
  1. 二一教育资源



April 23 marks the World Book and Copyright Day. On this day, the world celebrates the magical power of book —a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures. Here are four widely praised books which received high scores on Douban, a major review website in China.
Delivering Packages in Beijing
Author Hu Anyan has worked as a delivery man, a convenience store clerk and a security guard. He transforms the bits and pieces of everyday life and the joys and sorrows of work into a sincere narrative. He ultimately realizes that a life filled with complaints is not worth living.
The Annoyance of the Gods
Author Ma Boyong, who has written The Longest Day in Chang'an, uses the classic Journey to the West as a backdrop to describe a series of workplace issues, such as how to write a work report during a project and how to respond to emergencies.
Bright Night
Written by Choi Eun-young, the book is a female version of Yu Hua’s To Live. It tells the story of the friendship and struggle of four generations of women. The women in the book are no longer characters to be pitied against one another, nor do they play supporting roles in the lives of men.
The Man in a Rush
Author Wang Jibing is a delivery man whose running routes have accumulated 150, 000kilometers, equal to running back and forth along the Great Wall of China 15 times. Like all workers from the grassroots of China, Wang records his embarrassment and the self-respect of being a worker.
1.Which book is the best choice if you are looking for tips on workplace problems
A. Delivering Packages in Beijing B. The Annoyance of the Gods
C. Bright Night D. The Man in a Rush
2.Whose book is about the story of women
A. Hu Anyan. B. Ma Boyong. C. Choi Eun-young. D. Wang Jibing.
3.What do Delivering Packages in Beijing and The Man in a Rush have in common
A. Both are about how to deliver packages.
B. Both show the embarrassment of life.
C. Both are widely praised by delivery men.
D. Both are written by a delivery man.
The first time my daughter, Maia, realized I was leaving on a trip without her, she was alarmed. “Why did you even have me if you were just going to leave me behind ” she sobbed. I tried to tell her that someday she’d understand the appeal of travel. But as my husband, Evan, pulled her off my leg so I could leave, I wondered if my solo trips would be worth the effort of going without her.
Returning home after a few days away, I felt energized and inspired. Mai a was happy to hear about my trip. But this was the age of learning about compromises. As in: “You have to wear a coat, but we'll compromise and you can choose which one. ”She told me I could keep going on trips for work— but we'd compromise: she'd come with me.
When she was six, we flew to the Riviera Maya in Mexico. I was impressed by how cheerfully fearless she was when we swam in cenotes (天然井) or dived along a reef. In Fiji, nine-year-old Maia was attracted by the compassionate (有同情心的) women chiefs we met and decided she wanted to become a leader. During a trip to Sri Lanka when she was 13, she learned how the coin flip of your birth country can affect your opportunities in life.
When we finished up our travels and returned home to Vancouver for her high school education, it shouldn't have come as a surprise to learn that our daughter had other ideas. Maia was thrilled when, after months of interviews, she was awarded a place to finish high school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa.
But it was during that first airport goodbye that I realized it was my turn to be left pared to the goofy 17-year-old I'd bid goodbye to, the 21-year-old woman who came home from high school in Africa and, later, from university in France, seemed mature and unfamiliar.
4.How did Maia feel the first time she realized her mom was leaving on a trip without her
A. Sad. B. Amazed. C. Confused. D. Excited.
5.What does the author want to tell in paragraph 3
A. Maia's joy of travel. B. Maia's travel experiences.
C. Maia's impression on travel. D. Maia's bravery during her travels.
6.What did Maria do for high school education after returning home to Vancouver
A. Mai a finished high school in Vancouver.
B. Maia got an award in high school.
C. Maia applied for a school in Africa.
D. Maia went on travelling in Southern Africa.
7.What can we learn from the passage
A. Travel shapes a person. B. Life is like a journey.
C. All roads lead to Rome. D. Parents are the best teachers.
In the past decades, songs have been “losing weight”. From 1990 to 2020 or so, the average duration of the top 100 popular songs reduced from over four minutes to about three minutes, reported The Washington Post. In the summer of 2023, Super Shy, a K-pop song by New Jeans, swept TikTok with its uncommonly short duration— two minutes and 34seconds.
What has caused this change The widespread use of TikTok and streaming music media might be the top triggers. It is no exaggeration that these two influences have changed the way hit songs are made and publicized, as well as the way we find music, noted Billboard.
On streaming platforms like Spotify, artists only get paid when their songs are played for 30 seconds or more. The often-skipped songs will be less likely to be recommended by the platform. Therefore, artists try to get their songs played longer to enhance their earnings and visibility (关注度).
According to research, 25 percent of listeners will skip the song they are listening to in the first five seconds. One theory holds that a concise (简洁的) track is more likely to get more listens. “There's a charm to a short song because the person hits repeat —play it again, play it again, ” Mitch Allan, a longtime writer-producer, told Billboard.
On TikTok, however, users prefer even simpler versions of these short songs —snippets(片段). “To a lot of people, I think the snippet they encounter on TikTok is the song. They rarely have the interest in getting the full picture of the song, not to mention the background or the inspiration behind the song. ” said vocal producer Bart Schoudel to Billboard.
This series of changes has also reshaped songwriting. The Guardian reported that research has found lyrics of pop songs are becoming simpler and angrier than ever.
For many, lyrics are a form of literature, weaving imagery and emotion into their content. US songwriter Bob Dylan was even awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his lyrics in 2016. With all these changes, will lyrics still be regarded as literature in the future
8.What is the main reason for the songs to “lose weight”
A. People have no time to listen to long songs.
B. Short songs are easier for listeners to understand.
C. Many people have been losing weight nowadays.
D. The TikTok and streaming music media are widely used.
9.Which song is more likely to get more listens according to the passage
A. A song which is simple and short. B. A song sung by a pop singer.
C. A song often skipped by users. D. A high-quality song.
10.What is Bart Schoudel's attitude to the snippets on TikTok
A. Supportive. B. Interested. C. Negative. D. Indifferent.
11.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text
A. Will Lyrics Be Regarded as Literature
B. Will Music Become Shorter and Shorter
C. The Wide Spread of Streaming Music
D. Pop Songs “Lose Weight” Facing Streaming Media
When Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield looked at Earth, tears formed in his left eye. Within minutes, using the bridge of his nose like a waterfall, the tears spilled into his right eye, until he couldn't see. Fear should have paralyzed (使……不知所措) Hadfield since he was blind in space. Instead, Hadfield assessed his surroundings, evaluated the risk, trusted his training, and continued his spacewalk. Back in the spacecraft, he realized that an anti-fog solution (防雾液) had stimulated his eyes. Luckily, they were fine after a good cleaning. Hadfield returned to Earth with first-hand experience of space psychology in action.
Space psychology, a vital long-term field of study at NASA (美国宇航局), which refers to applying psychology to human spaceflight, is gaining special importance as humans prepare for long-distance space travel. Clearly, space psychology matters on the journey to the Moon, Mars and beyond. But it can also help humans greatly as we meet challenges in our lives. According to Hadfield, we can learn from astronauts who practice what goes wrong and right, with the following suggestions.
In the language system used by NASA, attitude refers to a spacecraft's positioning in3D space. To reach a destination, the spacecraft must be pointed in the right direction. They must have the correct “attitude”. Hadfield suggests that we view life the way NASA plans missions: with an attitude. Unexpected factors may change your path, but with the proper mindset, they won't change your course.
And, he classifies team members into three groups: Plus-ones (the high-performers), Zeroes and Minus-ones (Liabilities 惹麻烦的人). Hadfield encourages people to be Zeroes because they listen, learn, and contribute without conflict. Zeroes help build consensus(共识)in a group and have the potential to be plus-one performers.
Meanwhile, Hadfield said it's important for astronauts to pay attention to even the small things as ignoring them could be dangerous. We can overcome our fears by learning as much as we can about them. So, we should prepare for situations that we know will make us anxious. Hadfield also suggests that we imagine what could go wrong as a way to be better prepared.
12.What's the purpose of mentioning Chris Hadfield's space experience in the first paragraph
A. To explain how astronauts work in space.
B. To bring up the topic of space psychology.
C. To attract readers to know more about spacewalk.
D. To show Hadfield's excellent performance in space.
13.Why does the author think space psychology is important to us
A. Space psychology can greatly help us deal with life challenges.
B. Without space psychology, we couldn't get to the Moon, Mars and beyond.
C. With space psychology, our course won't be changed by unexpected factors.
D. Equipped with space psychology, astronauts can deal with any emergency calmly.
14.What kind of person does the underlined word “Zeroes” refer to in paragraph 4
A. The average-performers.
B. Those who achieve nothing.
C. Capable workers who don't cause problems.
D. Those who are always popular and get along well with others.
15.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. It is easy for astronauts to ignore small things.
B. If you know well enough about fears, you will not feel anxious.
C. To get fully prepared, it is the best way to imagine what could go wrong.
D. It's important to focus on the small details and get ready for anxious situations.
16.Whether it's gas, food, clothing, cars, furniture, water, toys, electronics or other goods, we are all consumers. The key is not to stop consuming, but to start being mindful of our consumption habits and how each purchase or action affects the ecosystem. ①________.
Consume less
Limiting consumption can have a huge impact on the environment. The three “Rs” —reduce, reuse and recycle —get a lot of attention. However, the planet could benefit from some focus on the most important and most underrepresented “R”: refuse. When you refuse, you say “no”, which is not always easy. ②________, think about whether it would truly improve your life. If not, it's OK to just say, “No, thanks! ”
Walk, bike or carpool
According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), a typical passenger vehicle emits about 4. 6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Any amount of that we can cut back on will help. ③________. If travelling on foot or two wheels isn't feasible (可行的), try carpooling with a friend, neighbor or coworker to a mutual destination.
Get creative with your useless or unwanted items by upcycling —basically, turning trash into treasure. Creating something new such as artwork, toys or jewelry is both satisfying and one of the best ways to protect the environment. Not only does it keep items out of the trash, it can prevent having to purchase new items, which require lots of resources to produce. Children love making things; so instead of heading to the craft store, check out your recycle bin first and let their imaginations soar!
Use your purchasing power for good
The positive thing about being a consumer is that we have the power to choose where we spend our hard-earned dollars. ⑤________. Spend it wisely on goods, services and experiences that leave a smaller carbon footprint. Choose to do business with companies that support sustainability efforts, utilize renewable energy sources and walk the walk when it comes to protecting the environment.
A. Upcycle more
B. Recycle properly
C. If you want to consume less or recycle a used item
D. Here are several ways you can start to protect the environment
E. Think of your money as your voice and your vote for a cleaner planet
F. Next time you're tempted to purchase or accept a non-essential item
G. For short trips, try walking or biking —you’ll also get a healthy dose of exercise in
Almost a decade ago, when my son Jack was 16, he decided to take a summer job 1 solar panels door-to-door. 2 , I had reservations. Jack was an introvert(内向的人), and I feared that he would face countless rejections. Protecting him from potential 3 would be the best thing I believed I could do for him.
It's 4 to want to protect kids from failure. 5 , why should they live through the painful mistakes you can 6 But failure is essential to learning— in particular, a kind researchers call intelligent failure. Intelligent failure 7 when you try something new in pursuit of a worthy goal. Whether it's 8 a new sport or making new friends, kids will encounter setbacks and disappointments. Without experiencing intelligent failure, children might develop a 9 of avoiding risk.
Despite my reservations, I finally allowed Jack to take on the job. As expected, he faced many rejections. 10 , he also managed to secure a few sales and the experience generated an interest in 11 energy to this day.
The 12 here is clear: Don't let children lose the 13 to experience failure. Instead, encourage them to try new things. When they encounter setbacks, acknowledge the difficulty without rushing to 14 their problems for them. When they do get small wins on their own, that makes success much 15 .
17.A. making B. selling C. delivering D. buying
18.A. Strangely B. Practically C. Initially D. Normally
19.A. discomfort B. instructions C. comments D. service
20.A. necessary B. possible C. complex D. natural
21.A. On the contrary B. By the way
C. In total D. After all
22.A. predict B. switch C. arrange D. avoid
23.A. releases B. happens C. encounters D. explains
24.A. picking up B. figuring out C. calling for D. taking in
25.A. wisdom B. habit C. goal D. expectation
26.A. Besides B. Instead C. Therefore D. However
27.A. influential B. fair C. renewable D. dangerous
28.A. task B. lesson C. option D. pattern
29.A. choice B. tradition C. opportunity D. decision
30.A. solve B. create C. discuss D. explore
31.A. wealthier B. bigger C. sweeter D. tougher
32.In a rapidly changing world ①________ is vital to remain lifelong learners. As you progress through life, you may study and work in new environments. Only by refreshing your knowledge can you keep up with the ②________(late) developments.
So, how can you proceed Firstly, lifelong learning is ③________ attitude. As lifelong learners, you should be open to new knowledge and ideas, and develop critical thinking skills so as not to accept new ideas ④________(blind). Secondly, opportunities for lifelong learning should be taken advantage of as well. For example, you could register online and subscribe ⑤________ e-learning courses, which ⑥________(become) increasingly popular in recent years. You could also visit the local library, ⑦________ you can find rich and diverse resources. Finally, simply ⑧________(know) something is not sufficient, because for knowledge to have concrete value, it must be applied. Importantly, after its application, there must then follow a review process of analysis, evaluation and improvement so that your ⑨________(comprehend) of the world becomes a continuous process.
In conclusion, in a world of constant changes, ⑩________(develop) your skills, further a career and boost self-worth, you should never cease to learn.
33.假定你是李华,你校学生会计划举行“美丽校园”的短视频征集活动,请你邀请你校的交换生 Tom参加。内容包括:
1. 邀请参加;
2. 介绍要求(视频长度及内容、截止日期);
3. 期待参与。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;
2. 文章开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
Jacob had always admired firefighters. Their bravery and dedication to saving lives inspired him. He dreamed of becoming one himself someday. One evening, as he was walking home from his part-time job at the local grocery store, he noticed smoke billowing(涌出) from a house down the street. Without thinking twice, he ran towards the house.
As he got closer, he could hear the crackling of flames and the faint sound of someone calling for help. Jacob's heart raced. He knew he had to act fast. He pulled out his phone and dialed 911, giving them the address and details. Then, he took a deep breath and decided to go inside.
Jacob pushed the front door and opened it with his shoulder. The thick smoke made it hard to see, but he could make out the shape of a woman at the top of the stairs. “Help! My daughter is upstairs! ” she cried.
Jacob covered his mouth with his sleeve as he made his way up the stairs. The heat was intense, and the smoke stung(刺痛) his eyes, but he pressed on. He found the little girl hiding under her bed. “It's okay,” he said, “I'm here to help you.” He gently pulled her out and carried her down the stairs.
As they reached the bottom, the firefighters arrived. Jacob handed the girl to her mother, who hugged him tightly, tears streaming down her face. “Thank you, you saved my daughter's life.”
Jacob stayed with the family until the firefighters declared the house safe. He watched as they worked tirelessly to put out the fire and ensure it didn't spread to neighboring homes. The mother and daughter were taken to the hospital for a check-up, but they would be okay. As Jacob walked home that night, he couldn't shake the feeling of pride and responsibility that had settled over him. He had faced a dangerous situation and had made a difference.
Over the next few days, news of Jacob's bravery spread throughout the community, and even astonished the mayor.
1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Weeks later, Jacob received a letter in the mail.
Jacob stood proudly in front of his community, receiving the award for bravery.
解析:细节理解题。根据The Annoyance of the Gods部分Author Ma Boyong, who has written The Longest Day in Chang'a uses the classic Journey to the West as a backdrop to describe a series of workplace issues, such as how to write a work report during a project and how to respond to emergencies.(作者马伯庸,他写过《长安十二时辰》,以经典《西游记》为背景,描述了一系列职场问题,如何在项目中撰写工作报告以及如何应对紧急情况。)可知,The Annoyance of the Gods这本书提供了关于处理职场问题的见解和建议。因此,如果你正在寻找有关职场问题的建议,这本书是最好的选择。故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。根据Bright Night部分Written by Choi Eun-young, the book is a temale verslon of Yu Hua's Tolive.It tells the story of the friendship and struggle of four generations of women.(由崔恩英所著,这本书是余华《活着》的女性版。它讲述了四代女性的友谊与斗争。)可知,Choi Eun-young的Bright Night是一本讲述女性故事的书。故选C项。
解析:推理判断题。根据Delivering Packages in Beijing部分Author Hu Anyan has worked as a delivery man(作者胡安岩曾做过快递员)以及The Man in a Rush部分的Author Wang Jibing is a delivery man(作者王继兵是一名快递员)可知,这两本书的共同点是它们都是由快递员撰写的。故选D项。
解析:细节理解题。由第一段中的The first time my daughter,Maia,realized I was leaving on a trip without her, she was alarmed. "Why did you even have me if you were just going to leave me behind "she sobbed(当我的女儿Maia第一次意识到我要去旅行而没有带她时,她吓坏了。她抽泣着说:"既然你要把我扔下,为什么还要生我呢 ")可知,Maia第一次意识到她的妈妈要不带她出去旅行时,她感到伤心。故选A。
解析:段落大意题。根据第三段When she was six, we flew to the Riviera Maya in Mexico.I was impressed by how cheerfully fearless she was when we swam in cenotes(天然井)or dived along a reef.In Fiji,nine-year-old Maia was attracted by the compassionate(有同情心的) women chiefs we met and decided she wanted to become a leader.During a trip to Sri Lanka when she was 13,she learned how the coin flip of your birth country can affect your opportunities in life(她六岁时,我们飞往墨西哥的里维埃拉玛雅。当我们在塞诺特斯游泳或沿着礁石潜水时,她是多么快乐无畏,给我留下了深刻的印象。在斐济,9岁的Maia被我们遇到的富有同情心的女性酋长所吸引,并决定成为一名领导者。在她13岁的斯里兰卡之旅中,她了解到出生地的命运会如何影响你的生活机会)可知,第三段主要介绍了Maia的旅行经历。故选B。
解析:细节理解题。由第四段中When we finished up our travels and returned home to Vancouver for her high school education, it shouldn't have come as a surprise to learn that our daughter had other ideas.Maia was thrilled when, after months of interviews, she was awarded a place to finish high school at Waterford Kamhlaba United World College of Southern Africa(当我们结束旅行回到温哥华让她接受高中教育时,得知我们的女儿有其他想法并不令人惊讶。经过几个月的面试,Maia获得了在南部非洲Waterford Kamhlaba联合世界学院完成高中学业的机会,她非常激动)可知,Maia回到温哥华后,申请了在非洲的一所学校。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是根据第一段中的I tried to tell her that someday she'd understand the appeal of travel(我试着告诉她,总有一天她会明白旅行的吸引力)和第三段When she was six, we flew to the Riviera Maya in Mexico.I was impressed by how cheerfully fearless she was when we swam in cenotes(天然井)or dived along a reef.In Fiji,nine-year-old Maia was attracted by the compassionate(有同情心的) women chiefs we met and decided she wanted to become a leader.During a trip to Sri Lanka when she was 13, she learned how the coin flip of your birth country can affect your opportunities in life(她六岁时,我们飞往墨西哥的里维埃拉玛雅。当我们在天然井里游泳或沿着暗礁潜水时,她是多么快乐无畏,给我留下了深刻的印象。在斐济,9岁的Maia被我们遇到的富有同情心的女酋长所吸引,她决定成为一名领袖。13岁时,她去斯里兰卡旅行,了解到出生国的命运如何影响你一生中的机遇)可知,文章描述了旅行如何影响和塑造了Maia的性格和人生观,强调了旅行对一个人的塑造作用。故选A。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段的“What has caused this change The widespread use of TikTok and streaming music media might be the top triggers.(是什么导致了这种变化 TikTok和流媒体音乐的广泛使用可能是最主要的诱因。)”可知,歌曲“减肥”的主要原因是TikTok和流媒体音乐被广泛使用。故选D。
解析:推理判断题。根据第三段的“According to research, 25 percent of listeners will skip the song they are listening to in the first five seconds. One theory holds that a concise track is more likely to get more listens. “There's a charm to a short song because the person hits repeat-play it again, play it again, ” Mitch Allan, a longtime writer-producer, told Billboard.(根据研究,25%的听众会在头五秒跳过他们正在听的歌。一种理论认为,简洁的曲目更有可能获得更多的听众。“一首短歌有一种魅力,因为人们会重复播放,再播放,再播放,”资深作家兼制作人米奇艾伦在接受《公告牌》杂志采访时表示。)”和第四段的“On TikTok, however, users prefer even simpler versions of these short songs -snippets.(然而,在TikTok上,用户更喜欢这些短歌曲的更简单版本一片段。)"可知,一首简单而简短的歌更有可能得到更多地聆听。故选A。
解析:推理判断题。根据第五段的“On TikTok, however, users prefer even simpler versions of these short songs--snippets. “To a lot of people, I think the snippet they encounter on TikTok is the song. They rarely have the interest in getting the full picture of the song, not to mention the background or the inspiration behind the song. ” said vocal producer Bart Schoudel to Billboard.(然而,在TikTok上,用户更喜欢这些短歌曲的更简单版本片段。“对很多人来说,我认为他们在TikTok上看到的片段就是歌曲。他们很少有兴趣了解歌曲的全貌,更不用说歌曲背后的背景或灵感了。声乐制作人巴特·斯库德尔对《公告牌》说。)”可知,Bart Schoudel对TikTok上的片段持消极的态度。故选C。
解析:推理判断题。根据第一段末尾句子“Hadfield returned to Earth with first-hand experience of space psychology in action(哈德菲尔德带着太空心理学实战的第一手经验返回地球。)”可知,提及Chris Hadfield的太空经历是为了引出太空心理学这一话题。故选B项。
解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中句子“Clearly, space psychology matters on the journey to the Moon, Mars and beyond.But it can also help humans greatly as we meet challenges in our lives.(显然,太空心理学在月球、火星和更远的地方都很重要。但它也能在我们面对生活中的挑战时给予人类极大的帮助。)”可知,作者认为太空心理学对于我们很重要,因为它能极大地帮助我们应对生活中的挑战。故选A项。
解析:词句猜测题。根据第四段中句子“Hadfield encourages people to be Zeroes because they listen, learn, and contribute without conflict. Zeroes help build consensus (共识) in a group and have the potential to be plus-one performers.(哈德菲尔德鼓励人们成为零,因为他们倾听、学习,并且在没有冲突的情况下做出贡献。零帮助团队建立共识,并有潜力成为优秀的表演者。)”可知,“零”指的是那些能够倾听、学习、贡献而不引起冲突的人,即有能力的工作者,不会制造麻烦。故选C项。
解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段中句子“We can overcome our fears by learning as much as we can about them. So, we should prepare for situations that we know will make us anxious. Hadfield also suggests that we imagine what could go wrong as a way to be better prepared.(我们可以通过尽可能多地了解恐惧来克服它们。因此,我们应该为那些我们知道会让我们焦虑的情况做好准备。哈德菲尔德还建议我们想象可能出现的问题,作为更好地准备的一种方式。)”可知,关注细节并为焦虑的情况做准备是很重要的。故选D项。
①从下文给定的小标题“Consume less(少消费)"和“Walk, bike or carpool(步行、自行车或拼车)”可知,这些都是可以保护环境的办法。选项D. Here are several ways you can start to protect the environment(这里有一些你可以开始保护环境的方法)统领下文,并且下面这几个小标题指的就是“several ways”。故选D项。
②上文提到“When you refuse, you say "no", which is not always easy. (当你拒绝时,你是在说“不”,而这并不总是容易的)”拒绝并不总是容易,选项F.Next time you're tempted to purchase or accept a non-essential item(下次当你想要购买或接受一件非必需品时)写到当你想要购买或接受一件非必需品时,然后下文写到“think about whether it would truly improve your life. If not, it's OK to just say, "No, thanks! ”(想它是否真的能改善你的生活。如果没有,可以直接说:“不,谢谢!”)”整句就是对上句的进一步说明。F项在本空起到承上启下的功能,并且下文的“it”指的就是F项中的“a non-essential item”。故选F。
③本段下文提到“If travelling on foot or two wheels isn't feasible (可行的), try carpooling with a friend, neighbor or coworker to a mutual destination.(如果步行或两轮旅行不可行,可以尝试与朋友、邻居或同事拼车前往共同目的地)”,本空应填入一个提到步行或两轮旅行的句子做铺垫,选项G.For short trips, try walking or biking - you'll also get a healthy dose of exercise in(对于短途旅行,尝试步行或骑自行车-同时你也能得到健康的锻炼)的内容符合语境。并且“walking or biking”即下文的“travelling on foot or two wheels”。故选G。
④根据下文的“Get creative with your useless or unwanted items by upcycling - basically, turning trash into treasure.(通过升级再造,用创意处理无用或不需要的物品基本上,就是把垃圾变成宝物)”可知,本段在讲用升级改造的办法来保护环境。那么,选项A. Up cycle more(升级更多)作为小标题,符合语境。故选A。
⑤根据下文的“Spend it wisely on goods, services and experiences that leave a smaller carbon footprint.(明智地将其用于留下较小碳足迹的商品、服务和体验)”可知,作者建议我们买一些环保的商品、服务和体验。选项E.Think of your money as your voice and your vote for a cleaner planet(将你的钱视为你的声音和对一个更清洁星球的投票)的含义就是倡议大家把钱花在环保的,对星球友好的事物上,并且下文的“it”指的就是选项F中的“money”。故选E。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:大约十年前,当我的儿子杰克16岁的时候,他决定做一份暑期工作,挨家挨户地销售太阳能板。A.making制造;B.selling销售;C.delivering投递;D.buying购买。根据下文10空格后的“he also managed to secure a few sales ”,杰克是在找一份工作,所以应该是销售太阳能板。故选B。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:起初,我有顾虑。A.Strangely奇怪地;B.Practically实际上;C.Initially最初;D.Normally正常地。根据下文“Jack was an introvert (内向的人), and I feared that he would face countless rejections.”,可知作者一开始对儿子的工作选择有所担心,因此这里表示最初的态度。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:我担心他会面对无数次的拒绝,保护他不受这种不适是我认为我能为他做得最好的事情。A.discomfort不适;B.instructions指示;C.comments评论;D.service服务。根据上文“Protecting him from potential”,可知作者担心儿子受到心理上的不适或挫败感。故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:想要保护孩子免受失败是很自然的。A.necessary必要的;B.possible可能的;C.complex复杂的;D.natural自然的。根据下文“want to protect kids from failure”,可知父母保护孩子避免失败是出于本能,因此这里是自然的反应。故选D。
解析:考查短语辨析。句意:毕竟,为什么他们应该经历你能够预测的痛苦的错误呢 A.On the contrary相反;B.By the way顺便说一下;C.In total总计;D.After all毕竟。根据下文“why should they live through the painful mistakes you can 6 ”,可知这里表示原因或解释,即父母有理由去保护孩子,用After all“毕竟”符合题意。故选D。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:毕竟,为什么他们应该经历你能够预测的痛苦的错误呢 A.predict预测;B.switch切换;C.arrange安排;D.avoid避免。根据下文“But failure is essential to learning - in particular, a kind researchers call intelligent failure.”,可知前后文是转折关系,这里表达父母能够预见孩子可能遇到的困难或错误。故选A。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:智能失败发生在你追求有价值的目标时尝试新事物的时候。A.releases发布;B.happens发生;C.encounters遇到;D.explains解释。根据下文“when you try something new in pursuit of a worthy goal”,可知智能失败是一种情况的发生。故选B。
解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:无论是学习一项新的运动还是交新朋友,孩子们都会遇到挫折和失望。A.picking up捡起,学会;B.figuring out弄清楚;C.calling for需要;D.taking in吸收,理解。根据下文“a new sport or making new friends, kids will encounter setbacks and disappointments”,可知这里指的是学习或开始一项新的运动。故选A。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:没有经历过智能失败,孩子们可能会养成避免风险的习惯。A.wisdom智慧;B.habit习惯;C.goal目标;D.expectation期望。根据上文“Without experiencing intelligent failure, children might develop”,可知这里指的是孩子可能会形成一种习惯,即避免冒险。故选B。
解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,他也设法获得了一些销售,并且这次经历激发了他对可再生能源至今的兴趣。A.Besides此外;B.Instead相反;C.Therefore因此;D.However然而。根据上文“Despite my reservations, I finally allowed Jack to take on the job. As expected, he faced many rejections.”和后文表示转折关系,即尽管遇到了很多拒绝,但也有积极的结果。故选D。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,他也设法获得了一些销售,并且这次经历激发了他对可再生能源至今的兴趣。A. influential有影响力的;B.fair公平的;C.renewable可再生的;D.dangerous危险的。根据文章首句中“solar panels(太阳能板)”,可知这里指的是太阳能板,因此是可再生能源。故选C。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:这里的教训很清楚:不要让孩子失去体验失败的机会。A.task任务;B.lesson教训;C.option选项;D.pattern模式。根据下文“Don't let children lose the13to experience failure. Instead, encourage them to try new things.”,可知这里总结的是一个教育孩子的原则或教训。故选B。
解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:不要让孩子失去体验失败的机会。A.choice选择;B.tradition传统;C.opportunity机会;D.decision决定。根据上文“Don't let children lose”和下文“Instead, encourage them to try new things.”,可知这里指的是让孩子有机会去经历失败。故选C。
解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:当他们遇到挫折时,承认困难,而不是急于为他们解决问题。A.solve解决;B.create创造;C.discuss讨论;D.explore探索。根据上文“When they encounter setbacks”和下文“their problems for them”,可知这里指的是不要立即介入帮助孩子解决问题。故选A。
解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们自己取得小胜利时,那会让成功变得更加甜蜜。A.wealthier更富有的;B.bigger更大的;C.sweeter更甜蜜的;D.tougher更艰难的。根据上文“When they do get small wins on their own, that makes success”,可知这里指的是通过自己的努力获得的成功感觉更好。故选C。
32.答案:①it②latest③an④blindly⑤to⑥have become⑦where⑧knowing⑨comprehension⑩to develop
⑤考查介词。句意:例如,你可以在线注册并订阅近年来越来越流行的电子学习课程。subscribe to"定期订阅,定期订购",为固定搭配。故填to。
⑥考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:例如,你可以在线注册并订阅近年来越来越流行的电子学习课程。所填词为which引导的非限制性定语从句的谓语,根据从句中的时间状语in recent years可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语which(指代先行词e-learning courses)为复数,助动词应用have。故填have become。
⑦考查定语从句关系词。句意:你也可以参观当地的图书馆,在那里你可以找到丰富多样的资源。空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为the local library,表示地点,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以应用关系副词where引导。故填where。
⑩考查动词不定式。句意:总之,在一个不断变化的世界里,为了发展你的技能,进一步发展职业生涯,提高自我价值,你永远不应该停止学习。根据句意及句子结构可知,此处应用不定式作目的状语。故填to develop。
Dear Tom,
I would like to invite you all to participate in a short video contest with the theme “Beautiful Campus”.
The contest is a great chance to show the beauty of our campus and share your unique perspectives of our school. Please note that the short video should be related to our campus and school life. Besides, subtitles and music can be added to make it more colorful. All the short videos must be made within three minutes and in MP4 format, which should be uploaded to the campus website by December 30th. The top ten with the most likes will be rewarded afterwards.
Looking forward to your participation.
Li Hua
参加:participate in→take part in
比赛:contest →competition
此外:besides→what's more
原句:I would like to invite you to participate in a short video contest with the theme“Beautiful Campus”
拓展句:I would like to invite you to participate in a short video contest whose theme is “Beautiful Campus”.
[高分句型1]Please note that the short video should be related to our campus and school life.(运用了that引导宾语从句)
[高分句型2]All the short videos must be made within three minutes and in MP4 form, which should be uploaded to the campus website by December 30th.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
Weeks later, Jacob received a letter in the mail. It was an invitation to a ceremony at the town hall, where he was to be honored for his bravery. Jacob couldn't believe it; he had only done what he felt was right. On the day of the ceremony, he put on his best clothes and made his way to the hall, feeling both nervous and excited. His family and friends were there to support him, their faces beaming with pride.
Jacob stood proudly in front of his community, receiving the award for bravery. The mayor handed him a medal, and the audience erupted in applause. “Jacob showed us what true courage looks like, ” the mayor said. “In the face of danger, he acted selflessly and saved a life. ” Jacob's heart swelled with pride and humility. He realized that bravery isn't just about grand gestures but about doing what's right, even when it's scary. This experience solidified his dream of becoming a firefighter.
2.续写线索: 收到表彰邀请——表彰时雅各布的心情——接受表彰——感悟
①支持: support/back up
②意识到:realise/be aware of
③相信:believe /trust
④加强:solidify /strengthen
[高分句型1]It was an invitation to a ceremony at the town hall, where he was to be honored for his bravery.(运用了where引导的非
[高分句型2]Jacob showed us what true courage looks like, " the mayor said. (运用了what引导的宾语从句)


