
  1. 二一教育资源



2023—2024 学年第二学期高二年期末质量检测
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)
1-5. CCBAA 6-10. ABBCC 11-15. BCBBA 16-20. CABAC
第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50分)
21-23. CBD 24-27. BADA 28-31. CBAC 32-35. BDDA
36-40. GDACB
第三部分 完形填空(共 15小题, 每小题 1分,满分 15分)
41-45. BADCA 46-50. DCBDC 51-55. ACBDA
第四部分 短文填词(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)
56. as 57. an 58. which 59. connected 60. is equipped
61. effectively 62. offers 63. or 64. it 65.surroundings
第五部分 书面表达 (共两节,满分 40分)
第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15 分)
Dear Jason,
Welcome to Fuzhou! There will be three activities themed Tang poems, paper cutting and
calligraphy on display, among which I recommend paper cutting to you.
The first reason is that paper cutting is a symbol of traditional Chinese culture. What’s more, it
is an art form that features lively colors and shapes. Experts are scheduled to illustrate how to make
figures out of paper. What matters most is that you can make friends who share the same interest in
the activity.
Hope my recommendation can be of some help for you.
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写 (满分 25 分)
I was scared to see him struggling in the water but I knew I must rescue him. I took a deep
breath to keep calm. Looking around, I found a waste log, I threw it to him immediately and asked
him to hold it. At the same time I yelled for help, hoping someone could come to our rescue.
Luckily, my mom heard my cries, rushed out of the house and raced towards us. She jumped into
the water and reached out her hands to pull him. Several neighbors also quickly joined the rescue.
They managed to get Jimmy out of the water. Finally, Jimmy was saved, pale and shivering.
After a while, Jimmy recovered from panic and thanked my mom and the neighbors. We
hugged each other in tears. I thought my mom would scold me. But she just held us in her arms
tightly. She warned us it was dangerous to swim in the river. Both of us felt ashamed and promised
never to do that again. This was really a special Easter, one I would never forget. For Jimmy, he
had a narrow escape from drowning. For me, I felt the kindness of my neighbors.
高二英语答案 — 1 — (共 4 页)
Text 1
W: Well, Ken, you are a quick learner, but you can’t expect to become a professional pianist
after just a few lessons. (1)
M: Ha-ha, I suppose you’re right, I am still a beginner.
Text 2
M: Have you seen that your favorite movie star is a musician too
W: Yes, he has made his own record. I read the news on Facebook. I can’t wait to listen to it! (2)
Text 3
W: Have you seen my car key I put it here on the table last night. (3)
M: Oh, I used your car this morning. I might have left it by the door.
W: Well, I hope it’s still there. I need to drive to my office now.
Text 4
M: Something must go wrong with my teeth. I can’t drink cold water without feeling pain. (4)
W: You should definitely book a dentist appointment. You haven’t been there for three years.
Text 5
W:What do you think of the apartment you saw
M: It’s in a great area, near to my job, and I can easily afford the rent. But unfortunately, the
apartment building doesn’t allow pets, and I won’t give my cat away. (5)
W: Never mind, you’ll find somewhere!
Text 6 (第 6题为推断题)
M: Where would you like to go for lunch today
W: I’m not sure I’ll have time. I need to get this report finished by 2:00 p.m.
M: Well, I can pick something up for you if you like.
W: Would you That would be great.
M: I was thinking about going to that Italian restaurant across the road.
W: Or there is a new German sausage shop next to the train station. (7)
M: It’s a bit further but I do love trying new things. (7)
W: Great. (7) Here’s some cash.
Text 7 (第 8题为总结题)
M: Today we have a cute visitor to the TV studio. (9)
W: Is it a dog
M: No, it’s a rabbit.
W: Oh, look at his huge ears. He is so cute.
M: Did you know that there are about 305 types of rabbits, (10) including about 13 different
families of wild rabbits over 72 countries.
W: I did not. What other facts of rabbit do you have for us
M: Well, up until modern times, it was believed that rabbits were a type of mouse.
W: But they are not.
M: No. You mentioned their large ears. Do you know what purpose they serve
W: To hear better
M: Yes, but specifically to hear larger animals that are hunting them, so they can escape.
W: That’s very smart.
高二英语答案 — 2 — (共 4 页)
Text 8
M: Excuseme, ProfessorWhite, (11) (12) (13) I was wondering if you had a minute.
W: I have a class in five minutes, so you have until then.
M: Well, that’s why I wanted to talk. I was hoping to join your class. (11)
W:Which class are you in currently
M: English History.
W: That’s Doctor Green’s class.
M: Yes. Unfortunately, I’m not enjoying it. It’s too difficult.
W:What makes you think you’ll enjoy English Literature any better (12)
M: One of my friends is in your class and she said it was really inspiring. (13)
W:What is your friend’s name
M: Suzie Black. (13)
W:Ah yes, Miss Black. She is one of my top pupils.
M: Well, she has agreed to help me catch up on any work that I will have missed.
W: In that case, I’d be happy to see you in my class. I’ll clear it with Doctor Green.
M: Thank you so much.
Text 9
W: I stayed here and had a traditional Christmas with my parents. How was your trip (14)
M: Amazing! It was cool getting to know my Australian cousins better. (14)
W: Did you stay with their family the whole time (14)
M: Yeah, their house is beautiful, (14) and it has its own pool!
W: Wow! Like a hotel!
M: That’s pretty common out there. I guess it’s because of the hot weather.
W: What was Christmas like in Australia
M: Strange!
W: Why
M: Well, you know, here in Germany, (15) and even back home in the U.K., Christmas happens in
the winter. It’s cold, and everybody’s hoping it will snow.
W: Even though rain is far more likely!
M: Ha-ha! Well, yes. But on the southern side of the planet, it happens in the middle of summer!
Christmas Day was sunny. We spent the day on the beach!
W: That is strange!
M: It was great though.
W: Did you see any kangaroos
M: Yes, there’re many wild kangaroos, (16) but we still drove to a national park where we can pet
and feed them. I was surprised how huge they are! (16)
Text 10
Alfred Hitchcock was an English filmmaker. (17) His films such as The Birds and North by
Northwest are still well known nowadays. In his career, he directed over 50 films. Most of them
were horror movies, and he is considered to be a master of creating nervousness. He got his first
job in the film industry in 1919, designing title cards for silent films. (17) Before that he had
been a writer for a communication company. It wasn’t until 1925 that he made his first film as a
director, (18) a silent film called The Pleasure Garden. The following year he married Alma
Reville. (18) The year after that, he had his first film success with The Lodger. And in 1929, he
made Blackmail, his first film that had sound. (19) Even in his early films, you can see the style
that he was famous for, which included many camera movements that were taken from the
高二英语答案 — 3 — (共 4 页)
characters’ points of view. (20) He also appeared shortly in all of his films.
★ 《群鸟》(The Birds),是由阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克执导的惊悚电影。该片讲述了富家女米兰妮来到律
师米契位于小镇的家中,却遭遇了鸟群的攻击,小镇的一切也都因此而改变。该片于 1963年 3月 28
★ 《西北偏北》(North by Northwest),是由米高梅公司出品,阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克执导的惊悚悬疑片。
影片讲述了罗杰·索荷的一段冒险经历,于 1959年在美国首映。
★ 《欢乐花园》(The Pleasure Garden),是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克导演早期的电影作品。
★ 《房客》(The Lodger),是由阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克导演的英国惊悚电影,于 1927年上映。该片讲
★ 《讹诈》(Blackmail),是阿尔弗雷德·希区柯克执导的犯罪片,该片讲述了女主角正当防卫杀人后被
高二英语答案 — 4 — (共 4 页)


