
  1. 二一教育资源



1-5 CBBCC 6-10 BBABC 11-15 BACCB 16-20 BABAC
21-23:BBC 24-27: CDBA 28-31: BDAA 32-35: DCDA
36-40: CAGFE
41-45 BCDAB 46-50 DACBB 51-55 CDCAD
56. performer 57. stars 58. an 59. to 60. to introduce
61. expressive 62. significantly 63. demonstrating 64. which 65. further
第一节 应用文:
Dear Max,
I’m writing to ask for your suggestions. Our school is organizing an essay contest titled “A Role Model I Would Like to Interview,” and I plan to participate.
I have chosen to interview Yao Ming, the former basketball star and current president of the Chinese Basketball Association, because his contributions to sports and community service are truly inspiring.
I would like to ask him questions about his basketball career, his efforts in promoting sports in China, and his charitable work. Could you suggest any additional questions or tips for conducting the interview Thank you for your guidance.
Best regards,
Li Hua
第二节 读后续写:
Paragraph 1: I felt it was time to bring up my childhood wish again, but this time, it had a deeper meaning. It wasn’t just about fulfilling my own desire but about giving my father a reason to hope. Hesitantly, I suggested we could adopt Bumpus. To my surprise, my father didn’t dismiss the idea outright. Instead, he sat quietly, considering the possibility. A few days later, he agreed to visit the rescue center with me. Seeing Bumpus struggle but still purring, my father’s heart melted. He agreed, and we brought Bumpus home, believing this brave creature might help heal our family. Once we got home, I began showing my father how to look after Bumpus.
Paragraph 2. In the following weeks, my father, as I had taught him, attentively looked after Bumpus at home. Bumpus began to regain his strength, his fur growing back and his eyes brightening noticeably. As Bumpus healed, my father transformed too. He started to smile more, finding joy in the moments they shared. The once gloomy atmosphere in our home lifted, replaced by laughter and warmth. Caring for Bumpus gave my father a renewed sense of purpose and a way to focus his energy on something meaningful. This mutual healing process brought our family closer, showing us the profound impact of love and perseverance.
Text 1
M: Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon
W: Oh, I’d love to. But we’re going to clean our dormitory after we have finished our math homework. I can’t be absent.
Text 2
W: Are you studying for the exam tonight
M: I would love to, but Sam has all my notes.
Text 3
W: I’m crazy about shopping online nowadays. It’s so convenient. Have you ever shopped online
M: Yes, quite often. I find that it’s much cheaper than shopping in stores. The most important thing is that it can save me a lot of time.
Text 4
M: Do you have any magazines, Mary
W: Yes, of course. Here are some interesting ones about clothes and fashion. And I still have some about movies and music. Which one would you like
M: Oh, I just want to read some sports news.
Text 5
M: Do you want to buy snacks to eat during the movie
W: No. They are too expensive. We should’ve eaten before we got here.
M: It’s all right. Maybe afterward, we can grab a bite at a nearby café.
Text 6
W: Where have you been all day Your father and I have been worried about you.
M: Why
W: Because we didn’t know where you were. We sent your brother out to look for you.
M: I was with my friend Tom. We went to explore the old factory where you worked a long time ago. It’s really interesting.
W: You shouldn’t go there. It’s not safe. It is falling to bits.
M: We were careful. It’s good to have something like that so near us.
W: Don’t go again. It may belong to someone.
M: It doesn’t. I’m sure of that.
Text 7
W: The worst thing for me to stay at home is that I don’t get any exercise.
W: Because no one is playing tennis now. I used to enjoy my weekly game in a gym.
M: That’s not an excuse. There are many things you can do at home.
W: Such as
M: You could run on the running machine. I do that for half an hour every day.
W: Every day I couldn’t do that even once a month. It’s so boring.
M: What about your exercise bike You never use it. Now is the time to start.
W: Maybe you’re right.
M: I am. Put the phone down and do it now, and then call me when you have finished.
Text 8
W: Here we are. Let me look at the list. Well, our grandmother needs a new radio.
M: She wants one she can listen to, while she is walking in the park.
W: But I don't think you should buy the really cheap one.
M: You mean this red one Twenty five dollars is a very good price.
W: Ah, that's true, but I believe they give a very bad sound quality.
M: You're right. Hmm, well I really hate this black one. You have to put the small earphones into your ears.
W: Here's one with big earphones you put over your ears.
M: Woo, I like its size, and brown is grandma's favorite color. But it's expensive.
W: It's only fifteen dollars more than the red one. Take it!
M: Okay.
Text 9
M: So what do you think about the picture here Is it nature walks
W: Yes, in the forest.
M: So how about going there this weekend
W: Oh I’m not sure about that. There are only trees and birds in the woods near here. It's not new or interesting.
M: Okay, this picture shows a science museum. We can see something like ancient animal bones.
W: Hmm, I don't think we would learn enough about nature in our everyday lives, if we went there, do you
M: Maybe not. I think we should go to the zoo. I love the zoo.
W: So do I. But I've been there lots of times. I think we should do something different like in this picture here. They're gardening growing their own vegetables I think.
M: That's a good idea. It would be exciting watching them grow and then being able to eat them.
W: Yes, visiting the farm and gardening would be the most relaxing ways to learn more about nature.
Text 10
Fraser and Peter are two fourteen-year-old boys. They have always been friends. Like all other friends, they enjoy going swimming in their spare time. But recently they've spent every weekend in Peter's room working on his computer. This isn't because they have a lot of homework. In fact they have made a new computer word game. The idea for the game came from Fraser's little brother Kevin, who had problems with his reading. Kevin learns words more easily by seeing pictures and hearing information than he does by reading. Fraser wanted to help his brother. Fraser and Peter worked together for two hundred hours to make a computer game and now it's ready to use. It's a speaking-and-picture game. For example, if you look at the word “hat”, there's a drawing of a hat next to it. And you can hear Peter saying “hat, hat” at the same time. Kevin has learned a lot of words by the computer game, and although it isn't on sale around the country, many students show great interest in it.{#{QQABTYIQgggAAIIAAAhCQQF4CEKQkAGCAQgGBEAIsAAAgANABAA=}#}


