2025届高考英语一轮复习 核心词汇复习 Day nine~ten 导学案(含解析)

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2025届高考英语一轮复习 核心词汇复习 Day nine~ten 导学案(含解析)


2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 9
1. behave [b 'he v] v. 举止端正,表现
(1)词性: 动词 (verb)
表现: 指的是某人在特定情况下或对特定事物做出的反应或行为方式。
举止端正: 指的是某人的行为举止符合社会规范和礼仪,表现得体、有礼貌。
The children behaved very well at the party. (孩子们在聚会上的表现很好。)
He behaved badly towards his parents. (他对父母的行为很差。)
behave oneself: 举止规矩,表现得体
behave like a gentleman/lady: 表现得像个绅士/淑女
(5)易错点点拨: behave 后面可以直接跟副词,表示行为的方式,比如 behave well, behave badly 等。
2. behaviour [b 'he vj ] n. 行为,举止
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 行为,举止,指一个人或一群人做的事情或表现出的态度。
Her behaviour at the party was unacceptable. (她在派对上的行为是不可接受的。)
The teacher praised the children for their good behaviour. (老师表扬了孩子们的良好行为。)
bad behaviour: 不良行为
good behaviour: 良好行为
unacceptable behaviour: 不可接受的行为
(5)易错点点拨: behaviour 是不可数名词,没有复数形式。
behaviour: 泛指一般的行为举止。
conduct: 侧重指涉及道德标准的行为,尤指公众场合的行为。
manner: 指一个人做事的方式和风格。
3. behind [b 'ha nd] prep./adv. 在…后面
(1)词性: 介词 (preposition),副词 (adverb)
介词:表示位置, 指的是在某物或某人的背面或后面。
The car park is behind the building. (停车场在大楼后面。)
He finished the race behind the winner. (他在比赛中落后于冠军。)
Look behind you! (看看你身后!)
behind schedule: 落后于计划
behind bars: 在监狱里
fall behind: 落后
behind: 指的是在某物的正后方。
at the back of: 指的是在某物内部的后部。
4. belief [b 'li f] n. 信念
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 对某事或某人的真实性、正确性或存在性所持有的坚定信念,即使没有确凿的证据也相信其真实性。
He has a strong belief in God. (他笃信上帝。)
My belief is that hard work pays off. (我相信一分耕耘一分收获。)
religious belief: 宗教信仰
political belief: 政治信仰
personal belief: 个人信仰
(5)易错点点拨: belief 是可数名词,复数形式为 beliefs.
belief: 指基于道德、宗教、文化等方面的信念。
faith: 指对某人或某事物完全的信任和信心,即使缺乏证据。
trust: 指对某人或某事物的可靠性和正直的信心。
5. believe [b 'li v] v. 相信,认为
(1)词性: 动词 (verb)
相信: 指的是认为某事是真实的或某人是可靠的。
认为: 指的是对某事持有一种观点或看法,不一定完全确信。
I believe you. (我相信你。)
I believe that he is innocent. (我认为他是无辜的。)
I don't believe a word he said. (他对我说的话我一个字也不相信。)
believe in: 相信…的存在,信任
make believe: 假装
(5)易错点点拨: believe 后面可以直接跟宾语从句,表示相信的事情。
6. belong [b 'l ] vi. 属于
(1)词性: 不及物动词 (intransitive verb)
(2)中文释义: 表示某物是某人的财产,或者某人归属于某个群体或地方。
This book belongs to me. (这本书是我的。)
I belong to a book club. (我属于一个读书俱乐部。)
We all belong here. (我们都属于这里。)
belong to: 属于…
a sense of belonging: 归属感
(5)易错点点拨: belong 不用于进行时态,后面通常跟介词 to 引导所属关系。
7. below [b 'l ] prep./adv. 在…下面
(1)词性: 介词 (preposition), 副词 (adverb)
介词: 表示位置, 指的是在某物的下方。
副词: 表示方向,指的是往或在较低的位置。
The temperature is below zero. (气温在零度以下。)
Please sign your name below the line. (请在横线下面签上您的名字。)
below average: 低于平均水平
below the surface: 表面之下
below: 指的是在某物的正下方。
under: 指的是被某物覆盖或遮挡。
8. bend [bend] v. 弯曲
(1)词性: 动词 (verb)
(2)中文释义: 指使某物弯曲或改变形状,也指身体的弯腰、低头等动作。
He bent down to tie his shoelace. (他弯下腰系鞋带。)
The branch bent under the weight of the snow. (树枝在雪的重压下弯曲了。)
bend over: 弯腰
bend your knees: 弯曲你的膝盖
(5)易错点点拨: bend 的过去式和过去分词分别为 bent, bent.
9. beneath [b 'ni θ] prep. 在…之下
(1)词性: 介词 (preposition)
(2)中文释义: 指的是在某物的正下方,通常表示被覆盖、隐藏或低于某物。
The ground beneath my feet was soft. (我脚下的地面很松软。)
The boat sank beneath the waves. (小船沉没在波浪之下。)
beneath contempt: 极其可鄙,不屑一顾
beneath notice: 不值得注意
beneath: 比 under 更正式,强调被覆盖、隐藏或处于劣势的含义。
under: 更常用,指在某物的下方。
10. beside [b 'sa d] prep. 在…旁边
(1)词性: 介词 (preposition)
(2)中文释义: 表示位置,指的是在某物或某人的旁边。
He sat beside me on the bus. (他在公共汽车上坐在我旁边。)
The river flows beside the town. (河流从小镇旁边流过。)
sit beside: 坐在…旁边
stand beside: 站在…旁边
beside: 强调两者位置接近。
next to: 与 beside 意思相近,可以互换使用。
11. besides [b 'sa dz] adv. 而且, prep. 除…以外
(1)词性: 副词 (adverb), 介词 (preposition)
副词: 表示递进关系, 指的是"此外,而且"。
介词: 表示排除关系,指的是"除了...之外(还)"。
I'm too tired to go out. Besides, it's raining. (我太累了,不想出去。何况,还在下雨呢。)
I have three other books besides this one. (除了这本以外,我还有三本书。)
(4)拓展词组:besides that: 除此之外
besides 作副词时,通常放在句首,后面跟逗号。
besides 作介词时,后面接名词、代词或动名词。
12. beyond [b 'j nd] prep./adv. 在…那边
(1)词性: 介词 (preposition), 副词 (adverb)
介词:表示位置, 指的是在某物的另一边,比…更远。
副词:表示范围、程度等, 指的是超出…范围、限度等。
My house is beyond the park. (我家在公园的那边。)
The situation is beyond our control. (局势已经超出了我们的控制。)
beyond belief: 难以置信
beyond doubt: 毫无疑问
beyond repair: 无法修复
beyond: 指的是在某个界限之外,超出了…范围。
past: 表示经过某个地点或时间。
13. bill [b l] n. 账单,钞票
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
Can I have the bill, please (请给我账单好吗?)
I paid the bill with a fifty-dollar bill. (我用一张五十美元的钞票付了账。)
pay the bill: 付账
a ten-dollar bill: 一张十美元的钞票
bill: 指的是需要支付的账单,或指纸币。
check: 美式英语中,指餐馆的账单。
invoice: 指的是商业交易中的货物清单和账单,更正式。
14. billion ['b lj n] n. 十亿
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 表示数字,指的是"十亿"。
(3)例句:The population of China is over 1.4 billion. (中国的人口超过14亿。)
(4)易错点点拨: billion 前面有具体数字时,不需要加 "s"。
15. birthplace ['b θple s] n. 出生地
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 指的是一个人出生的地方。
(3)例句:Shakespeare's birthplace was Stratford-upon-Avon. (莎士比亚的出生地是埃文河畔斯特拉特福。)
16. biscuit ['b sk t] n. 饼干
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 指的是一种小而扁平的烘焙食品,通常是甜的或咸的,可以作为零食或与茶或咖啡一起食用。
(3)例句:I had a cup of tea and a biscuit. (我喝了杯茶,吃了一块饼干。)
17. bit [b t] n. 一点儿,少量
(1)词性: 名词 (noun)
(2)中文释义: 指的是数量少的一部分,也可以指短暂的时间或距离。
I need a bit of help. (我需要一点帮助。)
Could you move over a bit (你能挪动一下吗?)
Wait a bit! (等一下!)
a bit of: 一点儿
bits and pieces: 零碎的东西
(5)易错点点拨: a bit of 后面接不可数名词,bits of 后面接可数名词复数。
a bit: 非正式用语,相当于 a little。
a little: 更正式,表示少量。
(一) 语法填空
The children were told to _______ (behave) themselves at the dinner table.
His aggressive _______ (behave) towards his classmates got him into a lot of trouble.
The true story of the movie lies _______ (behind) the beautiful scenery.
Her strong _______ (believe) in herself helped her overcome many challenges.
Many people _______ (believe) that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
These old photographs _______ (belong) to my grandmother.
The temperature outside is already _______ (below) freezing.
He had to _______ (bend) down to pick up the coin he dropped.
The submarine can dive hundreds of meters _______ (beneath) the surface of the ocean.
Please place the plate _______ (beside) the fork on the table.
She's a talented musician, and _______ (beside), she's a gifted painter.
What lies _______ (beyond) the horizon has always fascinated explorers.
He forgot to pay the electricity _______ (bill), so the power was cut off.
The company invested _______ (billion) of dollars in research and development.
William Shakespeare's _______ (birthplace) is a popular tourist destination.
Would you like a cup of tea and a _______ (biscuit)
Could you please move over a _______ (bit) I need more space.
Parents are always warning their kids of the danger of talking to strangers online.
Bad behave can lead to serious consequences.
The truth was hiding in plain sight, right before his eye.
Her belief in God gave her strength during difficult times.
I not believe in ghosts, but I'm still afraid of the dark.
This toys belong on the shelf in the children's room.
The treasure was buried under a big oak tree.
He bended over to tie his shoelace, and his back cracked.
Beneath the surface, she was deeply troubled.
He stood beside the road, waiting for a taxi.
She was tired and hungry, and beside all that, she had a headache.
My house is just passed the bakery.
He paid the bill for the groceries with cash.
The population of the earth is estimated to be over 7 billions.
Leonardo da Vinci's birthplace was in a small town in Italy.
Can I offer you some biscuit with your coffee
I just need a bit of time to finish this task.
(三) 选词填空
behave, behaviour, behind, belief, believe, belong, below, bend, beneath, beside, besides, beyond, bill, billion, birthplace, biscuit, bit
The little boy started to cry because he couldn’t find the toy that ______ to him.
It's hard to ______ that anyone could survive such a terrible accident.
The car was parked right _______ our house.
_______ offering us a lift, she also helped us carry the luggage.
His new house is situated in a small village, far ______ the city noise.
She _______ over and picked up the puppy.
My ______ in the power of hard work has brought me this far.
This lake is more than 200 meters ______ sea level.
The scientist presented the astonishing discovery, a breakthrough ______ our wildest dreams.
The little girl tried to hide ______ her mother, feeling shy.
The company has a global reach, with offices in over 100 countries and over a _______ dollars in revenue.
She’s feeling a ______ under the weather today, so she stayed home.
I paid the _______ at the counter and left the restaurant.
He couldn't control his anger anymore. His ______ was shocking.
His rude _______ towards the waiter was unacceptable.
The ______ of Alexander the Great is Pella, an ancient city in Greece.
She dipped a ______ in her tea and took a small bite.
(四) 将下列句子翻译成英语
请在排队时,请举止文明。 (behave)
他的行为举止很奇怪,好像他很紧张。 (behaviour, as if)
他成功的秘诀在于他努力工作的态度。 (lie behind)
我始终相信教育是改变的关键。 (belief)
你相信一见钟情吗?(believe in)
这个花园不属于我们;它是我邻居的。 (belong to)
水温降到零度以下,湖面就结冰了。 (below)
她弯下腰,温柔地抚摸着小狗。 (bend down)
Beneath her confident exterior lay a deep well of insecurity. (beneath)
我坐在她旁边,仔细听她说话。 (beside)
这家公司的成功远远超出了预期。 (beyond)
中国有超过十四亿人口。 (billion)
他的出生地至今仍是一个谜。 (birthplace)
我可以占用你一点时间吗?我有事要问你。(a bit of)
Passage 1
The power of belief is a curious thing. It can lift us to extraordinary heights, fueling our dreams and shaping our realities. History whispers tales of individuals who, armed with an unwavering belief in themselves and their cause, dared to challenge the status quo, pushing beyond perceived limitations to achieve the seemingly impossible.
Consider the remarkable feat of the Wright brothers, two ordinary men from Ohio who nurtured a seemingly outlandish belief - that man could fly. Their story serves as a potent reminder that breakthroughs often lie hidden beyond the realm of conventional wisdom, waiting to be discovered by those bold enough to believe. They toiled tirelessly in their workshop, their faith in their vision unshaken, their efforts ultimately defying gravity itself. The Wright Flyer, a testament to the potent alchemy of ingenuity and unwavering belief, marked not only a triumph in aviation but a pivotal moment in human history, forever altering our relationship with the sky and our perception of the possible.
Yet, belief, like any powerful force, demands our cautious respect. A belief left unexamined, unchecked, can morph into dogma, a rigid adherence to principles even when confronted with evidence that challenges their validity. Throughout history, societies have witnessed the perils of unchecked beliefs, where individuals and groups, blinded by their convictions, perpetuate injustices, clinging fiercely to their worldviews, oblivious or indifferent to the suffering they inflict.
The true measure of our beliefs, then, lies not just in their capacity to inspire, but in our willingness to subject them to the rigorous scrutiny of reason and empathy. Only then can we ensure our beliefs serve as beacons of progress, guiding us towards a more just and compassionate world, a world where differences are understood rather than demonized, and possibilities, no matter how audacious, are given the space to take flight.
1.What does the passage primarily suggest about belief
(A) It solely relies on historical evidence.
(B) It can either hinder or propel progress.
(C) It should never be subjected to questioning.
(D) It is automatically guaranteed to produce positive outcomes.
2.What point does the author emphasize with the example of the Wright brothers
(A) Financial wealth is crucial for groundbreaking inventions.
(B) A belief in one's ability can lead to groundbreaking achievements.
(C) Formal education is a prerequisite for making significant contributions to science.
(D) Only scientists and engineers possess the capability to revolutionize existing technologies.
3.Which word is closest in meaning to "dogma" as used in paragraph 3
(A) Fact
(B) Evidence
(C) Uncertainty
(D) Rigid belief
4.What is the author’s perspective on beliefs being open to scrutiny
(A) Unnecessary and unproductive
(B) Potentially harmful and counterproductive
(C) Essential for fostering understanding and progress
(D) Irrelevant in shaping individual and societal behaviours
5.What type of world does the author envision as a result of scrutinized beliefs
(A) A world where diversity is celebrated
(B) A world devoid of any conflict or disagreement
(C) A world where only scientifically proven concepts are embraced
(D) A world governed solely by the principles of logic and rationality
Passage 2
Sarah tapped her foot impatiently, glancing at the clock for the tenth time in as many minutes. The small cafe, bustling with the chatter of lunchtime patrons, was slowly wearing down her patience. Her phone vibrated with a message: "Running a bit late. Order me a coffee and a biscuit, please " Sarah sighed, pushing the menu across the table in defeat. She would just have to endure.
Beside her, a young man meticulously arranged his belongings – a worn leather wallet, a battered notebook, a pen that looked like it had seen better days. He caught her eye and smiled, a bit shyly. "Waiting for someone " he asked, nodding towards the empty chair. "Unfortunately," Sarah mumbled, feeling a wave of self-pity wash over her. "It seems some people believe that punctuality is optional."
The man chuckled. "I hear you. It can be a rare virtue these days.” He paused, then gestured towards the book she was absentmindedly clutching. “Good book ” he ventured, successfully shifting the conversation away from Sarah’s brewing frustration. It was a familiar tactic, one she herself had used on countless occasions to distract from awkward silences or unwelcome thoughts.
They chatted easily while she waited, the minutes ticking by unnoticed. She discovered that his name was Ben, a freelance writer working on his first novel. He had an easy laugh and a kind face, and she found herself enjoying his company despite her initial annoyance. When a tall, impeccably dressed woman rushed into the cafe, apologizing profusely for her tardiness, Sarah realized with a start that over an hour had passed. She had completely forgotten to be annoyed.
"That was surprisingly painless," she mused as she gathered her things, exchanging a surprised smile with Ben. "I had no idea procrastination could be so… enjoyable." He grinned back. "Sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect them to."
1.Where is Sarah at the beginning of the passage
(A) At work
(B) In a library
(C) In a park
(D) In a café
2.What was Ben's behaviour like when Sarah first saw him
(A) He was being rude and inconsiderate.
(B) He was focused on organizing his belongings.
(C) He was deeply engrossed in the book he was reading.
(D) He was trying to eavesdrop on Sarah's phone conversation.
3.What did Sarah and Ben discuss while she was waiting
(A) Their shared love of coffee and biscuits
(B) Sarah's intense frustration with the woman she was meeting
(C) Their shared disdain for people who are not punctual
(D) Ben's experience as a writer and other neutral topics
4.How much time passed while Sarah was talking to Ben
(A) A few minutes
(B) Half an hour
(C) About an hour
(D) The passage doesn't specify
5.What is the main idea of this passage
(A) Punctuality is essential for success in all aspects of life.
(B) Sometimes, unexpected encounters can lead to pleasant surprises.
(C) It is crucial to maintain a positive attitude, even in frustrating situations.
(D) First impressions can be deceiving; it’s important to give people a chance.
Passage 3
The vast Pacific Ocean, a realm of mystery and majesty, cradles countless islands, each with its own unique story etched into its shores. Amongst these scattered jewels lies a small, unassuming isle known as Easter Island, its very name a whisper of a forgotten world. Rising from the ocean depths, its volcanic peaks stand as silent sentinels, guarding a legacy that has captivated explorers, historians, and dreamers alike – the enigmatic moai.
Carved from volcanic rock, these monolithic figures, some towering over six meters tall, are scattered across the island, their silent gazes fixed upon the horizon, lost in contemplation. Who were these ancient artisans What compelled them to invest countless hours, perhaps even generations, to birth these imposing figures from the earth’s embrace The answers, shrouded in the mists of time, continue to tantalize and intrigue.
Theories abound. Were these figures representations of revered ancestors, silent guardians watching over their descendants Did they mark territorial boundaries, or serve as celestial signposts, guiding Polynesian navigators across vast stretches of open ocean Or could they be, as some believe, testaments to a civilization’s fervent belief in the power of gods and spirits, a tangible manifestation of their reverence and devotion
What is certain is that Easter Island stands as a solemn reminder of the ephemeral nature of even the most ambitious endeavors. The very civilization that carved these giants from the earth's embrace ultimately succumbed to environmental pressures, their decline a cautionary tale of the delicate balance between ambition and sustainability.
1.Where is Easter Island located
(A) The Atlantic Ocean
(B) The Pacific Ocean
(C) The Mediterranean Sea
(D) The Caribbean Sea
2.What are the moai on Easter Island made of
(A) Wood
(B) Volcanic Rock
(C) Metal
(D) Bone
3.What aspect of the moai remains a mystery
(A) Their exact purpose and meaning
(B) The tools used to create them
(C) The type of rock they are carved from
(D) Their height and weight
4.What word best describes the author's tone in paragraph 3 when discussing theories about the moai
(A) Skeptical
(B) Mocking
(C) Intrigued
(D) Dismissive
5.What important lesson does Easter Island offer, according to the passage
(A) Societies should prioritize environmental preservation
(B) Ancient civilizations were technologically more advanced than we believe
(C) We can learn everything about the past if we try hard enough
(D) Human ingenuity knows no bounds
Passage 4
The year is 2042. The city skyline shimmers with holographic advertisements, a testament to the relentless march of technological advancement. Flying vehicles, once a staple of science fiction, now weave through the urban canyons, ferrying commuters to their destinations with remarkable efficiency. Amidst this backdrop of futuristic marvels, however, a group of students huddle around a worn, dusty table, their eyes fixed on an object that seems strangely out of place in this world of gleaming chrome and pulsating neon—a tattered deck of playing cards.
These students are part of a growing movement dedicated to preserving the forgotten art of face-to-face interaction. In a world where virtual reality has become the dominant mode of communication, where holographic avatars replace physical presence, and social media interactions eclipse genuine connection, the simple act of sharing a meal, telling a story, or playing a game of cards feels strangely revolutionary.
Theirs is a rebellion against the cold efficiency of the digital age, a yearning for the messy, unpredictable beauty of genuine human connection. They gather not to escape reality, but to reclaim it, to build bridges across the digital divide, one conversation, one shared experience, one card game at a time.
1.What has become a common mode of transportation in 2042, as described in the passage
(A) Trains
(B) Bicycles
(C) Flying vehicles
(D) Subterranean trams
2.Why are the students in the passage drawn to playing cards
(A) It’s a lucrative career choice in their technologically advanced world.
(B) It requires specialized skills that can only be learned in a physical setting.
(C) It represents a tangible connection to a time before advanced technology dominated their lives.
(D) It serves as a status symbol among their peers, showcasing their unique ability to navigate both the physical and digital worlds.
3.What does the author suggest is a consequence of relying heavily on virtual reality for communication
(A) Enhanced empathy and understanding
(B) A decline in genuine human connection
(C) Increased efficiency in the workplace
(D) Improved critical thinking abilities
4.What word best encapsulates the students' motivation to engage in face-to-face interaction
(A) Nostalgia
(B) Fear
(C) Boredom
(D) Rebellion
5.Which of the following is closest in meaning to "reclaim" as used in the last sentence
(A) Escape
(B) Reject
(C) Take back
(D) Destroy
Passage 5
"Your total is 12.50," the cashier announced, her voice barely audible above the rhythmic hum of the supermarket refrigerators. Hannah rummaged through her purse, pulling out a crumpled twenty-pound bill, its once-crisp edges softened by countless transactions. The cashier's perfectly manicured nails drummed against the countertop as she waited, her gaze flitting impatiently between Hannah and the queue snaking its way behind her.
Beneath Hannah's feet, the conveyor belt churned relentlessly, delivering a steady stream of brightly packaged promises – family-sized bags of crisps, microwave meals that swore to deliver restaurant-quality dining in under three minutes, six-packs of sparkling water infused with electrolytes that supposedly held the key to unlocking one’s peak performance.
Hannah, acutely aware of the impatient glances being thrown in her direction, shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot, wishing she hadn't offered to pay. Her housemate, Kate, had a knack for forgetting her wallet. It wasn’t malicious, just… well, Kate.
“Ah, here it is,” Hannah finally exclaimed, triumphantly producing a lone fifty pence coin from the depths of her purse. The cashier raised an eyebrow, her skepticism evident. "It's okay," Hannah chuckled sheepishly. “Just make that 13 even. I think I’ve got that much in spare change somewhere.” She began to rummage again, her face warming with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. This was quickly becoming a familiar routine.
1.What is Hannah doing at the beginning of the passage
(A) Returning a purchase
(B) Paying for groceries
(C) Looking for a specific item
(D) Waiting for her order at the deli counter
2.What can we infer about the cashier from her behavior
(A) She's being helpful and patient with Hannah
(B) She's unconcerned with the queue forming behind Hannah.
(C) She's impatient and wants Hannah to hurry up.
(D) She suspects Hannah is trying to steal something
3.What do the items on the conveyor belt symbolize
(A) Essential nourishment and hydration
(B) Hannah's extravagant spending habits
(C) The often empty promises made by consumer goods
(D) The supermarket’s impressive variety and product selection
4.Why does Hannah offer to pay for the groceries
(A) Kate specifically asked her to.
(B) Hannah felt obligated to do so
(C) Kate forgot her wallet.
(D) The passage doesn't explicitly state the reason
5.Which word best describes Hannah’s emotions at the end of the passage
(A) Furious
(B) Amused
(C) Triumphant
(D) Relieved
behave 本题考查动词原形。句意:孩子们被告知在餐桌上要举止规矩。be told to do sth. 被告知要做某事。
behavior 本题考查名词。句意:他对同学的侵略行为给他带来了很多麻烦。形容词aggressive修饰名词behaviour。
behind 本题考查介词。句意:这部电影的真实故事隐藏在美丽的风景背后。
belief 本题考查名词。句意:她对自己的坚定信念帮助她克服了许多挑战。形容词strong修饰名词belief。
believe 本题考查动词一般现在时。句意:很多人认为早餐是一天中最重要的一餐。
belong 本题考查动词一般现在时。句意:这些老照片是我祖母的。
below 本题考查介词。句意:外面的温度已经低于冰点。
bend 本题考查动词。句意:他不得不弯下腰去捡他掉在地上的硬币。have to 后接动词原形。
beneath 本题考查介词。句意:潜艇可以在海平面以下数百米处潜水。
beside 本题考查介词。句意:请把盘子放在叉子旁边。
besides 本题考查副词。句意:她是一位才华横溢的音乐家,此外,她还是一位有天赋的画家。
beyond 本题考查介词。句意:地平线以外的东西总是让探险家们着迷。
bill 本题考查名词。句意:他忘了付电费,所以被断电了。
billions 本题考查名词复数。句意:该公司在研发方面投入了数十亿美元。具体的billions不加s, billions of泛指很多时加s。
birthplace 本题考查名词。句意:威廉·莎士比亚的出生地是一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。
biscuit 本题考查名词。句意:你想来杯茶和一块饼干吗
bit 本题考查名词。句意:你能让开一点吗?我需要更多空间。a bit + 形容词/副词比较级。
(二) 单句改错
of --> about. warn sb. about sth. 为固定搭配,意思为“警告某人某事”
behave --> behaviour. 句意:不良行为会导致严重的后果。行为用behaviour。
eye --> eyes. in plain sight 是固定搭配,before one’s eyes在某人眼前,为固定搭配。

not --> don’t. 本句缺少否定词,主语为I,因此否定词用don't。
belong --> belong on. belong to 属于某人,belong in/on 属于某地,指放置。
under --> beneath. “树下”一般用beneath。
bended --> bent. bend 的过去式为bent.

beside --> besides. 句意:她又累又饿,除此之外,她还头痛。
passed --> beyond. beyond 超过,指程度,范围。

billions --> billion. 具体的数字billions不用复数形式。

biscuit --> biscuits. 句意:我能给你来点饼干配咖啡吗?饼干为可数名词,因此用复数形式。

belonged. 句意: 这个小男孩开始哭,因为他找不到属于他的玩具。belong to 属于
believe. 句意: 很难相信有人能在如此可怕的事故中幸存下来。
behind. 句意: 那辆车就停在我们家后面。
Besides. 句意: 除了让我们搭车外,她还帮我们搬运行李。
beyond. 句意: 他的新房子坐落在一个小村庄里,远离城市的喧嚣。
bent. 句意: 她弯下腰,抱起了小狗。
belief. 句意: 我对努力工作的力量的信念让我走到了今天。
below. 句意: 这个湖海拔低于200米。
beyond. 句意: 这位科学家展示了这一惊人的发现,这是我们做梦也想不到的突破。
behind. 句意: 小女孩试图躲在她妈妈身后,感到很害羞。
billion. 句意: 这家公司业务遍及全球,在100多个国家设有办事处,收入超过10亿美元。
bit. 句意: 她今天感觉有点不舒服,所以待在家里。
bill. 句意: 我在柜台付了账,离开了餐馆。
behaviour. 句意: 他再也控制不住自己的愤怒了。他的行为令人震惊。
behaviour. 句意: 他对服务员的粗鲁行为是不能接受的。
birthplace. 句意: 亚历山大大帝的出生地是佩拉,希腊的一座古城。
biscuit. 句意: 她把一块饼干浸在茶里,轻轻地咬了一口。
Please behave yourselves while waiting in line.
His behaviour is strange, as if he were nervous.
The secret behind his success lies in his hard-working attitude.
It is my firm belief that education is the key to change.
Do you believe in love at first sight
This garden doesn't belong to us; it belongs to my neighbor.
The temperature dropped below zero and the lake froze.
She bent down and gently stroked the puppy.
Beneath her confident exterior lay a deep well of insecurity.
I sat beside her and listened attentively.
Besides singing, she can also play the piano and dance.
The company's success has gone far beyond expectations.
Waiter, could we have the bill, please
The population of China is over 1.4 billion.
His birthplace still remains a mystery.
I've baked some biscuits, would you like to try one
Could I have a bit of your time I have something to ask you.
Passage 1
1.(B) It can either hinder or propel progress.
原文定位: 第二段论述了信念的积极方面: “It can lift us to extraordinary heights, fueling our dreams and shaping our realities.”(它可以让我们达到非凡的高度,激励着我们的梦想,塑造着我们的现实。)并举例说明了怀特兄弟如何凭借信念实现梦想。第三段则指出了信念的消极方面: “A belief left unexamined, unchecked, can morph into dogma…”(未经检验、未经核实的信念,可能会演变成教条……),即不加约束的信念可能导致教条主义和不公正。
解析: 文章阐述了信念具有双重性,既可以推动进步,也可能阻碍进步,取决于人们如何对待信念。
2.(B) A belief in one's ability can lead to groundbreaking achievements.
原文定位: 第二段以莱特兄弟的例子说明了信念的力量: “Consider the remarkable feat of the Wright brothers…Their story serves as a potent reminder that breakthroughs often lie hidden beyond the realm of conventional wisdom, waiting to be discovered by those bold enough to believe…The Wright Flyer, a testament to the potent alchemy of ingenuity and unwavering belief, marked not only a triumph in aviation but a pivotal moment in human history…” (想想莱特兄弟的非凡成就……他们的故事有力地提醒我们,突破往往隐藏在传统智慧之外,等待着那些敢于相信的人去发现……“飞行者一号”证明了独创性和坚定信念的强大力量,它不仅标志着航空领域的胜利,也标志着人类历史上的一个关键时刻……)
解析: 作者以怀特兄弟为例,说明他们对人类能够飞行的坚定信念最终让他们发明了飞机,成就了非凡的事业,从而强调了自信可以带来突破性成就。
3.(D) Rigid belief.
原文定位: 第三段中提到: “A belief left unexamined, unchecked, can morph into dogma, a rigid adherence to principles even when confronted with evidence that challenges their validity.”(未经检验、未经核实的信念,可能会演变成教条——即使面对挑战其有效性的证据,也要 rigidly adherence to principles(僵化地坚持原则)。)
解析: 该句解释了“dogma” 的含义,即明知证据不足,但仍旧固执己见,坚持某种原则,因此“rigid belief”(僵化的信念)是 dogma 最贴切的解释。
4.(C) Essential for fostering understanding and progress.
原文定位: 最后一段指出: “The true measure of our beliefs, then, lies not just in their capacity to inspire, but in our willingness to subject them to the rigorous scrutiny of reason and empathy. Only then can we ensure our beliefs serve as beacons of progress, guiding us towards a more just and compassionate world… ” (因此,衡量我们信念的真正标准,不仅在于它们鼓舞人心的能力,还在于我们是否愿意让它们 subjected to the rigorous scrutiny of reason and empathy (接受理性和同理心的严格审查)。只有这样,我们才能确保我们的信念成为进步的灯塔,指引我们走向一个更加公正和富有同情心的世界……)
解析: 作者认为,对信念的审查是十分必要的,只有这样才能促进理解和进步,创造一个更美好的世界。
5.(A) A world where diversity is celebrated.
原文定位: 最后一段描绘了一个更加公正和富有同情心的世界: “ … a world where differences are understood rather than demonized, and possibilities, no matter how audacious, are given the space to take flight.”(……一个差异得到理解而不是被妖魔化的世界,一个无论多么大胆的可能性都有机会腾飞的世界。)
解析: 理解差异,包容不同的声音,意味着这是一个尊重和赞美多样性的世界。
1.Passage 2
(D) In a café.
原文定位: 文章第一句话 “Sarah tapped her foot impatiently, glancing at the clock for the tenth time in as many minutes. The small cafe, bustling with the chatter of lunchtime patrons, was slowly wearing down her patience.”(萨拉不耐烦地轻敲着脚,在短短几分钟内第十次看了看手表。这家小咖啡馆里挤满了吃午饭的顾客,他们的喋喋不休让萨拉越来越不耐烦。)
解析: 开篇就点明了故事发生的地点 — 一家小咖啡馆,Sarah正在焦急地等待着什么人。
2.(B) He was focused on organizing his belongings.
原文定位: 文章第二段描述了Ben meticulously arranged his belongings (小心翼翼地整理着自己的物品): "Beside her, a young man meticulously arranged his belongings – a worn leather wallet, a battered notebook, a pen that looked like it had seen better days.” (在她旁边,一个年轻人正在小心翼翼地整理着自己的物品——一个 worn leather wallet(磨损的皮夹), 一个 battered notebook (破旧的笔记本)和一支看起来像是很有年头的钢笔。)
解析: 从这段描写中可以看出,Ben 当时专注于整理自己的东西。
3.(D) Ben's experience as a writer and other neutral topics.
原文定位: 文章中提到: “…He paused, then gestured towards the book she was absentmindedly clutching. “Good book ” he ventured, successfully shifting the conversation away from Sarah’s brewing frustration…They chatted easily while she waited, the minutes ticking by unnoticed. She discovered that his name was Ben, a freelance writer working on his first novel.” (……他停顿了一下,朝她漫不经心地手里拿的那本书示意了一下。“好书吗?”他试探地问,成功地把谈话从萨拉不断滋生的沮丧中转移开来……他们在等待的时候聊得很开心,时间一分一秒地过去了,谁也没有注意到。她发现他叫本,是一名自由撰稿人,正在写他的第一部小说。)
解析: 这段文字表明他们聊了一些轻松的话题,比如Ben的作家经历,成功地转移了Sarah的注意力,让她不再烦恼。
4.(C) About an hour.
原文定位: 文章倒数第二段提到: "When a tall, impeccably dressed woman rushed into the cafe, apologizing profusely for her tardiness, Sarah realized with a start that over an hour had passed. ”(当一位身材高挑、衣着考究的女士冲进咖啡馆,为自己的迟到深表歉意时,萨拉猛然意识到,一个多小时已经过去了。)
解析: 这说明在不知不觉中,Sarah和Ben 已经聊了将近一个小时了。
5.(B) Sometimes, unexpected encounters can lead to pleasant surprises.
原文定位: 文章最后一句点明主旨: “Sometimes the best things in life happen when you least expect them to." (有时候,生活中最美好的事情发生在你最意想不到的时候。")
解析: 文章通过Sarah和Ben的邂逅告诉我们,生活中一些美好的事情往往发生在我们最意想不到的时候,暗示了生活中惊喜的可能性。
Passage 3
1.(B) The Pacific Ocean.
原文定位: 文章第一段提到: "The vast Pacific Ocean, a realm of mystery and majesty, cradles countless islands, each with its own unique story etched into its shores. Amongst these scattered jewels lies a small, unassuming isle known as Easter Island…" (浩瀚的太平洋,一个充满神秘和威严的领域,拥有无数的岛屿,每个岛屿都有自己独特的故事,这些故事被 etched into its shores (刻在海岸线上)。在这些散落的宝石中,有一个不为人知的小岛叫做复活节岛……)
解析: 这句话点明了复活节岛位于广阔的太平洋中。
2.(B) Volcanic Rock.
原文定位: 文章第二段第一句话提到: “Carved from volcanic rock, these monolithic figures, some towering over six meters tall, are scattered across the island, their silent gazes fixed upon the horizon, lost in contemplation.” (这些独块巨石由火山岩雕刻而成,有些高达6米多,散落在岛上,他们静静地凝视着地平线,陷入了沉思。)
解析: 这些巨石人像( monolithic figures),也即是摩艾石像,是由火山岩雕刻而成的。
3.(A) Their exact purpose and meaning.
原文定位: 文章第三段列举了关于摩艾石像用途的各种理论,比如“Were these figures representations of revered ancestors, silent guardians watching over their descendants Did they mark territorial boundaries, or serve as celestial signposts, guiding Polynesian navigators across vast stretches of open ocean Or could they be, as some believe, testaments to a civilization’s fervent belief in the power of gods and spirits, a tangible manifestation of their reverence and devotion ”(这些雕像是否代表着受人尊敬的祖先,默默守护着他们后代的守护者?它们是用来划分领土的,还是作为天空的标志,指引着波利尼西亚航海家穿越广阔的海洋?或者,正如一些人所相信的那样,它们是否证明了一种文明对神灵力量的狂热信仰,是他们崇敬和虔诚的一种有形表现?) 但没有给出确切答案。
解析: 最后一句“The answers, shrouded in the mists of time, continue to tantalize and intrigue.” (这些问题的答案,笼罩在时间的迷雾中,继续困扰着人们,并引起人们的兴趣。) 也说明其真正目的和意义至今仍是一个谜。
4.(C) Intrigued.
原文定位: 作者在第三段中使用了一系列疑问句来探讨关于摩艾石像的各种理论,比如 "Were these figures…" "Did they mark… " "Or could they be…" 等。
解析: 这些疑问句表明作者对此很感兴趣,并被其神秘感所吸引。
5.(A) Societies should prioritize environmental preservation.
原文定位: 文章最后一段指出: “What is certain is that Easter Island stands as a solemn reminder of the ephemeral nature of even the most ambitious endeavors. The very civilization that carved these giants from the earth's embrace ultimately succumbed to environmental pressures, their decline a cautionary tale of the delicate balance between ambition and sustainability.”(可以肯定的是,复活节岛是一个严肃的提示,即使是最宏大的事业,其本质也是短暂的。正是那些将这些巨人从地球的怀抱中雕刻出来的文明,最终屈服于环境的压力,它们的衰落是一个警示,提醒人们在雄心壮志和可持续性之间取得微妙的平衡。)
解析: 复活节岛文明的衰落警示我们,任何文明都应该是短暂的,要重视环境保护,在追求发展的同时也要注意可持续性。
Passage 4
1.(C) Flying vehicles.
原文定位:文章第一段第二句话提到: “…Flying vehicles, once a staple of science fiction, now weave through the urban canyons, ferrying commuters to their destinations with remarkable efficiency.” (……飞行汽车,曾经是科幻小说的主要内容,现在穿梭于城市峡谷之间,以惊人的效率将通勤者送往目的地。)
解析: 这句话点明了在2042年,飞行汽车已经成为了一种常见的交通工具。
2.(C) It represents a tangible connection to a time before advanced technology dominated their lives.
原文定位: 文章第二段指出: "These students are part of a growing movement dedicated to preserving the forgotten art of face-to-face interaction. In a world where virtual reality has become the dominant mode of communication, where holographic avatars replace physical presence, and social media interactions eclipse genuine connection, the simple act of sharing a meal, telling a story, or playing a game of cards feels strangely revolutionary.” (这些学生是一个不断发展的运动的一部分,致力于 preserving the forgotten art of face-to-face interaction(保留面对面交流的被遗忘的艺术)。在一个虚拟现实已经成为主要交流方式,全息化身取代了实体存在,社交媒体互动盖过了真实联系的世界里,sharing a meal, telling a story, or playing a game of cards (分享一顿饭,讲一个故事,或者玩一个纸牌游戏)的简单行为都让人觉得 strangely revolutionary (异常具有革命性)。)
解析: 在充斥着虚拟现实、全息影像的2042年,面对面互动成了一种“反抗”,玩纸牌游戏代表着与过去时代的一种有形的联系。
3.(B) A decline in genuine human connection.
原文定位: 文章第二段指出: "…where virtual reality has become the dominant mode of communication, where holographic avatars replace physical presence, and social media interactions eclipse genuine connection… (……在一个虚拟现实已经成为主要交流方式,全息化身取代了实体存在,社交媒体互动盖过了真实联系的世界里……)
解析: 过分依赖科技会导致人与人之间缺乏真实的感情连接。
4.(D) Rebellion.
原文定位: 文章第三段第一句话明确指出: “Theirs is a rebellion against the cold efficiency of the digital age, a yearning for the messy, unpredictable beauty of genuine human connection. ”(他们的行为是对数字时代冰冷效率的一种反叛,是对凌乱、不可预测的真实人际关系之美的渴望。)
解析: “rebellion” 一词准确地概括了学生们参与面对面互动的动机。
5.(C) Take back.
原文定位: 文章最后一句: “They gather not to escape reality, but to reclaim it, to build bridges across the digital divide, one conversation, one shared experience, one card game at a time.” (他们聚集在一起,不是为了逃避现实,而是为了 reclaim it(夺回它),跨越数字鸿沟,一次对话,一次共同的经历,一次纸牌游戏。)
解析: 在文中, "reclaim it" 指的是学生们希望夺回被科技过度占据的现实生活,与人建立真实的连接。
Passage 5
1.(B) Paying for groceries.
原文定位: 从文章第一句 "“Your total is 12.50,” the cashier announced..."(“总共是12.5英镑,”收银员宣布……) 可知Hannah 正在超市收银台结账。
解析: 据此推断她正在为所购买的商品付款。
2.(C) She's impatient and wants Hannah to hurry up.
原文定位: 文章第一段对收银员行为的描述,如 “her perfectly manicured nails drummed against the countertop as she waited”(她一边等着,一边用涂着完美指甲油的手指敲击着柜台), “her gaze flitting impatiently between Hannah and the queue snaking its way behind her” (她不耐烦地来回看着汉娜和在她身后蜿蜒的队伍) 。
解析: 从这些细节可以推断出收银员很不耐烦,希望Hannah快点。
3.(C) The often empty promises made by consumer goods.
原文定位:作者在第二段描述了传送带上的商品,如 “family-sized bags of crisps, microwave meals that swore to deliver restaurant-quality dining in under three minutes, six-packs of sparkling water infused with electrolytes that supposedly held the key to unlocking one’s peak performance.” (家庭装薯片,发誓在三分钟内提供餐厅品质的微波炉餐,六瓶装的据说能让人达到最佳状态的电解质运动饮料。)
解析: 作者使用了夸张的语气,暗示了消费品经常做出一些华而不实的承诺。
4.(C) Kate forgot her wallet.
原文定位:文章第四段提到 "Her housemate, Kate, had a knack for forgetting her wallet." (她的室友凯特,有忘记带钱包的 knack (本领)。)
解析: 说明凯特忘记带钱包是Hannah帮她付钱的原因。
5.(B) Amused.
原文定位: 文章最后一段用“chuckled sheepishly”(不好意思地轻声笑着) , "a mixture of embarrassment and amusement”(尴尬和有趣交织在一起) 来描述Hannah的情绪。
解析: 表明她虽然有些尴尬,但更多的是觉得这件事有趣和好笑。2025届高考核心词汇复习(知识清单+练习)Day 10
1. bite [ba t]
(1)词性: 动词 (vt.)
(2)中文释义: 咬;叮
The dog bit the postman on the leg. (那条狗咬了邮递员的腿。)
Be careful not to get bitten by the mosquitoes. (小心别被蚊子叮了。)
bite off more than one can chew: 不自量力,承担力所不及的事
bite the bullet: 咬紧牙关,硬着头皮
(5)易错点: 过去式 bit,过去分词 bitten
bite: 指用牙齿咬,可以是轻咬也可以是用力咬。
chew: 指用牙齿咀嚼食物。
gnaw: 指啃,通常指长时间用力地咬硬物。
The hungry boy took a big bite of the apple. (饥饿的男孩咬了一大口苹果。)
He had to chew the tough meat carefully. (他不得不仔细咀嚼那块硬邦邦的肉。)
The mouse gnawed a hole in the wall. (老鼠在墙上啃了一个洞。)
2. bitter ['b t (r)]
(1)词性: 形容词 (adj.)
(味道)苦的: 反义词 sweet
(经历)痛苦的,辛酸的: 近义词 painful, sorrowful
The coffee was too bitter for me to drink. (咖啡太苦了,我喝不下。)
They learned a bitter lesson from the experience. (他们从这次经历中吸取了惨痛的教训。)
a bitter pill to swallow: 难以接受的事实
leave a bitter taste in one's mouth: 留下不愉快的回忆
bitter experience (痛苦的经历)
bitter disappointment (深深的失望)
(6)易错点: 不要和 better (更好的) 混淆.
Failing the exam was a bitter pill to swallow. (考试不及格是一个难以接受的事实。)
Despite the bitter disappointment, he vowed to try again. (尽管非常失望,他还是发誓要再试一次。)
3. blame [ble m]
(1)词性: 动词 (vt.) & 名词 (n.)
动词: 责怪,归咎于
名词: 责备,过错
Don't blame me, it wasn't my fault. (不要责怪我,这不是我的错。)
The report puts the blame for the accident on the driver. (报告将事故的责任归咎于司机。)
take the blame for: 承担责任
put/lay the blame on: 将责任归咎于…
(5)搭配:blame someone for something: 为某事责怪某人
blame sb. for sth. (因为某事责备某人)
be to blame for sth. (对某事负有责任)
blame: 指将责任归咎于某人或某事。
criticize: 指对某人或某事提出批评意见。
He blamed his poor performance on lack of sleep. (他把糟糕的表现归咎于睡眠不足。)
She was unjustly criticized for something she didn't do. (她因为没有做过的事情而受到不公正的批评。)
4. blanket ['bl k t]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 毯子,毛毯
She pulled the blanket up to her chin. (她把毯子拉到下巴。)
The snow lay like a white blanket over the fields. (雪像白色的毯子一样覆盖着田野。)
a blanket of snow: 积雪
wet blanket: 扫兴的人或物
a warm blanket (温暖的毯子)
a thick blanket (厚厚的毯子)
(6)易错点: 注意不要和 bank (银行) 混淆。
5. bleed [bli d]
(1)词性: 动词 (vi.)
(2)中文释义: 流血,出血
Your nose is bleeding. (你鼻子在流血。)
He was bleeding profusely from a head wound. (他的头部伤口大量出血。)
(4)拓展词组:bleed to death: 失血过多而死
过去式和过去分词 bled
不及物动词, 后面不直接加宾语。
bleed: 指流血,可以是内出血也可以是外出血。
ooze: 指缓慢地渗出,通常指液体。
gush: 指喷涌而出,通常指大量的液体。
If you cut your finger, it will bleed. (如果你割破了手指,它就会流血。)
Blood was oozing from the wound. (血液从伤口里渗出来。)
Water gushed from the broken pipe. (水从破裂的管道中喷涌而出。)
6. bless [bles]
(1)词性: 动词 (vt.)
(2)中文释义: 祝福;保佑
God bless you! (上帝保佑你!)
May you be blessed with good health and happiness. (愿你健康幸福。)
(4)拓展词组:blessing in disguise: 塞翁失马,焉知非福
(5)搭配:bless someone with something (用…祝福某人)
(6)易错点: 过去式和过去分词 blessed / blest
7. blind [bla nd]
(1)词性: 形容词 (adj.)
(2)中文释义: 盲的,看不见的
He is blind in one eye. (他一只眼睛失明了。)
The accident left him permanently blind. (那场事故使他永久失明了。)
(4)拓展词组:turn a blind eye to: 对…视而不见,装作没看到
go blind (失明)
be blind to something (对…视而不见,缺乏认识)
8. blood [bl d]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 血,血液
He lost a lot of blood in the accident. (他在事故中流了很多血。)
The sight of blood makes me feel faint. (看到血我就觉得头晕。)
bad blood: 敌意,不和
blood pressure: 血压
(5)搭配:draw blood (抽血)
9. blow① [bl ]
(1)词性: 动词 (v.)
(2)中文释义: 吹,刮;(风)吹
The wind blew the leaves off the trees. (风把树叶吹落了。)
Blow on your soup to cool it down. (吹一吹你的汤,让它凉快点。)
(5)易错点: 过去式 blew [blu ], 过去分词 blown [bl n]
10. blow② [bl ]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 打击
His death came as a terrible blow to his family. (他的去世对他家人来说是一个沉重的打击。)
The company was dealt a severe blow when their biggest client went bankrupt. (当他们最大的客户破产时,该公司遭受了沉重的打击。)
(4)拓展词组:deal a blow to: 对…造成打击
11. blouse [bla z]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 女衬衫
(3)例句:She wore a white blouse and a black skirt. (她穿着一件白色女衬衫和一条黑色裙子。)
12. board [b d]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.) & 动词 (v.)
名词: 木板,板; 董事会
动词: 上(船/飞机/火车)
He nailed a board over the broken window. (他用木板钉住破窗户。)
She is a member of the board of directors. (她是董事会成员。)
Passengers are waiting to board the plane. (乘客正在等待登机。)
on board: 在船(飞机/火车) 上
chessboard: 国际象棋棋盘
(5)易错点:board a plane/train/ship (登上飞机/火车/船)
plank: 指厚而长的木板,常用于建筑。
(7)帮助串记的例句:Please step aboard the ship, the plank will be raised soon. (请上船,跳板很快就会被升起来了。)
13. boil [b l]
(1)词性: 动词 (v.)
The water is boiling. (水开了。)
Boil the potatoes for 20 minutes. (把土豆煮20分钟。)
(4)拓展词组:boil over: 煮沸溢出
14. bomb [b m]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.) & 动词 (vt.)
名词: 炸弹
动词: 轰炸
A bomb exploded in the city center. (市中心发生了一起炸弹爆炸事件。)
The planes bombed the enemy camp. (飞机轰炸了敌军营地。)
15. bone [b n]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 骨头
(3)例句:He broke a bone in his leg. (他的腿骨折了。)
(4)拓展词组:have a bone to pick with someone: 对某人有意见要提
16. bookmark ['b kmɑ k]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 书签
(3)例句:I always use a bookmark to keep my place in a book. (我总用书签来标记我在书中读到的位置。)
17. boot [bu t]
(1)词性: 名词 (n.)
(2)中文释义: 靴子
(3)例句:He wore a pair of heavy boots in the snow. (他在雪地里穿着一双厚重的靴子。)
hiking boots: 登山靴
to boot: 此外,而且
(5)搭配:a pair of boots (一双靴子)
The dog ________ (bite) the mailman on the leg yesterday.
The medicine tasted incredibly ________ (bitter).
Don't ________ (blame) yourself for the accident, it wasn't your fault.
The child cuddled under the warm ________ (blanket).
My nose started to ________ (bleed) after I got hit by the basketball.
God _______ (bless) you and keep you safe.
He has been ________ (blind) since birth.
The doctor drew some _______ (blood) for a blood test.
The wind ______ (blow) fiercely, howling around the old house.
His father’s death was a terrible ________ (blow) to him.
She wore a stylish ________ (blouse) to the party.
Passengers are waiting to ________ (board) the plane.
The water is ________ (boil) - it’s time to make the tea.
The city was devastated by a ________ (bomb) attack.
The archaeologist unearthed a ________ (bone) from an ancient burial site.
I use a _______ (bookmark) to save my place when I'm reading.
A good pair of ________ (boot) is essential for hiking in the mountains.
He bited his tongue to stop himself from saying something rude.
Black coffee can be very bittering if you’re not used to it.
It's not fair to blaming him without hearing his side of the story.
She wrapped her baby in a soft, cozy blanketing.
He was bleeding very bad after the accident.
May this new year blessed with joy and success.
I am complete blind in my left eye.
There was bloods all over the floor after the fight.
The leaves were blowed all over the garden.
Failing his driving test was a hardly blow.
She decided to wear her new blouse to work that day.
He nailed a board on the wall to hang his pictures.
Don't let the soup boilt for too long.
The terrorist group has claimed responsibly for the bomb.
The dog chewed on a big bone in the backyard.
I need to buy a new bookmark for my novel.
He forgot to pack his hiking boot for the camping trip.
(bite, bitter, blame, blanket, bleed, bless, blind, blood, blow, blouse, board, boil, bomb, bone, bookmark, boot, )
The hikers were advised to wear sturdy _______ due to the rocky terrain.
After being bitten by a snake, the hiker's ankle started to ________ profusely.
She placed the ______ carefully between the pages to mark her progress.
The harsh wind ______ constantly across the open plains.
The doctor warned her to avoid strenuous activities because her ______ pressure was dangerously high.
The team's loss came as a crushing ______ to their hopes of making it to the finals.
Please wait for the signal before you ______ the train.
He suffered from a _______ cold – the kind that makes your whole body ache.
The chef always checks to see if the water is _______ before adding the pasta.
The rescue workers searched tirelessly for survivors after the _______ explosion.
A cast was put on his arm to help his broken ________ heal.
She chose a stylish ______ to wear with her new skirt.
The detective searched the crime scene for clues but found himself at a dead end; every lead seemed to _____ up in his face.
The _______ of the mosquitoes was unbearable during the camping trip.
He was determined to prove his innocence and clear his name from _______.
The firefighters draped a thick ______ over the victim to keep them warm.
We should never turn a ______ eye to injustice.
Passage 1
The icy wind blew mercilessly through the crumbling walls of the abandoned cabin, biting at the exposed skin of its sole occupant. John pulled the ragged blanket tighter around himself, but it provided little comfort against the bitter cold. He had taken shelter here after becoming separated from his hiking group during a blizzard, and with each passing hour, his hope dwindled. He thought about his family, picturing their faces as a single tear escaped and froze on his cheek. His foot had started to bleed again where he'd tripped and fallen, staining the snow crimson. He knew he should stay awake, fight against the creeping drowsiness, but exhaustion was a formidable foe. His eyelids grew heavy, the pain a distant echo in his numbing limbs.
As darkness encroached, a sudden sound pierced through the howling wind - a bark. A sharp, insistent bark that jolted John awake. Through blurred vision, he saw a large, dark shape emerge from the swirling snow. The dog, a magnificent Alaskan Malamute, came closer, nudging John's hand with its cold nose. John managed a weak smile. Hope, as unexpected as the dog itself, bloomed in his chest.
The dog, sensing his renewed spirit, barked again and turned towards the trail. It looked back at John, a silent invitation in its dark eyes. With newfound determination, John pulled himself up, ignoring the throbbing in his foot and the searing bite of the wind. He clung to the dog's thick fur as they started walking, two souls seeking solace in the heart of the blizzard.
1.Why did John seek shelter in the abandoned cabin
A. He was tired of hiking.
B. He became lost during a snowstorm.
C. He wanted to escape the bitter cold.
D. He needed to bandage his injured foot.
2.Which word best describes the tone of the first paragraph
A. Peaceful
B. Hopeful
C. Desperate
D. Adventurous
3.What prompted John to persevere despite his worsening condition
A. The sudden warmth of the blanket.
B. A surge of adrenaline.
C. The realization that his group would soon find him.
D. The appearance of the dog and the promise of rescue.
4.What can we infer about the Alaskan Malamute based on the passage
A. It belonged to John's hiking group.
B. It was a wild animal seeking shelter.
C. It was trained as a rescue dog.
D. It sensed John’s despair and offered help.
5.What literary device is used in the sentence "Hope, as unexpected as the dog itself, bloomed in his chest"
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Personification
D. Hyperbole
Passage 2
Sarah nervously adjusted her navy blue blouse, taking a deep breath before approaching the massive oak doors of the boardroom. This was it - the moment she had both yearned for and dreaded since starting as an intern at this prestigious law firm. She was about to present her analysis of a complex corporate merger, and her career trajectory potentially hung on the success of this presentation.
Weeks of sleepless nights and relentless research had led to this. She recalled the countless times she'd felt like giving up, the bitter taste of self-doubt lingering in her mouth. The long hours had taken their toll; once, she'd even pricked her finger on a stapler, the tiny drop of blood a stark reminder of the intense pressure she was under. She longed to call her grandmother, a beacon of warmth and encouragement, and ask for her blessing, but knew she wouldn’t answer; she had a strict "no phones during work" policy, even for her granddaughter the lawyer-in-making.
But doubt was a luxury she couldn't afford. She steeled herself, remembering the fire in her belly that had driven her to pursue this career path. She was ready. With a final, fortifying breath, Sarah pushed open the heavy doors. She was met with a sea of expectant faces, but her nervousness evaporated. This was her element, her passion. She was here to make her mark.
The presentation went off without a hitch. The board members, impressed by her meticulous research and confident delivery, showered her with praise. One even jokingly remarked that she deserved a "standing ovation" - though everyone knew that such displays of emotion were practically unheard of in this buttoned-down world. Back in her small, windowless office, Sarah leaned back, a weary smile gracing her lips. She had done it. Reaching for her phone, she noticed a colorful bookmark peeking out from a law book - a gift from her grandmother. It read, "Believe in yourself." Her grandmother had known all along.
1.Why is Sarah nervous at the beginning of the passage
A. She is meeting her grandmother for the first time.
B. She is about to make an important presentation.
C. She is starting a new job as an intern.
D. She has been working long hours and is sleep-deprived.
2.Which sentence best reflects Sarah’s dedication to her work
A. "She longed to call her grandmother."
B. "This was it - the moment she had both yearned for and dreaded..."
C. “Weeks of sleepless nights and relentless research had led to this.”
D. “She was met with a sea of expectant faces."
3.What is the purpose of the detail about Sarah pricking her finger on the stapler
A. To highlight her clumsiness under pressure.
B. To emphasize the physical demands of her job.
C. To illustrate the extent of her dedication and the pressure she was under.
D. To foreshadow her ultimate failure.
4.What does the phrase "buttoned-down world" imply about the law firm's culture
A. Casual and relaxed.
B. Conservative and restrained.
C. Disorganized and chaotic.
D. Friendly and welcoming.
5.What does the last line of the passage suggest
A. Sarah's grandmother had physically hidden the bookmark there earlier.
B. The bookmark serves as a tangible reminder of her grandmother’s unwavering support.
C. Sarah's success is solely due to her grandmother's lucky charm.
D. The law firm values sentimental objects like bookmarks.
Passage 3
The roar of the crowd was deafening as Jake walked onto the ice, the glare of the stadium lights reflecting off the ice. This was his moment - the National Championships. He'd dreamed of this since he was a boy, lacing up his first pair of boots and wobbling onto the ice rink, the frigid air stinging his cheeks.
However, the joyous anticipation he'd carried with him for weeks had morphed into a leaden weight in his stomach. During the final practice session just yesterday, he'd fallen, awkwardly hitting the boards. The doctor had assured him it was just a sprain, a minor setback. But Jake knew it was more than that. It was a blow to his confidence, a seed of doubt planted right before the most important event of his life.
Taking his position, he could almost feel the weight of expectation - from his coach, his family, his entire town back home who'd gathered around TVs to watch their local hero. He closed his eyes, blocking out the noise, the pressure, everything but the music that started to play - a haunting melody that spoke of resilience and rising above challenges. And in that moment, he wasn't the fallen figure from yesterday, filled with self-recrimination. He was a warrior, scarred but not broken.
With a newfound resolve, he began to skate. Every movement was infused with grace and power, a testament to years of dedicated practice and an unwavering spirit. The pain in his ankle was a distant hum, drowned out by the roar of his own determination. His performance that day became legendary. The judges, usually known for their stoicism, openly wept, moved by the raw emotion he'd poured onto the ice.
Even without the gold medal, which he ultimately lost by a fraction of a point, Jake knew something had shifted within him. He’d stared down his fear, embraced his vulnerability, and emerged stronger. As he skated off the ice, one final time, he carried with him not the weight of defeat, but the quiet dignity of someone who had faced their crucible and found, not victory, but something far more enduring - the unconquerable spirit within.
1.Why had Jake's excitement turned into a "leaden weight" at the start of the competition
A. He was overwhelmed by the roar of the crowd.
B. He felt the pressure of expectation from his hometown.
C. He was physically injured during his last practice session.
D. He realized that he didn't enjoy skating anymore.
2.What does the phrase “He was a warrior, scarred but not broken” suggest about Jake’s mindset
A. He felt defeated and ready to give up.
B. He acknowledged the injury but chose to focus on his inner strength.
C. He planned to use his injury as an excuse for poor performance.
D. He blamed himself for the accident.
3.Why do the judges cry at the end of Jake's performance
A. They are moved by his artistry and emotional depth.
B. They felt sorry for his injury.
C. They are upset that he will likely lose the competition.
D. They had placed bets on him winning.
4.Which word best encapsulates the theme of this passage
A. Victory
B. Failure
C. Resilience
D. Regret
5.Which event is NOT a part of the passage
A. Jake participating in the final practice session before the competition.
B. Jake sustaining an injury to his ankle.
C. Jake successfully executing a dangerous jump, ignoring his pain.
D. Jake reflecting on the true meaning of his performance.
Passage 4
Rain lashed against the windows of the old bookstore, mirroring the storm raging within Emma. She had just received the news: her first novel, the culmination of years of dreams and countless drafts written in longhand at this very bookstore café, had been rejected. The email from the publisher, blunt and impersonal, lay open on her laptop screen like a gaping wound, each word a bitter pill to swallow. The faint smell of old books, usually a source of comfort, seemed to mock her now.
"Another rejection "
Emma looked up to see Mr. Chen, the kind, elderly owner of the bookstore, standing beside her, his face a mixture of concern and knowing empathy. He had seen countless aspiring writers pass through his doors, some buoyed by dreams, others crushed by the weight of their aspirations.
"They said it lacks 'mass appeal', " Emma said, her voice choked with unshed tears. "They want me to make the protagonist more 'likable,' the ending 'less ambiguous.’ "
Mr. Chen pulled up a chair and sat beside her. “And would that be your story to tell, Emma ” he asked gently, pushing a mug of steaming hot chocolate towards her. “The one that flows from your heart, the one only you can write ”
His words were like a salve on her wounded spirit. Mr. Chen, despite his limited English, always seemed to find the right words. He had believed in her since the day she nervously showed him the first chapter of her manuscript, scribbled in a tattered notebook, marked with coffee stains and the occasional smudge of blood from a paper cut. He'd provided her with a quiet corner in his bustling café, plying her with endless cups of jasmine tea and words of encouragement whispered between the pages of the countless books he sold. He believed in stories, in their power to heal and inspire, and in her ability to tell them.
Emma took a sip of the hot chocolate, its warmth spreading through her. She realized he was right. Rewriting her story to fit some predefined mold wouldn't just be a betrayal of her artistic vision; it would be a disservice to herself, to her voice that deserved to be heard.
1.Why is Emma upset at the beginning of the passage
A. She is caught in a sudden rainstorm.
B. The bookstore café she frequents is closing down.
C. Her manuscript has been rejected by a publisher.
D. She has writer’s block and can’t finish her novel.
2.What does Mr. Chen represent for Emma
A. A reminder of her failure.
B. A source of solace and sound advice.
C. A harsh critic of her work.
D. An obstacle to her success.
3.Why does the smell of old books seem to mock Emma after she reads the rejection email
A. It reminds her of her unsuccessful writing career.
B. It makes her physically ill.
C. It represents a past that she is eager to escape.
D. It clashes with her preferred modern bookstore aesthetic.
4.What is Mr. Chen implying when he says “And would that be your story to tell, Emma "
A. He believes she should rewrite the story to please the publisher.
B. He doubts her ability to ever get published.
C. He thinks she should stick to her original vision and artistic integrity.
D. He thinks the protagonist should have a paper cut like she did.
5.What effect does Mr. Chen's support have on Emma
A. She gives up writing altogether.
B. She rewrites her story to make the publisher happy.
C. She decides to open her own bookstore.
D. She finds renewed determination to stay true to her unique voice.
Passage 5
The museum was eerily silent, the hushed atmosphere amplifying the rhythmic thud, thud of Michael's heart. He stood before a glass display case, a thin velvet rope the only barrier between him and history - or rather, a piece of it: a bone, yellowed with age, but undoubtedly human. It was part of the new exhibition - "Artifacts of a Forgotten War," showcasing relics from a conflict that had all but vanished from public memory.
The placard identified it as belonging to a young soldier, barely a man, who'd fought in the trenches of a war his own people barely understood, let alone remembered. Michael traced the curve of the bone with his fingers, as if drawing strength from its silent testimony.
The soldier, he learned from faded letters and diary entries painstakingly displayed, had dreamt of becoming a painter, the vivid colors of his homeland a stark contrast to the bleak, monochromatic landscape of war. Michael found sketches tucked amongst the letters: delicate watercolors of blooming poppies and serene landscapes, a testament to the beauty that still flourished even in the heart of destruction. The soldier, Michael realized, had carried more than just a rifle and a knapsack; he'd carried hope - the audacity to dream amidst the bombardment and chaos.
Leaving the exhibit, Michael felt like he’d stepped off a battlefield himself - not one of physical violence, but an emotional and psychological one. The war may have faded from history books, but it had left an indelible mark on those who fought, a bitter legacy etched in bone and memory.
As he rode the train back home, the city lights blurring past, he felt a renewed sense of responsibility. He was a history teacher, but he suddenly realized that history wasn't just about dates and battles, victories and heroes. It was about the lives lived, the dreams dreamt, and the sacrifices made in the face of unimaginable hardship. It was about remembering, about ensuring that these stories, buried under layers of time and indifference, found a voice.
1.Why does the museum feel "eerily silent" to Michael
A. It is closed to the public that day.
B. The atmosphere evokes a sense of reverence and reflection about the forgotten war.
C. He is afraid of disturbing the exhibits.
D. The air conditioning is broken.
2.What is the significance of the soldier's sketches to Michael
A. They represent lost artistic potential.
B. They are a valuable financial asset that the museum is showcasing.
C. They demonstrate the healing power of art.
D. They highlight the irony of finding beautiful objects amidst destruction.
3.Which word best describes the "legacy" left by the war, according to the passage
A. Inspirational
B. Triumphant
C. Poignant
D. Irrelevant
4.What internal conflict does Michael face
A. Whether to steal the soldier’s bone.
B. His sense of responsibility as a history teacher versus the public’s indifference towards history.
C. His desire to travel to the battlefield versus staying home.
D. He doesn't have a conflict.
5.What realization does Michael have on the train ride home
A. He should have chosen a less demanding profession.
B. He needs to teach history in a way that connects to human experience.
C. The museum should invest in better display cases.
D. War is never the answer.
bit (句中缺少谓语动词,根据时间状语 yesterday 可知用一般过去时)
bitter (修饰 tasted, 用形容词作表语)
blame (don't 后面接动词原形)
blanket ( 形容词 warm 修饰名词)
bleed (动词不定式 to 后面接动词原形)
bless (may+ 动词原形,表示祝福)
blind (现在完成时态, has been + 形容词)
blood (some 修饰不可数名词)
blew ( 句中缺少谓语动词,根据语境用一般过去时)
blow (不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词)
blouse ( 形容词 stylish 修饰名词)
board (to 后面接动词原形)
boiling (现在进行时态 be + doing, 表示正在发生)
bomb ( 不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词)
bone ( 不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词)
bookmark (不定冠词 a 修饰单数名词)
boots ( a pair of 后面接可数名词复数)
bited 改为 bit (bite 的过去式是不规则变化 bit)
bittering 改为 bitter (be 动词后接形容词作表语)
blaming 改为 blame (it is + adj. + to do sth. 结构)
blanketing 改为 blanket (用名词作宾语)
bad 改为 badly (修饰动词 bleeding 用副词)
blessed 改为 be blessed ( may + 主语 + be + 动词过去分词)
complete 改为 completely (修饰形容词 blind,用副词)
bloods 改为 blood (blood 是不可数名词,没有复数形式)
blowed 改为 blown ( blow 的过去分词是不规则变化 blown)
hardly 改为 hard (hard blow 沉重的打击)
blouse 正确
board 正确
boilt 改为 boil (let sb. do sth. 结构)
responsibly 改为 responsibility (claim responsibility for 对… 承担责任)
bone 正确
bookmark 正确
boot 改为 boots ( hiking boots 登山靴)
boots (sturdy boots 结实的靴子,适合崎岖地形)
bleed (开始流血,bleed profusely 大量出血)
bookmark ( 放在书页之间,标记阅读进度的物品,用 bookmark 书签)
blew (风持续吹过,用 blew,强调持续性)
blood (blood pressure 血压)
blow (crushing blow 毁灭性的打击)
board (board the train 上火车)
bitter (bitter cold 刺骨的寒冷,形容寒冷程度深)
boiling (boiling 沸腾的,check if the water is boiling 检查水是否开了)
bomb (bomb explosion 炸弹爆炸)
bone (broken bone 骨折)
blouse (与 skirt 裙子搭配穿着的,用 blouse 女衬衫)
blow (blow up 爆炸,此处指线索中断)
bite (mosquitoes 蚊子,与其相关的动作是 bite 叮咬)
blame (clear one’s name from blame 洗清罪名)
blanket (用于覆盖在受害者身上保暖,用 blanket 毯子)
blind (turn a blind eye to 对… 视而不见)
He was bitten by a snake.
This medicine is so bitter that I can't swallow it.
Don't shift the blame onto others.
He covered me with a blanket.
His finger is bleeding.
May good luck be with you! / Wish you good luck!
He is almost totally blind.
He is your own flesh and blood.
It’s very windy today. / The wind is blowing hard today.
His death was a great blow to us all.
I like the blouse you are wearing.
The board meeting will begin in five minutes. Please be seated.
I’m going to boil some water for coffee.
They lost their home in the bombing.
The dog is chewing on a bone.
Where’s my bookmark gone / Where did I put my bookmark
I need to buy a new pair of boots because my old ones are worn out.
Passage 1
1.答案:B. He became lost during a snowstorm.
解析: 文章第一段提到 John 在暴风雪中与他的徒步旅行队伍走散 (He had taken shelter here after becoming separated from his hiking group during a blizzard) ,所以他躲进了废弃的小屋。
2.答案: C. Desperate
解析: 第一段着重描写了 John 身处困境的绝望处境:刺骨的寒风 (biting wind), 破败的木屋 (crumbling walls),冰冷的毯子 (bitter cold) ,以及逐渐减少的希望 (hope dwindled) ,这些都营造了一种绝望 (desperate) 的气氛。
3.答案:D. The appearance of the dog and the promise of rescue.
解析: 文章转折出现在第二段,John 听到了狗叫声,一只阿拉斯加雪橇犬出现,给John 带来了希望(Hope, as unexpected as the dog itself, bloomed in his chest.) ,让他重新燃起了求生的意志,决定跟随雪橇犬走出困境。
4.答案:D. It sensed John’s despair and offered help.
解析: 文章没有直接说明雪橇犬的来历,但从 “The dog, sensing his renewed spirit...”, 可以推断出雪橇犬似乎觉察到了 John 的绝望,并主动提供帮助。
5.答案: B. Metaphor
解析: 此处运用了暗喻的修辞手法,将 “希望 (hope)” 比作在 John 胸口“绽放的花朵 (bloomed)”, 生动形象地描绘了希望重新燃起的画面。
Passage 2
1.答案: B. She is about to make an important presentation.
解析: 文章开头就交代了 Sarah 即将要做一个重要的演讲(This was it - the moment she had both yearned for and dreaded since starting as an intern at this prestigious law firm....She was about to present her analysis of a complex corporate merger, and her career trajectory potentially hung on the success of this presentation.)。
2.答案:C. “Weeks of sleepless nights and relentless research had led to this.”
解析: 这句话(Weeks of sleepless nights and relentless research had led to this.) 最能体现 Sarah 对工作的投入, 她为此付出了许多不眠之夜,做了大量研究。
3.答案: C. To illustrate the extent of her dedication and the pressure she was under.
解析: 这个细节描写(She’d even pricked her finger on a stapler, the tiny drop of blood a stark reminder of the intense pressure she was under.) 是为了突出 Sarah 为准备演讲所承受的巨大压力和她全身心的投入。
4.答案: B. Conservative and restrained.
解析: “buttoned-down world” 字面意思是 “衣冠楚楚的世界”, 引申为 “保守拘谨的世界”, 暗示了律所文化严肃、 restrained克制) 的特点。
5.答案:B. The bookmark serves as a tangible reminder of her grandmother‘s unwavering support.
解析: 书签是 Sarah 祖母送的礼物, 上面写着”Believe in yourself.” 结合上下文,这句话暗示了书签是祖母坚定支持的象征 (unwavering support) ,一直在鼓励着 Sarah 。
Passage 3
1.答案: C. He was physically injured during his last practice session.
解析: 文章第二段提到 Jake 在最后一次练习中摔倒受伤(During the final practice session just yesterday, he'd fallen, awkwardly hitting the boards.) , 因此感到压力巨大。
2.答案: B. He acknowledged the injury but chose to focus on his inner strength.
解析: “He was a warrior, scarred but not broken.” 这句话的意思是“他是一个战士,伤痕累累,但没有被打败”, 表明 Jake 承认自己受伤了,但仍然选择专注于自己内心的力量, 而不是被伤病击垮。
3.答案: A. They are moved by his artistry and emotional depth.
解析: 文章倒数第二段提到 Jake 忘我的表演打动了评委, 让他们流下了眼泪 (The judges, usually known for their stoicism, openly wept, moved by the raw emotion he'd poured onto the ice. ) 说明他的表演极具艺术感染力。
4.答案: C. Resilience
解析: Resilience 意思是 “韧性,抗压能力”, 文章主要讲述了 Jake 面对意外受伤,顶住压力,最终凭借顽强意志完成比赛的故事, “韧性” 是贯穿全文的核心。
5.答案:C. Jake successfully executing a dangerous jump, ignoring his pain.
解析: 文章中没有提到 Jake 在比赛中成功完成高难度跳跃动作。
Passage 4
1.答案:C. Her manuscript has been rejected by a publisher.
解析: 文章第一段提到 Emma 的小说被出版社拒绝了(She had just received the news: her first novel, the culmination of years of dreams and countless drafts written in longhand at this very bookstore café, had been rejected.) , 因此她感到非常难过。
2.答案:B. A source of solace and sound advice.
解析: 从文章内容来看, 陈先生一直支持鼓励着 Emma 的写作梦想, 并适时给予她建议 (His words were like a salve on her wounded spirit...He had believed in her since the day she nervously showed him the first chapter...), 是 Emma 心灵的慰藉(solace)和良师益友。
3.答案: A. It reminds her of her unsuccessful writing career.
解析: Emma 经常在旧书店写作, 旧书的气味原本让她感到舒适, 但在收到拒稿信后, 旧书的气味反而让她想起自己写作上的失意 (The faint smell of old books, usually a source of comfort, seemed to mock her now) 。
4.答案: C. He thinks she should stick to her original vision and artistic integrity.
解析: 陈先生认为 Emma 应该坚持自己的写作风格, 不要为了迎合出版社而改变自己的初衷 (The one that flows from your heart, the one only you can write ”).
5.答案:D. She finds renewed determination to stay true to her unique voice.
解析: 在陈先生的鼓励下, Emma 最终醒悟, 决定坚持自己的创作风格 (She realized he was right. Rewriting her story to fit some predefined mold wouldn’t just be a betrayal of her artistic vision; it would be a disservice to herself, to her voice that deserved to be heard.) 。
Passage 5
1.答案: B. The atmosphere evokes a sense of reverence and reflection about the forgotten war.
解析: 文章开头营造了一种静谧、 肃穆的博物馆氛围 (The museum was eerily silent, the hushed atmosphere...), 这种氛围烘托出人们对战争的敬畏和反思。
2.答案: D. They highlight the irony of finding beautiful objects amidst destruction.
解析: 士兵的画作描绘了鲜活的色彩和宁静的景色, 与战争的残酷形成了鲜明对比 (The soldier, Michael realized, had carried more than just a rifle and a knapsack; he'd carried hope - the audacity to dream amidst the bombardment and chaos.), 突出了战争中的残酷与美好并存的反讽意味。
3.答案: C. Poignant
解析: “Poignant” 意思是“令人心酸的, 悲惨的”, 符合文章对战争残酷性的描写。
4.答案:B. His sense of responsibility as a history teacher versus the public’s indifference towards history.
解析:文章最后一段, Michael 作为历史老师, 在参观博物馆后意识到自己有责任让更多人铭记历史, 这与公众对历史的漠不关心形成了对比, 也体现了他内心的挣扎和矛盾。
5.答案: B. He needs to teach history in a way that connects to human experience.
解析:文章结尾, Michael 认识到历史不仅仅是日期和战争, 更是关于人们如何生活、 梦想和牺牲的故事 (It was about the lives lived, the dreams dreamt, and the sacrifices made in the face of unimaginable hardship. It was about remembering, about ensuring that these stories, buried under layers of time and indifference, found a voice.) , 他希望用更人性化的方式去讲述历史。


