资源简介 5 Past Progressive Tense过去进行时At 7 o'clock last night,Judy was taking a picture.昨晚七点的时候,Judy正在拍照。She was crossing the street when she saw a fire.她正穿过马路时看到了一场火灾。An old,empty building near the park was on fire.公园附近的一座老旧空置建筑着火了。Judy pulled out her camera people would admire.Judy拿出了她的相机,那种令人艳羡的相机。She was taking pictures of the fire when the fire她正拍摄火灾照片的时候,消防车trucks pulled up.The flames got higher and higher.开了过来。火焰越窜越高。The firemen jumped out and climbed up the ladder.消防员跳了出来,爬上了梯子。While they were working hard,the fire grew madder.他们全力奋战的同时,火势却愈发猛烈。People were fighting the fire when it began to rain.人们正扑灭大火的时候,天开始下雨了。The rain helped put out the fire.It's hard to imagine.雨水帮助扑灭了大火,这真是难以想象。The firemen were clapping while Judy was cheering.消防员在鼓掌,udy在欢呼。Everyone there thought that was really something.现场的每个人都觉得灭火行动真的很了不起。27过去进行时讲解主谓模块1:I was being...我当时正在是肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答I was being a worker.I was not being a worker.Were you being a worker Yes,I was.No,I was not.He was being a worker.He was not being a worker.Was he being a worker Yes,he was.No,he wasn't.They were being workers.They were not being workers.Were they being workers Yes,they were.No,they weren't.主谓模块2:I was doing..我当时正在做肯定句否定句一般疑问句及回答I was working.I was not working.Were you working Yes,I was.No,I was not.He was working.He was not working.Was he working Yes,he was.No,he wasn't.They were working.They were not working.Were they working Yes,they were.No,they weren't.时间模块:Time Markers时间标志词When mom came back home当妈妈回到家的时候While Judy was reading a book当朱迪正在看书的时候all night the whole day一整晚/一整天at 8 o'clock last night昨晚8点的时候标准句子结构·主谓模块1+X+时间模块I was being stupid.我当时正在犯傻(处于傻的状态中)。·主谓模块2+X+时间模块I was watching TV at 10 o'clock last night.昨晚10点的时候我正在看电视。28 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源列表 专题5:过去进行时-歌曲+讲解+练习(含答案)唱15首歌搞定英语15种时态用法.pdf 唱歌学英语时态 5 过去进行时.mp3 唱歌学英语时态 5 过去进行时.mp4