外研版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 6 At One with Nature Developing ideas导学案(含答案)

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外研版(2019) 必修第一册 Unit 6 At One with Nature Developing ideas导学案(含答案)


高(一) 英语 导学案
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课题 课时 课型
教学重难点 1.通过阅读课文各段内容,准确把握各段主题句,归纳段落大意,理清文章结构; 2.了解概要写作的文体特点和内容要素,能够运用所学内容进行概要写作,总结文章大意; 3.深入了解英国人对园艺的热爱和饮用水果茶及花草茶的传统,并引导学生联系自身实际,对中外文化都崇尚与自然和谐相处形成跨文化的理解,最终形成亲近自然、崇尚自然、合理利用自然、与自然和谐相处的意识。
课前 预习
语篇精读设计(三步读文) (一)略读——明主旨大意 What's the main idea of the text A.History of gardening. B.Skills of gardening. C.Benefits of gardening. D.Brits' love on gardening. (二)细读——知文章细节 I.阅读文章第1、2段,习得以下素养 (1)阅读理解 2.What does “green fingers” mean in the first paragraph A.The fingers painted with green color. B.The poor skills of gardening. C.The fingers cut by green knife. D.The super skills of gardening. 3.Why does the author cite the words of the book The Secret of Garden 4.What does the writer want to tell us in Paragraph 2 The writer wants to tell us ___________. (2)阅读表达 借代修辞法 借代是说明文或记叙文中一种常见的修辞手法。借代是指不直接说出所要表达的人或事物,而是借用与它密切相关的人或事物来代替的修饰方法。恰当地运用借代可以引人联想,使语句具有形象突出、特点鲜明、文笔精炼、具体生动的效果。文章第一段最后一句中的“green fingers (绿手指)”就是这样一种用法,它其实是对喜欢园艺的人的一种称赞,意思是植物在他们的精心照料下能够茁壮成长。如果说某人有 green fingers,就意味着这个人有高超的种植技能。 Ⅱ.阅读文章第3、4段,习得以下素养 (1)阅读理解 5.Why do over 4,000 people wait for the small pieces of land 6.What do you think the last sentence in this article mean A.A thistle cannot grow because of the roses. B.A thistle is less important than the roses. C.Gardening can make the environment more beautiful. D.Gardening can cost you a lot of time and money. 7.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT the meaning of gardening A.It enriches people's spiritual worlds. B.It improves environment quality. C.It provides people with a wonderful time. D.It enables expert gardeners to enter competitions. 8. Where can we probably read the passage A.In a travel guidebook. B.In a cultural magazine. C.In a science newspaper. D.In an environment management book. 9.Paraphrase 1. If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden. 2.And while many Brits like nothing better than spending their Sunday cutting the grass… 3. What other free-time activity allows you to be at one with nature and create more beautiful living things 4. If you’re in any doubt about this, take a moment to reflect on this line. 5. Where you tend a rose... A thistle cannot grow. (三)深读——理层次结构 1.阅读理解 (2)阅读表达 本部分文章的语篇类型是说明文。它是以递进式的结构行文的。文章是按照说明事理的逻辑性来写的:英国人是何时开始喜欢园艺的→英国人喜欢园艺的原因→英国人是怎样打理自己的花园的→英国人做园艺的好处。文章的主旨大意多在尾段。 (四)悟读——思情感态度 “崇尚自然、与自然和谐相处”的文化观 大自然是伟大的,它无私地为人类奉献着一切。花草树木可以为人类提供美丽的风景,给人们一个美好的心情。但是,它们需要人类的尊敬与呵护。只有人崇尚自然并与自然和谐相处,人类才会有更加幸福美好的生活。本文的作者通过对英国人对园艺的热爱与做法的说明,让人们意识到中西方在对待自然方面的文化观是一致的,文章启示人们要亲近自然、崇尚自然、合理利用自然,树立与自然和谐相处的文化意识。
答案:1. D 2.D 3. To introduce the main idea: gardening is very popular.
the history of gardening
Because they love gardening
C 7.D 8.B
9.Paraphrase 1.The world is not lack of beauty but the eyes to discover the beauty.
2. British like spending their Sunday gardening best.
3.What other free-time activity allows you to feel very calm or relaxed in nature and create more beautiful living things
4. If you have doubt about this, you can spend some time thinking deeply or carefully about the words.
5.When there are beautiful and positive ideas in our minds, we will feel fulfilled, and won't be easily influenced by negative feelings.


