
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1~5 CBAAC 6~10 CBCBA 11~15 CCAAC 16~20 BABBC
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
21~25 CDCAC 26~30 DACCD 31~35 BBBCD
36~40 BADCF
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
41~45 CABDA 46~50 BBDCB 51~55 ADBDB
56.Located 57.truly 58.to 59.to be explored 60.comes
61.the 62.that 63.best 64.visitors 65.themselves
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear William,
I’m Li Hua,a senior high school student seeking career guidance. I’m passionate about environmental science and aim to be an environmental engineer. I have a strong foundation in math and physics and am fluent in English,but I acknowledge my lack of practical experience and advanced knowledge in environmental technologies.
I plan to engage in extracurricular activities and gain work experience for hands-on learning,while also deepening my understanding through self-study and online courses.
Your advice would be invaluable as I prepare for my future career. Thank you for your time.
Best regards!
Li Hua
For the next two hours,we drove through the city. She showed me the building where she had once worked as an elevator operator. We drove through the neighborhood where she and her husband had lived when they had first been married. She had me pull up in front of a furniture warehouse that had once been a ballroom where she had gone dancing as a girl. Sometimes she would have me slow in front of a particular building or corner and would sit staring into the darkness,saying nothing. We drove in silence to the address and soon we pulled up at a small house.
“How much do I owe you?”she asked,reaching into her purse.“Nothing,”I said.“You have to make a living,”she answered.“There are other passengers,”I responded. Almost without thinking,I bent and gave her a hug. She held on to me tightly.“You gave an old woman a little moment of joy,”she said.“Thank you.”There was nothing more to say. I squeezed her hand once,then walked out into the dim morning light. Behind me,I could hear the door shut. It was the sound of the closing of a life. On the way home,I lost in thought. I do not think that I have ever done anything in my life that was any more important.
第二部分 阅读
教材内容主题:选择性必修3 5
21.C 《流浪之星》(Wandering Stars)的发布日期是什么时候?文章中明确指出,Tommy Orange的作品《流浪之星》在2024年2月27日出版。故选C。
22.D Get the Picture探讨了艺术如何感动及为什么感动我们。其他选项虽然与艺术世界相关,但并没有直接对应文本中提到的主题。故选D。
23.C 《总有今年》(There’s Always This Year)提到,Hanif Abdurraqib这位获得麦克阿瑟“天才”奖的作者,以其深思熟虑、个人化和诗意的文化评论而闻名,他下一本书虽然名义上是关于篮球的,但像他其他的写作一样,也涉及其他一切文化主题,暗示这本书将吸引对文化复杂性感兴趣的读者。故选C。
教材内容主题:选择性必修4 4
24.A 根据文中第二段的描述,当老人首次向乘客们问候时,他得到的回应是“a gesture met with cautious acknowledgment from the driver and silence from the rest”这意味着司机谨慎地回应了老人的问候,而其他乘客则没有做出任何回应,保持了沉默。故选A。
25.C 文章中第三段提到“One morning,he surprised us with a bouquet of wildflowers,slightly wilted from the heat.(有一天早上,他带着一束因炎热而稍微枯萎的野花,这让所有人都感到惊讶。)”故选C。
26.D 文章中第三段描述了“From then on,Charlie brought flowers every day,and some of us started to contribute to his bouquet,shyly offering them to him. The atmosphere on the bus transformed;men began to joke,chat,and share the newspaper.”在查理开始带花之后,公交车上的气氛发生了变化,人们开始开玩笑、交谈和分享报纸。故选D。
27.A 选项A正确地反映了作者对与Charlie建立的联系感到自豪和积极的态度。选项B中的“frustrated”和“change”错误地暗示了作者对Charlie带来的变化感到不满,这与文章的情感基调相悖。选项C的“questions the need”和“influence”错误地暗示作者对Charlie的影响持怀疑态度,这同样与文章中展示的积极情感不符。选项D使用了“uninterested”,这与文章中描述的情感不符,因为作者和其他乘客显然对Charlie的缺席感到担忧,并对他的回归感到高兴。故选A。
教材内容主题:必修2 4
28.C Jenna Norodom在《中国诗词大会》上讨论了什么主题?文章第二段明确指出“Cambodian Princess Jenna Norodom appeared on the latest episode of Chinese Poetry Conference on China Central TV on Saturday and shared her knowledge about China’s ancient poems.”柬埔寨公主Jenna Norodom在节目中分享了她对中国古诗的知识,表明她讨论的主题是古代中国诗歌。故选C。
29.C 珍娜如何通过李之仪的诗歌理解柬埔寨和中国之间的关系?文章中第三段指出:“I live upstream and you downstream by Yangtze Blue. Day after day of you I think,but you are not in view. Although as one we drink,the water clear of River Blue.”第四段指出“In her eyes,the poem written by Li Zhiyi,a poet of the Song Dynasty,expresses well the feeling of longing as Cambodia and China will always be good partners and good neighbors who‘drink from the same river.’”珍娜认为李之仪的诗歌很好地表达了柬埔寨和中国之间的渴望之情,因为两国将永远是好伙伴和好邻居,共同“喝同一条河流的水”,这与尽管地理上相隔但两国之间相互渴望的想法相吻合。故选C。
30.D 《中国诗词大会》的目标之一是什么?在文章中最后一段提到“The program perfectly combines the soul of poetry for thousands of years with modern beauty and shows the rich heritage of Chinese culture to the world.”《中国诗词大会》已经成为文化交流的舞台和平台,这表明其目标之一是加强文化交流。故选D。
31.B 文章的合适标题是什么?文章讨论了《中国诗词大会》不仅是关于文化知识和古代智慧,还作为文化交流的平台,因此最合适的标题是“中国诗词大会:文化交流的舞台”。故选B。
教材内容主题:选择性必修4 3
【语篇导读】存在一个被称为“Great Attractor”的神秘力量,它正在将银河系拉离其正常轨道。尽管我们无法直接看到它,但天文学家们推测它是一个巨大的星系团,可能名为Laniakea,它对我们的银河系和其他星系产生了强大的引力影响。
32.B 根据文章,什么导致了地球上的昼夜变化?文章中第二段提到“First,the Earth is turning very fast while it’s in space,going about 1,000 miles per hour,or 1,600 kilometers per hour. This turning makes our days and nights.(地球在太空中自转得非常快,速度约为每小时1000英里或1600公里。这种自转造就了我们的白天和黑夜。)”故选B。
33.B A.A galaxy-free space.这个选项意味着一个没有任何星系的空间区域。然而,根据文章内容,“Zone of Avoidance”并不是指没有星系的区域,而是指由于视线被银河系的恒星和尘埃遮挡,我们无法直接观察到的区域。因此,这个选项不正确。B.A hidden part of the sky.这个选项正确。根据文章的描述,“Zone of Avoidance”是被银河系的恒星和尘埃所隐藏的天空部分,这使得我们难以观察到该区域背后的天体或现象。C.The speed of galaxy movement.这个选项指的是星系运动的速度。然而,“Zone of Avoidance”与星系运动的速度无关,它描述的是我们无法观察到的区域,而不是速度本身。因此,这个选项不正确。D.The cause of galaxy attraction.这个选项意味着星系吸引的原因。虽然“Great Attractor”可能是星系吸引的原因,但“Zone of Avoidance”本身并不是吸引的原因,它只是我们无法直接观察到的区域。因此,这个选项也不正确。故选B。
34.C 从提供的信息中,我们可以推断出关于Great Attractor的什么?文章中第三段提到,很久以前,天文学家发现我们附近的星系,被称为Local Group,它们被非常快地从正常路径上拉走,朝向我们看不见的某个东西。这表明Great Attractor是一个巨大的物体,它影响了附近星系的运动。故选C。
35.D 文章最后一段提到,想了解更多关于太空秘密的信息,可以发送电子邮件至shortwave@npr.org。NPR是一个公共广播节目,因此这篇文章很可能发表在公共广播节目的网站上。
36.B 根据前一句“During the teenage years,rapid growth will bring about a lot of changes that might seem sudden and challenging to deal with(这种改变似乎很快很突然,也很有挑战,你似乎无法处理)”,下一句“Please remain calm and don’t worry(保持冷静不要担心)”,合乎语境,引出下文,故选B。
37.A 根据上一句“You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do.(你可能已经知道自己的职业规划,又或许不清楚以后做什么。)”这是两种情况,所以选“A. Both situations are fine!”
38.D 根据上一句“In your late teens and early twenties,you will have more freedom to make your own decisions and you may have the desire to be on your own.”从这里推断,你可能拥有了更多的自由和独立,但是也要尽量让家人加入你的生活,从后文一句“You should learn to think of them,even though you are old enough to look after yourself.”你需要考虑他们,他们是你的家人。故选D。
39.C 根据下一句谈论的是朋友,故选C。
40.F 结合前文可知,和选择有关,故选F。
第三部分 语言运用
41.C “我”去了咖啡店。故选coffee。
42.A “我”买了报纸和巧克力,故选purchased,购买。
43.B 由文章推理出,“我”坐下,故应选settled down。
44.D 这女孩穿着。故应选dressed,be dressed in。
45.A 由下文可知,我情不自禁欣赏和羡慕女孩的无拘无束的态度,该题考查动词的词义辨析,欣赏,羡慕,故选admire。
46.B 我伸出手去,故用reached表动作。
47.B 她眼睛盯着我,故应选fixed。fixed her eyes on。
48.D 我伸手去拿第二块,享受丰富的口感和美味。该题考查名词词义辨析,口味,美味,口感,故选flavor。
49.C 由下文可知,“我”现在吃的是第三块,third。
50.B 她指着我身后桌子上的盘子。该题考查动词词组辨析,指着,故选pointed to。
51.A “我”吃的是这个女孩的巧克力,这引起了对方的某一反应,比较四个选项,再根据上文,用embarrassed比较合乎当时的情形。
52.D 我今天遭遇的混乱,笨拙的状态,比较四个选项mix-up为最佳选择。
53.B 女孩没有责备我,我们大笑,并因此认识且分享故事。
54.D 这原本是很搞笑且尴尬的一次经历,结果我们却愉快地聊了我们的一天,所以是一次有趣的经历,所以用funny。
55.B “我”的一次尴尬的经历告诉我以后生活中要注意细节。
56.Located 考查非谓语动词。句意:位于云南西北的高黎贡山是一个真正特别的地方,展示了多样的自然美景。位于云南西北的高黎贡山;坐落在、位于located,表状态,故填Located。
57.truly 考查副词。句意:高黎贡山是一个真正特别的地方。根据句意可知真正特别的地方,a truly special,副词修饰形容词,故填truly。
to 考查介词。句意:从红河谷底部延伸超过900公里到卡瓦格博峰,云南拥有各种等待探索的自然环境。(从……到……)from...to...;故填to。
to be explored 考查不定式。句意:云南拥有各种等待探索的自然环境。根据句意可知,这些地方等待被探索,表达“被动将来”,故填to be explored。
comes 考查动词时态。句意:每年三、四月,高黎贡山都会焕发出令人叹为观止的美。分析句子可知,句中come是动词,且每年都一样焕发新生,应用动词的一般现在时态,主语为单数。故填comes。
the 考查冠词。句意:山顶覆盖着白雪,而中部山坡被涂上了红色的秋色。at the top,译为:在山顶,故填 the。
62.that 考查连词。句意:人们常说(据说)大鸟会从深山中出现,而高黎贡山无疑是观鸟的最佳选择。根据句意可知:据说:It is said that,故填that。
63.best 考查形容词最高级。句意:人们常说大鸟从深山中飞出,而高黎贡山无疑是观鸟的最佳选择。“最佳”表最高级,故填best。
64.visitors 考查动词变名词的复数。句意:高黎贡山为游客提供了欣赏春天最早迹象的机会。此处的游客要用名词,且复数形式,故填visitors。
65.themselves 考查人称代词的反身用法。句意:它的美丽仍然大部分未被发现,这使其成为那些希望身临自然之中的人们的完美目的地,让自己沉浸于其中。故填themselves。
Text 1
W:Where did you grow up?I understand you were born in Japan,is that right?
M:Yes,but we moved to Canada when I was two. I lived there for 25 years,(1)and then got a job in Brazil after finishing college.
Text 2
W:Have you seen my jacket (2)I left it right here next to the dresser last night.
M:I haven’t seen it. Was it next to this pair of trousers?Oh,look,what is this?
Text 3
W:I think you should talk to Johnny. Maybe you can change his mind.
M:Yeah,but I’m much younger than him. Why would he listen to me I want to ask our dad to talk to him instead.(3)
Text 4
W:May I have a list of all the people who have lived here for one month each?
M:Yes,sure!Phil lived here in January,followed by Mark and then George after that.(4) In April,a new family moved in and they’ve been here for a year!
Text 5
W:Make sure to feed Charlie. Don’t worry about taking him out again. He does not like to go out in the rain,because he pulled the whole time and then rolled around everywhere when we got back.
M:Exactly,he hates rain.(5)
Text 6(第6题为推断题)
W:Go help Dad clean,and then come back down,Peter. I’m going to be making us some eggs for snacks.
M:Okay,Mom. Can we please have chicken for dinner tonight?
W:I’ve already told your father to bring some beef on his way back. Isn’t that better?
M:Yes,it is!Who will be doing the dishes tonight (7)It’s Mary’s turn!
W:But she’s a little sick today. I know you did them last night,so how about you and I do them together (7)And you won’t need to help with the clothes then.
Text 7(第8题为总结题)
M:We are looking for some creative person.
W:Well,that sounds like me.
M:What have you been working on recently?
W:A new invention to do with wearable technology.
M:How does it work?
W:We have made T-shirts with screens on them.
M:For what purpose?
W:Say you want to let people know you wish to be alone,you can put that message on your T-shirt.
M:So it allows me to write notes on my T-shirt?
W:Or funny marks and drawings.
M:That’s very clever. How much are you selling them for?
W:We’ve sold 1000 units at $200 each.(9)We hope to reduce the price once we have sold 5000 units.
Text 8
M:I just read an article about the development of robots.(10)
W:What did it say (10)
M:The main issue that scientists had to solve was their balance.(10)
W:So the robots could not stand up?
M:Exactly,they kept falling over.
W:I suppose keeping balance is quite difficult to them. The brain gets information from the eyes and ears.
M:Yes,which a robot doesn’t have,not like us anyway.
W:So have the scientists managed to solve the issue (11)
M:Yes. They put a number of cameras in the robot,which it uses to balance itself.(11)
W:It’s amazing that we do it almost without thinking.
M:I know. We breathe without thinking. We also walk without really thinking about it.
W:But we learn to walk,just as the robots will have to do.
M:Either that,or they give them wheels instead.(12)
W:That’s a clever idea.(12)Then they can go really fast.
Text 9
W:I’m just worried that we could have taken Mom to a better place than this.(13)The doctors don’t have enough time to look after her here,and there are so many other patients for the nurses to look after as well!(14)We are willing to pay a lot,you know.
M:We can manage it. Besides,I think most of the things are actually not that bad. The food is good. She’s getting treated,and is actually feeling a lot better! I even called Dr. Roberts,and he said everything sounded fine to him. We can keep her here for a few more days,and she’ll be okay to go home.
W:Can we at least have a word with the doctor?I think Dr. Raj was looking after her until last week,but I heard it would be Dr. Martin now.(15)
M:Okay,I’ll do that. I’ll be back in the morning.
W:Could you also bring Mom’s glasses tomorrow?So she can read newspapers as she wishes.(16)They should be by the TV in her room,next to her watch.
M:Sure,I’ll bring them tomorrow,and some books about music as well.
Text 10
Welcome to the 7:00 p.m. weather news.(20)We shall start with today,Sunday,(17)the 27th of August. It should be clear tonight,with very little wind expected. Later,you might begin to see some small areas of cloud. Take your umbrellas to work tomorrow because we should be getting some rain,(17) starting in the early morning,and going on until evening. This would be very good news for a lot of you,as it brings us to the end of two completely dry weeks.(18)All we have had in the past seven days were warm winds,but the air should be cooler for the next three weeks. As we head towards autumn,we’ll begin to see some changes in temperature. Rain clouds will be entering from the west tomorrow,(19)which is usual for this time of the year. Everywhere south of here will remain dry. Tuesday will be cloudy without rain,so it might be a good day to go out. That’s it for the weather,and remember this small reminder. From tomorrow,weather news will be postponed for one hour to give more time to our afternoon program,News of the World.(20)【考试时间:2024年7月13日14:30-16:30】
6.Who is Mary
A.Peler's classmate.
B.Peter's mother.
C.Peter's sister.
7.What will Peter do tonight
A.Cook the dinner.
B.Do the dishes.
C.Wash the clothes.
8.What is the main topic of the conversation
A.Notes left by the man.
B.Profits made by the speakers.
C.Clothes created by the woman.
1.Where did the man grow up
9.How many units have been sold
A.In Japan.
B.In Brazil.
C.In Canada.
2.What is the woman looking for
A.A pair of trousers.
10.What problem do scientists have to solve according to the artiele
B.A jacket.
A.How robots keep balance.
C.A dress.
B.How robots hear as humans.
3.What is the probable relationship between the man and Johnny
C.How robots are able to see.
A.Younger brother and elder brother.
11.How did scientists solve the issue
B.Father and son.
A.They created ears for the robots.
B.They programmed the robots better.
4.When did Mark live here
C.They added many cameras to the robots.
A.In February.
B.In March.
C.In April.
12.What does the woman think of the man's idea
5.What was the reason that Charlie pulled
A.It is silly.
B.It is boring.
C.It is smart.
A.He was hungry.
B.He liked the rain.
13.How does the woman sound
C.He wasn't happy.


