外研版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the Wild Developing ideas导学案(含答案)

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外研版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 5 Into the Wild Developing ideas导学案(含答案)


高(一) 英语 导学案
模块:unit5 年 月 日
课题 课时 课型
教学重难点 Understand the main idea and the structure of the passage; Learn to describe a story; Think deeply about how to respect animals.
课前 预习
1.recover v (从糟糕经历中)恢复 n ____________ recover from tiredness/operation/illness ___________________________ make a full recovery ________________ Anne made a quick _______________(recover) from her operation. 2.shock adj.__________ ___________ It was a shock to see her looking so ill. 翻译:______________________________________ we were _________(shock) to see the cats badly treated. It’s ____________(shock) that he failed his driving test. 3.variety n.多样化,变化 (教材原句)As the world's first national park.Yellowstone is famous for the variety of its wildlife, but it is probably best known for its bears.黄石公园是世界上第一个国家公园.因其野生动物的多样性而闻名,不过,其中最广为人知的可能还是那里的熊。 (2021·新高考I卷)When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife. 当探险家们第一次踏上北美大陆时,天空和陆地上生活着种类繁多的野生动物。 I核心归纳I 1.a variety of/varieties of...各种各样的 vary v.变化,不同 vary from...to...从······到······变化 various adj.各种各样的 单句语法填空 ① He left the company for a (vary) of reasons. ② __(vary) people whom weren't expecting turned up at the meeting. 2.concentrate on 集中在;专心于 (教材原句)While I was concentrating photographing this amazing scene, I sudd had a feeling that I was being watched. 我正聚精会神地拍摄这惊人的景观,突然有什么在盯着我。 (读后续写之人物描写)I concentrated my energy on that project and finally,my hard work paid off—we were awarded an A. 我专注于那个项目,最终,我的努力得到了回报-我们获得了A。 (1)concentrate on sth./doing sth.专心(做)某事 concentrate one's efforts/energy/attention/ mind on sth. 全力以赴/全神贯注做某事 (2)concentration n.专心,集中 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①Stress and tiredness affect your powers of (concentrate). ②Having failed my French exam, I decided to concentrate science subjects. 3.after all 毕竟,终究 (2021·全国乙卷)After all,co-working spaces also typically use an open office layout. 毕竟,共同工作空间通常也使用开放的办公室布局。 (应用文之安慰信)Don’t worry. It isn’t your problem after all. 翻译:________________________________________________________________ 4.stare v凝视,盯着看 I would rather stare at a clear-filled sky than a TV set. 翻译:___________________________________________________ 5.it is after all we who are the visitors to their world. 强调句型注意问题: ①构成强调句型不能用其他词代替。 ②被强调部分指人时可以用who或者that,其他一律用that。 ③用is 还是was要根据原句的时态而定:现在和将来时间范围用is,过去时间范畴用was。 We met a famous film director in the park yesterday. It is a famous film director that/who we met in the park yesterday. It is in the park that we met a famous film director yesterday. It is yesterday that we met a famous film director in the park . 写出下面句子的强调句型 The coach picks up tourists at the hotel every Wednesday. ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Reading Task1: Read for the main idea 1.Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea. Para. 1 A. Yellowstone National Park is famous for its variety of wildlife, especially the bears. Para. 2 B. The author’s experience of encountering a bear and capturing it. Para. 3 C. The author’s job: a nature photographer. Para. 4 D. The author’s thoughts. 2.What is the passage mainly about A. A photographer working outside in the wild. B. Photos taken in Yellowstone National Park. C. An unforgettable experience in the wild. D. A photo taken with a brown bear. 3. Where is the passage probably taken from A. A commercial advertisement. B. A geography textbook. C. A travel journal. D. A research paper. Task 2: Read for the details Read for the settings When and where did the story happen The story happened in_______________________. Which of the following is true about Yellowstone National Park It is the world’s largest national park. The park is known for the variety of its wildlife. The park is best famous for its bears. The bears in the park run slowly because they weigh up to 300 kilograms. Read for the characters Who are involved in the story _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ What can we know about the author The bear is his favorite animal. He likes taking photos but can’t bear the extreme weather. He likes his job because he can observe animals in their natural environment. All his photos were taken in Yellowstone National Park. Read for the plot Number the events in the correct order. I felt I was being watched. I admired the landscape. I took a photo of the bear. The bear ran away. I walked through a forest. I saw a bear. What was the photographer’s reaction when he saw the bear How would you react if you were in the same situation as the photographer What do we know about the author’s getting the photo A. The author designed the scene ahead. B. The bear did the action for him. C. The bear kept calm before him. D. The author got it quite by accident. Read for the theme 1) What is the purpose of the text A. To tell an interesting story. B. To introduce a job. C. To call on people to respect animals. D. To introduce animals. 2) How does the author develop his idea A. By giving an example. B. By making comparisons. B. By offering an explanation. D. By giving reasons. 3) Deep thinking: What can we do to show our respect for animals 语法填空 As a natural photographer, I have to brave the 1._________(element) to work outside in the wild, but I still enjoy doing so to observe animals in their natural environment. Last spring I went to Yellowstone National Park to take photos.The park is famous 2_____both the variety of its wildlife and huge, strong bears which can live for up to thirty years and run 3._____ a speed of around 64 kilometers per hour.When I stepped out of a dark forest I saw an 4.______(amaze) scene where an eagle flew over the snowcapped mountains. I was concentrating on it 5._______ I had a feeling that I was being watched. I turned and 6._______(freeze). Only meters away was a bear staring at me with water 7._______(fall) off its thick, brown hair. My legs started shaking. Somehow I had forced my finger 8.________(press) the button before the bear turned and ran into the forest. From time to time I looked at the photo as a reminder to show respect 9._____ all animals. It is after all we 10. ________are the visitors to their world. |由课文学阅读技法| (一)把握叙事记叙文的文体特点 本文的语篇类型为叙事记叙文。此类记叙文通常包括三部分:首先交代事情的背景和起因(who, what, where, why),然后叙述事情的经过(development),最后陈述事情的结果(ending)。如本文以“分—总”的结构记叙了一名自然摄影师在美国黄石国家公园的一次惊心动魄的拍摄经历。文章的行文脉络是“作者的工作→介绍黄石国家公园→在黄石公园里遇到熊的经历→作者的感受(总)”。 (二)内化叙事记叙文的阅读技法 1.梳理情节线 情节线,即叙事记叙文的明线,指的是事件发生、发展直至解决的整个过程。通过梳理情节线即可明白文章讲了什么。如本文的情节线为“Last spring in Yellowstone, I followed a path →I was concentrating on photographing→only meters away from me was a bear→I captured an image of the bear→the bear turned and ran back into the forest”。 2.明确情感线 情感线,是记叙文的暗线,描述了人物情感的变化。把握情感线有助于体会文章的深层含义。本文的情感线为“stepped out of the trees, the view was breathtaking→ turned ...and froze→ My legs started shaking→forced my finger to press the button→recovered from the shock→most frightening but magical experience”。 3.关注主旨升华 叙事记叙文的主旨升华通常出现在文章的结尾处,特别是含有议论的部分。解答主旨大意类题目时应特别关注这些地方。如本文尾段作者表达了尊重野生动物、与自然和谐相处的感悟。
答案:1.recovery ;从劳累,手术,疾病中恢复;完全恢复;recovery
2.shocked shocking ;看见她病的如此厉害让我很惊讶;shocked;shocking
Variety varied 2.Concentration; on 3不用担心,这不是你的问题。4. 比起来电视,我更愿意盯着清澈的天空。
5.It is the coach who picks up tourists at the hotel every Wednesday.
Task1 1. para1 c; para2 b; para3 c;para4 d
c 3.b
Task 2 1.Yellowstone National Park 2 the author and a bear 3. 325614;
He was scared.;I would be scared too.;D;C;B;We should protect animals.
1.elements 2.for 3.at 4.amazing 5.when6. froze7. falling8. to press 9. to 10.who/that


