Unit 2 Travelling课件(共25张PPT,内嵌音频)牛津译林版八年级下册

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Unit 2 Travelling课件(共25张PPT,内嵌音频)牛津译林版八年级下册


Unit 2 Travelling
Comic strip and Welcome to the unit
Tian’anmen Square
the Forbidden City
the Great Wall
the Summer Palace
If you have a chance (机会) to travel, where will you go
What’s special about it
the Great Wall
in Beijing, the capital of China
longest wall in the world
more than 5000 km
symbol of China
the Statue of Liberty
What’s special about it
/'st t u:/
/'l b ti/
New York, the USA
It’s a present from France to the USA.
It stands for liberty
What’s special about it
The leaning Tower of Pisa
Pisa, Italy
/'li n /
/'pi:z /
It isn’t straight up.
It may fall down some day.
the Sydney Opera House
Sydney, Australia
It looks like sails (帆) ships.
London, the UK
the Tower Bridge
/'m me d/
the Little Mermaid
Copenhagen 哥本哈根
the capital of Denmark
The girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.
/ k p n he ɡ n/
the Great Wall
the Leaning Tower of Pisa
the Little Mermaid
the Statue of Liberty
the Sydney Opera House
Tower Bridge
1. It is the longest wall in the world.
2. It is a present from French people. It stands for liberty (自由).
3. It is leaning (倾斜的). It may fall down some day.
4. The girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.
5. Its roof looks like a ship’s sails (帆船). It is in Australia.
6. It is a large bridge over the River Thames in London. It has twin towers.
Read and guess
the Statue of Liberty
the Leaning Tower of Piza
Tower Bridge
the Sydney Opera House
the Great Wall
the Little Mermaid
Listen and answer
What are they talking about
They are talking about the Little Mermaid.
What's special about it
It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen.
/h ns kr st n nd s n/
Read and act the dialogue in roles
A: What’s this
B: It’s…
A: Where is it
B: It’s in…
A: What’s special about it
B: It…
A: Have you ever been there
B: No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.
Work in Pairs:
1. Where is Eddie going
2. Does Hobo want to go too
3. What does Hobo want to bring
Watch and answer
He is going to South Hill.
Yes, he does.
He wants to bring all his things.
Read and act out
it is a good idea.
I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.
当主句含有I think, I believe等词语时,通常否定前移。
I don’t think
Eddie is going on a to South Hill. Hobo has been there
before and he wants to Eddie. Eddie agrees. Hobo is very
and he all his things with him.
Poor Eddie! It will not be a for him, because he has to
Hobo’s heavy bag.
Complete the passage
More information
the Yellow Mountain, China
the welcoming pine 迎客松
Pyramid, Egypt
sphinx 狮身人面像
Easter Island, Chile
statues 石像
Translate the phrases
go to…for a holiday
have been to sp.
get all my things
so excited
the capital of
places of interest
1. Eddie . (去南山度假)
2. I . (以前去过那儿)
3. A: What’s she doing
B: She . (正在收拾她所有的东西)。
4. I for me.
Complete the sentences
is going to South Hill for holiday
have been there before
is getting all her things
don’t think it’ll be a holiday
What can you get from travelling?
Travelling can relax ourselves!
Travelling can open our mind!
Travelling can enrich our life!
Travelling will bring us a new world!
Read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.
1. Do exercises on Workbook.
2. Preview Reading.


