
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力 (略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
While Alice has her adventures in the Wonderland, you can have your own as well this summer. British contemporary artist Philip Colbert has created a Lobster (龙虾) Wonderland in Changsha, Hunan Province.
Date: July 15
Location: Changsha International Finance Square (Changsha IFS)
About Philip Colbert
His globally welcomed lobster series has won the hearts of a large number of followers. The artist, with a master’s in philosophy, takes lobster as his second personality.
Through large installations, public art theme exhibition and new media art, the artist has introduced works from galleries and created a surreal art scenery in city’s public space with a combination of pop art and local culture.
In Changsha IFS, Colbert’s exhibition, which is the London-based artist’s first large-scale outdoor public art installations, has three major sectors, showcasing his large installations, sculptures and new media arts as well as the special works created for the event.
The opening ceremony, an art carnival, saw the debut (首次登台) of a 12-meter-long Lobster Taikonaut specially made by Colbert. His Lobster Flower and Lobster Shark also found their way in the parade. At the southwest square, people can find Lobster Fountain towering 12 meters and enjoy two major theme sectors, Lobster Island and Lobster Skate Park.
Lobster Rainbow, a lobster breaking through a roof with a rainbow behind it, is the artist’s brand-new work for Changsha IFS. In his works, such as Daydreamer, Colbert also expresses his wish of narrowing the distance between art pieces and people.
1. What is Philip Colbert well known for
A. Alice Wonderland. B. Shark experience.
C. Lobster series. D. Rainbow story.
2. What can we learn about the exhibition according to the text
A. It took place in the open air.
B. There was no special works for the event.
C. People can enjoy lobster fountain and lake.
D. Lobster Island is the artist’s brand-new work for Changsha IFS.
3. Where can the text probably be found
A. A shopping brochure.
B. An art magazine.
C. A science report.
D. A fashion advertisement.
Up to the age of ten I did not mind at all the fact that my elder sister was different. The child psychologist had termed it as “Asperger Syndrome”, a disease that affects how a person socializes with others.
It was only at the age of ten that I started to become aware of my social life and self-image that I had carefully shaped. My sister, on the other hand, was socially awkward. She would mumble (咕哝) to herself and repeat the words she had just said under her breath. She, however, was academically capable, and hence we attended the same primary school. Despite this, I never, ever acknowledged in public that she was my sister.
Being in primary six, about to graduate, my sister and her classmates had to put up a performance, whether in a group, or individually. Due to her inability to integrate, my sister was the only one left without a group. “I’ll sing,” my sister told my parents, somewhat confidently. Hearing that, I was taken aback. How could my sister sing in front of the school She would embarrass me, one way or another. “No!” I remember protesting. My parents shot me a look.
No one knows she is your sister. It is fine, you do not need to tell anyone. I remember telling myself these exact lines as I sat in the hall, waiting for the performances to start. The curtains parted to reveal the only solo (独唱) — my sister. It took about a whole minute for her to state her name and class and by that time, whispers were heard in the audience.
“Why is she taking so long ” people around me asked. I shifted nervously in my seat. Finally, my sister started to sing. I was prepared for the worst. She opened her mouth, and I was transfixed — she sang effortlessly. Her voice rang through the hall, beautiful in its power. I listened ever so carefully to the words that she had composed all by herself.
Guilt and shame filled my heart. Although she knew that I was embarrassed by her and was unwilling to attend her concert, my sister had forgiven me; she had never taken anything that I had done to her to heart. It was then that I resolved to love her unconditionally.
4. How did the author feel about his sister’s difference before 10
A. He hardly accepted it. B. He didn’t care about it.
C. He was extremely awkward. D. He was determined to help.
5. Why did the author protest against his sister’s decision
A. To challenge his parents. B. To follow other students.
C. To keep his sister’s image. D. To protect his self-respect.
6. What do we know about the author’s sister
A. She always got full marks in primary school.
B. She refused to form a group with other students.
C. She gave an excellent performance before graduation.
D. She delivered an inspiring speech in front of the school.
7. What lesson did the author learn from his sister
A. Take nothing to heart. B. Love without condition.
C. Stick to one’s own choice. D. Learn from anyone around.
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus taught that you can’t step into the same river twice, for you aren’t the same person at each visit, and the water is ever flowing. It is a powerful way to represent the reality of impermanence: Everything is always changing.
Many people have tense relationships with change. They deny it, resist it or attempt to control it- the result of which is almost always some combination of stress, anxiety, and burnout. It doesn’t have to be that way.
A concept called allostasis can help. Developed in the late 1980s by a neuroscientist, Peter Sterling, and a biologist, Joseph Eyer, allostasis is defined as “stability through change,” elegantly showing the concept’s double meaning: The way to stay stable through the process of change is by changing, at least to some extent.
The river of change has been flowing mercilessly, and it shows no signs of letting up. Societally, we’ve gone through a pandemic (大流行病), its economic decline and the widespread adoption of social media, the combination of which has shifted how we live and work. In our personal lives, we continue to do what we have always done: relocate, start jobs, quit jobs, change jobs, get promoted, experience illness, get married, have children, retire and on and on.
Finding ways in this river requires both ruggedness and flexibility. To be rugged is to be tough and determined, to know your core values and what you stand for. To be flexible is to actively respond to changing circumstances, to adapt and bend easily without breaking, to grow and even change your mind. Put these qualities together and the result is a great endurance, one that helps you maintain your strong core even in fragile moments. It allows you to step into allostasis’s cycle of order, disorder and reorder — which is, of course, one and the same with stepping into Heraclitus’s river —and to chart it skillfully and whenever possible, to your own benefit.
8. What do we know about allostasis
A. It is a contradictory concept. B. It tends to focus on change.
C. It advocates dynamic stability. D. It claims absolute adaptability.
9. Which of the following best explains “letting up” underlined in paragraph 4
A. Being pumped. B. Slowing down. C. Getting polluted. D. Rising up.
10. What will you gain from practicing allostasis according to the last paragraph
A. Popularity. B. Confidence. C. Recognition. D. Perseverance.
11. What is the best title for the passage
A. Say No to Stability B. Stop Resisting Change
C. Fight for Flexibility D. Balance Life and Work
We may weep for the dodo, but could and should we bring this lovely bird back from the dead De-extinction is the science of restoring lost species and it has been in the news for decades.
The story in modern times began in 1990 when Michael Crichton published his science fiction novel Jurassic Park, in which he imagined a world where scientists were able to bring dinosaurs back to life. Crichton imagined that polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology could be a way to amplify(放大)tiny quantities of dinosaur DNA and thus build a living embryo(胚胎).
Sadly, biologists soon realized that DNA in fact breaks down super-fast; even after 100 years, DNA from museum skins of dodos was decayed(腐烂)beyond repair. They could be sequenced (测定序列)using massive computational power, but then only with considerable uncertainty. And even if you capture a DNA sequence, there's still the problem of how you get living cells to read that sequence and express proteins that make the dinosaur or the dodo.
But why would anyone want to see mammoths or something like them, roaming(漫游)present-day Siberia Well, they were undoubtedly amazing beasts. As well as hunting them, our distant ancestors painted their likenesses in caves across Europe. Fascinating as they may be, there's some ecological justification for the project too.
It was this diversity of land surface, broken up by heavy limbs and randomly fertilized by faeces(排泄物), that supported so much flora(植物群). Without the mammoths, that diversity disappeared. Return them and landscapes would once again be with a variety of species, including flowers and bushes.
True, it's not de-extinction in the sense of bringing a long-dead species back to life. Instead, it's more like making a "dodo" by engineering a modern pigeon, its closest relative, to become huge and flightless. The result would be a big, fatty pigeon that, whether it looked like a do do or not, would probably fulfil some of its ecological roles.
As a palaeontologist, I would of course love to see living dinosaurs, mammoths and dodos. In some ways, though, I am relieved that the optimistic claims for cloning and genetic technologies have not been borne out. The slowdown gives us time to consider the outcomes —and hopefully avoid some of Michael Crichton's more fevered imaginings.
12. What is paragraph 2 mainly about
A. A science fiction review. B. The development of DNA.
C. An inspired guess of de-extinction. D. The application of PCR technology.
13. What's the barrier to cloning a living embryo
A. Computational power is limited. B. DNA is hard to keep for long.
C. Biologists are opposed to it. D. Living cells can't be sequenced.
14. Why are people interested in cloning extinct species
A. They expect to seek hunt fun. B. They lack sources of modern art.
C. They need them for research. D. They want to see biodiversity.
15. What's the author's attitude toward cloning extinct species
A. Cautious. B. Unclear. C. Critical. D. Approving.
第二节 (共5个小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Anger is the most destructive emotion. When you are in a temper, you make hasty ill-considered decisions that you will probably regret. You will also regret reckless language spoken without thought.____16____Here are some ways that you can combat the causes of anger.
____17____You have to accept that sometimes things do go wrong and that people are not always lovely. Try to accept that other people do behave in ways that will make you both frustrated and angry. Often, there might be an excellent reason why a person acted in away that you found unacceptable.
Realizing that no one is perfect is a good start to avoiding getting angry.____18____Neither will they behave in the same way that you would in a given situation.
Reacting angrily is a hard habit to break. The trick is to avoid reacting when faced with a situation that usually angers. Anger is a negative reaction, but in this type of situation, there is no value in reacting by forming positive thoughts.____19____This way,your anger will not get the emotional food it needs to survive.
Don’t take the easy way when you get angry. We all get tempted to throw something, hit something, or scream when we are angry. You might say you feel better after an angry outburst, but that is just the after-effect of the adrenalin (肾上腺素) your body released while you were angry. A reaction like that is the easy way. It is much harder to stay calm, to walk away from conflict, or to take a deep breath and act normally. ____20____
A. Stop trying to manage your anger.
B. What can be done to control anger
C. You need to learn not to respond at all.
D. That, however, is what you must do if you are to stop anger.
E. You need to change your attitude to the way the world works.
F. Taking positive steps will help you overcome feelings of anger.
G. Also, you need to accept that not everyone has the same standards as you.
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
My mother has always been one of those rare people that see the good in everyone and do good things. She’s had her ups and downs but has always ____21____ a positive, sunny outlook on life and been very ____22____ to people.
When I was in junior high school, my mom drove me home from school. She always waited for all the other girls to get ____23____ before we left. She said, “I wouldn’t want my daughter to wait alone, so I don’t want any of the girls to wait alone.”
One day at home after school, my little sister fell and hurt her ankle, desperately needing a ____24____ to the hospital emergency room. My mother immediately ____25____ into crisis mode, packed my sister into the car, and drove to our local hospital. In such a ____26____, my mother didn’t call to tell my father. When she got to the hospital, she realized she needed to ____27____ with my father immediately.
While waiting for my sister to be examined, my mother ____28____ her way to the pay phone to place her call. She put her coins in, called my father and told him everything. After she hung up, the phone ____29____ several additional coins that Mom wasn’t owed. My mother decided to leave the _____30_____ coins by the phone. She told us that in a crisis, people might not remember to bring _____31_____ with them to make that emergency call.
I’ve often thought about her _____32_____ from an adult’s perspective. I realize that someone seeing the money by the phone may have _____33_____ taken it because not everyone was as _____34_____ as my mother. But I like to believe that my mother’s faith was _____35_____ and that someone who needed them found the coins waiting there.
21. A. tolerated B. anticipated C. expressed D. maintained
22. A. patient B. helpful C. honest D. polite
23. A. raised up B. brought up C. picked up D. given up
24. A. rest B. stay C. lift D. visit
25. A. cut B. shifted C. translated D. stuck
26. A. rush B. way C. relief D. process
27. A. get on B. keep in line C. keep up D. get in touch
28. A. felt B. made C. picked D. gave
29. A. found B. charged C. returned D. collected
30. A. extra B. worn C. rare D. valuable
31. A. luck B. notes C. change D. chances
32. A. decision B. adventure C. appointment D. encounter
33. A. nearly B. simply C. obviously D. gradually
34. A. hopeful B. grateful C. thoughtful D. successful
35. A. well-placed B. hard-won C. newly-built D. deeply-rooted
第二节 (每小题1.5分;共10小题,满分15分)
We are so used to many beautiful things in nature that we may even take them for granted without realizing how much ____36____ (inspire) they have given us. Here are three fascinating architecture designs.
Singapore's ArtScience Museum____37____ (shape) to resemble a lotus flower, appears to float above the waterfront promenade (滨海步道). Its roof collects rainwater and the water is then recycled. Visitors are often amazed to find ____38____ (they) in an urban building that so ____39____ (true) captures the beauty of nature forms.
Harare's Eastgate Centre is ____40____ unique example of biomimicry (仿生). Zimbabwean architect Mick Pearce was inspired to create it while watching a nature documentary in which termite (白蚁) were constructing their nests. Just like these nests, the Center has a "skin" covered in holes so that air ____41____ (draw) into the building during the day and the heat absorbed by the wall warms the cool air at night,____42____ (create) a comfortable temperature inside.
The Algae House in Hamburg is the world's first algae-powered building ____43____ surface is covered in panels that contain algae(藻类). The panels capture heat ____44____ the sun and convert it into energy that powers the building. The algae grow faster in bright sunshine and provide shade. And they can be harvested and used to produce fuel. Therefore, the building uses less energy and reduces the damage to the environment.
Creating buildings such as these _____45_____ (enable) us to live in closer harmony with our environment.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
46. 假设你是李华,得知你的新西兰笔友Mike 一直从事志愿活动,你很钦佩。请你给 Mike写一封信,分享自己近期做志愿者的一次经历。内容包括:
Dear Mike,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面文章,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整短文,续写词数应为150左右。
Seeing the picture of Kelly and I holding teddy bears with great joy, I couldn’t help recalling the sweet memory. A few years ago, before Christmas, my dad placed a large box in his grocery store for people to donate toys for children in need. Kelly, my best friend came over to help with the wrapping. Knowing that our efforts would bring joy to so many children during the holiday season, we thought it was a rewarding experience.
As we worked, we shared moments of laughter and joy. After a short while, we had almost finished wrapping all the toys with just one little teddy bear left. Looking at it, I said, “It is the sweetest! It reminds me of my teddy bear. I sold all my little kid stuff at our garage sale when we moved. But now I’m really missing it!”
Kelly came to see it and shared. “I have a sad teddy bear story too. When my little brother was a baby, I let him play with my Rosy Bear, but he refused to give her back. Ever.” After our chat, we knew both of us had a special story with a teddy bear.
Right then, my dad entered the room and exclaimed. “Wow, great wrapping job! The kids are going to be thrilled when opening these presents.”
“They definitely will. Maybe we both want to be the one who can get the teddy bear. I can just imagine how delighted a kid would be to unwrap this sweet teddy bear.” said Kelly. We laughed, gazing at the perfectly wrapped bears.
My mom, joining in the laughter, suggested, “Why don’t you gather at our house next Saturday for a cookie-decorating party and exchange your Christmas gifts in advance I’ll prepare the cookies for you.” “Good idea! I will enjoy the great joy of unwrapping the gift.” I said cheerfully. Hearing what we said, Kelly’s eyes lit up, saying, “Count me in!”
“All right, girls,” said my dad. “We need to do the toy-loading work now. We have to drop off all these presents before five o’clock!”
Paragraph 1: The next week, I was trying to figure out a perfect gift for the party.
Paragraph 2: Finally, the day of the party arrived.
英语试卷 答案
第一部分 听力 (略)
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B
【答案】4. B 5. D 6. C 7. B
【答案】8. C 9. B 10. D 11. B
【答案】12. C 13. B 14. D 15. A
第二节 (共5个小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
【答案】16. B 17. E 18. G 19. C 20. D
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. B 29. C 30. A 31. C 32. A 33. B 34. C 35. A
第二节 (每小题1.5分;共10小题,满分15分)
【答案】36. inspiration
37. shaped 38. themselves
39. truly 40. an
41. is drew
42. creating
43. whose 44. from
45. enables
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
【答案】Dear Mike,
Making contributions to society is always our mission. The following one really makes a difference.
To offer assistance to children with disabilities in a special school, we visited them last weekend with books, magazines and digital appliances donated by the students in our school. On seeing us, the children all rose their feet to meet us with smiles. It was their eyes full of anticipation that made me determined to help make their dreams a reality.
That’s all. What about yours
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
【答案】 The next week, I was trying to figure out a perfect gift for the party. Hoping to bring great joy and surprise to Kelly, I searched for something unique. One day, walking home from school, I saw it in the shop window. It is a teddy bear exactly like the one I’d been wrapping. I quickly ran into the store, grabbed the bear, and brought it straight to the checkout counter. Upon returning home, I immediately started wrapping it up. I couldn’t wait to feel the joy and excitement when Kelly unwrapped this special gift. I imagined her face lighting up with surprise and delight.
Finally, the day of the party arrived. After having fun decorating the cookies, we began the most exciting moment. We exchanged our gifts and were ready to open the beautifully wrapped boxes. My heart was racing as Kelly did that. Meanwhile, I unwrapped my gift from Kelly, only to find…a teddy bear! Much to my surprise, we had gotten the same brilliant idea. At the sight of the teddy bears, Kelly and I hugged each other tightly, grateful for the joy we had brought to each other. From that day on, the teddy bear became a cherished memory of us. It reminds us of the laughter and love we shared, and it always holds a special place in our hearts.


