Unit 5 Wild animals Grammar 牛津译林版八年级英语上册课时优化训练(含解析)

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Unit 5 Wild animals Grammar 牛津译林版八年级英语上册课时优化训练(含解析)


Module 2 Nature and the environment Unit 5 Wild animals Grammar—八年级英语牛津译林版上册课时优化训练
1.Dirty air and water are harmful. They ______ kill plants, and even people.
A. can B. can't C. should D. shouldn't
2.—______ do you call your pet cat
—Jerry. It looks very big now. But can you guess ______ it weighed when it was one month old
A. How;how much B. What;how much
C. How;how heavy D. What;how many
3.Tom made a fire ______ the wild animals away when he was alone in the forest last weekend.
A. kept B. keep C. to keep D. keeping
4.—Where is your father, Sam
—He may ______ the bushes short in the garden. I saw him take a pair of scissors out just now.
A. cut B. be cutting C. is cutting D. cutting
5.My father is as busy as a _____ and as a result, he has little time for fun.
A. cat B. bat C. bee D. bird
Most times spitting (吐口水) is not OK. It is rude. It is also dirty. However, sometimes spitting is an interesting game. It is at the Great Watermelon Game. The Game takes place once a year. People see who grows the largest watermelon. They also see who can spit the seed(种子)the farthest. And spit keeps our mouths wet. Without spit in our mouths, we would have a hard time talking. We would find it even harder to make the food down into the stomach. But for some animals, spit works better after it has left the mouth. Some animals are good at staying away from danger by using spit.
Llamas (美洲驼) are animals which are often found in petting zoos and farms. These animals seem to like their personal space. A llama that feels danger will spit at you to get you to leave it alone.
Sometimes llamas even spit on each other to steal food! This trick usually works, because llamas' spit includes food from their stomachs, and it smells terrible. Because of the smelly spit, the animal usually stops eating and walks away, leaving its food behind.
A kind of fish is good at spitting, too. This fish spits water at insects and other small animals to knock them into the water. Then it gets them down quickly.
Spitting cobras (眼镜蛇) are also known for their spitting. These snakes spit to protect themselves. Scientists believe that these snakes actually spit at the eyes! When the cobra's spit gets into the eyes of an animal, the spit causes terrible pain, and even makes the animal blind. This gives the snakes plenty of time to get away.
Spitting is considered to be rude for humans. But for some animals, spitting can be a smart way to get lunch or a clever way to avoid becoming lunch!
1.Why did the writer write the first paragraph
A. To tell us some good things about spitting.
B. To show us how wild animals use spitting.
C. To tell us the common knowledge about spitting.
D. To show us how to make spitting interesting.
2.Which is TRUE about llamas
A. Most of them live in the wild.
B. They like staying close to other llamas.
C. They sometimes spit on other llamas to get food.
D. They always feel so afraid that they never come near people.
3.What does the underlined word "it" refer to in the third paragraph
A. The food B. The spit C. The animal. D. The stomach.
4.What is the writer's purpose of writing this passage
A. To show how to avoid spitting. B. To express opinions about spitting.
C. To tell funny stories about animals. D. To tell us the role of spit for some animals
解析:考查情态动词的用法。句意:污浊的空气和水是有害的,它们可以杀死植物,甚至可以杀死人。can能,会;can't不能; should应该; shouldn't不应该。根据句意可知选A。
解析:考查疑问句的用法。call可以带双宾语,即" call sb.+名字",如果对名字提问,用疑问词what;对 weigh后面的重量提问,用how much。故选B。
解析:考查情态动词的用法。情态动词后接动词原形。cut... short意为"将……剪短"。
解析:考查英语俚语。 be as busy as a bee是一个俚语,意为"很忙碌"。
6.答案:My father decides not to smoke any more.
7.答案:Monkeys are the best at climbing of all the animals. /Monkeys do best in climbing of all the animals.
8.答案:My mother forgot to turn off the light when she left.
9.答案:We must play as a team or we will lose the game.
10.答案:We have pity on pandas because they are facing serious problems in the wild.
答案:1-4 ACBB
2.细节理解题。根据第三段中的句子" Sometimes llamas even spit on each other to steal food"可知,美洲驼有时互相吐口水来窃取食物。故选C。
3.细节理解题。前一句说"llamas' spit includes food from their stomachs(美洲驼的口水中包含来自胃里的食物)",因此可知发出难闻味道的就是口水。it指代的是 the spit。故选B。


