
  1. 二一教育资源



1-5 ACBAB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 CCACA 16-20 BACBC
21-23 CAD 24-27 CABD 28-31 DABA 32-35 CBCB
36-40 ACDBG
41-45 BCADB 46-50 ADADB 51-55 CACBC
56. be passed 57. like 58. closest 59. Originating 60. to create
61. distinguished 62. a 63. maintenance 64. designs 65. but
21. 选项 C.
解析: 在文中, 丹尼尔·刘易斯的《十二棵树》提到: “刘易斯认为树木和人类之间的共同点比你想象的还要多。这十二棵树反映了我们自身的某些方面。”这表明这本书强调了树木和人类之间的相似性。
22. 选项 A.
解析: 在文中, 提到“一个女人帮助打理她母亲的花园, 使她确认了她已经知道的事情: 她作为妻子和母亲的生活导致她忽视了自己, 她必须比照顾母亲的花更紧迫地优先拯救自己。”这表明这本书的中心主题是自我关怀的重要性。
23. 选项 D.
解析: 文中提到的书籍都是小说, 这表明它们具有相同的文学形式。
24. 选项 C.
解析: Walsh 提到, “舞蹈不仅仅是你的身体, 它是你内心对舞蹈的感受, 它会通过你的脸表现出来” 这表明她强调舞蹈是内心感受的表达。
25. 选项 A.
解析: 文章提到 Walsh 从小就热爱舞蹈, 并且她认为对舞蹈的终生热情成就了今天的她。
26. 选项 B.
解析: 文章中提到 Walsh 尽管经历了无数的艰辛, 但每当需要振作时, 她都会转向舞蹈, 这表明她是一个积极和执着的人。
27. 选项 D.
解析: 文章主要讲述了 Walsh 通过舞蹈克服生活中的艰难困苦, 并成为一个励志人物, 所以这个标题最合适。
28. D.
解析: 第二段解释了“冷漆涂层”的工作原理和它们作为降低城市温度的一种潜在解决方案的重要性, 这为后面的研究内容提供了背景信息。
29. A.
解析: 文章提到, NTU 的研究人员进行了一个开创性的现实世界研究, 以全面评估冷漆涂层在降低城市热量方面的效果, 明确了研究的主要目的是评估冷漆涂层的效果。
30. B.
解析: 文章中提到, 冷漆涂层可以使行人感觉温度降低了多达1.5摄氏度, 提高了城市区域的舒适度。
31. A.
解析: 文章称 NTU 研究人员进行了开创性的现实世界研究, 表明这是第一次此类研究。
32. C.
解析: 文章提到, 随着气温和水位上升, 人们抓住最后一次机会去看到由于气候变化而濒临消失的景点, 这显示了人们对环境意识的提高, 因此主要是受到环境意识的推动。
33. B.
解析: 根据文章内容, 当成百万游客涌入受威胁的目的地时, 实际上他们导致了温室气体排放和过度旅游的增加, 这导致了这些目的地的破坏。因此, “imperiled” 最可能意味着“濒危的”。
34. C.
解析: 文章指出, 尽管游客可能意识到气候变化的广泛风险和重要性, 但更重要的是将个人旅游责任与地球的未来联系起来, 避免加剧气候变化。因此, 最好的建议是减少个人对气候变化的贡献。
35 B.
解析: 文章指出, 尽管一些人利用不断增长的需求来传播环境意识, 但随着越来越多的人涌入这些目的地, 实际上导致了温室气体排放和过度旅游的增加, 导致了这些目的地的破坏。因此, 最能描述最后机会旅游的是“双刃剑”, 既有积极的一面, 也有消极的一面。
36. A. 根据They don’t see it as work and rather 可知children为关键词。
37. C. 根据 hand over control to children对应Allow kids control。
38. D. 根据assigning roles可知。
39. B. 根据Adventure can be urban or rural, too可知。
40. G. 根据Organizing a group ride可知
41. B. bullied
这个选项指出了主人公在学校被欺负的经历, 与下文的描述相符。
42. C. Sports
这个选项指出了运动是主人公的逃避方式, 与下文的描述相符。
43. A. race
这个选项指出了主人公每天放学后进行篮球训练的活动, 与下文的描述相符。
44. D. energy
这个选项描述了主人公把所有时间和精力都投入到篮球中, 与下文的描述相符。
45. B. college
这个选项指出了主人公获得篮球奖学金去上大学的经历, 与下文的描述相符。
46. A. hide
这个选项描述了主人公一直戴着假发隐藏自己的头发稀疏的情况, 与下文的描述相符。
47. D. challenged
这个选项描述了主人公在大学最后一年决定挑战自己去跑马拉松的经历, 与下文的描述相符。
48. A. strength
这个选项描述了主人公跑完马拉松后感到的力量和自信, 与下文的描述相符。
49. D. addicted
这个选项指出了主人公从跑步中获得的愉悦感, 与下文的描述相符。
50. B. confident
这个选项描述了主人公跑步后感到越来越强壮和自信, 与下文的描述相符。
51. C. condition
这个选项描述了主人公开始向朋友们透露自己的病情, 与下文的描述相符。
52. A. threw off
这个选项描述了主人公在热情的训练跑中摘下假发的经历, 与下文的描述相符。
53. C. liberated
这个选项描述了主人公摘下假发后感到的解放感, 与下文的描述相符。
54. B. celebrated
这个选项描述了主人公跑完第一个没有戴假发的马拉松后受到的赞扬和庆祝, 与下文的描述相符。
55. C. positivity
这个选项描述了主人公在马拉松比赛中所受到的支持和积极的氛围, 与下文的描述相符。
56. be passed
中文详解: 墨砚经得起时间的考验, 可以传世。pass 在这里使用被动语态, 表示“经得起”。
57. like
中文详解: 有一句话说:“对于一个学者来说, 有一方墨砚犹如美人拥有镜子; 它是终身的良友” 在这里表示“像, 如同”。
58. closest
中文详解: 墨砚是人一生中最亲密的伴侣。closest 表示最亲密的。
59. Originating
中文详解: 墨砚起源于汉代。Originating 作为动词的现在分词形式, 在句中修饰主语the ink stone。
60. to create
中文详解: 墨砚用来制作墨汁。to create 是不定式结构, 修饰目的。
61. distinguished
中文详解: 在中国有许多名贵的墨砚。distinguished 表示“杰出的, 著名的”。
62. a
中文详解: 这些墨砚拥有超过1200年的历史。a 在此表示“一段”。
63. maintenance
中文详解: 制作墨砚包括材料的选择、设计、雕刻、抛光、维护和包装。maintenance 意为“维护”。
64. designs
中文详解: 复杂的设计和精湛的雕刻使得这些墨砚具有各种艺术价值。designs 表示“设计”。
65. but
中文详解: 这些墨砚不仅因实用而受到重视, 还因其美学和收藏价值备受推崇。but also 表示“不仅……而且……”。
Dear Chris,
I’m writing to share with you some fantastic news! Last week, I won first prize in our school’s English newspaper’s World Oceans Day poster contest.
Themed with “Protecting Our Oceans”, my poster focused on reducing plastic pollution and featured a vibrant underwater scene with turtles, fish, and a majestic whale to highlight marine beauty. I used both digital tools and hand-drawn elements to create it.
Participating in this contest was an incredible experience. It deepened my understanding of ocean conservation and the importance of protecting marine life. Winning was a wonderful feeling, and seeing my work appreciated by everyone was truly inspiring.
Looking forward to sharing more with you soon!
Li Hua
Belanger was regretful for his carelessness and thought his backpack was gone forever. He couldn’t believe his luck when he received a phone call from Tally, who had found and returned his belongings. After meeting with Tally in person, Belanger was shocked by his honesty and overwhelmed with emotions when he learned that Tally had been struggling with homelessness and financial difficulties but still chose to do the right thing. Touched by Tally’s integrity, Belanger wanted to show his gratitude by offering him a reward. But Tally refused, saying that he was just doing the right thing as any decent person would have done in that situation.
Tally said the day he found the money’s rightful owner was the day his life changed. He marveled at the power he possessed to make a positive difference to another person, which filled his heart with great confidence and courage to face up to life. Soon with Tally’s story making the local news, he was hailed as a hero and his inspirational story was featured in many news outlets, changing the way people perceived homelessness. Tally received numerous job offers, housing opportunities, and even a brand new bike as a gift from a generous donor. His story serves as a reminder that every act of kindness, no matter how small, can make a difference.
本题总分为15分, 按五个档次进行评分。
1. 评分时, 应主要从内容组织、词汇语法和篇章结构三个方面考虑, 具体为:
⑴ 对内容要点的覆盖情况以及表述的清楚程度和合理性;
⑵ 使用词汇和语法结构的准确性、恰当性和多样性;
⑶ 上下文的衔接和全文的连贯性。
2. 评分时, 先根据作答的整体情况初步确定其所属档次, 然后以该档次的要求来综合衡量, 确定或调整档次, 最后给分。
3. 评分时还应注意:
⑴ 词数少于60酌情扣分。
⑵ 单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面, 评分时应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。英、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。
1. 本题总分为 25 分, 按 5个档次给分。
2. 评分时, 先根据所续写短文的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次, 然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次, 最后给分。
3. 词数少于120酌情扣分。
4. 评分时, 应主要从以下三个方面考虑:
⑴ 与所给短文及段落开头语的衔接程度;
⑵ 内容的丰富性和;应用语法结构和词汇的丰富性和准确性;
⑶ 上下文的连贯性。
5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面, 评分时, 应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。
6. 如书写较差以致影响交际, 可将分数降低一个档次。
档 次 描 述
第五档 (21-25) —与所给短文融洽度高, 与所提供各段落开头语衔接合理。 —内容丰富, 所使用语法结构和词汇丰富、准确, 可能有些许错误, 但完全不影响意义表达。 —有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, 使所续写短文结构紧凑。
第四档 (16-20) —与所给短文融洽度较高, 与所提供各段落开头语衔接较为合理。 —内容比较丰富, 所使用语法结构和词汇较为丰富、准确, 可能有些许错误, 但不会影响意义表达。 一比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分, 使所续写短文结构紧凑。
第三档 (11-15) —与所给短文关系较为密切, 与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 —写出了若干有关内容, 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求, 虽有一些错误, 但不影响意义表达。 一应用简单的语句间连接成分, 使全文内容连贯。
第二档 (6-10) —与所给短文有一定的关系, 与所提供各段落开头语有一定程度的衔接。 —写出了一些有关内容, 语法结构单调, 词汇项目有限, 有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误, 影响了意义的表达。 —较少使用语句间的连接成分, 全文内容缺少内容连贯。
第一档 (1-5) —与所提供短文和开头语的衔接较差。 —产出内容太少, 语法结构单调, 词汇项目很有限, 有较多语法结构和词汇方面的错误, 严重影响了意义的表达。 —缺乏语句间的连接成分, 全文内容不连贯。
0 分 白卷、内容太少无法评判或所写内容与所提供内容无关。或者有抄袭阅读、续写原文等现象。
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
(Text 1)
W: I’d like to get a pair of sports shoes someday. It’s getting colder these days and I have no suitable shoes for the autumn outing.
M: OK. We can go this Sunday.
(Text 2)
W: We should change our packaging. It’s goodbye to the old white boxes.
M:Right, and the new style
W: Well, we’re going to have just one “A” in black on a grey box, but in the same writing style.
(Text 3)
M: I was concerned about my dad. He’s in his 60s and he’s also a patient.
W: Sir, we have Senior Fitness Trainers at our center. They can deal with most of the elderly, even those with medical history. You can bring your dad along without a worry.
(Text 4)
W: You mentioned some young people were more stressed these days. Why is that
M: There’s so much pressure to succeed in life, both in careers and every day life. There’s a lot of competition and that results in stress or depression.
(Text 5)
M: If I want to get promoted, I must know about management. But I don’t think I’m able to manage the work and study in the meantime.
W: Then distance learning is a possibility. It saves a lot of time for you.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟; 听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听下面一段对话, 回答第6和第7两个小题。现在, 你有10秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。
(Text 6)
W: Welcome to Habitat Hunters. You must be Joseph.
M: Yes, that’s right. You said on the phone that I could come by at 2 pm. Sorry, I’m a little early.
W: No problem at all. In Calgary’s market, you have to move fast if you want a good apartment!
M: Actually, I’d settle for almost anything. I’ve been here for ten days and the hotel is ruining me. My father has me on a strict budget.
W: Please sit down here, sir. Let’s talk a little about the place before we go and have a look.
听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第10三个小题。现在, 你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
(Text 7)
M: Good morning, Cecilia, how are you feeling today
W: I don’t feel very well, Doctor Klein. Actually, I haven’t felt well since yesterday afternoon. It began with a headache and a gradual sore throat. Now I’m feeling extremely tired.
M: Please open up your mouth and say “Ah...”. I need to check your temperature and examine your throat. Oh, my! I can see your throat is red and your temperature of 38.5 degrees indicates that you are running a fever. I’m afraid that you might have the flu.
W: What should I do, then
M: You’ll need plenty of rest, and you should drink fluids frequently. I’ll give you the medicine for three days. And remember to rest at home before the fever breaks. You don’t want to risk getting your colleagues sick as well.
听下面一段对话, 回答第11至第13三个小题。现在, 你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 8)
W: Eric, how did you start your own sandwich business
M: Well, I planned to train as a journalist at first, but I got an office job unexpectedly.There were no places to buy a cheap snack near where I worked, so I noticed the business opportunity and started immediately.
W: How did you finance the business
M: I began in a very small way! So I didn’t need a loan from the bank. I used to fill a basket with sandwiches and sell them in local offices. The small money I’d saved bought the first ingredients, and that got me started.
W: Very low risk! When did you employ Liam,then
M: Employ no! l couldn’t afford wages. Liam had a steady job then, but he hated it. When I asked him to join the business, he seemed interested, so he took over the deliveries temporarily. Later he enjoyed it so much that he decided to give up his proper job and take a risk with me.
听下面一段对话, 回答第14至第16三个小题。现在, 你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(Text 9)
W: Ricky, you weren’t in psychology class yesterday. You didn’t even show up for your favorite debate competition.
M: My elder sister was getting married yesterday, so I didn’t go to school. Would you mind telling me what I missed in class
W: Sure thing. Professor Jones assigned us new tasks. Each of us should choose a topic from the textbook and research it.
M: Could you tell me the specific requirements
W: Sure. We need to find scientific research that supports our ideas as our references.They can be from the case studies we discussed in class.
M: Have you decided what you’ re going to do
W: Yeah, I’m going to do facial recognition. I’ve already found some usable experiments in scientific journals.
M: Great idea! I’m considering writing about the animal behavior we talked about in class.There is lots of stuff about it on the Internet!
听下面一段独白, 回答第17至第20四个小题。现在, 你有20秒钟的时间阅读这四个小题。(Text 10)
I wasn’t someone who would shake at the thought of flying a plane. I was actually quite looking forward to it when my family bought me the “flying experience day”. I researched it online. Surprisingly, the little aircraft I was going to fly in could only go up to 3,000 meters, which is quite low considering that big jets fly closer to 10,000 meters. There was a short talk from the instructor about safety and the controls. My parents were amazed that something like that was available for teenagers like me, but I’m pleased it was. On the day, I was nervous, but my instructor was very calm and she took the controls as we took off. It only took two minutes for the aircraft to get high up. Even though we were flying at a high speed, I could hardly tell we were moving when I looked down. I’m now so into flying that I’m considering it as a career. I’ll need to become qualified, of course. The company that organizes experience days keeps sending me emails about train driving and other things, but I only want more of one kind of experience now!高一英语试卷
11.Who is the man probably
A.A journalist.
B.A bank clerk.
C.A food dealer
12.How did the man start his career
A.By getting a loan.
B.By taking some training.C.By saving small money.
13.What was Liam's attitude toward the man's invitation
14.What did the man do yesterday
A.He went to school.
B.He watched a debate.
C.He attended a wedding.
15.Where should the topic be chosen from
A.The textbook.
B.The given journal.
C.The reference book.
16.What is the man going to write about
A.Facial recognition.
B.Animal behavior.
C.Internet usage
例:How much is the shirt
17.How did the speaker feel before doing the flying experience day
A.Eager to try it.
B.Bored of the activity.C.Scared of flying a plane.
18.What surprised the speaker when researching the flying experience day
1.What will the speakers do this Sunday
A.The low age limit.
A.Go shopping.
B.Attend a party
C.Take some exercise
B.The trainer's rude manners.
2.What color will the new package be
C.The height the plane would reach.
A.White and blue.
B.Blue and black.
C.Grey and black.
19.What does the speaker say about being in the air
3.Where are the speakers probably
A.It was quiet and peaceful.
A.At home.
B.In a gym.
C.In a hospital.
B.She seemed to travel very slowly
4.What are the speakers mainly talking about
C.She could see where she lives.
A.The causes of stress.
B.The impact of stress.
C.The treatment of stress.
20.What does the speaker probably want to do in the future
5.What does the woman suggest the man do
A.Organize experience days.B.Learn to drive trains.
C.Take flying as a career.
A.Take a trip.
B.Try distance learning.
C.Get a part-time job.
Trees communicate.They migrate.They protect.They heal.This year for Arbor Day finds
our favorite fiction,nonfiction books relating to trees.
The Overstory by Richard Powers,2018
6.Why does the man meet the woman
The Overstory begins with the nine characters whose lives will come together as the fiction
A.To have a meal.
B.To adopt a pet.
C.To rent an apartment.
unfolds.Their stories set the stage for a tale about a few environmentalists who are determined
7.What will the speakers probably do first
to protect an old forest.Richard Powers pulls you into their lives and fills you with astonishing
A.Have a talk.
B.Arrange a visit
C.Make a phone call.
facts about trees.
Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard,2021
8.When did the woman begin to feel ill
Finding the Mother Tree describes Simard's research on cooperation and coexistence in the
A.Yesterday afternoon.
B.Yesterday evening.
C.This morning.
forest."Trees in a forest are often linked to each other via an older tree called a 'mother'tree,"
9.What is wrong with the woman
Simard said."And the old trees would help the little seedlings survive at crucial times."
A.She has a cough.
B.She has a fever.
C.She has a stomachache
Twelve Trees by Daniel Lewis,2024
10.What does the man advise the woman to do in the end
There are tens of thousands of tree species on Earth,but writer Daniel Lewis focused in on
A.Check her lungs.
B.Stay away from work.
C.Take the medicine on time.
just a dozen in his book,Twelve Trees.Lewis believes trees and people have more in common


