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Come and meet my best friend, Lisa.
Lisa is a beautiful girl. Many people like her because 1 her good look. So do I. As my best friend, she likes to do 2 same things as me. We 3 like singing and reading books. There are also some 4 (difference) between us. I am shy and I always like to stay by myself. Lisa is much 5 outgoing than me. She is 6 (interest) in telling jokes. She often makes me 7 (laugh). She is good at sports, too. She plays sports every day to keep healthy. She thinks it is not necessary for friends 8 (be) the same. Her favorite 9 (say) is, “A true friend reaches for your hand and 10 (touch) your heart.” What do you think of my best friend
(22-23八年级上·浙江温州·第一次月考)This summer my family went on a trip to Stockholm.
Before the trip, we booked a hotel room in 11 city centre. When we arrived in Stockholm, we 12 (take) a bus to the hotel. Then we went out for dinner. We saw trees and flowers everywhere on the way to the restaurant. We felt like we were in a big forest. 13 a lovely city!
The next day we visited the Vasa Museum. It’s home to an old ship—the Vasa. Nobody was 14 (excited) than my son, because visiting museums is 15 (he) favourite. There were many visitors in front of the museum. We waited 16 a long time and felt a little tired. But 17 we went into the museum, we were all surprised. The ship looked very cool and beautiful. Then we took quite a few photos.
The third day we went to a park in Stockholm. Lots of people were in the park. My son played with some 18 (child) there. I talked with their parents. My husband watched a chess game. I thought it was the best way 19 (feel) Stockholm!
It was a really 20 (relax) trip. We all had a good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Lin bought a scale (磅秤) online. Mr. Lin 21 (stand) on the scale. “Oh, I’m a little heavy,” he said to Mrs. Lin, “I decide 22 (do) sports!” Mrs. Lin looked at the scale. “Yes, you are too 23 (heavy).”
So they went to the supermarket 24 (buy) some sports things. “Maybe I have to exercise four times a week,” he told Mrs. Lin. “On Thursday and Sunday, for example, I’ll try many sports, 25 playing basketball and running.” Later, Mrs. Lin called him, “I’ll take 26 (they). They must be helpful!” She said with a chain (链条) and a lock in her hands.
They got home, Mrs. Lin put the chain around the fridge and locked it. “It’s good for you because your eating 27 (habit) are bad.” she told Mr. Lin. “You drink coffee and eat too much unhealthy food every day. 28 I think the best way to keep healthy is through exercise. I don’t think you can do it as you said, you know 29 lazy you are!” Mr. Lin cannot say 30 (something).
When I was a child, I was taught to go out of my way to make someone else happy. My mom would tell me to say at 31 (little) one kind word to someone else every day. I admit that it wasn’t very easy to do. But as soon as you see the look of joy in that person’s eyes, you just want to do as 32 (many) as you can. I had an experience with 33 young man whom people were always making fum of. Every time I saw that happening, I 34 (know) in my heart that it was wrong. I decided I would try to be his friend. I started 35 (walk) with him and introducing him to people around us. I was making him happy by just doing that. And I loved the fact that I was really making a 36 (different) in his life. After a while I realized that he wasn’t the kind of person everybody thought he was. We are still really good friends today. People have 37 (real) stopped making fun of him. He is still what he was. What had changed was the attitudes (态度) of others towards him. Through this experience (经历), I have understood that I should be more friendly 38 other people. 39 I did for my friend was so easy. And at the same time I had a lot of fun. I hope that everyone could says kind word to someone else once a day. I can promise it will be the 40 (good) feeling you can ever get. One kind word can make someone’s day brighter. Why not do it from now on
Once you decide to study in the US, you should know which city is right for you. Let’s look into one of the most famous 41 (America) cities—Seattle. Seattle is 42 large coastal city with about 3.2 million people. Because of 43 (it) green forests, Seattle is a good place to have outdoor activities such as camping, 44 (climb), hiking and so on.
There’s always something to do in Seattle. You’ll be 45 (interest) in film festivals, fan clubs and concerts. Hundreds of films around the world are shown during the Seattle International Film Festival. 46 wonderful it is! When you study in Seattle, it is important 47 (have) a university experience. Seattle is the home to lots of famous 48 (university) which will surely meet your needs. If you want to learn 49 (much) information about Seattle, search on the internet. But do remember to take an umbrella—it 50 (rain) from time to time.
I’ve never been late for school, 51 this morning I came very close. When I got out of home, the early bus had left away just in front of me. Seeing the gone bus, I ran after it at once, 52 (hope) to catch it. At 53 same time, I shouted “Wait! Wait!”, but the bus didn’t stop—it was clear that the bus driver didn’t hear me. Realizing that I might be late for school, I became really worried. Time went by and you could imagine 54 upset I was. A moment later, there came another bus. It was a “wrong” bus. I had no 55 (choose) but to get on it because they were in the same direction. I asked the driver 56 he could drive faster and help me to catch the front bus which I missed just now. 57 my surprise, the kind driver agreed and said he would have a try. 58 (luck), the front bus had a stop halfway because of some passengers getting-off. The two buses met finally...I happily thanked the bus driver and jumped down from the bus as 59 (quick) as possible. I made it! What a(n) 60 (usual) and tiring bus ride!
Rise After Falling
A father was worried about his son, 61 was sixteen years old but had no courage at all. So the father decided to call on a Buddhist monk(僧侣) 62 (train) his boy.
The Buddhist monk said to the boy’s father, “I insist that your son should be left alone here. I’ll make him into a real man within three months. 63 , you can’t come to see him during this period.”
Three months later, the boy’s father 64 (return). The Buddhist monk arranged a boxing match between the boy and an 65 (experience)boxer. Each time the fighter struck the boy, he 66 (fall) down, but at once the boy stood up; and each time a heavy blow knocked him down, the boy stood up again. Several times later, the Buddhist monk asked, “ 67 do you think of your child ”
“What a shame!” the boy’s father said, “I never thought he would be so 68 (easy) knocked down. I needn’t have him stay here any 69 (long)!”
“I’m sorry that that’s all you see. Don’t you see that each time he falls down, he stands up again instead of 70 (cry) That’s the kind of courage you wanted him to have.”
(21-22八年级上·浙江宁波·第一次月考)Huang Dabao lives in the mountains of Guizhou. He spent much time 71 (make) a drone (无人机). He wanted to use it 72 (send) goods to a nearby village. But many 73 (village) thought the drone was a UFO! The news quickly spread (传播) and 74 (bring) tourists to the village.
Sound funny This is one of five stories that are told in the movie My People, My homeland. The movie came out across China on October 1, 2020. 75 fact, it’s a follow up to the 2019 movie My People, My Country.
Besides Dabao, the movie also tells the stories of a taxi driver, a teacher, a painter and two businessmen. Each story shows 76 people in China have tried to find greater success and live much 77 (happy).
78 its theme (主题) is serious, the movie itself is funny. Ning Hao, one of the 79 (movie) seven directors, said the film is like “a love letter to Chinese people’s hometowns”. He hopes the movie can make people feel 80 (relax), happy and full of hope.
(21-22八年级上·浙江宁波·第一次月考)Once upon a time, an eagle(老鹰)was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen. The eagle came near the hen and said, “My pretty hen, I love you. Will you be 81 (I)wife ”
The hen was scared, for the eagle was so strong. Her husband, the cock had gone out to look for food and her kids had gone away somewhere to play with other 82 (child). The hen quickly answered, “I’m willing to be, but let me first grow wings like yours, so I can fly 83 high as you.” The eagle replied, “OK! This ring is for you as a sign of our betrothal(订婚). Tie it around your neck till I return.”
The hen agreed to do so, and the eagle flew 84 .
When the cock met the hen the next day, he was very 85 (surprise)to see the ring around her neck. He said, “Where did you get that ring Throw it away at once.”
The hen did this and the cock was cheerful again. But at the weekend, the eagle came 86 .
The frightened hen hid herself behind her door but the eagle soon found her out. Suddenly he cried, “Where 87 (be)the ring that I gave you Why are you not wearing it ”
The hen was very scared and said, “Forgive me! I lost it yesterday. I was walking in the garden when I met a large snake. I was 88 scared that I ran fast. When I got home, I couldn’t find it.”
The eagle looked at the hen 89 (unhappy)and said, “I don’t believe you. You have hurt me. I will hurt you. 90 you don’t marry me, I will snatch(抓)away all your chickens from you. Good-bye!”
(20-21八年级上·浙江·第一次月考)Many people like collecting things. Ernestina Gallina from Italy is one of 91 (they). She collecting river rocks very much, 92 she doesn't just look at them for fun. She enjoys 93 (paint)pictures on them. This Italian artist is good at turning river rocks into lifelike works of art.
When Ernestina was a child, she was 94 (interest)in art and she loved painting. But her family didn't want her to be 95 artist. She never went to art school. She could only paint in her free time. In 1987, Ernestina and her family 96 (move)to Kenya, where she happened to read a book about rock painting 97 (lucky). That's when she got the idea of turning simple river rocks into works of art. She wanted 98 (put)her interest in art and her love of animals together, so she tried to paint animals on rocks.
After 99 (year)of hard work, the Italian artist is now famous all around the world 100 her "wonderful living rocks". She began teaching others the secret of rock painting and she even started Italy's first rock painting club to share her love for this special art.
I always like running than any other kind of exercise.
When I was a child, my father once took me to the Olympics and we saw a famous running race. A runner named Arthur 101 (win) the race and that really surprised me. I remembered it so well. I even wrote 102 story about it.
103 I was not good enough for the Olympics, I tried many sports. I like challenges (挑战) and always hope 104 (stay) healthy. After 27, I started to play tennis. At 65, I started hurdling (跨栏). As 105 (old) person, I won the 200m hurdling when I was 71. When I was 80, I broke the world record (记录). 106 fact, to follow my dream, I would never change my mind. Now I’m 89, I still keep running every day. I don’t want my life to be truly 107 (mean).
I am happy that my family all exercise together in 108 (we) nice garden every day. We have a better life because we have healthy 109 (habit). My dream is to run the 100m at the age of 100—only another eleven years to go—and then to try to live to 120.
I hope everyone can be much 110 (healthy).
Everyone is good at something, but some people are really talented. Last week we had 111 interesting talent show in our school. In that show, there were many wonderful performers from different 112 (class) and even some teachers.
Most of the students thought the best performer was Eliza, 113 she is an excellent piano player. Who was the 114 (funny) Of course Steve was. You could see that he and his dog sang the song together and everyone couldn’t stop laughing. Do you want 115 (know) the most surprising one. It must be Vera. She 116 (play) the guitar upside down. We all know she learned it 117 eight years, but we don’t know she can perform like this! The most popular actors were the math teachers in the show. They had many kinds of instruments and they played 118 beautifully. However, there was also a bad show. Dennis always spoke with others and kept 119 (drop) the balls everywhere.
All in all, I think it is fun to watch these shows, and they also give us a good way to show 120 (we) advantages. For me, I hope we can have more chances to show ourselves.
Dear Rose,
I’m pleased to be your friend. Today I want to tell you something 121 my city.
I live in New Delhi, the 122 (two) biggest city in pared with other cities, you will notice 123 clean and pretty my home town is. We can travel by bus and train and we can also ride bikes. If you come here, you can have fun by 124 (visit) many famous places, like the Red Fort, Indis Gate, and Aksbardham Temple. The Taj Mahal is not far from New Delhi and it is one of 125 (large) tombs in the world.
My school is near Connaught Place. Connaught Place is 126 very famous square in our country and around the world. Many visitors from different 127 (country) come here every day. I really enjoy 128 (I) when I talk with these foreign visitors.
New Delhi is a very nice place 129 the weather is not very good. We have very hot weather for eight months and we only get four months to enjoy winter. I don’t like hot weather but summer is coming soon, and it 130 (make) me sleepy.
How about your city Looking forward to your reply.
When I was young, I liked to do voluntary (志愿) work. Once I gave out water to the runners in a competition in our city. I was happy to see them passing by and 131 (quick) taking a bottle of water. Seeing them, I thought maybe I could play a role 132 the competition, too! Then the next year I joined in the competition with a few 133 (friend), and I just hoped I could finish the race.
It was very hot on 134 day of the competition. After running for about 5 miles, I was so tired 135 I decided I would never do this again. The first 5 miles was pretty hard to me. I jogged (慢跑) and walked. At times, I didn’t know if I could finish.
Near the end, a 70-year-old man appeared. He ran very fast. I 136 (feel) a little embarrassed (尴尬的). I was about 50 years 137 (young) than him, but I couldn’t even keep up with him. At that time, I knew that I should never give up. Then I tried my best 138 (run) faster. Finally, as I reached the end, I was happy that I made 139 (me) successful. The old man set a good example to me. I didn’t regret (后悔) having this experience 140 I learned a lot from that competition.
Dear David,
How’s it going I’d like 141 (tell) you about my travel experiences. During the National Day Holiday this year, I went to Chengdu on my vacation with my parents. Chengdu is 142 capital city of Sichuan, in the southwest of China. It’s famous 143 its beautiful lakes and forests. Many people enjoy 144 (go) there every year.
We had a five-day trip and I kept 145 (diary) to remember it. I also took quite a few 146 (photo). We 147 (see) Hua Hua at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda. I think pandas are one of the 148 (cute) animals in the world.
We had an 149 (excite) trip! I felt tired 150 happy. Please e-mail me soon and tell me about your vacation.
1.of 2.the 3.both 4.differences 5.more 6.interested 7.laugh 8.to be 9.saying 10.touches
1.句意:许多人喜欢她,因为她长得漂亮。根据“Many people like her because…her good look.”可知此处是指因为她好看的外表,许多人喜欢她。because of固定短语,意为“因为”。故填of。
2.句意:作为我最好的朋友,她喜欢和我做同样的事情。根据“she likes to do…same things as me.”可知此处是指她喜欢做和我做一样的事情。the same...as固定短语,意为“和……一样”。故填the。
3. 句意:我们都喜欢唱歌和看书。根据上文“Come and meet my best friend, Lisa.”可知此处是指我们两个人都喜欢唱歌和读书,both意为“两者都”,故填both。
4.句意:我们之间也有一些差异。根据空前“There are also some”及结合给出的可数名词difference“差异”,可知此处要用复数名词differences来填空。故填differences。
5.句意:丽莎比我外向得多。根据“Lisa is much…than me.”可知空处要填比较级,提示词outgoing是多音节形容词,其比较级在前面加more。故填more。
6.句意:她对讲笑话很感兴趣。根据“She is…in telling jokes.”及给出的英文提示,可知此处考查固定短语be interested in,意为“对……感兴趣”。故填interested。
7.句意:她经常逗我笑。根据“She often makes me….”及给出的英文提示,可知此处是指她经常让我笑。make sb. do sth.固定短语,意为“让某人做某事”,所以要用动词原形来填空。故填laugh。
8.句意:她认为朋友们没有必要保持一致。根据“She thinks it is not necessary for friends…the same.”及结合提示的英文,可知此处是指她认为朋友没有必要是一样的。这个句子是It固定句型:it is/was+adj.+for sb. to do sth.“某人做某事是……的”,所以要用to be来填空。故填to be。
9.句意:她最喜欢的一句谚语是:“真正的朋友会伸出你的手,触动你的心灵。” 根据下一句“A true friend reaches for your hand and…your heart.”及英文提示,可知此处是指她最喜欢的谚语,saying“谚语”。故填saying。
10.句意:她最喜欢的一句格言是:“真正的朋友会伸出你的手,触动你的心灵。” 根据“A true friend reaches for your hand and…your heart.”及英文提示词,可知此处是指一个真正的朋友是向你伸出手,触动你心灵的人。前文“A true friend”作主语,谓语动词“reaches”用第三人称单数形式,所以此空也要用touch的第三人称单数形式touches“触动”。故填touches。
11.the 12.took 13.What 14.more excited 15.his 16.for 17.after 18.children 19.to feel 20.relaxing
14.句意:没有人比我儿子更兴奋了,因为参观博物馆是他的最爱。根据“than”可知,此处填其比较级,excited的比较级是more excited。故填more excited。
16.句意:我们等了很长时间,感到有点累。此处是固定词组,wait for“等候”。故填for。
17.句意:但当我们走进博物馆后,我们都很惊讶。根据“we went into the museum, we were all surprised.”可知,此处表示走进博物馆后,因此填连词after。故填after。
19.句意:我觉得这是感受斯德哥尔摩最好的方式!此处是固定用法,the best way to do sth“做某事的最好方法”。故填to feel。
21.stood 22.to do 23.heavy 24.to buy 25.like 26.them 27.habits 28.So 29.how 30.anything
22.句意:我决定做运动!固定短语decide to do sth.意为“决定做某事”,需用do的动词不定式to do。故填to do。
24.句意:于是他们去超市买了一些运动用品。分析句子可知,这里用动词不定式作目的状语,buy意为“买”,其动词不定式为to buy。故填to buy。
25.句意:例如,在周四和周日,我会尝试很多运动,比如打篮球和跑步。根据“playing basketball and running.”可知,这里是举例说明,需填入介词like,意为“类似”,用于举例。故填like。
31.least 32.much 33.a 34.knew 35.walking
36.difference 37.really 38.to/towards 39.What 40.best
31.句意:我妈妈会告诉我每天至少对别人说一句好话。at least“至少”,固定搭配,故填least。
32.句意:但一旦你看到那个人眼中的喜悦,你就会想要尽你所能去做。as much as sb can表示“尽某人所能”,固定搭配,故填much。
35.句意:我开始和他一起散步,把他介绍给我们周围的人。start doing sth“开始做某事”,动名词作宾语,和“introducing him...”是并列结构,故填walking。
36.句意:我很高兴我真的改变了他的生活。make a difference“有作用或影响”,固定搭配,故填difference。
38.句意:通过这次经历,我明白了我应该对别人更加友好。be friendly to/towards sb“对某人友好”,固定搭配,故填to/towards。
40.句意:我保证这将是你所能得到的最好的感觉。根据the以及“you can ever get.”可知,此处是三者以上的比较,应用最高级,故填best。
41.American 42.a 43.its 44.climbing 45.interested 46.How 47.to have 48.universities 49.more 50.rains
43.句意:由于其常绿的森林,西雅图是一个进行户外活动的好地方,如露营、登山、徒步旅行等。空后的evergreen forests是名词,此处需用形容词性物主代词修饰。故填its。
44.句意:由于其常绿的森林,西雅图是一个进行户外活动的好地方,如露营、登山、徒步旅行等。such as意为“例如”,后跟动名词,与camping、hiking并列。故填climbing。
45.句意:你会对电影节、影迷俱乐部和音乐会感兴趣。be interested in意为“对……感兴趣”,形容词短语。故填interested。
47.句意:当你在西雅图学习时,有大学经历是很重要的。固定句式:It’s+形容词+to do sth表示“做某事是……的”,it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语。故填to have。
48.句意:西雅图是许多著名大学的所在地,这些大学肯定能满足你的需求。lots of 后跟可数名词复数。故填universities。
49.句意:如果你想了解更多关于西雅图的信息,可以在互联网上搜索。根据“If you want to learn … information about Seattle, search on the internet”可知,想要了解更多的信息可以在互联网上搜索,此处应该用比较级形式。故填more。
50.句意:但一定要记得带把雨伞——时不时会下雨。根据“from time to time”可知,此句是一般现在时,主语it是第三人称单数,动词用第三人称单数形式。故填rains。
51.but 52.hoping 53.the 54.how 55.choice 56.whether/if 57.To 58.Luckily 59.quickly 60.unusual
53.句意:与此同时,我喊道:“等等!等等!但公交车并没有停下来——很明显司机没有听到我。at the same time“与此同时”,固定短语,故填the。
55.句意:我别无选择,只能上车,因为它们的方向是一样的。have no choice but to do sth“别无选择只能做某事”,固定短语,故填choice。
56.句意:我问司机能否开快点帮我赶上刚才错过的前车。根据“I asked the driver…he could drive faster and help me to catch the front bus which I missed just now.”可知,此处问司机能否做某事,用whether/if引导宾语从句,故填whether/if。
57.句意:令我惊讶的是,好心的司机同意了,并说他可以试一试。to one’s surprise“令某人惊讶的是”,句首需大写首字母,故填To。
61.who 62.to train 63.However 64.returned 65.experienced 66.fell 67.What 68.easily 69.longer 70.crying
62.句意:于是父亲决定去拜访一位僧侣,让他训练儿子。call on sb to do sth“请某人干某事”,故填to train。
67.句意:你觉得你的孩子怎么样?根据“…do you think of your child ”可知,此处询问对孩子的看法,what do you think of…“你认为……怎么样”,句首需大写首字母,故填What。
69.句意:我不需要他再待在这儿了!根据“I needn’t have him stay here any…”可知,此处是not…any longer短语,意为“不再”,故填longer。
71.making 72.to send 73.villagers 74.brought 75.In 76.how 77.more happily
78.Although 79.movie’s 80.relaxed
71.句意:他花了很多时间制作无人机。spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事,make的动名词形式为making。故填making。
72.句意:他想用它把货物送到附近的一个村庄。use sth. to do sth.用某人来做某事。故填to send。
73.句意:但许多村民认为无人机是不明飞行物!根据“But many ... (village) thought the drone was a UFO!”可知是村名认为是不明飞行物,用village的变形villager表示“村民”,many后接其复数形式。故填villagers。
74.句意:消息很快传开了,引来了许多游客来村里。根据“But many ... (village) thought the drone was a UFO!”可知讲述过去发生的事情,and前spread在此处是动词的过去式,bring要用其过去式brought。故填brought。
75.句意:事实上,它是2019年电影《我和我的祖国》的续集。in fact事实上,固定搭配。故填In。
76.句意:每个故事都展示了中国人如何努力寻求更大的成功和生活得更幸福。根据“ Each story shows ...”可推出是展示了中国人寻求更大成功和更幸福的生活的方式,用how表示“如何”。故填how。
77.句意:每个故事都展示了中国人如何努力寻求更大的成功和生活得更幸福。much后接比较级,此处用happy的副词形式happily的比较级形式来修饰动词live。故填more happily。
79.句意:作为这部电影的7位导演之一,宁浩表示,这部电影就像“一封写给中国人民家乡的情书”。根据“one of the ... (movie) seven directors”可知此处表示所属关系,用movie的所有格形式movie’s表示“电影的”。故填movie’s。
81.my 82.children 83.as 84.away 85.surprised 86.again 87.is 88.so 89.unhappily 90.If
84.句意:老鹰飞走了。根据“the eagle flew”可知,此空表示“飞走”,英文表达为fly away,故填away。
86.句意:但是在周末,老鹰又来了。根据“the eagle flew away”及“came”可知,老鹰飞走了又来了,用副词again表示“又”,故填again。
87.句意:我给你的戒指在哪里?主语the ring是单数,询问戒指现在在哪里,此处应用一般现在时,故填is。
88.句意:我很害怕,所以跑得很快。根据“I was … scared that I ran fast”可知,修饰形容词scared,用so…that引导的结果状语从句,故填so。
90.句意:如果你不嫁给我,我就把你的鸡都抢走。“you don’t marry me”与“I will snatch(抓)away all your chickens from you”是条件关系,如果不嫁给老鹰,他就把小鸡都抢走,用if引导条件状语从句,故填If。
91.them 92.but 93.painting 94.interested 95.an 96.moved 97.luckily 98.to put 99.years 100.for
93.句意:她喜欢在石头上面绘画。表示“喜欢做某事”用动词短语“enjoy doing”,动词paint变成动名词painting。故填painting。
94.句意:当加里斯蒂娜还是孩子的时候,她对艺术感兴趣,喜欢画画。表示“对某事感兴趣”用短语“be interested in”。故填interested。
96.句意:1987年,加里斯蒂娜和家人搬到肯尼亚。根据“ In 1987”可知是过去的动作,用一般过去时态,动词move变成过去式moved。故填moved。
97.句意:1987年,加里斯蒂娜和家人搬到肯尼亚。碰巧在那里她读到了一本关于石头绘画的书。动词“read ” 用副词修饰,“lucky”的副词形式是luckily,表示“碰巧”。故填luckily。
98.句意:她想把她对艺术的兴趣和对动物的爱放在一起,因此她试着在石头上画动物。表示“想做某事”用动词短语“want to do”,空处用动词不定式“to put”。故填to put。
100.句意:在很多年的努力工作之后,这位意大利的艺术家因为她的“精彩的活生生的石头”而闻名全世界。表示“因某事而出名”用短语“be famous for”。故填for。
101.won 102.a 103.Although/Though 104.to stay 105.the oldest 106.In 107.meaningless 108.our 109.habits 110.healthier
101.句意:一个叫亚瑟的赛跑选手赢得了比赛,这真的让我很惊讶。根据上文“When I was a child, my father once took me to the Olympics and we saw a famous running race.”和提示词汇可知,当我还是个孩子的时候,我父亲带我去看了一场赛跑,可推测此处是亚瑟赢得了比赛,事情为过去发生的,时态为一般过去时,空处需填动词过去式,won为动词win的过去式。故填won。
102.句意:我甚至写了一个关于它的故事。根据“I even wrote...story about it.”可知,因story为单数,此处是写了一个故事,为泛指,空处需填不定冠词,story首字母发音为辅音音素,其前需用不定冠词a修饰。故填a。
103.句意:虽然对奥运会来说我不够好,但我尝试了许多运动。根据“...I was not good enough for the Olympics, I tried many sports.”可知,虽然我不适合参加奥运会,但我尝试了许多运动,句子为让步状语从句,空处需填从属连词,从属连词although和though均表示“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,句首首字母a或t需大写。故填Although/Though。
104.句意:我喜欢挑战,总是希望保持健康。根据“...and always hope...healthy.”和提示词汇可知,此处是希望保持健康,hope to do sth表示“希望做某事”,空处需填“不定式to+动词原形”,stay“保持”,动词。故填to stay。
105.句意:作为年龄最大的人,我71岁时赢得了200米跨栏冠军。根据“...I won the 200m hurdling when I was 71.”和提示词汇可知,71岁参加跑步比赛应该是年龄最大的选手了,可推测此处是作为年龄最大的人,“the+形容词最高级”表示“最……”,空处需填“the+形容词最高级”,oldest为形容词old的最高级。故填the oldest。
106.句意:事实上,为了实现我的梦想,我永远不会改变我的想法。根据“...fact, to follow my dream, I would never change my mind.”可知,为了实现梦想,我不会改变我的想法,可推测此处是事实上,in fact表示“事实上”,句首首字母i需大写。故填In。
107.句意:我不想我的生活真的毫无意义。根据上文“Now I’m 89, I still keep running every day.”和提示词汇可知,现在我89岁了,我仍然每天跑步,可推测此处是我不想我的生活真的毫无意义,be后需填形容词,作表语,meaningless“无意义的”为动词mean的形容词。故填meaningless。
108.句意:我很高兴我的家人每天都在我们漂亮的花园里一起锻炼。根据“in...nice garden”和提示词汇可知,在我们漂亮的花园里一起锻炼,空处需填形容词性物主代词,作定语,our“我们的”为人称代词主格we的形容词性物主代词。故填our。
109.句意:我们有更好的生活,因为我们有健康的习惯。根据“We have a better life because we have healthy...”和提示词汇可知,我们有健康的生活习惯,空处需填名词复数,habits“习惯”为名词habit的复数形式。故填habits。
110.句意:我希望每个人都能更健康。根据“I hope everyone can be much...”和提示词汇可知,much修饰形容词比较级,表示“更……”,空处需填形容词比较级,healthier“更健康的”为形容词healthy的比较级。故填healthier。
111.an 112.classes 113.because 114.funniest 115.to know 116.played 117.for 118.them 119.dropping 120.our
115.句意:你想知道最令人惊喜的吗?固定短语want to do sth“想要做某事”。故填to know。
117.句意:我们都知道她学习了八年,但是我们不知道她可以这样演奏。eight years是一段时间,其前用介词for,故填for。
119.句意:丹尼斯总是和别人说话并到处丢球。固定短语keep doing sth“一直做某事”。故填dropping。
121.about 122.second 123.how 124.visiting 125.the largest 126.a 127.countries 128.myself 129.although/though 130.makes
121.句意:今天我想告诉你关于我的城市的一些东西。something about sth意为“关于某物的一些东西”。故填about。
123.句意:和其他城市相比,你会注意到我的家乡是多么干净漂亮。根据“clean and pretty my home town is”可知该宾语从句为感叹句,clean and pretty是形容词,因此应用how来引导感叹句。故填how。
125.句意:泰姬陵离新德里不远,它是世界上最大的陵墓之一。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词表示“最……的……之一”,large的最高级为largest。故填the largest。
128.句意:与这些外国游客交谈时我真的很开心。enjoy oneself意为“玩得很开心”,I的反身代词为myself。故填myself。
130.句意:我不喜欢炎热的天气,但夏天快到了,这让我很困。根据“don’t like”可知句子应用一般现在时,主语it为第三人称单数,谓语应用动词make的三单形式makes。故填makes。
131.quickly 132.in 133.friends 134.the 135.that 136.felt 137.younger 138.to run 139.myself 140.because
131.句意:我很高兴看到他们经过并迅速拿了一瓶水。根据“...taking a bottle of water.”和提示词汇可知,现在分词taking前需填副词,作状语,quickly“迅速地”为形容词quick的副词。故填quickly。
132.句意:看到他们,我想也许我也能在比赛中发挥作用!根据“...play a role...the competition...”可知,固定搭配play a role in sth表示“在某事中发挥作用”,空处需填介词,in“在……里”,介词。故填in。
133.句意:第二年,我和几个朋友一起参加了比赛,我只希望能完成比赛。根据“a few”和提示词汇可知,a few后需填可数名词复数,表示“几个……”,friends“朋友”为名词friend的复数形式。故填friends。
134.句意:比赛当天天气很热。根据“It was very hot on...day of the competition.”可知,此处是比赛当天天气热,为特指,名词day前需填定冠词,表特指,the“这个,那个”,定冠词。故填the。
135.句意:跑了大约5英里后,我太累了以至于我决定再也不这样做了。根据“...I was so tired...I decided I would never do this again.”可知,由形容词tired可判定,句子为so...that...引导的结果状语从句,即“so+形容词+that+从句”的结构。故填that。
136.句意:我感到有点尴尬。根据上文“Then the next year I joined in the competition...”和提示词汇可知,第二年我参加了比赛,事情为过去发生的,动词用过去式,felt“感觉到”为动词feel的过去式。故填felt。
137.句意:我大约比他小50岁,但我甚至跟不上他。根据“...than him,”和提示词汇可知,空处需填形容词比较级,younger“更年轻的”为形容词young的比较级。故填younger。
138.句意:然后我尽力跑得更快。根据“Then I tried my best...faster.”和提示词汇可知,固定搭配try one’s best to do sth表示“尽力做某事”,空处需填“动词不定式to+动词原形”,run“跑”,动词。故填to run。
139.句意:最后,当我到达终点时,我很高兴我成功了。根据“...I made...successful.”和提示词汇可知,make oneself+adj表示“使自己……”,空处需填反身代词,myself“我自己”为人称代词宾格me的反身代词。故填myself。
140.句意:我不后悔有这样的经历,因为我从那次比赛中学到了很多。根据“I didn’t regret having this experience...I learned a lot from that competition.”可知,“我不后悔有这样的经历”与“我从那次比赛中学到了很多”之间为因果关系,且后句为原因,空处需填从属连词,表原因,because“因为”,从属连词,表原因。故填because。
141.to tell 142.the 143.for 144.going 145.diaries 146.photos 147.saw 148.cutest 149.exciting 150.but
141.句意:我想告诉你我的旅行经历。根据“I’d like...you”可知,指的是想告诉你,would like to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填to tell。
142.句意:成都是中国西南部四川省的省会城市。根据“is...capital city”可知,省会城市是特指,前面用定冠词the。故填the。
143.句意:它以美丽的湖泊和森林而闻名。根据“It’s famous...its beautiful lakes”可知,指的是以湖而闻名,be famous for “以……而闻名”。故填for。
144.句意:许多人每年都享受去那里。根据“enjoy...there”可知,指的是享受去那里,enjoy doing sth. “享受做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填going。
145.句意:我们有一个为期5天的旅行,我写日记来记住它。根据“kept...”可知,指的是写日记,keep diaries“写日记”。故填diaries。
146.句意:我还拍了相当多的照片。根据“quite a few...”可知,指的是相当多的照片,quite a few“相当多”,后面接可数名词复数。故填photos。
147.句意:我们在成都大熊猫研究基地看到了花花。根据“We...Hua Hua”可知,指的是看到了花花,且语境时态是一般过去时。故填saw。
148.句意:我认为熊猫是世界上最可爱的动物之一。根据“one of the...animals”可知,指的是最可爱的动物之一,one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数表示“最……之一”。故填cutest。
149.句意:我们有一个令人兴奋的旅行! 根据“... trip”可知,指的是令人兴奋的旅行,exciting“令人兴奋的”,通常用来修饰物。故填exciting。


