人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language导学案(含答案)

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人教版(2019) 选择性必修第二册 Unit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language导学案(含答案)


Unit 2 Bridging cultures
Studying abroad:Is it a good or a bad idea
The first letter
Para 1
在过去的几十年 _________________________
In the past few decades, there _______________a dramatic increase in the number of people______________(study) abroad.
Although _____________(study) abroad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages for young people are greater.
Para 2
1.首先__________________ 2.面对巨大的经济压力_________________________
3.学费____________________ 4.生活费_________________________
5.在国内________________ 6.最终做某事_________________________
9.To begin with, many students__________study abroad face great economic pressure.
10.That means __________(study) abroad is just not possible for everyone.
11._____________(study) in China is much ______________________(convenient) and can help save money.
Para 3
2.巨大的压力__________________ 3.承受文化冲击__________________
4.不够成熟去独自应对挑战 __________________
5.变得沮丧__________________ 6.遇到个人安全问题 ________________________
7.此外 __________________ 8.教与学不同的教学方法_______________________
10.Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure _______comes with studying abroad.
11.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when ___________(learn) how to behave in new surroundings.
Para 4
最后要考虑的一点 ____________________________________
A final point to consider is_________ while studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people__________study in China also have a great future to look forward to!
They have great facilities and outstanding professors, ___________(help) to educate young people _________ will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.
Para 5
1.总之 ___________________ 2.人们不可否认的是..___________________
The second letter
Para 1
在我看来___________________ 2. 愿意做某事 ___________________
Para 2
1.个人成长_______________ 2.使某人变得更好__________________________
4.获得全球视野_____________________ 5.提升综合能力_________________________
6.The education (that) you gain and the experiences (that) you have will change you for the better.
分析:句中you gain 和 you have是两个省略了关系词that/which的___________从句,分别修饰名词______________ 和_______________。
Para 3
Para 4
中国的全球前景 __________________________
有全球视野 __________________________
具有某方面的能力 __________________________
9.反过来 __________________________
10.提供某人某物 __________________________
Para 5
总之 _______________________ 2.塑造性格_______________________
3. 增加人们对文化多样性的了解____________________________
The first letter
Para 1
1. 在过去的几十年 in the past few decades
2. 在某方面的急剧增长 a dramatic increase in ....
3. 出国留学的人数 the number of people studying abroad
4. 带来很大的好处 bring great benefits
5.In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of people studying abroad.
in/over /during the past /last few decades 过去几十年里
作时间状语 句子要使用现在完成时态
类似的时间状语:recently;so far;up to now; until now;since then 等
studying abroad 出国留学 现在分词短语在句中作后置定语
6.Although studying abroad can bring great benefits, I think the disadvantages for young people are greater.
studying abroad 出国留学 现在分词短语在句中作后置定语
Para 2
1.首先 at first 2.面对巨大的经济压力 face great economic pressure
3.学费tuition fees 4.生活费 living expenses
5.在国内 at home 6.最终做某事 end up doing sth
7.花掉大部分家庭一大笔钱 cost most families an arm and a leg
8.帮助省钱 help save money
9,To begin with, many students who study abroad face great economic pressure.
That means studying abroad is just not possible for everyone.
Studying in China is much more convenient and can help save money.
动名词studying作主语 much 修饰adj/adv 的比较级
Para 3
1. 另一个需要考虑的因素another important factor to consider
2.巨大的压力 the tremendous pressure
3.承受文化冲击 suffer from culture shock
4.不够成熟去独自应对挑战 not mature enough to handle the challenges by themselves
5.变得沮丧 become depressed
6.遇到个人安全问题 encounter problems with personal safety
7.此外 in addition
8.教与学不同的教学方法 different approaches to teaching and learning
9.令某人震惊 come as a shock to sb
10.Another important factor to consider is the tremendous pressure that comes with studying abroad.
that 引导定语从句修饰pressure
11.Some may struggle and suffer from culture shock when learning how to behave in new surroundings.
when +doing 的用法,表示learning与主句的主语some 之间使主动关系
Para 4
1. 最后要考虑的一点 a final point to consider 2. 期待;期盼 look forward to
3. 随着中国的繁荣 as China has boomed 4. 教育环境 the educational environment
5. 显著改善 improve significantly
6. 现在有很多的好大学可以上 with many great unviersities now available
7. 为....做贡献 contribute to ....
8.A final point to consider is that while studying abroad does have potential benefits, young people who study in China also have a great future to look forward to(作定语)!
that 引导的表语从句; while 引导让步状语从句;who引导定语从句
9.They have great facilities and outstanding professors, helping to educate young people who will contribute to the economy and further strengthen our country.
helping...现在分词短语作状语; who引导定语从句
1.总之 to sum up
2.人们不可否认的是..one cannot deny the fact that.....
The second letter
Para 1
1.在我看来in one’s opinion 2. 愿意做某事 be willing to do...
Para 2
1.个人成长 personal growth 2.使某人变得更好 change sb for the better
3.独自应对各种困难 deal with all kinds of difficulties by yourself
4.获得全球视野 gain a global perspective
5.提升综合能力 imporve your general competence
6.The education (that) you gain and the experiences (that) you have will change you for the better.
分析:句中you gain 和 you have是两个省略了关系词that/ which的定语从句,分别修饰名词education 和experiences。
Para 3
1.更多文化交流的机会 the increased chance for cultural exchange
2.被看作文化使者 be seen as cultural envoys
3.增进国际友谊 promote friendship between nations
4.与来自不同文化背景的人合作cooperate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds
5.从不同视角看待世界 view the world from different angles
6.让我们对自己的文化有更深入的了解give us more insight into our own culture
Para 4
1.为祖国的发展作出贡献 contribute to the development of our motherland
2.中国的全球前景 China’s global outlook
3.“一带一路”倡议 the Belt and Road Initiative
4.帮助我们与世界建立联系 help us make connections across the world
5.有全球视野 with a global perspective 6.具有某方面的能力 be competent with
7.有领导力和组织能力 have leadership and organisational skills
8.文化意识 cultural awareness 9.反过来 in turn
10.提供某人某物 provide sb with sth 11.就业机会 career opportunities
Para 5
1.总之 all in all 2.塑造性格build character
3. 增加人们对文化多样性的了解increase people’s understanding of cultural diversity
4.增强中国实力 strengthen China 5.建立人类命运共同体 build a shared future


