle he fixed. “Every old bike is shining with good memories of love,” he said with his eyes shining.
A.An idea came to his mind.B.It was a surprise to ride by myself.C.Bikes make him think of his childhood.D.In January,he sent another message around.E.All his neighbors are thankful to him for doing this.F.As time goes by, bikes are disappearing in people's life.G.There are more and more people riding bikes in the park now.
(Amy and Mr.Wang are talking about Mr.Wang's son. Amy=A Mr.Wang=W)
A:Hello, Mr.Wang! Has your son come back to Yichun
W:No, he hasn't come back yet. He is still in Beijing. 78. C
A:How long has he worked in Beijing
W:79. A He has been working there since he left the university.
A:Has he ever come back
W:Yes,he has. 80. D
A:Do you often miss him
W:Yes. We miss him very much. 81. G
A:Why don't you ask him to come back
W:Because we hope he can have a better job and life in the big city. But he said he would come back next year. 82. F
A:That's great.
A.For about two years.B.He went there by himself.C.He will be back next week.D.He has been back three times.E.He often calls us at weekends.F.And he will stay with us in Yichun.G.Without him, my wife and I often feel lonely.
1.What's the name of your hometown
2.How long have you lived in your hometown
3.What's the most famous place in your hometown
Dear Lucy,
This is Li Hua. I'd like to tell you something about my hometown. My hometown in Chongqing,which is in the southwest of China. It's a beautiful place. And I have lived in my hometown for ten years.
There are many places of interest in my hometown. One of the most famous places in my hometown is the Changjiang Ropeway. Many visitors come to visit the place every year. They take a lot of pictures because they can bring back sweet memories. Besides, the best season for traveling in my hometown is spring. There are many kinds of flowers and the weather is very comfortable.
I hope my hometown will become more and more beautiful. Welcome to my hometown.
Li Hua听力材料:
1.W:How long have you been away from your hometown
M:Since twenty years ago.I only return home once or twice a year.It's a shame.
2.W:How much does the toy tiger cost
M:You can have it for 55 cents.If you buy two toy tigers,you can pay 100 cents for them.
3.W:Mike,you no longer use the old toys.Shall we give them away to the poor kids in hospital
M:Mom,I want to keep the toy monkey.I have had it since I was born.It has left a lot of sweet memories.Let's give away the toy trains.
4.W:Why don't you want to sell the old toy
M:Because it brings back sweet memories to me.
5.W:What will you do with the money you raise from the sale
M:I'll give it to the old people's home.
M:Hey,Linda!What are you doing
W:Hey,Jack!I'm collecting all my old books.I've had them for almost ten years.
M:What are you going to do with them
W:I am going to send them to the Sunshine Charity School.
W:We have waited here for twenty minutes now and there still isn't a bus.
M:I'm afraid we'll be late for the party.
W:What's the time,Jack
M:A quarter to seven.Haven't you got your watch with you,Rose?Is it broken
W:No,I have left it at home.
M:Well,how long will it take us to get there
W:I think it's a long way to go.Why not take a taxi
M:OK!The taxi can save us some time.Taxi!
M:Hello,Rose!Long time no see.Where have you been
W:Hi,Michael!I've been back to my hometown,and just came back recently.
M:Is everything OK in your hometown
W:No,I left there about 20 years ago,so things have been changed a lot since then.But now I can clearly see that the whole living environment has been improved a lot.
M:Well,it's a good thing!
W:Yes,it is.But...
M:But what
W:But the biggest problem is there opened some chemical factories now.They may have bad effects on the environment and people's health.
M:You look unhappy,Lisa.What's wrong
W:Nothing.I just feel a little lonely.I don't have any friends here.
M:How long have you been here
W:For two months.I think it is very hard for me to get used to the life in the new school.
M:Well,I've been here for five months.
W:Really?You are like an old friend of everyone's in the class.
M:Well,we must learn to say hi to others first.I'm going to the English club and chat with others.Would you like to go with me
Recently we made a survey about teenagers' hobbies.The teenagers like their hobbies because they like to learn new things and develop new skills.For example,playing football can make them strong and help them understand the importance of team work.Growing vegetables can help their family.They can get money from vegetables.The important point is that they can eat fresh vegetables.As for dancing,the boys don't like it,but the girls do.They think dancing can show their beauty and keep them thin.Most of the boys and the girls like doing outdoor activities.They can keep the teenagers in good health and bring them much happiness.Collecting dolls can make the girls happy and help them learn to care for others.Playing computer games is most boys' favorite hobby.They can spend several hours playing it.They say it's exciting to play it.


