2025届高考英语 语法填空专题复习:最新时事新闻 7月(科学技术)(含答案与翻译)

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2025届高考英语 语法填空专题复习:最新时事新闻 7月(科学技术)(含答案与翻译)


China sets green targets for data centers
BEIJING - China has unveiled 1、_ action plan on the green development of data centers, specifying a set of targets 2、_(accelerate) the low-carbon transition of the sector.
By 2025, the average power usage 3、_(effective) (PUE) of data centers, a metric for energy efficiency, will 4、_(low) to less than 1.5, according to the plan 5、_(joint) issued on Tuesday by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and two central bureaus.
The plan also 6、_(aim) to increase the utilization rate of renewable energy in data centers by 10 percent annually.
As an 7、_(importance) infrastructure for development of new quality productive forces, data centers are among the sectors 8、_ energy use grow rapidly in China. It is expected that data centers' power usage in the country will climb by 15 percent annually.
The action plan proposed that by the end of 2030, data centers across the country 9、_(see) their average PUE, and energy and carbon efficiency per unit of computing power reach internationally advanced levels, with the utilization rate of renewable energy 10、_(far) improved.
1、an考察冠词 2、to accelerate考察不定式
3、effectiveness考察名词 4、be lowered 考察被动
5、jointly考察副词 6、aimed考察过去式
7、important考察形容词 8、where考察定语从句
9、will see考察将来时 10、further考察比较级
Nubia Tech unveils two new AI powered smartphones
Chinese smartphone manufacturer Nubia Technology 1、_(unveil) two new artificial intelligence-powered smartphones on Tuesday, as the company aims 2、_(grab) a bigger slice of the pie in the 3、_(high) competitive handset market.
4、_(Nubia) latest flagship handset Z60 Ultra leading version has incorporated AI large model with an 5、_(enhance) photography capacity, while supporting two-way, real-time interpretation of phone calls and 6、_(intelligence) voice assistant functionality. Its Z60S Pro smartphone comes with advanced AI features like AI imaging technology.
Experts said the next two or three years 7、_(be) key in bolstering the application of AI technology into electronic devices.
8、_(accord) to global market consultancy International Data Corp, a total of 170 million next-generation AI 9、_(smartphone) will be shipped globally in 2024, representing almost 15 percent of total smartphone shipments and a 10、_(size) jump from the roughly 51 million shipped in 2023.
1、unveiled考察过去式 2、to grab考察不定式
3、highly考察副词 4、Nubia's考察所有格
5、enhanced考察定语 6、intelligent 考察形容词
7、will be 考察将来时 8、According 考察现在分词
9、smartphones考察复数 10、 sizeable考察形容词
努比亚最新旗舰手机Z60 Ultra领先版本采用了人工智能大型号,具有增强的摄影能力,同时支持双向、实时的电话口译和智能语音助理功能。其Z60S Pro智能手机配备了先进的AI功能,如AI成像技术。
根据全球市场咨询公司International Data Corp的数据,2024年全球将出货1.7亿部下一代人工智能智能智能手机,占智能手机总出货量的近15%,与2023年的约5100万部相比大幅增长。
China calls on countries to resist US economic coercion
BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Commerce on Friday called on relevant countries 1、_(resist) economic coercion from the US in the semiconductor sector.
A ministry spokesperson made 2、_ remarks following media reports that the United States is considering 3、_(tough) measures to exert pressure on enterprises from countries such 4、_ Japan and the Netherlands to restrict their trade of chips with China to a greater extent.
The ministry said that China 5、_(hope) relevant countries will adhere to market principles and the spirit of their contracts, resist the economic coercion from the US, and work together to safeguard the stability of 6、_(globe) industrial and supply chains.
The semiconductor sector is 7、_(high) globalized after decades of growth, and this is the result of market law and the 8、_(choice) enterprises have made, the spokesperson said.
For many years, the United States 9、_(overstretch) the concept of national security, abused export control measures, deliberately split the global semiconductor market, and wantonly interfered in normal economic and trade exchanges between enterprises from other countries, 10、_(accord) to the ministry.
1、to resist考察不定式 2、the 考察定冠词
3、tougher考察比较级 4、as 考察词组
5、hopes考察一般现在时 6、global 考察形容词
7、highly考察副词 8、choices 考察复数
9、has overstretched考察现在完成时 10、according考察现在分词


